1QUOTE 2Can bionicles bleed?
3QUOTE 4Well, let's think it through a second --
5Blood does a number of things -- it carries oxygen and nutrients through the body, and it carries waste away. We know that BIONICLE characters breathe, because otherwise they would not need Masks of Water Breathing. We don't know WHAT they breathe -- whether it is oxygenitrogen or something else -- or how their organic protodermis lungs process what they breathe. So there is no proof there that a circulatory system would be required.
6If BIONICLE characters do eat (as I think they do), they do it by directly absorbing energy, not by chewing and swallowing as we do (except in very rare cases). They need energy because they are partially organic, but we do not know whether organic protodermis requires any kind of a circulatory system to function. There is no digestive system as we have, there is no waste. So they wouldn't need a circulatory system for that.
7So the answer is, at this point, there is no reason to believe BIONICLE characters have blood as we know blood, or a circulatory system as such.
3QUOTE 4Well, let's think it through a second --
5Blood does a number of things -- it carries oxygen and nutrients through the body, and it carries waste away. We know that BIONICLE characters breathe, because otherwise they would not need Masks of Water Breathing. We don't know WHAT they breathe -- whether it is oxygenitrogen or something else -- or how their organic protodermis lungs process what they breathe. So there is no proof there that a circulatory system would be required.
6If BIONICLE characters do eat (as I think they do), they do it by directly absorbing energy, not by chewing and swallowing as we do (except in very rare cases). They need energy because they are partially organic, but we do not know whether organic protodermis requires any kind of a circulatory system to function. There is no digestive system as we have, there is no waste. So they wouldn't need a circulatory system for that.
7So the answer is, at this point, there is no reason to believe BIONICLE characters have blood as we know blood, or a circulatory system as such.
1Me: 2As any bionicle fan knows, Huki and Maku and posibly jaller and Hali, have a more then friend relaship. Does this mean they can create offspring even though ga-matoran are the only female matoran.? Beacuse toa, turaga and maroran can only die from unnataral means(as seen in both movies). if a horrible event was to wipe out the entire poplulation of mata nui exept Huki and Maku would they be able to replenish the population? also did the above matoran have the same kinds of fealings for each other on metru-nui?
31) To answer your second question first, it is possible that they had feelings, but they would have had to rediscover them since their memories were wiped after they came to Mata Nui.
42) Answer to your first question is no. There is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, and Matorans' "feelings" for each other have absolutely nothing to do with new Matoran coming into being. The things needed to create new Matoran did not exist on Mata Nui, which is why no Matoran ever were created there.
31) To answer your second question first, it is possible that they had feelings, but they would have had to rediscover them since their memories were wiped after they came to Mata Nui.
42) Answer to your first question is no. There is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, and Matorans' "feelings" for each other have absolutely nothing to do with new Matoran coming into being. The things needed to create new Matoran did not exist on Mata Nui, which is why no Matoran ever were created there.
1I loved Maze of Shadows, and KUTGW:
21. THis Kratta/Krana thing, what is it?
32. If you can't tell us, does this mean we will find out?
43. Will it ever be in a set?
54. When Onewa said "They are watching", did he mean the Visorak were watching them right that second?
6Thanks a Million
81-3) Hasn't been revealed yet, but I will probably do more with it at some point. I have some ideas. I don't know that it will ever be in a set though, since it just something I created.
94) No, he was speaking metaphorically, that they were watching the city
1In Freehold, NJ, when you were signing books, you were talking to a young man with a notebook who was bent down on your right side. You said something about 9 Toa at the time at which I came up to you. Could you tell me what you were talking about?
2Also, what do you do in-between tour dates? Do you stay in the area and vist historic sites, or shop? Or do you move on?
3I'd really appreciate answers, if you can remember what you were talking about. Thanks:
5Hey Hau,
61) I was telling him that in the Rahi Guide, there is a creature called a Kanohi Dragon (one of the fan models), and there is a reference we wrote in the book that 1000 years before LOMN, legend states that Lhikan and 9 (or 10, can't remember now) other Toa came to Metru Nui to fight it.
72) Actually, no. The car service brings me down, drops me off, I do the signing, and then after I get back in the car and go home. The signings are generally pretty spaced out, in time and in geography, and with my writing schedule I really have no time to hang out and sightsee.
