1Here's something I asked one or two weeks ago.
6No, at this point the plan is to send a Rhotuka spinner set out, but not a Hordika.
2Dear GregF, 3I'd just like to ask you something about the next Proto-Squad mailing.I'd like to know if there are any plans in the works for a mailing containing a Hordika set, I want to know because I'm ready to pounce on the next opportunity that strikes in order to get a Hordika, and in the event that there is going to be a mailing containing one, I wouldn't like to end up with two of the same.
4Yours Truly, 5Kraken228
6No, at this point the plan is to send a Rhotuka spinner set out, but not a Hordika.
1Lately, I heard something about Rahkshi in Metru Nui. Is this possible? Or is this just rumour?
2FIRST name: Fynn Age: 8 Country: Germany
3It's true. Makuta existed during this time period, and Makuta makes Rahkshi – so Rahkshi existed too.
4Two or three years ago I saw a movie where a small, common tunnel worker invented the Boxor when any Onu-Matoran could have done it. Now I read that before that, the same Matoran was one of the cleverest Matoran around and he invented the first Vahki. How come?
5FIRST name: Jonathan Age: 12 Country: U.K.
6Same reason that some people, like Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison, can come up with amazing theories or inventions when most people cannot. Some Matoran have great talents for invention, others do not.
2FIRST name: Fynn Age: 8 Country: Germany
3It's true. Makuta existed during this time period, and Makuta makes Rahkshi – so Rahkshi existed too.
4Two or three years ago I saw a movie where a small, common tunnel worker invented the Boxor when any Onu-Matoran could have done it. Now I read that before that, the same Matoran was one of the cleverest Matoran around and he invented the first Vahki. How come?
5FIRST name: Jonathan Age: 12 Country: U.K.
6Same reason that some people, like Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison, can come up with amazing theories or inventions when most people cannot. Some Matoran have great talents for invention, others do not.
1Lately, I heard something about Rahkshi in Metru Nui. Is this possible? Or is this just rumour?
2FIRST name: Fynn Age: 8 Country: Germany
3It's true. Makuta existed during this time period, and Makuta makes Rahkshi – so Rahkshi existed too.
4Two or three years ago I saw a movie where a small, common tunnel worker invented the Boxor when any Onu-Matoran could have done it. Now I read that before that, the same Matoran was one of the cleverest Matoran around and he invented the first Vahki. How come?
5FIRST name: Jonathan Age: 12 Country: U.K.
6Same reason that some people, like Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison, can come up with amazing theories or inventions when most people cannot. Some Matoran have great talents for invention, others do not.
7N64 you are meant to post answers you from greg via pm. not ones fronm the greg answers page in the konaka club. sorry.
1Didn't Greg say that the MNOLG was done before the rules were made? Back then, Bionicle was an open-ended scenario, not a set-in-stone story. That's the way it was when I first became I Bionicle fan, and that's the way that I will continue to see it.
2I'm not sure it was THAT open-ended, but I agree that every story decision since the toa nuva (blech) has been terrible, IMO. The original toa were creative ad interesting, both in appearance and character. They seemed more mythical, even to the matoran. Then, they actually had them DEFEAT the bad guy. They didn't have to, they just did. Then, they had to have new bad guys. (even though Makuta keeps coming back). Then we get this bombshell that the turaga are actually toa are actually matoran, forever shattering the mysticality of the toa. I think the worst thing they've done is make definite storyline rules. NO biological reproduction. Ever. Then tell me where the Mangaia kraata come from? NO turaga ever turning back into toa or into anything else. NO wheels. Even the whole everything-came-from-underground thing. I really don't care what the storyline is now. I just buy the sets and watch the movies. They really need to start making better storyline. Making it more loose, and not so "this is what happens at this time" would really help. I think the books are one of the biggest offenders (sorry, Greg); because they cover everything and turn it into a strictly linear storyline.
1Oy, must we open this can of worms again dragonmaster? 2Anyway, if we did as you suggested and never had any sort of storyline ever, then bionicle wouldn't last a year. How can you ever advance the plot if nothing is ever officially put down? If the Toa had never defeated Makuta what would they have done? Just continued the never ending mask-hunt forever, always fighting rahi and protecting matoran? Story Advancement is imminent. Rules have to be set, or else all will dissolve into chaos. Lego can not capture the same fresh and new experience Bionicle originally gave, simply because we cannot find something now five years running "new". If they made a new line I'm sure a similiar experience would happen (Read: Knights Kingdom. Exact same thing is happening as we enter it's second year.)
1Correct, Rayg. I cna't believe there are people who hate the storyline so much. It always keeps me hanging, keeps me on my toes, especially nowadays. I love it: DM, you actually liked it when all we knew about the Toa was "Ok, this is Tahu, he burns stuff. Yeahhhhh...." I love the Metru since we know their past and get deep into their personalities, etc. And btw, Makuta producing Kraata isn't re production. He's not making little Makutas. He's making Kraata. Anyway:
4I thought someone had asked earlier, but I couldn't find the answer.
2Just one Greg. Can you tell me when we WILL know the Tahktorak's question?
4I thought someone had asked earlier, but I couldn't find the answer.
1the answer. the answer: I think its in january mag or sometime in spring of 2005.
1Vreelahk, nobody knows when the answer to the Tahtorak's question will be published, etc.
2But I agree with Rayg, it's really important they establish some kind of basic storyline so that it can actually become a real collectible series and one you want to keep caught up on. People are still free to use their imaginations when making Epics, there's nothing keeping them from it.
2But I agree with Rayg, it's really important they establish some kind of basic storyline so that it can actually become a real collectible series and one you want to keep caught up on. People are still free to use their imaginations when making Epics, there's nothing keeping them from it.
1ok then, sorry for not knowing.
1Hey greg, got some questions for My favorite Bionicle writer.
21). Was Tahtorak Mutated by the Visorak?
32) when will we first meet King Visorak?
43) Who's more fun to write: Roodaka or Krahka?
54) Something's irked me for a while about the rhakshi. They seem to be The Toa's equals or betters, would you Consider the Rhakshi Makuta's toa (like the Mata Nui and Metru are Mata nui's)? except for Rahkshi, they're mutated and deformed?
65). do the hordika start to Bicker a lot among themselves?
76) why do all smart Rahi Dislike Matau?
87) after Vakama Tells Tahu about the Hordika, do you think he'll see the Turaga In a new light?
98) How many dudes and dudettes are in the Brotherhood of Makuta?
101) No, no, and absolutely not.
112) Book 7
123) Krahka, a little, cause I created her.
134) They are as close to Toa as Makuta has, the difference is they don't really have the spirit that a Toa has. They are just engines of destruction.
145) You could say that
156) Keep in mind that Matau tends to be loud and boastful and see Rahi as just dumb animals, so of course they wouldn't like him
167) Oh, definitely.
178) Can't answer it, I don't have that information.
21). Was Tahtorak Mutated by the Visorak?
32) when will we first meet King Visorak?
43) Who's more fun to write: Roodaka or Krahka?
54) Something's irked me for a while about the rhakshi. They seem to be The Toa's equals or betters, would you Consider the Rhakshi Makuta's toa (like the Mata Nui and Metru are Mata nui's)? except for Rahkshi, they're mutated and deformed?
65). do the hordika start to Bicker a lot among themselves?
76) why do all smart Rahi Dislike Matau?
87) after Vakama Tells Tahu about the Hordika, do you think he'll see the Turaga In a new light?
98) How many dudes and dudettes are in the Brotherhood of Makuta?
101) No, no, and absolutely not.
112) Book 7
123) Krahka, a little, cause I created her.
134) They are as close to Toa as Makuta has, the difference is they don't really have the spirit that a Toa has. They are just engines of destruction.
