191-2. Cool: That clears up the fireflyer mystery for me. 203. Another cool: Devourers...they would be awesome epic material. 214-6. Darn...I was hoping we would see those things again somewhere else. 227. ALL RIGHT:: More Krahka:
23-Master of the Rahkshi
31. What exactly can fireflyers do? Are they hot? Do they spit flame? Or do they just bite?
42. And why are they called fireflyers?
53. What are devourers? Insects? What do they look like?
64. What was that tentacled smoke-creature Krahka turned into near the end? Something real? Or one of her own creations? If it was real, what was its name?
75. And the Rahi that can make regenerating crystal. Where did it come from, and does it have a name?
86. And the jelly-thing...well, I think you know what I'm going to ask.
97.10Now that it knew that one could not hope to defeat six, it would not threaten the surface world again. Or so we hoped...
11Does this mean that Krahka comes back?
12To preface, I generally do not flesh out the Rahi as I create them, as I prefer to have you guys do that. They are meant as "hooks" to give you something to speculate on. That said, let me answer what I can:
131) They bite. And it hurts. 142) Because they fly and their bite feels like fire. 153) Yes, they are insects. I saw them as sort of like those army ants they have in tropical climates. 164) It is real, it has no name. Remember, we only give BIONICLE names to things that play a major role in the story. 175-6) Neither of these have names or detailed backgrounds, they weren't necessary for the story. 187) Yes, I certainly hope she will. That is my plan.
191-2. Cool: That clears up the fireflyer mystery for me. 203. Another cool: Devourers...they would be awesome epic material. 214-6. Darn...I was hoping we would see those things again somewhere else. 227. ALL RIGHT:: More Krahka:

23-Master of the Rahkshi
11.In MNOLG1 Kopaka stops the Snowstorm before his fight with Muaka, And in MoL, when he meets the Matoran. So, can Kopaka control Snow?
32. About how long has it been since the Toa landed on Mata Nui to the End of MoL?
4We really haven't assigned a time value to it, because how long it has been isn't important to the story we are telling.
53. (Weird Question) Will there ever be any Bionicle RPGs?
6You mean like pen and paper RPGs, like D&D? For that to happen, there would first have to be a RPG company that wanted to license it. And I think most RPG companies consider their audience to be considerably older than ours is. (I used to work in the RPG industry, and while we did have fans as young as 10 playing our Star Wars RPG, most of our audience was in their 20s or 30s). As far as software RPGs go, again, that would depend on a software design group making that
74. Does Lego know if all of the Silver and Metal Krana have been found yet?
32. About how long has it been since the Toa landed on Mata Nui to the End of MoL?
4We really haven't assigned a time value to it, because how long it has been isn't important to the story we are telling.
53. (Weird Question) Will there ever be any Bionicle RPGs?
6You mean like pen and paper RPGs, like D&D? For that to happen, there would first have to be a RPG company that wanted to license it. And I think most RPG companies consider their audience to be considerably older than ours is. (I used to work in the RPG industry, and while we did have fans as young as 10 playing our Star Wars RPG, most of our audience was in their 20s or 30s). As far as software RPGs go, again, that would depend on a software design group making that
74. Does Lego know if all of the Silver and Metal Krana have been found yet?
1here r some i asked
13see answers above
2hope these aint to much trouble.
31) how much of the new movie have u seen at this point?
42) Can u tell me what lhikan's elemental power/ mask power is yet?
64)is there going to be any parts about the morbuzakh storyline cause i saw Matau grabbing a disk from a void like thing in the trailer?
81) About 20 minutes 92) He wears a Hau. I am not discussing his elemental power. 103) No, nothing at all. 114) The recovery of the Great Disks is in the movie briefly, the Morbuzakh is not. There was no room for it and we have already told that story.
13see answers above
112.What colour is Tamaru? It`s confirmed he has a yellow Rau but I wondered about the rest.
2Tamaru has a lime (Turaga Matau mask) Rau, teal (Kongu-mask) body, and lime feet. His eyes are trans-neon-green. See here (thanks to Bionicle Sector 01).
3And what GregF said about Lhikan means absolutely nothing. Sorry.
1Hey, I have alot of new info from Greg:
2[QUOTEHello, I have a few questions that are'nt clear to me yet. 31.) What infected the Comet balls Ahkmou was selling in Po-Koro? A Kraata? 41) I would think so, but I think there might have been something in the game about how they were being infected.
52.) You said that we have yet to see a Bionicle character get sick, besides Tahu Nuva getting poisoned. What about Huki in MNOLG? He looked pretty sick with all that coughing and flies. 62) I don't really count MNOLG, because it was created before anyone knew BIONICLE would last and a lot of the rules of the universe weren't written.
73.) Do we get to know yet what happens to a Matoran if it is maskless for an extended period of time? 83) They shut down. They basically go into a coma.
94.) Who is in control of whatever creates new matoran? 104) Can't answer it
115.) Who decides if more Matoran are needed? 125) Most likely Dume
136.) Why are new matoran needed? Are any injured, or is the city maybe expanding? 146) Simply work load
157.) If new Matoran "come into being as needed", are some Matoran much older than others? So the Turaga could be, in fact, elders? 167) Good question. There would be minor age differences, but no, the Turaga are not elders because many of the Matoran in their villages are the same age they are.
178.) If new Matoran are brought into being by other Matoran, does this mean that there was an original group of Matoran that "founded" the city? 188) I believe at least some of the city was created before the Matoran ever appeared there.
199.) Lhikan was never a Matoran on Metru Nui. Was Dume ever a Toa on Metru Nui? 209) Not to my knowledge, no. Lhikan is the only Toa who has been on Metru Nui
2110.) This kind of confused me. You said that the Toa Metru's weapons did not turn into their staffs, they are their matoran tools. Did you also say that the Toa Metru became Turaga after they left to Mata Nui? How would they get their Matoran tools if they were on Mata Nui? 2210) Well, let me clarify -- some of the Turaga tools are Matoran tools, and some were made on the journey. But in general, they brought them with them -- you will see in the movie that Vakama carries his firestaff that he used as a mask maker with him wherever he goes.
2311.) Was Whenua's drill staff used by him as a miner in Metru Nui? 2411) It was probably a mining tool, yes, but he hadn't been a miner for some time. He probably got it out of the Archives
2512.)Did Nuju use his pick to climb knowledge towers? 2612) It is possible that at some point in the past he did, as part of a repair crew, before he became a seer.
2713.)Did Onewa use his hammer staff to carve as a matoran? 2813) Yes
2914.)What was Matau's saw for? 3014) Cutting through cables.
2[QUOTEHello, I have a few questions that are'nt clear to me yet. 31.) What infected the Comet balls Ahkmou was selling in Po-Koro? A Kraata? 41) I would think so, but I think there might have been something in the game about how they were being infected.
52.) You said that we have yet to see a Bionicle character get sick, besides Tahu Nuva getting poisoned. What about Huki in MNOLG? He looked pretty sick with all that coughing and flies. 62) I don't really count MNOLG, because it was created before anyone knew BIONICLE would last and a lot of the rules of the universe weren't written.
73.) Do we get to know yet what happens to a Matoran if it is maskless for an extended period of time? 83) They shut down. They basically go into a coma.
94.) Who is in control of whatever creates new matoran? 104) Can't answer it
115.) Who decides if more Matoran are needed? 125) Most likely Dume
136.) Why are new matoran needed? Are any injured, or is the city maybe expanding? 146) Simply work load
157.) If new Matoran "come into being as needed", are some Matoran much older than others? So the Turaga could be, in fact, elders? 167) Good question. There would be minor age differences, but no, the Turaga are not elders because many of the Matoran in their villages are the same age they are.
