1As you may know(or may not?) weve got a new pic of the Hordika on the front page and I have a few questions....
21: The toa hordika look like there flying(or falling) in the picure, I was thinking mabie the ratoka(SP?) spiners were making fly?Is that right?
31) It's for dramatic effect. Odds are they leaping off the web. Hordika don't fly
42: Nuju dosint look the same in the pic, as he did in the DVD(LOMN) and I was wondering if there have been any set changes since they shot that footage?
52) A lot of the sets shown on LOMN were prototypes.
63: When is this months comic shiping?
73) Should be in homes next week.
84: Will we learn the power's of the rotuka in the next comic?
94) No. The Rhotuka is part of 2005 storyline. It's still 2004.
105oes Vakama like hit his lowist low before geting healed of the venom?
115) You'll have to wait and see
126:What stones did the toa metru use to put there power into?( not just reguler stones I would think?)
136) The impression in the book is that are just regular stones.
147: They put the toa stones in places only matoran with the heart of toa could reatch, will we see Takua's search for them? Or a book about it? I would love to now where they hid them, and how takua found them![]()
157) That has already been done -- the first GameBoy Advance game back in 2001 dealt with that, I believe.
16That's all I can think of for now, I'll be back with more once I read your new book![]()
17I need to get back to him on the last one, about the toa metru hiding the stones, and about how takua even new they were there...
1Spoilers for Maze of Shadows:
2You have been warned.
2You have been warned.
3Hey Greg,
4I've been getting kinda annoyed but the constant insistance that Rahaga are related to Rahkshi because they use the Rahkshi head.
5Are the Rahaga related in any way to the Rahkshi?Or Kraata?
61) Not to my knowledge
8Now, for the others...
92)Wait... Energized Protodermis can destroy, or transform?(I haven't read Maze of Shadows yet)Is that why the Turaga didn't know what was going to happen?
102) Yup. Now think about this -- was all that energized proto INTENDED to turn the Toa into Nuva .. or was it someone's idea of a death trap for them?
11(Interesting, a death trap?)
123)So... the Karzahni is the Proto Morzy?And the true Karzahni is some sort of Matoran heck?Weeeird...
133) Hee hee hee
14(This guy sounds weird at times.XD) 15Thanks,
1Maze of Shadows Spoilers:
2A few analysis questions here... after learning of the MoS spoilers, from ToM's M&B review topic....![]()
13I'm sure I could think of more.. but that's all for now.
- 3This topic, and Master of the Rahkshi's reply in it: Shouldent? got me thinking... since apparently the Toa Metru were only Toa-ized, and Lhikan Turaga-ized when the Toa stones actually activated, not when Lhikan put the energy in, that seems to mean that in cases like that, the important energy from the original Toa leaves one Toa (thus making him a Turaga) and enters the other through the Toa stone. Now, the Toa Metru put energy in Toa stones, but each only a bit in one, rather than one Toa putting energy in six like Lhikan did. And those became the Mata Nui Toa stones, but then they became the Turaga because they spent their energy awakening the Matoran. So, does this explain why the Mata Nui Toa stones didn't cause Toa-ization as the Turaga expected? Since they were only Turaga, there wouldn't be a store of energy for the Toa stones to draw from.
41) My own theory is that those Toa stones were destined for signalling from the beginning. Why? Because the Toa Olda already existed and did not require Toa stones to come into being.
- 5This "entity" seems to consider himself on the level of Great Beings or Great Spirits...
Is he? I mean, that's pretty amazing. *Expecting a "can't answer it"
62) He thinks he is .. doesn't mean he is. He has a very inflated opinion of himself. So would you, if you could do what he does.
- 7So, Karzahni calls himself that, but there was originally a real Karzahni that was a completely different person? With a really, really, bad reputation, that the mossy Karzahni hoped would make him seem more frightening?
83) 99% right .. Karzahni didn't name himself that, Makuta named him that.
- 9"They... too late... too late for anything... all must end. Visorak. Visorak. Visorak: The end: They wait. They watch. They know. They... they know..." -- That makes it sound like the Visorak were watching the events on Metru Nui, biding their time for a chance to strike? If you can say, is that right?
104) The Visorak were poised to strike for a while before they actually did, that is true.
- 11How did a Kranua get into those tunnels (or whatever)? Well, more like, why was it there?
125) Wandered there. There were no Matoran left in Metru Nui, so nothing left for it to do there.
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, sorry to ask you questions twice in two days, but I just read Maze of Shadows (Great job, by the way
and have a couple of questions.
31. Did the EP entity create itself or did something else create it?
42. How did Makuta create the Morbuzakh and Karzahni? Did he just use EP on some plants?
53. Does the Artakha story have any importance in the overall story, or did you create it just for this book?
64. Why did makuta need the Morbuzakh, since in the movie he accomplished his plot relatively easily without them? What would have happened had the Toa not destroyed the Morbuzakh?
7Thanks for answering: 8Ast1
91) Hasn't been revealed yet 102) That was partially it, but there was more to it than that. 113) Artakha was actually first mentioned in the online Mask of Light game last year. I just decided to pick up on it and advance the story of it a little more. 124) The Morbuzakh's role was to drive all the Matoran into the heart of the city. Had it done that, Makuta could have had them all shoved into spheres without having to take direct action himself as Dume.

31. Did the EP entity create itself or did something else create it?
42. How did Makuta create the Morbuzakh and Karzahni? Did he just use EP on some plants?
53. Does the Artakha story have any importance in the overall story, or did you create it just for this book?
64. Why did makuta need the Morbuzakh, since in the movie he accomplished his plot relatively easily without them? What would have happened had the Toa not destroyed the Morbuzakh?
7Thanks for answering: 8Ast1
91) Hasn't been revealed yet 102) That was partially it, but there was more to it than that. 113) Artakha was actually first mentioned in the online Mask of Light game last year. I just decided to pick up on it and advance the story of it a little more. 124) The Morbuzakh's role was to drive all the Matoran into the heart of the city. Had it done that, Makuta could have had them all shoved into spheres without having to take direct action himself as Dume.
2Greg... YOU ROCK::: I just finished reading Maze of Shadows for the third time, and have practically memorized the events of the book. It is, in my opinion, one of your best yet. I cannot WAIT for Web of the Visorak. I just hope it'll be good as all of your other works. So, after my long-time hiatus of not sending you anything, here's a brand new batch of questions:
31. First things first. What was that weird half-krana/half-kraata symbiote that made Onewa start talking about the Visorak?
4I haven't revealed what that is yet. As you know, I like to tease stuff in the books to give BZPers something to chew on.
52. Will we see that thing again anytime soon?
73. One of my favorite characters in that egotistic Entity. First of all, what was he? He seemed to be made of Energized Protodermis, but did he have any other origins?
