1Hey Greg. I don't know what you guys at LEGO did with LoMN, but it's turned out to be one of the best movies I've seen this year: I still thoroughly enjoyed it after the fourth time of watching. The characters definitely had more...well, character, than any of the ones in MoL, and it was a lot easier to understand and sympathise with them, especially when you know what comes next. *thinks Hordika and shudders* Man, those guys (and gal) went through a lot.
2Anyway, I have a few questions I'd like to ask ya.
31: I'm a bit confused about energised proto. You say that it only mutates things that are destined to change, yet you've said on many occasions that a kraata dipped into it comes out as rahkshi armour. Does this mean that every kraata that comes into contact with energised proto is destined to change?41) Yes. Just as every flower seed is arguably destined to become a flower. If you never put it in soil and water it, it won't -- and if you never put a kraata in EP, it won't become a Rahkshi -- but that is what kraata do. That is their reason for existence.
52: Who would you say is more powerful overal, a Toa Nuva or a Rahkshi? 62) Toa Nuva, owing to the fact that they have mask powers and elemental powers and the ability to share those mask powers. Rahkshi have great physical strength, flight ability, and one power.
73: LoMN confused me slightly. When Vakama put on the Vahi, how did he know how to use it if he didn't know how to use his mask power? Surely if he could use one he could use the other, and using a normal mask would be easier than using the Vahi, wouldn't it?83) Vakama had already been using his Mask of Concealment in that scene prior to using the Vahi on Makuta. So he had mastered his mask power.
94: Is there any storyline reason why every set has a Rhotuka next year, and if so, can you say what it is? 104) Yes, there is. Some characters have them because they received them via mutation, and others have mechanical versions of spinner launchers as their tools. As you will learn later in the year, spinner launchers were once common Toa tools.
115: Is there any reason, apart from it being embarresing and slightly upsetting for the Turaga to tell, that they don't want the Toa Nuva to hear the 2005 story? It seems to me that they're even more reluctant to tell than than they were the '04 one. 125) Yes, there are very good reasons for it. It's a shameful period in their history in a lot of ways.
136: I think you said Vakama makes a few big mistakes next year, can you say if one of them was inadvertantly winding the Toa up in those cocoons and getting mutated into Hordika? 146) That certainly wasn't his finest hour, no
157: I think you said once that the Turaga brought spare Kanohi with them to Mata Nui, have you any idea where they might be kept? 167) Most likely a cave.
178: Do you think either Lhikan or the real Dume had heard of the Visorak? 188) I doubt Lhikan had. The potential exists for Dume to have at least heard the name, but I can't say he ever did.
199: Obviously elemental powers have a limit to them, that much is apparent from the Toa Metru's experiences. Is this still true as Hordika? Like, perhaps if they use their Rhotuka too much they can't charge them much, or eventually perhaps not be able to create them until their powers 'recharge'? 209) That is certainly possible, yes.
2110: If a Toa created a Toa stone and gave it to a Matoran who got turned into a Toa before their (the Toa's) destiny was completed, would they be prematurely turned into a Turaga, or would their powers just be really drained or something? 2210) Most likely, their powers would be drained severely.
2311: Three things (I think) I can remember you saying at one point or another:
- 24Lhikan does not come from Metru Nui
- 25Lhikan was originally a Matoran
- 26To your knowledge, no Matoran exist off Metru Nui.
27This, to me, doesn't make much sense...did I get my facts wrong, or does this just add more mystery to Lhikan's past? 2811) Well, there are a couple of possibilities -- that there were Matoran elsewhere at one point .. or that there are offshoots of Matoran elsewhere ... don't forget, Lhikan become a Toa at least 1000 years before LOMN, if not longer
2912: Who is your favourite Toa to write, out of all the ones so far (including Hordika)? 3012) Kopaka, Nuju and Onewa.
31Thanks for answering my questions, Greg: It's really great to have you here on BZPower:
32Personally I found some of these answers very interesting, especially 1, 4 and 11. Number 3 confused me though, I swear he learnt to use his mask power after he'd used the vahi, when lhikan died? Or did he use it in one of the comics?

11. is it possible that takanuva's destiny is to defeat "the brotherhood of makuta"?
22. ok i know you said the brother hood of makuta saga was going to be the longest so far, i know this is a pretty raticle theorie..... but could it take the next 20 years of bionicle?
33. could you tell me how many members are in the brotherhood of makuta?
44. is it possible that the elements of "the brotherhood of makuta" are the oppossites of the toa nuva elements? (cause that one sprung in my mind after i realised darkness is the opposite of light.)
51, 3, 4) I can't answer any of these. 62) No.
8oh well 1,3,4 was worth a try.
1Questions about the new pics...
2Ok I just got my Matau Hordika today,(Its awsome::Anyway, there are some intresting pics in the front of the instructions booklit....
31:There is one pic where the toa are saspendid in a web in cacoons, in ko-metru, did the Visorak intend to keep them in the cacoons or where they sapost to be relest mutated?
42:If the toa are saspendid in air how do they get down when they awaken?![]()
51 and 2 I would rather not answer yet, so people can read about it in January
63:I was actuly saprized when I saw Nokama with Onewa right beside her, I had onistly thought that them being transfourmd that they would go there seprate ways....
73) No, they don't
84:How many routuka spinner powers are there?
94) I think 20-24 at last count
105: The webing of the Visorak, Does it come from there mouths? Ive seen the cover of "Web of the Visorak" and the pic showd the webing coming fom the mouth, Is this right?
115) Yes, pic seems to suggest that
126: OK: The most freeky picture that I saw was Roodaka in the shadows, with webing going from her mouth to(what apeers) to be Vakama Hordikas ear....What the heck is she doing to him:?: ( Not trying to saduce him is she?)
136) I have not seen the pic in question, but I can tell you there are no Roodaka webs Vakama up or sends gas at him or anything scenes in the story .. I would have to see the pic, but it may simply be that what you are seeing is webbing or mist behind her and it looks like it is coming from her.
14Thank you for taking the time to anser my questions(Cant wate to here from you....
16Well then I will show you the pic... here...
17Now do you know what she is doing?
18Nope, no idea. Doesn't look like any scene in the storyline that I know of.
1Hi, Greg.
- 2Want to confirm something... for some reason I seem to remember you saying the Rahaga were not bitten by the Visorak... but can't seem to find the quote... Did you say that?
- 3I wondered a few things about this topic: Forgot Something?, Nuhvok Kal.... A physics topic. My favorite kind.
Basically the starter points out that there are some theories that black holes are actually wormholes and that it's possible Nuvhok Kal was actually teleported through such a connection, and is still intact somewhere. What do you say to that?
- 4While I'm at it... I might as well run my theory of what happened there by you... though I might just bore you to death...
5It's about the issue of why the black hole didn't suck up everything including the planet. My theory is basically that the black hole only existed for a fraction of a second, and thus there wasn't enough time for it to threaten the planet.
6Here's why. Protodermis in Nuvhok Kal caused the emitting of a bunch of extra gravitons (the particles of gravity), out of his control. Well, as the black hole was forming and he was being crushed, that protodermis was being crushed. I think that would mean that when the protodermis was crushed to a certain point, it would stop emitting extra gravitons, and thus the rate of increase would peak, then fall off rapidly. The "device" that made the black hole gets destroyed by the black hole, and so the black hole gets destroyed too.
7Make any sense? Or is that black hole still around somewhere?
- 8And what happens then is the energy that used to be the matter of N.Kal (assuming protodermis would be affected in roughly the same way by being compressed into a singularity as normal matter would) then explodes. Now, if all of his energy was compressed into the singularity, when it exploded, it could be enough to blow up half the planet... but if only a tiny amount of him actually was in the singularity before the protodermis stopped generating gravity, the rest of him would only be highly compressed matter. It would still be matter. And when he exploded, the energy in the center would vaporize the atoms around it. He would be totally destroyed, there would be no black hole left to destroy the planet, and the energy wouldn't destroy the planet either.
9And BTW, this would all look pretty much exactly like how it was portrayed in the comic.Yup.
- 10Also, was the Krana Kal simply invincible, and that's why it was somehow unnaffected by the black hole? I can't seem to remember if that was said before...
- 11And in summary, I'll just ask outright... is Nuvhok Kal gone for good?
121) Not sure if I said it or not, but that is an accurate statement.
132) Certainly makes sense to me -- if the black hole still existed, as you pointed out, there wouldn't be much of Mata Nui left to worry about.
143) The krana kal was protected by a force mightier than any black hole -- the fact that if I had the Toa do something that killed a living creature in the comic, I would have heard about it from my bosses![]()
154) I hesitate to ever say anyone is gone for good in BIONICLE -- well, except for Lhikan and Ihu -- so I would suggest going by the old comic maxim that if you haven't seen a body, don't be too sure of anything.![]()
1Questions about the new pics...
2Ok I just got my Matau Hordika today,(Its awsome::Anyway, there are some intresting pics in the front of the instructions booklit....
31:There is one pic where the toa are saspendid in a web in cacoons, in ko-metru, did the Visorak intend to keep them in the cacoons or where they sapost to be relest mutated?
42:If the toa are saspendid in air how do they get down when they awaken?![]()
51 and 2 I would rather not answer yet, so people can read about it in January
63:I was actuly saprized when I saw Nokama with Onewa right beside her, I had onistly thought that them being transfourmd that they would go there seprate ways....
73) No, they don't
84:How many routuka spinner powers are there?
94) I think 20-24 at last count
105: The webing of the Visorak, Does it come from there mouths? Ive seen the cover of "Web of the Visorak" and the pic showd the webing coming fom the mouth, Is this right?
115) Yes, pic seems to suggest that
126: OK: The most freeky picture that I saw was Roodaka in the shadows, with webing going from her mouth to(what apeers) to be Vakama Hordikas ear....What the heck is she doing to him:?: ( Not trying to saduce him is she?)
136) I have not seen the pic in question, but I can tell you there are no Roodaka webs Vakama up or sends gas at him or anything scenes in the story .. I would have to see the pic, but it may simply be that what you are seeing is webbing or mist behind her and it looks like it is coming from her.
14Thank you for taking the time to anser my questions(Cant wate to here from you....
16Well then I will show you the pic... here...
17Now do you know what she is doing?
18Nope, no idea. Doesn't look like any scene in the storyline that I know of.
20Could you post the pic? I can't see it.
1Brickshelf is just down, Kualus. Give it time, it'll get back online. No need to fix anything. 