145) You could say that
156) Keep in mind that Matau tends to be loud and boastful and see Rahi as just dumb animals, so of course they wouldn't like him
167) Oh, definitely.
178) Can't answer it, I don't have that information.
1I find that people who just collect the sets typically are bored with it. But those people that read the comics and the novels get alot more indepth view of BIONCILE. I will admit that when I was just collecting the sets at first and it ws just that a collections.. Then I walked into B. Daltons and got all the books that they had and read them. I had the comics but the comics only told bits and pieces. But after reading the books, BIONICLE began to take on a whole new light. THe sets were not longer sets they were characters that had distinct personalities and emotions and internal conflicts. I think in literature that is called Personificaton. When an inanimate object is given human like characteristics and emotions. That is what the comics and novels did for those pieces of plastic. I have seen in many post that people who don't really read the novels it is reflected in there opinions and even in some of the theories that they create. Like I said before the story bible is final as it comes to making movies and writing novels and comics. But once you purchase your sets or even read your novel you can elaborate or change what ever you want to. I think alot of people are taking it way to serious the discussion has really gotten to a point where it can't progress any longer. The Story Bible stays that there is not BIOLOGICAL REPRODUCTION. but your Imagination is endless in what YOU can make your sets and characters do.

1Didn't Greg say that the MNOLG was done before the rules were made? Back then, Bionicle was an open-ended scenario, not a set-in-stone story. That's the way it was when I first became I Bionicle fan, and that's the way that I will continue to see it.
2I'm not sure it was THAT open-ended, but I agree that every story decision since the toa nuva (blech) has been terrible, IMO. The original toa were creative ad interesting, both in appearance and character. They seemed more mythical, even to the matoran. Then, they actually had them DEFEAT the bad guy. They didn't have to, they just did. Then, they had to have new bad guys. (even though Makuta keeps coming back). Then we get this bombshell that the turaga are actually toa are actually matoran, forever shattering the mysticality of the toa. I think the worst thing they've done is make definite storyline rules. NO biological reproduction. Ever. Then tell me where the Mangaia kraata come from? NO turaga ever turning back into toa or into anything else. NO wheels. Even the whole everything-came-from-underground thing. I really don't care what the storyline is now. I just buy the sets and watch the movies. They really need to start making better storyline. Making it more loose, and not so "this is what happens at this time" would really help. I think the books are one of the biggest offenders (sorry, Greg); because they cover everything and turn it into a strictly linear storyline.
3Actually, I kind of agree with DragonMaster here. Nowadays, so much of Bionicle is explained. We know how Kanohi are made, how to become a Toa, what's beneath Mata Nui, why there are Turaga...It's just so mch. We even know how some stories end before they do end. And the Hordika storyline is a classic example of this: We know that they'll be cured and awaken the Matoran, because we've seen them in a later time period. I'm not saying that Bionicle is a bad theme, in fact it's one of Lego's best, but I just miss the old days where it was up to us to decide what happened. Now everything's set in stone.
1This is where you guys are not making sense. SO you want BIONICLE or rather LEGO to release sets and that is it. One of the reasons why BIONICLE is so popular is it is one of the very few times a Toy or what ever you want to call it Had storylines and sets tie into it. If they left out the storyline or left it loose. It would not had made it past the first year. What good is just releasing Sets and say. This is Tahu or this is Vakama and not say who the person is and how each character relates to each other or how they relate to a time, place or event. That is the beauty of BIONICLE. YOu can't have it both ways. Like I said what good is just releasing sets and there is no way to tie them into each other. That makes no sense at all. Again I am going to say You guys are your own problem. Noone said you HAD to abide by the storyline. The funny thing is that some of you are very HYPOCRTICAL you don't like the storyline but yet you read GregF Forum knowing it is the place where Offical answers are posted. You are also HYPOCRTICAL in the fact why ask GregF questions if you don't like the answer and then complain about the answer cause it is not what you wanted to hear. It is even more HYPOCRITICAL that most of you write your own EPICS and STORIES Based on BIONICLE. So there are pieces of the Storyline that you seem to like or you would not write BIONICLE Based Fiction. My Mother always called that SELECTIVE REASONING, when you pick out the things that make sense to you and disagree, discard or moan about the things that don't. That is what makes a good work of literature good. Is the fact that the person has taken the time to DEVELOP a character or a place. That is why Harry Potter is so popular cause the author took the time to develop Harry and his friends and Hogwarts, Would Harry Potter be as popular if the author left it loose and open... NO::: We know who Harry 's Parents are, where he comes from, Important events that have shaped Harry as a person and the internal conflict that he has to deal with. What make Harry Potter different from BIONICLE. NOTHING:. They are doing the same thing. Developing Characters, places and events. It has Protagonist and Antagonist like any good work of Fiction should. It answers all the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Even if it might take time for GregF to answer them. I commend GregF for taking the time to Answer question. He is extremely Paitent with us. Heck I am sure the attitude he gets from some of you is enough sometimes to make him turn off his computer in annoyance. Better Him then Me, I admire his Patience.
2Like the old Cliche says. " YOU CAN PLEASE SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME. YOU CAN PLEASE MOST OF THE PEOPLE MOST OF THE TIME BUT YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME." If you all have not proved that Cliche as being 100% true I don't know what on this planet would.::
2Like the old Cliche says. " YOU CAN PLEASE SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME. YOU CAN PLEASE MOST OF THE PEOPLE MOST OF THE TIME BUT YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME." If you all have not proved that Cliche as being 100% true I don't know what on this planet would.::


1I think a bit of on-topic discussion is fine in here. However, Mata-Nui-ologist really nailed it with his last post. What makes Bionicle wonderful for some of us is the storyline, and we like knowing as much official detail as we can talk GregF into revealing.
If, on the other hand, you just want to buy sets and make up your own story, great: LEGO is all about using your imagination.
BUT... don't come in here and complain wholesale about what the Story Team is doing, then. Please take that sort of thing to the General Discussion forum.

1SST noone is saything they should not discuss it.. But they are not discussing.. THey are disagreeing with GregF and the Story team's answers. Noone minds discussion. But when it gets to a Obvious defiance of what GregF says that is when I think it goes to far. Like I said before why come to a place where offical answers are posted and Moan about the answer. This is the Place for those answers. and to discuss those answers not to Moan about why you feel that you don't like the answer. That is what is annoying alot of people that Frequent this forum. That would be like me going to the Epic and Fiction section and complain about the stuff they write.

1OT: I just noticed that I jioned 2 days after you, nifty
2back on topic.
3I understand what you're saying, BUT where are they supposed to talk about the answers they dont like?
4discussion isn't all possitive, some of it is critical.
5now if it gets off topic, then I have a problem with it too, but as long as thier discussion(possative and negative) has to do with Greg's answers, i don't think we should all get upset just becuase someone else disagrees with Greg, or doesnt like his answers.
2back on topic.
3I understand what you're saying, BUT where are they supposed to talk about the answers they dont like?
4discussion isn't all possitive, some of it is critical.
5now if it gets off topic, then I have a problem with it too, but as long as thier discussion(possative and negative) has to do with Greg's answers, i don't think we should all get upset just becuase someone else disagrees with Greg, or doesnt like his answers.

1Again, you're not seeing my point.
2For a mythos like Bionicle, having a story that drives the characters is fine. Spelling out every detail in an "official", undisputable way is not.
3I like the "setup" stories... you know, the background info available online and such (i.e. "Toa are disappearing, six Matoran have become new Toa and must save the city from a giant plant menace before confronting the mystery surrounding disappearing Matoran and the city's leader").
