1More stuff:
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Thanks alot:
6Questions about the Energized Protodermis Entity: 71. Can he appear in any puddle of EP, or only the one in that particular Makuta's lair? 82. If only in that one, why? 93. Why was he so hostile to the Toa? 104. Could he defeat Makuta without much trouble?
11Other questions: 121. Would Mata Nui be harmed or affected by a Visorak bite? 132. Are the Rock Raptor and Gate Guardian both Visorak combiners? What about Zivon? 143. Does Krahka know the answer to the Tahtorak's question? 154. Why was the Rahi Nui not afraid of Visorak? Is it just over-confident? 165. Will the Visorak King be available in set form? When will he appear in the books? 176. How does Norik's Rhotuka work?
181-2) Well, that is the only one we have seen him in so far. We have no evidence that he can manifest anywhere there is EP.
193) Because they wanted to take part of what he protects.
204) Doubtful
211) No 222) Zivon is a combo of the six Visorak. Gate Guardian is a combo of two Visorak. Rock Raptor is not a Visorak combo model. 233) No 244) I don't understand your question. The Rahi Nui has nothing to do with this storyline and has not encountered Visorak in anything I have written. I think you may be confusing him with Tahotorak 255) Yes, and I think he makes his first appearance in BA 7 266) Bands of energy snare you
27Thanks for the answers: For number 4, I meant in Maze of Shadows when the Rahi Nui encounters the Toa in the tunnels. All the other rahi are running away from the Visorak, but Rahi Nui is not.
28Now that you bring it up, why isn't Tahotorak afraid of them?
291) Rahi Nui has never encountered the Visorak. He didn't come through Metru Nui to get to the tunnels, he teleported in.
302) Well, if you were 40 feet tall, you wouldn't be afraid of much either
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Thanks alot:
6Questions about the Energized Protodermis Entity: 71. Can he appear in any puddle of EP, or only the one in that particular Makuta's lair? 82. If only in that one, why? 93. Why was he so hostile to the Toa? 104. Could he defeat Makuta without much trouble?
11Other questions: 121. Would Mata Nui be harmed or affected by a Visorak bite? 132. Are the Rock Raptor and Gate Guardian both Visorak combiners? What about Zivon? 143. Does Krahka know the answer to the Tahtorak's question? 154. Why was the Rahi Nui not afraid of Visorak? Is it just over-confident? 165. Will the Visorak King be available in set form? When will he appear in the books? 176. How does Norik's Rhotuka work?
181-2) Well, that is the only one we have seen him in so far. We have no evidence that he can manifest anywhere there is EP.
193) Because they wanted to take part of what he protects.
204) Doubtful
211) No 222) Zivon is a combo of the six Visorak. Gate Guardian is a combo of two Visorak. Rock Raptor is not a Visorak combo model. 233) No 244) I don't understand your question. The Rahi Nui has nothing to do with this storyline and has not encountered Visorak in anything I have written. I think you may be confusing him with Tahotorak 255) Yes, and I think he makes his first appearance in BA 7 266) Bands of energy snare you
27Thanks for the answers: For number 4, I meant in Maze of Shadows when the Rahi Nui encounters the Toa in the tunnels. All the other rahi are running away from the Visorak, but Rahi Nui is not.
28Now that you bring it up, why isn't Tahotorak afraid of them?
291) Rahi Nui has never encountered the Visorak. He didn't come through Metru Nui to get to the tunnels, he teleported in.
302) Well, if you were 40 feet tall, you wouldn't be afraid of much either
1[QUOTE=Kualus,Nov 29 2004, 09:05 PM [QUOTEMan, that's driving me crazy: I'm dying to know how Matoran come into being:
3Oy, need I say it again?

5Play well:
1Man, that's driving me crazy: I'm dying to know how Matoran come into being:
3Oy, need I say it again?When a male and female Matoran love each other VERY much, t.. *gets hit in head with boomerang*
4With all due respect, RZ, biological reproduction in Bionicle has already been ruled out. It kind of makes sense, since this is Lego we're talking about. Now, can I have my boomerang back?
5Play well:

8I think that's a good thing, by the way. Not only does it fit in with the basic, fundamental concept of LEGO (things are built, not born

10Edit: But of course I stand by RZ's right to do whatever he wants in his art and stories. Hey, in some of my stories, the Bionicle characters read their own bios on the Internet.