1In a strange turn of events (and an unfortunate misunderstanding) Greg PMed me with some intresting news, and some very promising words about 2006.
15Please note, this is a series of PMs over time.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5QUOTE 6Don't you think it might be a good idea to actually see what the '05 story is before you say we "botched the year up"?
8Did I say that? Please, would you mind linking me? The only thing I've found that is dislikable about this year is the Hordika sets, and I've seen quite enough of them. And even with what little we know I'm loving the 2005 story. Are you sure you didn't PM the wrong person? Everyone makes mistakes once in awhile...
9This is your quote, Ray, from the "Growing Out of BIONICLE" topic ...
10If we stick with it, Lego will eventually learn that doing things like the Hordika is not acceptable. They did pretty well overall, but no, they had to botch this year up with Hordika...but being a true fan means sticking with it through the bad and the good, and this is what I'm doing.
12As I said earlier, I ment the sets, and the sets only. I really think compared to the Rahkshi, Toa Metru, etc, the Hordika Toa sets are sub-par. I was not referring to the storyline, and I apologize for the misunderstanding. I like all the other sets this year (A first, and that is what I ment by "They did pretty well overall".
13Actually, you will be happy to know that we just had a BIONICLE team meeting about two weeks ago to discuss set issues that fans have brought up, including the cloning issue, the somewhat skeletal look of some of the models, etc. The results of that meeting were passed on to Denmark, and we've been assured that all of the suggestions we made are being incorporated as they do the designs for 2006. I have not seen the new designs for the year, but the top BIONICLE brass had told us they are the best sets ever done for the line, so I am eager to see them.
15Please note, this is a series of PMs over time.
1InnerRayg... That last post was extremely interesting.. I like the sets but they do seem to be getting skinny and more see thru. I am not sure if that is cause of design or to save money or Both. That is extremely interesting.. I look forward to seeing if they do make changes. Thanks for that post very insiteful

1Rayg , that is some pretty interesting news...
2It's good to see that Greg himself doesn't like the sets very much.
3And 2006 is gonna be a good year if they have the best sets so far. Hopefully they will be more 'fleshy' like they are in the movies.
4And they are even gonna do something about the cloning issue.
5Wow, it's good to see that Lego are doing the best they can to keep their fans.
2It's good to see that Greg himself doesn't like the sets very much.
3And 2006 is gonna be a good year if they have the best sets so far. Hopefully they will be more 'fleshy' like they are in the movies.
4And they are even gonna do something about the cloning issue.
5Wow, it's good to see that Lego are doing the best they can to keep their fans.

1I don't see how they can be skinny, but I am exited about seeing how they will fix the problem of every set looking the same aside from masks, colors, and tools.
1Well, look at the Hordika on it's side....it's barely as wide as the Toa Olda arm. That my friend, is skinny.
1Hey Greg,
2QUOTE 33: LoMN confused me slightly. When Vakama put on the Vahi, how did he know how to use it if he didn't know how to use his mask power? Surely if he could use one he could use the other, and using a normal mask would be easier than using the Vahi, wouldn't it?
43) Vakama had already been using his Mask of Concealment in that scene prior to using the Vahi on Makuta. So he had mastered his mask power.
5Errrrrrrrrrrrrr wrongo. Vakama uses the Vahi to slow down Makuta's Hand (although I didn't see any affect to that extent,) Lhikan jumps in the way and takes the blow. Lhikan dies, Vakama get's teary-eyed, stands up, and turns invisble. He then goes, " *gasp* My Mask Power:: " So I'm still confused.
6And please don't say "since he knew the Vahi was the Mask of Time, and didn't know the Huna's power, it worked," blah blah. That theory doesn't play out to me either, since the Vahi is the greatest/strongest mask ever made, and to even partially control it, with no practice with Kanohi whatsoever, would be impossible.
8I tried to send an answer earlier, but I think the server ate it -- so I wanted to send another.
91) You are right -- I was misremembering. An earlier version of the movie I saw had a much more prolonged fight before the use of the Vahi, and I was mistaken.
102) You are also right that knowing what the mask power is has nothing to do with the issue at hand -- that is proven a number of times in the movie. And therein lies the answer to your question ...
11Think about Nokama and the Kikanalo. Does she have "practice" with the Kanohi? Does she suddenly get told, "Hey, you have a Mask of Translation"? No. It just starts to work for her. All of a sudden, she has the hang of focusing her willpower in such a way to activate the mask. It is not a physical skill you have to practice -- it is more like suddenly discovering how to think differently.
12But wait, you say, the Vahi is the most powerful mask and the hardest to control. And you are absolutely right -- and Vakama does a rotten job controlling it. Remember when Tahu used the Vahi? The slow-time effect didn't affect him or the other Toa Nuva. But Vakama gets caught in it. Why? Because he has no idea how to control the mask ... THAT he would have to practice.
13See, there are two issues here -- activation and control. All masks are activated in the same way, through focus and willpower -- all masks are not controlled in the exact same way, because they have different powers and different ways they can be used. Knowing that, and knowing their limitations, comes with experience. But just hitting the "on" switch mentally is not the same as knowing everything there is to know about the mask and how to use it.
14So essentially what Vakama did is the same thing that Nokama did and Matau did and the others did -- it suddenly clicked (in what for a human would be a moment of adrenaline rush) how to will the mask to activate. Had he not been wearing the Vahi, he would have turned invisible from activating the Huna. Because he had the Vahi on, he affected time instead.
15Did he know when he put the mask on he would be able to make it work? No. As you pointed out, how could he? But Makuta didn't know he hadn't been able to access his mask powers yet -- for all he knew, he had been using the Huna and so could trigger the mask -- so you have to take into account that Vakama's initial thoughts were a) bluff him and wear the mask and make him take it away. He was probably just as surprised as Nokama had been when he was actually able to trigger it.
17Greg's a great guy for replying all that, eh?
1Yeah really, Ive never seen sutch a long anser from Greg on 1 question...Good question to, jimmybob. I love this topic

1great job JB.thats a very interesting answer.i havent seen LOMN yet though ![]()
2and in reference to raygs answer,im glad there taking advice from the consumers.but ive been around awhile and ive never heard the term "cloning".whats that mean? thanks in advance
3"Cloning" is when all the sets in group of six are the same model, except for colours, masks, and tools. Like the Bohrok, who were only differentiated by colour and hand shields. Or the Rahkshi. But no one accuses the Rahkshi, as they're pretty much among the top 5 Lego sets ever (Well, now they're getting some competition, but they remain great. To me at least.)