4However, I often don't like the way that these setup stories are then followed through in the official materials (movies, books, comics). (The Dark Hunters, supposedly powerful creatures bent on eradicating Toa, only end up brushing with Vakama and co. in a couple brief skirmishes? And they are defeated effortlessly in an incredibly bizzare and quick way? (Can we say "deus ex machina"?) And that somehow, -all- of the residents of the bustling metropolis we see in the Metru-Nui era are present on the sparsely-populated tropical island we see in the Mata-Nui era? Lhikan's mask transformed from a Noble Hau shape to a Great Hau shape simply by its being placed on a Matoran's face? -No- Matoran died during Makuta's millenium long reign of terror on Mata-Nui? The more intelligent inhabitants of the island (Matoran, Toa, etc.) know that they are "biomechanical" (to the point of being able to distinguish their "biological" parts from their "mechanical" parts) despite this being their natural state and that they really have no point of reference to even see being "biomechanical" as a unique concept? Mata-Nui was -completely- barren until shortly before the Matoran arrived?), and the bizarre "rules" that are placed that, to me, seem to serve no purpose other than to thwart potentially interesting ideas that would otherwise work well within the story.
5I might be different because I'm a creative individual. I like to take the scenarios and characters and play out possibilities of how I think they would occur. In the end, it's basically the same (Toa find the masks while battling Rahi and exploring the various pitfalls of the island, eventually defeat Makuta, etc. etc.) but the details and such I come up with are different, and when compared to the overall scenario, are just as valid.
6I don't just "buy the sets and make up my own story". My Gali is still Gali, the Toa of Water, and my Makuta is still the now-defeated dark brother of the Great Spirit. Maybe in my mind, the events play out slightly differently, but it's still the same story to me. I think that it is great that Bionicle has an official story, but they have taken it too far for my tastes.
7This is what I meant by the difference between "scenario" and "story". I like the scenarios. In fact I -love- them. I like -some- of the official story content, but most of it rubs me the wrong way. If this means I'm not a true Bionicle fan, then, well.... sacrifice me to the story team or something.
8Hopefully I've made my view clear enough that we can get back to the topic's purpose now. Feel free to keep bashing me about it, but I'm done posting for this line of thought for now.
9P.S. DragonMaster, I agree with your post entirely.
2For a mythos like Bionicle, having a story that drives the characters is fine. Spelling out every detail in an "official", undisputable way is not.
3I like the "setup" stories... you know, the background info available online and such (i.e. "Toa are disappearing, six Matoran have become new Toa and must save the city from a giant plant menace before confronting the mystery surrounding disappearing Matoran and the city's leader").
4However, I often don't like the way that these setup stories are then followed through in the official materials (movies, books, comics). (The Dark Hunters, supposedly powerful creatures bent on eradicating Toa, only end up brushing with Vakama and co. in a couple brief skirmishes? And they are defeated effortlessly in an incredibly bizzare and quick way? (Can we say "deus ex machina"?) And that somehow, -all- of the residents of the bustling metropolis we see in the Metru-Nui era are present on the sparsely-populated tropical island we see in the Mata-Nui era? Lhikan's mask transformed from a Noble Hau shape to a Great Hau shape simply by its being placed on a Matoran's face? -No- Matoran died during Makuta's millenium long reign of terror on Mata-Nui? The more intelligent inhabitants of the island (Matoran, Toa, etc.) know that they are "biomechanical" (to the point of being able to distinguish their "biological" parts from their "mechanical" parts) despite this being their natural state and that they really have no point of reference to even see being "biomechanical" as a unique concept? Mata-Nui was -completely- barren until shortly before the Matoran arrived?), and the bizarre "rules" that are placed that, to me, seem to serve no purpose other than to thwart potentially interesting ideas that would otherwise work well within the story.
5I might be different because I'm a creative individual. I like to take the scenarios and characters and play out possibilities of how I think they would occur. In the end, it's basically the same (Toa find the masks while battling Rahi and exploring the various pitfalls of the island, eventually defeat Makuta, etc. etc.) but the details and such I come up with are different, and when compared to the overall scenario, are just as valid.
6I don't just "buy the sets and make up my own story". My Gali is still Gali, the Toa of Water, and my Makuta is still the now-defeated dark brother of the Great Spirit. Maybe in my mind, the events play out slightly differently, but it's still the same story to me. I think that it is great that Bionicle has an official story, but they have taken it too far for my tastes.
7This is what I meant by the difference between "scenario" and "story". I like the scenarios. In fact I -love- them. I like -some- of the official story content, but most of it rubs me the wrong way. If this means I'm not a true Bionicle fan, then, well.... sacrifice me to the story team or something.
8Hopefully I've made my view clear enough that we can get back to the topic's purpose now. Feel free to keep bashing me about it, but I'm done posting for this line of thought for now.
9P.S. DragonMaster, I agree with your post entirely.
1i agree GG.
2and another note, this thread is named: "official Greg discussion " therefore, it's pretty Obvious that discussion of his answers is alowed
4That is my understanding of the point of this topic... topics used to be posted where members would say "This is what Greg said, what do you think?" And this topic was made because there were sooo many of those. So yes, discussion on the answers is part of the point of this topic, as I understand it.
5Okay, now that we're into the whole mystery/detail thing... I have some things to say....
6First, Mata Nui-ologist... I agree with many of your point, but please don't call these members hyporcites. It is a personal preference thing. Some people just like "open ended" stories.. it does have more mystique to it, adds that unique feel to it. I happen to agree with you on many of those points... but its' not hypocrisy that leads to the disagreement, just preference... and calling them hypocrites for it isn't going to help.. that'll just lead to a flame war.
7I -do- think you guys are wrong that that kind of open ended story can continue...

8Now... to criticize you.

9It sounds to me like what you guys are saying can be summed up as such: "I wish there was less storyline in Bionicle."
10But what has always set Bionicle apart from other LEGO lines is its story, as MNologist said. Though the original Saga certainly had mo9re unexplained mysteries, it was never intended to be a true open ended story, where the reader is left to figure out how the scenario ends. Makuta was going to be defeated, Mata Nui was going to be awakened. But they withrew that game that was going to tell that story because it effectively ended Bionicle and they saw that it was doing better than they expected. What else should they have done?
11If you want mysteries to always be mysteries... there are two options.
121) Have Bionicle end. If you can't explore the story further, explore its various mysteries and reveal what's behind them, there's really nowhere you can go with the story.
13Or 2) Continually make up new, totally unrelated "themes" with no connection at all to the original, except maybe the "feel" of the series, just so that you can continue the story. But stories like that never work; they seem (and are) contrived. If a sequel cannot (in any story) fill in the gaps and tie in cleverly with the original, then it fails. Period. It's the case almost all of the time. Besides, even if it succeeds, it wouldn't really be Bionicle. It'd be a Bionicle clone made by the same people that made Bionicle.
14If you want a good long term story, there are only two ways to do it, have a short, one-time story that ends and that's it, or have a longer complexly intertwined saga of stories. Anything else comes across as contrived. Inevitably, the second type comes across as less mysterious, and in every example I am aware of, some of the mystique is lost. And some fans complain about it. You just need to understand that this is natural for a continuuing story; mysteriousness tends to diminish as it gets "established."
15Now you can argue whether Bionicle has done a worse job of that than they could have... personally I don't think so. It's a tough thing to do, keep mysteriousness and keep continuuing a story. I wouldn't "expect" anyone to pull it off - if they do... great: But that's very hard to do.
