1GregF told that Veson will have no Tandem powers of any Kind
2Can you give us a direct quote?
3TMD woz 'ere
4I would have but uh I deleted all of my PMs before getting on this topic.
5I guess he's talking about the elemental powers.Vezon doesn't have them,unlike the Piraka.
7No I mean Tandem power he said he was thinking about it but desided not to. Beside I already knew Veson didn't have any ele powers
1Not sure if needed, but better safe than sorry...
10Cool. I had a theory, and it was actually right: This does explain alot. The mask probably knew that it was in danger 'cause of the Piraka, and it knew it needed more Guardians. Interesting.
3Hello GregF. I just have one question for you.
4Is the reason the Mask of Life actually wanted Vezon to try to find it because it knew that A) the Piraka were after it, so it needed as many Guardians as possible,Vezon would fail to reach it, and C)because of Vezon's failure, he would wind up one of it's Guardians?
5Thanks alot:
7But Vezon did not fail to reach it.
8Oh, okay. But was I correct with the rest of the theory, that it wanted Vezon to find it so that he would become a Guardian to help protect it?
10Cool. I had a theory, and it was actually right: This does explain alot. The mask probably knew that it was in danger 'cause of the Piraka, and it knew it needed more Guardians. Interesting.
1[Me 2Hello, Greg. Lately, people have been saying that EP is the cure for the Piraka's virus, even because you said it. But if you shoot EP at a Matoran, not only it will hit the virus, but it will obviously hit the Matoran. It is not the virus' destiny to change, so it will be destroyed. But what of the Matoran? It's not its destiny to change into Matoran Nuva (Or something) so they would be destroyed as well. So, EP would or wouldn't work as the cure?
3[Greg 4Think of it this way --
5Let's say you have a wall, and it has paint on it, and underneath the paint is wallpaper. You can scrape the paint off without scraping off the wallpaper, because the paint is the top layer. Same thing here -- the virus overlays the Matoran, so it is the virus the EP affects, not the Matoran. Remember the way zamor spheres work -- they turn intangible and deposit their contents inside the target, so the virus is the first thing the EP encounters.
6And that's how the EP affect the virus without affecting the Matoran.
1Must-try-not-to-be-paranoid-about- APRIL FOOLS DAY. TOoMN, is that real? Because I don't think that Greg would answer that so straightforward, you'd think he'd make us wait. . . anyway, if it is true, if the Piraka do reach the chamber of the mask, the battle (IF Vezon is alive) between the Piraka and Vezon & Fenrakk will be cool.
3EDIT: Here's a reply from Greg. . .
17And also, I GOT MY LETTER TODAY: I'm one of the first prize winners: I've got a $100 LEGO Gift Card: I'll take pics soon: 18EDITED EDIT: This is NOT an April Fools Day prank.
3EDIT: Here's a reply from Greg. . .
4Hello again, Greg. Anyway, I was looking through the "Inika's Zamor powers" topic, and I had a few ideas. . .
51. Anything that the Inika shoot (Like the Piraka) that aren't destined to transform would "die" right? Because since EP fills the Zamors, then it should be unchanged, am I right? And would this happen to play a part in the story?
62. Do all of the Matoran get cured? Or are there some who don't? I'm not expecting you to answer this one. . .
73. And say the Inika could go back in time, and they shot the Toa Olda early, would they shot them with the spheres, would they still transform?
8Oh yeah, one last thing. . .
94. When should we find out the 5 winners of the Piraka Fusion contest? It took a while last time. . .
10Thanks in advance,
121) You are correct, but that will not really play a part in the story because for the Toa to do that would be to knowingly kill their enemies, which Toa do not do. 132) Follow the story and find out 143) This so purely hypothetical I am not even going to bother with it. 154) Letters to winners were sent out this past week, winning pics will be in the May issue.
17And also, I GOT MY LETTER TODAY: I'm one of the first prize winners: I've got a $100 LEGO Gift Card: I'll take pics soon: 18EDITED EDIT: This is NOT an April Fools Day prank.
1QUOTE 2Greg, 3I just have a few short questions. Thanks in advance.
41.) Can you give some battle practicle examples of the "Sonics" power, I have an idea of what it does, but I would like to know, say, how Krakua would use them in a difficult fight?
52.) How come Vezok can't absorb the Inika's lightning power? ( I believe you said that)
63.) Why did the Zamors make Brutaka stronger?
74.) Would they have the same effect on Axxon?
85.)Can a being with the same amount of power as a Toa wear the MoLi, or is it too powerful?
96.) I read that you said a Toa-Nui would have the same power as Mata-Nui, why haven't the Toa Nuva attempted that (probably a strange question)?
10Once again, thanks in advance.
121) Well, here's an example -- sound, at the right pitch, can shatter glass. Therefore, a Toa's sonic power at the right pitch could shatter stone. Think about the things sonics and ultrasonics can do in our world and then extend them to BIONICLE.