1With all due respect, RZ, biological reproduction in Bionicle has already been ruled out.It kind of makes sense, since this is Lego we're talking about.Now, can I have my boomerang back?
2Play well:
4With all due respect, GK, I really don't give a flying Rahkshi foot what the story team has to say. I'll believe what I want to believe, not what someone else decides is a rule. Bionicle was an open-ended scenario long before it was a set-in-stone story, and I'll always see it that way.
1With all due respect, RZ, biological reproduction in Bionicle has already been ruled out.It kind of makes sense, since this is Lego we're talking about.Now, can I have my boomerang back?
2Play well:
4With all due respect, GK, I really don't give a flying Rahkshi foot what Gerg and his rabid followers have to say. I'll believe what I want to believe, not what some talking heads shove down my throat.
5I've never even heard of Gerg, RZ, but I have heard from several (perhaps questionable, I'll admit) sources that Bionicle has no biological reproduction. Non-biological reproduction makes more sense when you really look at all the proven evidence.
6Since all and only Ga-Matoran are female (this statement has been proven true), we already have a gender imbalance that would make finding a mate difficult. (For the boys, that is...) Also, what would a child between a Ga-Matoran and, say, a Ta-Matoran look like? Would the females automatically be Ga-Matoran, and the males whatever their fathers were? Would there be five times as many boys born as girls? Thinking about it all is enough to make me go