178.) If new Matoran are brought into being by other Matoran, does this mean that there was an original group of Matoran that "founded" the city? 188) I believe at least some of the city was created before the Matoran ever appeared there.
199.) Lhikan was never a Matoran on Metru Nui. Was Dume ever a Toa on Metru Nui? 209) Not to my knowledge, no. Lhikan is the only Toa who has been on Metru Nui
2110.) This kind of confused me. You said that the Toa Metru's weapons did not turn into their staffs, they are their matoran tools. Did you also say that the Toa Metru became Turaga after they left to Mata Nui? How would they get their Matoran tools if they were on Mata Nui? 2210) Well, let me clarify -- some of the Turaga tools are Matoran tools, and some were made on the journey. But in general, they brought them with them -- you will see in the movie that Vakama carries his firestaff that he used as a mask maker with him wherever he goes.
2311.) Was Whenua's drill staff used by him as a miner in Metru Nui? 2411) It was probably a mining tool, yes, but he hadn't been a miner for some time. He probably got it out of the Archives
2512.)Did Nuju use his pick to climb knowledge towers? 2612) It is possible that at some point in the past he did, as part of a repair crew, before he became a seer.
2713.)Did Onewa use his hammer staff to carve as a matoran? 2813) Yes
2914.)What was Matau's saw for? 3014) Cutting through cables.
1Yes, but usuallly Greg says "II can't reveal anything on the possibility of a Lhikan Set." But, he said "I can't reveal info on the Lhikan Set." So, he told us that there was indeed a Lhikan set in the making.I think.Or maybe he meant Lhikan set, as the idea of a Lhikan set.WE may never know.
1QUOTE 2Best GregF,
3I have a few quistions.
41 : On Bionicle sector 1 in a launchable comic I saw a 5krana of a Bohrok lying in the archives. How is that 6possible. I thought the Bohrok where never been 7on Metru-Nui? 82 : in the same comic i saw a yellow Rahkshii. What is 9it's name and power. And how can it be walking 10free threw the archives? 113 : Is it possible to see the Bahrag Twin back in the 12story line on or in Metru Nui saga. 134 : How does the elemental mask look like (if you 14know how it look like)and what are it's powers? 155 : What is your favorit chapter?
16thanks for your time and attention.
17greetings dinoman82
181) They have never been ACTIVE on Metru Nui. But their nests extend deep underground and have been found by Onu-Matoran miners, which is how they wound up in the Archives.
192) It doesn't have a name, its power is heat vision, and it escaped thanks to a crack in its stasis tube.
203) Possibly, but not in the Metru Nui storyline, as they are still asleep.
214) I don't know what it looks like, it's only in the software game and it is basically a power-up.
225) Don't really have a favorite.
3I have a few quistions.
41 : On Bionicle sector 1 in a launchable comic I saw a 5krana of a Bohrok lying in the archives. How is that 6possible. I thought the Bohrok where never been 7on Metru-Nui? 82 : in the same comic i saw a yellow Rahkshii. What is 9it's name and power. And how can it be walking 10free threw the archives? 113 : Is it possible to see the Bahrag Twin back in the 12story line on or in Metru Nui saga. 134 : How does the elemental mask look like (if you 14know how it look like)and what are it's powers? 155 : What is your favorit chapter?
16thanks for your time and attention.
17greetings dinoman82
181) They have never been ACTIVE on Metru Nui. But their nests extend deep underground and have been found by Onu-Matoran miners, which is how they wound up in the Archives.
192) It doesn't have a name, its power is heat vision, and it escaped thanks to a crack in its stasis tube.
203) Possibly, but not in the Metru Nui storyline, as they are still asleep.
214) I don't know what it looks like, it's only in the software game and it is basically a power-up.
225) Don't really have a favorite.
14 : How does the elemental mask look like (if you 2know how it look like)and what are it's powers?
34) I don't know what it looks like, it's only in the software game and it is basically a power-up.
4bonesiii has two views of the Kanohi of Elemental Energy, here and here .
5They're too big to post here.
6I seem to remember that the mask restored energy for the elemental powers of the Toa, but I don't have the game to confirm. 7bonesiii might be able to provide that info, since he's the one with the pics.
8Thanks, bonesiii .
14 : How does the elemental mask look like (if you 2know how it look like)and what are it's powers?
34) I don't know what it looks like, it's only in the software game and it is basically a power-up.
4bonesiii has two views of the Kanohi of Elemental Energy, here and here .
5They're too big to post here.
6I seem to remember that the mask restored energy for the elemental powers of the Toa, but I don't have the game to confirm. 7bonesiii might be able to provide that info, since he's the one with the pics.
8Thanks, bonesiii .
9I actually completely forgot to read the complete bio, partly because other BZPers had already said it recharges a Toa's elemental energy, and because there wasn't a lot of time; my cousin's computer was incredibly slow, and it took forever to get those pics onto a floppy (his Internet was even more slow; dial-up). So after I got the pics, I forgot about the bio: Silly me.
10But another member, The one Toa, posted another pic in that topic: kanohiheal.jpg, which he said he got from some other topic. That doesn't match with the word-for-word bio you can sorta see in the game pics I provided, but the idea is there. So I guess that's the answer; wish I would have remembered the bio. Perhaps I'll be able to get it in the future.
1Here's another one:
6Man, why in the world would they put that there? I just don't see it... it totally doesn't belong. I thought maybe on Metru Nui the molecular formula for protodermis is also H2O, but mutated or something, but I guess not. It's really kind of an inside joke for serious Bionicle fans.
2Hi Greg, I just got comic 18 and I have a question. 3How come on the second page of the Vahki bios, page 9, in the top right corner, it says "H2O 4 life" under the paintbrush? I see that the rest of the stuff is matoran graffiti, but how would anyone on Metru Nui know what water is? I was trying to figure out how this is significant, but no success.
4My guess would be that is a joke by the artist.
6Man, why in the world would they put that there? I just don't see it... it totally doesn't belong. I thought maybe on Metru Nui the molecular formula for protodermis is also H2O, but mutated or something, but I guess not. It's really kind of an inside joke for serious Bionicle fans.
1I had asked GregF lots of questions but forgot to post it
2so here it goes
3April 25:
9April 25 again:
17April 27
29April 29:
59April 30:
88May 13:
108May 17:
133That's all
2so here it goes
3April 25:
41. Is makuta alive in the time of the Toa Metru? 52. Is the Great Spirit at the Great Temple also Mata-Nui?
61) Yes 72) The Great Spirit is Mata Nui, but he is not "at" the temple .. the temple is just dedicated to him.
9April 25 again:
11can you tell me who are the 1st-4th enemy are?
12Because i'm totally confused,
13and can you give some hints about the fifth enemy?
14Morbuzakh, Vahki, Nidihki and Krekka.
15And no, I can't discuss fifth enemy, you have to wait for the movie.
17April 27
181. are the Metrus and Koros named after Tahu and co.?
192. If not where did the matoran got its name?
203. When will the Inhabitants of Mata-Nui arrive on Metru-Nui?
214. Where Did the Toa Olda Came from?Who Made Them?
225.If Jaller/Jala is in the Movie Why is he shown there?
23Thanks in Advance
241-2) "Ta" is a Matoran prefix meaning "fire" .. "Ga" is a Matoran prefix meaning "water" ... so that is where the names came from, not from any individual characters.
253) Whenever we get around to telling that story.
264) Can't answer it
275) Why wouldn't he be? He lives in Metru Nui, the same as all the Matoran on Mata Nui once did. Remember, this story is set before the Matoran ever went to Mata Nui.
29April 29:
30Sorry to have many questions
311. Do you mind if we BZPers send a lot of questions to you?
332. Will the fifth enemy be revealed on the Movie? 34and, will he be defeated in the movie?
35Yes, and I can't answer it.