132) Because their lightning power is unique to how they were created and it is not a separate power, it is intertwined with their elemental power.
143) That is just how they affect his particular biomechanical chemistry
154) Possibly.
165) Yes and no. Any being capable of wearing a mask could put the Mask of Life on, but if you are not the being intended to wear it, very bad things can happen to you as a result of wearing it.
176) They have no idea how, for one thing. Remember that until Gali had her vision, they didn't even know about three Toa kaita.
19Just a few new Q&As, enjoy: 20TL007
41.) Can you give some battle practicle examples of the "Sonics" power, I have an idea of what it does, but I would like to know, say, how Krakua would use them in a difficult fight?
52.) How come Vezok can't absorb the Inika's lightning power? ( I believe you said that)
63.) Why did the Zamors make Brutaka stronger?
74.) Would they have the same effect on Axxon?
85.)Can a being with the same amount of power as a Toa wear the MoLi, or is it too powerful?
96.) I read that you said a Toa-Nui would have the same power as Mata-Nui, why haven't the Toa Nuva attempted that (probably a strange question)?
10Once again, thanks in advance.
121) Well, here's an example -- sound, at the right pitch, can shatter glass. Therefore, a Toa's sonic power at the right pitch could shatter stone. Think about the things sonics and ultrasonics can do in our world and then extend them to BIONICLE.
132) Because their lightning power is unique to how they were created and it is not a separate power, it is intertwined with their elemental power.
143) That is just how they affect his particular biomechanical chemistry
154) Possibly.
165) Yes and no. Any being capable of wearing a mask could put the Mask of Life on, but if you are not the being intended to wear it, very bad things can happen to you as a result of wearing it.
176) They have no idea how, for one thing. Remember that until Gali had her vision, they didn't even know about three Toa kaita.
19Just a few new Q&As, enjoy: 20TL007
Toa Lhikan007 GregF 16.) I read that you said a Toa-Nui would have the same power as Mata-Nui, why haven't the Toa Nuva attempted that (probably a strange question)?
26) They have no idea how, for one thing. Remember that until Gali had her vision, they didn't even know about three Toa kaita.
3Wow, I forgot about that

Toa Lhikan007 GregF 16.) I read that you said a Toa-Nui would have the same power as Mata-Nui, why haven't the Toa Nuva attempted that (probably a strange question)?
26) They have no idea how, for one thing. Remember that until Gali had her vision, they didn't even know about three Toa kaita.
3Wow, I forgot about that. Now that we have an idea of how powerful Mata Nui is. . . and only six Toa too. You'd think it'd be more like 27 Toa or something
. I wonder if the Toa Nuva will ever find out how to do it.
5the combine forces of the six toa is so powerfull that we cant imagen. It maybe dosent sounds much but its the six basic elemants all combined into one being
Toa Lhikan007 GregF 16.) I read that you said a Toa-Nui would have the same power as Mata-Nui, why haven't the Toa Nuva attempted that (probably a strange question)?
26) They have no idea how, for one thing. Remember that until Gali had her vision, they didn't even know about three Toa kaita.
3Wow, I forgot about that. Now that we have an idea of how powerful Mata Nui is. . . and only six Toa too. You'd think it'd be more like 27 Toa or something
. I wonder if the Toa Nuva will ever find out how to do it.
5the combine forces of the six toa is so powerfull that we cant imagen. It maybe dosent sounds much but its the six basic elemants all combined into one being
6think BA#3 and the thing Krahka became.

1you have to Pm Greg and then send the answers here he don,t visit thit topic to answer question.
1Uh what is the Red Star and is it true that the Toa Inika have lighting in all of their elemental attacks?
21) The red star is a point of light in the sky above Mata Nui and Voya Nui which the Mata Nui Matoran used for doing prophecies. That is all that is known about it in the story right now.
32) Yes
4Is it also true that they have energy in their weapons? Like Kongu's crossbow shoots pure energy and from Jaller's sword flows pure energy or is that a mistranlation and their weapons are just used tranfer their powers through.
5That is correct
6Dude how could a lightning bolt just turn 6 matoran into SUPER TOA, that sound like they could beat up the Toa Nuva just as bad as the Piraka? Or was that done because there was no other way to save the mask of life?
7They aren't super Toa. As I explained to someone else with regard to the Toa Nuva's defeat, any force can be defeated if taken by surprise and if they know nothing about their enemy. The Toa Inika weren't taken by surprise because they knew going in something on the island had to have done something bad to the Toa Nuva ... and so far, we haven't seen the Toa Inika beat the Piraka either, have we?