7I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Zaku, but I've looked at the evidence, and it just doesn't seem like biological reproduction makes sense in Bionicle. Now, I'm not insulting your way of viewing things, I'm just looking at the evidence and presenting my viewpoint. If you don't agree, there's certainly no need to get angry at me. I'm not making fun of you.
9P.S. If you do take this the wrong way, please don't post until you get the chance to calm down and think about what you want to say.
1I meant "Greg".
2I don't accept the Ga=female, All others=male notion because it's just so strange, no matter how many people say that it is true. If I got 1000 important, high-profile people to tell you that the moon was made of green cheese, or that the Earth rested on the back of a giant turtle, would you believe them? Just because all of the major characters we see from Ga-whatever are female, and all the major characters we see from everywhere else are male doesn't mean that there can't be males in Ga-whatever and females in everywhere else.
3If we separate gender from Metru/Koro, then your second problem becomes easier to solve. The child simply is male or female depending on whether it receives a Y chromosome or an X chromosome from the father, respectively.
4Coloration would also be dependent on genes. Also, note that if we take real-life genetics into account, a Matoran can carry genes for color other than the ones displayed. For example, let's say Hahli and Jala have a child. It receives a dominant blue gene from Hahli, and a recessive red gene from Jala. This means that the child is blue, but when it grows up and has a child of its own, this child could be red if genetic conditions are right. Or, for another example, Jala may have an orange gene that isn't displayed in his coloration, but he could pass it to the child and have the child end up being orange.
2I don't accept the Ga=female, All others=male notion because it's just so strange, no matter how many people say that it is true. If I got 1000 important, high-profile people to tell you that the moon was made of green cheese, or that the Earth rested on the back of a giant turtle, would you believe them? Just because all of the major characters we see from Ga-whatever are female, and all the major characters we see from everywhere else are male doesn't mean that there can't be males in Ga-whatever and females in everywhere else.
3If we separate gender from Metru/Koro, then your second problem becomes easier to solve. The child simply is male or female depending on whether it receives a Y chromosome or an X chromosome from the father, respectively.
4Coloration would also be dependent on genes. Also, note that if we take real-life genetics into account, a Matoran can carry genes for color other than the ones displayed. For example, let's say Hahli and Jala have a child. It receives a dominant blue gene from Hahli, and a recessive red gene from Jala. This means that the child is blue, but when it grows up and has a child of its own, this child could be red if genetic conditions are right. Or, for another example, Jala may have an orange gene that isn't displayed in his coloration, but he could pass it to the child and have the child end up being orange.
1The writers of the BIONICLE comics and books are the people who decide the rules of the BIONICLE universe.
2The writers of the BIONICLE comics and books have decided that biological reproduction is not the method used to created more Matoran.
3You do what you want, when you write your stories, but your opinion does not change the rules of the BIONICLE universe.
2The writers of the BIONICLE comics and books have decided that biological reproduction is not the method used to created more Matoran.
3You do what you want, when you write your stories, but your opinion does not change the rules of the BIONICLE universe.
1I'm not trying to change the official spiel. It doesn't matter to me. If others want to follow it, fine. Bionicle wasn't a set-in-stone story in its early days when I became acquainted with it, and I prefer to keep it that way, so I make my own opinions about it. I'm simply trying to explain my opinions so that others might understand them better.
1Yes, it was. You just didn`t know the rules.
2When the world was proven to be round, did it suddenly turn from flat to round? No, it was always round, they just didn`t see it that way until it was proven.
3The rules existed, you just didn`t know them.
4The only thing that was stated, then went back and changed was Tohunga to Matoran.
5I`d also appreciate it if you turn the flaming down. No one else here is flaming.
2When the world was proven to be round, did it suddenly turn from flat to round? No, it was always round, they just didn`t see it that way until it was proven.