1Rahi Zahu... I totally agree with you on you having the right to be creative. I also take scenarios and run with them in when I weekly display my sets in different action scenes. No are my scenes based on the storyline yes. But I am creative in how i set them up. Yes the books tells us about the battles but they dont' tell us the blow by blow details of the battles. That is where you imagination takes place. Even if you get details from GregF.. there is still plenty of Open room for you to elaborate on things. There are so many characters and we dont' see every aspect of there lives. We still have plenty of open room to create what ever we want to fill in the blanks. Like I said before I totally admire Moccers and people that write Epics and BIONICLE based Fiction. I think to be human is to by nature be creative.

1" And that somehow, -all- of the residents of the bustling metropolis we see in the Metru-Nui era are present on the sparsely-populated tropical island we see in the Mata-Nui era?"
2Mata Nui is afr larger than Metru Nui. As the mvoie showed, there were indeed a lot of matoran there.
3"-No- Matoran died during Makuta's millenium long reign of terror on Mata-Nui? "
4Makuta`s goal is not to kill matoran, he wants to rule them.
5"If you want a good long term story, there are only two ways to do it, have a short, one-time story that ends and that's it, or have a longer complexly intertwined saga of stories."
6this is especially true since that is how our fanfic library is set up. Short stories and Epics.
7RZ, no one is FORCING you to use those rules in whatever stories you make up. That seems to be what you`re acting like, and it is certainly not true.
8"The original toa were creative ad interesting, both in appearance and character"
9Appearance, fine, but charachter? I`m sorry, but the olda fell absolutely flat in charachterization. They were simple stereotypes used dozens of times before by adventure cartoon shows. Stereotypes are fine to use as a starting point, later developing into true individuals, but they stayed that way for all of the three years of their story so far. Only in Tales of the masks, and the scenes they have in the adventures books, are they truly becoming individuals. Tahu had more Development in the final chapter of Voyage of Fear, and his parts of TotM, than he did in all of 01-03.
10It boils down to whether you want an open or a complete story.
11Looking at 01 as an open ended story, it is flawed by the defeat of makuta, but if ignored than it is good as that. Looking at it as a complete story, it is flawed by the extreme lack of characterization and abundant cliches and steretypes. Not to mention the supposed plot(toa finding masks) being barely touched upon. The fact that this and the subsequent year had endings in which the toa were the same old stereotypes as they were in the beginning nullifies any personal charachter development that people may have otherwise done in an open ended story.
1202 was basically a repeat of 01 only with krana replacing masks, bohrok replacing rahi, and exo replacing kaita. If the bahrag defeat had not been described, it would be a solid open ended story. Otherwise, as a complete or open story, it shares all the flaws of 01, magnified by the lack of a MNOLG equivalent.
1303 was a "transitional" year in which the story started to change from being an open ended story that ended(and repeated itself) to a complete story. they broke new ground in plot, with the kal storyline being original(unfortunately, the universal hatred for their sets spilled into their story). Having a MNOLG, although not as good as the first one, gave us somthing to do, but the toa were still treated as bit players in their own tale, playing second fiddle to takua in terms of story focus. even in their feature film, mask of light,which did nothing for their charachterization, they were shoved from the spotlight by a supporting charachter who finally became main. Even though the concept of the Toa of Light, IMO, is kinda odd, I am in a way glad takua transformed, so finally he would have to be with the toa and force us to finally get to know "heroes" we barely knew. 03 was really all over the place, not being sucessful at an open or a complete story.
1404, if you are looking for open-ness, failed in that respect. It gave us heroes that were individuals with personlities that were far more unique than those before, and let us actually get to know our main charachters. There was no matoran going around to drive our attention away to while our heores went on their quest. We actually saw them go on the quest, and expereinced their trials and tribulations with them, and saw them grow as people(or toa). If you were looking for an open story in which you controlled the main charachters and what happened, 04 was a major dissapointment(then again, so were the other years if you ignored their endings). However, if you were looking for a bionicle story with rich charachterization and complex(more than before, at least) plot, you could not be more elated. I am greatly looking forward to 06 to see the toa nuva get the charahterization that the metru got, and that they richly deserve(they have waited five years, after all).
15So, would I have been happy if bionicle kept the 01/02 partly 03 formula of 16(1. threat appears 172. Toa must find large number of masks/krana/collectible before fighting boss 183. toa go underground to fight boss and win )? 19nope.
20But if you wanted an open story, you probably would. It`s all a matter of perspective. By ending the stories of 02 and 01, they were not open, which leads me to believe that they wanted to do a complete story all along(and this is supported by the 01 PC game) but never found the right medium for it.
2Mata Nui is afr larger than Metru Nui. As the mvoie showed, there were indeed a lot of matoran there.
3"-No- Matoran died during Makuta's millenium long reign of terror on Mata-Nui? "
4Makuta`s goal is not to kill matoran, he wants to rule them.
5"If you want a good long term story, there are only two ways to do it, have a short, one-time story that ends and that's it, or have a longer complexly intertwined saga of stories."
6this is especially true since that is how our fanfic library is set up. Short stories and Epics.
7RZ, no one is FORCING you to use those rules in whatever stories you make up. That seems to be what you`re acting like, and it is certainly not true.
8"The original toa were creative ad interesting, both in appearance and character"
9Appearance, fine, but charachter? I`m sorry, but the olda fell absolutely flat in charachterization. They were simple stereotypes used dozens of times before by adventure cartoon shows. Stereotypes are fine to use as a starting point, later developing into true individuals, but they stayed that way for all of the three years of their story so far. Only in Tales of the masks, and the scenes they have in the adventures books, are they truly becoming individuals. Tahu had more Development in the final chapter of Voyage of Fear, and his parts of TotM, than he did in all of 01-03.
10It boils down to whether you want an open or a complete story.
11Looking at 01 as an open ended story, it is flawed by the defeat of makuta, but if ignored than it is good as that. Looking at it as a complete story, it is flawed by the extreme lack of characterization and abundant cliches and steretypes. Not to mention the supposed plot(toa finding masks) being barely touched upon. The fact that this and the subsequent year had endings in which the toa were the same old stereotypes as they were in the beginning nullifies any personal charachter development that people may have otherwise done in an open ended story.
1202 was basically a repeat of 01 only with krana replacing masks, bohrok replacing rahi, and exo replacing kaita. If the bahrag defeat had not been described, it would be a solid open ended story. Otherwise, as a complete or open story, it shares all the flaws of 01, magnified by the lack of a MNOLG equivalent.
1303 was a "transitional" year in which the story started to change from being an open ended story that ended(and repeated itself) to a complete story. they broke new ground in plot, with the kal storyline being original(unfortunately, the universal hatred for their sets spilled into their story). Having a MNOLG, although not as good as the first one, gave us somthing to do, but the toa were still treated as bit players in their own tale, playing second fiddle to takua in terms of story focus. even in their feature film, mask of light,which did nothing for their charachterization, they were shoved from the spotlight by a supporting charachter who finally became main. Even though the concept of the Toa of Light, IMO, is kinda odd, I am in a way glad takua transformed, so finally he would have to be with the toa and force us to finally get to know "heroes" we barely knew. 03 was really all over the place, not being sucessful at an open or a complete story.
1404, if you are looking for open-ness, failed in that respect. It gave us heroes that were individuals with personlities that were far more unique than those before, and let us actually get to know our main charachters. There was no matoran going around to drive our attention away to while our heores went on their quest. We actually saw them go on the quest, and expereinced their trials and tribulations with them, and saw them grow as people(or toa). If you were looking for an open story in which you controlled the main charachters and what happened, 04 was a major dissapointment(then again, so were the other years if you ignored their endings). However, if you were looking for a bionicle story with rich charachterization and complex(more than before, at least) plot, you could not be more elated. I am greatly looking forward to 06 to see the toa nuva get the charahterization that the metru got, and that they richly deserve(they have waited five years, after all).