81. Still haveing Lightning wraped over your elements, getting weapons that get energy powers and they have Zamor spheres? I mean doesent that sound a little super? I mean the only similarity between the Toa Nuva and Inika is that they both have masks and even those aren't normal. It sounds like to the Toa Inika have better elements, better tools and more epuipment. Probably the only sence that I can think of that makes the Toa Nuva better is that they have more Elemental energy and possibly better masks. So explain to me what makes you think that the Toa Inika are not better then the Toa Nuva.
92. Oh and if Inika means power from a star what does Nuva mean?
103. So can you clear this last one thing up could the Toa Nuva defeat the Piraka without any assitance if they merely knew more about their enemy?
111) Same thing that makes the Toa Nuva better than the Toa Metru -- the Toa Nuva can share mask powers, the Toa Inika cannot. If you hurl a tree at the Toa Nuva, Tahu can throw up a shield and protect all of them. None of the Inika can use their masks in that way. Second, you might as well drop the zamor shooters from your equation, because their only use is curing the Matoran. Toa would not use EP on an enemy because it would kill him and Toa do not knowingly kill. So that leaves elemental power with lightning in it, which is cool, but balance it against having more elemental power and better control over it, and which do you think is more of an advantage to have?
122) I always assumed it meant "new."
133) If the Toa Nuva had gone in prepared for what the Piraka could do, yes, they could have beaten them -- and they came extremely close to doing just that in Book 2. The Piraka did not defeat them in that book, they were beaten by someone far more powerful.
14So here are a few things I asked Greg.........HE RULES: So that proves that the Toa Inika are not as good as I thought. TOA NUVA RULE:: Oh and the Red star thing is quite interesting.
1Second, you might as well drop the zamor shooters from your equation, because their only use is curing the Matoran. Toa would not use EP on an enemy because it would kill him and Toa do not knowingly kill.
2Hey..is this the first time Greg has specifically confirmed that the Inika have Zamor filled with EP? I know it's been all but proven, but I think this is the first time Greg has confirmed the theory...
1Here's mine:
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg,I just wondered if you could ask these 3 questions about the Piraka's vision powers (except Hakann's)...
41.Zaktan's eye power is laser vision right?We never had a glimpse of this attack,could you give me an example?
52.Hakkan's unique power always disturbed me.When the info 6says 'devastating mental blasts', I always thought of 3 examples:That an explosion appears out of nowhere on the target,or that it's invisible and the target feels a painful headache,or,like in the book,bolts that are crimson colored that explodes or zaps the target when it touches it.
73.Reidak's vision power is thermal and imaging vision.Does it make him see things like a snake?Or does it only heat up his target?
91) Well, what happens when you fire two lasers at something? 102) Combination of second and third. 113) It does not heat up its target, that would be heat vision. It allows him to see the heat given off by a target
13Finally,I don't have to tear my hair out for the answers:Thanks GregF:
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg,I just wondered if you could ask these 3 questions about the Piraka's vision powers (except Hakann's)...
41.Zaktan's eye power is laser vision right?We never had a glimpse of this attack,could you give me an example?
52.Hakkan's unique power always disturbed me.When the info 6says 'devastating mental blasts', I always thought of 3 examples:That an explosion appears out of nowhere on the target,or that it's invisible and the target feels a painful headache,or,like in the book,bolts that are crimson colored that explodes or zaps the target when it touches it.
73.Reidak's vision power is thermal and imaging vision.Does it make him see things like a snake?Or does it only heat up his target?
91) Well, what happens when you fire two lasers at something? 102) Combination of second and third. 113) It does not heat up its target, that would be heat vision. It allows him to see the heat given off by a target
13Finally,I don't have to tear my hair out for the answers:Thanks GregF:

3No, he said they don't have EP (Energized Protodermis); basically, it's because the effects are unpredictable. It'll either kill or make one stronger.Cathexis 1Second, you might as well drop the zamor shooters from your equation, because their only use is curing the Matoran. Toa would not use EP on an enemy because it would kill him and Toa do not knowingly kill.
2Hey..is this the first time Greg has specifically confirmed that the Inika have Zamor filled with EP? I know it's been all but proven, but I think this is the first time Greg has confirmed the theory...
4If I understand it correctly, they apparently have elemental powers though: (ep, I guess, as opposed to EP). Let the confusion ensue:
5©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
3No, he said they don't have EP (Energized Protodermis); basically, it's because the effects are unpredictable. It'll either kill or make one stronger.Cathexis 1Second, you might as well drop the zamor shooters from your equation, because their only use is curing the Matoran. Toa would not use EP on an enemy because it would kill him and Toa do not knowingly kill.
2Hey..is this the first time Greg has specifically confirmed that the Inika have Zamor filled with EP? I know it's been all but proven, but I think this is the first time Greg has confirmed the theory...
4If I understand it correctly, they apparently have elemental powers though: (ep, I guess, as opposed to EP). Let the confusion ensue:
5©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
6He is saying that they do have EP.
1Some stuff, I have, yes.
2Hey Greg, I have a few questions I'd like to ask, but first I'd just like to say that, despite the sets, I love the Inika story-wise. The characters are ideal, and their new features such as lightning powers and organic masks are most interesting. And it's definitely good to see the Red Star star, so to speak, in the story again.That said, here are the questions:
31) I've made a list of what's unique about the Inika, caused by the Red Star, and how they would've been if they'd been transformed by regular methods, such as Toa Stones. Here they are--
4Red Star transformation: 5-Elemental powers intertwined with lightning. 6-Features crackling with energy. 7-Special tools. 8-Organic masks. 9-Differently colored armor.
10Toa Stone transformation: 11-Regular elemental powers. 12-No tools until they found some themselves. 13-Protodermic masks. 14-Armor matching their Matoran colours. 15-Possibly different armor and body structure.
16Is that correct, or are there other special features of the Inika that we haven't learned yet?
171) Offhand, this seems pretty close.
182) Do the Inika use their new lighting powers to energize the Protodermis they use to cure the Matoran?
192) No
203) Any chance you could share a quote from one of the Inika with us?
213) A long quote:
22The Toa Inika stood before a fork in the stairway. The right passage was blocked with stone, and the left wide open. 23"Think the Piraka closed off the right passage to throw us off the trail?" asked Jaller. 24Hewkii took a close look at the pile of rock. "No, this has been here a long time." 25Matoro frowned. He could have sworn that when he came this way in his spirit form, the left passage had been blocked and the right open. Given what Hewkii said, though, that was impossible ... wasn't it? 26"So we go left," Jaller said. 27"Great," muttered Kongu. "Guess I am the only one who remembers what Turaga Matau always says about going left."
1Some stuff, I have, yes.
2Hey Greg, I have a few questions I'd like to ask, but first I'd just like to say that, despite the sets, I love the Inika story-wise. The characters are ideal, and their new features such as lightning powers and organic masks are most interesting. And it's definitely good to see the Red Star star, so to speak, in the story again.That said, here are the questions:
31) I've made a list of what's unique about the Inika, caused by the Red Star, and how they would've been if they'd been transformed by regular methods, such as Toa Stones. Here they are--
4Red Star transformation: 5-Elemental powers intertwined with lightning. 6-Features crackling with energy. 7-Special tools. 8-Organic masks. 9-Differently colored armor.
10Toa Stone transformation: 11-Regular elemental powers. 12-No tools until they found some themselves. 13-Protodermic masks. 14-Armor matching their Matoran colours. 15-Possibly different armor and body structure.
16Is that correct, or are there other special features of the Inika that we haven't learned yet?
171) Offhand, this seems pretty close.
182) Do the Inika use their new lighting powers to energize the Protodermis they use to cure the Matoran?
192) No
203) Any chance you could share a quote from one of the Inika with us?
213) A long quote:
22The Toa Inika stood before a fork in the stairway. The right passage was blocked with stone, and the left wide open. 23"Think the Piraka closed off the right passage to throw us off the trail?" asked Jaller. 24Hewkii took a close look at the pile of rock. "No, this has been here a long time." 25Matoro frowned. He could have sworn that when he came this way in his spirit form, the left passage had been blocked and the right open. Given what Hewkii said, though, that was impossible ... wasn't it? 26"So we go left," Jaller said. 27"Great," muttered Kongu. "Guess I am the only one who remembers what Turaga Matau always says about going left."
29That is very interesting. So now it's (kinda) confirmed that Matoro's mask power is Astral Projection, or at least something alike.
1For Matoro's Mask power, I have the answer:
2Couple Q's:
31. What, exactly, is the process taken in writing a Story Bible? Does the team just get together and brainstorm or something?
42. From what I've heard, the Vahi and Mask of Life are two examples of "Legendary Masks", one-of-a-kind masks with immense power. 5a.) Is this an accurate definition of "Legendary Mask"? 6b.) It was recently speculated that there are four other "Legendary Masks" scatered about the universe which would make a grand total of *gasp:* six masks in all. Is this a plausible theory at all?
73. If obtaining the Mask of Life threatens to unleash the Ancient evil, isn't awakening Mata Nui pretty much impossible at this point?
84. When will we learn all of the Toa Inika's Kanohi names and powers?
95. Are there any plans to include Artakha in the story, now that it's been confirmed that it's real...?
106. In a book quote you recently provided to another member, Maatoro mentions travelling in his "Spirit Form". Can you confirm then that Matoro's Kanohi power is Astral Projection?