11a) Which sets will be combined to make the Gate Guardian? (Just vague, like some Visorak, some Hordika, or the sets you can't really discuss right now.)
21b.) Do you like the look of the combiner of him (if you've seen it.)
32. This is quite a year of sets: (22, I think, including the Rhotuka.) Do you think it is a big step for Lego?
43. Do you have any info on when the MNOLG 2 will be updated?
54. Can you tell me what Tahtorak's question was?
65. How fat will the encyclopedia be?
76. An answer in the OGD said that you were finishing up the Rahi Guide and working on Bionicle 23. What is that?
8Thank you so much for your time.
101) It's a Visorak combo set, but I don't remember which specific sets are involved. 112) Actually, the Gate Guardian is not that impressive, but that is part of its story. It's not supposed to be. 123) In some ways, yes 134) There are no plans to update it. It only got back online because the web producer fought for it, and there is no budget to do more work on it. 145) Nope 156) No idea. I have just started writing it. 167) The 23rd issue of the BIONICLE comic
21b.) Do you like the look of the combiner of him (if you've seen it.)
32. This is quite a year of sets: (22, I think, including the Rhotuka.) Do you think it is a big step for Lego?
43. Do you have any info on when the MNOLG 2 will be updated?
54. Can you tell me what Tahtorak's question was?
65. How fat will the encyclopedia be?
76. An answer in the OGD said that you were finishing up the Rahi Guide and working on Bionicle 23. What is that?
8Thank you so much for your time.
101) It's a Visorak combo set, but I don't remember which specific sets are involved. 112) Actually, the Gate Guardian is not that impressive, but that is part of its story. It's not supposed to be. 123) In some ways, yes 134) There are no plans to update it. It only got back online because the web producer fought for it, and there is no budget to do more work on it. 145) Nope 156) No idea. I have just started writing it. 167) The 23rd issue of the BIONICLE comic
1Time for funny quotes: 2SPOILERS
A bit)
23LOL, Well thats what i got.

Him: Me: Him: Me: 3Well heres what i want to know:
41:Could the visorak that imatates voices be mind controled by onewa's mask?
52:If so then could he use the power to play tricks on his fellow toa?
63:Is mata-nui even neer metru-nui?
74:What are the chances of the visorak venom to stop mutating on its own?
8And here are some random questions not really bionicle related:
95:What do you think of this?:
11I made that signature for you, Kinda like how someone made you an avatar.
126:How did you first get into writing?
13I hope you answer, Hope you have a nice day.-Shade
141) Any Visorak could be. Unfortunately, Toa Hordika have no access to mask powers
153) The island or the Great Spirit?
164) Pretty much none
175) It's cool
186) I have been writing since 4th grade. I started doing it seriously in high school, and all of the jobs I have had since college have involved writing in one way or another
193:The great spirit mata-nui, I know that the islands preatty close.
205:Would you ever want to use the signature? Im sure it fits into BZP guidelines.
213) I can't discuss where Mata Nui is, sorry.
225) I don't know, it took me a year to get around to adding an avatar
23LOL, Well thats what i got.
1Dunno if this has been posted before *Doesn't feel like searching through 91 pages
* But I asked Greg this question:
2Q: : Will we ever find out what Nidhiki meant when he called Lhikan his brother?
3A:I can tell you right now, Tech. Remember the exchange -- Nidhiki calls him brother, and Lhikan says that he "lost the right to call him that" long ago -- which means at some point he HAD the right to call him that. And the only beings we know of who call each other brother are Toa. So what it meant was that Nidhiki was once a Toa and Lhikan must have known him, or known of him, during that time.
4Just to clear up some of the questions that we might have had about it. And for those of you who wonder just how Greg does it, I asked:
5Q:I'm kinda a writer and I barely find enough time to write 1 story. How do you manage to write comics, books, BIONICLE Encyclopedias, and all that, and still have time for our questions?
6A:I write really fast, and with BIONICLE, I usually only have to do one draft. Also, you will find you write faster when you have a contract and a deadline you have to meet. If I am just writing for myself, I go slower and it takes a lot longer.
7Hope it answers some questions

2Q: : Will we ever find out what Nidhiki meant when he called Lhikan his brother?