3The rules existed, you just didn`t know them.
4The only thing that was stated, then went back and changed was Tohunga to Matoran.
5I`d also appreciate it if you turn the flaming down. No one else here is flaming.
1Didn't Greg say that the MNOLG was done before the rules were made? Back then, Bionicle was an open-ended scenario, not a set-in-stone story. That's the way it was when I first became I Bionicle fan, and that's the way that I will continue to see it.
1Here's mine: Greg in red, comments in green.
2Hey, I recently read Bionicle Adventures 4,5 and 6 and i must say, Well done: Anyway, these questions and other things have given me lots of questions: 31)Could Karzahni (The real one) be a brother to Mata Nui? Because to me it seems like there was two places Matoran could go, a nice place where Mata Nui was, or a bad place where Karzahni ruled...
41) No. He is not related to Mata Nui, so far as I know.
52)Could the Entity of Protodermis defeat Makuta? Because it seems to me like he could of just shot Makuta with EP hoping it wasn't his destiny to transform. After all, he didn't really seem bothered if the Metru could have transformed when he attacked them.
62) Could he? Maybe. Would he? I don't think Makuta is dumb enough to turn his back on such an entity.
73) Do you know when Ba 7 and 8 will be available to buy on Amazon for the UK?
83) Sorry, don't know. I know they come out here late Jan. and late March.
124) That's an answer you gave in the Greg topic, is it possible that Makuta created the Rahaga? Perhaps through one of his mutations?
134) Makuta did not create them, but you are in the ballpark.
14Ooh... so he didn't create them... But did he mutate them?
155) Was Makuta doing his EP experiments to create some sort of super rahi or was he doing them to see whether he could work out if using EP on himself would work?
165) He was mainly doing them to create new and nastier Rahi. There was no way to know what EP would do to him until he tried it.
176) Was Makuta's lair (The one in Ba 6) the same one Takanuva confronted Makuta in?
186) No. He had a number of lairs around Metru Nui
197) Would you say that Roodaka is one of a species or unique?
207) Oh, I don't know. There is no mention in the story bible of what her species is.
218) Is it possible that any Visorahk have bitten Turaga Dume? (After all, the Toa Metru did leave his canister open)
228) No.
239) Is Roodaka's rock a physical weapon or does it contain some power (Like an element or something)?
249) She does not use it as a weapon, I can tell you that much.
2510) How are we going to get back to the Toa Nuva story? I mean, you can't have a story without kids new to Bionicle being able to buy the heroes can you? Does this mean you'll be re-releasing the Nuva or change them in some way?
2610) I can't discuss future product plans, sorry
2711) Will Bionicle 3 show how the Toa Metru/Hordika get the other capsules to Mata Nui or will it just show the whole transformation and fight with the Visorahk?
2811) I believe that there is or was a scene in the film that showed the actual transport, I am just not sure if it is making the final cut or not.
2912) I remember you saying that we will see angrier Vahki (Or something like that), do the Vahki change physically or gain any new powers or anything? And how do they change?
3012) There is a minor physical change, and a major attitude/power change, but I don't want to discuss it prior to the books coming out.
31Oh, I'll just say I got these answers pretty quick: Within ten minutes of sending:
2Hey, I recently read Bionicle Adventures 4,5 and 6 and i must say, Well done: Anyway, these questions and other things have given me lots of questions: 31)Could Karzahni (The real one) be a brother to Mata Nui? Because to me it seems like there was two places Matoran could go, a nice place where Mata Nui was, or a bad place where Karzahni ruled...
41) No. He is not related to Mata Nui, so far as I know.
52)Could the Entity of Protodermis defeat Makuta? Because it seems to me like he could of just shot Makuta with EP hoping it wasn't his destiny to transform. After all, he didn't really seem bothered if the Metru could have transformed when he attacked them.
62) Could he? Maybe. Would he? I don't think Makuta is dumb enough to turn his back on such an entity.
73) Do you know when Ba 7 and 8 will be available to buy on Amazon for the UK?
83) Sorry, don't know. I know they come out here late Jan. and late March.
10I just got the Rahaga, and I must say they're pretty neat.Is there a reason they look like squashed rahkshi? 116) The Rahkshi heads are a little jest on the part of the BIONICLE character who created them.
124) That's an answer you gave in the Greg topic, is it possible that Makuta created the Rahaga? Perhaps through one of his mutations?
134) Makuta did not create them, but you are in the ballpark.
14Ooh... so he didn't create them... But did he mutate them?
155) Was Makuta doing his EP experiments to create some sort of super rahi or was he doing them to see whether he could work out if using EP on himself would work?
165) He was mainly doing them to create new and nastier Rahi. There was no way to know what EP would do to him until he tried it.
176) Was Makuta's lair (The one in Ba 6) the same one Takanuva confronted Makuta in?
186) No. He had a number of lairs around Metru Nui
197) Would you say that Roodaka is one of a species or unique?
207) Oh, I don't know. There is no mention in the story bible of what her species is.
218) Is it possible that any Visorahk have bitten Turaga Dume? (After all, the Toa Metru did leave his canister open)
228) No.
239) Is Roodaka's rock a physical weapon or does it contain some power (Like an element or something)?
249) She does not use it as a weapon, I can tell you that much.
2510) How are we going to get back to the Toa Nuva story? I mean, you can't have a story without kids new to Bionicle being able to buy the heroes can you? Does this mean you'll be re-releasing the Nuva or change them in some way?
2610) I can't discuss future product plans, sorry
2711) Will Bionicle 3 show how the Toa Metru/Hordika get the other capsules to Mata Nui or will it just show the whole transformation and fight with the Visorahk?
2811) I believe that there is or was a scene in the film that showed the actual transport, I am just not sure if it is making the final cut or not.
2912) I remember you saying that we will see angrier Vahki (Or something like that), do the Vahki change physically or gain any new powers or anything? And how do they change?
3012) There is a minor physical change, and a major attitude/power change, but I don't want to discuss it prior to the books coming out.
31Oh, I'll just say I got these answers pretty quick: Within ten minutes of sending:
1Ok, I modified the posts... although I still don't see how anything I said originally was "flaming"... "flaming" is attacking someone personally, I can't see how the official Bionicle mythos constitutes a person to be flamed.
1I`m sure you could have found a way to state your opinion without flaming, or at least removed the flame parts that I pointed out while still leaving the message intact. Unless those parts were absolutely integral and could not be restated in any other way, which I think there were, but it was your choice to delete the posts.
2You "voiced your dislike" in a rather rude way. I have seen many people voice dislike about bionicle things without being rude.
2You "voiced your dislike" in a rather rude way. I have seen many people voice dislike about bionicle things without being rude.
1Ok, I modified the posts... although I still don't see how anything I said originally was "flaming"... "flaming" is attacking someone personally, I can't see how the official Bionicle mythos constitutes a person to be flamed.
1As I said in that very post, and in the PM, only certain parts of the posts were inappropriate. Certainly not the whole message. I never said that.
2To respond to:
4It wasn`t supposed to be. The cancelled PC game, which was supposed to be in continuity, was supposed to walk us through the entire expiereince of the toa from the landing to makuta battle #1. It`s a shame it was cancelled, as it looked a lot better than the subsequent bionicle games turned out. Remeber how one comic talked about the shadow toa? We were orignally supposed to fight them in the game. There were also several interviews on Bionicle.com to back this up. It is open-ended entirely by accident.
2To respond to:
3Back then, Bionicle was an open-ended scenario, not a set-in-stone story
4It wasn`t supposed to be. The cancelled PC game, which was supposed to be in continuity, was supposed to walk us through the entire expiereince of the toa from the landing to makuta battle #1. It`s a shame it was cancelled, as it looked a lot better than the subsequent bionicle games turned out. Remeber how one comic talked about the shadow toa? We were orignally supposed to fight them in the game. There were also several interviews on Bionicle.com to back this up. It is open-ended entirely by accident.
1Well, then, IMO, they accidentally created something better than what they had planned. To me, things went downhill once they created an official depiction of the defeat of Makuta. It was much better before, when you could take the legend in whatever direction you wanted.
1To me, things went downhill once they created an official depiction of the defeat of Makuta.
2That`s also why I don`t see 2001 as truly "open-ended", as it ended rather definitely.

