1Greg's getting engaged? Man, you leave for a while and look what happens... 2Congrats, Greg:![]()
3-Master of the Rahkshi
4You're the first perosn aside from me to make a statement about that occurance. Greg said I could make a topic about it if I want, but he thought many people wouldn't care... maybe I should go make the topic...
6Somebody already made one(with Gregs permission) and it was immidiatly deleted.
7they will probably be aloud AFTER he is acctually engaged

1Hello again, looks like I heard you are getting engaged this Saturday. Well congrats from me. Anyway on to the point of this...
21)In the opening scene of LoMN, where something resembling an Amaja Nui zoomed up and the story of Lhikan and his team followed. Is that a possible scenario for present day Metru Nui because it had a single beam of light straeming down from what appeared to be oneĀ of the so-called "suns". Am I correct as to assume that?
32)Does Vakama still receive visions as a Turaga?
43)During the time the Rahaga were "camping out" at the Archives, were they ever seen by the Archivists or were they careful enough not to be seen.
54)How did the Tahtorak get underneath the Great Furnace and why didn't it immediatly awake when the Great Furnace was wrecked after the destruction of the Morby.
65)How big is a Tahtorak, I mean as compared to something (I know it has Godzilla level strength but I just want a sense of size)
76)When will the Hordika or the Visorak arrive in Singapore?
87)Has Roodaka ever met the Rahaga before or has she just heard of them?
98)Is it possible for any other beings other than Matorans to somehow acquire a Toa stone, use it on a Toa Suva and change into a Toa?
109)Are there Matoran on other lands or just Metru Nui?
1110)In this topic: Makuta's Prison it seems to point out several differences between the proto-cages which containing Makuta and the one containing the Bahrag. Is it true that they are different in some way or are they similar as the Makuta was frozen while the Bahrag could freely communicate with the Bohrok Kal in Comic 12 (or is it because the Bahrag were telepathic?)
12Thats all for now and would like to thank you in advance for any questions that you can answer. Also congrats again:
131) I tend to doubt it. I don't think the screenwriter was thinking that far ahead when he wrote that.
142) Yes
153) No, the Archivists had no idea they were there.
164) Heavy sleeperAnd he was actually underneath the maintenance tunnels in the Archives, not directly under the Great Furnace, when the Toa first encountered him.
175) 40 feet high or so
186) I can ask, not sure offhand.
197) Oh, no, she knows them. And hates them.
208) Not that we have seen so far.
219) There may have been Matoran in other lands at one time, but I tend to think there may not be now. There may, however, be Matoran offshoots.
2210) There is a difference, yes. Makuta's prison is sealed with a Toa symbol, which only the combined powers all six Toa could undo. The Bahrag's prison requires the six Nuva symbols to unlock, which of course do not exist in Metru Nui.
24I just need some clarification on 9 and 10...
259)From your answer it seems to you are indicating of the possibility of evolution in the Bionicle. How are Matoran off-shoots possible since there is no biological reproduction in the Bionicle?
2610)...but how is it possible for Makuta to break out during '05 if the combined elemental powers of all six Toa are needed to unlock the cage (or did the Toa themselves free Makuta for some reason)
271) You are right that there is no biological reproduction, but since fans do not know how Matoran come into being, you can't really say what is or isn't possible.
282) You are going to have to follow the 2005 story for this answer. I can't discuss it.
301)Looks like a dream shall just remain a dream *sigh*
313)I wondered what happens if an Archivist sees them...
324)That explains alot...
335)That is kinda big, on the comic he didn't look that big.
347)Interesting...perhaps Roodaka should start a Rahaga-haters club for some of you guys

359)Hhhmm, interesting....
3610)Never knew that.
37I'm now waiting for some clarification on questions 9 and 10. I'll edit when I get his reply.
1Hi: Sorry about all the Q's, my mind makes alot of 'em.
2Is the reason Vakama doesn't have visions as a Toa Hordika the same reason he doesn't have a mask power? Impure? Or is it because the future holds too many horrifying events? I'm not trying to be negative, just thinking of how Vakama would view it; always being a Matoran, now a mutated Toa with giant, freak spiders.
5No, neither one is the reason.
6Well, there goes my theories.

1I've got some answers from Greg here, some are quite good.
57I'm beginning to think that the unexpected '05 villain will be the '5th enemy' equivalent to 2005. 58And the Nuva must go through trials? Perhaps this takes place '06-'08?
2Howdy Greg ,![]()
3Since I haven't sent you some questons in awhile, I thought I should now, as I have some questons on the Visorak and other things.
41) Do the Visorak have another purpose why they came to Metru Nui, other than to hunt Rahi?
51) No, not really
62) You have said that 2005 is gonna be very dark. Is this mainly because the two suns have been blocked?
72) "Dark" as in the tone of the story, not dark as in no sunlight.
83) Speaking of the blocked suns. Rahaga Bomonga hunts nocturnal Rahi. How do the Rahi know when it is day & night when the suns are blocked?
93) Since it is a lot darker all the time, the body clocks of nocturnal creatures have not really had to change. And there is pale sunlight coming through one of the suns still.
104) The Rahaga capture Rahi to keep then safe from Visorak. When they catch the Rahi, what do they do with them afterwards?
114) Hide them.
125) I've read that the Visorak create towers in the city for them to live. What are the towers made of?
135) Not really for them to live, more like watchtowers. They are made out of rock and webbing.
146) You've said that Karzahni might return if many people want him to. But wait a second, wasn't he destroyed by the EP? Or is there a way to bypass that 'mutate or die' rule?
156) Check out BA #7, and remember that he is a plant and what plant cuttings can become.
167) Rhotuka are described as 'wheels of energy'. Where do Rhotuka users get the energy from to make the Rhotuka? Themselves?
177) Yes
188) The EP entity was one of the most unexpected characters to feature in the storyline (he's made of EP, for goodness' sakeDo you have any more 'unexpected' and original characters up your sleeve?
198) I'll let you know when I make them up![]()
209) I've heard that the 'Brotherhood of Makuta' won't feature in the storyline for quite awhile. Why is this? I'd love to have them after the Metru Nui saga:
219) They are certainly a part of the post-'05 story, but we don't want to just throw them in there right away - you have to go through other trials before you confront them.
2210) You've said that B3 will also feature a mystery that will be solved (as MoL had the identity of Takanuva, LoMN had Dume being Makuta after all) Will this mystery be what the Cure is for Visorak venom?
2310) Not really, you will know that answer before the movie comes out
2411) Do Matoran keep Rahi for pets?
2511) Yes, sometimes
2612) 2005 is said to have an unexpected villain. Two questions about him/her. 27i) Will he/she feature in the movie? 28ii) Will he/she be as unexpected as the EP entity or Makuta in LoMN?
2912) Yes, will be in the movie, second answer depends on the person watching I guess.
3013) If a Tunneler was immersed in EP, would it: 31i) Mutate 32ii) Absorb the EP and become like the EP entity 33iii) Be destroyed?
3413) Its mutation or destruction would depend on that individual creature's destiny. If it was not destined to be transformed, it would be destroyed.
3514) Speaking of the EP entity. Do you have a specified name for him, or will his name remain a mystery?
3614) No, I don't have a BIONICLE name for him.
37That's all for today. I hope you enjoy writing the answers (yeah right![]()
38And I've heard you're getting engaged. Congrats from me, and perhaps from all of BZP:
41Well, I knew you meant 'dark' as in story-wise, but I thought there was an in-joke in there somewhere...
42Okay, naturally, your answers are gonna bring up more questions. Usually, I'd wait a while til I ask again, but this time I wanna do them all at once...
43To Q4) Where do the Rahaga hide them? The Archives by any chance?
441) Archives, caves, etc.
45To Q9) Trials, eh? Will these trials last the Nuva a year?
462) Can't answer that one
47To Q10) So will the Metru be cured before the movie?
483) No
49To Q12) Will the unexpected villain just be a cameo in the movie, like the Morbuzahk was, or will the unexpected enemy play quite an important part?
504) Important
51To Q13) I'm aware of that, but is it possible for the Tunneler just to absorb the EP, and not change? Like it does with molten lava or stone?
525) No, I don't want to make any exceptions to the EP rules
53That's mainly the only questions I have. I hope you enjoy reading them, as I won't ask any more for a while.
54Thanks in Advance, 55-Dave
57I'm beginning to think that the unexpected '05 villain will be the '5th enemy' equivalent to 2005. 58And the Nuva must go through trials? Perhaps this takes place '06-'08?
1More stuff from GregF, including clarifcation on Rhotuka..
21. You said that the Rhotuka powers are unique to the being that launches them. I have a few theories on this that I'd like you to clarify. 3[a Is each character able to choose the power their Rhotuka has? (i.e. Pouks using a boomerang spinner instead of a lasso) 4Do you summon up a Rhotuka and the power is "chosen" at random? 5[c Or, the first time you use a Rhotuka, you pick the power, and then everytime after that it uses the same power. (i.e. me using an electricity spinner, then not being able to make any other spinners with different powers.)
6[a Not to my knowledge, no, because the Toa certainly don't choose. 7No, again. 8[c You don't pick the power.
92. I believe the blurb on Lego.com about the Hordika said that they charge up their Rhotuka using their Toa tools. 10[a Why do they need to do this, and 11Do the Rahaga need to charge their spinners as well?
122) The Rahaga don't really need to charge theirs, given what they are used for. The Toa don't either, but doing so makes the effects way more powerful.
133. How are Visorak made? I thought it might be like a caterpillar/butterfly thing, with Visorak larvae or pupae (I don't know what the difference is) making cocoons, then coming out as adult Visorak.
143) Remember, there is no biological reproduction, so no need for larvae, etc.
154. Do Visorak breeds travel in mixed groups, (like a herd/swarm/group of twenty Ooohnorak, Keelerak, and Roporak) or do the breeds hunt separately?
164) They do both.
17I thought #2 was sorta interesting..
21. You said that the Rhotuka powers are unique to the being that launches them. I have a few theories on this that I'd like you to clarify. 3[a Is each character able to choose the power their Rhotuka has? (i.e. Pouks using a boomerang spinner instead of a lasso) 4Do you summon up a Rhotuka and the power is "chosen" at random? 5[c Or, the first time you use a Rhotuka, you pick the power, and then everytime after that it uses the same power. (i.e. me using an electricity spinner, then not being able to make any other spinners with different powers.)
6[a Not to my knowledge, no, because the Toa certainly don't choose. 7No, again. 8[c You don't pick the power.
92. I believe the blurb on Lego.com about the Hordika said that they charge up their Rhotuka using their Toa tools. 10[a Why do they need to do this, and 11Do the Rahaga need to charge their spinners as well?
122) The Rahaga don't really need to charge theirs, given what they are used for. The Toa don't either, but doing so makes the effects way more powerful.
133. How are Visorak made? I thought it might be like a caterpillar/butterfly thing, with Visorak larvae or pupae (I don't know what the difference is) making cocoons, then coming out as adult Visorak.
143) Remember, there is no biological reproduction, so no need for larvae, etc.
154. Do Visorak breeds travel in mixed groups, (like a herd/swarm/group of twenty Ooohnorak, Keelerak, and Roporak) or do the breeds hunt separately?
164) They do both.
17I thought #2 was sorta interesting..
1gregf, will you answer?
2who created metru nui?
3are their more dark hunters?
4was dume ever a toa and matoran?
5were the toa nuva ever matoran and will they become turaga?
6please answer:

110) There is a difference, yes. Makuta's prison is sealed with a Toa symbol, which only the combined powers all six Toa could undo. The Bahrag's prison requires the six Nuva symbols to unlock, which of course do not exist in Metru Nui.
2Woah... Then how did Makuta escape his cage and go to Mata Nui?

3Also, I saw that picture of Toa Vakama Hordika with Roodaka behind him. First I thought Vakama was having a vision about her, but then I read that he doesn't have visions anymore. Maybe Roodaka is speaking to him telepathicly.
1MAYBE:::: just maybe, Makuta holds their cure.
2that would be a pretty big plot twist.
3They have to free Makuta to un-mutate and stop thw Visorak
5That is a very good theory. And that would explain alot. Maybe Makuta awoke, cured them, he secretly awakened Ahkmou, was put back to sleep, and Ahkmou awakened him because the Toa didn't put their mark. Aha: It's all coming together...

1Forgot to post this... lol:
6That's added to the LoMN questions.
And now I am plagued by one giant mind blank.
2Remembered another thing I was gonna say... This is a suggestion more than question. I noticed that in LoMN, much more so than in MOL, the characters did the ole artistic license thing with pulling a Toa tool or disk, or whatever from behind them, without it being there before.
3Well, I was thinking, since it's obvious that this is done.. (and it certainly comes in handy), why not come up with some sort of an explanation for it? I can think of several Wacky Physics style ways it could work, especially using something like how the disks that combine don't end up twice the mass... basically that they would each have "backpacks" or even better yet the equivalent built into their backs, which can just do that. As a power.
4Anyways, just a thought.
5See, my concern is that if I do that, and thus make it an official part of the universe, the question will come up -- why aren't they doing that in the comics? And they can't in the comics, because they are supposed to match the toy there and so have to be carrying their tools.
6That's added to the LoMN questions.

1Wait: I thought that Makuta doesn't have a major role in 2005?
3Ya know, that's all speculation. It isn't necessarily true, and hardly ever is.
4No, Greg said that.![]()
5BTW, folks.. I notice a somewhat long discussion coming up here... remember what BR said?![]()
6I meant what everyone else was saying, about makuta having the cure, etc. Okie?

1Actuly greg said Makuta is freed at the end of the year.Untlil then Makuta plays no part instead of possible reffrence.
1Question: What are the names of the Toa Hordika tools? Vakama's is called the blazer claw... what else?
1Question: What are the names of the Toa Hordika tools? Vakama's is called the blazer claw... what else?
2Sheesh: Some people just never learn.
3Not only do we already know that, but Greg is not a Moderator: He cannot edit your post: You have to PM him:
4But for the record: 5Whenua: Thumpers 6Matau: Fang Blades 7Nuju: Hordika Teeth 8Onewa: Claw Clubs 9Nokama: Fin Barbs
10See a pattern, anyone?
1Question: What are the names of the Toa Hordika tools? Vakama's is called the blazer claw... what else?
2Sheesh: Some people just never learn.
3Not only do we already know that, but Greg is not a Moderator: He cannot edit your post: You have to PM him:
5Firstly, I don't get the part about editting posts. When did I say that?
6Secondly, I just wanted to ask a quick question so I'd know since I am writing an epic involving the Hordika. I am new to this topic, and I did not read the entire thing, I just was looking for a place to ask a question.
7Thirdly, didya have to be so harsh?
1Lyger, the thing is you are supposed to PM your question to Greg. He doesn't even look at this topic. That is why he is so mad, since people do that a lot.
1Questions once more:
21) Why does Norik think there's a cure for the hordika?
32) How do Visorak poison?
43) What is the name of the Visorak BZP knows so far?
54) How does Nuju learn Kualas's language?
65) Why do the other Rahaga think Kualas is strange?
76) What is the reason the Toa hunt the Visorak?
87) Is there more phases to awaken Mata-Nui?
98) Howcome the MoL directors make it look like that one phase to awaken Mata Nui is the whole complete thing?
10Thats all for now, Greg.
111) You will have to follow the story to find out
122) Visorak venom is normally delivered through barbs in their cocoons
133) All of the Visorak names have already been released to BZP.
144) Same way you would learn one, it is taught to him
155) Because he talks to Rahi
166) Toa don't hunt Visorak. Visorak hunt Toa
177) I can't answer this
188) They didn't. You have to remember that the Turaga don't really know how to wake up Mata Nui either -- they figured, okay, we defeat Makuta, he wakes up. Didn't turn out that way. But since you can't have them saying, "Hey, this is only the first step" when they really don't know the steps, you have to have them say, "Let's go wake up Mata Nui:"
1What happened to #2?
1Hi: Just one question:
2What could each of the six Turaga be able to do with their elemental powers? I know Matau can create a stiff breeze, but what about the others?
5You have actually answered your own question -- if Lewa can start a tornado, and Matau a stiff breeze, then what is the "smaller" version of what other Toa can do?
7Post updates later.
1I don't get what Kualas's answer was.
1I don't see a pattern either. They aren't even all parts of an animal, (Whenua's, "Crikey, look at the thumper on that marmaset:")
2And Rayg he does look at this topic sometimes, he just doesn't examine every post or anything.
3They ARE parts of an animal.
4Look at this:
5FIN barbs
6FANG blades
7blazer CLAWS
8hordika TEETH
9CLAW clubs
10I think that should be clear enough.
1what greg is saying is that the turaga have smaller evects then toa so tahu can pour lava on people the vakama can heat things up a little and maybe even start small fires
1As always, I'll try to be brief.
21) Is it possible that we will see the Bohrok and/or the Bahrag again?
32) Will Dume be awaken and somehow used in 05?
43) When the Toa Nuva are arriving back to Metru-Nui, are there still vahki, rahi, etc. roaming around?
54) How long have the Rahaga been wandering the Archives?
65) Will we find out why the Visorak, Roodaka and the King Visorak chose to invade Metru-Nui?
76) Will the Kanohi Dragon appear again anywhere?
87) Did the combining of Takanuva and Makuta into Takutanuva affect the two in anyway?
9I and many others on BZP appreciate you answering questions: Thanks:![]()
111) I have no doubt you will sometime, as there are still unanswered questions about them. 12Score:![]()
132) I can't discuss future storyline
143) Same answer as #2, we aren't up to that story yet. 15Darn: Perhaps I should've rephrased that
164) Oh, quite a while
175) Yes
186) The Kanohi Dragon makes its one and only appearance (planned at the moment, anyway) in the Rahi Guide next year. It is a fan-built model. 19Aww, we'll just have to use our imaginations...
207) Such as what? 21I'm clearing that up right now..
23I found the one about the Bohrok quite interesting, oh, comments are in orange.


1I don't see a pattern either. They aren't even all parts of an animal, (Whenua's, "Crikey, look at the thumper on that marmaset:")
2And Rayg he does look at this topic sometimes, he just doesn't examine every post or anything.
3They ARE parts of an animal.
4Look at this:
5FIN barbs
6FANG blades
7blazer CLAWS
8hordika TEETH
9CLAW clubs
10I think that should be clear enough.
11Oh, they must of got it off Rahi or it's from a Rahi but it's actually their Weapons mutated.
1Can you please answer some of this questions?
21. In one of this years comics is saw an krana.Because the bahrag are on mata-nui, is it true that krana are not only for the bahrag but also for other enemys?
32. Come the Bohrok back sometime?
43, Are the bahrag a rahi?
5Thanks already:
61) There was a krana in the Archives, which was taken from a sleeping Bohrok. Bahrag produce krana but they are used by Bohrok.
72) Don't know. Probably.
83) Matoran would say so, yes.
9Cool the bahrag are rahi:

1Well, Matoran would consider them Rahi... I don't think they would describe themselves as animals...