3A:I can tell you right now, Tech. Remember the exchange -- Nidhiki calls him brother, and Lhikan says that he "lost the right to call him that" long ago -- which means at some point he HAD the right to call him that. And the only beings we know of who call each other brother are Toa. So what it meant was that Nidhiki was once a Toa and Lhikan must have known him, or known of him, during that time.
4Just to clear up some of the questions that we might have had about it. And for those of you who wonder just how Greg does it, I asked:
5Q:I'm kinda a writer and I barely find enough time to write 1 story. How do you manage to write comics, books, BIONICLE Encyclopedias, and all that, and still have time for our questions?
6A:I write really fast, and with BIONICLE, I usually only have to do one draft. Also, you will find you write faster when you have a contract and a deadline you have to meet. If I am just writing for myself, I go slower and it takes a lot longer.
7Hope it answers some questions

1It's different for us as kids because we don't have a whole team of editors to come through and fix it. Therefore it's not neccessary for Greg to write more drafts because the Editors fix it.
1Perhaps Roodaka is the emissary of the REAL Karzahni. *Dark visions forming...* Too much American Gothic... Gotta kick the habit... And yet...
1Possibly, but I doubt that we'll ever deal with anything related to a Matoran legend such as the Artakha and Karzahni one.
1Roodaka gets a kick out of killing visorak
2lol: *laughs* can't stop laughing:::: anywho nice info *sigh* greg really needs to be a bit cleaer...
3Wow, Greg only does 1 draft? Wow. That's like... a small number: Well, I guess since he has a deadline, you only have time for one draft. Although, I have deadlines for my writing/comics, and I do at least 2 drafts. (Of the writing.)
5wow he only does one draft that is really small::::
6It's different for us as kids because we don't have a whole team of editors to come through and fix it. Therefore it's not neccessary for Greg to write more drafts because the Editors fix it.
7to true my firend, to true.
1Kanohi Kiril: Great Mask of Regeneration, I'm sure there are other typos that slip by. But they were probably just swamped with work and hastened throught it. So even a team of editors and an author can miss a few things.
1ahh from the land of greg-nness i bring more greggness:
21. is mata nui (island) the same size as metru nui, or bigger, or smaller?
32. is there a limit to how much venom the visorahk can store in there bodys?
43. how do the visorahk reproduce venom? (i don't mean how do they apply it to the victims but how do they make it?)
54. is there going to be a visorahk queen?
65. sidorahk is the viceroy of the visorahk correct?
76. if sidroahk is the vicroy what exactly does she do?
87. in comic 21 (which by the way i thought the tahtorahk and everything about was awesome) that jaggedtoothed vakama, (you know the one vakama saw when he stared in the chunk of ice....) was this an evil vakama? or an in the middle of vakama's mutation to Vakama hordika?
98. in comic 21 that spider thing, was it a visorahk?
109. do the toa hordika have any other power besides rhotuka spinners and there elemental powers?
1110. what are the toa hordiak's rhotuka spinners powers?
1211. are there any other differen't rahaga? (like different colors with differen't powers)
1312. will the rahaga be the same colors as the toa metru or will the be the colors of the rahkshis?
1413. will mr. yellow be helping the visorahk at all?
1514. what is your favorite toa metru?
1615. howcome the hordika don't have mask powers?
1716. how many bionicles do you have?
18ok greg i'll stop putting my questions down right there..... anywho hope you can answer them all....
191) Mata Nui is bigger.
202) I am sure there is.
213) It is naturally generated in their bodies.
224) There are no plans for one. There is a reference to their having a queen in Book 7, but it's an error -- it should read viceroy -- and is being fixed in the second printing.
235) Wrong
246) Sidorak is not female
257) That was meant to represent a stage of Vakama's mutation to Hordika
268) No, there are no Visorak in that story, I don't think
279) Not really, no
2810) Their spinners contain their elemental powers -- it is the only way they can now access them -- and they can be charged up to produce really huge effects.
2911) Not to my knowledge, no
3012) Set pics are up on BZP's home page, so you can look for yourself
3113) Can't answer it
3214) Nuju and Onewa are my favorites
3315) Because being Hordika -- half hero, half beast -- the Toa are tainted. They no longer have the mental discipline to access mask powers, because they are constantly fighting a mental war against their beast sides
3416) Oh, gee ... a dozen or so, I guess. I have to buy them, just like you do.
36sorry ment roodaka in all of those, i got mixed up...
