1Another set of questions to GregF
12I think the answer he labeled as 4 is the answer to 5. I will follow up with Greg on the answer to 1 and 4.


2I finished reading BL#2 with my son last night, and some more questions have come to mind.
31) Are the Voya-Nui matoran the result of Karzanhi's rebuilding of dishonored matoran.
42) Did Voya-Nui break off from Karzanhi's realm?
53) How previlent are "Toa Transit Stations"? (for lack of a better term to describe the canister room form BL#2)
64) Is there a "Toa Transit Station" on Voya-Nui?
75) We know the canisters are sea worthy, and can tunnel.Are they space worthy?
81) I wouldn't say "dishonored" so much as "poorly performing" 92) No, no. Karzahni's realm is well north of where the continent is that Voya Nui originated. 103) I would say there are as many as are needed for a large universe. 114) I would say no, they are not, because there has been no need for them to be.
12I think the answer he labeled as 4 is the answer to 5. I will follow up with Greg on the answer to 1 and 4.

2Now that Hahli is a Toa, who will be the new Chronicler?
5Hard to say, TT, whether there will be one for a while -- one, because none of the Matoran in Metru Nui know that they have become Toa Inika, and two, because the places the Toa are going to have to go are way too dangerous for a Matoran. As Superman frequently pointed out, he spent half his time trying to save Lois and Jimmy ... Toa don't have time for that. Finally, I think an argument could be made that this entire mission would be "classified" anyway -- after all, the Turaga never told the Matoran population at large about what was happening to Mata Nui, they may not want them ever to know.
2Now that Hahli is a Toa, who will be the new Chronicler?
5Hard to say, TT, whether there will be one for a while -- one, because none of the Matoran in Metru Nui know that they have become Toa Inika, and two, because the places the Toa are going to have to go are way too dangerous for a Matoran. As Superman frequently pointed out, he spent half his time trying to save Lois and Jimmy ... Toa don't have time for that. Finally, I think an argument could be made that this entire mission would be "classified" anyway -- after all, the Turaga never told the Matoran population at large about what was happening to Mata Nui, they may not want them ever to know.
7But isn't that pretty much what they tried to get rid of in the Metru nui storyline. I mean they didn't want to lie to the Matoran but Greg goes and says that they may just not want them to know which would pretty much be lying to them. I mean wouldn't you think the Turaga would learn or maybe it is only turaga dume and the other turaga like over throw him or something because he has changed so much ( in my opinion)::

2Now that Hahli is a Toa, who will be the new Chronicler?
5Hard to say, TT, whether there will be one for a while -- one, because none of the Matoran in Metru Nui know that they have become Toa Inika, and two, because the places the Toa are going to have to go are way too dangerous for a Matoran. As Superman frequently pointed out, he spent half his time trying to save Lois and Jimmy ... Toa don't have time for that. Finally, I think an argument could be made that this entire mission would be "classified" anyway -- after all, the Turaga never told the Matoran population at large about what was happening to Mata Nui, they may not want them ever to know.
7But isn't that pretty much what they tried to get rid of in the Metru nui storyline. I mean they didn't want to lie to the Matoran but Greg goes and says that they may just not want them to know which would pretty much be lying to them. I mean wouldn't you think the Turaga would learn or maybe it is only turaga dume and the other turaga like over throw him or something because he has changed so much ( in my opinion)::![]()
8I'm pretty sure the other Turaga would want to tell them, but Dume's in charge now.

1Hi GregF,I only have one question for you today:
21-You remember the Hoto right?Those bugs that seared heat off their bodies.Well let's say it flies to voya nui and meets hakann.What would he do?Would he destroy it because it was a rahi or would he keep it as a pet because it seared heat off its body?
3Thank you.
5Keeping a pet implies the ability to care about something other than yourself. I can't see Hakann giving a darn about anything but himself.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey-san. It's been a while since I've PM'd you...well, I've now got a whole buttload of my silly little nit-picky questions for you to answer: Enjoy:
21. Why is Zaktan's sword made of protodites? Was it exposed to the same force that made him what he is, or did he construct it out of his own body?
32. How does Avak activate his power? For example, let's say he fights Kopaka. Does he say, "Okay, this guy can control ice and see through walls, so I need to create a prison that's superhot, superdry, and impenetrable," and then focus to make a prison with those exact specifications? Or, does he simply say "I see Kopaka: Activate prison power:" snap his fingers, and a superhot, superdry, and impenetrable prison is instantly created, regardless of his thoughts?
43. You've said that the reason Piraka can't use Kanohi is because of a lack of mental discipline. Does that really make sense? How come Zaktan can't use a Kanohi, but Matau can?
54. Can non-Nuva Toa use Nuva masks? Or, are they simply at a level beyond normal Toa, like a Turaga trying to use a Great mask?
65. Does Brutaka have any powers besides his mask and strength?
76. Can Axonn really create balls of lava in his hand like the early images would have us believe, or can he just shoot energy from his axe?
87. Is the only way to defeat Axonn sheer brute strength? It seems like his mask prevents him from being outwitted...
98. If the Inika have organic masks, does that mean they're fused to their faces, like the Hordika?
109. If an Inika wanted to use a regular mask, would he or she be have to put it on over their organic mask?
1110. Could a non-Inika use an organic mask?
1211. How does Nuparu's tool work? Is it a drill that augments its drilling power through lasers, or does it actually shoot lasers?
1312. Nuparu is the only Inika whose Zamor launcher is on his shoulder. Did he modify it to be that way, or did he just get a weird one?