15So, would I have been happy if bionicle kept the 01/02 partly 03 formula of 16(1. threat appears 172. Toa must find large number of masks/krana/collectible before fighting boss 183. toa go underground to fight boss and win )? 19nope.
20But if you wanted an open story, you probably would. It`s all a matter of perspective. By ending the stories of 02 and 01, they were not open, which leads me to believe that they wanted to do a complete story all along(and this is supported by the 01 PC game) but never found the right medium for it.
2This topic is just for posting info you got from Greg. This is not a debate topic. We have a whole forum for that in S&T. If you see something Greg said in this topic that's interesting and you think needs further discussion, make a topic for it in S&T and go for it there. This is not the place.
3Thanks to benmecha for drawing attention to this -- you get proto.
2This topic is just for posting info you got from Greg. This is not a debate topic. We have a whole forum for that in S&T. If you see something Greg said in this topic that's interesting and you think needs further discussion, make a topic for it in S&T and go for it there. This is not the place.
3Thanks to benmecha for drawing attention to this -- you get proto.
1Sports 2--------------
5That was found in the Ask Greg Archives.
Ask Greg--Questioner-Adam 3Were the sports on Metru Nui the same as the sports on Mata Nui?
4No. The sport of kolhii, for example, was not invented until the Matoran got to Mata Nui. On Metru Nui, they played a number of different sports, most of them involving the use of Kanoka disks. The most popular sport was akilini, which involved surfing on disks while trying to toss other ones through hoops
5That was found in the Ask Greg Archives.
2Hello, again. I've been doing a bit too much thinking lately, and have come to you for some answers. Thank you in advanced for answering:
31. In LoMN, Turaga Dume/Makuta says to matoran Vakama "Pity Toa Lhikan is not here to help." Does he really mean that? I mean, he really needs a mask of time, and in order to make a mask of time, he needs the Great Disks. He knows he needs the Great Disks, and that they can only be reached by Toa. Since there are no more Toa on Metru Nui after Lhikan's kidnapping, does he really mean what he said? (I'm sorry if that didn't make that much sense.)
42. If, say, a Ta Metru and an Onu Metru disk were fused together to create a new disk, would the new disk have the flight characteristics of both the Ta and Onu Metru disks?
53. In '05, will we see small physical or mental changes in Toa Hordika in the comics throughout the year? Since overtime they would become more Rahi-like, it would make sense.
64. You said that the Oohnorok (sp?) like hunting near the water. Since normal black beings hate the water, does this mean that the Visorak's personalities don't ussualy what matoran of their respective Metru would think? (example: Oohnorak hunt near water; Suukorahk hunt underground, etc) (Sorry if this one is confusing also)
75. Could Turaga Dume/Makuta access the power of the Kiril?
86. How long did it take Turaga Dume/Makuta to learn Dume's language?
97. Since Makuta drained the Metru Nui power plant of all its energy, does that mean the chutes and every other electicity powered thing on Metru Nui doesn't work? (aside from the Vahki)
108. Will the Turaga eventually tall the stories of Metru Nui to all the matoran?
119. Will the matoran spend most of their time repairing the damage to Metru Nui when they arrive with the Toa Nuva?
1210. Could you call the Exo-Toa robots sense they can activate on their own?
1311. When the matoran arrive on Metru Nui with the Toa Nuva, will the matoran go back to living their Metru Nui life?
1412. How do the matoran tell time on Metru/Mata Nui?
15That's all for now. Thanks a bunch:
161) He is saying what Vakama would expect him to say, because he is pretending to be Dume. Of course he doesn't mean it, he's the one who ordered Lhikan captured.
172) Answer is its characteristics the Matoran who fuses them. The flight characteristics come about as a result of the work done to make the disk, it's not a natural part of the protodermis.
183) Actually, the changes are fairly radical and pretty quick. I don't have a lot of time to do gradual build-up, except in the novels. By the time of the movie, most of the Toa are doing okay at controlling themselves, but not all.
194) Actually, I don't recall saying that -- Boggarak hunt near water.
205) Yes
216) No time at all. Makuta has always spoken Matoran -- remember he had sworn to protect them.
227) Yes, and those Vahki who survived are working a little TOO well ...
238) No, odds are Hahli will through the Chronicles
249) We'll have to see when they get there
2510) Yes, I guess so
2611) Well, the plan is to bring the city back to life, which will mean going back to work, yes
2712) By the suns, mainly.
29Oh, okay. I misread your quote in the official Greg topic. Sorry.
301. Also, do we plan to get pre-orders for the Visorak/Hordik?
312. Why does Vakama tell the rest of the story to only Tahu?
323. Also, relating to the Krana/Kraata thing in Maze of Shadows, if it was perched up in a cave all this time, how did it know about the Visorak?
334. You said that Tahtorak isn't afraid of the Visorak because of it's massive size. Several Rahi, like the Nui Jaga, appear to also be larger than the Visorak. So why are the larger Rahi still afriad of them?
345. And why are Rahi in general afriad of them? Is it because of their powers, or because they are a foreign species?
356. You said that the matoran would go back to their jobs. Does this mean that Onu Matoran will be archiving, Ta Matoran would be mask making, etc.?
367. Would they also set apart times to play Akilini?
378. You said that the Vahki would have minor physical and major attitude/power changes. I'm assuming the attitude change is from the fact that the Toa defeated their "order giver", and that they still have not succeeded in catching the Toa.
388a. Is my guess about the attitude change correct?
398b. I'm not asking why the physical and power changes since you probebly can't answer it, but will the physical changes be illustrated in the comics/movie? (If the Vahki are in the comics/movie)
40That's all again for now. Thanks in advanced:
411) The Hordika are in the January LEGO Club Shop.
422) Because he is embarassed and ashamed of it
433) Telepathy
444) Visorak attack in a horde, so being somewhat larger isn't going to help a lot. Tahtorak, on the other hand, is the size of Godzilla, so not much fazes him.
455) Well, if something was coming to either wrap you up in webbing for the rest of your natural life or turn you into a monster, wouldn't you be a little spooked of them? Most Rahi in Metru Nui fled there to get away from the Visorak
466) Probably yes
477) Eventually
488) Nope, incorrect
498b) Like the Rahkshi in '04, the Vahki are primarily going to be in the books. There isn't any space in the comics for non-'05 sets, and while I know a Vahki is supposed to make a cameo in the movie, I have no idea if that scene will survive final cut.
51Thank you for answering all my questions so far. This is the final batch. . . (mostly relating to mask powers)
521. If Nuju (not Hordika) really wanted to, could he levitate himself just by looking at himself?
532. In LoMN, when Matau hid behind that rock in the Canyon of Unending Whispers, he was riding the Kikinalo. When he morphed into Nidhiki/Krekka, the Kikinalo was nowhere in sight. Does this mean if something is touching him, the mask will affect that thing also?
543. Same with Tahu olda. If someone was touching him, would the mask power affect them?
554. Is there a limited amount of time the Kaukau and Miru would work for?
56(now for questions not relating to masks)
575. Will there be a promotional item next year for either the Visorak or Hordika?
586. Will any of the Toa Nuva's attitude changes change after hearing Vakama's stories? If so, by how much?
597. Since the matoran would go back to Metru Nui life, would the Onu and Ko Matoran still have grudges against one another? They didn't have a problem with it on Mata Nui, why should they have a problem on Metru Nui?
60That's all for now. Thanks in advanced:
611) Hmmmm, I tend to think not.
622) No, it simply means the Kikanalo stayed behind the rock or went off on its own.
633) No. Only Nuva masks can have their power shared with others.
644) It's basically tied to the willpower of the wearer
655) No idea.
666) Wouldn't yours?
677) Probably not initially, no, because as you said they don't remember the causes of the rivalry
68Nothing new. But some interesting stuff none the less.