37if it wasn't a visorahk saying that what is it that said this: "you think you can save metru nui, little flame? you are just a matoran with delusions of adequacy. your time has run out and you don't even know it. ask my brother." who said that?
38also what was tahtorahk's question (if you can tell me) and the answer?
39also here is my two cents for the bionicle encyclepydia:
40details on all the disks (with out giving away the code) and great disks without making really really complicated
41details on all the visorahk (i think you probably are but i just wanted to say that just incase)
42maybe like a free kanoka code (like theon you put on the metru nui city guide only different)
43That was Nidhiki saying that. 44Greg
11.Do you remember some of the names from the Rahi Book?
22.When will you cover what Makuta meant by "Come join my brothers."?
33.The other entries in the Rahi Book, will they play a role in the storyline?
4Thank you.
51) Yes, but I am not sharing them at this point. The book doesn't come out for seven months and the names wouldn't mean anything to you at this point anyway.
62) We are planning a major story arc around that
73) Well, they are all considered part of the official storyline, so they will get worked in as I need to work them in
1Hi greg,
2I already ask you why Mask of light wasn't translate in french. I would also like to know:
31) If it was going to be translate in french?
42) If bionicle 3 was going to be translate in french?
53) How the Toa hordika meet the Rahaga?
81-2) Okay, well, I have no info on this. Like I said, LEGO does not produce the movies. That is all done in California.
93) The Rahaga rescue the Hordika right after they get mutated.
1Ummm... I think this is 2005SPOILERS
21) Can you tell us what the name of the Rahaga combiners are?
31) Colony Drone and Ice Vermin
42) In Comic 21, Vakama sees in his vision Makuta in Ultimate Dume form. Does that mean he knew of Ultimate Dume-Makuta before he fought it?
52) It means he probably got a sense of deja vu when he saw it for the first time
63) What's your favorite mask power to write? (It seems to me you like to play around with the Great Komau)
73) Mind Control is fun, Speed is fun
84) Was the krana/kraata thingamabob one of Makuta's experiments?
94) Hasn't been revealed yet
105) Was the krana/kraata trembling because it was scared of the Visorak?
115) Yup. Wouldn't you be?
126) Did the Dark Hunters create the Rahi Nui?
136) Hmmmm .. I doubt it. They aren't scientists, they are bounty hunters
147) Is it possible that the Rahi Nui was responsible for Lhikan's team of Toa not coming back form missions to the environs?
157) It's certainly possible.
21) Can you tell us what the name of the Rahaga combiners are?
31) Colony Drone and Ice Vermin
42) In Comic 21, Vakama sees in his vision Makuta in Ultimate Dume form. Does that mean he knew of Ultimate Dume-Makuta before he fought it?
52) It means he probably got a sense of deja vu when he saw it for the first time
63) What's your favorite mask power to write? (It seems to me you like to play around with the Great Komau)
73) Mind Control is fun, Speed is fun
84) Was the krana/kraata thingamabob one of Makuta's experiments?
94) Hasn't been revealed yet
105) Was the krana/kraata trembling because it was scared of the Visorak?
115) Yup. Wouldn't you be?
126) Did the Dark Hunters create the Rahi Nui?
136) Hmmmm .. I doubt it. They aren't scientists, they are bounty hunters
147) Is it possible that the Rahi Nui was responsible for Lhikan's team of Toa not coming back form missions to the environs?
157) It's certainly possible.
1Here are some questions,
21)If he were alive, would it be possible for Nidhiki to use a mask, since his origins are clearly that of a toa...
3I would say no. He certainly had access to Masks of Power through his work with false Dume, yet was not wearing one, which leads me to believe he can't. I doubt he would have passed up a chance for more power like that.
4Too bad, but Nidhiki has an awful lot of power to begin with...
52)Will we find out who frees Makuta in 05?
83)You hint at the vahki turning rather nasty later on, will we see acts of this in the upcoming comics, books, or even movie?
9In the books, yes.
114)Is it likely that some of the large 05 sets are good guys, seeing as there are going to be quite a few...
12There are three large sets in March, but I can't really comment on them beyond what I have already said.
13Just curious.
145)Will we get hints of what the Toa Nuva will return to in 05?
176)Are all matoran, as in throughout the BIONICLE planet, from Metru-Nui; could some possibly reside on other islands above and below ground?