1413. Balta, Velika, Avak, and now Nuparu...is there some reason 2006 has so many "tinkerer" characters?
1514. How would Matoro, Hewkii and Nuparu use lightning in tandem with their elemental powers? I can guess how the other three would do it...but how would they?
1615. Does Vezon's madness have anything to do with being fused to Fenrakk?
1716. If four of the Piraka's primary powers are 'natural' (adaptation, mental blasts, power absorbing, and animation), does that mean members of their species all have 'natural' powers like theirs? If so, why don't Avak and Zaktan have extra powers? Did being altered "overwrite" their natural powers?
1817. The Matoran Nui got me thinking: is it possible for beings other than Toa or Matoran to form Kaita if they know how? Does this mean we could have Piraka Kaita, if the Piraka put aside their differences (yeah, like that'll happen) and learn how?
1918. How did Hakann get his Lava Launcher? Did Avak make it?
2019. Does Thok's Ice Gun need ammunition like the Lava Launcher does?
2120. Does Fenrakk have any powers of his own, or is all the muscle concentrated in Vezon? I'm not asking for you to reveal them, I just want to know whether or not he has actual powers of his own.
22Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.
231) He made it himself. 242) The latter. 253) Matau can use a Kanohi as a Toa, and remember, it took him a while to master it. Evil, selfish, self-indulgent, immediate gratification type people are not known for their mental discipline. 264) No 275) Yup, but I am kind of avoiding listing them, because I want to full extent of his abilities to remain a mystery 286) No, he has no lava power. Never has had. 297) Pretty much, yes, you can't con him. 308) No 319) No. Inika can wear normal masks -- the set heads look the way they do to simulate the fact that the Inika's facial features glow so bright you can't even see them if they take their masks off. 3210) Probably 3311) Actually shoots lasers 3412) Being a tinkerer, I am sure he modified it 3513) Cause they're fun to write about, and because they make sense ... the Matoran would need them, since they are cut off from larger civilization .. the Piraka would need one, since Dark Hunters can't very well walk into a "hardware store" on a mission ... and Nuparu was my choice because I felt he was a more interesting character than the alternatives. 3614) Pretty much all works the same -- an elemental blast or elemental creation will be intertwined with lightning. 3715) I'm sure that didn't help, but he was mad before he got there. 3816) I would not say those are natural abilities in the entire species, no. You are talking about four Piraka out of maybe thousands and thousands of their species -- hardly a strong statistical argument. The natural ability they all have is the eyebeams. 3917) Not that we have seen yet, no. I wouldn't rule it out, but at this point, I wouldn't rule it in either. 4018) No, Hakann had it long before he met Avak. He didn't meet Avak until he joined the Dark Hunters. 4119) Actually, I am not sure where the idea the lava launcher needs ammo came from, because that is not in the story bible. 4220) I haven't decided yet
43Some interesting ones here...
11.How does Krakua know about the Inika? 22.After reading Dark Destiny, I have this question-If the universe ends, everything won't blow up, just all life will be killed, right? 33.Zaktan's possessed, isn't he?41.Vakama had a vision of the future. Krakua's from the future. 52.No, I don't think everything would blow up. 63.I would say "influenced", because possessed means he has no free will.
1a few questions about 2006, mostly about the piraka's race for you, Mr. greg sir.
21.)will we ever learn more about the piraka's race?
32.)do the Piraka's race only come in the six colors the piraka we know are?
43.) would you consider the Piraka's race 'evil'? (theres a board on this is S&T)
54.) so do all of the Piraka's race have vision powers? if so are they all differnt?
65.) did vezon ever live on the Piraka's homeland?
76.)about axxon and brutaka: why are they on voya nui? to protect the matoran, or protect the mask, or something differnt?
88.)on the piraka's homeland...was irnakk just a myth there? was he..it...based on fact there?
99.) i heard you said makuta was still under the door a while back...but all the piraka found was his armour. does that mean the only thing under that door belonging too or being makuta was the armour at that time?
1010.)are the matoran on voya-nui only in the oringinal six colors we know of? (like, is there a matoran of plama or something) 1110B.) were their any differnt matoran on the Mainland?
1211.) are their still matoran on the mainland?
1312.)was the mainland a hostile place like voya nui?
1412.) did the mainland have anything on it desides those matoran, a few rahi and that one turaga?
15thank you for your time![]()
161) Not sure 172) See answer to #1 183) I am not that into saying any whole species is all good or all evil -- but I do think the Piraka are, in general, more prone to violence and treachery just as a culture than Matoran are. 194) Yes 205) No 216) Protect the mask 228) No, Irnakk is the Piraka version of the bogeyman -- he never existed 239) Yup 24I can answer 11, which is yes -- the rest I cannot answer because we will probably get to the mainland at some point, and I cannot answer for what the set designers may do.
25i find number 9 interesting....unless someone dragged makuta out he left himself.
1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of questions for you today.
21. Whay weren't the Rahaga in BL1 or BL2 if they were there at the end of Time Trap?If they're not on Metru Nui, what happened to them?
32. How where the Kanohi Nuva scattered around Mata Nui?I mean, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) I thought that Kanohi Nuva didn't exist until the Toa were exposed to the energized protodermis?
4Thanks for your time.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
61) The Rahaga are only in Metru Nui infrequently. Since all the Rahi in the city were freed long ago, there is no reason for them to stay there. They use Metru Nui as a base they can return to occasionally, but most of their time is spent on other islands 72) They were teleported onto the island when the Toa became Nuva
8Can you say where they were teleported from, how they were made, or how did the Turaga know where they came from? Also, what happened to the Kanohi Olda that were on the Toa's Suvas?
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) No, I can't 112) My assumption is that the Olda masks all vanished when the Toa got their gold masks.