117. Speaking of quotes, can you provide a quote from Toa Hewkii at all?
12Thanks for everything![]()
141) Pretty much. It varies. In the case of 2006-2008, we all got together in Denmark and brainstormed for a few days, bounced ideas off each other, etc. Then I eventually wrote the story bible. 152) Yes, and no. 163) Obtaining the Mask of Life would not do that. The WRONG PEOPLE obtaining the Mask of Life would do that. The Toa are supposed to have it, not the Piraka. 174) When we are closer to them coming out in stores 185) Depends on if there is space and need for it 196) Yes 207) I would, but I have to get ready for work -- and there is a quote from Hewkii in the stuff I gave him

1What is "Astral Projection"
1ok thanks.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Message Forwarded From ToaLhikan007
4Greg, 5I just saw Ikki's post and I have one or two questions about the quote. Thanks in advance.
61.) So is that confirmation that Matoro's mask is "Astral Projection"?
72.) Is Matoro intangible in "spirit form" as he refers to it?
83.) I take it that's all we will get from BL3 for awhile. (BTW, when should BL#3 be released?)
9Once again, thanks 10TL007
11Greg, 12Your message w? answers got lost before I could read them. Thanks 13TL007
141) Yes 152) Yes 163) It's not from 3, it's from 5
4Greg, 5I just saw Ikki's post and I have one or two questions about the quote. Thanks in advance.
61.) So is that confirmation that Matoro's mask is "Astral Projection"?
72.) Is Matoro intangible in "spirit form" as he refers to it?
83.) I take it that's all we will get from BL3 for awhile. (BTW, when should BL#3 be released?)
9Once again, thanks 10TL007
11Greg, 12Your message w? answers got lost before I could read them. Thanks 13TL007
141) Yes 152) Yes 163) It's not from 3, it's from 5
46That's wierd, I thought it was confirmed that the flip mask on Vezon wasn't the MoLi.
~TNH - The Igniter~ 2Hi GregF I have some questions for you to answer:
31) How did the Toa Inika get their Zamor Launchers? 42) How are the Toa Inika's masks organic? 53) When does Comic #1 take place? Because I noticed Zaktan had Tahu's mask. 64) Is there a specific release date for the Inika in Canada? 75) Why was Vezon called to the Mask of Life? Was it because It needed more gaurdians because It somehow "sensed" the coming of the Piraka? 86) Could the Red Star be like a "looking glass" for the OoMN? 97) Is the Red Star even a star? 108) In Comic #1, the big vial of green stuff that was next to Zaktan the virus? 119) Why is Dalu alone and running at the beginning of Comic #1? 1210) Near the end of Comic #1, Is the part with Axonn and Balta the scene from BL1? 1311) Why does the Hau represent Mata Nui? Besides the fact that it stood for Hope. 1412) When will Umbra be released? 1513) Is the Umbra we saw a prototype? 1614) Do you think the Toa Inika we saw at the Toy Fair were prototypes? Or is that the final form? 1715) Will the first 2007 sets be released in late November/early December of 2006? 1816) Will the ending for 2006 be a surprise to us? If so, can you give me a tiny spoiler? 1917) If the Toa Inika's elemental energies are tangled together with lightning, does that mean, in some form, they could control lightning as well? 2018) Will the MoLi be released with one of 2006 to-be-released sets? 2119) Has it been confirmed that Vezon's flip mask is not the MoLi? 2220) Do you know why my comic doesn't have the Matoran combiner descriptions but the US version does (I live in Canada)?
23Thanks Greg: Thats all for now: Thanks in advance:
GregF 261) That gets revealed in BL #3 and comic #3. 272) I don't understand you're question. They're organic, the same way portions of the Toa are organic. 283) During BIONICLE Legends 2, but before the Toa Inika's arrival 294) I don't have a specific date, but my assumption is it is scheduled for 8/1, so probably on shelves in July 305) Well, if you knew Piraka were coming after you, who better to be a guardian than another Piraka? 316) Can't answer it 327) Can't answer it 338) Yes 349) Because the Matoran got captured in BL #2, and Dalu escaped. 3510) No 3611) That was decided a long time ago by the former head of the story team, I do not know his reasons 3712) Summer 3813-14) The only versions of the sets I see are the ones we have in our showroom, and since I have no way of knowing if those are prototypes or not, I can't answer your question. We don't get packaged sets here until they are available in stores. 3915) No idea, not my call to me and way too early to be asking anyway. 4016) I am not going to spoil something that happens 9 months from now 4117) Not by itself, no 4218) Can't discuss this 4319) I have not discussed what the flip mask is or is not 4420) Canadian comic has always been four pages shorter than the US comic due to printing costs. Ordinarily, we cut four pages of editorial content out, so as not touch story. This time, we cut two ads pages and two story pages, on instructions from the brand manager.
46That's wierd, I thought it was confirmed that the flip mask on Vezon wasn't the MoLi.

1Here is some interesting Information about Matoro Inika's Mask power and the Inika's Kanohi.