18As far as I know -- and this is purely me, not from the story team, so not official -- there are no Matoran elsewhere. Again, I could be wrong about that.
19There's still hope...![]()
207)When the legend of Bionicle is told, it is refered to as that Mata-Nui descended from the Heavens, bringing the matoran to Mata-Nui (island). But isn't it the Toa Metru that decend from Mata-Nui (island) and bring the matoran to the island above? How does Mata-Nui (spirit) add into this?
21The Matoran credit Mata Nui for every good thing that happens to them, even 1000 years after he went to sleep. And think about it -- Vakama has a vision telling him to go toward the light, and that eventually leads the Toa Metru (and eventually the Matoran) to the island. So if you assume Vakama credits Mata Nui with the ability to have visions, then indirectly Mata Nui WAS responsible for the Matoran going to Metru Nui. The Turaga could not very well say, we came from below, because they were keeping Metru Nui a secret from the Matoran. So they just changed the direction a little.
22Interesting, those turaga are pretty good at hiding Metru-Nui...
23Last question, I swear.
248)With Mata-Nui and Makuta being 'brothers', how can they be on different power levels? Could Mata-Nui once have been on a power level similar to that of Makuta, and for his good deeds, Mata-Nui was promoted to the level of a 'Great Spirit' by the Great Beings, maybe even contributing to Makuta's jealousy?
25No -- since they are not "brothers" biologically, there is no reason that relation has to mean that they are at the same power level. Mata Nui has always been at the power level he is at, he was not promoted from something else.
26Aw darn: Good point about the power levels...
27Sorry for all the questions, but I don't ask that often. At least some are yes and no questions: Thanks a ton for taking time to answer them:
29See answers above, 30Greg
31Greg's answers in red, comments in dark red.

1A few questions, with spoilers for Maze of Shadows
21. The EP entity is not ALL the EP in the lair, right? The entity just part of the EP, and serves as the guardian of the rest of it? (Presumably there is EP that is not connected to the entity, because the Toa are able to take a vial of it.)
31) Yes
42. If (1) is correct... was the EP entity present in the protodermis pool in Makuta's lair during the MoL?
52) No. Different lair
63. Are all the freakish Rahi encountered by the Toa Metru--except for the Rahi Nui, of course--dead by the time of the present storyline? (The Metru mention a built-in obsolescence that doesn't exist for the natural Rahi, which would seem to imply this.)
73) Quite possibly, but -- that would assume no more have been created in the intervening years, and I don't think we can assume that.
84. Are the Rahi fleeing the Visorak, or the EP entity, or Karzahni? Or is it something else altogether?
94) The Rahi are fleeing the Visorak
105. In Tales of the Masks, the Rahi-Nui doesn't use any disk powers, but simply its incredible size and strength. Is this because the disk powers built into the Rahi have been depleted, as would happen for disks kept for 1000 years?
115) Actually, it happened because his molecules were dispersed for roughly 1000 years, so he didn't come back quite himself.
126. Would Karzahni have been able to defeat Makuta, if they had fought? (I suppose Makuta, being more mobile, could escape if he was losing... unless Karzahni was able to trap him somehow.)
136) I doubt it very much.
147. Is the original Karzahni of legend one of the 'brothers' Makuta mentions near the end of LoMN?
157) No
168. Can EP bring inanimate things to life, or can it only enhance beings that are already alive?
178) Well, he did bring the rock wall to life, so answer would be yes
189. Did any Visorak ever make it to Mata Nui?
199) Not to my knowledge
2010. At what point (which comic, book, etc.) does Roodaka show up in the storyline?
2110) January comic is her first appearance
22Yeah... the storyline is getting really good these days.
21. The EP entity is not ALL the EP in the lair, right? The entity just part of the EP, and serves as the guardian of the rest of it? (Presumably there is EP that is not connected to the entity, because the Toa are able to take a vial of it.)
31) Yes
42. If (1) is correct... was the EP entity present in the protodermis pool in Makuta's lair during the MoL?
52) No. Different lair
63. Are all the freakish Rahi encountered by the Toa Metru--except for the Rahi Nui, of course--dead by the time of the present storyline? (The Metru mention a built-in obsolescence that doesn't exist for the natural Rahi, which would seem to imply this.)
73) Quite possibly, but -- that would assume no more have been created in the intervening years, and I don't think we can assume that.