1thanks for the clarification exo lhikhan.im gonna go send some questions. bye 

1Alright, these questions have been bugging me for a while so I'll just get on with them now:
21)I was wondering, who exactly freed the Hordika: The Rahaga, themselves, something else or you just can't tell me.
32)I need this info for my epic. What are the Toa Nuva's and Takanuva's most deepest darkest fears.
43)I just watched LoMN for the seventh time and I noticed something, according to Voyage of Fear (I don't have the LoMN novelisation) that the Toa Metru sailed to Mata Nui via a system of underground rivers but in LoMN the Toa walked down that tunnel to Mata Nui. Whats going on?
54)Well we meet the real Karzahni later in the story?
65)I was wondering, what kind of a power source, if any, are the Vahki working on because it seems evident to me that the Vahki are "battery operated" as they can function well after the power generators are drained of power.
76a)Is there a distinct possiblity of female Dark Hunters.
86b) If answer to 6a is yes, is Roodaka one of them?
9Would like to thank you in advance for any questions answered.
101) That's revealed in the novel out December 29th, and the first comic out mid-January, so you can get it from either of those. I am not releasing story info early.
112) Not something I've thought about, to be honest.
123) Portage. They had to carry the six spheres and the boat over a small strip of rock and then put them back into the water.
134) No idea. That is really ancient Matoran history, so I have no idea if he will ever show up in the story.
145) They get their power from the power plant, which Makuta wrecks in the movie, and which accounts for their behavior in BA #7.
156) I cannot rule out female Dark Hunters, but Roodaka is not a Dark Hunter, no. "Dark Hunter" is a job, not a species name, and her job is viceroy of the Visorak.
171)All the more reason to get BA#7 and the first comic for '05 I guess.
182)Aww man, I needed that info.
193)That explains it but its kinda hard to imagine six Toa carrying a whole Vahki transport and putting it back in the water don't you think?
204)Hhhmm I wonder...
215)That is the explaination of Vahki behaviour in 2005.
226)I was kinda hoping Roodaka was a female Dark Hunter...but I guess not.
1Okie, here's a few.
21. '06 is about the Nuva, corect?
31) I can't discuss future storyline
4Dang it
52. Is B3 under prduction?
62) Yes
83. if so, how do the Hordika look? Scary?
93) Haven't seen any animation. I don't work on the movies.
114. Have you seen eithier of The Spidermna Movies?
124) Yes
13Who hasn't?
145.What comic are you up to?
155) 24
176. in '06 tehre will hopefully be set variation among the six cainsters, correct?
186) Again, I can't discuss future product or story
207. Have you ever played any Megaman games?
217) No
22YOu don't know what your missing.
238. Do you have Broadband?
248) Yes
269. What's our fave movie?
279) I have a lot of favorites
28Don't we all?
2910. What do you do in your average day working at Bionicle.
3010) BIONICLE actually occupies only a very small part of my work day .. most of my time is spent writing and editing LEGO Magazine and working on the Shop At Home catalog
3211. How much of '06 has been planned?
3311) We have a general outline, bible is being written now
3512. What is your favourite year of Bionicle?
3612) '04 probably, so far
37Don't blame hime.
3813. How many brotehrs does Makuta have?
3913) Can't answer it
40Was worth a shot.
4114. Will we be seeing Krahka beyond '05?
4214) Don't know, haven't decided yet
43I hope so...
44Thanls a ton for your time:
1heres some good answers(as promised)
2hey there. been awhile but im back to milk some more info
31) can you give any info regarding: 4a)zivon? 5b)kahgarahk? 6c)chute spiders? 7d)gate guardian?
82) in the gregf discussion topic,you said to activate a mask you simply have to find the right mental command.would it be possible for onewa to mind control someone,then trigger his mask power? 93)in reference to set design,it looks like keetongus cest flips forward to flre its rhotuka.can you confirm this? 104)do you have a list of rhotuka powers that you can share yet?
11thats all for now.thanks
121) Kahgarak and Gate Guardian will be detailed in the March magazine, the other two are in the Rahi book next year -- Zivon will also be in BA #8 and in the March LEGO BrickMaster edition -- so I am not going to share info early.
132) It's an interesting idea, but it would mean Onewa would have to be activating and controlling two mask powers at once, and I think that might fry his own brain.
143) Yes, that is correct
154) I believe the Toa and Rahaga powers are already out there, and I haven't released any others yet.
17i especially liked number 2.i had a good idea for a change :0
2hey there. been awhile but im back to milk some more info
31) can you give any info regarding: 4a)zivon? 5b)kahgarahk? 6c)chute spiders? 7d)gate guardian?
82) in the gregf discussion topic,you said to activate a mask you simply have to find the right mental command.would it be possible for onewa to mind control someone,then trigger his mask power? 93)in reference to set design,it looks like keetongus cest flips forward to flre its rhotuka.can you confirm this? 104)do you have a list of rhotuka powers that you can share yet?
11thats all for now.thanks
121) Kahgarak and Gate Guardian will be detailed in the March magazine, the other two are in the Rahi book next year -- Zivon will also be in BA #8 and in the March LEGO BrickMaster edition -- so I am not going to share info early.
132) It's an interesting idea, but it would mean Onewa would have to be activating and controlling two mask powers at once, and I think that might fry his own brain.
143) Yes, that is correct
154) I believe the Toa and Rahaga powers are already out there, and I haven't released any others yet.
17i especially liked number 2.i had a good idea for a change :0
1Just a few things... I wondered what you would say to this topic: Rahi Nui, Dark Hunters, And Makuta. It's an interesting theory that the Rahi Nui, which was said in MoS to have been used by the Dark Hunters, may have been involved behind the scenes during the LoMN story, tracking the Toa Metru, basically, and that's how it ended up on Mata Nui. What do you think?
2Also, in the Beginner's Guide to '05, vahki5000 posted this:
3I just got some info that the Rahaga battled the Visorahk on an island called Medru Nui, way before there battle with the Visorahk on Metru Nui. Any way, I hope this helps out with the information you need.
4Is that accurate info? Sounds like it may be coming from a fanfic or something...
51) No, not to my knowledge. It teleported into the tunnels in Book 6, had no idea where it was, and ended up on Mata Nui because that is where it finally materialized when it had reintegrated its atoms. It is pretty hard to keep something the size of Rahi Nui "behind the scenes."
62) No, this is just BZP imaginings -- no info has been released on the Rahaga's past with the Visorak, and no other locations other than Metru Nui and Mata Nui even have names yet, let alone names that would be known. Far as I know, there is no such place as "Medru Nui."
1Not sure if I've already posted these but here they are anyway:
12*Starts singing "My Goodies"*
2Hi GregF: Just three questions today:
3What's a chute lurker?
4Does Makuta have multiple "brothers" that looks and act just like him? Sort of like Makuta clones. And that's why he's called THE Makuta; that Makuta specifically decieved them.
5Is that script thing that NtM posted accurate?
81) It's a Rahi that hides in chutes and grabs anything (or anyone) who passes by.
92) He does have multiple brothers, I cannot describe what they look like because that is future storyline.
103) No. Nuhrii has been known in the past to post things that are not accurate, and this is another of those times. Some general parts of it are accurate, but it is based on an old story outline from the end of 2003, and some significant things have been changed since then.
12*Starts singing "My Goodies"*
1Finally got to watch B2.![]()
2And of course, I have questions.Some of this may be more comments rather than questions...
39I know I had other questions.. but I seem to have a giant mind blank...
- 3One of the main things that sticks out is the number of Matoran... sorry to ask about a possible inconsistency as my first question...
The City Guide said there were only a thousand Matoran... and in that final scene on Mata Nui, it indeed looked like only about a thousand Matoran. But in the Coliseum scene, it appeared that there were waaaaay more (this was something that BZPers brought up a while ago, BTW). Also, at one point, Whenua says something like "Matoran capsules, thousands of 'em" (Not exact quote...) What is up here?
41) Coliseum scene was artistic license -- you have to fill the stadium, otherwise the scene looks lame, and the stadium has to be huge or IT looks lame. As for the thousands comment (I caught that too) -- ever run into someone who has termites? They go, "There are hundreds of them:" when there are maybe 90 or 100. Natural exaggeration in a crisis -- after all, it is highly doubtful Whenua knows exactly how many Matoran live in the city.
- 5So Kikanalo have a "power" of incredibly loud roars, eh? Interesting...
62) Yup. Their breath isn't exactly roses either![]()
- 7A few times, I noticed a character didn't use a power that we know they have that would have saved them... For example, when the Kikanalo with Nokama jumped up, and the Vahki slid off that cliff, why didn't those Vahki just activate their flying powers?
83) Well, you notice, the Vahki did catch and hold onto the cliff, so they weren't actually falling. And they may well have used their flight power to get out of that predicament off-screen.
- 9Same question when that giant statue was falling on Nidhiki thanks to Krekka's brilliance... It seemed like Nidhiki had plenty of time to activate his flying power.
104) He might have, but how many beings are thinking rationally when a large object is falling on them?
- 11Also, earlier in the movie, why didn't Lhikan ever use his fire power to help when fighting the DH? I may have missed it and he did though...
125) That is a good question -- the only thing I can think of on this is that he may have been afraid of somehow injuring Vakama is he started hurling fire blasts around.
- 13That column field thingy in the coliseum was super coooooool... But yes, there's a question here, when Dume told them "enough" about the column waves, and then told them to do something else, what made all that wind? Is that part of the coliseum too? I couldn't figure that out.
146) Yes, that is Coliseum too. And the "waves" thing comes back in a small way in B3, assuming the script stays true to what I have with me. (I have already been told that some of the dialogue that will be in the movie novelization of B3 has been cut so that there can be more time for action.)
- 15We know Krahka and the Kikanalo are sentient... what about Nivawk? Is he also sentient? Or is he just like a really smart parrot?
165) I would not put Nivawk on Krahka's level -- Krahka is capable of making moral choices. Nivawk is more like a guard dog. (Watch for some coooool Krahka scenes in BA #8 -- I so love writing about her![]()
- 17In the end when Makuta was making those columns come out of the protowater, what were those columns? It seemed like he was using a power of his to crystallize the liquid protodermis... is that right? Or was it ice? Or something else.... I notice it seems glasslike, and Onewa broke one in one scene, which could imply that it's considered a form of stone....
186) It looked like crystal to me, somewhat similar to what was coming up in the arena.
- 19Do you know why that crack in the Barrier is there? I think you may have said it was just wear and tear over time... is that right?
207) No, I don't recall saying that -- we know there are other gaps in the barrier, the seaways to elsewhere -- but that one, to me, looks like it would be more of a result of the eclipse and the subsequent quake (yes, I know the quake wasn't in the movie, but it was in the script I had).
- 21Oh... I noticed that when the flow is reversed in the chutes, Nokama talks... uh.. is that an error?
Vakama sortof does too, when he hits the "wall".
228) That was a bit of movie magic -- most people watching the film have no idea what chutes are or that you can't talk in them -- so the moviemakers had a choice of taking time to explain that and having a silent scene, or letting the characters talk. They chose the latter.
- 23Speaking of the flow reversal, was that Kongu in that scene (that the DH made reverse the flow)? With a different mask? Do you know? Seems to me I've heard that.. and Kongu was in the credits. He has a Miru in MNOG, but as someone pointed out in a recent topic, there are no Miru (or Akaku Olda) featured in either MOL or LoMN.
249) Yes, that is Kongu according to the script.
- 25Nokama mentions that visions can be a sign of madness... can I take that to mean that there have been Matoran who went mad? Are they still mad? Or is she reffering to temporary effects?
2610) I would say that there probably have been Matoran who have lost it in the past.
- 27"Cross-wired...." Any idea what the story behind that figure of speech is? It seems to imply that Toa have wires in them...
2811) No idea, screenwriter came up with it -- probably the Matoran equivalent of saying "lost my marbles."
- 29Was Vakama actually completely invisible? And the slight visiblility is just for the viewer's sake?
3012) Yes, just as they draw Sue Richards into the comic even though you can't see her.
- 31I take it that giant hand thingy can't be "canceled" after it's been fired? Because if it could, Makuta could have stopped that big ole giant stone from slamming into him...
3213) No, once you do it, you're committed.
- 33Just have to comment... that "Firespitter.. Didja wrongturn?" line was perfect... and hilarious...
Loved that part... so classically Le-Matoran-esque.
- 34Where did all those pods come from, anyways? Or can you not say.....
3514) The pods? Well, process of elimination -- the Matoran didn't make them; in fact, I doubt they were made in Metru Nui. I think a reasonable assumption is (wait for it) Makuta has pulled this particular "slap 'em in the spheres" stunt before.
- 36In the final battle where Makuta said Vakama can't hide from him, was his mask glowing visible to Makuta, and that's what Makuta meant? Why was that? (First time I watched it I thought Makuta meant that he had heard Vakama's voice.)
3715) I personally took it that Makuta was bluffing.
Oh well.... sending these for now...
40BTW, the movie was awesome, not that I'm surprised...Dume especially I thought was done well, although we all know it wasn't really him... And those visions were awesome.. but then this list could go on for a while and I am out of time for now...
1More questions...
2SKC: Does the Visorak's venom have anything to do with energized protodermis? (things that it doesn't mutate, it destroys)? Would the Visorak have some kind of venom gland in which this is stored?
3GregF: Yes, Visorak venom is internally manufactured like snake venom is, no, it is not energized protodermis. As far as we know, Visorak venom does not ''destroy'' anything.
4So I guess that Visorak venom just mutates, and doesn't affect like energized protodermis which the mutating happens immedietly.
2SKC: Does the Visorak's venom have anything to do with energized protodermis? (things that it doesn't mutate, it destroys)? Would the Visorak have some kind of venom gland in which this is stored?
3GregF: Yes, Visorak venom is internally manufactured like snake venom is, no, it is not energized protodermis. As far as we know, Visorak venom does not ''destroy'' anything.
4So I guess that Visorak venom just mutates, and doesn't affect like energized protodermis which the mutating happens immedietly.

1QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, 2I have just a few questions, 31.) I read Nokama is most comfortable with the changes, why?
42.) Does Nokama know they could become all Rahi?
53.) Do the Rahaga know that the Toa could become all rahi?
64.) If so, how do they know?
75.) If Visorak leave their victims in the cocoons for their natural life, how do they know what their venom did?
86.) I figure you are probably sick of ?'s about the picture of Vakama with Roodaka whispering in Vakama's ear or whatever, I was wondering if you know anything about this, and does this mean she has a telepathic link to the hordika?
97.) Does Vakama still have visions?
108.) Can you give us any hints on the unexpected villan that you informed us of?
119.) Is the "largest set ever" a character?
1210.) What are some of the Visorak's powers
13Thanks, that is all: 14[/QUOTE]
151) Basically, because as a Water Toa, she has always been very linked to nature, just as Gali is -- and becoming part Rahi increases that link and makes it stronger.
162) Yes
173) Yes
184) Well, Nokama knows because the Rahaga tell her, and the Rahaga know from past history
195) Not all victims are injected with venom. The ones who are mutate and usually rip their way out of their cocoons. The ones left in the cocoons aren't going to mutate, just basically go into stasis.
206) No. I can tell you that to my knowledge (based on the story bible and the movie script) there is no scene like that in the story. Story pictures like that are usually created before the story is written and are sometimes meant to be more symbolic than anything.
217) Not in this storyline, which is interesting, and I have a theory about it, but can't share it yet. I want to see if, as the story progresses, any BZPers come to share my view.
228) No, that is movie plot.
239) The identity of the large set (which is actually only the biggest since 2001) will be revealed in the January LEGO BrickMaster edition of the magazine, though regrettably it won't be shown.
2410) I am not discussing this yet because they don't come out until March. I don't want everything about the '05 characters in public domain before '05 has even started yet.
25Greg 26[/QUOTE] 27Here is a fresh batch, some interesting ones too:
42.) Does Nokama know they could become all Rahi?
53.) Do the Rahaga know that the Toa could become all rahi?
64.) If so, how do they know?
75.) If Visorak leave their victims in the cocoons for their natural life, how do they know what their venom did?
86.) I figure you are probably sick of ?'s about the picture of Vakama with Roodaka whispering in Vakama's ear or whatever, I was wondering if you know anything about this, and does this mean she has a telepathic link to the hordika?
97.) Does Vakama still have visions?
108.) Can you give us any hints on the unexpected villan that you informed us of?
119.) Is the "largest set ever" a character?
1210.) What are some of the Visorak's powers
13Thanks, that is all: 14[/QUOTE]
151) Basically, because as a Water Toa, she has always been very linked to nature, just as Gali is -- and becoming part Rahi increases that link and makes it stronger.
162) Yes
173) Yes
184) Well, Nokama knows because the Rahaga tell her, and the Rahaga know from past history
195) Not all victims are injected with venom. The ones who are mutate and usually rip their way out of their cocoons. The ones left in the cocoons aren't going to mutate, just basically go into stasis.
206) No. I can tell you that to my knowledge (based on the story bible and the movie script) there is no scene like that in the story. Story pictures like that are usually created before the story is written and are sometimes meant to be more symbolic than anything.
217) Not in this storyline, which is interesting, and I have a theory about it, but can't share it yet. I want to see if, as the story progresses, any BZPers come to share my view.
228) No, that is movie plot.
239) The identity of the large set (which is actually only the biggest since 2001) will be revealed in the January LEGO BrickMaster edition of the magazine, though regrettably it won't be shown.
2410) I am not discussing this yet because they don't come out until March. I don't want everything about the '05 characters in public domain before '05 has even started yet.
25Greg 26[/QUOTE] 27Here is a fresh batch, some interesting ones too:
5There are no plans to put MNOLG 1 back up on the web -- for technical reasons that I don't completely understand (not being a web person, it isn't possible to do. Not sure if it is a programming question or a bandwidth question or what, but that is what I have been told.
3Does MNOLG 1 will be available again???
4Soua Nuva
5There are no plans to put MNOLG 1 back up on the web -- for technical reasons that I don't completely understand (not being a web person, it isn't possible to do. Not sure if it is a programming question or a bandwidth question or what, but that is what I have been told.
1Manas and more...
21) Do Manas live outside of the lair?
32) Since there's a little info on the Hordika, would the Hordika have a inner darkness of the cause of the Visorak Poison tha made hem Par-Rahi?
41) Yes. See BIONICLE Chronicles #4: Tales of the Masks for an appearance of the Manas.
52)Basically, every living being has some dark side to them -- when you become Hordika, your self-control and ability to contain that dark side, that bestial part of your nature, is weakened considerably. So part of it is being part animal and part of it is how that affects your self-control.
1Here's my batch:
21) One Visorak combiner is the Kahgarak, correct? Can you tell me who the other one is?
3There are actually two others, who will be shown in the March issue of LEGO Magazine.
42) Can you tell me the Oohnorak's power/spinner power yet? Or is it too early?
5I am not discussing Visorak powers before '05.
63) Is the Visorak nest under the Coliseum, in the Matoran capsules room, or in the Akilini arena we saw in LoMN?
7There really is no single nest in terms of a place where Visorak are bred, etc. The Visorak have taken over the Coliseum as an HQ for their king and their viceroy, but they have also built towers in various places in the city.
84) Since the Power Plant has been drained, I presume nothing in the city is working? Does this apply to chutes and seperate machines, like airships?
9No, airships do not rely on external power -- they are powered by disks and portions of chutes. You are correct that most of the chutes are not running.
105) Could a Rahkshi be mutated by a Visorak?
11A kraata could be, a Rahkshi could not be. A Rahkshi is just armor, it's not a living thing.
126) Do Visorak hunt in hordes or seperate?
147) How does the mutation process happen? Is it basically:
- 15A Visorak sting you and you become unconscious.
- 16It takes you to a web and wraps you.
- 17You wake up and find yourself mutated.
18Or does the Visorak web contain the venom?
19It can happen one of two ways -- the way you described, or, more often, the Visorak paralyzes you, wraps you in a cocoon, and the barbs of the cocoon contain the venom (as you may have seen, Visorak produce webbing from within themselves, so it is laced with venom.

