1Just wondering if you could answer some questions.
21. When will Vezon and Fenrakk first appear in the books/comics? 31) Vezon first appears in Book 3 and comic 3.
42. Can you tell me the title for comic #2? 52) If I could remember it, I would.
63. What are the estimated release dates for BL4 and 5? 73) No idea. BL 3 has been listed as August, and someone just told me they see it is coming out in June, so no idea what schedule Scholastic is following these days.
84. Will the three titan combo play an important role in this years story? 94) At the end, yes
105. When will we learn what Kazi's secrets are? Can you tell me what they are? 115) Kazi's secret is that he knew about Axonn long before any of the other Matoran did, and hence knew the Mask of Life was on the island
126. Is the we in the Vezon quote Fenrakk? 136) Vezon and Fenrakk, yes
147. Can Fenrakk talk? Does he talk to Vezon? 157) No and no
168. In the BL5 description on Scholastic International Rights, it talks about a monster being born from a terrible curse. Is this an accurate summery and is the monster Irnakk? 178) No, it's not Irnakk, yes it is an accurate description
189. Will we get to see Lhikan in any of the Legend books? 199) Lhikan shows up in BL 4
2010. In BL1 Garan and Kazi steal the first zamor launcher Avak created. Do they give it to the Inika and Nuparu makes more with attachments in BL3? 2110) Nuparu doesn't make any of them, Velika does
2211. Is Botar and the three titan combo model individual characters or do Axonn, Brutaka, and Vezon and Fenrakk actually fuse to form the beings? 2311) Individual characters
2412. Do the Great Beings care about what happens to the Matoran and the universe? 2512) They would if they knew about it, but they don't know about it.
2613. Did Axonn try to convince Brutaka that Mata Nui hasn't forgotten his people? 2713) Yes
2814. How do the Inika get EP on Voya Nui? 2914) Velika found a pool of it
3015. Will Zaktan try to kill Vezon for betraying him if he finds him? 3115) If Vezon stands between the Piraka and the mask, all the Piraka will try to kill him
3216. How did Makuta get Manas to gaurd Mangai? Did he "borrow" them from Karzahni? 3316) Karzahni's realm is not the only place Manas are.
3417. Was Vezon ever a DH? 3517) I want to hold off answering this one
3618. Will we find out the connection Vezok and Vezon share? If so when? 3718) Yes, in BL 4
38Now we know where the Inika got their zamor launchers from and where the got EP to fill them.
1um actually in a way he does know about the order because he knows about axonn
1How do I PM Greg F?
1Hello. . . again. I've been reading through your recent answers to members' questions, and I've had a few questions regarding them.
21. Would this quote from Vezok talking to Fenrakk. . .Vezon 3"We'll just stand very still and quiet. When they come, they won't even notice us. Or if they do, they'll think, 'Look how still and quiet they are. They would never harm an insect.' Yes, they will see how well we behave and not be afraid to come close and then 4... and then ..."
5Happen to be Vezon refering to the Inika? It has to be, because: 6A: He this can't be before he found the MoLi, because he got fused to Fenrakk then, and as far as I've heard no one else has attempted to get the MoLi. 7B: It can't be reffering to the Piraka, because they know what Vezon is like.
82. How does the MoLi have a "mind of it's own?" Because clearly a normal mask can't just fuse people to giant spiders or choose who ha the right to wear it.
92/B. Does it have something to do with it's origin?
102/C. Since it can do stuff like that, and it has the power of life, does that mean it's the most powerful mask in existance?
113. You said that the Great Beings aren't helping because they don't know. Is the two times we will see them in the BL books them finding out and discussing it?
124. You also said that the description for BL #5 was right, that a monster will be born from an ancient curse. Is this refering to either Botar or the three-Titan combo?
135. You said that the whole, "Stop Mata Nui from dying" is going on through the whole story-arc. Does this mean that the MoLi won't be "picked up" by the Toa Inika/Toa Nuva this year?
145/B. And if it is, does it mean they have to be in a certain place to wake MN up?
156. Do you already know what is going to happen to the Toa Nuva after this year? Will they be off on another mission or what?
167. Have you heard anything about VNOLG? Do you know if the Web Designers are just slacking again?
178. Does Nuparu Inika really have those claws as hands, or are there his real hands under them (For example, are the claws hand-made?)
189. If it will ever fit in, do you think we will ever find out what Roodaka has been doing this whole time? Is she in the BoM/DH war?
1910. What do you imagine Umbra's voice as? (I asked this because I thought it was interesting that you imagined Vezok's voice "soft and kind of high pitched")
2010/B. Can you tell us Umbra's personality at all?
2111. And around what time was Umbra stationed on Voya Nui?
2211/B. Is Umbra in a chamber of his own? Like the "Nightmare zone/chamber".
2312: Last one, it's sort of random, but when I call (I'm assuming your) number for the PF Contest, how will I pay for the extra money? (I'm getting the $130 Y-Wing set and I'm talking about the extra $30)
24I am done. . . lots of "/B's" here and there. . . and a couple of "/C's". Thanks in advance,
261) Actually, it is Vezon referring to the Piraka. You are forgetting that Vezon is insane and might see himself as looking completely different because he is riding a spider. 272) It simply does. Wouldn't it make sense that a Legendary Mask of Life would have enough sentience to protect itself? 282C) It's up there, certainly 293) No. Their appearance in Book 5 is a scene from 100,000 years ago when they put the mask there. They never appear in present day. 304) Neither 315) Follow the story and find out 326) I have an inkling 337) It's not a question of "slacking" -- it's a question of getting bugs out of the game so that it doesn't wind up like MNOG2 with everyone complaining they can't finish it. 348) Far as I know, those are his hands, just as Onua's were 359) She is playing both sides of the BOM/DH war. 3610) Too early to say, I haven't written dialogue for him yet 3711) Long time ago, and he may not be in a chamber, but he closer to the mask than Irnakk 3812) It would have to be arranged with Consumer Service, because payments go through them.
39Some interesting things, in my opinion. With the Roody one, I forgot all about that:
1I've got some questions. Thank you for your time and patience.
21)Who is Botar?
32) What are his power?
43) What caused Vezon to become insane?
54)Previously you mentionned that the Great Beings aren't helping the Toa on their quest because they don't know what's going on. Why is that? If you can't answer it I understand.
65) If the Inika's Zamors are filled with EP, where did they get it?
76) Will we ever find out why the green belt is on Voya-Nui? If so when?
87) Can you give me a quote from Vezon?
98)Are there any other sets planned this year that we don't know about?
109)Is the mask of Life present in any set this year?
1110)When Vezon looked for the Mask of Life, was Fenrakk with him? Or did he just apear out of nowhere when Vezon put on the Mask of Life?
1211) Will Roodaka be in Legacy of Evil(I forgot its book number)
13Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions.
151-3) Hasn't been revealed in the story yet 164) Precisely for the reason you mentioned. They don't know what's going on, therefore they can't help. Remember the legend -- they sent Mata Nui to protect and guide the Matoran, which means they aren't there, they are someplace else. 175) From Velika 186) Someday, possibly 197) I already gave one out, it's posted someplace on BZP 208) Since I don't know which ones you know about, no way for me to answer this 219) Can't answer this yet 2210) No, Fenrakk was not with him when he went and searched for the mask 2311) Briefly, yes
24I found number 10 and 4 interesting...
1Some really minor question, nothing too groundbreaking.
2Hi Greg:
3I was agonizing over a dull SUnday when I decided to send you a few questions. Well, I suppose they're not so much questions as they are confirmations.
41) Hahli's harpoon launcher- are the harpoons made of water/liquid protodermis, or actual harpoons?
52) In all Inika's weapons, is the 'energy' mentioned in the descriptions electricity, or just generic energy?
63) Are Brutaka and Axonn coming to North America in august or earlier?
74) Can the Inika send elemental attacks that AREN'T laced with lightning?
85) I was thinking about the Mask of Life, and how it has at least some form of sentience. When the Mask of Time, another Legendary Kanohi, got a crack, it's control over time messed with the area around it. Even if the Mask of Life sin't cracked at all, is it possible that it has such a surplus of 'life power' that it gave itself sentience?
95It it indeed has a similar effect to the Vahi, is it possible that it is the mask that is giving life to the area around it? (Such as creating Irnakk)
106) Some time ago, you said how Zaktan's parts could fly due to the protodites. Could his three-pronged blade fly/fight on its own?
116Now this is a little more complex. Could Zaktan have a sword/melee weapon of some sort in each hand, then detach them, with the hands floating in the air wielding weapons?
127) In BL1, Avak creates a cell for Balta which is soundproof. Would Balta be able to escape, since the cell wasn't exactly catered to his weakness?
137How did Balta get out of the cell anyway?
148) IN BL2, we left Karzahni plotting to take over the universe before Mata Nui re-awakens. Are we going to see more of him, or was that just a bit to have readers keep thinking about him? (I somehow doubt you'll answer this.)
159) Would Jaller and co. have died due to being in the canisters, had they not been turned into Toa? Or was the crazy Matoran just saying that because he knew they'd arrive at Voya Nui?
1610) How big is the Piraka's Stronghold? Because it seems big, but it took a short time to build it? (Or was that due to the sheer numbers of the Matoran?)
1711) When the volcano erupts in BL2, the Piraka report to Zaktan that the progress on the volcano has slowed 50%. Did half the Matoran die, or just some of the more efficient ones?
18Thanks in advance:
191) They're made of energy 202) I have just been calling it energy, because the lightning is tied in more with their elemental abilities 213) 8/1 release date, which usually means on store shelves in July sometime 224) No 235) Don't want to discuss this yet -- we have a long time and a lot of story left to discuss the MoLi 246) Yes 256b) Yes 267) He already had made one to counter Balta. Remember, Balta's weapon is only useful against attacks made against him. Beyond that, he only has the strength of a normal Matoran, so a cage that can hold a Matoran can hold him. 278) Anything's possible, it depends on if the fans want him back or not 289) Point is moot, because it was their destiny to become Toa. 2910) Your guess is correct 3011) Neither -- it meant that it is very hard to work on the sides of a volcano that is actually erupting, therefore work was slowed way down.
1Nothing special, mainly some clarification -
2Hey Greg, I have a few questions, mainly about 2006 -
31) In BL#2, it says, when the Matoran are turned into Toa, that "Their masks had transformed from those worn by powerless Matoran to Great Masks that rightfully belonged to their new identities." By this, I presume that the masks they had been given by Karzahni, had all - with the exception of Kongu's Suletu, of course - been regular Matoran masks, right? 41) Yes. Since Karzahni has no idea what Toa are, he would never have had access to Great Masks.
52) Will the fact that the Inika's masks are organic play any role in the story? 62) Yes
73) Brutaka wiped out six Toa Nuva with one strike of his blade, which seems to imply that he is by far the most powerful villain so far - Or was it simply because the Toa Nuva were unprepared for him attacking, and would they've stood a better chance if they had known his power, as with the Piraka? 83) He would probably still have beaten them if they saw him coming. Order of Mata Nui members are more powerful than Toa
94) I imagine the effect of The Shadowed One's Madness Spinner as this - The target being struck with visions of all his worst fears, haunting voices coming from everywhere, not knowing what is reality, and overwhelming psychical pain. Is this anywhere close to the truth? 104) Not necessarily. Physical pain has nothing to do with insanity, and the form madness takes is different for every individual.
115) Was the Metru Nui Matoran design the standard one that applied to Matoran everywhere, unless they had been changed somewhow? 125) Can't answer it
1hi i've got a few questions
21.When will we know which is cameo apperances hero from bl#5 3because i have a feeling it's Lhikan
42.I heard somewhere that there are six legendary masks (vahi,mask of life and the other 4).Would i be right if i said that there will be a toa team that consists of the toa of time,toa of life etc.....
53.Is the ancient evil makuta....i know this is a pointless question because you probably won't tell me.
6Thanks for you're time:
71) When you read the book 82) No, that is not correct. Only two have appeared in the story so far, and I don't know of any others at this time. (Generally, "I heard somewhere" translates into "this is someone on BZP's theory.") 93) Can't answer it
10when greg says that he can't answer the 3rd question that means it must be true of have something to do with the books.otherwise he would have said no.
21.When will we know which is cameo apperances hero from bl#5 3because i have a feeling it's Lhikan
42.I heard somewhere that there are six legendary masks (vahi,mask of life and the other 4).Would i be right if i said that there will be a toa team that consists of the toa of time,toa of life etc.....
53.Is the ancient evil makuta....i know this is a pointless question because you probably won't tell me.
6Thanks for you're time:
71) When you read the book 82) No, that is not correct. Only two have appeared in the story so far, and I don't know of any others at this time. (Generally, "I heard somewhere" translates into "this is someone on BZP's theory.") 93) Can't answer it
10when greg says that he can't answer the 3rd question that means it must be true of have something to do with the books.otherwise he would have said no.
13.Is the ancient evil makuta....i know this is a pointless question because you probably won't tell me.
23) Can't answer it
3when greg says that he can't answer the 3rd question that means it must be true of have something to do with the books.otherwise he would have said no.
4*SIGH* NO: It means he can't answer it: When Greg says he can't answer something it means he a. can't answer it (Doesn't know) or b. Can't answer it due to it being a story secret. Makuta isn't the AE, though, as the AE has been on Voya Nui as long as the MoLi, and Makuta obviously hasn't.
1Hey... Maybe the MoLI is the ancient evil?: If it can TAKE life as well as give it... I don't think so, but if anyone can think of a reason why it could be, it might be a good speculation.
13.Is the ancient evil makuta....i know this is a pointless question because you probably won't tell me.
23) Can't answer it
3when greg says that he can't answer the 3rd question that means it must be true of have something to do with the books.otherwise he would have said no.
4*SIGH* NO: It means he can't answer it: When Greg says he can't answer something it means he a. can't answer it (Doesn't know) or b. Can't answer it due to it being a story secret. Makuta isn't the AE, though, as the AE has been on Voya Nui as long as the MoLi, and Makuta obviously hasn't.
5what i mean is that makuta must have something to do with the story because he wouldn't say oh yes he is the ancient evil and give everythng away. when you said he wouldnt answer for A. he doesnt know well i doubt he wouldnt know so it must hav something to do with the story(makuta).
1Wow... Some of these answers are interesting...
21. In the chapter where Jaller and Co. find the tablet that says Karzhani was supposed to fix the matoran and that he sent away a few, It cuts to Garan for the last paragraph of the chapter. Is this saying that Garan and Co. are the matoran he sent away?
32.If yes to 1 do they remember being sent to and from there?
43. Did Karzhani kill that matoran after Jaller and Co. got away?
54.From what element did you envision him (The Psycho matoran who built the canisters) being from when you wrote BL2?
65.Did TSO's madness spinner have anything to do with Vezon going mad?
76. Will Brutaka's mask have anything to do with the possible return of Krahka and Tahtorak?
87.I recall you saying that, if you could, you would try to fit Krakua into the 06 story, but the only possible place for that would be BL5. Does this mean Krakua is the old hero that makes a cameo in BL5?
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) No 124) I don't envision how my characters look, in general -- I think in words, not pictures 135) No, Vezon has never met TSO 146) Time will tell 157) No, because we don't know that Krakua is an "old hero" -- all we know is he is from Vakama's future, we don't know how far in the future.
21. In the chapter where Jaller and Co. find the tablet that says Karzhani was supposed to fix the matoran and that he sent away a few, It cuts to Garan for the last paragraph of the chapter. Is this saying that Garan and Co. are the matoran he sent away?
32.If yes to 1 do they remember being sent to and from there?
43. Did Karzhani kill that matoran after Jaller and Co. got away?
54.From what element did you envision him (The Psycho matoran who built the canisters) being from when you wrote BL2?
65.Did TSO's madness spinner have anything to do with Vezon going mad?
76. Will Brutaka's mask have anything to do with the possible return of Krahka and Tahtorak?
87.I recall you saying that, if you could, you would try to fit Krakua into the 06 story, but the only possible place for that would be BL5. Does this mean Krakua is the old hero that makes a cameo in BL5?
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) No 124) I don't envision how my characters look, in general -- I think in words, not pictures 135) No, Vezon has never met TSO 146) Time will tell 157) No, because we don't know that Krakua is an "old hero" -- all we know is he is from Vakama's future, we don't know how far in the future.
1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of questions for you.
21. If it were up to you (forget the complications of using old molds or making too many new ones) and you had to do another flashback in BIONICLE, which character(s) would you go back to? (i.e. Toa Dume, Toa Lhikan and co., BoM, Karzahni & Artahka etc.)
32. Has there been any talk or even the slightest hint of a plan to do another BIONICLE movie in 08?
4Thanks for your time.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
61) Probably Lhikan and his group 72) No -- if we were going to do one for '08, then it would have to be being animated in '07, which means a deal would have to be done and a script being written now.
8Too bad as far as movies go


13) Brutaka wiped out six Toa Nuva with one strike of his blade, which seems to imply that he is by far the most powerful villain so far - Or was it simply because the Toa Nuva were unprepared for him attacking, and would they've stood a better chance if they had known his power, as with the Piraka? 23) He would probably still have beaten them if they saw him coming. Order of Mata Nui members are more powerful than Toa
3I'm not sure if this has been identified before, but due to a possibly unintentional slip, we now know who the (ex?) OoMN member is... Brutaka:
13) Brutaka wiped out six Toa Nuva with one strike of his blade, which seems to imply that he is by far the most powerful villain so far - Or was it simply because the Toa Nuva were unprepared for him attacking, and would they've stood a better chance if they had known his power, as with the Piraka? 23) He would probably still have beaten them if they saw him coming. Order of Mata Nui members are more powerful than Toa
3I'm not sure if this has been identified before, but due to a possibly unintentional slip, we now know who the (ex?) OoMN member is... Brutaka:

1If you check the BZP Database, you'll know that Axonn and Brutaka were even once best friends. Of course, it's interesting to know the Toa would still have been beaten.
2©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

2©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of questions for you today.
21. Whay weren't the Rahaga in BL1 or BL2 if they were there at the end of Time Trap? If they're not on Metru Nui, what happened to them?
32. How where the Kanohi Nuva scattered around Mata Nui? I mean, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) I thought that Kanohi Nuva didn't exist until the Toa were exposed to the energized protodermis?
4Thanks for your time.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
61) The Rahaga are only in Metru Nui infrequently. Since all the Rahi in the city were freed long ago, there is no reason for them to stay there. They use Metru Nui as a base they can return to occasionally, but most of their time is spent on other islands 72) They were teleported onto the island when the Toa became Nuva
8Can you say where they were teleported from, how they were made, or how did the Turaga know where they came from? Also, what happened to the Kanohi Olda that were on the Toa's Suvas?
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) No, I can't 112) My assumption is that the Olda masks all vanished when the Toa got their gold masks.
12Okay, only a couple more questions:
131. Could a single member of the Brotherhood of Makuta control Rahkshi created by another Makuta?
142. Do you have every piece of BIONICLE merchandise (including T-Shirts and complete Kanohi, Krana/Kal, Kraata collections)?
151) Probably, it would be inefficient otherwise. 162) Nope. Like you, I have to buy the stuff if I want it -- at a discount, yes, but I still have to buy it. And some things, like the shirts, wouldn't make sense because we never get them in our store in adult sizes. I buy the sets that I find most interesting and that I have room for in my house.
18Some of this is interesting info for us


1Also, what happened to the Kanohi Olda that were on the Toa's Suvas?
2- Toa Lhikan Hordika
32) My assumption is that the Olda masks all vanished when the Toa got their gold masks.
4According to the Bionicle Chronicles (which is the "official" version of the story), the Olda got their Gold Masks by taking off all of their Great Masks and placing them onto carvings of themselves at the Kini-Nui.
5torritorri 6

1I've got some information here.
19I find answer 5 quite interesting.
2Dear Mr. GregF,
3I was just wondering if you could answer some questions. Thanks in advance.
41) Can Matoro travel into other dimensions in his spirit form? 52) Can Kongu hear Matoro's thoughts when he is in his spirit form? 63) I believe it was confirmed Hahli and Axonn are the only ones who can see Matoro in his spirit form. How does he look to them then? Like a ghost, perhaps? 74) Does Kazi know the name Ignika? 85) Why hasn't Kazi told his secrets to his friends yet? I mean, they might get more hope if they knew Axonn was on the island. 96) Thok can bring inanimate objects to life. Can the Kanohi Ignika do that, too?
10Thanks for taking the time:
131) No 142) No 153) Yup 164) No 175) Because Axonn asked him not to. 186) Not that we have seen so far, no.
19I find answer 5 quite interesting.
1I'm at school, buuuut....
21) What are the two extra 'blades' on Brutaka for? Do they have any storyline significance?
32) You once mentioned that you were surprised that we had made it to April and still know little of the overall story and have yet to see one set- was the set you were referring to the three-titan combo?
43) Have you seen the three-titan combo?
54) Is the Ancient Evil a new character?
65) Will we learn anything more about the Ancient Evil later this year?
76) Will we ever hear the Voyatoran speak of Karzahni? Is the story of their creation a book plot-point only, with no real influence over the three-year arc?
81) Just set adornment 92) Yes 103) Yes 114) Can't answer it 125) Possibly 136) Good question. I think my question back is that you rarely hear humans talk about stuff that happened to them 40 or 50 years ago ... so why would you expect Matoran to discuss something that happened to them tens of thousands of years ago? The Voya Nui Matoran are survivors, and survivors deal with things as they are today -- not what might have been or what had been in the ancient past. So while they remember Karzahni, he is larely irrelevant to them -- it doesn't matter how they got to where they are now, they are there and have to deal with it.
1QUOTE 2Greg, 3Sorry to be writing you so late, I haven't had time to sit and compose an e-mail (I'm sure you've been there ). Anyway, I have a few more quick questions, specifically on *surprise* the Inika. Thanks in advance.
41.) How long do you think it will be before you can tell us all of the Inika's mask powers?
52.) Could you give any hints at the remaining three's powers?
63.) Did you mean for the mask powers to be split evenly between mentally based powers, and physically based?
74.) How long does it take for the Inika to meet Axonn?
85.) How long does it take the Inika to gain control of their elemental and mask powers?
96.) If it is a shorter that average time, why?
107.) Would you describe the Quest for the MoLi simmilar to that of an Indian Jones type quest? (You know with the trials and tests?)
118.) Is Jaller the Toa Inika's leader?
129.)How does Kongu use the lightning part of his powers, considering air has no definite shape for lightning to "encase"?
1310.) Do different colors of Zamor have different powers? (I have heard rumors, didn't know if it was true or not.)
14Once again, thanks in advance. 15TL007
161) I don't think anything official is being published in the magazine before July, so it is probably going to depend on when Scholastic publishes Book 3. I am in no rush. 172) Nope 183) Just worked out that way 194) Oh, a while. They meet the Matoran and Piraka first 205) Not going to discuss this, read the story -- but keep in mind these Toa have spent a good year around other Toa watching operate, so they are not novices in how elemental power is used. 216) What is average time? You have only seen the Metru, who were not hanging out with Toa on a regular basis or fighting alongside them on a regular basis, and had no Toa to train them. So they were not "average." 227) I would describe it as more like Dante's Inferno 238) Follow the story and find out 249) Simple. Kongo creates a cyclone and there are lightning bolts going off in it. Air, in and of itself, has no structure, but Toa of Air often GIVE it structure. 2510) Yes
26That's all folks. 27TL007
41.) How long do you think it will be before you can tell us all of the Inika's mask powers?
52.) Could you give any hints at the remaining three's powers?
63.) Did you mean for the mask powers to be split evenly between mentally based powers, and physically based?
74.) How long does it take for the Inika to meet Axonn?
85.) How long does it take the Inika to gain control of their elemental and mask powers?
96.) If it is a shorter that average time, why?
107.) Would you describe the Quest for the MoLi simmilar to that of an Indian Jones type quest? (You know with the trials and tests?)
118.) Is Jaller the Toa Inika's leader?
129.)How does Kongu use the lightning part of his powers, considering air has no definite shape for lightning to "encase"?
1310.) Do different colors of Zamor have different powers? (I have heard rumors, didn't know if it was true or not.)
14Once again, thanks in advance. 15TL007
161) I don't think anything official is being published in the magazine before July, so it is probably going to depend on when Scholastic publishes Book 3. I am in no rush. 172) Nope 183) Just worked out that way 194) Oh, a while. They meet the Matoran and Piraka first 205) Not going to discuss this, read the story -- but keep in mind these Toa have spent a good year around other Toa watching operate, so they are not novices in how elemental power is used. 216) What is average time? You have only seen the Metru, who were not hanging out with Toa on a regular basis or fighting alongside them on a regular basis, and had no Toa to train them. So they were not "average." 227) I would describe it as more like Dante's Inferno 238) Follow the story and find out 249) Simple. Kongo creates a cyclone and there are lightning bolts going off in it. Air, in and of itself, has no structure, but Toa of Air often GIVE it structure. 2510) Yes
26That's all folks. 27TL007
1That's interesting, because the Inika have three different zamor colours between them. I thought they all have Energized Protodermis in them?
3That would be awesome if the Inika had different Zamor powers between them, but I think Greg was referring to the Gold, Silver, and "Carbon" Zamors- he earlier said they have different powers, but he wasn't sure if he would ever reveal them.
1I have a theory. 2In some of the earlier posts, Greg said that the Great Beings don't know about the predicament on Voya Nui yet. Also, that they sent Mata Nui to guard the Matoran, so that would mean the Great Beings are occupied with something and cannot guard the Matoran themselves. 3And there has been some discussion on whether or not Makuta was the Ancient Evil, and the answer was no, because Makuta came after the Moli was put on Voya Nui. 4Does that mean that the Great Beings are occupied with fighting the Ancient Evil, which is why they don't know the danger on Voya Nui?
5If you see this, Greg, please answer.
6EDIT: By the way, I saw this post below, and was a bit confused. 7What is Ignika?
5If you see this, Greg, please answer.

6EDIT: By the way, I saw this post below, and was a bit confused. 7What is Ignika?
9Dear Mr. GregF,
10I was just wondering if you could answer some questions. Thanks in advance.
111) Can Matoro travel into other dimensions in his spirit form? 122) Can Kongu hear Matoro's thoughts when he is in his spirit form? 133) I believe it was confirmed Hahli and Axonn are the only ones who can see Matoro in his spirit form. How does he look to them then? Like a ghost, perhaps? 144) Does Kazi know the name Ignika? 155) Why hasn't Kazi told his secrets to his friends yet? I mean, they might get more hope if they knew Axonn was on the island. 166) Thok can bring inanimate objects to life. Can the Kanohi Ignika do that, too?
17Thanks for taking the time:
201) No 212) No 223) Yup 234) No 245) Because Axonn asked him not to. 256) Not that we have seen so far, no.
26I find answer 5 quite interesting.
1Nothing to newsbreaking, but here ya go (regular is question, bold answer, italics my comments):
21. Can Matoro still use his element(s) while he's in his spirit form? 31) No. I decided against that because it would give him too much of an advantage -- he would be able to use his element on people when they can't see him, hear him, or affect him physically. Unbalances the story. 4Didn't think so.
52. When will we learn what's up with Zaktan? My personal theory is that Makuta became a doppleganger to Zaktan when they found his armor, but I just needed confirmation on a when. 62) No, Makuta did not become a doppelganger to Zaktan, that's the real Zaktan. The scene where they discover the armor is in BL 4. 7I'm still going along with Makuta having something to do with Zaktan.
83. I heard that Vezok cannot absorb the Inika's lightning like he can, say, Tahu's fire. Is that correct? 93) Yes
104. Any chance I could get a quote from Toa Jaller? 114) I really don't have time to go questing for quotes right now, sorry. 12Phooey. Oh well.
135. Considering what the Inika have been through as Matoran, what could this "Nightmare Chamber" possibly create for them? They've confronted Makuta, Karzahni, one died already, and even saw a vision of the Apocolypse. 145) You'll have to wait and see. 15That's gonna bug me until whichever book that happens in comes out.
166. Judging by their gang name and what it means, were the Piraka loosely based on pirates? 176) Yup 18Schizo's gonna be ecstatic. Should I PM him this info?
197. Will we ever see a character use their bladed tool(s)/weapon(s) as a physical weapon? I know Zaktan and Tahu got in a sword fight in Island of Doom, but say something like Kingdom Hearts or a lightsaber from Star Wars. 207) I'm not sure what you're asking. As you say, we did a sword fight that ended with a stabbing, so we already have shown a weapon being used for physical combat. 21After reading his answer, then rereading the question, I found he was right and I confused myself.
228. How exactly is Vezon "fused" to Fenrakk? Are his feet just kinda glued onto its back, or is it actually that his armor/flesh is part of Fenrakk's? The latter would be kinda freaky yet neat. 238) The latter 24Ew. Yet interesting.
259. Who would be the comedian or comic relief of the Inika? Are you still going with green and making it Kongu, or trying something new? 269) It varies, sometimes Kongu, sometimes Nuparu 27Good ol' Nuparu...
2810. Is there some storyline reason that the Voyaran Matoran have matching masks to the Toa Metru? I know you said that there are very few coincidences in Bionicle, so... 2910) Not really, that is just what the set designers chose to do. When it comes to the inexpensive sets, you don't have as much of a budget for new pieces, so they tend to use existing molds where possible. 30I figured there was a storyline reason. Ah, well, I'll live.
31Like I said about #6, Schizo's gonna flip. Think I actually should PM him about the Piraka being Bionicle pirates?
21. Can Matoro still use his element(s) while he's in his spirit form? 31) No. I decided against that because it would give him too much of an advantage -- he would be able to use his element on people when they can't see him, hear him, or affect him physically. Unbalances the story. 4Didn't think so.
52. When will we learn what's up with Zaktan? My personal theory is that Makuta became a doppleganger to Zaktan when they found his armor, but I just needed confirmation on a when. 62) No, Makuta did not become a doppelganger to Zaktan, that's the real Zaktan. The scene where they discover the armor is in BL 4. 7I'm still going along with Makuta having something to do with Zaktan.
83. I heard that Vezok cannot absorb the Inika's lightning like he can, say, Tahu's fire. Is that correct? 93) Yes
104. Any chance I could get a quote from Toa Jaller? 114) I really don't have time to go questing for quotes right now, sorry. 12Phooey. Oh well.
135. Considering what the Inika have been through as Matoran, what could this "Nightmare Chamber" possibly create for them? They've confronted Makuta, Karzahni, one died already, and even saw a vision of the Apocolypse. 145) You'll have to wait and see. 15That's gonna bug me until whichever book that happens in comes out.
166. Judging by their gang name and what it means, were the Piraka loosely based on pirates? 176) Yup 18Schizo's gonna be ecstatic. Should I PM him this info?
197. Will we ever see a character use their bladed tool(s)/weapon(s) as a physical weapon? I know Zaktan and Tahu got in a sword fight in Island of Doom, but say something like Kingdom Hearts or a lightsaber from Star Wars. 207) I'm not sure what you're asking. As you say, we did a sword fight that ended with a stabbing, so we already have shown a weapon being used for physical combat. 21After reading his answer, then rereading the question, I found he was right and I confused myself.
228. How exactly is Vezon "fused" to Fenrakk? Are his feet just kinda glued onto its back, or is it actually that his armor/flesh is part of Fenrakk's? The latter would be kinda freaky yet neat. 238) The latter 24Ew. Yet interesting.
259. Who would be the comedian or comic relief of the Inika? Are you still going with green and making it Kongu, or trying something new? 269) It varies, sometimes Kongu, sometimes Nuparu 27Good ol' Nuparu...
2810. Is there some storyline reason that the Voyaran Matoran have matching masks to the Toa Metru? I know you said that there are very few coincidences in Bionicle, so... 2910) Not really, that is just what the set designers chose to do. When it comes to the inexpensive sets, you don't have as much of a budget for new pieces, so they tend to use existing molds where possible. 30I figured there was a storyline reason. Ah, well, I'll live.
31Like I said about #6, Schizo's gonna flip. Think I actually should PM him about the Piraka being Bionicle pirates?
1I think you should definitely PM him, Takatu... I would like to see his reaction when he finds that out:
2Also, question 5 made me get the shivers... what can the Matoran see that could possibly be worse than thousands of Bohrok; their villages being destroyed; fierce Rahi; dieing; the Makuta and Krazahni?
2Also, question 5 made me get the shivers... what can the Matoran see that could possibly be worse than thousands of Bohrok; their villages being destroyed; fierce Rahi; dieing; the Makuta and Krazahni?

1Hi, Greg. I was looking in the Official Greg Discussion Topic and found that you told Ikki that Brutaka was/is an OoMN member (I have suspected this). So this leads me to just a few questions:
21. Is he still considered a member or is he a former member since he's now evil?
32. Is Axonn a member as well?
43. Are there any other OoMN members that we'll see this year *cough*Umbra*cough*?
5Thanks for your time and I hope that you can answer these.
6- Toa Lhikan Hordika
71) He's still a member -- it's not like there is anyone there to hand in his resignation to. 82) Yes 93) Umbra is not a member, but yes, you may see one more
11There you go.

1Hey Greg got a couple of questions,
21. What is the Great Beings job? Mata Nui watches over the universe, so what do the Great Beings do? 32. On the Hong Kong TRU website it says the Piraka where influenced by Makuta is this true 43. Does Mata Nui know about Karzahni and Artakha? 54. I was looking in the OGD and you said to Toa Lhikan Hordika that we might see one more memeber of the OOMN will he/she/it be in a book or a set? 65. Will we get a Inika and Piraka fight in BL3? 76. In BL2 Zaktan says to Brutaka, "I'll eveb tell you the secret of the spheres." Will we ever learn this secret?
8Thanks in advance, 9Vash
101) If you asked a Matoran, they would say the Great Beings create universes. 112) As I have told others, I didn't write for that site and neither did anyone else on the story team. 123) Yes. 134) Definitely book and definitely a model, not sure on comic yet 145) Yes 156) You should pretty much be able to make an educated guess by the end of the year, yes
16SOme fresh goodies. I found number 4 interesting.
1Hey Greg got a couple of questions,
21. What is the Great Beings job? Mata Nui watches over the universe, so what do the Great Beings do? 32. On the Hong Kong TRU website it says the Piraka where influenced by Makuta is this true 43. Does Mata Nui know about Karzahni and Artakha? 54. I was looking in the OGD and you said to Toa Lhikan Hordika that we might see one more memeber of the OOMN will he/she/it be in a book or a set? 65. Will we get a Inika and Piraka fight in BL3? 76. In BL2 Zaktan says to Brutaka, "I'll eveb tell you the secret of the spheres." Will we ever learn this secret?
8Thanks in advance, 9Vash
101) If you asked a Matoran, they would say the Great Beings create universes. 112) As I have told others, I didn't write for that site and neither did anyone else on the story team. 123) Yes. 134) Definitely book and definitely a model, not sure on comic yet 145) Yes 156) You should pretty much be able to make an educated guess by the end of the year, yes
16SOme fresh goodies. I found number 4 interesting.
17Wow those are some good questions AND answers
1I guess that, if this new OoMN character is definatly a set...well, he is either a normal combo model or, more likely, the 3-Titan model. 

1Hi Greg, Ive been wondering about a few things. 2You don't have to reply if you can't answer them. 3Okay, 41)Is Botar's role important? 52)How long have Vezon and Vezok been connected? 63)Why do the Inika and Kanohi Ignika have similar names if they were created at different times?(you said the name wasn't a coincidence)
71) In a small way. 82) For as long as Vezon has lived 93) No, I didn't say that. I said Ignika was decided upon when we were still planning to call the Toa Igniters. Then, when we were looking for a BIONICLE name for the Toa, we were trying to find a BIONICLE-sounding version of Igniter and got Inika. As for a story connection, it seems pretty logical that the Toa would have a similar name to the object they exist to quest for.
10For as long as Vezon had lived? That is a very long time.
71) In a small way. 82) For as long as Vezon has lived 93) No, I didn't say that. I said Ignika was decided upon when we were still planning to call the Toa Igniters. Then, when we were looking for a BIONICLE name for the Toa, we were trying to find a BIONICLE-sounding version of Igniter and got Inika. As for a story connection, it seems pretty logical that the Toa would have a similar name to the object they exist to quest for.
10For as long as Vezon had lived? That is a very long time.

1Hiya Greg.
21)Reidak doesn't like being in the same place for too long,right?So how did he handled being in that canister?
32)How do you imagine Dalu's,Piruk's and Velika's voice?
43)Are the Inika's voice different because of their origin?
54)Did Fenrakk appered out of nowhere when Vezon touched the Ignika?
65)Do all of the BOM member's have the name Makuta?
76)Can Hakann be inside the lava lake?
87)Did the doomatoran always had the same masks?
98)Is Reidak's greatest fear to lose it's strength?
109)Can you give another power of Axonn?
1110)Is Velika harder to write about because he speks in riddles?
12Thanks in advance:
141) Well, he ripped his way out, that should tell you something. 152) Hasn't been necessary for me to do to write for them, so I haven't. 163) Different from what? 174) No, not from nowhere 185) Hasn't been revealed yet 196) No. Nothing can survive more than a few seconds in molten protodermis. 207) Probably, yes 218) Nope 229) Nope 2310) No, actually he is more fun to write because of that. Le-characters are hardest to write because of the treespeak.
1Here ya go:
2Here are my questions:
31.Have allof you started designing the villians? 42.Are the Inika out in stores in UK yet,or is this wrong? 53.Why does Umbra have wheels on his feet?
6Thank you:
71) For 2007? They're done already 82) I doubt very much they are out anywhere yet -- the UK LEGO Magazine requested a spread on them for the July issue. If they were going to be out in April, they would have wanted the spread in the March issue. 93) Increased mobility. Think about what, say, skateboarders can do -- riding up on the sides of walls, stuff like that -- and think about fighting someone who can do that at high speed when you can't