2Hello, again. I've been doing a bit too much thinking lately, and have come to you for some answers. Thank you in advanced for answering:
31. In LoMN, Turaga Dume/Makuta says to matoran Vakama "Pity Toa Lhikan is not here to help." Does he really mean that? I mean, he really needs a mask of time, and in order to make a mask of time, he needs the Great Disks. He knows he needs the Great Disks, and that they can only be reached by Toa. Since there are no more Toa on Metru Nui after Lhikan's kidnapping, does he really mean what he said? (I'm sorry if that didn't make that much sense.)
42. If, say, a Ta Metru and an Onu Metru disk were fused together to create a new disk, would the new disk have the flight characteristics of both the Ta and Onu Metru disks?
53. In '05, will we see small physical or mental changes in Toa Hordika in the comics throughout the year? Since overtime they would become more Rahi-like, it would make sense.
64. You said that the Oohnorok (sp?) like hunting near the water. Since normal black beings hate the water, does this mean that the Visorak's personalities don't ussualy what matoran of their respective Metru would think? (example: Oohnorak hunt near water; Suukorahk hunt underground, etc) (Sorry if this one is confusing also)
75. Could Turaga Dume/Makuta access the power of the Kiril?
86. How long did it take Turaga Dume/Makuta to learn Dume's language?
97. Since Makuta drained the Metru Nui power plant of all its energy, does that mean the chutes and every other electicity powered thing on Metru Nui doesn't work? (aside from the Vahki)
108. Will the Turaga eventually tall the stories of Metru Nui to all the matoran?
119. Will the matoran spend most of their time repairing the damage to Metru Nui when they arrive with the Toa Nuva?
1210. Could you call the Exo-Toa robots sense they can activate on their own?
1311. When the matoran arrive on Metru Nui with the Toa Nuva, will the matoran go back to living their Metru Nui life?
1412. How do the matoran tell time on Metru/Mata Nui?
15That's all for now. Thanks a bunch:
161) He is saying what Vakama would expect him to say, because he is pretending to be Dume. Of course he doesn't mean it, he's the one who ordered Lhikan captured.
172) Answer is its characteristics the Matoran who fuses them. The flight characteristics come about as a result of the work done to make the disk, it's not a natural part of the protodermis.
183) Actually, the changes are fairly radical and pretty quick. I don't have a lot of time to do gradual build-up, except in the novels. By the time of the movie, most of the Toa are doing okay at controlling themselves, but not all.
194) Actually, I don't recall saying that -- Boggarak hunt near water.
205) Yes
216) No time at all. Makuta has always spoken Matoran -- remember he had sworn to protect them.
227) Yes, and those Vahki who survived are working a little TOO well ...
238) No, odds are Hahli will through the Chronicles
249) We'll have to see when they get there
2510) Yes, I guess so
2611) Well, the plan is to bring the city back to life, which will mean going back to work, yes
2712) By the suns, mainly.
29Oh, okay. I misread your quote in the official Greg topic. Sorry.
301. Also, do we plan to get pre-orders for the Visorak/Hordik?
312. Why does Vakama tell the rest of the story to only Tahu?
323. Also, relating to the Krana/Kraata thing in Maze of Shadows, if it was perched up in a cave all this time, how did it know about the Visorak?
334. You said that Tahtorak isn't afraid of the Visorak because of it's massive size. Several Rahi, like the Nui Jaga, appear to also be larger than the Visorak. So why are the larger Rahi still afriad of them?
345. And why are Rahi in general afriad of them? Is it because of their powers, or because they are a foreign species?
356. You said that the matoran would go back to their jobs. Does this mean that Onu Matoran will be archiving, Ta Matoran would be mask making, etc.?
367. Would they also set apart times to play Akilini?
378. You said that the Vahki would have minor physical and major attitude/power changes. I'm assuming the attitude change is from the fact that the Toa defeated their "order giver", and that they still have not succeeded in catching the Toa.
388a. Is my guess about the attitude change correct?
398b. I'm not asking why the physical and power changes since you probebly can't answer it, but will the physical changes be illustrated in the comics/movie? (If the Vahki are in the comics/movie)
40That's all again for now. Thanks in advanced:
411) The Hordika are in the January LEGO Club Shop.
422) Because he is embarassed and ashamed of it
433) Telepathy
444) Visorak attack in a horde, so being somewhat larger isn't going to help a lot. Tahtorak, on the other hand, is the size of Godzilla, so not much fazes him.
455) Well, if something was coming to either wrap you up in webbing for the rest of your natural life or turn you into a monster, wouldn't you be a little spooked of them? Most Rahi in Metru Nui fled there to get away from the Visorak
466) Probably yes
477) Eventually
488) Nope, incorrect
498b) Like the Rahkshi in '04, the Vahki are primarily going to be in the books. There isn't any space in the comics for non-'05 sets, and while I know a Vahki is supposed to make a cameo in the movie, I have no idea if that scene will survive final cut.
51Thank you for answering all my questions so far. This is the final batch. . . (mostly relating to mask powers)
521. If Nuju (not Hordika) really wanted to, could he levitate himself just by looking at himself?
532. In LoMN, when Matau hid behind that rock in the Canyon of Unending Whispers, he was riding the Kikinalo. When he morphed into Nidhiki/Krekka, the Kikinalo was nowhere in sight. Does this mean if something is touching him, the mask will affect that thing also?
543. Same with Tahu olda. If someone was touching him, would the mask power affect them?
554. Is there a limited amount of time the Kaukau and Miru would work for?
56(now for questions not relating to masks)
575. Will there be a promotional item next year for either the Visorak or Hordika?
586. Will any of the Toa Nuva's attitude changes change after hearing Vakama's stories? If so, by how much?
597. Since the matoran would go back to Metru Nui life, would the Onu and Ko Matoran still have grudges against one another? They didn't have a problem with it on Mata Nui, why should they have a problem on Metru Nui?
60That's all for now. Thanks in advanced:
611) Hmmmm, I tend to think not.
622) No, it simply means the Kikanalo stayed behind the rock or went off on its own.
633) No. Only Nuva masks can have their power shared with others.
644) It's basically tied to the willpower of the wearer
655) No idea.
666) Wouldn't yours?
677) Probably not initially, no, because as you said they don't remember the causes of the rivalry
68Nothing new. But some interesting stuff none the less.
1QUOTE 2Hia,
31) You've already told us that BIONICLE 22 will be called Monsters in the Dark. Will it's full title be City of Legends Part VII: Monsters in the Dark, or was Dreams of Darkness the end of the City of Legends saga?
42) I'm going to hazard a guess as to where BIONICLE 19 - 21 take place. After the Toa leave the Coliseum, they board a chute, as seen in the movie. The chute takes them to Le-Metru (not Ko-Metru as seen in the movie) where Enemies of Metru Nui takes place. They board an airship, and that's where Struggle in the Sky happens. Then Dreams of Darkness takes place, and then the Toa see the Vahki transport moving through Ta-Metru (in the movie, it is moving through Ko-Metru). They board it and it takes them to Po-Metru, as seen in the movie. Sure, this theory contradicts the movie, but I accept the books to be slightly more canon, and the book never specifies where the chute takes them.
53) The Metru Nui: Ministry of Tourism website is written for tourists to Metru Nui. Is this implying that people from other lands occasionally visit Metru Nui, or can this website even be considered canon?
64) If you are wearing an infected mask, does it place you under the direct control of Makuta, or just make you work for him?
75) Did Makuta create the two-headed Tarakava and mutant Ussal crab?
86) Why don't Le-Metru authorities allow Matoran to travel in airships? From what I saw in Struggle in the Sky, they're OK for travel. Are they worried about members of the Matoran underworld hyjacking them or something?