12Okay, only a couple more questions:
131. Could a single member of the Brotherhood of Makuta control Rahkshi created by another Makuta?
142. Do you have every piece of BIONICLE merchandise (including T-Shirts and complete Kanohi, Krana/Kal, Kraata collections)?
151) Probably, it would be inefficient otherwise. 162) Nope. Like you, I have to buy the stuff if I want it -- at a discount, yes, but I still have to buy it. And some things, like the shirts, wouldn't make sense because we never get them in our store in adult sizes. I buy the sets that I find most interesting and that I have room for in my house.
1I've had Krahka and 2006 on the brain:
21. Could you bring back Krahka somehow, or maybe put her in one of the books?
32. Does Krahka need to see someone use a power for her to use it herself? e.g. She sees a Toa of Sonics but he doesn't use his powers. Can she use his abilities?
43. Would it be possible for Krahka to merge all of her forms into one, huge, powerful creature? (Ugh, the thought of her meshing the bodies of six toa and countless rahi together is kind of sickening.)
54. Are the rest of her species still alive, or dead in visorak cocoons?
65. How do you think a fight of Krahka vs. the Piraka would end up? If Vezok absorbed her power, could he use all of her forms as well?
7Here are some 2006 questions:
86. Has the red star ever created Toa before, or is this something new?
97. Do the BIONICLE characters know exactly what the red star is and what it's for, or do they know as much about it as we do?
108. Since Nuparu has invented countless things, and is always tinkering, I'm going to guess he makes the Toa their zamor launchers. Am I right?
119. How would Dume feel after learning that the six Matoran he thought were so foolish become the Toa who will save the universe?
1210. What exactly was in the zamor sphere that Zaktan shot at Brutaka?(Bl#2) It seemed to make him stronger and meaner.
13Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions.
151) If she fits someplace in the story, yes, I will bring her back. 162) Yes 173) Yes, but she would probably pass out 184) No one knows yet 195) I would say no, he would not -- because he would get her shapeshifting ability, but not her memories. 206) This is something new 217) They know as much as you do 228) Nope 239) I would hope he would be able to swallow his pride. 2410) It's the same kind the Piraka have been using -- that is just the effect antidermis has on Brutaka
25#10 is very interesting. I guess anitdermis doesn't always turn people into slaves.
1Comments in italics.
12Just a small batch of questions, but important to me because I asked about them to learn more of the still mysterious Toa Inika. And Nuparu's my favorite of them in looks.
21.Did Nuparu create the claws he wears?Or did they just appear when the Matoran were transformed?
32.Where did the Toa Inika acquire their Zamor Launchers?The Matoran Resistance?
43.You said Nuparu probably made it so his Zamor Launcher was shoulder-mounted.Are you implying he did that, that you are still thinking about why it is shoulder-mounted (unlikely), or can you just not give a definate answer at this time?
5Thank you for your time, Greg.
61) They appeared 7Finally an answer: I've been wanting to know where those came from. I had hoped he made them, but oh well. 82) You'll find out in BL #3 9I excpected this. 103) My answer pretty much stands as is 11And this one too.
12Just a small batch of questions, but important to me because I asked about them to learn more of the still mysterious Toa Inika. And Nuparu's my favorite of them in looks.

11) How far in the future do you forsee yourself writing Bionicle?
22) Do you prefer writing comics or novels?
33) What novels/comics/movies etc. have inspired you while writing the Bionicle story?
44) Is Bionicle one of the most interesting things you have ever written? Your favorite?
5Now, a Bionicle question...
65) Is there a definite shape for the Mask of Life? Have you seen it?
76) Is BL#6 definatly happening?
87) When do you plan to begin BL #5? What about BL #6?
101) Really no way to predict. I would assume as long as BIONICLE is active, I am at LEGO, and Scholastic is doing books, I will get first crack at them. But any of those things can change in life.
112) I like both, because both are different.
123) I don't think any writer can point to any one thing or one group of things that inspires him -- it tends to be a lifetime of writing and reading that goes into a work.
134) It's certainly one of the most interesting ... but since I am not its creator, it is not the same as writing something that is all yours.
145) I haven't seen it, no, and I think (and this is unofficial) there may wind up being multiple shapes.
156) Far as I know, yes
167) I am working on BL #5 now, #6 gets started when #5 is done.
11) How far in the future do you forsee yourself writing Bionicle?
22) Do you prefer writing comics or novels?
33) What novels/comics/movies etc. have inspired you while writing the Bionicle story?
44) Is Bionicle one of the most interesting things you have ever written? Your favorite?
5Now, a Bionicle question...
65) Is there a definite shape for the Mask of Life? Have you seen it?
76) Is BL#6 definatly happening?
87) When do you plan to begin BL #5? What about BL #6?
101) Really no way to predict. I would assume as long as BIONICLE is active, I am at LEGO, and Scholastic is doing books, I will get first crack at them. But any of those things can change in life.
112) I like both, because both are different.
123) I don't think any writer can point to any one thing or one group of things that inspires him -- it tends to be a lifetime of writing and reading that goes into a work.
134) It's certainly one of the most interesting ... but since I am not its creator, it is not the same as writing something that is all yours.
145) I haven't seen it, no, and I think (and this is unofficial) there may wind up being multiple shapes.
156) Far as I know, yes
167) I am working on BL #5 now, #6 gets started when #5 is done.
18I felt I just had to comment on the MoLi thing... when I read that, I thought 'WHOA:?' and then calmed down...
19The Kraahkan is the only other Kanohi I know which has had several shapes: the MoL and LoMN ones, the 2003 set versions, and the infected Hau in the MNOLG. As far as I know though, the first three are all technically the same shape in the story, and the infected Hau was too to with Makuta's shapeshifing ability.