363. Have you told BZPers that 'by the time the fifth enemy is revealed we had probably guessed it'?
384. Why is lhikan(sp?) not on mata-Nui?
39Can't answer it. You have to watch the movie.
405. Was Lhikan a Matoran?
41I have no info on Lhikan's past.
426. when will the Toa Nuvaarrive at Metru-Nui?2004,2005,2006?
43I can't discuss future storyline.
447. Is it right that each Story Bible lasts for 3 years?
45No. It varies.
468. Who makes the Stories?
47The story team does.
489. Who makes the WebSite?
49Leah Weston and her team in Denmark.
5010. Where did Takua Got the Toa Stones?
51They were hidden in various places around Mata Nui.
5211. what is the movie all about? the 4 enemies?
53You will have to watch the movie and find out. But I can tell you the Morbuzakh is not in the movie.
54Sorry to have lots of questions But,
55Thanks in Advance
57See answers above. 58Greg
59April 30:
601. Where is Mata-Nui(Spirit) in the time of Metru-Nui(Island)?
61He's awake at the beginning of the 2004 story, that's all I can tell you.
622. How about in the time of Mata-Nui(Island)?
63He's sleeping.
643. Where is Makuta(Spirit) in the time of Metru-Nui(Island)?
65Makuta does exist at this point of time, but I cannot discuss where he is geographically.
664. How about in the time of Mata-Nui(Island)?
67In the time of Mata Nui, he is in his lair, mostly.
685. Who made the vahki?
69The Matoran did.
706. Is Lhikan alive in the time of Mata-Nui(Island)?
71Can't answer it.
727.Who made the Bohrok?
73Can't answer it.
748. Why is the movie in 2005, a theatrical release?
75There is no official news on a 2005 movie at this point.
769. How many movies are planned for the chapter we are in?
77Don't know. The decision on what movies get made and when is made by Miramax.
7810. Does it mean that the chapter we are in focuses in Metru-Nui?
79Yes, it does.
8011. What is the connection bet. The Bohrok and the Toa Olda?
81lol, there's a reason that you can't find that answer on BZP. I can't give it out.
8212. Until what year will the chapter we are in last?
83I can't discuss future storyline.
84Thanks again
86Sorry I could not answer more of them, but what I answered is above, 87Greg
88May 13:
891. Will Krahka be shown in the movie?
90No, Krahka was created exclusively for the Scholastic book, which was written long after the movie was.
912.will we see any old characters in the movie?
93and some not related to the Movie
941. How many matoran are there in metru-Nui?
95Hundreds, possibly thousands.
962. Were there toa before Lhikian?
97Most likely.
983. Will the time before Metru-Nui be revealed in the future?
99No idea.
1004. will 2005 still be in the past?
101Can't discuss '05, sorry.
1025. Have you told that we will be surprised on how the matoran treat Makuta?
103Not treat, more like what their opinion of him is.
104Thanks 105Juan_CD
106See answers above, 107Greg
108May 17:
1091. Does the turaga know that Takua will be Takanuva?
1112. Toa stones are used to transform matoran into toa, how come Takua transformed with just putting the MoL on?
112Because there is no one single way for a Matoran to become a Toa. And remember, the Toa stones Takua found on Mata Nui in 2001 did NOT make anyone into Toa.
1133. What is the story relevance of the Makuta-Nui, and the combiners of the mol-matoran?
114Makuta-Nui is just another form of Makuta, who cah look like anything he wants. The MOL Matoran combiners did not play a role in the story.
1154. when will the bios of the vahki,dume,lhikan, and the dark hunters be published in the site?
116They are all written, but the sets don't come out until July, so odds are they will go up closer to then.
1175. will lhikan be released as a set?
118No news on that yet.
1196. in mol,how did the turaga and toa returned back to the surface?,the gate was closed
120No, the gate was smashed. All the Toa had to do was pick up the rubble and go back the way they came.
1217. who made the bohrok?
122Can't answer it
1238. where did makuta and mata-nui came from?
124Can't answer it
1259. why did the matoran forgot their past?
126Because Makuta wiped their memories of Metru Nui.
12710. who made the island and the planet it is on?
128Can't answer it.
129thanks , some are not related to mol but most are
131See answers above, 132Greg
133That's all
11. Did makuta put the matoran of Metru Nui to sleep at roughly the same time as he put mata-nui to sleep?
32. Why didn`t mata-nui awaken when makuta was defeated? Shouldn`t the spell have been broken?
4Nope. The reason the defeat of Makuta was important is that it is the only way the Matoran can repopulate Metru Nui. Without doing that, Mata Nui can never awaken. Mata Nui is not being kept asleep by Makuta's force of will -- it is because of something Makuta did a long time ago.
53.Does makuta fear anything?
6Possibly Mata Nui waking up.
74.Is it possible for a toa, though his own will or someone else`s, to become evil, or turn to darkness?
8Like any other being, yes. Toa are not perfect.
95.Since the Mata Nui toa had an extra step in their evolution (to toa nuva) would this affect the normal stages of development of matoran-toa-turaga? I mean that since they broke the cycle, is it possible for them to go further, and possibly avoid the turaga stage?
10No idea. It is not something we have discussed.
116. Will the origins of mata nui and makuta be explained this year?
137. Is it possible for the turaga to turn back into toa metru?
14No, absolutely not.
158.Were Lhikan and Dume friends?
16I am sure that they had a relationship similar to Tahu's with Vakama -- more mentor and student than friends.
179. Are there others of Krahka`s species?
18Haven't decided yet.
1910. Will krahka return in a future book this year?
20Not this year, but I believe she will return in the near future. This year's books are just about all written.
2111. IS there any relation between the name of "Krahka" and makuta`s mask, the "Krahkaan"?
22No. The Makuta mask name was created long before Krahka was named. Krahka's name came from a short list of approved BIONICLE names that we are allowed to draw from for characters when necessary.
32. Why didn`t mata-nui awaken when makuta was defeated? Shouldn`t the spell have been broken?
4Nope. The reason the defeat of Makuta was important is that it is the only way the Matoran can repopulate Metru Nui. Without doing that, Mata Nui can never awaken. Mata Nui is not being kept asleep by Makuta's force of will -- it is because of something Makuta did a long time ago.
53.Does makuta fear anything?
6Possibly Mata Nui waking up.
74.Is it possible for a toa, though his own will or someone else`s, to become evil, or turn to darkness?
8Like any other being, yes. Toa are not perfect.
95.Since the Mata Nui toa had an extra step in their evolution (to toa nuva) would this affect the normal stages of development of matoran-toa-turaga? I mean that since they broke the cycle, is it possible for them to go further, and possibly avoid the turaga stage?
10No idea. It is not something we have discussed.
116. Will the origins of mata nui and makuta be explained this year?
137. Is it possible for the turaga to turn back into toa metru?
14No, absolutely not.
158.Were Lhikan and Dume friends?
16I am sure that they had a relationship similar to Tahu's with Vakama -- more mentor and student than friends.
179. Are there others of Krahka`s species?
18Haven't decided yet.
1910. Will krahka return in a future book this year?
20Not this year, but I believe she will return in the near future. This year's books are just about all written.
2111. IS there any relation between the name of "Krahka" and makuta`s mask, the "Krahkaan"?
22No. The Makuta mask name was created long before Krahka was named. Krahka's name came from a short list of approved BIONICLE names that we are allowed to draw from for characters when necessary.
1Hey, y'all, here are some answers I got today.
21. Does Krahka have a default form that she assumes when she's not trying to look like something else? And if so, what does it look like?
3She does have a natural form, but very rarely ever uses it (because looking like others is her best defense). I don't want to reveal it because of ... well ... did you ever read Stephen King's 12 foot cockroach theory?