8He was made of energized protodermis, yes. I see him as sort of the EP version of a water elemental.
94. Was he really more powerful than Makuta? I'm not sure if that's fact or just his opinion.
10Well, he sees it this way -- Makuta has the imagination and the plan, he has the power to make it happen. So whether he is greater than Makuta or not depends on which aspect you value more.
115. Will we see him ever again?
12Well, I know one place you will definitely see him, I believe he is in next year's video game.
136. How the Toa defeated the Rahi Nui was very interesting, and one of the most interesting battles I've ever read about. First off, was the Rahi Nui responsible for killing off some of Lhikan's fellow Toa?
14I have no info on what happened to Lhikan's Toa.
157. Does the actual growth disk also work like it did with the Rahi Nui? Increasing size with out increasing weight?
16No. That was a unique aspect of the Rahi Nui's chemistry.
178. Why wasn't Onewa present at the council? Was he just as mad as Nuju?
18He was mad at Vakama.
199. A Bionicle Encyclopedia? This sounds awesome: Just out of curiosity, will it be formatted like the previous guides? Or a new format? I've always imagined it kind of like Marvels' Ultimate Guides (i.e. The Ultimate Guide to Spider-Man) with a bunch of pictures and facts and summaries all on one page.
20All I know on formatting is that they are planning it to be 8x10 and color on the inside.
2110. What is the release date for this encyclopedia?
22October 2005
2311. What are the really unique features of this encyclopedia that will be featured? Will you have special art and illustrations? Some more stuff that will really make it juicy?
24I don't know about new art getting done for it. My plan is to try to make it as comprehensive as possible, because there are a lot of BIONICLE fans who do not have access to all the info on here.
2512. Also, just curious on this. What comic and book are you currently working on?
26I am finishing the Rahi guide and working on BIONICLE 23.
27Well, that's about all I have. I'm sure another reread will produce some more questions. Again, I can't wait for future books: And plus, MoS taught me a new word: Amalgamation. Interesting word.
2Greg... YOU ROCK::: I just finished reading Maze of Shadows for the third time, and have practically memorized the events of the book. It is, in my opinion, one of your best yet. I cannot WAIT for Web of the Visorak. I just hope it'll be good as all of your other works. So, after my long-time hiatus of not sending you anything, here's a brand new batch of questions:
31. First things first. What was that weird half-krana/half-kraata symbiote that made Onewa start talking about the Visorak?
4I haven't revealed what that is yet. As you know, I like to tease stuff in the books to give BZPers something to chew on.
52. Will we see that thing again anytime soon?
73. One of my favorite characters in that egotistic Entity. First of all, what was he? He seemed to be made of Energized Protodermis, but did he have any other origins?
8He was made of energized protodermis, yes. I see him as sort of the EP version of a water elemental.
94. Was he really more powerful than Makuta? I'm not sure if that's fact or just his opinion.
10Well, he sees it this way -- Makuta has the imagination and the plan, he has the power to make it happen. So whether he is greater than Makuta or not depends on which aspect you value more.
115. Will we see him ever again?
12Well, I know one place you will definitely see him, I believe he is in next year's video game.
136. How the Toa defeated the Rahi Nui was very interesting, and one of the most interesting battles I've ever read about. First off, was the Rahi Nui responsible for killing off some of Lhikan's fellow Toa?
14I have no info on what happened to Lhikan's Toa.
157. Does the actual growth disk also work like it did with the Rahi Nui? Increasing size with out increasing weight?
16No. That was a unique aspect of the Rahi Nui's chemistry.
178. Why wasn't Onewa present at the council? Was he just as mad as Nuju?
18He was mad at Vakama.
199. A Bionicle Encyclopedia? This sounds awesome: Just out of curiosity, will it be formatted like the previous guides? Or a new format? I've always imagined it kind of like Marvels' Ultimate Guides (i.e. The Ultimate Guide to Spider-Man) with a bunch of pictures and facts and summaries all on one page.
20All I know on formatting is that they are planning it to be 8x10 and color on the inside.
2110. What is the release date for this encyclopedia?
22October 2005
2311. What are the really unique features of this encyclopedia that will be featured? Will you have special art and illustrations? Some more stuff that will really make it juicy?
24I don't know about new art getting done for it. My plan is to try to make it as comprehensive as possible, because there are a lot of BIONICLE fans who do not have access to all the info on here.
2512. Also, just curious on this. What comic and book are you currently working on?
26I am finishing the Rahi guide and working on BIONICLE 23.
27Well, that's about all I have. I'm sure another reread will produce some more questions. Again, I can't wait for future books: And plus, MoS taught me a new word: Amalgamation. Interesting word.
11. First things first. What was that weird half-krana/half-kraata symbiote that made Onewa start talking about the Visorak?
2I haven't revealed what that is yet. As you know, I like to tease stuff in the books to give BZPers something to chew on.
32. Will we see that thing again anytime soon?
5I asked Greg about those things (I just haven't posted the answers...gotta get around to that when I get back). He said this was a teaser; we'll most likely see those things again in Time Trap (Book 10). 6THEY ARE SO COOL::: 7Erm...sorry. Anyways, I can't wait to see what they are...
8-Master of the Rahkshi
1maybe something interesting - i don't know if it is a dupe -
9And clarification one more question-
16That's all.

2Hi Greg: 3I saw the new picture of the Toa Hordika, and i have some questions about them. (i know You propably won't answere these but...)
41) I can see Rhotuka spinner behind every Toa head, and i wonder how is it launched when he stand on his legs? (You know - vertical, horizontal etc.)
52) Why do they have so weird right arm? Is it used for something?
6Thanks in advance
71) They are launched using a ripcord. For the characters, they have mental control over the direction the spinner travels, so it makes no difference what position they are in when they launch it.
82) I believe the right arm is connected to a gear that makes it move, but I haven't built the sets myself so not sure.
9And clarification one more question-
101) They are launched using a ripcord. For the characters, they have mental control over the direction the spinner travels, so it makes no difference what position they are in when they launch it.
111) Yes, but i meant the set, not the character. is the Rhotuka launcher placed somewhere behind their neck? I'm asking aobut that because on the main page, there is a picture with Hordika, and everyone has a Rhotuka placed behind neck.
122) I know You're pretty busy, but could You send me a relasing dates for 2005 sets in europe?
13Very big thanks:
141) I actually think the launcher is on their back, not right behind their neck. As I said, have not built the sets, so can't be positive.
152) My best info is that the Visorak come out in January in Europe, along with the Rahaga, and the Toa come out in March.
16That's all.

1Hi Greg, just had a couple of Q's for Maze of Shadows.It really was a great book and I enjoyed it.
21)What were the Bahrag dipping into protodermis in the carving where they were producing krana?