1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, I have a few questions, sorry if some have already been asked.
31. Will we ever learn who hid the Great Disks and why?
42. How was Makuta able to give his creations a limited lifespan if he cannot control the effects of EP?
53. How was Vhisola (In Bionicle Adventures 1) able to determine that the great disks could indeed affect the Morbuzakh? How are the great disks even able to destroy the Morbuzakh?
64. Was the Rahi-Nui intended by Makuta when he made it to hunt Toa? Or was that merely some strange side effect?
75. Did Makuta willingly give the Rahi Nui to the Dark Hunters?
86. Did Makuta install his hidden chamber in Dume's quarters after he took over as Dume?
97. Is the Tahtorak mutated or created in any way?
108. Was the creator of the Rahaga someone we would recognize, or someone introduced in '05?
11Thanks for taking the time to answer::
131) You will probably learn everything eventually, as long as BIONICLE keeps going
142) Well, he couldn't, but the EP entity most likely could have influenced things, and the two were working together
153) That is simply the power of the six Great Disks used together. As for Vhisola knowing about it, well, Ga-Matoran spend a lot of time translating ancient inscriptions -- which, while they wouldn't have referenced the Morbuzakh, might well have included a prophecy about the Great Disks. From there, the rest was her theory.
164) I would say the Rahi Nui just found his niche, based on what he was able to do.
175) Yes
186) Good question. If the chamber already existed, as would seem likely, it was most likely used by Dume for some far more innocent purpose
197) No, that is what a Tahtorak always looks like -- it's not a mutant
208) Well, you will find out who created the Rahaga by March, latest, so I will let you wait for that
31. Will we ever learn who hid the Great Disks and why?
42. How was Makuta able to give his creations a limited lifespan if he cannot control the effects of EP?
53. How was Vhisola (In Bionicle Adventures 1) able to determine that the great disks could indeed affect the Morbuzakh? How are the great disks even able to destroy the Morbuzakh?
64. Was the Rahi-Nui intended by Makuta when he made it to hunt Toa? Or was that merely some strange side effect?
75. Did Makuta willingly give the Rahi Nui to the Dark Hunters?
86. Did Makuta install his hidden chamber in Dume's quarters after he took over as Dume?
97. Is the Tahtorak mutated or created in any way?
108. Was the creator of the Rahaga someone we would recognize, or someone introduced in '05?
11Thanks for taking the time to answer::
131) You will probably learn everything eventually, as long as BIONICLE keeps going
142) Well, he couldn't, but the EP entity most likely could have influenced things, and the two were working together
153) That is simply the power of the six Great Disks used together. As for Vhisola knowing about it, well, Ga-Matoran spend a lot of time translating ancient inscriptions -- which, while they wouldn't have referenced the Morbuzakh, might well have included a prophecy about the Great Disks. From there, the rest was her theory.
164) I would say the Rahi Nui just found his niche, based on what he was able to do.
175) Yes
186) Good question. If the chamber already existed, as would seem likely, it was most likely used by Dume for some far more innocent purpose
197) No, that is what a Tahtorak always looks like -- it's not a mutant
208) Well, you will find out who created the Rahaga by March, latest, so I will let you wait for that
1Well, ho ho ho, Greg: Merry Christmas: xmas.gif
21. You said the Visorak were "bred" offhandedly in an answer about where the Visorak where stationed. What do you mean by that statement?
32. Do you happen to know if someone new is on the design team?
43. The reason I ask Q#2 is because the sets seem to be designed differently. Have you noticed this too?
54. Am I allowed to release the information you gave away at the Fairless Hills, PA book signing, about the (Removed) and the (Removed)?
65. Removed because he asked me not to give out this info yet.
76. Is Roodaka the primary villain for 2005?
87. If not, can you reveal who is? (Keetongu or Sidorak?)
98. And, dose Keetongu still have the same role as in the original story bible page that we got a little while ago? Or is he an entirely different character now?
109. How are things going? You seemed excited at the Fairless Hills, PA event.
11Thanks for your time, we really appreciate it:
131) I believe what I said there (and I may be mistaken) is that the Visorak did not have a nest in the sense of a place where they were bred.
142) Which design team?
153) No, it is still the same person it has always been leading the design.
164) (Removed.)
175) (Removed.)
186) She is one of them.
198) I am not going to comment on the story summary printed here, since those parts of it that were accurate were information we did not want released. It was highly confidential, if out of date, and the person who released it had no business doing so.
209) Things have been quite hectic -- working on the magazine, finishing the movie book, getting ready for the holidays, and making preparations for the weekend -- I am getting engaged on Saturday.
23And sorry to all you people reading these Qs about #4 and #5. I asked him some Qs and the Fairless Hills signing and he asked me not to release that info yet.

24But let's get on to the good news...
1Got some good stuff here. Little tidbits and clarification mostly, but one big kicker for me on a personal level.
2- - - - - - - - - -
31. The novels are always accurate, right? I greatly preferred many scenes in the MNOLG to those depicted in the book (the receiving of the Golden Kanohi and the battle with Makuta, for example), but have they now been rendered null by the novels? I don't see how the ending of the first novel works. The Toa battle the Shadow Toa and defeat them, but never face Makuta himself. Originally we were told that Makuta released the Bohrok so that he would have time to recuperate, and that he knew the Toa would defeat them. But if he was never defeated, the releasing of the Bohrok makes no sense. Is it possible that the battle with Makuta depicted in the game came after the Shadow Toa scene depicted in the book? I can certainly see that working.
4Nice to see you again
99 times out of 100, you can trust the books, because they are approved by the story team, MNOLG was not. As far as your question goes -- the reason that the Shadow Toa scene was covered in Chronicles and the Makuta battle was not was that the ST scene had never been shown anywhere before -- and the Makuta battle had been shown in MNOLG. So we opted to offer new material rather than old. Had the 2001 PC game come out, it would have featured the shadow Toa battle followed by the Makuta battle, as that is the proper timeline.
5Yes: I'm very glad the Makuta battle is still considered accurate.
62. As I've mentioned to you before, I've been working on a Bionicle Encyclopedia of my own since July 2001. It just recently passed the 100-page mark (yay
and it's very complete. This is its downfall, however – much of the detail was taken from the MNOLG and Flash updates. Is it safe to say that all of the events are official unless contradicted elsewhere? Is Lewa's infection, for example, still accurate?
7Yes, Lewa's infection is still accurate. While some events may have been presented somewhat differently in the books, the basic history remains intact. We do not consider MNOLG to be obsolete or incorrect, just a slightly different version of events.
8Bet bonesiii's happy about this - wouldn't want his Complete Guide to it warped.
93. Is Nivawk Makuta's enslaved pet, willing servant, or is Makuta exerting his Rahi Control power over him? Also, I always envisioned communicating with Rahi via Rau and the like as being able to understand their rudiments of language. If you heard a bird call, for example, it might translate simply as "danger" or "seeking a mate". How complex and detailed is Nivawk's language?
10Decently complex, and Nivawk is a willing pet.
114. Is Nivawk the species name or the name of that particular Rahi? I believe you said it was the species name, but I can't quote you on it.
12No, I consider that to be his proper name.
135. If a being is infected by Makuta, they attempt to do his bidding without him being aware of them every instant. Though infection or Rahi control, could Makuta possess a creature entirely and act or speak directly though it?
14To be honest, someone else asked me this the other day, and I prefer to avoid introducing possession into the story. It has too many religious overtones to too many people.
15I wouldn't know personally, but I could see people thinking that. Too bad - it would be fun to see Makuta speak directly through an infected Toa (he does through Lhikan in my epic).
166. If an Onu-Metru Kanoka is diverted from its course, it returns to the launcher. I drew up this quick diagram to make my question easier. Is each of my scenarios accurate? If not, what would really happen? 17
18A: The disk is fired and does not strike anything, returning to the user. 19B: The disk misses the intended target, stiking something else and falling to the ground. 20C: The disk hits the intended target, falling to the ground. 21D (not shown): The disk ricochets off of an object, intended target or not, and returns to the user. 22I just found the power a little nonspecific. And the Kanoka is green because it's Pekel's magnetism disk.
23Basically the disk is almost always going to return to the being who launched it, assuming that being is still where he was when he did so (if you throw a boomerang and then run to the other side of the field, it's obviously not coming back to you). If however I whack it in mid-air and send it toward the ground, it won't come back to you -- it will probably just hit the ground, and since it is no longer in flight, cannot return. By the same token, if it flies into a vault and I slam the door, it's not coming back to you.
24I wasn't sure if it actually flew back to you in particular or just acted as a boomerang. It would be a lot more useful the first way, but I'm glad it's not (for the sake of fairness to the other metru).
257. Are the names of Toa tools capitalized? I've seen different versions (i.e. "Aero Slicers" and "aero slicers").
26Generally, they aren't.
27*updates encyclopedia*
288. There's lots of stories about Visorak venom flying around, and hopefully you can clarify. Is the Hordika condition fatal after a certain period of time? If not cured, will the Hordika eventually become Rahi completely?
29Not fatal, no. They will, however, become full Rahi after a certain amount of time passes.
309. Is the ability to launch Rhotuka a general effect of Visorak venom or simply an outlet for the Toa's inherent elemental powers? So if a Matoran was mutated, as some may be in my storyline, would they have Rhotuka?
31Most likely they would, yes. As you will find out later this year, there have also been artificial, mechanical versions of Rhotuka launchers used in the past.
3210. How would Visorak venom affect Rahi if it makes Toa more animalistic? Would they mostly just become more fierce and erratic, or would the results be completely different?
33Oh, they would mutate, probably into something worse than they are. For example, one cute little Lohrak I know ended up being about 10 feet long with a 20 foot wingspan or so.
34Though that's impressive, the set version is already almost that.
3511. Are the Rhotuka included with the Toa Hordika and Rahaga actual physical things, or are they simply "set style" versions of the energy wheels? It just seems odd because the Hordika's, instead of being molded in translucent colors and slightly sculpted to represent elemental energy, are simple in appearance and all silver in color. I believe you stated that Rhotuka were common Toa tools in the past, and that there are versions more resembling Kanoka than bursts of energy.
36They are set representations of the energy wheels.
37Aww - they sure don't look it. If only Vakama had a trans-orange disk with slight flame patterns etched in it. . .
38Sorry if anything's been answered already - I've been a little out of the loop recently. I also haven't been able to archive your important answers, but hopefully that's changed now.
39And not a real question, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Would it be possible for you to ever work in a large, brown scorpion Rahi with a pincer tail? (Picture) It's an official Rahi by your saying, as it was my Rahi Contest winner. Even if it's just in a sentence or so (I know how you love describing Rahi), it would make me extremely happy. It wasn't chosen for the Guidebook, and ever since then I've felt that it's not really an official Rahi like many of the other winners. Perhaps you could request pictures of all of the BZP Rahi winner's entries and work them into books - they would be official (so no legal issues
and would save you the trouble of having to make up more Rahi on your own. Plus, it would make three or four members very happy.
40And I actually do have photos of all the models, and yes, I can try to work them in. I can probably put them in the Encyclopedia, or maybe work a couple into Book 10 (being my "weird" novel, it is going to be sort of a catch-all for '04-'05 stuff I didn't get to elsewhere
One thing is that the descriptions may not match the entries submitted, as I don't still have those -- hopefully that is okay. Most of the Rahi Guide entries do not match the entries submitted either, simply because if they did, every Rahi would be the worst, most dangerous, etc., etc.
41The ultimate Christmas present: Thank you, GregF:
42- - - - - - - - - -
43I can't say how happy it would make my to see my dear little Skarhana (hmm. . . better think of a less original name) in the official encyclopedia. My description wasn't unrealistic, so I'll PM it to him.

2- - - - - - - - - -
31. The novels are always accurate, right? I greatly preferred many scenes in the MNOLG to those depicted in the book (the receiving of the Golden Kanohi and the battle with Makuta, for example), but have they now been rendered null by the novels? I don't see how the ending of the first novel works. The Toa battle the Shadow Toa and defeat them, but never face Makuta himself. Originally we were told that Makuta released the Bohrok so that he would have time to recuperate, and that he knew the Toa would defeat them. But if he was never defeated, the releasing of the Bohrok makes no sense. Is it possible that the battle with Makuta depicted in the game came after the Shadow Toa scene depicted in the book? I can certainly see that working.
4Nice to see you again

5Yes: I'm very glad the Makuta battle is still considered accurate.
62. As I've mentioned to you before, I've been working on a Bionicle Encyclopedia of my own since July 2001. It just recently passed the 100-page mark (yay

7Yes, Lewa's infection is still accurate. While some events may have been presented somewhat differently in the books, the basic history remains intact. We do not consider MNOLG to be obsolete or incorrect, just a slightly different version of events.
8Bet bonesiii's happy about this - wouldn't want his Complete Guide to it warped.

93. Is Nivawk Makuta's enslaved pet, willing servant, or is Makuta exerting his Rahi Control power over him? Also, I always envisioned communicating with Rahi via Rau and the like as being able to understand their rudiments of language. If you heard a bird call, for example, it might translate simply as "danger" or "seeking a mate". How complex and detailed is Nivawk's language?
10Decently complex, and Nivawk is a willing pet.
114. Is Nivawk the species name or the name of that particular Rahi? I believe you said it was the species name, but I can't quote you on it.
12No, I consider that to be his proper name.
135. If a being is infected by Makuta, they attempt to do his bidding without him being aware of them every instant. Though infection or Rahi control, could Makuta possess a creature entirely and act or speak directly though it?
14To be honest, someone else asked me this the other day, and I prefer to avoid introducing possession into the story. It has too many religious overtones to too many people.
15I wouldn't know personally, but I could see people thinking that. Too bad - it would be fun to see Makuta speak directly through an infected Toa (he does through Lhikan in my epic).
166. If an Onu-Metru Kanoka is diverted from its course, it returns to the launcher. I drew up this quick diagram to make my question easier. Is each of my scenarios accurate? If not, what would really happen? 17
23Basically the disk is almost always going to return to the being who launched it, assuming that being is still where he was when he did so (if you throw a boomerang and then run to the other side of the field, it's obviously not coming back to you). If however I whack it in mid-air and send it toward the ground, it won't come back to you -- it will probably just hit the ground, and since it is no longer in flight, cannot return. By the same token, if it flies into a vault and I slam the door, it's not coming back to you.
24I wasn't sure if it actually flew back to you in particular or just acted as a boomerang. It would be a lot more useful the first way, but I'm glad it's not (for the sake of fairness to the other metru).
257. Are the names of Toa tools capitalized? I've seen different versions (i.e. "Aero Slicers" and "aero slicers").
26Generally, they aren't.
27*updates encyclopedia*
288. There's lots of stories about Visorak venom flying around, and hopefully you can clarify. Is the Hordika condition fatal after a certain period of time? If not cured, will the Hordika eventually become Rahi completely?
29Not fatal, no. They will, however, become full Rahi after a certain amount of time passes.
309. Is the ability to launch Rhotuka a general effect of Visorak venom or simply an outlet for the Toa's inherent elemental powers? So if a Matoran was mutated, as some may be in my storyline, would they have Rhotuka?
31Most likely they would, yes. As you will find out later this year, there have also been artificial, mechanical versions of Rhotuka launchers used in the past.
3210. How would Visorak venom affect Rahi if it makes Toa more animalistic? Would they mostly just become more fierce and erratic, or would the results be completely different?
33Oh, they would mutate, probably into something worse than they are. For example, one cute little Lohrak I know ended up being about 10 feet long with a 20 foot wingspan or so.
34Though that's impressive, the set version is already almost that.
3511. Are the Rhotuka included with the Toa Hordika and Rahaga actual physical things, or are they simply "set style" versions of the energy wheels? It just seems odd because the Hordika's, instead of being molded in translucent colors and slightly sculpted to represent elemental energy, are simple in appearance and all silver in color. I believe you stated that Rhotuka were common Toa tools in the past, and that there are versions more resembling Kanoka than bursts of energy.
36They are set representations of the energy wheels.
37Aww - they sure don't look it. If only Vakama had a trans-orange disk with slight flame patterns etched in it. . .
38Sorry if anything's been answered already - I've been a little out of the loop recently. I also haven't been able to archive your important answers, but hopefully that's changed now.
39And not a real question, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Would it be possible for you to ever work in a large, brown scorpion Rahi with a pincer tail? (Picture) It's an official Rahi by your saying, as it was my Rahi Contest winner. Even if it's just in a sentence or so (I know how you love describing Rahi), it would make me extremely happy. It wasn't chosen for the Guidebook, and ever since then I've felt that it's not really an official Rahi like many of the other winners. Perhaps you could request pictures of all of the BZP Rahi winner's entries and work them into books - they would be official (so no legal issues

40And I actually do have photos of all the models, and yes, I can try to work them in. I can probably put them in the Encyclopedia, or maybe work a couple into Book 10 (being my "weird" novel, it is going to be sort of a catch-all for '04-'05 stuff I didn't get to elsewhere

41The ultimate Christmas present: Thank you, GregF:

42- - - - - - - - - -
43I can't say how happy it would make my to see my dear little Skarhana (hmm. . . better think of a less original name) in the official encyclopedia. My description wasn't unrealistic, so I'll PM it to him.

11. will B3 have a secret, non-yet revealed info of the storyline? Like, in Mol there was the 7th toa, in LoMN makuta shapeshifted to dume... will B3 have something similar? 21) Well, yes, in a sense. 32. when will the name of the 3rd movie be released? 42) As soon as Miramax decides to release it. It's their call, not ours. 53. why did the bahrag wanted to 'clean' mata-nui? Is there any particular reason for them? 63) That was their mission. It was what they came into existence to do. Why they were brought into existence to do that remains a secret. 74. when will you be able to discuss the 2006 storyline? 84) 2006?? At this point, there is not even a story bible for 2006 yet, so there is nothing to discuss. Earliest, after the 2005 movie comes out. 95. which bionicle book do you think is the best you've written? 105) Hmmmm ... overall ... 5 or 6. 116. why wasn't there any miru ot akaku olda in the movies? 126) No idea. You would have to ask the animators. My guess is they chose to work with only a small number of masks, because of the costs of redesigning masks to work in movie animation and then animating them. It's sort of like how, in the later Planet of the Apes movies, all the background apes had the same rubber mask on -- in the original film, each one had individual make-up. 137. does templar (the company that made the flash movies) going to make more saga episodes in 2005? There is a topic about it here. 147) I have no info on the status of Templar -- I do not even know if they are even still in business. I don't work on the web site or with them directly, so I have no idea what plans there may or may not be for working with them. 158. how many adventure books will be in 2005? 168) 4 179. does liquid protodermis (not affected by anything) acts like water? 189) Act like it in what way? 1910. who asked for nuparu to make the vahki: dume or makuta? 2010) Dume 2111. what do you like most about BZP? 2211) I guess just talking to the fans 2312. 2005 will have 6 comic books, right? 2412) Last I heard, but I haven't seen the budgets for next year yet. 2513. does 2005 going to be in 2 parts? I mean, in 2003 there was the bohrok-kal as the first half and Mol as the second, in 2004 there was the morbuzakh as first half and LoMN second. Is next year going to be similar to that? 2613) Not really, no. 2714. will artahka or karzahni be showned or mentioned again in the future? 2814) I don't know, depends on if I can work them in and have something new to say about them. 2915. why does a lot of the villains have something like 'rak' or 'ahk' in their name? 3015) We need to use names that don't mean things in other languages -- when you tack on "ahk" and things like that a word, you lessen the chances it will mean anything to someone else. (Try it yourself -- make up a BIONICLE name -- any name you like -- then run it through Google. If it comes up anywhere, figure you can't use it. It makes for an interesting game.) 3116. is Rhotuka the new collectible? If so, when will it be sold separately? 3216) They are less a collectable than being sold because we expect that a lot of fans will lose their spinners due to how far they fly and need replacements. They do have Kanoka codes on them, as I understand it, but their powers are determined by who launches them, not the spinners themselves. They will probably be in the market very soon, if they aren't already. My guess would be January at the latest.
331. yay: 342. i sure hope miramax will decide soon. 353. cool... i wonder when it will become un-secret. 365. i can't wait to get #6, then: 376. and just how am i going to ask the animators? lol, greg saw both planet of the apes movies. 387. i hope they will come back. 398. let's see... web of the visorak, challange of the hordika, B3 novel, and time trap. wait, why did i even ask? 409. i meant like, changing to the shape of the place it is in, or the particles inside it are in the right order, etc. maybe i'll PM him back on that. 4110. i thought so. but if dume asked to make the vahki, didn't he realized that they harm the matoran? i thought he was a good leader. 4212. hmmm... i hope they don't make it 3 comics like 2001. 4313. awww, that means it will not be as much fun to wait for new stuff... but if that's the case, how do all the new sets combine with the storyline? sounds suspicious. 4415. let's see, how about... kartohnikalmaroshnarchikultornavojwoaq:::: that doesn't have a meaning, does it? 4516. did you hear that? rhotuka will be in the market soon:: alright:::::
1Hi GregF: Can't wait for BA #7&8: Is Krahka in a big, huge, scary form? That'd be awesome: Well, here's my Q's:
21. I couldn't help but notice that you answered this from bonesii:
314. Where did all those pods come from, anyways? Or can you not say.....
414) The pods? Well, process of elimination -- the Matoran didn't make them; in fact, I doubt they were made in Metru Nui. I think a reasonable assumption is (wait for it) Makuta has pulled this particular "slap 'em in the spheres" stunt before.
5So...that pretty much blows my mind. How has Makuta pulled this stunt before? Is that why they respected Makuta? He slapped 'em in spheres, memory erased, told them he was a hero, but didn't delete Mata-Nui. So he tried it again with the intention of erasing Mata-Nui, but it didn't work. Is that right?
62. And when Mata-Nui went to sleep, those suns looked like closing eyelids. Any relation?
73. I have a theory. You most likely can't answer it, but is this right? 8Okay, Makuta goes to Metru-Nui to imposter Turaga Dume. His brothers are attacking Mata-Nui elsewhere, and making him weak. Makuta finally gets the Matoran in spheres, and just then his brothers succeed in making Mata-Nui sleep. Right?
94. When the Toa Nuva return to Metru-Nui, everything is shattered, right? And is the Coliseum still standing?
105. Okay, I still don't see why the Toa Metru didn't just leave Makuta captured, and return to Metru-Nui. Sacrifice some Toa Energy to the power plant to get it running, sacrifice some to Toa Stones, capture/run out loose Rahi, awaken Matoran, repair, life goes on. Why go to Mata-Nui?
116. And you said that only one sun eclipsed. In the movie both did. ?
127. If one of the suns was under the sea, does that mean that there wasn't an ocean on the surface? Otherwise, water would've flooded.
138. I know that Takanuva's power re-lit lightstone and such, but did he bring back the two suns? Or will there be only one sun?
161) I said he may have pulled it before -- I never said he pulled it in Metru Nui.
172) Those would be awfully big eyelids ...
183) As far as I know, his brothers were not responsible for Mata Nui going to sleep.
194) You'll have to wait and see
205) Couple of reasons. 1) If Makuta breaks loose, you're in serious trouble -- again. 2) Vakama's vision told him to move toward the light, not to stay in Metru Nui. 3) The only way to awaken the Matoran was to sacrifice Toa power. You can't do the power plant, Toa stones, and awaken the Matoran (remember, the Toa stones they created on Mata Nui did NOT create Toa -- they just signalled them). So once the Matoran are awake, you have a city with no Toa, and if Makuta gets out (or, say, Visorak show up), it's all over in about 15 seconds.
216) Both eclipsed, but then one ended up under ice, and one under water. The one under water is still dark, the other one has pale sunlight coming through it.
227) Not if there was something there that prevented water from getting in.
238) No, the suns are still in the same situation as they were before -- remember, they are holes in the surface of Mata Nui, not actual suns. So unless you are going to dry up the lake on the island, one sun is going to stay blocked.
25Update later with more answers.
27EDIT: Here we are.
28Hi: Forgot one:
291. Is there some big, huge secret other than Metru-Nui that the Turaga are keeping? Or was Metru-Nui it?
321) That would be telling
1Hi. Long time no see. 2----
31. This is a bit embarassing...but...how big is a breadbox? It only comes in bags in Hawaii...![]()
41) Don't be embarassed -- they don't have breadboxes on the mainland anymore either, it's an old expression. A breadbox would be about the size of, oh a 15-inch TV.
5Fifteen inches...about the size of my computer. That...is a big rock.But, when you're upwards of ten feet tall, I guess it doesn't matter.
62. For us LEGO S@H members that don't get Brickmaster, can we ask you what the largest Bionicle set's name is after that issue is released, or can we just trust in BZPower's knack to divulge information that it shouldn't?![]()
72) Oh, sure, soon as the issue is out in mid-Jan. I can discuss the set. 8Sweet.
93. How big are Lorahk normally? Because you make it sound like it they're not that big.![]()
103) Lohrak are normally only a couple feet long.
11So...not much bigger than the model. Yes, Lohrak (why do I always spell that wrong?Visorak venom = bad things.
12Really the only useful thing is #1, so we know just how big a breadbox is...

1New Questions
18Glad to see that they are still talking about the Turaga Lhikan set over at lego
2Ok, I have a few questions this time,
31. Does Lego plan on using the same voices of the toa metru in bionicle 3 as in City of Legends?
42. If #1 is no, then do the toa's voices get changed when turned into the hordika?
53.If Lhikan came with a group of Toa from elswhere, then were they protecting matoran from some other evil and a similar thing happened where they had to leave their home to leave to a new island?
64.Is there any plans of thoughts on the story team of discussing yet another island on or in the big planet of mata-nui
75.Has there been any more talk about the vahki transport or turaga lhikan set at lego? (as you can tell, I would pay probably 15$ for a turaga lhikan set)
86.What do the Toa Nuva plan on doing when they reach metru-nui if it is still in ruins?
9ok, last one 107. Why do the Toa and Matoran on Mata-Nui want to leave their island PARADISE and go to a big smoggy, underground place? Couldn't they just rebuild Mata-Nui, they built the whole place out of scrap after all.
111) I am not involved in the making of the movie, so no idea -- it may depend on if those actors are available again.
122) Again, no idea.
133) No, they weren't forced out of their old home. They came to Metru Nui because there was an emergency in Metru Nui.
144) We do have plans for new locations after 2005, yes.
155) I have heard on and off talk about the Lhikan set, nothing on the transport.
167) They have to. Repopulating Metru Nuii is vital to reawakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui.
18Glad to see that they are still talking about the Turaga Lhikan set over at lego