1To me, things went downhill once they created an official depiction of the defeat of Makuta.
2That`s also why I don`t see 2001 as truly "open-ended", as it ended rather definitely.IMO, either leave the whole story open, like all other lego lines, or tell it all. giving us just bits and pieces irked me.
3Well, true, they did give an ending... but what I meant was the period of time before they showed Makuta's defeat. There was a rather long stretch of time in 2001 where the story was pretty open-ended, like the other Lego lines, as you mentioned, until all of a sudden they decided to have the Toa defeat Makuta. And when that happens, I'm like...

1Yeah, that`s what I meant by bits and pieces. At that point I thought :"Well if they were going to tell us how the toa beat the enemy the least they could have done was told us the rest of their journey so we could care about them."
2I was also confused at that point as to what bionicle was supposed to be. It appears out of the two things(all open or all told), we chose the opposite ones as our visions of what it should be.
2I was also confused at that point as to what bionicle was supposed to be. It appears out of the two things(all open or all told), we chose the opposite ones as our visions of what it should be.
1Drat, Makuta didn't create them. Well, I guess that's a good thing; Makuta can't be connected to EVERYTHING. Is it possible that Krahka made or mutated them? She's seen Rahkshi and can transform into them. Maybe she's getting the Rahaga to take the Rahi so she can build up some Rahi army to fight alongside her.
2Or maybe I'm plain crazy. Yeah, that's probably it.
2Or maybe I'm plain crazy. Yeah, that's probably it.
1i agree with RZ
2i dont care about facts i make up stuff for stories like Biological reproduction and i have made some female people for every village exept (onu po and ko koro) and when RZ said "when a male matoran and a female matoran love each other very much" i think he was just kidding even though he uses that idea i do too
3and to me Tamaru always seemed like a girl not a boy
2i dont care about facts i make up stuff for stories like Biological reproduction and i have made some female people for every village exept (onu po and ko koro) and when RZ said "when a male matoran and a female matoran love each other very much" i think he was just kidding even though he uses that idea i do too
3and to me Tamaru always seemed like a girl not a boy
1Drat, Makuta didn't create them. Well, I guess that's a good thing; Makuta can't be connected to EVERYTHING. Is it possible that Krahka made or mutated them? She's seen Rahkshi and can transform into them. Maybe she's getting the Rahaga to take the Rahi so she can build up some Rahi army to fight alongside her.
2Or maybe I'm plain crazy. Yeah, that's probably it.
3Y'know, if the whole Mata-Nui brother thing is still in effect, couldn't it be a possibility that Mata-Nui made the Rahaga, and shaped them as such to make fun of Makuta? Not sure how it would all work out, but throwing around theories is always fun...
1Hi GregF: Just two questions:
2Why are Toa hunted so much? Dark Hunters, Visorak Kings, Makutas, everyone's hunting them:
3And why did the Toa fall to the Mata-Nui ocean if the Matoran were on Metru-Nui? Were the Toa canisters meant to fall down the sun in Ga-Wahi? Were the Matoran destined to come to Mata-Nui or something? Or was someone else meant to go to Mata-Nui...?
61) The Toa are hunted because they are heroes, and therefore threats to anyone who plans evil. If a villain wants to do something, smartest thing to do is get the Toa out of the way first.
72) The Toa's landing spot actually had nothing to do with the Matoran, because their destiny is to wake up Mata Nui. Protecting the Matoran is a side part of their job.
9Well, there you go.
1I completely disagree with RZ. Again. No offence. I hated things like AquaZone where they gave bare fragments of the storyline and left you hanging. And I'm a bit confused why we are even discussing this? If you want to write fiction, it can be anything you want. The fact that you are talking about it makes it sound like you want to abandon the facts, that have been layed out by Greg and the team, all together. But then you said that wasn't really yhe case, so I'm kinda confused. BTW I love how Makuta was defeated in the MNOLG. What a fight scene. Mask Powers rule, baby.
2(Still waiting on answers from Greg, I know he's busy.)
2(Still waiting on answers from Greg, I know he's busy.)
1I completely disagree with RZ. Again. No offence. I hated things like AquaZone where they gave bare fragments of the storyline and left you hanging.And I'm a bit confused why we are even discussing this? If you want to write fiction, it can be anything you want. The fact that you are talking about it makes it sound like you want to abandon the facts, that have been layed out by Greg and the team, all together. But then you said that wasn't really yhe case, so I'm kinda confused. BTW I love how Makuta was defeated in the MNOLG. What a fight scene. Mask Powers rule, baby.
2(Still waiting on answers from Greg, I know he's busy.)
3There are aspects people will disagree with, and if they choose to ignore these facts it is no problem. Even I have stuff I do this for, although not at such a large degree (I like to think of Lhikan's Hau as a mere movie edition, for example. Also, I have this thing about all rahi wearing kanohi....) 4And I personally loved AquaZone, even without a story. Half the fun is making up your own stuff right?
1No offence But I compleatly agree with Raptor.If you want to make your own story line then go ahead to Epics but this forum is for the story layed out by Greg and Bob.
1Sorry guys, I loved AquaZone too, I have most of the sets, I just meant it really frusrated me that there was no story. I mean, then they sprouted into the Aquanaughts and Aquaraiders and stuff but... how?? But the sets rocked, yes. I still have the fist big city base thing in my room.

1Did Makuta in some way(actually created them, mutated them, etc.) play a part in the Rahaga's creation?
2No -- we are trying to get away from the "Makuta is responsible for everything" bit because it is getting old. That is why we are not using him as a major villain for a few years.
4Well, I tried, didn't I?

1Ok, a new pm
2Now that the toa hordika are available on lego shop at home, do you think we might start seeing htem in normal stores before the shop at home release dates?
3I believe they are only available for pre-order on SAH. My information from Brand is that they are being shipped in December to stores for release in January, and that they might be in LEGO brand stores or in stores here and there that choose to put them out early. But I do not have an official December release date for them.
1Ok, here are even more answers which I got in about an hour
40Alright: Rahaga staff powers: Also, on question 6, thats what I meant...

2Message Forwarded From GregF
3Hello Greg F. I hope you're having a good day. I had some more questions about the 2005 sets, so I hope they can be answered:
41. Now that the names are sorta revealed on Shop@home, can you tell us the names of the Hordikas tools?
52. You said that Vakama's disk launcher turned into his hordika "Flame claws," becuase after channeling so much power in the tool, it becomes one with the toa. Well, Vakama did a lot of channeling through his firestaff, especially with Makuta. So, is it possible that Vakama's firestaff became his hordika tools? Because they look very similar.
63. The story about Lhikan and nine other toa defeating the Kanohi dragon was made by a rahi contest winner, correct?
74. Up until now, did the matoran believe that Mata-nui brought them to Mata-nui in those little stasis capsules?
85. If the visorak king is a set, was he one of those 2005 sets we saw?
96. You mentioned we would see "rhotuka" that were actually MADE to imitate the powers of the real wheels of energy. Could these "Made-rhotuka" be the odd ones we saw in the dvd pictures? Particularly that big fancy one that looks like a shield?
107. From where do the visorak spin webs? Their mouths, their abdomens, their spinners...
118. How did the Visorak get to Metru-nui? Did they swim, did they weave a long web-trail over the sea? Or can you not tell us?
129. Does anyone at lego have a fear of spiders?
1310. NOW can you tell us what he Rahaga staffs do?
1411. Will we see any rahkshi in 2005? Not as main characters, but maybe something from the Archives?
1512. Do the visorak hunt Rahkshi? Because the rahkshi aren't completely organic.
1613. How does visorak society work? Do they always hunt?
1714. And what are the colony drones jobs?
1815. Do all visorak live in the coliseum? Or do some live in little settlements?
1916. Will we see the Archives in it's smashed, ruined state?
2017. How do the Visorak interact with the firepits, or the knowledge towers?
21Thank you very much:
221) Let's see .... Vakama - blazer claws, Nokama - fin barbs, Whenua - thumpers, Onewa - claw clubs, Nuju - Hordika teeth, and Matau - fang blades
232) Not to my knowledge, no.
243) No, it was made by me. It was a fan built model but I wrote the entry for the book.
254) They believed that Mata Nui guided them there, not that he physically brought them there.
265) Could be
276) Actually, those refer to Rhotuka you have not seen yet, that are with sets later this year
287) I hesitate to say, because I do not know how they are showing it in the movie and do not want to give you wrong info
298) My guess would be that they used the same abandoned undersea chutes that most of the land-dwelling Rahi who got to Metru Nui used
309) Nope. We did spiders because we hadn't done spiders for BIONICLE before
3110) I will, yes -- I am going to send it to BZP news
3211) Rahkshi, Rahkshi ... can't recall if I put any in the first two books, but you never know, I may get some in somewhere before the year ends. I'm planning a lot of weird stuff for Book 10
3312) Visorak hunt anything that moves.
3413) Think of them like an army of mercenaries. They hunt because it's their job, they hunt because they are good at it, they hunt because it's fun. If they didn't have anything to hunt, they would probably hunt each other.
3514) Ah, that gets explained in the magazine in January
3615) No, some live in towers they build in various places in the city
3716) See, as in in the movie? Don't think so. I do have some Archives scenes in the books, but not a ton.
3817) They don't. They aren't interested in structures, they hunt the living.
40Alright: Rahaga staff powers: Also, on question 6, thats what I meant...
1I know I said this before But can we PLEASE restore this Forum to what it was set up for. Posting answers from GregF to question asked by Bzpower Members. PLEASE alot of Unnessary space is being taken up debating a topic that needs to be moved to Other forums. So PLEASE Thank you.
3this (i believe) is also here for discussing the answers cause, what good would it be if we posted answers but couldn't alk about them? then we would have to post more topics on ti... and so fourth..... anyways can't wait till we can find otu the rahaga staff powers......
1Hi Greg:
2First off great job on MoS it was a great finish for '04.
3Now I was wondering if you could give me the release dates of next years books.
4Web of the Visorak~ End of Jan. 5Challenge of the Hordika~ End of March. 6B3 Book~ August, I think 7Time Trap~ December, most likely 8Rahi Guidebook~ June 9BIONICLE Encyclopedia~ October
1once again nothing new, but in case you didn't know...
16there you have it. Lhikan from a mystery island, more islands coming up, toa stones not reusable (Lhikan might have made his own, that's 4 generation of toa, Dume, Lhikan, Toa metru, Toa olda, all used toa stones to be created probably) So more questions. Like the turaga, GregF answers in riddles.

2I have some questions about Lhikan.Don't know if you could answer them though...
31) Was Lhikan always a toa, or did another toa give him the toa stone?
42) Is a toa stone reusable?
53) How come Lhikan is partly gold? If his element is fire, shouldn't he be all red, like vakama?
64) What was the worst enemy Lhikan ever had to face? Just some wild rahi?
75) Where did Lhikan come from? Was he always on Metru Nui?
86) Were there islands before Metru-Nui?
9Can you give me any info?
101) Far as I know, he started as a Matoran
112) Not to my knowledge, no
123) Because if he was all red like Vakama, it would have been really confusing for people watching the movie
135) No, he came from elsewhere
146) Other than, but I don't know if there were any "before"
16there you have it. Lhikan from a mystery island, more islands coming up, toa stones not reusable (Lhikan might have made his own, that's 4 generation of toa, Dume, Lhikan, Toa metru, Toa olda, all used toa stones to be created probably) So more questions. Like the turaga, GregF answers in riddles.

1Greg questions, of course
12Yep, finally something about Keetongu

21) Keetongu has a distinct look of being a robot and a dark hunter yet there's hardly any info on him or it, can you shed some light on him (or it)?
31) I can tell you he is neither a robot or a Dark Hunter.
42) The Toa Metru have already seen the Rahkshi and their Kraata and battled Makuta, but when will they learn the connection between Makuta and his sons? Will it be in one of the books later on or do they learn about it when they are Turaga?
52) I am hoping to get to that before the end of next year
63) This is kind of off-topic; when writing the Bionicle storylines, what other comics influence your writing? X-Men, Justice League, or even Transformers?
73) Actually, way back when I first started writing BIONICLE, I was trying to keep the JLA in mind -- because there was a temptation to make them all sound like Superman or Thor, and that would have been boring. I wanted them to have different personalities, conflicts between them, that sort of thing.
84) Does the Bionicle team have any info on why Takua is the only Ta-Matoran with a blue mask?
94) If they do, they haven't told me -- it probably dates back to the original design for him in the software, so it may have been a game designer decision.
105) There's been some debate on the topic of who is stronger, Onua or Pohatu. From the comics I've read it sounds they're about equal but is one of them stronger than the other?
115) Well, Onua wears the Mask of Strength, so as long as he has that on, he is. But in general, I would say arms and shoulders Onua, legs Pohatu.
12Yep, finally something about Keetongu

1'Something' down there. I don't know if something new, and i don't know if something old, but it is 'something' at least:

2Hello Greg: I have some new questions for You 3Oh and i guess You won't answer many of them, but maybe some... 4Ok here we go:
51) Is Roodaka more powerfull than the Visorak King? 62) Is Sidorak the Visorak king? 73) Who is Keetongu? 84) If You can't answer the one above, then is he a good guy or bad guy? 95) When the biggest Bionicle set will be realeased? 106) You said somewhere, that some of the sets that we don't know of will cost something about toa price - and I'm assuming that this sets includes the biggest Bionicle set ever - How come? 117) How many books will You make for 2005? 126) Can You give me the titles? 137) Is 2006 story already planned, or the story team is actually planning it?
14Thanks in advance
151) Differently powered, I would not say more powerful 162-3) Not answering these yet 174) Can't answer it 185) August 196) I don't understand your question. There are five sets you don't know about, two will be at roughly the cost of a Toa, three won't be. 207) Four novels, a Rahi guide and an encyclopedia 218) Web of the Visorak, Challenge of the Hordika, the as yet untitled movie novelization, and Time Trap are the novels 229) 2006 has already been outlined, yes

1well, geg, more question time....
21. what was the tahtorahks question? (and the answer if you can telll me even what the question was....)
32. will the tahtorahk be showing up later in any storys?
43. will we ever find out who those other 9 toa were in the legend of the kanhoi dragon?
54. will we even ever have a story with the kanhoi dragon in it?
65. about how many questions do you get from memebers aday?
76. what is your favorite part about working for lego on ther bionicle storyline?
81) Not telling yet
92) BA #8
103) Depends on if I am ever allowed to flash back to that
114) No idea
125) 50 or so
136) Getting to do the books
14wow greg gets fifty questions aday? that's like alot.....
1I was asking questions about the Rahaga, this is what I got.
21) Since its said in Kualus' profile from Comic 21 he talks to the Flying Rahi in the same language Nuju speaks in Modern-day Mata Nui, does it mean he can seriously understand them, or does he only speak it to calm them down? 31) He can understand basic concepts and tone, and they can do the same for him. that explains a bit.15
42) If Kualus can 'speak' to the Flying Rahi, can the others do the same, or did Kualus decide to do it on his own? 52) No, Kualus is the only one who talks to Rahi. Dang.
63) Could any of the Rahaga attempt to capture a Rahkshi? (I'm not asking if they would do it, I'm asking if they COULD do it) 73) Could they attempt it? Sure. Would they bother? Probably not, since Rahkshi are not Rahi. Well, good point.
84) Do their staffs have any power in them whatsoever, or are they used just for a 'badge of office'? 94) They have functionality, just nothing very significant. At long as its not Rahkshi powers.
105) If Pouks is willing to capture Rahi such as Kikanalo and the Ash Bear, is he willing to try and capture Visorak? 115) He would certainly use his spinner power on a Visorak to defend himself. But capturing one is kind of pointless -- it still leaves you with several hundred to go. Rahaga capture Rahi to protect them from the Visorak, so there's no real need to capture Visorak too. Well, it was worth a try to ask, wasn't it? Besides, at least we know how brave these guys can be
126) Is there any special other power or trick the Rahaga possess beyond their Rhotuka spinners? 136) Not really, no, beyond experience, great agility, and wisdom. So no little surprises