4Basically, King says every horror story is something scratching at the door. Then at the end you open the door and it's a 12 foot cockroach. And everyone goes "Ahhhh:" .. and then they go, "Well, at least it's not a 14 foot cockroach," and they're not scared anymore. I think Krahka is scarier if what she really looks like is left up to the imagination of others.
52. Can Krahka morph into an object that is normally not alive (like an Ussal cart), or does it have to be another living creature? Since she's apparently not limited to looking like a creature built of Bionicle parts... hypothetically speaking, if she were to encounter a human, could she look and speak like one? (I'm guessing 'yes', if she can tranform into a creature made of smoke...)
6No, she cannot become a non-living item. Yes, she could look like a human if need be.
73. What drove the Matoran to build the Temple of the Great Spirit at this point in the storyline? As I understand it, Mata Nui was not actually on Metru Nui, and he had not yet led the Matoran to the paradise island and given them the three virtues. Had he visited them, done other things for them, or simply been a benevolent, creative presence?
8Mata Nui has always been revered by the Matoran, long before they went to the island. While I do NOT in any way compare the feelings of the Matoran for him to a religion, does the all-powerful being of a religion need to be physically present for him to be honored? The Matoran credit Mata Nui for the rising of the suns, the place they live, the air they breathe ... and simply continued to do so when they went to the island.
94. I remember reading that Makuta was not on Metru Nui, either. How were the Matoran aware of Makuta, and what contact had they had with him at this point?
10That question is a bit more problematic, because I do not have full information. What I can tell you is that Vakama has a line in the movie that strongly implies that the Matoran both knew of Makuta and regarded him in a positive way in the past. So whether he had been physically present on Metru Nui in times past or whether they simply knew of and respected him, I cannot really say. I have my reasons for leaning toward a combination of both options.
11By the way, the new book is great, guys: Go read it:
21. Does Krahka have a default form that she assumes when she's not trying to look like something else? And if so, what does it look like?
3She does have a natural form, but very rarely ever uses it (because looking like others is her best defense). I don't want to reveal it because of ... well ... did you ever read Stephen King's 12 foot cockroach theory?
4Basically, King says every horror story is something scratching at the door. Then at the end you open the door and it's a 12 foot cockroach. And everyone goes "Ahhhh:" .. and then they go, "Well, at least it's not a 14 foot cockroach," and they're not scared anymore. I think Krahka is scarier if what she really looks like is left up to the imagination of others.
52. Can Krahka morph into an object that is normally not alive (like an Ussal cart), or does it have to be another living creature? Since she's apparently not limited to looking like a creature built of Bionicle parts... hypothetically speaking, if she were to encounter a human, could she look and speak like one? (I'm guessing 'yes', if she can tranform into a creature made of smoke...)
6No, she cannot become a non-living item. Yes, she could look like a human if need be.
73. What drove the Matoran to build the Temple of the Great Spirit at this point in the storyline? As I understand it, Mata Nui was not actually on Metru Nui, and he had not yet led the Matoran to the paradise island and given them the three virtues. Had he visited them, done other things for them, or simply been a benevolent, creative presence?
8Mata Nui has always been revered by the Matoran, long before they went to the island. While I do NOT in any way compare the feelings of the Matoran for him to a religion, does the all-powerful being of a religion need to be physically present for him to be honored? The Matoran credit Mata Nui for the rising of the suns, the place they live, the air they breathe ... and simply continued to do so when they went to the island.
94. I remember reading that Makuta was not on Metru Nui, either. How were the Matoran aware of Makuta, and what contact had they had with him at this point?
10That question is a bit more problematic, because I do not have full information. What I can tell you is that Vakama has a line in the movie that strongly implies that the Matoran both knew of Makuta and regarded him in a positive way in the past. So whether he had been physically present on Metru Nui in times past or whether they simply knew of and respected him, I cannot really say. I have my reasons for leaning toward a combination of both options.
11By the way, the new book is great, guys: Go read it:

3Could you shed some light on this? 4I feel I have forgotten something, as you may see by my response.1Well, like the Toa and Toa Nuva, is it possible that the Toa Metru can exchange masks? For example, if Toa Vakama came upon some ancient hieroglyphics, he would want to use the Rau mask, the one Nokama uses, so a Rau appears on his face, but it is red. Is that possible?
2-Zak5If the Toa Metru wanted to swap masks (assuming they can) they would have to do it physically. 6It seems the Masks are tied to their owners, so I don't think they could use each others masks, anyway.
8This is actually pretty simple. All Kanohi masks are basically the same -- take it off, it turns gray, and then someone else puts it on and it turns their color. So any Toa can use any Kanohi.
9HOWEVER, there is a major difference between the Toa Metru and the previous Toa. The previous Toa had collected six Kanohi apiece and put them on their suva, and so could switch masks at will. The Metru have not collected masks, all they have is the one they are wearing, so there are none to summon mentally. If Nokama and Onewa want to wear each other's masks, they have to physically take their masks off and exchange them.
1Hi there Greg:
21. How often do new Matoran come into existance? Like, have hundreds been produced, or just a few new ones?
3Only a small number, as needed.
42. We know that on Metru Nui Ko-Metru and Onu-Metru have a kind of rivalry. Why is this?
5Because Ko-Matoran believe the answers to everything are in the future, and the Onu-Matoran believe the answers to everything are in the past.
63. Were there any small rivalries between the Koro on Mata Nui?
7Not really, and those that were there were settled by kolhii matcches.
84. How many Vahki are there for each type? Like how many Rorzakh are there?
105. What type of Vahki guard the Coliseum?
11Usually Rorzakh or Zadakh.
126. Is it possible that Toa could have existed before Toa Lhikan?
13Sure, but not in Metru Nui.
147. It has been said that Toa Lhikan wears a Hau olda, but the concept art of it on Bionicle.com looks like a Hau Nuva. What's up with that? Is it like that because of a reason, or just because it's concept art?
15It's because it is being done for the movie. As you know, the movie Toa always look different from regular Toa in a lot of ways.
168. How often do Matoran break the law on Metru Nui? Because it seems to be a very criminal-like place if the Matoran need to have over a hundred Vahki enforcers.
17Well, remember, the Vahki are not just there to arrest wrongdoers. They are also there to fight off Rahi and make sure Matoran keep working.
189. What do the Matoran think of Turaga Dume?
19They respect him.
2010. Does Turaga Dume ever appear to the Matoran?
2211. Do you think that the Vahi will ever be released in Europe?
23At this point, there are no plans to release it anywhere. The mold for it no longer exists.
2412. How much damage could Dume's Kiril repair?
25Quite a bit.
2613. Do Le-Matoran have the same love for nature that the Mata Nui Le-Matoran had?
27Not in Metru Nui, no.
2814: Where did the Turaga's Staffs come from?
29Some they brought with them -- for example, Vakama's was his Matoran tool -- and some they made.
3015: How did Toa Lhikan choose which Matoran would become Toa Metru?
31He chose the ones he was destined to choose.
3216: Will the Bohrok ever play a role in the storyline again?
33No idea, I only know the story through next year.
3417: You said that we would learn something new about the Bohrok this year. What is it?
35You will, I can't tell you what yet.
3618. It's been said that if one Bohrok is woken up, all the others wake up. When the Onu-Matoran miners broke into the Bohrok cave, some were woken up, but not all the others. Why did only the ones that the Matoran found wake up?
37No. None were awakened when the miners went in. Bohrok can only be awakened by a signal. The ones in the Archives were removed from the nest still asleep.
38Thanks Greg:
21. How often do new Matoran come into existance? Like, have hundreds been produced, or just a few new ones?
3Only a small number, as needed.
42. We know that on Metru Nui Ko-Metru and Onu-Metru have a kind of rivalry. Why is this?
5Because Ko-Matoran believe the answers to everything are in the future, and the Onu-Matoran believe the answers to everything are in the past.
63. Were there any small rivalries between the Koro on Mata Nui?
7Not really, and those that were there were settled by kolhii matcches.
84. How many Vahki are there for each type? Like how many Rorzakh are there?
105. What type of Vahki guard the Coliseum?
11Usually Rorzakh or Zadakh.
126. Is it possible that Toa could have existed before Toa Lhikan?
13Sure, but not in Metru Nui.
147. It has been said that Toa Lhikan wears a Hau olda, but the concept art of it on Bionicle.com looks like a Hau Nuva. What's up with that? Is it like that because of a reason, or just because it's concept art?
15It's because it is being done for the movie. As you know, the movie Toa always look different from regular Toa in a lot of ways.
168. How often do Matoran break the law on Metru Nui? Because it seems to be a very criminal-like place if the Matoran need to have over a hundred Vahki enforcers.
17Well, remember, the Vahki are not just there to arrest wrongdoers. They are also there to fight off Rahi and make sure Matoran keep working.
189. What do the Matoran think of Turaga Dume?
19They respect him.
2010. Does Turaga Dume ever appear to the Matoran?
2211. Do you think that the Vahi will ever be released in Europe?
23At this point, there are no plans to release it anywhere. The mold for it no longer exists.
2412. How much damage could Dume's Kiril repair?
25Quite a bit.
2613. Do Le-Matoran have the same love for nature that the Mata Nui Le-Matoran had?
27Not in Metru Nui, no.
2814: Where did the Turaga's Staffs come from?
29Some they brought with them -- for example, Vakama's was his Matoran tool -- and some they made.
3015: How did Toa Lhikan choose which Matoran would become Toa Metru?
31He chose the ones he was destined to choose.
3216: Will the Bohrok ever play a role in the storyline again?
33No idea, I only know the story through next year.
3417: You said that we would learn something new about the Bohrok this year. What is it?
35You will, I can't tell you what yet.
3618. It's been said that if one Bohrok is woken up, all the others wake up. When the Onu-Matoran miners broke into the Bohrok cave, some were woken up, but not all the others. Why did only the ones that the Matoran found wake up?
37No. None were awakened when the miners went in. Bohrok can only be awakened by a signal. The ones in the Archives were removed from the nest still asleep.
38Thanks Greg:
1Ok I've got a question...
8But: in the discription of book 6 it says:The Toa Metru begin their long, dangerous journey back to the city of Metru Nui to save the Matoran from their "endless sleep"<--- 9So what does that mean:?:
2What's the story on the matoran being in hybernation?
3Why would a matoran be put into hybernation?
4Is the hybernation the thing that destroyd the matorans memerys?
5Thanks for your time...hopfuly I wont be saying duh to myself laterÂ.
6The question you saw in that ad came from a BIONICLE fan back when we were soliciting questions for the DVD extra feature. It was based on his theory, not any facts we released, so I have no comment on it.
8But: in the discription of book 6 it says:The Toa Metru begin their long, dangerous journey back to the city of Metru Nui to save the Matoran from their "endless sleep"<--- 9So what does that mean:?:

1I am wondering: Why does no one ever pm him back to clarify?: It isn't like you'll get in trouble for it, pm him back already.
1I no I allready sent a reply but ...
2What's the story on the matoran being in hybernation?
3Why would a matoran be put into hybernation?
4Is the hybernation the thing that destroyd the matorans memerys?
5Thanks for your time...hopfuly I wont be saying duh to myself later.
6The question you saw in that ad came from a BIONICLE fan back when we were soliciting questions for the DVD extra feature. It was based on his theory, not any facts we released, so I have no comment on it.
8But: in the discription of book 6 it says:The Toa Metru begin their long, dangerous journey back to the city of Metru Nui to save the Matoran from their "endless sleep"<--- 9So what does that mean:?: .
10Since Book 6 takes place after most of the events of the movie, it means you are going to have to watch the movie to get that answer.
1Okay, got this info..
611. So, Makuta can...but doesn't.
622. Just wanted that confirmed.
633. I didn't say I tried.
644. So now we know:
655. Neat...Meaning there can be Vahki with powers that don't belong...and Toa or Matoran could activate them...must ask...
666. Hmm...just wanted to know.
677. Good. That's cleared up now.
688. Mine too:::
699. Okay...hoping for storyline reason, but hey. Can't argue with that.
7010. Oh...must pm new questions.
7111. Same as #6.
7212. Cool. Just wanted to know.
73I shall return...when my newest questions are answered...
2Hey Greg, got some questions.
42. Why didn`t mata-nui awaken when makuta was defeated? Shouldn`t the spell have been broken?
5Nope. The reason the defeat of Makuta was important is that it is the only way the Matoran can repopulate Metru Nui. Without doing that, Mata Nui can never awaken. Mata Nui is not being kept asleep by Makuta's force of will -- it is because of something Makuta did a long time ago.
61. So, Makuta did something that won't allow Mata Nui to awake, does this mean not even he can awake him?
7QUOTE 83.Does makuta fear anything?
9Possibly Mata Nui waking up.
102. So, if this confirmation that Mata Nui is either stronger or is 11like Takanuva, and he has an advantage because of his powers, or what?
12QUOTE 134. I remember reading that Makuta was not on Metru Nui, either. How were the Matoran aware of Makuta, and what contact had they had with him at this point?
14That question is a bit more problematic, because I do not have full information. What I can tell you is that Vakama has a line in the movie that strongly implies that the Matoran both knew of Makuta and regarded him in a positive way in the past. So whether he had been physically present on Metru Nui in times past or whether they simply knew of and respected him, I cannot really say. I have my reasons for leaning toward a combination of both options.
153. About this, is this one of the big surprises you hinted of? 16Also, does this mean that Makuta may have had more of a 17reason to get rid of Mata Nui other then jealosy? Perhaps 18he did something wrong accidentaly, and Mata Nui was going 19to have the Matoran leave so they would not be harmed, and 20he was offended?
214. Can you give me the names of the stun staffs?
285. Is the Vahki power dependent on the staffs they hold, or the Vahki itself? (Ex. Bordahk could use Keerakh power by 29switching staffs.)
306. Who would you consider most powerful, Nidhiki, Krekka, or Krahka? (Who would you consider the biggest threat?)
317. You have not confirmed that Lhikan would die, right?
328. Which Vahki type is your favorite?
339. Why do Rorzakh and Zahdakh mostly patrol the Coliseum? 34Is it their powers? If so, what about Bordakh?
3510. Refering to Q#3, was Makuta respected because he was 36powerful and frightening, or because he was Mata Nui's brother? Or niether?
3711. Which Dark Hunter do you like better, Nidhiki or Krekka? 38(storyline wise)
3912. Still no idea about Lhikan set, right?
431) He probably could if he wanted to, or at least tell the Toa how to do it, but he doesn't want to.
442) Mata Nui is stronger than Makuta, yes.
453) No, that is not one of the surprises, and I can't answer the rest of your question.
464) Nuurakh - Staff of Command 47Zadakh - Staff of Suggestion 48Bordakh - Staff of Loyalty 49Keerakh - Staff of Confusion 50Vorzakh - Staff of Erasing 51Rorzakh - Staff of Presence
525) I believe in this case they are tied in to the staffs.
536) Hard to say. All three are very powerful. It's probably a little easier for Krahka to get close to you, because she can look like someone you trust.
547) No.
558) Bordakh, I think
569) Because they are the ones shown doing it in the movie
5710) Neither. He was respected because of his role in the Matoran universe.
5811) Both are pretty fun to write, I don't have a preference.
5912) When there is news on this, it will be on the news page. If there is nothing on the news page, means I have no news.