1Grah, I'm absolutely drooling at the idea of Turaga Lhikan...I want it so bad....*squeezes imaginary noble Hau* 2Anyway, I was curious about the game, so I sent the following message:
7Whether this bodes well for us is yet to be seen, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
3Hello there. Recently heard about your engagement, very happy for you. I can guarantee it'll take away from your Bionicle time, but don't feel too obligated to us...there are more important things. But anyway, I have a quick question for you... 4It is common knowledge a new Bionicle game for GBA will be coming out soon, and that it will be based on your newest book. (no.6, right?) well, I was wondering exactly how much involvement you have on the project. Being the writer of the book, it seems you would have to be on-site quite a bit to make sure everything is right. If so, would you say that the game corresponds well with the book? And if you've gotten a chance to play it, tell me what you think of the game. I'd love for a new "Tales of the Tohunga"(wonderful game, albietjust a little repetive.) , but based on some of the more recent games(Bionicle: The game for GBA...erg, yuckie.)I'm a bit concerned about having my hopes set so high.
5Actually, I have seen little of the development of the game. I knew while I was writing the book that they were going to use it , so I purposely left stuff open that they could use for the game (like all the Rahi battles). And I have viewed the game script, which seemed good. But I have not seen any screen shots or played it. Even had they invited me to be involved, I really have no time between my day job and my writing to do that kind of traveling back and forth.
7Whether this bodes well for us is yet to be seen, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
1QUOTE 2Its been about 5 days since I sent this, so I am guessing, like most of my pm's, that it didn't reach you.
3It would be great if you could answer these:
41. If 2 beings were put in one cocoon, would they mutate and fuse together? If so is there a limit to how many can be fused and mutated together?
52. Would the Brakas monkeys be an example of a rahi climber?
63. Can you give other examples of rahi climbers?
74. How does Bomonga's staff detect rahi? I know it wouldn't beep in the direction of where the rahi is because Bomonga is stealthy. So is it a mental image of where the rahi is or something?
85. How does Norik's staff distract rahi? Does it shoot off a distracting spark or something?
96. Are water rahi just naturally attracted to Gaaki's staff? Does she have to throw it out in the water or can she hold it? If she holds it wouldn't she be in danger of being eating?
107. How do those little Rahaga transport those big Rahi?
118. The Rahaga store the Rahi in the Archives, right? What do they store them in, or are they loose? Are there different areas for certain types of rahi? How come the Visorak dont go down in the Archives to the "motherload" of Rahi expiriments?
129. Have the Visorak expirimented on themselves?
1310. Are you able to share some Rhotuka spinner powers, that you know offhand (or onhand)?
1411. Okay, Bomonga hunts at night on Metru Nui, but wouldn't he just hunt all of the time since the suns were covered up?
15Thanks Greg:
171) No. 182) Yes 193) Any creature that would climb, for example, the cable crawler. 204) It picks up vibrations of them from the ground. 215) No, he uses it like a bullfighter uses his cape 226) Gaaki uses her staff the way a fisherman uses his lure. Fish, in our world, tend to come toward the surface when it rains because the drops make them think bugs are striking the water. Gaaki uses her staff to stir up the water and bring water Rahi to the surface -- same principle. 237) Basically by catching them and then convincing them that coming along is in their best interests. 248) They're loose. And since the Archives are shattered and all the Rahi have escaped, that is the last place Visorak would think to look for them. If there was a prison break, would you look for the escapees back in the prison, or outside of it? 259) No 2610) These will be listed in the January comic, for Rahaga and Hordika. The Rahaga one are also, I think, in the official Rahaga Topic on BZP. 2711) One sun is covered in water, one sun is under ice. The one under ice allows pale sunlight to come through. Also, what determines when he hunts is when the nocturnal Rahi come out, and their body clocks are still working on a standard day-night system.
3It would be great if you could answer these:
41. If 2 beings were put in one cocoon, would they mutate and fuse together? If so is there a limit to how many can be fused and mutated together?
52. Would the Brakas monkeys be an example of a rahi climber?
63. Can you give other examples of rahi climbers?
74. How does Bomonga's staff detect rahi? I know it wouldn't beep in the direction of where the rahi is because Bomonga is stealthy. So is it a mental image of where the rahi is or something?
85. How does Norik's staff distract rahi? Does it shoot off a distracting spark or something?
96. Are water rahi just naturally attracted to Gaaki's staff? Does she have to throw it out in the water or can she hold it? If she holds it wouldn't she be in danger of being eating?
107. How do those little Rahaga transport those big Rahi?
118. The Rahaga store the Rahi in the Archives, right? What do they store them in, or are they loose? Are there different areas for certain types of rahi? How come the Visorak dont go down in the Archives to the "motherload" of Rahi expiriments?
129. Have the Visorak expirimented on themselves?
1310. Are you able to share some Rhotuka spinner powers, that you know offhand (or onhand)?
1411. Okay, Bomonga hunts at night on Metru Nui, but wouldn't he just hunt all of the time since the suns were covered up?
15Thanks Greg:
171) No. 182) Yes 193) Any creature that would climb, for example, the cable crawler. 204) It picks up vibrations of them from the ground. 215) No, he uses it like a bullfighter uses his cape 226) Gaaki uses her staff the way a fisherman uses his lure. Fish, in our world, tend to come toward the surface when it rains because the drops make them think bugs are striking the water. Gaaki uses her staff to stir up the water and bring water Rahi to the surface -- same principle. 237) Basically by catching them and then convincing them that coming along is in their best interests. 248) They're loose. And since the Archives are shattered and all the Rahi have escaped, that is the last place Visorak would think to look for them. If there was a prison break, would you look for the escapees back in the prison, or outside of it? 259) No 2610) These will be listed in the January comic, for Rahaga and Hordika. The Rahaga one are also, I think, in the official Rahaga Topic on BZP. 2711) One sun is covered in water, one sun is under ice. The one under ice allows pale sunlight to come through. Also, what determines when he hunts is when the nocturnal Rahi come out, and their body clocks are still working on a standard day-night system.
1Okey dokey, new questions. The answers are underlined.
251. Okay, that's good. 262. Wonder what he sees it as? 273. Oh, now I see. 284. Rats. 295. So, on Kanoka scale they'd be about 5. 306. Okay, so an enemy could hit one of them while they're charging up the Rhotuka...that's all I wanted to know. 317.
Tidal wave:? Man, I'd hate to see what Matau can do... 328. Poor Whenua...always hitting something he's not aiming for.
33Greg's getting engaged? Man, you leave for a while and look what happens... 34Congrats, Greg:
35-Master of the Rahkshi
21. You said once that the Rahaga's staffs had some minor abilities. As far as I can tell:
3Pouks--makes an invisible mark on Rahi that can be "tracked" 4Bomonga--can sense hiding Rahi 5Gaaki--attractive to water Rahi 6Norik--distracting to reptilians 7Iruini--hypnotizes Rahi 8Kualus--summons flying creatures
9Is that right? Or did I get some of them wrong? 101) Seems right to me.
112. How does the mark that Pouks's staff makes work? Can he see this mark? Can he smell it? Or can he just tell it's there, from a distance? 122) I think it is more of a seeing situation.
133. How does Gaaki's staff work? Is it just the way it looks and the way she moves it that attracts marine Rahi, or is it an actual power? Same with Norik and Iruini. 143) Norik's is used like a bullfighter's cape. Iruini's is a matter of swaying movements, the same way a snake can hypnotize a bird. And Gaaki's works like a fishing lure -- disturb the surface of the water in the right way and fish come to the surface, thinking it is bugs hitting the water.
154. Do the Rahag's staffs have actual names, or are they just called Bomonga's staff, Kualus's staff, etc.? 164) No, they don't have names.
175. How powerful would you say an uncharged Rhotuka is, compared to Kanoka power levels? Five, six, seven? 185) Hmmmm ... on a scale of 1-10, I would say about a 5 or 6.
196. What exactly do the Hordika do to charge their spinners? I mean, I know they hold them between their tools, but can they jump around while doing it, or do they have to drop everything and concentrate on it, making them vulnerable to attack? 206) Physically, they have to keep them between the tools. Fortunately, it only takes a couple seconds to charge a spinner way up. The spinner is hovering between the tools, which you have to mentally will it to do, so you can't be too distracted or it will either drop or fly off.
217. Is there a limit to how high the Hordika can charge their Rhotuka? 227) No, which makes things kind of interesting -- for example, when Nokama wants to send some liquid proto at some Boggarak and winds up hitting Ga-Metru with a tidal wave![]()
238. Do the Hordika's Rhotuka have a fixed effect? Like, can Nuju frost spinner only create a wall of ice? Or can they choose a different effect for each spinner? I.e., Whenua launches his Rhotuka and makes an earthquake, then launches another and opens a crevasse, launches another one and raises a wall of dirt... 248) As they get more proficient, they can will certain effects, yes. As Whenua discovers, though, it helps to learn how to aim first.
251. Okay, that's good. 262. Wonder what he sees it as? 273. Oh, now I see. 284. Rats. 295. So, on Kanoka scale they'd be about 5. 306. Okay, so an enemy could hit one of them while they're charging up the Rhotuka...that's all I wanted to know. 317.

33Greg's getting engaged? Man, you leave for a while and look what happens... 34Congrats, Greg:

35-Master of the Rahkshi
1Greg's getting engaged? Man, you leave for a while and look what happens... 2Congrats, Greg:![]()
3-Master of the Rahkshi
4You're the first perosn aside from me to make a statement about that occurance. Greg said I could make a topic about it if I want, but he thought many people wouldn't care... maybe I should go make the topic...