31) I haven't revealed that yet, but I have a theory.
42)Is there any way that one would be able to know if energized proto would destroy them or evolve them?
52) No.
63)What would the Karzahni have become if the energized proto had evolved him?
73) Probably something really nasty
84)How large was Makuta's chamber?The one with the EP being.At first I thought it was just a large room, but then I read about a 200 foot bug doing ariel stunts in it and thought it to be around the size of several football stadiums.Is this correct?
94) Yeah, it was huge
105)What was the creature that attached itself to Onewa?
115) Haven't revealed that yet either
126)Did the creature mentioned above have any special attributes?
136)Same as five
147)Did above creature have any relation to the Visorak?
157) Not really, no
168)Can you give any powers or attributes of Zvion the Rahi?
178) Zivon's major power is his strength -- when you are 30-35 feet high, you don't need a lot more than that
189)What were the carvings on the pillars in Makuta's chambers that even Nokama's mask could not read?
199) They couldn't be read, therefore no one in the story knows what they are yet ... so neither will BZP
2010)How are elite Visorak different than regular Visorak?
2110) Well, for one thing, Kahgarak are bigger -- they can get as large as 12 feet high and 18 feet across. And they have a cool spinner power, plus they have a connection to the Zivon which is part of what makes them so valuable
25Nothing Mind Blowing but I thought 10 was quite interesting. Zvion must play a large role in the Visorak plan. Also, I'm just dying to have the pillar carvings translated. Old carvings always reveal so much...especialy ones that existed before the creation of the mask of translation.
27Watch the greatest rivalry in sports at 1:00 Saturday
1Heres an interesting thing I asked, no biggy though.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Will we see more of Takanuva & will we learn more about his mysterious powers. Or will we learn about what happened when he combined with Makuta into Takutanuva? And will we learn about the Avokii & Kraakan's origins? Thanks
6What happened with Takutanuva was already shown in MOL. And yes, Takanuva will be coming back into the story.
7What I mean is will Takanuva ever tell us what happened to him when he combined, like did he learn anything from Makuta since he was one with him?
8He may have, the question is does he remember any of it?
2Hello Greg (sorry, not sure how to spell your last name) 3I think you do an amzing job with the books and comics. I have some qquestions on various things, I'll try to keep them short, I know you are busy.
41) Do the Rahnga have any elemental or other powers?
5No, they are not connected to the elements. Their primary powers are their spinner powers.
62) What happened to the Rahi-Nui's powers in Tales of the Masks?
7Well, if you had had your molecules spread apart for roughly 1000 years, you wouldn't feel like yourself either
83) Was the Rahi-Nui trapped with his horns stuck in the wall in MoS?
9No. That happens in Tales of the Masks.
104) Does Makuta have anything to do with the death trap of the EP?
11Can't answer it.
125) Is the silver set the EP entity?
13No. The EP entity is something I created for the books, it's not a set. The silver set was silver because it's a prototype.
146)What level on one to ten would you put the EP guy at?
15Oh, gee, I don't know.
167) Which Rahnga is your favorite?
188) In comic 21, in one of Vakama's dreams Turaga Dume is there, is there any significance behind it?
19Yes -- as Dume says in the dream, he always represented wisdom to Vakama, that is why he appears in his vision.
209) How many Rhotuka powers are there?
21Um, let's see -- so far, I count 24, I think.
2210) Are the Visorak capapble of speech (Matoran)?
23No. They are intelligent, but their understanding of Matoran is rudimentary at best. The only one who can speak Matoran is Oohnorak, and that is thanks to limited telepathy.
2411) do the Visorak have different powers, like one's power puts their victims to sleep, etc.?
25All of the Visorak have a spinner power (or two) and an extra power.
2612) Who is your favorite Hordika?
27Hmmmm ... not sure I have one yet. They have all been fun to write.
2813) Is the female villian in any way related to Makuta?
29Can't answer it.
30Thank you very much, that's all for now
31See answers above, 32Greg
33Here they are, enjoy
2Hello Greg (sorry, not sure how to spell your last name) 3I think you do an amzing job with the books and comics. I have some qquestions on various things, I'll try to keep them short, I know you are busy.
41) Do the Rahnga have any elemental or other powers?
5No, they are not connected to the elements. Their primary powers are their spinner powers.
62) What happened to the Rahi-Nui's powers in Tales of the Masks?
7Well, if you had had your molecules spread apart for roughly 1000 years, you wouldn't feel like yourself either
83) Was the Rahi-Nui trapped with his horns stuck in the wall in MoS?
9No. That happens in Tales of the Masks.
104) Does Makuta have anything to do with the death trap of the EP?
11Can't answer it.
125) Is the silver set the EP entity?
13No. The EP entity is something I created for the books, it's not a set. The silver set was silver because it's a prototype.
146)What level on one to ten would you put the EP guy at?
15Oh, gee, I don't know.
167) Which Rahnga is your favorite?
188) In comic 21, in one of Vakama's dreams Turaga Dume is there, is there any significance behind it?
19Yes -- as Dume says in the dream, he always represented wisdom to Vakama, that is why he appears in his vision.
209) How many Rhotuka powers are there?
21Um, let's see -- so far, I count 24, I think.
2210) Are the Visorak capapble of speech (Matoran)?
23No. They are intelligent, but their understanding of Matoran is rudimentary at best. The only one who can speak Matoran is Oohnorak, and that is thanks to limited telepathy.
2411) do the Visorak have different powers, like one's power puts their victims to sleep, etc.?
25All of the Visorak have a spinner power (or two) and an extra power.
2612) Who is your favorite Hordika?
27Hmmmm ... not sure I have one yet. They have all been fun to write.
2813) Is the female villian in any way related to Makuta?
29Can't answer it.
30Thank you very much, that's all for now
31See answers above, 32Greg
33Here they are, enjoy
1Hi Greg
14Hmm, not really groundbreaking. Why cant I think up really good questions like you guys can?
21. How long are you expecting the Encyclopedia Bionica to be, at least at the moment?
31) Absolutely no idea. Too soon to tell.
42. Are you going to include Rahi bios, seeing as there will be the Rahi Guide will be out then?
52) Yes. Because not everyone will buy the Rahi Guide, and I want the encyclopedia to be as complete as possible.
63. Are Matau and Vakama more affected by their transformation because they were mutated a different way (for example, they were captured and put in the web cocoons, while the others were bitten), or is it just the shock of what has happened to them?
73) Has to do with their personalities, not how it happens to them. Happens to them in the same way it happens to the other Toa.
84. The E.P entity, was it partnered with Makuta for his experiments?
94) Yes
105. Is it male, female, -ish or genderless?
115) I saw it as a "he," but it really is genderless.
13All my inferior/superior/very tired mind can think of. Thanks for your time.
14Hmm, not really groundbreaking. Why cant I think up really good questions like you guys can?
1Hi: Some Q's 'bout Maze of Shadows
21. So... energized protodermis transforms if it's pre-destined...but if it's not, it destroys?
32. You said something else could have happened to the Toa Olda had they not transformed. What?
43. So...before Matoran-Mask Making, they got masks from Makuta, right? And is that why they thought of him as a protector?
54. So in a nutshell: Dip Kanohi in energized protodrmis and get krana. Right?
65 But then how are Nuva Masks made?
76. What's the original Karzahni?
87. Whatever happened to The Lhikan?
98. Whatever happened to Turaga Dume?
109. Can you give me any special Bionicle info for today? Or any hints for '05 or something?
121) Yes
132) They would have been destroyed
143) No, where did you get that idea? Makuta was trying to make the Mask of Time himself, he didn't make masks for Matoran.
154) Wrong. Nothing in that carving says they are using Kanohi. Dip Kanohi in energized protodermis and you get Kanohi Nuva.
165) See answer to #4
176) Hasn't been revealed yet
187) You'll find out in Book 7
198) There is more to come on him. He's not out of the story yet
209) No, I am too busy today trying to correct "spoilers" that Nuhrii posted which he claimed I gave him, and I did not.
2Well, I think it's a lost cause, but I just thought that maybe you could answer some questions about the sets on the B2 DVD.
31) Silver Guy (Link Missing) Is this a prototype? I'm just asking because everyone's saying that if it's all silver, it's a prototype. Are they correct? 41a) We have the names of the big 2005 sets, so could you tell me which one of them it is?
52)Green Guy (Link Missing)
6Is this perhaps Matau Hordika, or one of the big 2005 sets? Could you tell me which one?
73)2005 Villain (Link Missing) Is this the female villain of 2005? What is her name?
84)I saw a rack of white capsules (silver spheres) attached to something else. Will this be a Vahki transport? -Excited:-
95)Yellow Creature There has been a LOT of specualtion about this guy, including something about "Mutant Lohrak." Could you tell me which set this is (just the name)?
106) I noticed that almost every 2005 set has a Rhotuka spinner. This kinda implies that Rhotuka are a popular weapon. But we've never seen them before, so could you tell me if they were secretly traded by anyone on Metru Nui?
117)Kraahkan (Link Missing) Is this a Hordika face, or a plan for some kind of Toa Makuta Metru (note the Metru head behind the mask.)
128)Why do the mask-maker helper robots look so much like Bohrok?
139)Is the Maze of Shadows game coming out on the Gamecube?
1410)Are there any combiner instructions in the Lhikan set booklet? If so, what?
15Thank you so much for your time, and good luck to you on Challenge of the Hordika:
161) First off, I don't have the DVD, so will do the best I can. Yes, it is a prototype, no I don't know who it is, I can't tell from that shot.
172-4) I really can't answer these. I can tell you a Vahki transport was designed earlier this year, but there aren't plans to release it.
185) No, it has no relation to the Lohrak.
196) No. Rhotuka are an interesting tool. In the movie, they look more like wheels of energy and that is how I have described them in the books. So they really aren't an object you trade.
207) There is no Makuta set, Toa or otherwise, in 2005.
218) Cause the animators need to use existing BIONICLE parts to design new things.
229) No idea.
2310) Don't know, I don't have the set.
2Well, I think it's a lost cause, but I just thought that maybe you could answer some questions about the sets on the B2 DVD.
31) Silver Guy (Link Missing) Is this a prototype? I'm just asking because everyone's saying that if it's all silver, it's a prototype. Are they correct? 41a) We have the names of the big 2005 sets, so could you tell me which one of them it is?
52)Green Guy (Link Missing)
6Is this perhaps Matau Hordika, or one of the big 2005 sets? Could you tell me which one?
73)2005 Villain (Link Missing) Is this the female villain of 2005? What is her name?
84)I saw a rack of white capsules (silver spheres) attached to something else. Will this be a Vahki transport? -Excited:-
95)Yellow Creature There has been a LOT of specualtion about this guy, including something about "Mutant Lohrak." Could you tell me which set this is (just the name)?
106) I noticed that almost every 2005 set has a Rhotuka spinner. This kinda implies that Rhotuka are a popular weapon. But we've never seen them before, so could you tell me if they were secretly traded by anyone on Metru Nui?
117)Kraahkan (Link Missing) Is this a Hordika face, or a plan for some kind of Toa Makuta Metru (note the Metru head behind the mask.)
128)Why do the mask-maker helper robots look so much like Bohrok?
139)Is the Maze of Shadows game coming out on the Gamecube?
1410)Are there any combiner instructions in the Lhikan set booklet? If so, what?
15Thank you so much for your time, and good luck to you on Challenge of the Hordika:
161) First off, I don't have the DVD, so will do the best I can. Yes, it is a prototype, no I don't know who it is, I can't tell from that shot.
172-4) I really can't answer these. I can tell you a Vahki transport was designed earlier this year, but there aren't plans to release it.
185) No, it has no relation to the Lohrak.
196) No. Rhotuka are an interesting tool. In the movie, they look more like wheels of energy and that is how I have described them in the books. So they really aren't an object you trade.
207) There is no Makuta set, Toa or otherwise, in 2005.
218) Cause the animators need to use existing BIONICLE parts to design new things.
229) No idea.
2310) Don't know, I don't have the set.
1Q-N, there are no combiners, in the booklet or otherwise, for the Lhikan and Kikanalo set.
11. On the topic of spirit stars, does a spirit star last for as long as a Toa has his powers, or as long as he lives?
22. If a spirit star is around for as long as a Toa lives, how come the Toa Nuva didn't know that there 6 other toa? Shouldn't they have seen the Toa Metru's stars along with their own?
33. Before you said that a creature changes in EP if it was destined to. But after reading Maze of Shadows, it seems that a creature transforms solely on wether the EP creature wants it to. Does the EP creature decide if it is a being's 'destiny' to transform?
44. You said Tahu and co. were alive the same time Lhiikan was. Do you mean that they were toa at the same time? Or do you mean how Vakama is alive the same time as Lhiikan, except Lhiikan is a toa when Vakama is a matoran?
55. a. was Ihu one of the matoran the Toa Metru rescued on their return to Metru-Nui?
6b. If so, didn't he wonder why a mountain was named after him, or did he assume that he was named after the mountain?
76. Now that the Turaga are revealing their story, are the matoran on Mata-Nui trying to pressure Matoro into giving them information?
87. I know you said that a team of Toa having 7 members was rare, but has it happened before? And if so was the 7th toa always a toa of light?
91) Good question. Based on the movie, I would say as long as he lives.