611. So, Makuta can...but doesn't.
622. Just wanted that confirmed.
633. I didn't say I tried.
644. So now we know:
655. Neat...Meaning there can be Vahki with powers that don't belong...and Toa or Matoran could activate them...must ask...
666. Hmm...just wanted to know.
677. Good. That's cleared up now.
688. Mine too:::
699. Okay...hoping for storyline reason, but hey. Can't argue with that.
7010. Oh...must pm new questions.
7111. Same as #6.
7212. Cool. Just wanted to know.
73I shall return...when my newest questions are answered...

1Will the Proto-squad be reciving a Vahki? If so, which one?
2Think so, but don't know. Should know tomorrow.
3Is the Nidhiki-Krekka relationship a brains-brawn one? Do either of them have elemental powers?
4No, they have energy-based powers.
5Which Vahki are the most dangerous? 6Do they have hive or something? Is there a leader? How do you get thought out of gears and springs and such?
7I think they are all equally dangerous, and yes they do have hives. As for the thougt question.. this is a fantasy universe, we can do stuff like that.
8Will there be more Dark hunters? Do N&K work for anyone?
9Not sure, and can't answer it.
10These Environs-do matoran inhabit them?
11Can't answer it.
12Do the Matoran ever think of leaving the city?
13Not really, there is no time for that. They have to work.
14Do they ever question the Vahki's methods? Dume's Leadership?
15No and no. They built the Vahki to do precisely what it is they do.
18See answers above, 19Greg
20Responses to the above answers:
21So what energy powers do they have? Just like laser bolts or something?
22The matoran don't even have time to think? They live to work, and Work to live? What are they working so hard to accomplish? Do they ever have free time?
23I think it's odd that the matoran built the vahki. They built something that they fear greatly: Did Dume give the order to build them? Cause it's weird that the matoran built something to keep themselves in check.
24Sorry to pester you on this, but do you know now if the P-squad is getting them? The Vahki, I mean. I want to know so I know that I won't have to order them as soon as they become available again.
25Thanks again, 26-CrossRook
271) All I know at this point is energy powers. But I believe you see some samples of them in the trailer.
282) The Matoran have to work to keep the city running, just like humans do. Yes, they have shifts and they have off-time for sports or other recreations. But they don't have weekends and long vacations.
293) Well, some people get nervous or even afraid if they see a police officer, even if they haven't done anything. If the Matoran did not have some fear of the Vahki, then the Vahki would not be as good at their jobs. Fear of the Vahki keeps a lot of Matoran from shirking their jobs and cuts down on the amount of work the Vahki have to do. And no, Dume did not make the decision to build the Vahki -- he made the decision to retire the Kralhi, but Nuparu designed the Vahki and the Matoran were more than glad to build them. Remember, the Vahki are also the Matorans' first line of defense against Rahi attack.
304) Yes, you are getting a Vahki in the next P-S package in June, no I do not know which one yet.
32That's my stuff.
2Think so, but don't know. Should know tomorrow.
3Is the Nidhiki-Krekka relationship a brains-brawn one? Do either of them have elemental powers?
4No, they have energy-based powers.
5Which Vahki are the most dangerous? 6Do they have hive or something? Is there a leader? How do you get thought out of gears and springs and such?
7I think they are all equally dangerous, and yes they do have hives. As for the thougt question.. this is a fantasy universe, we can do stuff like that.
8Will there be more Dark hunters? Do N&K work for anyone?
9Not sure, and can't answer it.
10These Environs-do matoran inhabit them?
11Can't answer it.
12Do the Matoran ever think of leaving the city?
13Not really, there is no time for that. They have to work.
14Do they ever question the Vahki's methods? Dume's Leadership?
15No and no. They built the Vahki to do precisely what it is they do.
18See answers above, 19Greg
20Responses to the above answers:
21So what energy powers do they have? Just like laser bolts or something?
22The matoran don't even have time to think? They live to work, and Work to live? What are they working so hard to accomplish? Do they ever have free time?
23I think it's odd that the matoran built the vahki. They built something that they fear greatly: Did Dume give the order to build them? Cause it's weird that the matoran built something to keep themselves in check.
24Sorry to pester you on this, but do you know now if the P-squad is getting them? The Vahki, I mean. I want to know so I know that I won't have to order them as soon as they become available again.
25Thanks again, 26-CrossRook
271) All I know at this point is energy powers. But I believe you see some samples of them in the trailer.
282) The Matoran have to work to keep the city running, just like humans do. Yes, they have shifts and they have off-time for sports or other recreations. But they don't have weekends and long vacations.
293) Well, some people get nervous or even afraid if they see a police officer, even if they haven't done anything. If the Matoran did not have some fear of the Vahki, then the Vahki would not be as good at their jobs. Fear of the Vahki keeps a lot of Matoran from shirking their jobs and cuts down on the amount of work the Vahki have to do. And no, Dume did not make the decision to build the Vahki -- he made the decision to retire the Kralhi, but Nuparu designed the Vahki and the Matoran were more than glad to build them. Remember, the Vahki are also the Matorans' first line of defense against Rahi attack.
304) Yes, you are getting a Vahki in the next P-S package in June, no I do not know which one yet.
32That's my stuff.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, some questions:
31.after all the evidince I've seen, I really think that Matau likes or LOVES Nokama, what do you think?
4Matau certainly likes to flirt with her, doesn't mean he is in love.
51b. if he really likes her, is he still in love with her in turaga form?
72.now that the vahki are almost all available, can you tell us the vahki kaita powers?
8Not yet, no.
93. do you have any vahki now?
10I have six, that I am giving to a friend for his birthday.
114.takanuva found metru-nui(finally, I've got the mask of light movie
in makuta's lare, but I don't get it, is it like there's a huge mountain that go's from mata-nui, and all the way down to the protoderrmis sea's to let the toa and the others to get to metru-nui?
12Think of it like this. Let's say the island of Mata Nui is shapedl like a basketball. All the koros are on top of the ball, on the outer surface. Metru Nui is inside, in the center of the ball, cushioned in the protodermis sea. And there are tunnels in the ball that lead down to Metru Nui, one of which goes down through Makuta's lair.
13that's all, bye:
31.after all the evidince I've seen, I really think that Matau likes or LOVES Nokama, what do you think?
4Matau certainly likes to flirt with her, doesn't mean he is in love.
51b. if he really likes her, is he still in love with her in turaga form?
72.now that the vahki are almost all available, can you tell us the vahki kaita powers?
8Not yet, no.
93. do you have any vahki now?
10I have six, that I am giving to a friend for his birthday.
114.takanuva found metru-nui(finally, I've got the mask of light movie

12Think of it like this. Let's say the island of Mata Nui is shapedl like a basketball. All the koros are on top of the ball, on the outer surface. Metru Nui is inside, in the center of the ball, cushioned in the protodermis sea. And there are tunnels in the ball that lead down to Metru Nui, one of which goes down through Makuta's lair.
13that's all, bye:
1Hello Mr. Farshley. Can you answer these for me?
21. Would you consider Nidhiki and Krekka's partnership a freinship or strictly buissnes?
3It's strictly professional. They are not pals.
42. How long have Nidhiki and Krekka been around? A long time? A few months? A few years?
5Quite a while, yes.
63. What or where is the power source for the Vahki(If thier is one*I mean like batterey's or a data system or somthin*)
7Well, we know they run on a clockwork mechanism, so my guess would be their power comes from some sort of perpetual motion system.
84. Do the Vahki combiners have names? Can you tell me them?
9Yes, but I don't have them at my fingertips, I am at home.
105. Is 'Ask GregF going to be up soon?
11Hope so.
12Well that's it. Thanks:
141. Seems strange....working together, you should have a bit of freindship...
152. Well, that's a answer that will help me in an epic...
163. Cool.
174. Drat:
185. Yay:
1[QUOTE=Greg topic-Post by Shazar The Dark ToaI asked him a few questions.
21. How do the vahki talk? 3GF:they comunicate through ultrasonics. There would be no reason for them to talk to the matoran.
o metru rahkshi have powers? And If so, how come their not wreaking as much damage as the mata rahkshi? 5GF:They do. The only reason they are not causing so much damage is because the mata rahkshi were fiven a mission.
7Is he telling the truth about that last part?[/QUOTE]
8No, he's not. However, I did tell Shazar I am not accepting anymore PMs from him -- he asked a different question, I answered it, and he responded to the answer with a fairly obnoxious PM. So I guess he is irritated and this is his way of expressing that.
9Greg 10[/QUOTE] 11So there is that answer.
21. How do the vahki talk? 3GF:they comunicate through ultrasonics. There would be no reason for them to talk to the matoran.

7Is he telling the truth about that last part?[/QUOTE]
8No, he's not. However, I did tell Shazar I am not accepting anymore PMs from him -- he asked a different question, I answered it, and he responded to the answer with a fairly obnoxious PM. So I guess he is irritated and this is his way of expressing that.
9Greg 10[/QUOTE] 11So there is that answer.
1Got another set of questions for the topic.
2Hello Greg, 20 questions, reply when you've got the time, no pressure .
31)First up, who would win in a fight, Krahka, Kraawa, or Kralhi?
4My money would be on Krahka, but I'm biased
52)Are there Vahki prototypes in the archives, like the Kralhi?
6The Kralhi is the only Vahki prototype, and to my knowledge there are not any in the Archives.
73)What do you do when the server is busy?
8I give up and go do something else.
94)If Lhikan is so important in the storyline, why wasn't he an origninally planned set?
10Lhikan is important as part of the movie. But the sets for '04 were largely already planned and designed before the script was finalized.
115)Has Lhikan ever been "pacified" by the Vahki?
12Not to my knowledge.
136)If the Turaga knew about the Bohrok, why pretend they're myths?
14Simple. If they say, "Hey, yeah, we saw those in the Archives" they would have to explain all about Metru Nui, which was something they did not want to do.
157)Do Vahki have "guards" that protect the hives?
16Not really necessary. No sane Matoran would break into a VAahki hive. It's like breaking into a police station.
178)I'm gonna ask this one straight, are the Dark Hunters evil?
199)When you see a certain news article or topic, that have previews for the future, do you go, "Oh no," because you know there'll be questions a coming?
20Not eeally, no. Sometimes, though, I get 8 questions in a day on the same topic, and kind of wish folks in the topic would just designate someone as questioner
2110)Do the Vahki have to not be heard by Matoran in order for them to function?
2311)Could a "shambler's" motor skills and lack of higher brain function, cause them to have harm done to them? (i.e. walking off a cliff?)
24It's possible, but other Matoran tend to look after them.
2512)I don't think the Ahkmou traitor bit was played up to the hype it had, but maybe that's because I don't understand it, in a brief timeline-esque description could you please recount the defection?
26Not sure I get what you are asking.
2713)Could an Po-metruran, or a Ta-Metruan make defects in the Vahki, so if in trouble, they could give a signal to the Vahki, and they would stop their pursuit?
28The problem with that is that none of these Matoran are really engineers, they're crafters. So it would have to be done by trial and error, and the first time a Vahki you worked on goes wild or something, everyone will know what you have been up to.
2914)Does "can't answer it" always mean that you know but just can't tell us, or can it mean that you don't know?
3099 times out of a hundred, it means I can't tell you. If I don't know or don't have enough info for an official answer, I try to say so.
3115) 32A)Do you recognize certain people-who-ask-you-questions? 33B )If so, who?
34Sure. GaliGee, Gukko, Master of the Rahkshi, bonesiii, Crystal Matrix ...
3516)Did Dume educate Lhikan on how to be a Toa?
36I have no info on Dume's past.
3717)You included Lhikan as one of the summer sets, is this true, that it is a summer set?
38No, I don't think I have ever said anything about when Lhikan is coming out because I have no hard info that he IS coming out.
3918)Does your office have a nice view?
40I guess.
4119)Would Vhisola's freezing of the canals with her Kanoka attract Vahki attention?
4320)Just to check there's no water on Metru-Nui, only Protodermis, but on Mata-Nui, there is water right?
45See answers above, 46Greg
2Hello Greg, 20 questions, reply when you've got the time, no pressure .
31)First up, who would win in a fight, Krahka, Kraawa, or Kralhi?
4My money would be on Krahka, but I'm biased
52)Are there Vahki prototypes in the archives, like the Kralhi?
6The Kralhi is the only Vahki prototype, and to my knowledge there are not any in the Archives.
73)What do you do when the server is busy?
8I give up and go do something else.
94)If Lhikan is so important in the storyline, why wasn't he an origninally planned set?
10Lhikan is important as part of the movie. But the sets for '04 were largely already planned and designed before the script was finalized.
115)Has Lhikan ever been "pacified" by the Vahki?
12Not to my knowledge.
136)If the Turaga knew about the Bohrok, why pretend they're myths?
14Simple. If they say, "Hey, yeah, we saw those in the Archives" they would have to explain all about Metru Nui, which was something they did not want to do.
157)Do Vahki have "guards" that protect the hives?
16Not really necessary. No sane Matoran would break into a VAahki hive. It's like breaking into a police station.
178)I'm gonna ask this one straight, are the Dark Hunters evil?
199)When you see a certain news article or topic, that have previews for the future, do you go, "Oh no," because you know there'll be questions a coming?
20Not eeally, no. Sometimes, though, I get 8 questions in a day on the same topic, and kind of wish folks in the topic would just designate someone as questioner
2110)Do the Vahki have to not be heard by Matoran in order for them to function?
2311)Could a "shambler's" motor skills and lack of higher brain function, cause them to have harm done to them? (i.e. walking off a cliff?)
24It's possible, but other Matoran tend to look after them.
2512)I don't think the Ahkmou traitor bit was played up to the hype it had, but maybe that's because I don't understand it, in a brief timeline-esque description could you please recount the defection?
26Not sure I get what you are asking.
2713)Could an Po-metruran, or a Ta-Metruan make defects in the Vahki, so if in trouble, they could give a signal to the Vahki, and they would stop their pursuit?
28The problem with that is that none of these Matoran are really engineers, they're crafters. So it would have to be done by trial and error, and the first time a Vahki you worked on goes wild or something, everyone will know what you have been up to.
2914)Does "can't answer it" always mean that you know but just can't tell us, or can it mean that you don't know?
3099 times out of a hundred, it means I can't tell you. If I don't know or don't have enough info for an official answer, I try to say so.
3115) 32A)Do you recognize certain people-who-ask-you-questions? 33B )If so, who?
34Sure. GaliGee, Gukko, Master of the Rahkshi, bonesiii, Crystal Matrix ...
3516)Did Dume educate Lhikan on how to be a Toa?
36I have no info on Dume's past.
3717)You included Lhikan as one of the summer sets, is this true, that it is a summer set?
38No, I don't think I have ever said anything about when Lhikan is coming out because I have no hard info that he IS coming out.
3918)Does your office have a nice view?
40I guess.
4119)Would Vhisola's freezing of the canals with her Kanoka attract Vahki attention?
4320)Just to check there's no water on Metru-Nui, only Protodermis, but on Mata-Nui, there is water right?
45See answers above, 46Greg
1Hey Greg,
2I have a question about the Krahka. When it shapeshifts, does it have to touch the creature first, like T-1000 does in Terminator 2?
3Or does she just simply turn into it.
4Thanks again.
6No, she does not have to make physical contact, just visual contact.
9That is kind of like the power of the Great Mahiki, right?