97) Why are there so many chutes in Le-Metru? Sure, it may house the Moto-Hub, but there are far more places to visit in the other metru.
108) Do certain breeds of Visorak attack certain metru, or do they attack districts randomly like the Bohrok?
119) Are there more Bohrok, Visorak or Vahki?
1210) Where did Roodaka come from? Did she come from the same island as the Visorak, or has she been hiding in Metru Nui?
1311) Would Takanuva be able to uninfect creatures, since his mask power can turn darkness into light?
1412) Do infected masks have any mask powers built in?
1513) Why was Makuta conducting all of these experiments in his lair? Was he plotting to put Mata Nui asleep all of this time, or was he simply doing it for fun?
1614) We know that the Matoran used to view Makuta in a fairly positive light. Did they view THE Makuta who attacked Metru Nui like this, or Makuta and his brothers?
1715) Do any of the Matoran remember climbing out of the storage containers on Mata Nui? If they do, do they just assume that this is how they arrived there, like the Toa, who also arrived in canisters?
191) We don't plan the City of Legends prefix, since the City of Legends is in ruins at this point in the story.
203) Yes, it can be considered canon -- before Makuta/Dume ordered the seaways closed off, traders from other lands often visited Metru Nui.
214) Kind of hard to work for him if you don't know what he wants, so he does have direct influence over you.
225) Probably, yes
236) Because they are meant for use only as cargo carriers -- not for passengers. Airship travel is still quite dangerous, owing to the large number of Rahi who go after anything that flies -- in chutes, you pretty much just have to worry about chute lurkers.
247) As you said, it houses the Moto-Hub. And since it is the Le-Matoran who build the chutes, naturally they build the most in their own neighborhood.
258) No, they don't attack specific metru, because they are going after the Rahi wherever they happen to be.
269) More than what?
2710) She has not been on Metru Nui, no.
2811) No.
2912) Just whatever power the mask had before.
3013) He was trying to breed specialized Rahi for specialized tasks.
3114) They may very well not know of his brothers. The Makuta in LOMN is the only one they have met.
3215) No, they don't. Their loss of memory occurred after they arrived on Mata Nui (some time after), so everything about how they got there is a blank.
31) You've already told us that BIONICLE 22 will be called Monsters in the Dark. Will it's full title be City of Legends Part VII: Monsters in the Dark, or was Dreams of Darkness the end of the City of Legends saga?
42) I'm going to hazard a guess as to where BIONICLE 19 - 21 take place. After the Toa leave the Coliseum, they board a chute, as seen in the movie. The chute takes them to Le-Metru (not Ko-Metru as seen in the movie) where Enemies of Metru Nui takes place. They board an airship, and that's where Struggle in the Sky happens. Then Dreams of Darkness takes place, and then the Toa see the Vahki transport moving through Ta-Metru (in the movie, it is moving through Ko-Metru). They board it and it takes them to Po-Metru, as seen in the movie. Sure, this theory contradicts the movie, but I accept the books to be slightly more canon, and the book never specifies where the chute takes them.
53) The Metru Nui: Ministry of Tourism website is written for tourists to Metru Nui. Is this implying that people from other lands occasionally visit Metru Nui, or can this website even be considered canon?
64) If you are wearing an infected mask, does it place you under the direct control of Makuta, or just make you work for him?
75) Did Makuta create the two-headed Tarakava and mutant Ussal crab?
86) Why don't Le-Metru authorities allow Matoran to travel in airships? From what I saw in Struggle in the Sky, they're OK for travel. Are they worried about members of the Matoran underworld hyjacking them or something?
97) Why are there so many chutes in Le-Metru? Sure, it may house the Moto-Hub, but there are far more places to visit in the other metru.
108) Do certain breeds of Visorak attack certain metru, or do they attack districts randomly like the Bohrok?
119) Are there more Bohrok, Visorak or Vahki?
1210) Where did Roodaka come from? Did she come from the same island as the Visorak, or has she been hiding in Metru Nui?
1311) Would Takanuva be able to uninfect creatures, since his mask power can turn darkness into light?
1412) Do infected masks have any mask powers built in?
1513) Why was Makuta conducting all of these experiments in his lair? Was he plotting to put Mata Nui asleep all of this time, or was he simply doing it for fun?
1614) We know that the Matoran used to view Makuta in a fairly positive light. Did they view THE Makuta who attacked Metru Nui like this, or Makuta and his brothers?
1715) Do any of the Matoran remember climbing out of the storage containers on Mata Nui? If they do, do they just assume that this is how they arrived there, like the Toa, who also arrived in canisters?
191) We don't plan the City of Legends prefix, since the City of Legends is in ruins at this point in the story.
203) Yes, it can be considered canon -- before Makuta/Dume ordered the seaways closed off, traders from other lands often visited Metru Nui.
214) Kind of hard to work for him if you don't know what he wants, so he does have direct influence over you.
225) Probably, yes
236) Because they are meant for use only as cargo carriers -- not for passengers. Airship travel is still quite dangerous, owing to the large number of Rahi who go after anything that flies -- in chutes, you pretty much just have to worry about chute lurkers.
247) As you said, it houses the Moto-Hub. And since it is the Le-Matoran who build the chutes, naturally they build the most in their own neighborhood.
258) No, they don't attack specific metru, because they are going after the Rahi wherever they happen to be.
269) More than what?
2710) She has not been on Metru Nui, no.
2811) No.
2912) Just whatever power the mask had before.
3013) He was trying to breed specialized Rahi for specialized tasks.
3114) They may very well not know of his brothers. The Makuta in LOMN is the only one they have met.
3215) No, they don't. Their loss of memory occurred after they arrived on Mata Nui (some time after), so everything about how they got there is a blank.
1I got an answer on GregF on the Vahi:
6A: No, only the Gahlok-Kal's power activated it (See Bionicle Chronicles #3)
ninjamaster501(Nm501) 2Q: Was the Vahi only a present to Turaga Dume or it was kept to Himself?
GregF 3A:Turaga Dume never had the Vahi. Vakama made it, used it, lost it in the water.
Vorahk1Panrank2 5Could you call the Exo-Toa robots sense they can activate on their own?
6A: No, only the Gahlok-Kal's power activated it (See Bionicle Chronicles #3)
1If you look at the comics, Gahlok-Kal destroyed some Exo-Toa, but they can move around and function on their own, the Exo-Toa tried to stop the Kal.
1Well here i am again, I'm going to try and make another signature and show it to you, But for now heres what i want to know:
21:What is the cure for visorak venom?
32:How do you say roodaka?
43:How do you say sidorak?
54:How do you say keetongu?
65:Is keetongu a dark hunter? The early pics of it look like krekka.
76:What makes a toa hordika differant then a toa metru mentaly?
87:What does hordika mean in the matoran language? I ask this because you said the turaga take it as a very bad word(I think you did anyway).
98:What would the matoran word for "Evil Spirit" Be?
109:Are all the mask names the matoran word for there power? I ask this because you once said vahi is the matoran word for time, So i thought for example huna would mean concealment in matoran.
1110:When will we learn the entire matoran language if ever?
1211(Skipped over):This is'nt really a question but:
13This is a chart i made for whats what in my epic:
14Mojin-Toa=Toa hordika
25Toa-nuva=Toa-nuva(What? That does not change.)
28So what do you think of this chart?
29And could there be a mask of any three of the virtues, Like say a mask of unity, Duty, Or destiny? If so what would the mask do?
30Is it possible for a toa to become a turaga by creating toa stones?
31Thats all for now, Sorry about all the questions, These things have been bugging me for a while.
321) Can't answer it
332) Roo-dah-kah
34I'll actually say it like this... Weird for once i use the actual way to say it:
353) Sih-door-ack
36I'll settle for Sid-or-rack
374) Key-tahn-goo
38Weird, I'll just call it Kee-Ton-Guu, Like theres a diff...
395) No, Keetongu is not a Dark Hunter.
40Aw... But he looks so much like krekka:
416) Same thing that makes Wolverine different from Captain America -- being half beast.
42Okay... This should have been known....
437) They see it as a bad word because they had a terrible experience as Hordika and don't want to remember it
44I thought it would mean somethign in matoran, Maybe it does but Greg's not telling me...
458) I can't comment on that, because it might get contradicted later on.
46Aw... I wanna call Toa Shade on what his Zephroth name would be in matoran. Since Zephroth fakely means "Evil Spirit" in my made-up language/Slang.
479) It's possible, but I have no official word that says it is the case
48That would be interesting if so, Because then thats alot of the matoran language right there.
4910) I doubt we will ever paint ourselves into a corner by saying, here, this is the complete language.
50Aw.... I'd really wanna know the whole language...
5111:He skipped this one...
5212) I can't imagine a mask of Unity offhand
53Man... I can though, It would be a mask of fushion, Or Unity, It would merge two or more beings into one.
5413) Yes, but only if the power of those stones is then used to make someone else a Toa. Lhikan created Toa stones but did not become a Turaga until the Toa Metru were formed
55Well in my epic a toa creates 40 toa stones, And those stones are used to make many generations of toa. So at least thats accurate.
57Oh hope you like these answers... Like there of any use...
1I believe that Hordika means "Half-Beast", or "Half-Rahi".
1If you look at the comics, Gahlok-Kal destroyed some Exo-Toa, but they can move around and function on their own, the Exo-Toa tried to stop the Kal.
2Gahlok-Kal did, but unfortunatley, BC#3 Gahlok-Kal's haywired power controls the Exo-Toa and vanquishes Gahlok-Kal by her/it's own power.
3Not at all. The Exos "still resisted" the kal, but the kal demolished them quickly. Then, after Gahlok Kal's power went haywire, it attracted all of the broken pieces towards it. Read the comics:
1If you look at the comics, Gahlok-Kal destroyed some Exo-Toa, but they can move around and function on their own, the Exo-Toa tried to stop the Kal.
2Gahlok-Kal did, but unfortunatley, BC#3 Gahlok-Kal's haywired power controls the Exo-Toa and vanquishes Gahlok-Kal by her/it's own power.
3Not at all. The Exos "still resisted" the kal, but the kal demolished them quickly. Then, after Gahlok Kal's power went haywire, it attracted all of the broken pieces towards it. Read the comics:
4Oh yeah, I forgot the pieces attack. Thanx, benmecha.
5NOTE: I read every single comic thanx the BS01:
1Questions bold, answers normal, comments blue. 21. Could the Shadow Toa have formed Kaita? 3Yes, possibly. 42. Could Makuta make Rahkshi with the six elemental powers? 5Not to my knowledge, no. 6Of course, come to think of it, if he can create Shadow Toa, he doesn't need to. 73. What would happen if a Matoran or other powerless mask were dipped in energized protodermis? 8Depends. If it was not their destiny to transform, they would be destroyed. 94. If you dipped a Kanoka in EP, would you get a disk you could make a Kanohi Nuva out of, or what? 10No, because Kanohi Nuva are not made from Kanoka Nuva. It might turn into something else, or be enhanced in some way, or it might simply be destroyed by the EP. 115. Hypothetical question. If Krahka had encountered Makuta while he was posing as Dume, would she be able to duplicate Makuta's powers at all, or just Dume's? 12I tend to doubt Krahka could duplicate Makuta's power, anymore than she could Mata Nui's. That is a little too far off the scale. 13Sort of what I figured, but it was such a cool idea, I had to ask. 146. Something I've been wondering about, concerning Toa tools. If I recall correctly, you've said that a Toa can use another Toa's tool, but at a greatly reduced level of control and power. 15My question is, what about the Toa Metru? They selected their Toa tools from a collection of tools in the Suva. Did each Toa's tool become bound to that Toa at the moment they selected the tool, or was it a gradual process as they used and became familiar with their tools? 16Just as a batter gets used to using a particular bat, a Toa bonds with his/her tool over time. 177. I'm still not clear on what happens to maskless Matoran. If a Matoran "shuts down" because their mask has been removed, will placing the mask back on their face rejuvenate them, or not? 18Depends on how long they have been shut down, and why it happened to start with. Judging from LOMN, just putting the masks back on the Matoran would not have awakened them, the Toa had to sacrifice their power. 198. Might the original Karzahni be one of Makuta's brothers? 20Doubtful. 219. Who comes up with the titles for the books and comics? 22I do.
1You answered this:
27. I'm still not clear on what happens to maskless Matoran. If a Matoran "shuts down" because their mask has been removed, will placing the mask back on their face rejuvenate them, or not?
37) Depends on how long they have been shut down, and why it happened to start with. Judging from LOMN, just putting the masks back on the Matoran would not have awakened them, the Toa had to sacrifice their power.
4Do you mean that when Makuta put the Matoran into a sleep, he removed all their masks?
5And is this the process?:
61. A Matoran's mask is removed. 72. Over the course of a year, the Matoran gets weaker and weaker. 83. After about roughly a year, the Matoran falls into a coma-like sleep. 94. The Matoran's asleep. 105. The mask is placed back on and the Matoran returns to normal, breathing life.
11Is that right?
12And what caused the "Kanohi bond" anyway?
151) In the original script of the movie, when a Matoran pod was opened, their masks were lying next to them, having been removed. So I am going with that version.
162) Nowhere near as long as a year needs to go by. A day without a mask would be enough, if not less.
173) The "Kanohi bond" is just a natural part of a BIONICLE character's existence. In the case of Toa and Turaga, not having a mask severely weakens them .. in the case of Matoran, it does more than that.
19Well, that's my Q's and A's.
21EDIT: More goodies.
22Hi GregF: Just three questions today:
23What's a chute lurker?
24Does Makuta have multiple "brothers" that looks and act just like him? Sort of like Makuta clones. And that's why he's called THE Makuta; that Makuta specifically decieved them.
25Is that script thing that NtM posted accurate?
281) It's a Rahi that hides in chutes and grabs anything (or anyone) who passes by.
292) He does have multiple brothers, I cannot describe what they look like because that is future storyline.
303) No. Nuhrii has been known in the past to post things that are not accurate, and this is another of those times. Some general parts of it are accurate, but it is based on an old story outline from the end of 2003, and some significant things have been changed since then.
1I had an idea about the matoran being needed by the Visorak, and I also thought mabie there was a power sorce in the coliseum....
51) No, not really. The Visorak have taken over the Coliseum, but they do not really have a "nest" as such.
62) Actually, the Visorak rely on the energy of colony drone spinners to thrive. They do have plans for the Matoran, but no, they don't need them as power.
8Cool: The Visorak have plans for the matoran, hehe my mind is just flutering with ideas:
2oK just a quick question,
3Is there somthing that is the core of the visorak nest? Somthing that powers it briging it to life? And I also had a therey, it sounds kinda Matrixy, do the Matoran under the caliceum exist as power for thevisorak? Do they have any inportince to the visorak???
4Sorry for going all over the placeand thanks 4 your time...
51) No, not really. The Visorak have taken over the Coliseum, but they do not really have a "nest" as such.
62) Actually, the Visorak rely on the energy of colony drone spinners to thrive. They do have plans for the Matoran, but no, they don't need them as power.
8Cool: The Visorak have plans for the matoran, hehe my mind is just flutering with ideas: