1Hi, Mr. Farshtey: 2006 is shaping up to be a good year so far, and I am looking forward to it. Good job: Now, on to the Q's...
21) What are the other Matoran tool powers? 32) Who is your favorite Piraka? 43) How do you get ideas for BIONICLE story? 54) Can you tell me the Piraka tool powers? 65) Is Zaktan a self-proclaimed leader, or an elected one? 76) Same question with Garan.
8Thank you in advance:
91) Not releasing that just yet, maybe next week 102) Zaktan, so far 113) I work with a team of people on the overall story. Usually, we start with a concept for a setting and figures and go from there 124) No, not yet 135) He is self-proclaimed and leader because he severely injures anyone who rebels against him 146) Garan isn't either, really -- like many revolutionary leaders, he rose to the forefront based on his talent for leadership. There really isn't time for an election when your island is being invaded
21) What are the other Matoran tool powers? 32) Who is your favorite Piraka? 43) How do you get ideas for BIONICLE story? 54) Can you tell me the Piraka tool powers? 65) Is Zaktan a self-proclaimed leader, or an elected one? 76) Same question with Garan.
8Thank you in advance:
91) Not releasing that just yet, maybe next week 102) Zaktan, so far 113) I work with a team of people on the overall story. Usually, we start with a concept for a setting and figures and go from there 124) No, not yet 135) He is self-proclaimed and leader because he severely injures anyone who rebels against him 146) Garan isn't either, really -- like many revolutionary leaders, he rose to the forefront based on his talent for leadership. There really isn't time for an election when your island is being invaded
1Hey, I continued my conversation with greg, and found out a bit more about the Piraka. I'll repost the rest just so it makes sense.
2So, I finally got to see the official poster for the Piraka, and I have to say congratulations, Mr. Farshtey.You've done it again.Or rather, you've done it like never before.These guys still have the Bionicle feel to them, but at the same time look new and downright creepy.However, I am left with a few questions...
31. Is Hakann's weapon really supposed to be a "gun" of some sort?It seems nothing like a melee weapon of any kind, has a sort of "barrel" coming out of the end, and in the preliminary image (don't worry, I looked at it after seeing the official poster) he's firing a laser from the end.So, what's the deal?
42. Not only that, but from what I can see, Thok and Avak also have weapons that look vaguely gunlike.Do they use them like guns in channeling their powers, or do they use them as melee weapons or tools in some obscure way?
53. Is it "Reidak" or "Reiadak?"
64. Will we get some more in-depth info about personalities, powers, etc. in the January mag?
7Thanks for your time once again.
81) We don't really call it a gun -- we call it a lava launcher 92) Avak does not have something that works like a gun (in addition to his launcher) -- Thok does, it shoots ice 103) Reidak 114) Yes
12Wait, I thought you said the Piraka didn't have elemental powers?
13Oh, and when you said the Piraka have two powers, did you mean one "normal" power that comes from themselves and one power that comes from their launcher? Like saying Tahu has two powers: Fire and Shielding, even though Shielding isn't really his power, it comes from his mask?
14Thanks once again.
151) Changed my mind when it came down to writing the descriptions, but it is a different situation than with Toa. Only Hakann and Thok have weapons that have anything to do with elemental powers. The natural elemental abilities of the Piraka can only be used in tandem -- for example, Avak can only use a stone power if he is working with another Piraka who is using his elemental power too. So Avak and Hakann could create a fire and stone giant, but neither could create anything elemental like that on their own.
162) No, I meant one natural power that comes from themselves and one power that is connected to their eyes.
17So many questions...
181. So, if the Piraka's elemental powers can only be used with the help of another, why are they trying to kill each other?
192. Are they all the same species or something?
203. What would they do if the Shadowed One (before they split away) sent them on a mission without another Piraka?
214. Why is it that they can only use elemental powers when together? I assumed the Toa could use tandem abilities (healing, protodermis creation) because they were destined to work together, so what's with the Piraka's tandem abilities? Are they appointed by destiny like the Toa were?
225. What could they do before they met? How did they realize they could use elemental powers together?
236. So, Hakann and Thok use weapons that let them use elemental powers when working alone? Why don't all the Piraka?
247. What would happen if Hakann and Thok tried to use tandem powers? Wouldn't the result be just slush?
258. For the questions here you inevitably can't answer, will we ever get real answers?
261) Because being able to use their elemental powers (when they have others) does not rank up there with having sole possession of what they are on Voya Nui for. 272) Might be 283) Just use their other powers. 294) It's a way of controlling them. If Hakann can only use his fire power when someone else is there to keep an eye on him, it's safer overall. 305) Trial and error 316) Cause that would be dull 327) Or a creature made of ice and flame. Or ice that burns you. Or fire that freezes. 338) Actually, I answered all of them
1Look at number four...
15This brings up some interesting ideas...
2Thanks for those previous answers. Just a few more that occurred to me:
31. Which character gets the most "Screen time" in BL#1?
42. Approximately when will official pictures of the Piraka be out (I mean, individual hi-res pictures with backgrounds etc. type pictures)?
53. Approximately when will we get our first look at the second '06 canisters? I know they will likely make an appearance at the Feb. ToyFair, but is there any chance of finding out little tidbits sonner than that?
64. How major is Mount Valmai in the '06 storyline? Really major? Semi-Major? Kinda major?
75. How far has the story team progressed in future storyline?
8Thanks for everything![]()
101) It's fairly equal among the Piraka 112) No idea, not my department 123) Again, no idea -- I write story, I don't do sales and marketing. 134) Very major 145) Starting to detail 2007, just finished concept testing for the setting and figures for it
15This brings up some interesting ideas...

1Questions answers
21. What is Piraka Thok's weapon called? 31) Not answering this yet
42. Does the combiner shown here live on Voya Nui? 53. Is the combiner a Rahi? What is it called? 62-3) I have no info on the combiners at this time.
74. Do all of the Matoran of Voya Nui have the same shapes as the sets (like all Ta-Matoran have the same shape as Balta, all Onu-Matoran Garan, etc.) or does every Matoran have their own shape? 84) Same shape
95. Is Mount Valmai an active or a dormant volcano? Or is it just a regular mountain? 105) Active
116. Was Garan the leader of all of the Matoran of Voya Nui before the resistance group was formed? Incedentally, is Garan the speaker of the "long spoon" quote? 126) No and no
137. Can Kazi not have his mask knocked off? I mean, he has no head. 147) He has no head in the set, doesn't mean he has no head in the story
158. When will we learn what makes the suns and stars rise and set in Metru Nui? 168) No idea, we are not setting a story in Metru Nui for at least three years
1Hey, Greg: Your answers last time were very interesting. I did not expect that Garan and Zaktan were like that. I hope you can answer these:
21)Why is Vezok in the front in the Piraka pic, and Zaktan is in the back? 32)Is there another way to access the Zone of Darkness? 43)Is there a story reason that explains the teeth on the Piraka? 54)I know the roles of the Matoran; can you tell me their personalities? 65)Can you tell me the personalities of the Piraka as well? 76)If Voya Nui is so inhospitable, why don't the Matoran move? 87)Are all the Matoran aware of the Ancient Evil on Voya Nui? 98)If yes to the above question, can the Matoran do anything about it? 109)Does the condition of Mount Valmai (by condition I mean how it is active) play a role in the storyline?
11Thank you in advance.
121) I guess because that is how the artist chose to do that pic. 132) Nope 143) Not really, no more than there is a story reason for the teeth on a shark. It's a natural tool. 154) I already did this for somebody, so it is probably posted in a topic someplace. 165) No, no one needs to know this yet, we haven't started this story yet. 176) To where? And how do they get there? 187) No 198) No 209) Yes
21)Why is Vezok in the front in the Piraka pic, and Zaktan is in the back? 32)Is there another way to access the Zone of Darkness? 43)Is there a story reason that explains the teeth on the Piraka? 54)I know the roles of the Matoran; can you tell me their personalities? 65)Can you tell me the personalities of the Piraka as well? 76)If Voya Nui is so inhospitable, why don't the Matoran move? 87)Are all the Matoran aware of the Ancient Evil on Voya Nui? 98)If yes to the above question, can the Matoran do anything about it? 109)Does the condition of Mount Valmai (by condition I mean how it is active) play a role in the storyline?
11Thank you in advance.
121) I guess because that is how the artist chose to do that pic. 132) Nope 143) Not really, no more than there is a story reason for the teeth on a shark. It's a natural tool. 154) I already did this for somebody, so it is probably posted in a topic someplace. 165) No, no one needs to know this yet, we haven't started this story yet. 176) To where? And how do they get there? 187) No 198) No 209) Yes
1Hey, Greg: Your answers last time were very interesting. I did not expect that Garan and Zaktan were like that. I hope you can answer these:
21)Why is Vezok in the front in the Piraka pic, and Zaktan is in the back? 32)Is there another way to access the Zone of Darkness? 43)Is there a story reason that explains the teeth on the Piraka? 54)I know the roles of the Matoran; can you tell me their personalities? 65)Can you tell me the personalities of the Piraka as well? 76)If Voya Nui is so inhospitable, why don't the Matoran move? 87)Are all the Matoran aware of the Ancient Evil on Voya Nui? 98)If yes to the above question, can the Matoran do anything about it? 109)Does the condition of Mount Valmai (by condition I mean how it is active) play a role in the storyline?
11Thank you in advance.
121) I guess because that is how the artist chose to do that pic. 132) Nope 143) Not really, no more than there is a story reason for the teeth on a shark. It's a natural tool. 154) I already did this for somebody, so it is probably posted in a topic someplace. 165) No, no one needs to know this yet, we haven't started this story yet. 176) To where? And how do they get there? 187) No 198) No 209) Yes
22Interesting. Notice how he calls the Piraka's teeth "natural tools". That could bring up a lot of theorizing. Why would he call them tools? Do they eat things, and use them as tools in that way? Or do they attack matoran with their teeth? Interesting....
1I guess that he meant that the teeth are as much a role in the story as our teeth are in everyday life. Not a big role, really.

1I guess that he meant that the teeth are as much a role in the story as our teeth are in everyday life. Not a big role, really.
2Yeah, not a big role. Just helping us to mash down our food so that we can swallow it. Oh: And they are also a spiffy last line of defense.

4TMD woz 'ere
1I guess that he meant that the teeth are as much a role in the story as our teeth are in everyday life. Not a big role, really.
2I was eating cake as I read that. Heheh.
3Wouldn't it be ironic if they made Piraka toothbrushes?![]()
5Naw, only if they made Toa-scale LEGO toothbrushes.

6Anyway, as to what the piraka's teeth will play, imagine this.
7The lone Matoran rushed down the dark alley, persued by enemies unseen. The Matoran glanced behind, seeing nothing, he slowed to a halt. When he turned around he was starring straight into the bright teeth of Piraka Zaktan. 8"Brush and floss three times a day and you'll have teeth like me:"The Piraka said. 9

10TMD woz 'ere
1Hey Greg, just a few questions.
21. Which organisation is more powerful OoMN or BoM?
3ANSWER: I would give an edge to BOM, simply because they have more resources and can operate in public, which the OOMN cannot do.
42. Where is Mata-Nui sleeping?
5ANSWER: Can't answer it
63. What would you say Mata Nui's personallity is like?
7ANSWER: Can't answer it.
84. Who is your favorite Piraka?
9ANSWER: Zaktan
105. What would you say Karzahini's personality is like?
11ANSWER: The plant or the being?
126. You said that Mata Nui never directly intervens but what if Makuta was just standing there punching him in the face?
13ANSWER: You're dealing with totally different power levels that the example you are citing is just not possible.
147. Why werent the Hoi, Vohrahk or Mukau in the encyclopedia?
15ANSWER: The first two were not in there because we are not allowed to use the names, and the third wasn't in there because Bob Thompson doesn't like the name.
168. Do the Turaga of MAta-Nui ever regret becoming Turaga?
17ANSWER: No. Because in doing so, they saved the Matoran.
189. If the answer to 8 is yes who does the most and who does the least?
1910. Will the BoM do anything about Makuta's defeat?
20ANSWER: Wait and see.
2111. Does The Shadowed One have revenge in mind for the Piraka?
2312. Does Sentrahk have feelings?
24ANSWER: Yes, but he doesn't really pay much attention to them.
26See answers above, 27Greg
285. The Being.
297. Why arent you allowed to use the names? and why doesnt he like it?
3011. What for? Breaking the Dark hunter rules or did they do something to him?
3112. So if he were in pain then he wouldnt care?
325) Hmmm. Well, Karzahni is arrogant, he's a bit of a sociopath, he has a hard time admitting he is wrong about anything, and is something of a control freak. He can go from very charming to very murderous in the matter of a couple seconds. 337) The first two are on the list of terms we can no longer use because they come from another language and I guess must be sensitive terms. As for Mukau, its obvious source -- "moo cow" -- was regarded by Bob as being too silly for BIONICLE, I think. 3411) They defected. And you don't quit being a Dark Hunter ... you either die on a mission or you get executed for failure. Leaving on your own is not an option. 3512) He might care, but he probably would not see it as worth expressing.
1Hey Greg, just a few questions.
21. Which organisation is more powerful OoMN or BoM?
3ANSWER: I would give an edge to BOM, simply because they have more resources and can operate in public, which the OOMN cannot do.
42. Where is Mata-Nui sleeping?
5ANSWER: Can't answer it
63. What would you say Mata Nui's personallity is like?
7ANSWER: Can't answer it.
84. Who is your favorite Piraka?
9ANSWER: Zaktan
105. What would you say Karzahini's personality is like?
11ANSWER: The plant or the being?
126. You said that Mata Nui never directly intervens but what if Makuta was just standing there punching him in the face?
13ANSWER: You're dealing with totally different power levels that the example you are citing is just not possible.
147. Why werent the Hoi, Vohrahk or Mukau in the encyclopedia?
15ANSWER: The first two were not in there because we are not allowed to use the names, and the third wasn't in there because Bob Thompson doesn't like the name.
168. Do the Turaga of MAta-Nui ever regret becoming Turaga?
17ANSWER: No. Because in doing so, they saved the Matoran.
189. If the answer to 8 is yes who does the most and who does the least?
1910. Will the BoM do anything about Makuta's defeat?
20ANSWER: Wait and see.
2111. Does The Shadowed One have revenge in mind for the Piraka?
2312. Does Sentrahk have feelings?
24ANSWER: Yes, but he doesn't really pay much attention to them.
26See answers above, 27Greg
285. The Being.
297. Why arent you allowed to use the names? and why doesnt he like it?
3011. What for? Breaking the Dark hunter rules or did they do something to him?
3112. So if he were in pain then he wouldnt care?
325) Hmmm. Well, Karzahni is arrogant, he's a bit of a sociopath, he has a hard time admitting he is wrong about anything, and is something of a control freak. He can go from very charming to very murderous in the matter of a couple seconds. 337) The first two are on the list of terms we can no longer use because they come from another language and I guess must be sensitive terms. As for Mukau, its obvious source -- "moo cow" -- was regarded by Bob as being too silly for BIONICLE, I think. 3411) They defected. And you don't quit being a Dark Hunter ... you either die on a mission or you get executed for failure. Leaving on your own is not an option. 3512) He might care, but he probably would not see it as worth expressing.
36Waitaminute, Vohrak as in the Rahkshi Vohrak? What in the world?
1I guess that he meant that the teeth are as much a role in the story as our teeth are in everyday life. Not a big role, really.
2I was eating cake as I read that. Heheh.
3Wouldn't it be ironic if they made Piraka toothbrushes?![]()
5Naw, only if they made Toa-scale LEGO toothbrushes.![]()
6Anyway, as to what the piraka's teeth will play, imagine this.
7The lone Matoran rushed down the dark alley, persued by enemies unseen. The Matoran glanced behind, seeing nothing, he slowed to a halt. When he turned around he was starring straight into the bright teeth of Piraka Zaktan. 8"Brush and floss three times a day and you'll have teeth like me:"The Piraka said. 9![]()
10TMD woz 'ere
11Imagine the ending cutscene of the MNOLG with the Piraka instead of the Bohrok. Instead of only seeing their glowing eyes, you would see giant floating toothy grins running after him through the darkness.

1Hey, Greg: I have just read something in the 2006 topic about a Turaga on Voya Nui. That and a few other questions...
21)If there was a Turaga on Voya Nui, then can it be said that there was a Toa on Voya Nui? 32)You said somewhere that next year's focus groups will be in NJ. Where exactly in NJ? 43)In Time Trap, when TSO said "That is one less Toa to worry about. As for the other..." what did he mean about another Toa? Was he talking about Krakua? 54)Have Makuta and TSO fought each other in the past? 65)Is TSO going to do anything about the Piraka? Because it seems that there is nothing stopping them. 76)Did the Piraka defect because the DH might interfere with the mission to find the Ancient Evil? 87)Are the Piraka the only DH (former DH, anyway ) who have Zomar sphere launchers?
9Thank you in advance:
101) No, there were never Toa on Voya Nui. 112) The ones I was referring to have already been held -- they were held in Fort Lee two weeks ago. 123) No, he was talking about Makuta. He didn't mean other Toa, he meant other being. 134) Not before Time Trap, no 145) TSO certainly is not happy about them defecting, but it makes little sense to attack them when they are in a defensible position on the island. Better to wait for them to get what they are there for and leave. 156) No, because the Piraka have no idea about the "ancient evil." That's not why they went to Voya Nui 167) Yes
21)If there was a Turaga on Voya Nui, then can it be said that there was a Toa on Voya Nui? 32)You said somewhere that next year's focus groups will be in NJ. Where exactly in NJ? 43)In Time Trap, when TSO said "That is one less Toa to worry about. As for the other..." what did he mean about another Toa? Was he talking about Krakua? 54)Have Makuta and TSO fought each other in the past? 65)Is TSO going to do anything about the Piraka? Because it seems that there is nothing stopping them. 76)Did the Piraka defect because the DH might interfere with the mission to find the Ancient Evil? 87)Are the Piraka the only DH (former DH, anyway ) who have Zomar sphere launchers?
9Thank you in advance:
101) No, there were never Toa on Voya Nui. 112) The ones I was referring to have already been held -- they were held in Fort Lee two weeks ago. 123) No, he was talking about Makuta. He didn't mean other Toa, he meant other being. 134) Not before Time Trap, no 145) TSO certainly is not happy about them defecting, but it makes little sense to attack them when they are in a defensible position on the island. Better to wait for them to get what they are there for and leave. 156) No, because the Piraka have no idea about the "ancient evil." That's not why they went to Voya Nui 167) Yes
17Not a lot, but at least it is something.
1Some clarification about Garan's role as an IOD matoran:
2Is Garan the leader of all the IOD matoran or just the resistance group? 3-Angellos
4He's the leader of the resistance group. The IOD Matoran as a whole did not have a single leader. Think of it like this -- a bunch of soldiers, all privates, get cut off in enemy territory. One private steps forward and takes charge in the emergency. Doesn't mean under normal circumstances he is the leader, but in this crisis he has stepped up and taken responsibility.

1Me: In the topic about 06 sets, it says there are 8 new masks. Now the doomtoran have the same kanohi as the toa metru so do we cancel them out? And the piraka don't wear masks either. I'm assuming that the 2 $20 sets might wear masks so that leaves us with the 6 in a new texture. I'm also thinking that a few might come with the playsets. Can you shed any light on this?
2Greg: Two masks come with the $19.99 sets ... six with the new canister sets .. and actually I think one more new one with the $29.99 set, though I am not positive about that. New Kanohi do not come with the playsets to my knowledge, since those all miniature versions of the characters.
4I actually ment on the scene, not on the figures. Mask huh? Dume came with one but Nivawk was the big one. I'll pm about these doubles.
2Greg: Two masks come with the $19.99 sets ... six with the new canister sets .. and actually I think one more new one with the $29.99 set, though I am not positive about that. New Kanohi do not come with the playsets to my knowledge, since those all miniature versions of the characters.
4I actually ment on the scene, not on the figures. Mask huh? Dume came with one but Nivawk was the big one. I'll pm about these doubles.
1Now here we have some good info about Voya Nui and it's inhabitants... I sent Greg 10 questions ALL about Voya Nui: Be sure to check out #1, #6, #8, #9 and #10:
21. I know you don't work on the web, but do you at least know who the player is in the VNOLG (Voya Nui Online Game)? A Matoran, I guess?
3A: No, you play Toa, not Matoran, in this game
42. On the detailed pic of Voya Nui behind the Matoran boxes,Click here, there apprears to be six coloured dots scattered around the centre of the island: I assume, these are the villages the Matoran live in, right?
5A: Wrong. All the Matoran live in one village, it is too damgerous to be scattered all over.
63. Do those villages have names like in Mata Nui and Metru Nui? Ta-Voya, Ko-Voya, perhaps?
7A: See answer to #2
84. What does 'Voya' in Matoran mean?
9A: Haven't revealed that yet
105. How come it's such an isolated island? No one knows about it, and they (Matoran) don't know nuts about what's out there?
11A: Follow the story and find out
126. I heard that there used to be more Matoran on Voya Nui than now. What caused their numbers to decrease?
13A: Dying
147. Do you have anything to say about the Voya Nui Matoran Combiner#1?This is it:
15A: I haven't seen or built it yet, so no
168. For how long have the Matoran of Voya Nui been there? 1000 years like the Matoran on Mata Nui?
17A: They have actually lived on that land mass quite a bit longer than 1000 years
189. In the Official 2006 topic, there's some stuff someone found on BS01's wiki which mentions a 'Mask of Life'. Is this the 'key mask' that you initially told me about in June?
19A: I don't discuss things found on Wikis
2010. Will we ever find out some history about the Voya Nui Matoran's origins (well, at least some)? Do you have plans for that?
21A: BL #2
22Interesting, eh? So that bit about the 'Mask of Life' might be true after all... no wonder the Piraka are after it -- it's gotta be the "Hidden Treasure" that's on the island. Hey, maybe it's somewhere on Mount Valmai? That's gotta be why it's so significant next year:

21. I know you don't work on the web, but do you at least know who the player is in the VNOLG (Voya Nui Online Game)? A Matoran, I guess?
3A: No, you play Toa, not Matoran, in this game
42. On the detailed pic of Voya Nui behind the Matoran boxes,Click here, there apprears to be six coloured dots scattered around the centre of the island: I assume, these are the villages the Matoran live in, right?
5A: Wrong. All the Matoran live in one village, it is too damgerous to be scattered all over.
63. Do those villages have names like in Mata Nui and Metru Nui? Ta-Voya, Ko-Voya, perhaps?
7A: See answer to #2
84. What does 'Voya' in Matoran mean?
9A: Haven't revealed that yet
105. How come it's such an isolated island? No one knows about it, and they (Matoran) don't know nuts about what's out there?
11A: Follow the story and find out
126. I heard that there used to be more Matoran on Voya Nui than now. What caused their numbers to decrease?
13A: Dying

147. Do you have anything to say about the Voya Nui Matoran Combiner#1?This is it:
15A: I haven't seen or built it yet, so no
168. For how long have the Matoran of Voya Nui been there? 1000 years like the Matoran on Mata Nui?
17A: They have actually lived on that land mass quite a bit longer than 1000 years
189. In the Official 2006 topic, there's some stuff someone found on BS01's wiki which mentions a 'Mask of Life'. Is this the 'key mask' that you initially told me about in June?
19A: I don't discuss things found on Wikis
2010. Will we ever find out some history about the Voya Nui Matoran's origins (well, at least some)? Do you have plans for that?
21A: BL #2
22Interesting, eh? So that bit about the 'Mask of Life' might be true after all... no wonder the Piraka are after it -- it's gotta be the "Hidden Treasure" that's on the island. Hey, maybe it's somewhere on Mount Valmai? That's gotta be why it's so significant next year:
1Got some answers.
21.Why are the Nuva even going to Voya-Nui? 31) You will find out when the 2006 story starts 42.I'm Not sure if this has been confiremed but is Axonn a member of the Order? 52) Since Axonn and Brutaka do not come out anywhere until March at the earliest (in Europe), I am not discussing their affiliations at this point. Basically, no one needs to know this now 63.Do the Piraka know what they will release? 73) No 84. Does anyone know about where the Piraka are (as in group; Order, Brotherhood etc.) or Voya-Nui in general? 94) Dark Hunters do. 105. Is Brutaka a member of the Order? What about the Brotherhood? 115) See answer to #2
12Answer to 4 is interesting.
21.Why are the Nuva even going to Voya-Nui? 31) You will find out when the 2006 story starts 42.I'm Not sure if this has been confiremed but is Axonn a member of the Order? 52) Since Axonn and Brutaka do not come out anywhere until March at the earliest (in Europe), I am not discussing their affiliations at this point. Basically, no one needs to know this now 63.Do the Piraka know what they will release? 73) No 84. Does anyone know about where the Piraka are (as in group; Order, Brotherhood etc.) or Voya-Nui in general? 94) Dark Hunters do. 105. Is Brutaka a member of the Order? What about the Brotherhood? 115) See answer to #2
12Answer to 4 is interesting.
1Interesting, eh? So that bit about the 'Mask of Life' might be true after all... no wonder the Piraka are after it -- it's gotta be the "Hidden Treasure" that's on the island. Hey, maybe it's somewhere on Mount Valmai? That's gotta be why it's so significant next year:
3Sorry Jabba, but when Greg means that he doesn't discuss wikis, it means that they are almost always made up and there is no point in discussing a false rumour.
1Fine, Dayran, wikis might be false after all... but hey, take a look at this first
before you think more: have a look at #4, #8 and #9:
21. Will the Vahi ever play a role again in the story? It's quite interesting when it does... so do you have plans for it again?
3A: I don't have set plans for it, but I am pretty sure it will be back.
42. How's Metru Nui like when everyone returns there? Just like when the Toa Metru left it in WoS?
5A: It's better than that, because Dume and the Rahaga have had 1000 years to do some repairs.
63. Are there still any Vahki around in Metru Nui now? If yes, then what are they doing there?
7A: No
84. Now there's a LOT of speculation about the 'Mask of Life' here on BZP. Does this mask actually exist? Or are we just blindly discussing a mask that doesn't exist?
9A: Can't answer it
10Comment: See that? This Mask of Life's gotta be true after all...
115. So the player in the VNOLG is a Toa, eh? The Toa Nuva, perhaps? Or the all-new Toa in 2006? Can we choose the Toa we play as?
12A: It is not the Toa Nuva, that is all I can confirm at this point
136. These new 2006 Toa... are they transformed Matoran from Voya Nui who were destined to become Toa, or outsiders like the Toa Nuva?
14A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
157. What influence does Mata Nui (spirit) have over Voya Nui? They are so isolated over there: I mean, what importance does Voya Nui have when it comes to awakening Mata Nui?
16A: You will find out when the story starts
178. [smartguessThe "hidden treasure" is buried at Mount Valmai, right?[/smartguess
18A: Can't answer it
19Comment: Heh heh... what a smart guess: It adds to the importance of Mount Valmai, then...
209. The "hidden treasure" is a mask, right?
21A: Can't answer it
22Comment: Well, it's gotta be... I can't think of any other space where this 'key mask' will fit, anyway... so it's like somehow, it'll unleash the "Ancient Evil":
2310. Are the Matoran aware of this "hidden treasure" that's on their island?
24A: In general, no

21. Will the Vahi ever play a role again in the story? It's quite interesting when it does... so do you have plans for it again?
3A: I don't have set plans for it, but I am pretty sure it will be back.
42. How's Metru Nui like when everyone returns there? Just like when the Toa Metru left it in WoS?
5A: It's better than that, because Dume and the Rahaga have had 1000 years to do some repairs.
63. Are there still any Vahki around in Metru Nui now? If yes, then what are they doing there?
7A: No
84. Now there's a LOT of speculation about the 'Mask of Life' here on BZP. Does this mask actually exist? Or are we just blindly discussing a mask that doesn't exist?
9A: Can't answer it
10Comment: See that? This Mask of Life's gotta be true after all...
115. So the player in the VNOLG is a Toa, eh? The Toa Nuva, perhaps? Or the all-new Toa in 2006? Can we choose the Toa we play as?
12A: It is not the Toa Nuva, that is all I can confirm at this point
136. These new 2006 Toa... are they transformed Matoran from Voya Nui who were destined to become Toa, or outsiders like the Toa Nuva?
14A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
157. What influence does Mata Nui (spirit) have over Voya Nui? They are so isolated over there: I mean, what importance does Voya Nui have when it comes to awakening Mata Nui?
16A: You will find out when the story starts
178. [smartguessThe "hidden treasure" is buried at Mount Valmai, right?[/smartguess
18A: Can't answer it
19Comment: Heh heh... what a smart guess: It adds to the importance of Mount Valmai, then...
209. The "hidden treasure" is a mask, right?
21A: Can't answer it
22Comment: Well, it's gotta be... I can't think of any other space where this 'key mask' will fit, anyway... so it's like somehow, it'll unleash the "Ancient Evil":
2310. Are the Matoran aware of this "hidden treasure" that's on their island?
24A: In general, no
1Can't answer it doesn't confirm a single thing. It just means he doesn't/can't answer the question because it would ruin the story. If he said, for example, it wasn't Mt. Valmai where the treasure is hidden, that might leave only one other place (Who knows, the story is just starting, right?), which would mean we wouldn't have to guess. It's a case of safe rather then sorry.
1I dont see why that had to be in spoiler tags, KnightofNI.
1Interesting, eh? So that bit about the 'Mask of Life' might be true after all... no wonder the Piraka are after it -- it's gotta be the "Hidden Treasure" that's on the island. Hey, maybe it's somewhere on Mount Valmai? That's gotta be why it's so significant next year:
3Sorry Jabba, but when Greg means that he doesn't discuss wikis, it means that they are almost always made up and there is no point in discussing a false rumour.
4Where'd you get that idea from?

5If Greg can't answer anything, or doesn't want to, doesn't mean the answer is always going to be "no" for that question. Greg didn't want to talk about the leaked 2006 pics, were we to automatically assume they were fake? That's just what I think here.
1Interesting, eh? So that bit about the 'Mask of Life' might be true after all... no wonder the Piraka are after it -- it's gotta be the "Hidden Treasure" that's on the island. Hey, maybe it's somewhere on Mount Valmai? That's gotta be why it's so significant next year:
3Sorry Jabba, but when Greg means that he doesn't discuss wikis, it means that they are almost always made up and there is no point in discussing a false rumour.
4Where'd you get that idea from?![]()
5If Greg can't answer anything, or doesn't want to, doesn't mean the answer is always going to be "no" for that question. Greg didn't want to talk about the leaked 2006 pics, were we to automatically assume they were fake? That's just what I think here.
6I'm by no means saying he always means "no" when he says "Can't answer it."
7I AM saying that I, personally, got the impression that he said "I don't discuss wikis" because of all the fake info that has cropped up there. Trust me, I don't deal in absolutes like that.
1Okay, some questions I asked about 2006. Nothing really new, just one or two things I was curious about and wanted to clear up:
121. Just wanted to make sure. 132. Okay...that's sorted out now... 143. I kinda hope they do--but it's getting old. So, I hope he's doing something fresh. 154. Hmm...interesting answer... 165. Darn: Oh, well.
17-Master of the Rahkshi
21. I heard that the Doomtoran used to have a Turaga, but that he's dead now. Can you confirm that? 31) Yes
42. Which Matoran lead village before the Piraka came? If it isn't one we know, when will we know his name? 52) No single Matoran was in charge. Different Matoran took charge based on what needed to be done.
63. Are the combiner sets continuing the "Rahi" trend that's been running that last few years? 73) Don't know yet
84. Are there any other members of the Matoran resistance group, or is it just Velika, Garan, Dalu, Balta, Piruk, and Kazi? 94) You'll find out when the story starts
105. Does the forest that shouldn't exist have a set name? Or do the Doomtoran just call it the "creepy forest"? If so, when can you say what it is? 115) No, it doesn't have a BIONICLE name
121. Just wanted to make sure. 132. Okay...that's sorted out now... 143. I kinda hope they do--but it's getting old. So, I hope he's doing something fresh. 154. Hmm...interesting answer... 165. Darn: Oh, well.
17-Master of the Rahkshi
1Read Q8,it interesting, and I know Q3 was a bit cruel
2QUOTE 3Yo GregF I haven't answered from you for awhile.I have been busy lately
4So can you please tell me 51)Is Karazani the evil being really feel lonely his realm? 62) how does it felt like being hit by shadow energy? 73)If someone chopped off TSO's tail, can it grow back? 84)In the B3 movie, I saw nokama shot a whip around a visorak's leg, does it contain water energy? 95)Will see Karazani the plant in the future. 106)After a thousand years past, is zivon dead?I mean after a 1000 years he could be slaughtered by tatanorak?. 117)Where did the 2006 matoran get their tools from? 128)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui 139)Will the 2006 toa and toa nuva be allies. 1410)Does the blue pikara have the power of water element?
151) No 162) It hurts 173) No 184) Yes 195) Probably not 206) No, he's not dead. 217) That gets revealed in 2006 228) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui 239) They don't actually fight together, no 2410) Yes, but he can only use it if he is with another Piraka who is using their elemental power, so they don't use elemental powers much
2QUOTE 3Yo GregF I haven't answered from you for awhile.I have been busy lately
4So can you please tell me 51)Is Karazani the evil being really feel lonely his realm? 62) how does it felt like being hit by shadow energy? 73)If someone chopped off TSO's tail, can it grow back? 84)In the B3 movie, I saw nokama shot a whip around a visorak's leg, does it contain water energy? 95)Will see Karazani the plant in the future. 106)After a thousand years past, is zivon dead?I mean after a 1000 years he could be slaughtered by tatanorak?. 117)Where did the 2006 matoran get their tools from? 128)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui 139)Will the 2006 toa and toa nuva be allies. 1410)Does the blue pikara have the power of water element?
151) No 162) It hurts 173) No 184) Yes 195) Probably not 206) No, he's not dead. 217) That gets revealed in 2006 228) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui 239) They don't actually fight together, no 2410) Yes, but he can only use it if he is with another Piraka who is using their elemental power, so they don't use elemental powers much
16. These new 2006 Toa... are they transformed Matoran from Voya Nui who were destined to become Toa, or outsiders like the Toa Nuva?
2A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
38)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui
48A) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui
5In the past few posts this is what greg has said. But all he is doing is changing his story. What do you think this could mean.
2A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
38)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui
48A) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui
5In the past few posts this is what greg has said. But all he is doing is changing his story. What do you think this could mean.
16. These new 2006 Toa... are they transformed Matoran from Voya Nui who were destined to become Toa, or outsiders like the Toa Nuva?
2A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
38)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui
48A) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui
5In the past few posts this is what greg has said. But all he is doing is changing his story. What do you think this could mean.
6Note the differences in what he says. In the first quote, he says the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa, most likely meaning Garan, Kazi & co. In the second quote he says Matoran from Voya Nui , which could mean Garan & co or it could mean general Matoran of whom we have no current knowledge.
16. These new 2006 Toa... are they transformed Matoran from Voya Nui who were destined to become Toa, or outsiders like the Toa Nuva?
2A: No, the Voya Nui Matoran do not become Toa
38)Will the new 2006 toa be the matorans from mata nui
48A) No, they are Matoran from Voya Nui
5In the past few posts this is what greg has said.But all he is doing is changing his story.What do you think this could mean.
6I think in that first question there, Greg is talking about the six Matoran that are sets (Kazi, Balta, Piruk, Garan, etc) and in the second question he is talking about the Voya Nui Matoran as a whole - as in the whole population.
7EDIT: Oops, Dark Legend got in their first. Anyway, looks like these Toa are Matoran we haven't heard of.

1I have several PM's from Greg on a bunch or random things. Here they are:
16Glad I could contribute.
2Q: Are their any other Bionicle measurements (offical or not), such as for time, mass, tempreture, ext.? 3A: Nope
4Q: Did the islands captured by the Visorak free themselves in the 1,000 years after B3? 5A: I'm sure some have
6Q: Do the constelations in the artificial Metru Nui sky look the same as the constelations of the real Mata Nui sky? 7A: No
8Q: Did the Matoran of Metru Nui ever had some notion of the fact that their underground? I know that they once traded with other islands, and wouldn't the traders think it odd that there was a large dome around the cities? 9A: No. If you lived on Metru Nui all your life, why would you have any reason to think that the entire universe was not like the place you lived? If you had never been on the surface of Mata Nui, why would you think such a place even existed? For example, if you lived inside a barn your whole life, and you were told the roof of the barn was the sky and the sunlight coming through the hole in the roof was the sun ... why would you doubt it, if you had nothing to compare it to?
10Q: Do the Matoran know the Great beings exist? 11A: Yes
12Q: If they, what is their perception of the Great Beings? 13A: Not sure, it is sort of like humans trying to conceive of infinity
14Q: Is their more than one Great Being? 15A: Yes
16Glad I could contribute.
10not much, but it's something.
2Hi, greg I have pretty short list but the seconed one has been bothering me for a whil and i just want to get it straightened out
31. do the piraka actually have light up eyes? several people say they do but i haven't heard anything official about it.
42. in some descriptions i've read, it says the copper mask of victory is made of a special material that makes it more powerful, but you say matoran can't use mask power, so what's the point of making the masks stronger if the only beings who get them can's use mask powers?
5thanks, TC
61) That's because I am not disucssing set features until the sets are actually coming out 72) It's not. Encyclopedia defines it as a "ceremonial mask," meaning it had no function other than symbolic, so why make it more powerful?
31. do the piraka actually have light up eyes? several people say they do but i haven't heard anything official about it.
42. in some descriptions i've read, it says the copper mask of victory is made of a special material that makes it more powerful, but you say matoran can't use mask power, so what's the point of making the masks stronger if the only beings who get them can's use mask powers?
5thanks, TC
61) That's because I am not disucssing set features until the sets are actually coming out 72) It's not. Encyclopedia defines it as a "ceremonial mask," meaning it had no function other than symbolic, so why make it more powerful?
10not much, but it's something.
1Here are some stuff to clear up the 'voya nui matoran becoming Toa or Not' prob.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4Just want to ask you some questions.
51)Is the new series of Lego books you are writing about "EXO-FORCE"?
62)You said that the 2006 toa weren't the Voya Nui matoran but there was a recent post of you saying that the new Toa were indeed Voya Nui matoran. Could you clarify on the matter?
73)Can you reveal who was the one talking in the BL#1 quote (the one about the long spoon and the lake of fire)?
84)When will Brutaka, Axonn and the $29 set appear in the storyline? (eg. Beginning, halfway?)
95)Last year, you commented that the Rahaga were playing a role all year long, unlike most of the previous small box sets. Can you say the same for the Voya Nui Matoran?
10Thanks for your time.
11Toa Voya
121) Nobody's discussed an EXO-FORCE book with me yet, so we'll see 132) No, I never said they would be Voya Nui Matoran. If there is a post of that, I mistyped. The VN Matoran are Matoran all year long and beyond. 143) Nope 154) The $19.99 sets show up fairly early, the $29.99 set does not show up until fall-winter 165) Most of the year, yes
18Hmmm...makes me wonder what Greg's writing about.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4Just want to ask you some questions.
51)Is the new series of Lego books you are writing about "EXO-FORCE"?
62)You said that the 2006 toa weren't the Voya Nui matoran but there was a recent post of you saying that the new Toa were indeed Voya Nui matoran. Could you clarify on the matter?
73)Can you reveal who was the one talking in the BL#1 quote (the one about the long spoon and the lake of fire)?
84)When will Brutaka, Axonn and the $29 set appear in the storyline? (eg. Beginning, halfway?)
95)Last year, you commented that the Rahaga were playing a role all year long, unlike most of the previous small box sets. Can you say the same for the Voya Nui Matoran?
10Thanks for your time.
11Toa Voya
121) Nobody's discussed an EXO-FORCE book with me yet, so we'll see 132) No, I never said they would be Voya Nui Matoran. If there is a post of that, I mistyped. The VN Matoran are Matoran all year long and beyond. 143) Nope 154) The $19.99 sets show up fairly early, the $29.99 set does not show up until fall-winter 165) Most of the year, yes
18Hmmm...makes me wonder what Greg's writing about.

1Here's some more answers from Greg. 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 41. Can you confirm if there are 2006 Toa? 52. Will there be Piraka Combiners? 63. What type of volcano is Mount Valmai?(example:cone,etc.)
7That's all for now. 8SV
91) Can't discuss future product 102) I am sure there will be, there are always combiners 113) Not being a vulcanologist, not something I have worried about
121. I didn't ask you to discuss them, just confirm it. 133. At least the shape? 144. Is Karzahni underneath Metru Nui?
15That's all for now. 16SV
171) I am not discussing summer sets, period, which includes confirmations or denials. 182) Have not seen any of them so can't tell you 193) No, it is not
7That's all for now. 8SV
91) Can't discuss future product 102) I am sure there will be, there are always combiners 113) Not being a vulcanologist, not something I have worried about
121. I didn't ask you to discuss them, just confirm it. 133. At least the shape? 144. Is Karzahni underneath Metru Nui?
15That's all for now. 16SV
171) I am not discussing summer sets, period, which includes confirmations or denials. 182) Have not seen any of them so can't tell you 193) No, it is not
1New info on the Zamor spheres, and more:
21. What collecting value will the Zamor spheres have? I mean, will there be colors, shapes, markings, etc... 31) Colors 42. Do the Piraka make their aliases of Toa before or after they meet the Matoran? 52) Before 63. Did the Piraka know that Voya Nui was inhabited? 73) Yes 84. How did Garan know the Piraka weren't Toa? 94) You'll find out when the story starts 105. When the Nuva arrived at Voya Nui, were they accused as impostors? 115) See answer to #4 12These next questions are about you.
136. Will a BIONICLE tour ever stop around Austin, TX? 146) No tours planned at the moment 157. Do you like Transformers? 167) I'm really not familiar with them. 178a. Is Exo-Force the other line you are working on? 188b. Do you like the idea of Exo-Force? 198) It's one of them, and yes, it's cool.
20You heard it here first, folks:
21. What collecting value will the Zamor spheres have? I mean, will there be colors, shapes, markings, etc... 31) Colors 42. Do the Piraka make their aliases of Toa before or after they meet the Matoran? 52) Before 63. Did the Piraka know that Voya Nui was inhabited? 73) Yes 84. How did Garan know the Piraka weren't Toa? 94) You'll find out when the story starts 105. When the Nuva arrived at Voya Nui, were they accused as impostors? 115) See answer to #4 12These next questions are about you.
136. Will a BIONICLE tour ever stop around Austin, TX? 146) No tours planned at the moment 157. Do you like Transformers? 167) I'm really not familiar with them. 178a. Is Exo-Force the other line you are working on? 188b. Do you like the idea of Exo-Force? 198) It's one of them, and yes, it's cool.
20You heard it here first, folks:
1Some more stuff... 2Check out qs 1
3QUOTE 4Thanks Greg for that fast reply.
5Anyway, I'm still not clear on one thing.
61)If the Toa in 2006 did not come from Voya Nui or Mata Nui, where did thay come from?
72)Do the toa have their own catch-phrase (Eg. Piraka-"The new face of fear", Vahki-"Surrender or run") and could you reveal it now?
8Thanks Again.
9Toa Voya
101) I have only said the summer canister figures do not come from Voya Nui, and that is all I am permitted to say right now. 112) We haven't decided on a tagline for summer yet
13Hmmm... could it mean that the Toa are the Mata Nui Matoran?
3QUOTE 4Thanks Greg for that fast reply.
5Anyway, I'm still not clear on one thing.
61)If the Toa in 2006 did not come from Voya Nui or Mata Nui, where did thay come from?
72)Do the toa have their own catch-phrase (Eg. Piraka-"The new face of fear", Vahki-"Surrender or run") and could you reveal it now?
8Thanks Again.
9Toa Voya
101) I have only said the summer canister figures do not come from Voya Nui, and that is all I am permitted to say right now. 112) We haven't decided on a tagline for summer yet
13Hmmm... could it mean that the Toa are the Mata Nui Matoran?
1Once again... it amazes me how fast Greg replies.
2Check this out. Might come in useful.
3Hey again Greg.
4After reading your latest reply, I'm only getting more confused.
51)Well, are the Toa appearing in the Voya Nui Online Game the same as the summer sets? Or are there two sets of new toa?
62)Can you reveal the 6 locations on the map of Voya Nui?
73)What's the name of the village (If there's a name) where the Voya Nui Matoran live?
84)Is this the last time in a long while we will see the Mata Nui Matoran?
9Thanks for your time.
10Toa Voya
111) I can't answer this -- the online game is not my project, I don't want to announce their news for them 122) They get revealed in the January magazine 133) We haven't named it 144) Wait and see. I am not going to reveal future storyline
16Adds on to the 'Mata Nui Matoran becoming Toa' theory don't you think?
17-Toa Voya

2Check this out. Might come in useful.

3Hey again Greg.
4After reading your latest reply, I'm only getting more confused.
51)Well, are the Toa appearing in the Voya Nui Online Game the same as the summer sets? Or are there two sets of new toa?
62)Can you reveal the 6 locations on the map of Voya Nui?
73)What's the name of the village (If there's a name) where the Voya Nui Matoran live?
84)Is this the last time in a long while we will see the Mata Nui Matoran?
9Thanks for your time.
10Toa Voya
111) I can't answer this -- the online game is not my project, I don't want to announce their news for them 122) They get revealed in the January magazine 133) We haven't named it 144) Wait and see. I am not going to reveal future storyline
16Adds on to the 'Mata Nui Matoran becoming Toa' theory don't you think?
17-Toa Voya