Me 23a. When Matoro is in spirit form, does his body go in a still trance or does he go limp? 3b. Is he visible when he is in spirit form? 44. The Kanohi powers the Inika own (excluding Kongu). Are those the only possible powers. I mean by no other Toa could use them?
GregF 53) He goes limp, and he is visible only to Hahli and to Axonn. 64) No. The powers they have are based on the masks they were wearing when the lightning hit, so those powers could have been used by other Toa in other places. Or the Toa Inika could switch masks if they had to.
1Hey Greg just had some questions I hope you could answer for me
21. What is Zaktan's greatest fear? 32. Does Mata Nui have a physical form? 43. Is Makuta in BL4? 54. Does 2007 take place on a new island? 65. Is the whole 2006-2008 story about making sure Mata Nui doesn't die? 76. Will any of the Piraka die in the struggle for the MoLi? 87. Does the MoLi have an official name? Will it have an official one? Can you tell me if it does? 98. Does the symbol with Voya Nui on a green zamor have any significance? 109. Is the MoLi in a chamber under the green belt that is only accesible by Mt. Valmai? 1110. Is that the reason why the green belt exists? 1211. What is Turaga Dume's mask power? 1312. Why can only Hahli and Axonn see Matoro in his spirit form? 1413. Is Mata Nui asleep on an unknown island? 1514. Is Botar good, bad, or nuetral.
16That's all for now. Thanks in advance for reading and answering my questions.
171) As an individual, or a species fear? 182) Yes 193) Only as crushed armor 204) Yes 215) Yes 226) No idea yet 237) Yes, it does 248) That's what the designers came up with 259) No 2610) No 2711) Regeneration 2812) Because of their respective mask powers 2913) Can't answer it 3014) Can't answer it
311. An individual fear, one that Irnakk could make real..
32Losing control of the protodites that make up his body.
1YIPPEE: (Sorry).
2Hahli's Mask power: (Even though I already had a hunch about it). This makes THREE Inika Kanohi:
33Hooray: Now we have a better idea as to what exactly Kongu, Matoro and Hahli can do:
2Hahli's Mask power: (Even though I already had a hunch about it). This makes THREE Inika Kanohi:
3Hi Greg:
4What with all the buzz about finding out Matoro's Kanohi power, I thought of a few questions of my own regarding this tidbit of info:
51) You said that only Hahli and Axonn can see Matoro when he's in his astral form. I'm assuming this is because of Axonn's Kanohi Rode and Hahli's 'Magical mask of Recognition' (Mentioned in the notorious German descriptions), right?
62) If Hahli and Axonn can see Matoro in his 'Spirit form' using their Kanohi, could Kongu possibly detect any mental activity using the Suletu from our astral Matoro?
73) Since Matoro's body is left behind, what actions does Matoro take to protect it before going astral? (ie: Hiding himself, covering himself with a layer of ice, etc.)
84) If Matoro's body is destroyed/killed while he is in his spirit form, does his spirit die, or just have no physical form now?
95) Does Matoro have to find his body to return to it, or can he just re enter it wherever he is?
10Now some other questions:
116) Can Kongu launch mental attacks with his Kanohi like Onewa did in BA6? (Though I realize that the Suletu works in a much different way, including that fact that, unlike the Komau, the person being affected can't detect the Suletu's use.)
127) Does the Suletu have any requirements, such as eye contact, etc. ?
138) In Vakama's vision of Krakua, Krakkua used his Suletu on Vakama, and Vakama didn't realize it. Is this only in the vision (Seeing as the vision was already on a mental level), or can no one/few characters detect their minds being read?
149) Can the Suletu convey messages, as opposed to only being for mind-reading?
1510) Like the Komau, is the Suletu harder to use on someone who is smarter?
1611) Is it easier for a Suletu to read a thought that the being is focused on, and harder for something that aren't thinking about? If so, could someone, possibly with Dark Hunter training, attempt to resist having their mind read?
1712) Could you tell me how the 'Mask of Recognition' works? Please?
1813) All the Inika's Kanohi so far seem to affect them on a mental (Or astral) level (Matoro's Astral Projection, Kongu's Telepathy, and Hahli's mask). Are the three remaining masks also on a non-physical level?
19Thank you: And have a good night:
201) Yes, it is because of their respective mask powers 212) I would say no 223) So far, he hasn't taken any, he relies on the other Toa to protect it 234) He would have no physical body to return to and eventually his spirit form would perish 245) He would have to "physically" return to it. 256) Yes, he can -- he can use it to fill someone's head with mental "noise" 267) Not that we have seen so far, no 278) In general, there is no way to know if a good telepath is reading your mind 289) Yes 2910) No, because you are not trying to influence their mind, just read it 3011) Yes, it is possible to shield your mind from telepathy. 3112) It's actually called the Mask of Detection, and it allows her to see things that are hidden. 3213) No, they are physical-based powers
33Hooray: Now we have a better idea as to what exactly Kongu, Matoro and Hahli can do:
1Okay, just a few things I've been wondering about.