20Do we perhaps have a shapeshifting mask? That could be interesting...

1The Mask of Light also changed shape when Takanuva put it on.
2No, I don't think it did. It may have changed shape to fit Takua's head, but it didn't change shape. 3Perhaps with the MoLi, we have a sort of mask that changes shape and possibly color (Unlike the MoL) depending on who put it on. For example, say one of the Inika put it on (Greg said they are able to), it may look sorta weird. And then, say, if a Piraka had enough brain-power, it may turn into a violent-loving grin-showing mask.
4Dat's my 27, 234 cents
1Some questions:
21. I remember back when the shape of Voya Nui was revealed, you made this comment in the announcement topic:3Just saw the first images for the 2007 setting -- looks really cool too.
4Am I correct in assuming that 2007 takes us to a new island? This seems evidence enough that we won't be on Voya Nui at least...
52. When do you suppose the Toa Inika will start hitting the stores?
63. You mentioned to another member that you will start BL#6 as soon as BL#5 is done - does that mean that the Legends series will continue throughout the story arc? How many books are planned for 2007?
74. Does BL#6 have a tentative title at all? Are you intending to make an announcement topic for it, like what you did for BL#1?
85. Since the Inika were transformed in such an unusual way, are they in any way more "Powerful" that regular Toa? The lightning infusion seems fairly influential...
9Thanks for everything![]()
111) Yup: 122) Well, official release date is 8/1, whch means probably in July sometime 133) Right now, at least four novels and one guidebook, I believe, through August of '07 -- I do not have the fall release schedule yet. I would assume it will be six books again, that is what they usually do. 144) No tentative title at this point -- there is still a lot of the '07 storyline that has to be nailed down before I can start writing. 155) They are different, I don't know that I want to say better.
16#1 is the most interesting


11) Now that you are deep into the 2006 storyline, are there any regrets you have about how certain story elements turned out? Any characters you wish you had done differently?
22) Do you prefer writing about characters you invented more or about characters already established in Bionicle lore?
33) Which of the Inika do you least enjoy writing about?
44) How much control over the Inika's personalities do you have? Are there simple guidelines to writing about them, and you just elaborate on them? If so, what kind of guidelines were there for each character?
55) Will there be a storyline reason for the lack of Brown on Hewkii's body? Is he still a Toa of Stone?
66) What other elements would you like to use for future Toa?
77) TheToa you mentioned we would hear about in BL #4- are they of new elements?
88) Would you say that a Toa of Plasma, Sonics, etc. is rarer than a Toa of Fire, Water, etc?
99) Which book is your proudest achievement? Which book would you like to change?
1010) Is it possible to have Toa with a higher power level than Nuva?
111) About 2006? No. The only thing I might have done differently recently was the choice of which Toa went bad in WOS -- I would have gone with Matau -- but that wasn't my choice to make so doing it differently was not an option.
122) I enjoy both. I have a lot of experience writing for characters that aren't mine or who I do not own, so that is not a big deal -- what is fun about making new ones is you have the freedom to change them radically or kill them off if you want.
133) I don't know that I have a "least enjoy" at this point.
144) There are personality guidelines for each character, put together jointly between me and the team in Billund. In the case of 2006, they are less relevant because all of the Inika are pre-existing characters who have been in the story since 2001. Jaller will act like Jaller, captain of the Ta-Koro Guard ... I don't have to make up a whole new personality for him.
155) Yes, he is, and as with many things, we are tying it to the strangeness of his origin as a Toa.
166) No idea. I come up with them as I need them to suit whatever story I am doing.
177) I don't think I invented any new elements for #4, no.
188) Not necessarily, no. It's a vast universe. I could look around where I live and say kangaroos are rare based on the fact I never see any ... but they are not rare elsewhere.
199) I'd probably say 10 is the one I like best. Probably the ones that were least fun to work on were the movie novels, since when you are working from someoneelse's script, you are basically just typing.
2010) Not that we know of at this point, no.
1QUOTE 2Hello i have some questions about Vezon
31. so Vezon was insane before he betrayed the rest of the gang. right? Was he even more evil and insane then Zaktan?
42. Vezon must have gone through the place were nightmares comes alive. so did he faced Irnakk or was he just never afraid of him or was he fused to Fenrakk?
53. if yes to 2 is spiders Vezons greatest fear?
64. what kind of non elemental powers does Vezon have and what can his weapon do?
75. is Vezon specila in anny way from the other Piraka? like his body, face spinelessnes?
86. Why do the Moli have so manny guardians? Axoon, Umbra, Brutaka( who left) and now Vezon and what ever is born in the nightmare place.
97. Why is Vezon " guarding" the mask?
108. is it three characters this year that are members of the Oomn?
111) Not more, just different 122) Actually, Vezon did not have to pass any of the tests to reach the mask, because the mask wanted him there 134, 5, 7, 8) Can't answer it. 146) Um, cause if the mask doesn't get used the way it's supposed to be when it's supposed to be, the universe ends. 158) Which three are you thinking of?
16So the mask wanted Vezon there. intresting
1I recently got answers to several Makuta/BoM questions. If the Makuta topic is still up, some of these could be helpful.
21. Was the final stage of the plan to put Mata-Nui to sleep (as seen in LoMN) solely the work of the Makuta we know, or were BoM members on other islands simultaneously putting Matoran to sleep, and increasing their power?
31) Everything that needed to be done had already been done centuries before.
42. I believe you have said that all BoM members have equal power, but when the Recorder and the Shadowed One "talk" about the power of the Makuta we know in Time Trap, it sounds as if he is more powerful than the other BoM members. Considering the conversation (a.k.a. declaration of war) the Shadowed One had with the Makuta we know later in that novel, he obvious knows of the BoM's existence, so could you explain?
52) Actually, I don't think I have ever said anything about power levels of BOM members, since you have not met any besides Makuta.
63. I believe it has been said that the Makuta we know had been a protector of the Matoran, and that he led the revolt against Mata-Nui. Is this completely true, or had all the BoM members been entrusted with protecting the Matoran, and all of them simultaneously revolted?
73) All of BOM had that job, basically, Makuta was simply active in the area around Metru Nui so he was the one known there.
84. If the Makuta we know did lead the revolt, why would all of the other to-be BoM members obey him. Would he still have any power over them?
94) Maybe they thought it was a good idea.
105. Karzahni (the plant) said that Mata-Nui had the stars fool Makuta about who were destined to be Toa. Was this just done to the Makuta we know, or to the BoM as a whole?
115) The other BOM members would not have seen those stars, as they were just over Metru Nui. And since none of the other BOM members were in Metru Nui, they would have no impact on who got chosen as Toa from there.
21. Was the final stage of the plan to put Mata-Nui to sleep (as seen in LoMN) solely the work of the Makuta we know, or were BoM members on other islands simultaneously putting Matoran to sleep, and increasing their power?
31) Everything that needed to be done had already been done centuries before.
42. I believe you have said that all BoM members have equal power, but when the Recorder and the Shadowed One "talk" about the power of the Makuta we know in Time Trap, it sounds as if he is more powerful than the other BoM members. Considering the conversation (a.k.a. declaration of war) the Shadowed One had with the Makuta we know later in that novel, he obvious knows of the BoM's existence, so could you explain?
52) Actually, I don't think I have ever said anything about power levels of BOM members, since you have not met any besides Makuta.
63. I believe it has been said that the Makuta we know had been a protector of the Matoran, and that he led the revolt against Mata-Nui. Is this completely true, or had all the BoM members been entrusted with protecting the Matoran, and all of them simultaneously revolted?
73) All of BOM had that job, basically, Makuta was simply active in the area around Metru Nui so he was the one known there.
84. If the Makuta we know did lead the revolt, why would all of the other to-be BoM members obey him. Would he still have any power over them?
94) Maybe they thought it was a good idea.
105. Karzahni (the plant) said that Mata-Nui had the stars fool Makuta about who were destined to be Toa. Was this just done to the Makuta we know, or to the BoM as a whole?
115) The other BOM members would not have seen those stars, as they were just over Metru Nui. And since none of the other BOM members were in Metru Nui, they would have no impact on who got chosen as Toa from there.
1I think I will ask a cuople of questions, and if they have been answered, then, I just want some clarification for myself.
21: Dume was a Toa, right? 32: Can you explain to me a little further the dynamics of the half thunder powers? 43: Is the Red Star a concious being? 54: Can you give me examples of the half lightning powers I.E. Earth combined with lightning do what, ice combined with lightning? I mean, how does that work, and what results from such combinations?
6Thanks in advance.
21: Dume was a Toa, right? 32: Can you explain to me a little further the dynamics of the half thunder powers? 43: Is the Red Star a concious being? 54: Can you give me examples of the half lightning powers I.E. Earth combined with lightning do what, ice combined with lightning? I mean, how does that work, and what results from such combinations?
6Thanks in advance.
Toa Takia 1I think I will ask a cuople of questions, and if they have been answered, then, I just want some clarification for myself.
21: Dume was a Toa, right? 32: Can you explain to me a little further the dynamics of the half thunder powers? 43: Is the Red Star a concious being? 54: Can you give me examples of the half lightning powers I.E. Earth combined with lightning do what, ice combined with lightning? I mean, how does that work, and what results from such combinations?
6You have to PM these questions to GregF himself for him to answer them, for this topic is to post your answers, not questions.
1I think I will ask a cuople of questions, and if they have been answered, then, I just want some clarification for myself.
21: Dume was a Toa, right? 32: Can you explain to me a little further the dynamics of the half thunder powers? 43: Is the Red Star a conscious being? 54: Can you give me examples of the half lightning powers I.E. Earth combined with lightning do what, ice combined with lightning? I mean, how does that work, and what results from such combinations?
6Thanks in advance.
71) Yes. All Turaga were at one point Toa. 82) I am not sure I understand what you are asking. 93) No, not to my knowledge, it is not a living thing 104) I do not see them so much as combinations as interlaced. So, for example, Hewkii sends a rain of stones at you. Interlaced with those stones, but not part of them, is lightning. So you get pummeled and shocked at the same time. Think of it like -- someone takes a big boulder and wraps a chain around it. The chain is not part of the rock, but travels with it, so when you get hit with the boulder, the chain hits you too.
11Well, that's that.
21: Dume was a Toa, right? 32: Can you explain to me a little further the dynamics of the half thunder powers? 43: Is the Red Star a conscious being? 54: Can you give me examples of the half lightning powers I.E. Earth combined with lightning do what, ice combined with lightning? I mean, how does that work, and what results from such combinations?
6Thanks in advance.
71) Yes. All Turaga were at one point Toa. 82) I am not sure I understand what you are asking. 93) No, not to my knowledge, it is not a living thing 104) I do not see them so much as combinations as interlaced. So, for example, Hewkii sends a rain of stones at you. Interlaced with those stones, but not part of them, is lightning. So you get pummeled and shocked at the same time. Think of it like -- someone takes a big boulder and wraps a chain around it. The chain is not part of the rock, but travels with it, so when you get hit with the boulder, the chain hits you too.
11Well, that's that.
1I have just one question, something that is kind of knawing at my brain...
2Zaktan's eye power is laser-vision. He is also made of protodites. Now, his eyes are made of them too, correct? If they are, does that mean that all the protodites technically have the power of laser vision? If so, can they only use the laser vision when his consiousness recognizes them as functioning eyes?
3Also, does the fact that they can function as eyes allow him to, say, look behind himself if he needed to?
4No. Essentially, it would be like if I turned your body into, say, Scrabble pieces. Your eyes would still function as eyes, but they would be made of pieces. That would not mean all the rest of your body would have the same properties as your eyes, just because they are made of the same thing. Protodites can see on their own if Zaktan detaches them from the main part of his body for scouting, etc.
1[QUOTEQUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hello Greg, 5Great job on BL #2 it was excellent: Karzhani was great, he was one of the best developed characters I have ever read. I hope we get to see him again. Wow, Brutaka is strong, six toa nuva and six matoran taken out wth one blow, and one that was so fast it wasn't even visible to the naked eye: Scary. I can't wait to find out more about him. I had a few questions and here they are:
61. If a zamor was filled with protodermis and then shot at someone who was under the piraka's control would it counteract the effects of the antidermis? It seems to me that protodermis helps the matoran, gives them life in a sense hence the PRO in protodermis, and it the antidermis seems to take away that life hence the ANTI in antidermis.
72. Why does the antidermis make brutaka stronger?
83. a) Can the Inika use their elemental powers without lightening? 9Would't Nuparu's elemental power basically nuetralize the lightening? Earth is used to ground electricity afterall.
10Thanks 11Takia
121) Oh very good, Takia -- think energized protodermis and you're there. 132) Just his nature 143) No ... and you can't apply Earth science to BIONICLE
15Wow...I was close... Thanks for the compliment: So energized protodermis is the key...hmmm... That makes things very interesting. So basically Brutaka if went swimming in antidermis it would be very bad for everyone else. Of course, how stupid of me. I completely forgot about that. From this stems a few more questiuons, hope you don't mind.
161. Does the principal of destiny still apply when a matoran infected with antidermis is shot with an energized protodermis filled zamor?
172.When will we find out Brutaka's powers? I believe you said that you would keep many of them a mystery
183. Whne will we find out more about Botor(sp?)?
19Oh and since the antidermis solution info hasn't been officially released by LEGO I was wondering if I could post it, thought it best to ask you first.
20Thanks 21Takia
221) Ah, you are sharp today, Takia. Yes, it does -- but it is the VIRUS' destiny that matters, because it is overlaying the Matoran and preventing him/her from acting on their destiny. So the EP destroys the virus (because it is not destined to transform) 232) Yes, I haven't decided how much I am going to reveal yet. 243) Probably not for a while -- most likely depends on when and if the brand team wants to put him in the magazine. He can't appear in the books until #5, because the other books are already written. 25[/QUOTE]
26I find these to be very interesting.
61. If a zamor was filled with protodermis and then shot at someone who was under the piraka's control would it counteract the effects of the antidermis? It seems to me that protodermis helps the matoran, gives them life in a sense hence the PRO in protodermis, and it the antidermis seems to take away that life hence the ANTI in antidermis.
72. Why does the antidermis make brutaka stronger?
83. a) Can the Inika use their elemental powers without lightening? 9Would't Nuparu's elemental power basically nuetralize the lightening? Earth is used to ground electricity afterall.
10Thanks 11Takia
121) Oh very good, Takia -- think energized protodermis and you're there. 132) Just his nature 143) No ... and you can't apply Earth science to BIONICLE
15Wow...I was close... Thanks for the compliment: So energized protodermis is the key...hmmm... That makes things very interesting. So basically Brutaka if went swimming in antidermis it would be very bad for everyone else. Of course, how stupid of me. I completely forgot about that. From this stems a few more questiuons, hope you don't mind.
161. Does the principal of destiny still apply when a matoran infected with antidermis is shot with an energized protodermis filled zamor?
172.When will we find out Brutaka's powers? I believe you said that you would keep many of them a mystery
183. Whne will we find out more about Botor(sp?)?
19Oh and since the antidermis solution info hasn't been officially released by LEGO I was wondering if I could post it, thought it best to ask you first.
20Thanks 21Takia
221) Ah, you are sharp today, Takia. Yes, it does -- but it is the VIRUS' destiny that matters, because it is overlaying the Matoran and preventing him/her from acting on their destiny. So the EP destroys the virus (because it is not destined to transform) 232) Yes, I haven't decided how much I am going to reveal yet. 243) Probably not for a while -- most likely depends on when and if the brand team wants to put him in the magazine. He can't appear in the books until #5, because the other books are already written. 25[/QUOTE]
26I find these to be very interesting.
1Spoiler Warning:: (The spoiler tags stink:: They dont work w/ quoting)
21. Where does comic 1 fit in to the story? I'm assuming its after BL1 and before the part in BL2 where the Toa Nuva meet the Matoran resistance.
32. If a Matoran were wearing a noble kanohi, would it turn to a great form when they became a Toa? EG: A matoran wears a kanohi in the shape of a noble mahiki. If this Matoran became a toa, would the noble Mahiki become the shape of a Great Mahiki?
41) It takes place in between the point when Brutaka defeats the Toa Nuva and the Matoran and when the Toa Inika show up on the island.
52) Yes.
61) But I thought that all of the Matoran were captured along w/ the Nuva after Brutaka defeated them? Or did all of them escape?
7Following the events of BL #2, the Matoran are transported to the Chamber of Truth for interrogation. Dalu escapes on the trip, and at the start of BL #3, Balta notices she is missing. She is recaptured and escapes again in comic #1, and reappears during BL #3 to join with the other Matoran again.
81) Is the chamber of truth in the Piraka's stronghold? 92) But what about Balta? In comic #1, he was free also. Does he escape too?
101) No 112) Again, this all has to tie in with BL #3. Balta and the rest of the Matoran break Garan out of the Chamber of Truth, after which the scene in the comic with Axonn takes place.
12Okay then. I guess BL#3 is gonna be pretty sweet. Can't wait for it::
13BL #3 SPOILERS::: YES:::
11) So, the Toa Inika have Lightning entwined with thier primary elemental powers- how does Vezok's absorbtion power deal with this? Does he absorb the lightning, the main element, both? Or are do the two powers being used together override his absorbtion power?
22) You mentioned that the Great Beings will be featured in the beginning of Book 5- will these Great Beings have names? If so, does this imply that Book 5 will be only the first appearence of these characters?
33) Does the Mask of Life have some sort of sentinence? You mentioned that it wanted Vezon to reach it...does this imply it can think, or possibly control destiny?
44) Are you as excited for the 2007 story as you were for the 2006 story?
51) He does not absorb the lightning, no 62) They will not be given names in the story, simply because two of them are shown. If you are with someone you know well, do you use his name in conversation? As far as when or if they will appear in the story again, can't say. 73) Follow the story. 84) Too early to say, I haven't started writing 2007 material yet.
11.Could Avak make a prison that could hold Irnakk? 22.If Mata Nui has a physical form would Avak be able to make a prison that contains Mata Nui? 33.Will we find out any of the Great Beings' names? 44.Do the silver, bronze and, dark gray zamor spheres have any special powers? 55.Would the Chamber of Truth have anything to with Axonn? 66.Will the Nuva be metioned at all in BL3? 7Thanks in advance for answering my questions. 8Vash
91) He tries .. he doesn't get the chance. 102) I think Mata Nui might be beyond his ability to contain. 113) Not this year, no 124) Yes, but I have no idea if I am going to use them in the story or not. 135) No. 146) Not much, no
15Just some random questions I had floating in my head.
1Just have tow quick questions for you.
21) Not sure if you'd be able to answer this, but was Krakua alive during the time of the Inika?
32) We know that Nuparu salvaged pieces of the Exo-Toa before leaving for Metru-Nui. We also know that Nuparu is now a toa. Possible connection there?
4Thanks in advance, 5-![]()
6P.S. Sorry if I doubled PMed, not sure if the first one sent.
71) Can't answer it 82) I am not sure what connection there could be -- what did you have in mind?
9About #2 I meant that, do you think that Nuparu would be able to rebuild at least a couple of the Exo-Toa for use by his team?(just asking because I love the Exo-Toa and it would be cool to see them return someday)
11I love them too and would like to see them return again. It depends on how many spare parts he got, I guess.
12At least we know there's hope.


1I have just one question, something that is kind of knawing at my brain...
2Zaktan's eye power is laser-vision. He is also made of protodites. Now, his eyes are made of them too, correct? If they are, does that mean that all the protodites technically have the power of laser vision? If so, can they only use the laser vision when his consiousness recognizes them as functioning eyes?
3Also, does the fact that they can function as eyes allow him to, say, look behind himself if he needed to?
4No. Essentially, it would be like if I turned your body into, say, Scrabble pieces. Your eyes would still function as eyes, but they would be made of pieces. That would not mean all the rest of your body would have the same properties as your eyes, just because they are made of the same thing. Protodites can see on their own if Zaktan detaches them from the main part of his body for scouting, etc.
5Think of the "Eye Protodites" as specialized cells in our world, if I understand correctly what Greg said. Specialized cells, in simple terms, are different from other cells of one organism in the sense that they are made so they can perform speciffic tasks, like, cells in our stomach are different from cells in our legs. 6Khote
Me Greg 1Hi Greg, its been a while but I have a few questions to ask.
21)What was the inspiration behind Irnakk's fear-based powers?
32)How do you decide what kind of power a new character or set gets?
43)Why does Axonn resemble Toa Norik on steroids?
54)What is your favorite genre to write?
65)Will we ever learn more of the Toa Nuva/Olda's origin beyond just 'Tahu blows out of a canister'?
71) Pretty much just my own twisted imagination, and the fact that I wanted to use the character to reveal the true natures of the Toa and Piraka 82) Same way I do everything -- sit at my desk and think until something good comes to me. 93) Asking the wrong person, I am not the set designer. 104) Film noir 115) Eventually, I would assume you will learn everything, assuming BIONICLE lasts long enough for you to do so
1You are supposed to PM your questions to Greg.
1I sent this:
4And got this:
6Then sent this:
9And got this:
12Woo-hoo for the eyebeams:
2Just an interestign thought that came on my wya home today.
3The original species the Piraka come from all have eyebeams. Does each individual have a 'personal' eyebeam colour, or are they in groups? (i.e All the white ones having life-eyebeam powers liek thok)
4And got this:
5Offhand, I would say no, as it is more interesting if there are more than six eyebeam powers.
6Then sent this:
71) what sort of limits would we have to eyebeam powers? I mean, are there any shockingly new and unheard of powers like i'm beginnign to suspect Vezon will have?
82) This sounds dubious coming from me, but do you (like me) disagree with allegations (by associates of mine) that Zaktan represent 'The Devil' or Biblical Satan? (i.e, Horns, three-pronged blade, evil personality, seems possesed, leader of a group of unpleasant people, 'The Snake' as in the Biblical Serpent, etc). I know it sounds silly, and I'd like to make sure you think that way too.
9And got this:
101) Probably only the limits of good taste.
112) No, for two reasons -- 1) we keep religion out of BIONICLE. 2) Satan is the most evil being in the universe, according to the Bible. There are other beings in the BIONICLE universe way more evil than Zaktan. Zaktan is sadistic, greedy, treacherous and dishonest -- but at the end of the day, he is essentially a murderous pirate .... he is not evil on a cosmic scale, and to do a Satan allegory, you need more to be more than a bounty hunter and a thug.
12Woo-hoo for the eyebeams:

1Hey Greg, I have many questions to ask you today.Like I've said in my recent PMs, unless you can include them, I'm not asking for specific answers in all of my questions.
21. Vezon is a Piraka?
32. Are the Toa Inika transformed by a bolt of lightning or is that just another placeholder until the actual cause is revealed.(I'm asking this because it was with the press kit in the Toy Fair pics).
43. Is there any real significance to Vezon's flip head or is it just for show like Makuta?
54. Is Makuta the one that planted the info about the Mask of Life and the Toa Nuva's name in the Piraka's (mainly Zaktan's) minds?
65. Why hasn't Avak simply betrayed all of the Piraka already now that the Matoran are enslaved (exept for the resistance of course)?I mean, couldn't he just put them in a cage that kills them instantly (if he really can make any cage that he can think of, couldn't he defeat Zaktan easily)?
76. Though Vezon has no elemental power, does he have a vision power?
87. Why was Umbra not shown in the '06 Toy pics?
98.Is Umbra his offical name?(I'm not complaining about him, as soon as he's available, I'm going to get him).
10I think that's it.Thanks for your time.
11- Toa Lhikan Hordika
125) Avak's cages do not kill people, they imprison people, number one. Number two, he has to concentrate to maintain that cage, which makes making five separate cages at the same time problematic, plus he wouldn't be able to do much of anything else or else he risks breaking his concentration.
137) Umbra is a store exclusive, that's probably why.
148) Yes
15The rest of your questions deal with summer sets or future story, so I can't answer them.
16Just out of curiousity, why didn't you answer the first 4? 3 more questions for you while I'm writing this:
171. Is there a definate number for the number of members in the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta?
182. Does LEGO plan to make sets of any Brotherhood members eventually.
193. Does Umbra have a new Kanohi power?
20That should be it for a while. Thanks![]()
21- Toa Lhikan Hordika
22As I said, those questions referred to either future storyline, summer sets, or both, so I can't answer them.
231) Only in my head 242) No idea, I am not aware of product plans past 2006 yet 253) Can't answer it
26There's some info for everyone


1Here are some stuff from Mr F 2QUOTE 3Hello Mr F, I some questions to be cleared up
4How does Hakann store lava into his lavalauncher? There has to be some device that does this?
5Has Vezon met Umbra?
6Are Umbra's power based on light?
7Is Krakua stilll around in the Bionicle Universe
8Is Akmou still devious?
9Can you describe Umbra's personality
10Is the Umbra set we saw a prototype?
11Can Toa Norik control this elemtal powers through his hands rather than his spear, same with Iruni?
12Will We ever see Tatanorak out of the Zone of Darkness?
13Will the TSO have a major roll next year?
14Will the playsets play an important part of the storyline?
15Who is stronger in strength and mentally, Vezok or Hakann?
161) According to the story bible, the lava launcher is a manifestation of his elemental power, same as Thok's ice gun. Where the whole he only has five shots came from on the web, I don't know - -I didn't write that and it's not in the story bible. 172) Doubt it 183) Yes 194) Yes 205) Why would he not be? 216) No 227) Asking the wrong person -- I do story, not sets 238) Yes, all Toa can do that 249) Depends on if I have a story reason to take him out 2510) No 2611) This year? As settings, yes 2712) Strength, not sure -- Piraka don't do a lot of hand to hand combat, other than Reidak. Mentally, Hakann is, since Vezon is insane. 28Will We ever see Tatanorak out of the Zone of Darkness?
29Will the TSO have a major roll next year?
30Will the playsets play an important part of the storyline?
31Who is stronger in strength and mentally, Vezok or Hakann?
4How does Hakann store lava into his lavalauncher? There has to be some device that does this?
5Has Vezon met Umbra?
6Are Umbra's power based on light?
7Is Krakua stilll around in the Bionicle Universe
8Is Akmou still devious?
9Can you describe Umbra's personality
10Is the Umbra set we saw a prototype?
11Can Toa Norik control this elemtal powers through his hands rather than his spear, same with Iruni?
12Will We ever see Tatanorak out of the Zone of Darkness?
13Will the TSO have a major roll next year?
14Will the playsets play an important part of the storyline?
15Who is stronger in strength and mentally, Vezok or Hakann?
161) According to the story bible, the lava launcher is a manifestation of his elemental power, same as Thok's ice gun. Where the whole he only has five shots came from on the web, I don't know - -I didn't write that and it's not in the story bible. 172) Doubt it 183) Yes 194) Yes 205) Why would he not be? 216) No 227) Asking the wrong person -- I do story, not sets 238) Yes, all Toa can do that 249) Depends on if I have a story reason to take him out 2510) No 2611) This year? As settings, yes 2712) Strength, not sure -- Piraka don't do a lot of hand to hand combat, other than Reidak. Mentally, Hakann is, since Vezon is insane. 28Will We ever see Tatanorak out of the Zone of Darkness?
29Will the TSO have a major roll next year?
30Will the playsets play an important part of the storyline?
31Who is stronger in strength and mentally, Vezok or Hakann?
1GregF told that Veson will have no Tandem powers of any Kind