1Hi Greg: I thought I might ask more questons... 2here goes:
31) The name of the recent comic book, got me thnking, are there really 'Seeds of Doom' made by the Morbuzahk?
4Well, sure .. there are Morbuzakh seeds in that issue.
52) Has 2005 storyline been written yet?
73)Scrolling through the BZP Archives, I found that you released some teasers last yer, stating thngs like: Makuta wll return, blah blah blah... Will you do it ths year, giving us clues about the future story?
8Possibly after the movie comes out.
94) Will the Rahkshi return as a major villan sometime soon?
10No plans for that. They are only still in the story this year because I think they are cool and wanted to write about them some more.
115)Is it possible that Krahka is a shapeshfting Rahkshi, who lost her original form?
12No. Rahkshi are inorganic armor with a kraata inside .. Krahka is biomechanical, like the Toa.
136) Have you seen the Fifth Enemy? If so, is it menacing?
14Yes, and yes.
157) What's the most you can tell me about the Vahki, because I can't think of anything specific...
16I can't think of anything specific either
17Thanks in Advance, Greg. 18DC
19We now know one more thng about the 5th enemy- he's menacing:
11. You have stated that masks are always gray without fail when not worn. Now, assuming they take on the colour corresponding to the home Metru/Koro of the wearer, how is it that masks can be black on a Po-Matoran, or purple masks like Kongu wears in Metru Nui exist at all?
22. I believe youve hinted at Krahka returning, or at least a similar being will come about. Is this true?
33. Hypothetically, on a Lhikan set would the Hau be modified to fit a Toa Metru head or would a different head be used?
44. How would you play and win a game of Akilini? And why does Kohlii exist at the same time? I thought Akilini was the Metru Nui version of Kohlii
55. Any sort of hint at the Vahki combiner powers? Please?
66. Do you know of any vehicles to be released to fit Matoran? Such as the bike thing in the B2 trailer Matau rides in a chute (at least I think its a chute)?
77. You have talked about Vakama saying a line in B2 suggesting Makuta is thought of in a positive way in the past. Is this the line you said would have us talking for months?
88. Do you know the exact identity of the fifth enemy? I need this for a theory
9Many thanks in advance
111) You raise an interesting point, Keeper. I would point out, though, that you only see differently colored masks like that on Matoran, masks which do not have any power. The rules I have stated for Kanohi were in reference to questions I got about Noble and Great Masks.
122) I am certainly hopeful -- it would most likely be in a Scholastic book. But I like her a lot and hope to bring her back soon.
133) I have absolutely no idea. That is a product design question.
144) Kolhii does not exist at the same time. The references to kolhii in this year's material came about because originally we were going to call the sport kolhii (or some variation of the name) and later realized that would make no sense. Anyway, the object of akilini is to throw disks through hoops mounted along the top of the Coliseum. The team that makes the most goals wins.
155) Not yet.
166) Actually, there may be news on that very soon. I am just waiting for permission to make an announcement.
177) Oh, no. The line I was referring to has a much bigger impact on the story than that. And yes, it is still in the movie, so should be in the final cut. It is also in the movie novelization.
188) Yes, I do. But I can't share it. It's movie plot.
201. Ah. That explains alot
212. Looking forward to that
223. I bet it'll be modified
234. Just wondering
245. Aww dang it
256. That is probably one of the last things I expected him to say. Sounds good though
267. Must...watch...film...
278. I just wanted to know if he knew for certain
18. Do you know the exact identity of the fifth enemy? I need this for a theory
28) Yes, I do. But I can't share it. It's movie plot.
3Lol, nice try Keeper, but Greg's had a lot of practice at not giving stuff away, still, that other question... a Matoran vehicle, perhaps to come with Lhikan?

1Actualy bohrokwill, all I wanted to know was that he knew the identity of the fifth enemy, for a theory Ive cooked up in the official fifth enemy topic. But that vehicle question intrigues me
1OK, sorry about the missunderstanding Keeper, anyway, got some interesting Q&A about the Bohrok here:
2Hi Greg, I have some mainly Bohrok Related questions I'd like to ask you for a theory...
31. Was Mata Nui ever inhabited by anyone in the Before Time? (Other non-Metru Nui Matoran?)
52. How often do the Bohrok 'clean' Mata Nui? (I'm not looking for specifics, just "every few thousand years" or "every few centuries")
6Can't answer it -- don't have that info.
73. Would the Bohrok have 'cleaned' Mata Nui wile the Matoran were there before the Toa came, if Makuta hadn't been controlling the beakons that set them off?
8No. The Bohrok would have been activated if and when the Matoran left the island. They were not supposed to act while there were beings living on the island.
94. You've said that Lhikan was never a Matoran on Metru Nui, could he have been somewhere else, perhaps one of the 'environs'?
10He could have been, but I don't have enough info on his past to give you a firm yes or no.
115. You've said no Matoran on Metru Nui created the Bohrok. Could other non-Metru Nui Matoran (like Lhikan if he was a Matoran) have created the Bohrok?
12No. The Bohrok were probably not made by Matoran.
136. I got the impression from the comics that the Bahrag were intelligent beings. But recently you said they are robots like the Bohrok, are they just big, slightly more 14intellegent Bohrok that produce Krana?
15I don't recall offhand saying they are robots.
167. Are the Bahrag the only source of Krana? (Because Bohrok hatch with Krana) Is it possible Bohrok-Va place Krana (from the Bahrag) in the Bohrok's "eggs" prior to thier hatching?
17The Bohrok have krana before they are placed inside the eggs, and yes, at this point they are the only source.
188. I found THIS very interesting BZPower article. This second picture shows Toa and Matoran above Bohrok on some sort of evolutionary cycle. We know the Toa are related to the Bohrok, but are Matoran also related to them?
19That picture is production art. It has no relevance to the storyline.
209. This first picture shows a Bohrok, and before that three more stages (that look like stages of evolution), are they just how the Bohrok forms in the "egg" before hatching, or are they something else?
21See answer to #8.
2210. On that diagram it shows the Bohrok, and before those three stage what apears to be a Krana, instead of what I said in 8, could it be that a Krana is placed in an "egg" and grows into Bohrok (sort of like the Krana grows an exo-scelleton around itself)?
23See answer to #8.
2411. Were the Bahrag, Bohrok and Exo Toa created by the same people?
2612. What was the origonal perpous of the Exo Toa?
27The Exo-Toa were a failsafe, in the event that the Bahrag/Bohrok were active before they were supposed to be.
2813. Did the Nuva cube actually exist before the Toa turned Nuva?
3014. Again in THIS news article, but this time at the bottom, it shows pics of some sort of Krana "family tree". In the article it says how perhaps the different breeds of Krana origonally evolved from one breed, but if all Krana come from the Bahrag, is this true? (I know it was just a BZP theory)
31And again, there is no evolutionary connection between krana and Matoran or Toa.
3215. Are the Bohrok Va controlled by Krana?
3416. How can non-organic beings like the Bahrag create organic beings like Krana?
35The same way robot surgeons could work on a human being. We are not talking about biological reproduction here.
3617. Relating to 16, did they create the Bohrok Kal in a similar way (I know they are not organic, but they can think - like the Krana)?
37No, the Bohrok-Kal cannot think. Their krana think. The shells are artificial life, just like the original Bohrok.
3818. A non-Bohrok question, do you know if the UK will be getting comic 18 (we've only had 16 so far)?
39Don't know.
4019. Will Dume be any in of Templar's Flash movies this year (you've mensioned vahki)?
41It's quite possible.
4220. Are there any Flash movies planed for the Morbuzakh storyline?
43Not that I know of, no. The Flash movies usually have to do with sets, and there is no Morbuzakh set.
44Thanks for your time, your answers will be very helpful.
46See answers above, 47Greg