102) You are assuming the Toa Olda were active during the period the Metru were in existence. They may well have been in canisters that whole time. Remember, the Toa Metru were Toa for only a couple weeks before the eclipse, and at that point of the eclipse, the Toa Olda came "down from the sky" to save Mata Nui, hit the ocean, and stayed there for 1000 years.
113) No. If the creatures it hit with EP were not destined to change, they wouldn't. It is POSSIBLE EP has some insight into whether it is their destiny, however.
124) I meant as Toa.
135) No. Ihu is dead before LOMN even starts. He died in a chute accident.
146) They may be, but hopefully they are not putting him through that. Hahli is recording what is being said, so they can read her Chronicles.
157) As far as I know right this second, there was never a Toa of Light before Takanuva. But let me emphasize again, that is as far as I know right now -- the story team head may know something I don't.
17Greg didn't understand the second questio, I'll have to PM him about it later.
22. If a spirit star is around for as long as a Toa lives, how come the Toa Nuva didn't know that there 6 other toa? Shouldn't they have seen the Toa Metru's stars along with their own?
33. Before you said that a creature changes in EP if it was destined to. But after reading Maze of Shadows, it seems that a creature transforms solely on wether the EP creature wants it to. Does the EP creature decide if it is a being's 'destiny' to transform?
44. You said Tahu and co. were alive the same time Lhiikan was. Do you mean that they were toa at the same time? Or do you mean how Vakama is alive the same time as Lhiikan, except Lhiikan is a toa when Vakama is a matoran?
55. a. was Ihu one of the matoran the Toa Metru rescued on their return to Metru-Nui?
6b. If so, didn't he wonder why a mountain was named after him, or did he assume that he was named after the mountain?
76. Now that the Turaga are revealing their story, are the matoran on Mata-Nui trying to pressure Matoro into giving them information?
87. I know you said that a team of Toa having 7 members was rare, but has it happened before? And if so was the 7th toa always a toa of light?
91) Good question. Based on the movie, I would say as long as he lives.
102) You are assuming the Toa Olda were active during the period the Metru were in existence. They may well have been in canisters that whole time. Remember, the Toa Metru were Toa for only a couple weeks before the eclipse, and at that point of the eclipse, the Toa Olda came "down from the sky" to save Mata Nui, hit the ocean, and stayed there for 1000 years.
113) No. If the creatures it hit with EP were not destined to change, they wouldn't. It is POSSIBLE EP has some insight into whether it is their destiny, however.
124) I meant as Toa.
135) No. Ihu is dead before LOMN even starts. He died in a chute accident.
146) They may be, but hopefully they are not putting him through that. Hahli is recording what is being said, so they can read her Chronicles.
157) As far as I know right this second, there was never a Toa of Light before Takanuva. But let me emphasize again, that is as far as I know right now -- the story team head may know something I don't.
17Greg didn't understand the second questio, I'll have to PM him about it later.
1Q-N, there are no combiners, in the booklet or otherwise, for the Lhikan and Kikanalo set.
2I know, these were from a LONG time ago. I'm still annoyed that it didn't come w/one.
3Here's a few more.
41) I've been doing a collection of different Bionicle Storyline material and trying to make it all fit together. I once heard you mention comics 19 and 20 took place before they took the vahki transport to Po-Metru, but after they escaped from the coliseum. What's strange is, in the movie, the Toa jump off the Coliseum ledge and take the chute directly to Ko-Metru, where they board the Vahki transport. How does this fit together?
52) Hypothetical question- Let's say you are a Toa of Fire, and you have achieved your destiny. Your whole team is tired of battling, but you want to defend your island more. Can you stay Toa while they become Turaga?
62b) If yes to 2, say a new team of Toa is created. Can you be the trainer or a 7th Toa on their team?
73) Another hypothetical question- Let's say I'm Turaga Vakama. I've used up the power in my Toa Disk. Can I still make a working mask of fire?
84) Lhikan's shield shattered when Makuta grabbed it and struck it, but can it be repared with a regeneration mask or disk?
95) Remove poison disks and masks seem a little limited, but if a venemous fire serpent was about to attack me, could I launch a removes poison disk at it to weaken it?
106) Did Krekka find his staffs in the archives?
117) My dad watched some B2 action scenes with me, and said something interesting. He said Krekka looked like he had one eye. Also, when Onewa was controlling him, the dark hole in Krekka's face lit up orange like his eye. Do you think one eye somehow got, well...poked out?
128) Does that "mirror room" in the coliseum hold many secrets to the future storyline?
139)There was a topic recently about seeing other statues in the Coliseum scene, which are possibly Lhikan's team. I checked it out, though it was hard to determine, but I think this topic is right. Can you tell me if this is true?
14Sorry there are so many. Thanks again:
15-The Dementor- (Soon changing my name)
161) Put simply, movies wreak havoc on storytelling. The second half of the year comics have to be set during the movie, but not reveal any movie plot, so I have to slip them in between scenes. Heck, all of BA#8 takes place in between two scenes in B3.
172) Yes. You become a Turaga by making a voluntary choice to sacrifice your Toa power for the greater good. If you choose not to , you won't become a Turaga. 182b) If they want you to be, yes. Had the Toa Metru been created in a way that did not involve Lhikan becoming a Turaga, and he wasn't captured, he could have been their team leader. 193) No. Once the disk is spent, it's spent. 204) Yes 215) No, you have to use it on someone who has been poisoned 226) Not to my knowledge, no 237) Actually, someone on BZP started a topic on this (I think it was Gukko, who is now under Pekel, I think) detailing a very good theory on the whole eye thing. 248) Not that I know of 259) I don't recall seeing others, but I have not watched the movie in a few months.
1well i got a few Qs...most of them you proabaly can't awnser
21:this one's about nidikh,what was nidikh before he was a "toa" 3and did he change again when he became a dark hunter?
42:was there a gold disk?
53:i'm a little behind on this stuff so here it goes:what is the visorakh's purpose 6and you get powers when your bitten by a visorakh?
74:what do the visorakh bitten matoren look like(stuff like pices)if you can't give me some sort of discription then just tell me if there are any new piecies in them. 8assuming that you do make set's for them.
9well life i said on the top of the post most of them you proabaly can't awnser or 10already have awnserd and will sigh in annoyence.
21:this one's about nidikh,what was nidikh before he was a "toa" 3and did he change again when he became a dark hunter?
42:was there a gold disk?
53:i'm a little behind on this stuff so here it goes:what is the visorakh's purpose 6and you get powers when your bitten by a visorakh?

74:what do the visorakh bitten matoren look like(stuff like pices)if you can't give me some sort of discription then just tell me if there are any new piecies in them. 8assuming that you do make set's for them.
9well life i said on the top of the post most of them you proabaly can't awnser or 10already have awnserd and will sigh in annoyence.
17) Actually, someone on BZP started a topic on this (I think it was Gukko, who is now under Pekel, I think) detailing a very good theory on the whole eye thing.
2He knows my name: *squeals*
3Funny. . . I just got a PM about this two days ago from a member who recieved a similar response. Turns out I had deleted my explanation pictures from the topic (>_<), so I had to make new ones. Here you go, but no posting in it. To quote Matoro the Moderator, "Zombies = Bad."
4vanaka, please PM your questions to the member "GregF". He will PM you back a reply.
1Vanaka, you have to P.M. him with your question.
23. One of my favorite characters in that egotistic Entity. First of all, what was he? He seemed to be made of Energized Protodermis, but did he have any other origins?
3He was made of energized protodermis, yes. I see him as sort of the EP version of a water elemental.
44. Was he really more powerful than Makuta? I'm not sure if that's fact or just his opinion.
5Well, he sees it this way -- Makuta has the imagination and the plan, he has the power to make it happen. So whether he is greater than Makuta or not depends on which aspect you value more.
65. Will we see him ever again?
7Well, I know one place you will definitely see him, I believe he is in next year's video game.
8I am now officially psyched for the video game. I can't wait to battle -- or be -- a creature made of Energized Protodermis. Sweet.
9Kill me, I'm now old. 13. Boo-yah.

1well i got a few Qs...most of them you proabaly can't awnser
21:this one's about nidikh,what was nidikh before he was a "toa" 3and did he change again when he became a dark hunter?
42:was there a gold disk?
53:i'm a little behind on this stuff so here it goes:what is the visorakh's purpose 6and you get powers when your bitten by a visorakh?![]()
74:what do the visorakh bitten matoren look like(stuff like pices)if you can't give me some sort of discription then just tell me if there are any new piecies in them. 8assuming that you do make set's for them.
9well life i said on the top of the post most of them you proabaly can't awnser or 10already have awnserd and will sigh in annoyence.
11Best vanaka, you have to post them too GregF
12Well i have asked some questions and this are the answers and questions.
13QUOTE 14Best GregF, 15I have a few questions and I hope you could answer them.
161) is it possible that the Bahrag make Krana with some eggs that is full of energized protodermis? Or do they brake it out? 172) Is it already known what powers the Female Villian has? 183) Can the Visorak make webs to capture things? 194) Why and what makes the Visorak so dangerous?
20Thanks for your time and work to read it.
221) Don't have that info to share 232) It's known to me, yes 243) Yes 254) Name it -- their violent personalities, their skill and ruthlessness as hunters, their mutagenic venom, their nasty spinner powers ...
27And this were the second row
28Best GregF,
29I have some questions again. 301: Will the Vhaki Vahi/Disk of Time Promo come to the Netherlands too? 312: So yes will it come to the normal store's too? 323: Are the webs of the Visorak Strong? 334: Who is Valor (one of the Toa Kaita has the mask of the wisdom of Valor or something like that). 345:Nivawk, was it a friend of Turaga Dume or of the Makuta?
35Thanks for your time and work.
371-2) All I know about is Target in the US, Dino. I don't work on the promotions end of things, so I have no idea what is being done internationally if anything. 383) Yes 394) Valor means bravery -- it's not a character 405) It was Makuta's pet when he was posing as Dume
41So Nivawk was Makuta's pet and never the pet of Dume. That is interessting. Hmm, Valor is not a character, surprising, thought is was a Spirit

1That Q&A about Nivahk is interesting... That makes me think the Nivahk was a nother experament of Makuta's....Wonder if he has any power's?
1Dinoman, The great mask of Valor is mask wich is wore by one of the Toa Kaita, but i don't know wich one.
3Nuhrii the Metruan Posted on Nov 16 2004, 06:14 PM 4The Kaita of Valor is Akamai and his mask is the Kanohi Aki, a gold Hau.
6Thanks for the info. Now I know wicht one it is.
7That Q&A about Nivahk is interesting... That makes me think the Nivahk was a nother experament of Makuta's....Wonder if he has any power's?
8I thought a little bit the same. So maybe it was an expirement.......................... 9Thanks for the info fellow members.
1SOme awesome information from GregFarshtey here. If you don't want 2005 spoiled don't read. If you want to know who Roodaka is, read on:
3Dear Mr. Farshtey, I've decided that to save you time, I'll only ask a few questions every 1-2 months. I call it my: Help Mr. Farshtey: Plan. Anyway, looking forward to 2005, and Maze of Shadows. Thank you in Advance. Also, congrats on Maze of Shadows. It was really good.
41. Were the Visorak known about on Metru Nui by possible the Toa(before Vakama and Co.), Turaga Dume, or maybe the archivists?
51) There was a vague reference to the Visorak in the Archives, but it was so vague Whenua did not even remember it when Onewa said the name.
62. Does Hordika by any chance mean a mutation? Or is it just a cool name to add to the Toa?
72) Hordika basically means "half beast"
83. About when should the Rahaga be available(first week in December, second week?)?
93) Don't know exact dates
104. In a topic by Nuhrii the Metruan, he said Roodaka was the female villian and the black set. Is this true?
114) That is true, yes
125. Is Sidorak really the green set? 136. Is Keetongu really the yellow set?
145-6) Nuhrii's info on this was wrong, and did not come from me.
157. Are the sets, Sidorak, Keetongu, and Roodaka available in March 2005? 167) Yes, to the best of my knowledge
178. If not, when will Sidorak, Keetongu, and Roodaka be available?
189. So the protodermis entity is like a spirit that entered the protodermis, bringing it to life?
199) No.
2010. What was that krana-kraata creature?
2110) Hasn't been revealed yet
2211. When ONewa screams that the Visorak are watching is that true? Were the Visorak really watching Metru Nui?
2311) Yes
2412. Will the Hordika be available before Christmas? During?
2512) All I know is I heard December, I don't know exactly when
2613. Are the Rahaga Metru Nui colors or the original colors?(For example, is Norik's head Metru red or Turahk red?)
2713) Oh, heck, no idea
2814. Are the Rahaga pictures in Comic 21 accurate?
2914) Yes
3015. Are the Rhotuka colored? Or are they all the same, like Kanoka?(besides code and symbol.)
3115) Don't know, all I have seen are prototype sets
3216. Do the Hordika lauch Rhotuka from their backs?
3316) Yes
3417. How would Miss Female compare to Nidhiki?
3517) She's smarter and more subtle
3618. Does Miss Female hate Toa(Like NIdhiki)?
3718) I would say yes and no. She certainly regards them as enemies, but she is too smart to hate. Hate blinds you and makes you make mistakes. Roodaka finds ways to use her enemies.
3819. Is Miss Female Makuta's sister(in toa-like relation, such as Tahu is brother to Gali).
3919) No
4020. Does Miss Female have any relation to Makuta? (know him, seen him, heard of him, likes him, sister to him, friend to him, etc.)
4120) Well, she does know of him, most beings in BIONICLE do
4221. Does Miss Female 'rule' the Visorak or 'command' them?
4321) Roodaka is sort of like a viceroy to the Visorak ... the first printing of Book 7 does at one point call her a queen, but that is not accurate.
44Thank you, that's all for this issue. Can't wait for Web of the Visorak:
45Visorak-kal (Formerly Cahdok-kal)
46Enjoy: The world must know:
47If you've been dying to have Roodaka forever, you only have to wait to March. And you're like me:
48Also, I didn't know Roodaka was the vieceroy: That's so cool:
49Also, Nuhrii's topic was wrong, only the ROodaka part was right.
3Dear Mr. Farshtey, I've decided that to save you time, I'll only ask a few questions every 1-2 months. I call it my: Help Mr. Farshtey: Plan. Anyway, looking forward to 2005, and Maze of Shadows. Thank you in Advance. Also, congrats on Maze of Shadows. It was really good.
41. Were the Visorak known about on Metru Nui by possible the Toa(before Vakama and Co.), Turaga Dume, or maybe the archivists?
51) There was a vague reference to the Visorak in the Archives, but it was so vague Whenua did not even remember it when Onewa said the name.
62. Does Hordika by any chance mean a mutation? Or is it just a cool name to add to the Toa?
72) Hordika basically means "half beast"
83. About when should the Rahaga be available(first week in December, second week?)?
93) Don't know exact dates
104. In a topic by Nuhrii the Metruan, he said Roodaka was the female villian and the black set. Is this true?
114) That is true, yes
125. Is Sidorak really the green set? 136. Is Keetongu really the yellow set?
145-6) Nuhrii's info on this was wrong, and did not come from me.
157. Are the sets, Sidorak, Keetongu, and Roodaka available in March 2005? 167) Yes, to the best of my knowledge
178. If not, when will Sidorak, Keetongu, and Roodaka be available?
189. So the protodermis entity is like a spirit that entered the protodermis, bringing it to life?
199) No.
2010. What was that krana-kraata creature?
2110) Hasn't been revealed yet
2211. When ONewa screams that the Visorak are watching is that true? Were the Visorak really watching Metru Nui?
2311) Yes
2412. Will the Hordika be available before Christmas? During?
2512) All I know is I heard December, I don't know exactly when
2613. Are the Rahaga Metru Nui colors or the original colors?(For example, is Norik's head Metru red or Turahk red?)
2713) Oh, heck, no idea
2814. Are the Rahaga pictures in Comic 21 accurate?
2914) Yes
3015. Are the Rhotuka colored? Or are they all the same, like Kanoka?(besides code and symbol.)
3115) Don't know, all I have seen are prototype sets
3216. Do the Hordika lauch Rhotuka from their backs?
3316) Yes
3417. How would Miss Female compare to Nidhiki?
3517) She's smarter and more subtle
3618. Does Miss Female hate Toa(Like NIdhiki)?
3718) I would say yes and no. She certainly regards them as enemies, but she is too smart to hate. Hate blinds you and makes you make mistakes. Roodaka finds ways to use her enemies.
3819. Is Miss Female Makuta's sister(in toa-like relation, such as Tahu is brother to Gali).
3919) No
4020. Does Miss Female have any relation to Makuta? (know him, seen him, heard of him, likes him, sister to him, friend to him, etc.)
4120) Well, she does know of him, most beings in BIONICLE do
4221. Does Miss Female 'rule' the Visorak or 'command' them?
4321) Roodaka is sort of like a viceroy to the Visorak ... the first printing of Book 7 does at one point call her a queen, but that is not accurate.
44Thank you, that's all for this issue. Can't wait for Web of the Visorak:
45Visorak-kal (Formerly Cahdok-kal)
46Enjoy: The world must know:
47If you've been dying to have Roodaka forever, you only have to wait to March. And you're like me:
48Also, I didn't know Roodaka was the vieceroy: That's so cool:
49Also, Nuhrii's topic was wrong, only the ROodaka part was right.
11. I noticed you said #8 takes place in between two movie scenes. Is this similar to how this year`s movie showed the first part of BA#1 and then skipped to #4? In other words, does it show the part of #7 where they become hordika, then skip to #9?
22. That seems kind of awkward to write for. As far as you know, are there movies planned for 06 and beyond? Or maybe a six-episode series spread over the course of a year?
33. The EP entity raised a lot of questions. Is all protodermis, or Just energized protodermis, in a way, sentient? Or was he a lifeform created from EP by makuta?
44. Will the real karzahni appear in bionicle in the future? That entire legend is especialy intriguing, especially about the emphasis of labor in matoran culture. Everything in metru nui is centered around work.
55. Sine Mata-Nui came to the matoran during the time they believed in karzahni/artahka, did he "rescue" them from anything? Also, will we learn the original purpose of the matoran?
66. Are the rahaga the only six rahaga that ever existed?
77. Were they always rahaga?
88. Will BA#10 be the last book in adventures? If it is, does it show the beach scene at the end of LOMN?
91) Yes 102) There is a movie planned for '05, I have no idea what happens beyond that. Maybe more movies, maybe a TV show, maybe something else, too soon to tell. 113) I see him as sort of like an EP elemental. 124) I would certainly love if he did. I am glad you liked that section, I enjoyed writing it. 135) You will, eventually, yes, and the coming of Mata Nui certainly did change a lot for the Matoran, yes. 146) Far as I know 157) You'll find out by March 168) 10's not written yet, so I don't know if I am going to show the beach scene again. Maybe. Scholastic is already making plans for more books in '06, so while they may or may not change the umbrella title, at this point it looks like the books will go on.
22. That seems kind of awkward to write for. As far as you know, are there movies planned for 06 and beyond? Or maybe a six-episode series spread over the course of a year?
33. The EP entity raised a lot of questions. Is all protodermis, or Just energized protodermis, in a way, sentient? Or was he a lifeform created from EP by makuta?
44. Will the real karzahni appear in bionicle in the future? That entire legend is especialy intriguing, especially about the emphasis of labor in matoran culture. Everything in metru nui is centered around work.
55. Sine Mata-Nui came to the matoran during the time they believed in karzahni/artahka, did he "rescue" them from anything? Also, will we learn the original purpose of the matoran?
66. Are the rahaga the only six rahaga that ever existed?
77. Were they always rahaga?
88. Will BA#10 be the last book in adventures? If it is, does it show the beach scene at the end of LOMN?
91) Yes 102) There is a movie planned for '05, I have no idea what happens beyond that. Maybe more movies, maybe a TV show, maybe something else, too soon to tell. 113) I see him as sort of like an EP elemental. 124) I would certainly love if he did. I am glad you liked that section, I enjoyed writing it. 135) You will, eventually, yes, and the coming of Mata Nui certainly did change a lot for the Matoran, yes. 146) Far as I know 157) You'll find out by March 168) 10's not written yet, so I don't know if I am going to show the beach scene again. Maybe. Scholastic is already making plans for more books in '06, so while they may or may not change the umbrella title, at this point it looks like the books will go on.
1What's a viceroy?
1Hmm... my guess is, Greg means the first meaning...

1Inresting, so she`s only the representative of someone even more powerful....
1New Q&As
25Well there's no green guy... 26We will never find out what Vakama was going to say
27Roodaka gets a kick out of killing visorak 28and we will learn last year why the visorak came early next year???
2Well just read MOS(Hey that works well() Vakama's definetly taken on the leader role,(rather Tahu like I mite ad) Hopfully the toa metru havent grone to cold tourd eachother...anyway I have some questions...
31: The krana/kratta that jumped Onewa's mask was trembling about the visorak? Why? How did it know about the visorak?
41) Can't answer it
52:And what was it that the visorak knew about that made it tremble?
62) There are a lot of tremble-worthy things about the Visorak
73id Vakama feel raspansable for the toa terning Hordika becuse he had a vision of it and never told them?
83) No
94: Vakama was going to vioce somthing about the spheres and the bohrok, what was he going to say before he had the vision of the bohrok distroying mata-nui? "Do you think that perhaps--?" fill please?
104) No one will ever know, he never finished the sentence
115:The karazani siad that Makuta had freed himself and was only slowed down, did Makuta plan the visorak?(Or if you cant say, can you tell when we will?)
125) You will know why the Visorak came fairly early last year
136:Makuta dabbled in mask making huh? Tehe, he probally had many more fumbles than Vakama. Did he ever sucsede?(sp?)
146) Well, maybe.
15You were right when you said 05 would be dark...the last line "There are some stories never ment to be told." Me and my mom are going crazy, you do it evry book: Now we must wate till 05: Anyway...
167:I read a post of yours saying that the female vilain's name was Roodaka, I thought for shore it would be sidorak... as a mater a fact I had evry name rong*sigh* I thought keetongu would be the green guy and the yellow rahi would be roodaka....
177) There actually is no green guy.
188:What satisfaction could roodaka get out of throughing a visorak of a cliff:?:
198) Kicks
209: when in this long advencher did the toa metru ever sleep? Theve gota be tyerd, or do they just not need it as we humans do?
219) They need it, just not as much. And they were in a hurry.
22My mom has a question for you to...she wants to know if the Toa need to drink liquids to keep fit? Since Nokama took a drink of Mata-nui sea water and spat it out, do they need fresh water or proto to stay alive?
2310) Not that we have seen. I believe they get all their energy from direct absorption from food, as we have never shown them drinking (I don't think).
24Thats all I have for now... Thanks agane![]()
25Well there's no green guy... 26We will never find out what Vakama was going to say

1well i cant get the quote but the visorahk will have a king.
1{1} Besides their Rohtuka, do the Rahaga have powers? (Elemental, etc)
21) No
3{2} Have there been more Rahaga besides the six in 2005? If so, are they still in action?
42) Not to my knowledge
5{3} Were the Rahaga always Rahaga?
63) Can't answer that
7That would mean yes. Why could he not tell us if they were always Rahaga if they had not changed at some point?
8{4} What happened to all the Kanoka in 2005?
94) They still exist
10{5} Do the Visorak have control over what 'Rahi genes' or whatever are in their venom, and therefore have control over what Rahi their subjects turn into?
115) No
12{6} How much time does Visorak Venom take to totally transform you?
136) Depends on what you mean by totally transform. It doesn't take long for the Toa to become Hordika, but that is not the end of their transformation. Left unchecked, they would become completely Rahi.
14{7} "Who says all Toa have to be humaniod?" Is it me, or were you hinting at something, perhaps future storyline?
157) Just me throwing out a suggestion
16Shoot, I thounght he might be hinting at something.
17{8} The Regeneration Kanoka has me baffled. When thinking it over, a number of problems have some up that I can't solve. For example, if a Matoran grabbed a piece of rock, and carved it into a piece of art. WHile he was carving, his chisel slipped and he gouged it. The owner of that particular piece also comes along, and he sees his piece of rock damaged. He consider's the artist's work damage to his chunk of rock. Would a Regen kanoka, have different effects when used by the two matoran? Simply put, does the disk repair only that which the user considers damage, and have different effects with different users?
188) No. If I take a piece of rock, carve it into something, it is then that "something" -- so if it gets damaged, a regen disk will make it back into that something again.
19Not what I meant. What is somebody vandalizes a sculpture with a chisel, slowly? Would that fool the disk?
20{9} What difference are their between say, a level 3 regen and a level 6 regen? Does the power level of the regen kanoka affect;
21a. How far the disk can repair the object to, 22b. The size of the area affected by the Kanoka, 23c. or the power of the damage done that can be reapaired?
249) It affects extent of damage that can be repaired
25That's all for now.
1{3} Were the Rahaga always Rahaga?
23) Can't answer that
3That would mean yes. Why could he not tell us if they were always Rahaga if they had not changed at some point?
4It could be that the Rahaga being something else is still being debated... If he says one way, and then the story team decides the other, it could have... undesired consequences. Greg doesn't like to say anything about something that could easily be contradicted in the future.
1More answers from Mr. F..
21. When will we find out what the Tahtorak's question was?
31) Well, there are hints in the Rahi Guide next year.
42. What is Roporak's spinner power?
52) I am not releasing the spinner powers yet
63. Do the Hordika have any powers beside their Rhotuka and elements?
73) No
84. Are there any McDonald's promos scheduled for next year?
94) No
105. What are the jobs of the other people on the story team?
115) Prior to this month, when we changed some things, the other story team members were the head, who was from Character and Story Development; the web producer; the franchiste manager; the artist who does the CGI pics; and occasionally the product designer. We now have a story steering committee that is those people (except the web producer), and a story team that is myself and Bob Thompson.
21. When will we find out what the Tahtorak's question was?
31) Well, there are hints in the Rahi Guide next year.
42. What is Roporak's spinner power?
52) I am not releasing the spinner powers yet
63. Do the Hordika have any powers beside their Rhotuka and elements?
73) No
84. Are there any McDonald's promos scheduled for next year?
94) No
105. What are the jobs of the other people on the story team?
115) Prior to this month, when we changed some things, the other story team members were the head, who was from Character and Story Development; the web producer; the franchiste manager; the artist who does the CGI pics; and occasionally the product designer. We now have a story steering committee that is those people (except the web producer), and a story team that is myself and Bob Thompson.