21) Is the reason the Hau doesn't work against ambushes simply because it does not activate automatically? In other words, if Tahu were to raise a shield using the Hau, and was then ambushed, would the shield defend him from the attack?
32) When Roodaka uses her Rhotuka on someone, is she able to decide what powers they will have in addition to their appearance?
43) If three matoran from Voya-Nui and three matoran from Metru-Nui were transformed into toa using the same set of toa stones, would they all look similar in build as toa, or would they look like two different types of toa, just as they looked different as matoran?
54) When three toa create a Toa Kaita does their mask always combine the mask powers of those three toa?
65) I heard that there are now going to be six Bionicle Legends books this year. Does this mean that Inferno will be pushed back to being the sixth book or will it remain as the fifth?
76) Is the sixth Bionicle Legends book replacing the Dark Hunters Guide or just adding on the book line-up this year?
87) Is the Kualsi that Iruini wore as a toa in the shape as a mask of stealth (there are just so many people who want to believe that's what Nidhiki's mask looked like)?
98) I saw something on BS01 stating that Keetongu and Tahtorak are both from the same island and that Keetongu's race used Tahtorak's as mounts. Is this true?
109) Were widgets used as currency on Metru-Nui as well as Mata-Nui (I think it been confirmed that they were, but I just want to make sure)?
1110) What are the (if any) limitations on which toa can form a Kaita? Can it be any three; does it have to be three from the same team, certain elements, etc?
1211) Does the Order of Mata-Nui have any sort of leader?
1312) What does the Order of Mata-Nui do most of the time?
1413) When Krahka transformed into a combination of the six Toa Metru in BA 3, was she the equivalent of a Toa Nui?
1514) If so, does that mean that in that brief instance she was on par with Mata-Nui?
16Thanks in advance,
181) If he had the shield up, then yes, but he rarely raises the shield and just keeps it up because of the mental strain involved. 192) Yes 203) Odds are they would look the same -- most of the physical differences between Toa (height, etc.) are set differences, not story differences. 214) Yes 225) Sorry, your info is wrong. Five Legends books and a guidebook this year. BL #6 is in 2007. 236) See answer to #5 247) Not to my knowledge, no 258) Yes 269) It's possible, I don't think it was ever stated either way 2710) Any three, although it works best if it is three with three different elements 2811) Most orgs do 2912) Carry out the will, or what they perceive to be the will, of Mata Nui 3013) I would say no. A legitimate Toa Nui would be a lot more powerful
32A few interesting answers here(to me at least).

1Hey Greg, I just got BIONICLE Legends 2 and I have a few questions that I hope you can answer. Before you may decide to close yourself to answering these questions, I have to say that I promise whatever you tell me will not become public knowledge in the forums.
21. If Karzahni saw that there really was a Mata Nui and that if he died, the universe would die, why did he insist on trying to stop the canisters from leaving his realm?
32. What caused Karzahni to go bad?
43. You said that the Toa Inika's transformation would bring an old element into the BIONICLE storyline, what was it? I know that they were transformed by lightning, but how is that an old element?
54. Do all the Toa Inika have new Kanohi powers?
65. Why exactly did Karzahni want to take the Matoran's Kanohi and replace them? What good did it do (besides make new awesome Kanohi powers for this year)?
76. Does this mean that Kongu wears a Kanohi Suletu?
8Thanks for your time.
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) Simple. He showed Jaller the death of Mata Nui, but it had nothing to do with what these six Matoran did. Remember, Jaller said for him to pluck the worst possible future out of their heads -- but Jaller at that time a) had no intention of finding the Mask of Life himself orhe and his team becoming Toa. As far as he was concerned, the Toa Nuva were going to find the mask. Stopping these six Matoran would not equal stopping the Toa Nuva, so there was no reason for Karzahni not to make the attempt.
112) Karzahni, to me, is the classic case of someone who is in over their head in their job and rather than admit it covers it up -- despite the negative consequences it might have for everyone else.
123) The red star is an old element, TLH.
134) Yes, if you count the Suletu, which I do.
145) It was symbolic. It would be like me saying, "I don't care what your face looks like, I am going to change it to suit me. I don't care what your name is, you will be called what I want you to be called." It's a power and control thing.
156) Yes
16Thanks. This leads me to one more question:
17Will we eventually find out what exactly the red star is and if so, then when?
18You will eventually find out what everything is, but when will depend on how many years BIONICLE runs. If it was ending in, say, 2015, I would need to make sure you got the info by then.
19There's some good info over all.

1Were the Voyatoran (Garan, Balta, Dalu, Piruk, Velika and Kazi) originally from Voya-Nui (when it was connected to the mainland)? Or where they on another part of the mainland? Or from some other island?