84. Are the Rahi fleeing the Visorak, or the EP entity, or Karzahni? Or is it something else altogether?
94) The Rahi are fleeing the Visorak
105. In Tales of the Masks, the Rahi-Nui doesn't use any disk powers, but simply its incredible size and strength. Is this because the disk powers built into the Rahi have been depleted, as would happen for disks kept for 1000 years?
115) Actually, it happened because his molecules were dispersed for roughly 1000 years, so he didn't come back quite himself.
126. Would Karzahni have been able to defeat Makuta, if they had fought? (I suppose Makuta, being more mobile, could escape if he was losing... unless Karzahni was able to trap him somehow.)
136) I doubt it very much.
147. Is the original Karzahni of legend one of the 'brothers' Makuta mentions near the end of LoMN?
157) No
168. Can EP bring inanimate things to life, or can it only enhance beings that are already alive?
178) Well, he did bring the rock wall to life, so answer would be yes
189. Did any Visorak ever make it to Mata Nui?
199) Not to my knowledge
2010. At what point (which comic, book, etc.) does Roodaka show up in the storyline?
2110) January comic is her first appearance
22Yeah... the storyline is getting really good these days.

1Darn, why'd I have to move
Oh well, guess I'll now have to pay for Lego magazine, I really want to see Roodaka.

1There is some interesting info in this...not too much though.
2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. I just thought of this...can the Hordika, being half Rahi, communicate 4and understand other Rahi?
52. If so, is this why Nuju speaks the Rahi language? Or did Kaulus teach 6him the language? (It is a Rahi language Turaga Nuju speaks, right?)
73. Will the Rahi on Metru Nui be helping our heroic little monsters? (The 8Hordika and Rahaga)
94. Are the Visorak grabbing everything living in sight to mutate, or just 10specific things?
115. Are there going to be any Visorak/Vahki clashes?
126. What is Roohdaka's perpose for being the 'viceroy' of the Visorak?
137. Will we learn about the Visoraks'/Roodaka's past?
148. How do you spell Roodaka? (The female villain I believe?)
171) Not so much communicate with, but they do have some connection to them now.
182) Kualus teaches him the language
193) To an extent, but most Rahi fear the Visorak
204) They do grab anything living, but they do not mutate everything they grab
215) Yes, in Book 8
226) Like any viceroy, she is the assistant to the king and rules in his absence.
237) Yes
248) Roodaka
271. Darn it: 282. Me and my short attention span.
293. Cool... 304. Ah:...Don't really understand... 315. Yeah: 326. The king? 337. Yay: 348.
36EDIT- Major info:
38QUOTE 39QUOTE 40QUOTE 41First of all, I'd like to check if you got my other Pm... 42Now to the questions:
431. I just thought of this...can the Hordika, being half Rahi, communicate 44and understand other Rahi?
452. If so, is this why Nuju speaks the Rahi language? Or did Kaulus teach 46him the language? (It is a Rahi language Turaga Nuju speaks, right?)
473. Will the Rahi on Metru Nui be helping our heroic little monsters? (The 48Hordika and Rahaga)
494. Are the Visorak grabbing everything living in sight to mutate, or just 50specific things?
515. Are there going to be any Visorak/Vahki clashes?
526. What is Roohdaka's perpose for being the 'viceroy' of the Visorak?
537. Will we learn about the Visoraks'/Roohdaka's past?
548. How do you spell Roohdaka? (The female villain I believe?)
571) Not so much communicate with, but they do have some connection to them now.
582) Kualus teaches him the language
593) To an extent, but most Rahi fear the Visorak
604) They do grab anything living, but they do not mutate everything they grab
615) Yes, in Book 8
626) Like any viceroy, she is the assistant to the king and rules in his absence.
637) Yes
648) Roodaka
66Okay...a couple of new questions...
671.Can the Rahaga communicate with Rahi? (Besides Kaulus?)
683.So I'm guessing no fighting along side a giant, mutated, musk-rat?
694.Do they mutate things they haven't mutated before, and use the others 70for other experiments, or what?
716. Are you suggesting that there is a King Visorak? (Or was?)
72Thanks again: (Sorry to bug you so much. )
741) Not directly, no
753) ??
764) Sometimes, yes
776) Yes
78Greg 79-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80A Visorak King: Go figure:
2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. I just thought of this...can the Hordika, being half Rahi, communicate 4and understand other Rahi?
52. If so, is this why Nuju speaks the Rahi language? Or did Kaulus teach 6him the language? (It is a Rahi language Turaga Nuju speaks, right?)
73. Will the Rahi on Metru Nui be helping our heroic little monsters? (The 8Hordika and Rahaga)
94. Are the Visorak grabbing everything living in sight to mutate, or just 10specific things?
115. Are there going to be any Visorak/Vahki clashes?
126. What is Roohdaka's perpose for being the 'viceroy' of the Visorak?
137. Will we learn about the Visoraks'/Roodaka's past?
148. How do you spell Roodaka? (The female villain I believe?)
171) Not so much communicate with, but they do have some connection to them now.
182) Kualus teaches him the language
193) To an extent, but most Rahi fear the Visorak
204) They do grab anything living, but they do not mutate everything they grab
215) Yes, in Book 8
226) Like any viceroy, she is the assistant to the king and rules in his absence.
237) Yes
248) Roodaka
271. Darn it: 282. Me and my short attention span.

36EDIT- Major info:
38QUOTE 39QUOTE 40QUOTE 41First of all, I'd like to check if you got my other Pm... 42Now to the questions:
431. I just thought of this...can the Hordika, being half Rahi, communicate 44and understand other Rahi?
452. If so, is this why Nuju speaks the Rahi language? Or did Kaulus teach 46him the language? (It is a Rahi language Turaga Nuju speaks, right?)
473. Will the Rahi on Metru Nui be helping our heroic little monsters? (The 48Hordika and Rahaga)
494. Are the Visorak grabbing everything living in sight to mutate, or just 50specific things?
515. Are there going to be any Visorak/Vahki clashes?
526. What is Roohdaka's perpose for being the 'viceroy' of the Visorak?
537. Will we learn about the Visoraks'/Roohdaka's past?
548. How do you spell Roohdaka? (The female villain I believe?)
571) Not so much communicate with, but they do have some connection to them now.
582) Kualus teaches him the language
593) To an extent, but most Rahi fear the Visorak
604) They do grab anything living, but they do not mutate everything they grab
615) Yes, in Book 8
626) Like any viceroy, she is the assistant to the king and rules in his absence.
637) Yes
648) Roodaka
66Okay...a couple of new questions...
671.Can the Rahaga communicate with Rahi? (Besides Kaulus?)
683.So I'm guessing no fighting along side a giant, mutated, musk-rat?
694.Do they mutate things they haven't mutated before, and use the others 70for other experiments, or what?
716. Are you suggesting that there is a King Visorak? (Or was?)
72Thanks again: (Sorry to bug you so much. )
741) Not directly, no
753) ??
764) Sometimes, yes
776) Yes
78Greg 79-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80A Visorak King: Go figure:

11) Is the Colony Drone the two-legged creature and the Ice Vermin the four-legged one? 22) Are the two Rahi? 33) Which Visorak do you need for the Gate Guardian? 44) Has the Gate Guardian a special name? 55) Which gate does he guard? 66) What are the Toa Hordika Combos 77) When will the Visorak King show up (which book) 88) Is it Makuta?
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) I don't recall offhand 124) That is his name 135) Depends on where they need him 146) I haven't got that info with me 157) 7, I think 168) No -- Makuta is not a big factor in the story next year, because he is trapped in protodermis just about the whole year
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) I don't recall offhand 124) That is his name 135) Depends on where they need him 146) I haven't got that info with me 157) 7, I think 168) No -- Makuta is not a big factor in the story next year, because he is trapped in protodermis just about the whole year
GregF Takua11 Hordika 1Here is what I believe the Toa Disks do:
2Nokama: Rips water from behind it, causing a huge Tidal Wave to follow the disk.
3Onewa: As it flies along, it gathers rocks and boulders until it hits its target, smashing it with all the objects.
4Vakama: It generates fire and becomes like a flaming comet.
5Whenua: Causes an earthquake that follows the disk.
6Nuju: It becomes an ultra cold disk. It trails behind a path of solid ice. When the disk hits, it has a wide freezing range. If it hits one target, any nearby will freeze also.
7Matau: It creates a massive tornado, swiping up anything in its path.
8Well, they are elemental based, yes. How powerful they are depends on whether or not the Toa Hordika use their tools to charge them up before launching, and if so, how much.
2QUOTE 3hi greg: got some QA32There you go:
41.can revele the name of the visoraks king?
52.the 'biggest set ever' is it good or evil?
63.do you ever read fan based epics?
74.how long will the 'makuta and his brothers' story arc be?
85.was that krana/kraata (o krantta as i'm gonna start saying) part of makuta experiments?
96.was makuta made being able to make kraata or did he have to learn it?
107.we know bionicle characters can be re-built does this mean rahi can be re-built?
118.how thick is the rahi book?
129.could give other insights,like alredy given,about roodaka? e.x gets kicks from killing visoraks,makes the bahrag look like poodles that sort of thing?
1310.can the hordakia from a katia
1411.could takanuva build another bike?
1512.when will comic 20 go online?
1613.who is your fav villian?
17thats all: thax for your time:
181) Nope, not yet 192) Both 203) No, I am not allowed to read fan fiction. That way, there is no risk of my accidentally using something from it 214) I can't say at this point 225) Could be 236) No, that was always part of his abilities 247) Most likely not, because they wouldn't know how to do it 258) It's a 96 page book, I think, with about 40 creatures in it. 269) She carries a really cool rock 2710) No 2811) Probably, yes 2912) No idea, don't work on the web side of things 3013) Krahka and Roodaka
1Looks like Greg likes the Lady-Villainesses eh? So maybe that topic of T-Hybrid's really did do something. Cool rock, it must be the source of her power...
2Hi greg I got a question
3Which book/movie/comic will real dume appear in next year first?
4Which Hordika is the Most fun to write?
5you mentioned something about 9 or 10 toa fighting with Lhikan against the Kanohi Dragon, is it possible for Nhidiki to have been one of them?
6will we ever meet the other toa in Lhikan's group?
7thanks for your answers, PS. 2005 looks Awesome, Hordika, Rahaga, Visorak, rodoka, you know how to encapture without telling us a lot:
81) Oh, gee, I don't know. I doubt he will be in the comic at all. He may make an appearance in Book 10.
92) Hmmmm ... I am actually enjoying writing Nuju and Kualus the most. They have some great scenes together in Book 8, especially when Nuju has to ride a Gukko for the first time
103) It's possible, but I cannot say that for sure, I have no info on Nidhiki's past.
114) No idea. Not my call to make.
12I am glad you are excited about '05 -- I do think it has maybe the best villain character we ever did. And I just saw the preliminary material on 2006 and it's AWESOME. Now I can't wait to start writing '06 -- just have to hope the toys keep selling.
2Hi greg I got a question
3Which book/movie/comic will real dume appear in next year first?
4Which Hordika is the Most fun to write?
5you mentioned something about 9 or 10 toa fighting with Lhikan against the Kanohi Dragon, is it possible for Nhidiki to have been one of them?
6will we ever meet the other toa in Lhikan's group?
7thanks for your answers, PS. 2005 looks Awesome, Hordika, Rahaga, Visorak, rodoka, you know how to encapture without telling us a lot:
81) Oh, gee, I don't know. I doubt he will be in the comic at all. He may make an appearance in Book 10.
92) Hmmmm ... I am actually enjoying writing Nuju and Kualus the most. They have some great scenes together in Book 8, especially when Nuju has to ride a Gukko for the first time
103) It's possible, but I cannot say that for sure, I have no info on Nidhiki's past.
114) No idea. Not my call to make.
12I am glad you are excited about '05 -- I do think it has maybe the best villain character we ever did. And I just saw the preliminary material on 2006 and it's AWESOME. Now I can't wait to start writing '06 -- just have to hope the toys keep selling.
1Why did Greg have to say that HE can't wait for 06. Now I can't wait for 06.
1Why did Greg have to say that HE can't wait for 06. Now I can't wait for 06.

3So mutch teser's, with no spiolers I love it

1I'm thinking it was probably meant as a joke, EToP, because the member asked GregF to say something about her. I can't wait to see the comics and books for 2005 (must order more Lego membership) And now I can't wait for 2006. Thanks alot, Greg

1I don't think he was kidding. She may have a special rock with a power; but that does sound a bit dumb, doesn't it? SOmebody should ask him about that again.
1Master Vahi, you have to PM Greg your questions.