2They were not originally from that continent. Karzahni sent them there because it was far away from him.
1I PMed Greg a couple of questions about Vezon, Fenrakk, and the ancient evil
10So Vezon was fused to Fenrakk, as a result of him touching the mask. Interesting.
2Hey Greg. I have a couple questions I've been wondering about.
31. You've said that bad things will happen if it's not your destiny to wear the MoLi. Since Vezon originally came to Voya Nui to steal the mask, did he wear it at all, and have bad things happen before he became a guardian?
42. If Vezon did wear the mask of Life, when it wasn't he destiny, is his fusion to Fenrakk a result of him wearing the mask, or something that happened after he became a guardian.
53. Will the ancient evil be important for this year, or minor this year and important for the next?
71) His becoming the guardian was the bad thing, among others -- how would you like to spend eternity fused to a giant spider in a lava chamber??82) It is a result of his laying hands upon the mask when he was not supposed to. 93) I can't discuss next year at all, but I can tell you he/she/it is not a "one year and done" character.
10So Vezon was fused to Fenrakk, as a result of him touching the mask. Interesting.
1Some awesome answers. Million thanks to Mr. Farshtey:
49GregF is the best, and Vezon is awesome:
48[/SPOILER3Dear Mr. Farshtey,
4I have some more questions for you.
51. You mentioned that Botar was the only contact for Axonn and Brutaka. Is Botar an Order of Mata Nui member, or someone who was hired by them, like Umbra?
62. Can Axonn's Mask of Truth be used for attack, or is it purely defensive?
73. About when were Axonn and Brutaka sent to Voya-Nui, in reference to when the Mask of Life got there?
84. Does the Order of Mata Nui have a leader? If so, does he/she have a defined character yet, or it is just decided it has a leader?
95. Will the Order of Mata Nui play an important role, not only this year, but in the rest of the story arc?
106. In the quote you gave a member about the Toa Inika, was the mysterious doorway a challenge Guarding the mask?
117. Did Mata Nui know of the Order dedicated to him?
128. Can Brutaka tap into the Zone of Darkness?
139. Did either Sidorak or Roodaka know of the Order of Mata Nui?
1410. Did the Brotherhood of Makuta know of the Order? Did the Makuta we know?
1511. This isn't really a question. I just wanted to say that I think this year is really turning out great. Over 2003-2004, I was always thirsting for more info, not seemingly getting happy, until after the movie. Yet this year, the story is being released at a great pace, and I'm enjoying every minute. Pass my compliments on to LEGO, and say that I'm really enjoying this year.
1612. Does Vezon's insanity have anything to do with his origin?
1713. About my questions refering to Vezon as good or evil, here's what I wanted to know. Is Vezon's nature closer to that of Zaktan or a Toa? Or, is he just so out of touch with reality that his only purpose of life now is to protect the mask?
1814. Does antidermis have anything to do with the Mask of Life? Does it have anything to do with Zaktan's protodite form?
1915. When will we find out how the Piraka got the antidermis?
2016. Does Kazi know about the Order of Mata Nui?
2117. When Vezon speaks, how would you describe his voice?
2218. Does Vezon speak clearly, or does he speak insanely?
2319. Do you view Vezon as a villain?
2420. And finally, do you think I could have a Vezon quote? (I hate to be insistent, but you never said you wouldn't, just that you couldn't. Sorry if I seem annoying. )
25Just wanted to say that I can't wait for June 28(when Barnes and Noble gets Bionicle Legends 3), and I'm loving this year for BIONICLE. I haven't had so much fun since 2001 and 2002, or so much new, enticing storyline since 2004:
26Thanks for everything:
281) Time will tell 292) It's really neither. It is a mask that lets him see through lies, it isn't of enormous use in combat. 303) Some time after 314) Can't answer it 325) I expect they will play some role, if only indirectly 336) Yes 347) Yes 358) Can't answer it at this time 369) No 3710) If anyone did, they did, but I have feeling it is more guesswork on their part than first-hand knowledge 3811) Thank you -- I think it is kind of neat that it is April and there is still a set BZPers haven't seen and still a lot they do not know. 3912) Yes 4013) His basic nature is closer to Zaktan, as he is a Piraka, after all 4114) No and no 4215) What you have found out this year is what you will know for a while to come. 4316) No, not at present 4417) I always thought of it as soft, a little high-pitched 4518) Not sure I understand your question -- I know a number of insane people who speak quite clearly19) Yes 4620) "We'll just stand very still and quiet. When they come, they won't even notice us. Or if they do, they'll think, 'Look how still and quiet they are. They would never harm an insect.' Yes, they will see how well we behave and not be afraid to come close and then ... and then ..."
49GregF is the best, and Vezon is awesome: