1Hi Greg, 2I just have a quick question for you. 3It has been said that the great cataclysm affected more than just Metru-Nui (i.e. Voya-Nui and beyond). It has also been said that the Toa Olda "fell from the sky" and that they were catapulted to Voya-Nui in BL1. Now, here is my question: Is it possible that the Toa Olda were stationed in there pods somewhere on the BIONICLE planet, in the instance that Mata-Nui be threatened, and that the great cataclysm caused the accuracy of the catapult to launch the Toa Olda into the sea and not onto Mata-Nui (the island)? 4Thanks. 5F-X-
6You may be half-right. The canisters landed where they were supposed to (if they had landed on the island they would have smashed on the ground), but the malfunction arose in the fact that they did not immediately head to shore but floated there for 1000 years.
7Well, here is some info on the Toa Olda and why they may not have landed where they were supposed to. Kinda interesting that the great cataclysm may have had something to do with it. 8F-X-
1Hi Greg, I was looking at the Chinese Toys R Us site and I was just curious, can you confirm the info about Makuta being the one influencing the Piraka? I mean, I think I can trust Toys R Us, but I thought that I'd ask you just to make sure this isn't fake. Thanks for your time.
2I haven't written anything for the TRU site in China, and as far as I know no one else on the story team has either. And you know what happens when non-story team people write BIONICLE ....
4So I guess we shouldn't take those spoilers as the complete truth (although I still think Makuta is involved and it wouldn't be the first time Greg's deceived us so that we won't find out too much too soon).

1Can you tell us whether the Inika will be able to form Kaitas? It would make sense since it seems like they're a bit more "united" than other toa teams, plus they know of the Toa Kaita (I'm assuming that's common matoran knowledge by now).
3Well, this question has two answers --
41) I have not seen the Inika combo models yet, so I have no idea if they look like Kaita or not.
52) Your logic is correct that the Inika would know of Kaita. However, they do not become Kaita in the 2006 storyline, I had no room in the story for that.
6Oh well, I can dream....

1Hi Greg, 2I just have a quick question for you. 3It has been said that the great cataclysm affected more than just Metru-Nui (i.e. Voya-Nui and beyond). It has also been said that the Toa Olda "fell from the sky" and that they were catapulted to Voya-Nui in BL1. Now, here is my question: Is it possible that the Toa Olda were stationed in there pods somewhere on the BIONICLE planet, in the instance that Mata-Nui be threatened, and that the great cataclysm caused the accuracy of the catapult to launch the Toa Olda into the sea and not onto Mata-Nui (the island)? 4Thanks. 5F-X-
6You may be half-right. The canisters landed where they were supposed to (if they had landed on the island they would have smashed on the ground), but the malfunction arose in the fact that they did not immediately head to shore but floated there for 1000 years.
7So is it maybe possible that either: 8A- the great cataclysm caused something to make the pods malfunction 9B- the catapult that launched them, launched them in the wrong direction, causing them to just float without reaching Mata-Nui
10And if they were launched incorrectly, is it possible that the Toa Stones acted as a magnet that drew the canisters in the right direction?
11A is correct, and the Toa stones basically sent out a signal that drew the canisters in -- they were sort of like a failsafe in the event the pods malfunctioned.
12Just some more info on the Toa Olda canisters. It appears that something during the great cataclysm caused them ot malfunction. 13F-X-
19. Will we get to see Lhikan in any of the Legend books? 29) Lhikan shows up in BL 4
3i dont understand how he could show up since he is dead..
4can someone clear this up for me?![]()
5BL #4 is a flashback of the Piraka's past, how they met each other, how they became Dark Hunters, etc. Lhikan (As a Toa) probably met them along the way

19. Will we get to see Lhikan in any of the Legend books? 29) Lhikan shows up in BL 4
3i dont understand how he could show up since he is dead..
4can someone clear this up for me?![]()
5BL #4 is a flashback of the Piraka's past, how they met each other, how they became Dark Hunters, etc. Lhikan (As a Toa) probably met them along the way.
7oh alright thanks
1QUOTE 2Greg, 3Just a few questions about the Inika's personalities and some other misc. things. I asked you about the Inika's personalities before and you told me to go to BS01. That information was helpful, however I still have a few questions. Thanks in advance.
41.) Kind of a strange question, does Jaller remember being dead?
52.) If so, what does he remember?
63.) If he remembers I assume he is even more afraid to die?
74.) Is there an afterlife for Bionicle, or some sort-of "other place" (like the Fields for the Heroes in Greece)?
85.) In BL2, Matoro seemed kind of cowardly, I may have seen things that weren't there, but is/ was he a bit more afraid than the others?
96.) Who would you say is the most intelligent of the Inika
107.) How do the Piraka react to more Toa?
118.) Is Nuparu the Inika's "techy"?
129.) Do the Inika set-up a base on Voya-Nui?
1310.) Is the old hero in BL5 Krakua (possibly in Matoran form)?
14Once again, thanks and happy Easter. 15TL007
161-3) Good question, yes, he does, but I would not say it makes him "afraid" to die. Aware of the possibility, though. Keep in mind that many humans who die on the operating table and then revive claim afterward to then be LESS afraid of death. 174) Not something we get into, because it touches upon religion which is too controversial of a subject for a toy line to be drifting into. 185) I wouldn't say cowardly, I would say reluctant. Matoro is not a warrior by nature, he's a translator. So Jaller will react to things differently than he will. 196) I really have no strong opinion on this, because they are smart in different ways. Matoro knows languages, Jaller is a good strategic thinker, Nuparu is an inventor, etc. 207) Well, they're not happy 218) Yes 229) No. When you are invading an enemy-held island and in a race against time, you really don't have the luxury of base building. 2310) No.
24That's all 25TL007
41.) Kind of a strange question, does Jaller remember being dead?
52.) If so, what does he remember?
63.) If he remembers I assume he is even more afraid to die?
74.) Is there an afterlife for Bionicle, or some sort-of "other place" (like the Fields for the Heroes in Greece)?
85.) In BL2, Matoro seemed kind of cowardly, I may have seen things that weren't there, but is/ was he a bit more afraid than the others?
96.) Who would you say is the most intelligent of the Inika
107.) How do the Piraka react to more Toa?
118.) Is Nuparu the Inika's "techy"?
129.) Do the Inika set-up a base on Voya-Nui?
1310.) Is the old hero in BL5 Krakua (possibly in Matoran form)?
14Once again, thanks and happy Easter. 15TL007
161-3) Good question, yes, he does, but I would not say it makes him "afraid" to die. Aware of the possibility, though. Keep in mind that many humans who die on the operating table and then revive claim afterward to then be LESS afraid of death. 174) Not something we get into, because it touches upon religion which is too controversial of a subject for a toy line to be drifting into. 185) I wouldn't say cowardly, I would say reluctant. Matoro is not a warrior by nature, he's a translator. So Jaller will react to things differently than he will. 196) I really have no strong opinion on this, because they are smart in different ways. Matoro knows languages, Jaller is a good strategic thinker, Nuparu is an inventor, etc. 207) Well, they're not happy 218) Yes 229) No. When you are invading an enemy-held island and in a race against time, you really don't have the luxury of base building. 2310) No.
24That's all 25TL007
1QUOTE 21. Was Vezon ever a Piraka? 32. Was Vezon insane before he found the mask or after? 43. How did you get interested in writing? 54. Are Vezon and Fenrakk have one mind or do they have to seperate minds but, as one entity? 65. How much more do you have to write in BL5? 76. What is the official Bionicle name for Matoro's mask?
8Thanks for your time: 9Vash
101) Vezon is a Piraka, yes 112) Before 123) I have been writing since fourth grade -- it is what I have always been best at. 134) Separate minds, they are not one entity 145) About 3000 words 156) Not sharing mask info yet, too early
16Here are some Q and A's.
1Hey Greg,
21. Will the piraka survive? If so will they be seen in the storyline again?
32. Weird question, will their be a mata-nui set ever, or even another great bieng? will there ever be a picture 4of one?![]()
5You have to PM Greg your questions - he doesn't come to this topic. This topic is for posting your replies from him.

1How do I pm?
1Click here. Select the send personal message button. Hope this helps. 

1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, 3Thanks for answering the last batch. I have a few more that stem from those, and some I forgot. Thanks in advance.
41.) Will we find out about the individual Zamor powers in the next LEGO mag, or can you tell us now?
52.) Do each of the Inika have another Zamor power, besides the EP to cure Matoran?
63.) Out of the physically based mask powers, which is your favorite?
74.) Do the Piraka feel that they can beat the Inika easily, or do they think it will be difficult?
85.) How much time is there between where we are in the storyline now, and the completion of the year?
96.)Did thet Inika's weapons just materialize in their canisters?
107.)Can you give us another Inika quote? (If you are too busy that's fine)
118.) Even though I can already guess the answer, any news on the VNOLG?
129.) What does Jaller remember about being dead?
13Once again, thanks in advance. 14Tl007
151) Actually, I have asked about putting them in the magazine, so far I have not gotten a yes. So I am going to have to release them some other way, I guess. 162) No 173) Nuparu's 184) Well, they whipped the Nuva pretty handily 195) I don't understand your question. Last comic comes out in November, last novel in December, for 2006 -- year is completed when year is completed. 206) Yup 217) Let me see ... okay, here's one from Book 3 --
22Jaller cocked his head and locked eyes with Vezok. "I don't need a Mask of Telepathy to know what's going through your head. You figure we're new to being Toa, maybe not quick enough or skilled enough to use our powers. And you're right. But, see, there's only one problem – I'm so new I can't always control my flame. I might want to just singe you, Vezok ... but poor, novice Toa that I am, I could slip ... and burn your head clean off."
238) As I have said before, if I hear anything, I will let BZP know. I don't work on the website, so this news does not go through me.
249) Hard to say, it's not something he likes to talk about.
25GregF is awesome, that quote is really cool (dosen't sound like Jaller wants to mess around) Thanks Greg::: 26TL007
41.) Will we find out about the individual Zamor powers in the next LEGO mag, or can you tell us now?
52.) Do each of the Inika have another Zamor power, besides the EP to cure Matoran?
63.) Out of the physically based mask powers, which is your favorite?
74.) Do the Piraka feel that they can beat the Inika easily, or do they think it will be difficult?
85.) How much time is there between where we are in the storyline now, and the completion of the year?
96.)Did thet Inika's weapons just materialize in their canisters?
107.)Can you give us another Inika quote? (If you are too busy that's fine)
118.) Even though I can already guess the answer, any news on the VNOLG?
129.) What does Jaller remember about being dead?
13Once again, thanks in advance. 14Tl007
151) Actually, I have asked about putting them in the magazine, so far I have not gotten a yes. So I am going to have to release them some other way, I guess. 162) No 173) Nuparu's 184) Well, they whipped the Nuva pretty handily 195) I don't understand your question. Last comic comes out in November, last novel in December, for 2006 -- year is completed when year is completed. 206) Yup 217) Let me see ... okay, here's one from Book 3 --
22Jaller cocked his head and locked eyes with Vezok. "I don't need a Mask of Telepathy to know what's going through your head. You figure we're new to being Toa, maybe not quick enough or skilled enough to use our powers. And you're right. But, see, there's only one problem – I'm so new I can't always control my flame. I might want to just singe you, Vezok ... but poor, novice Toa that I am, I could slip ... and burn your head clean off."
238) As I have said before, if I hear anything, I will let BZP know. I don't work on the website, so this news does not go through me.
249) Hard to say, it's not something he likes to talk about.
25GregF is awesome, that quote is really cool (dosen't sound like Jaller wants to mess around) Thanks Greg::: 26TL007
1I can´t believe that Jaller said it.
3YOU can answer these questions, Gref?
41) The toa nuva will have a reaction when they see the toa Inika?
52) When is going to be out the third book?
63) The resistance will meet first the toa Inika?
74) Do you think that Kopaka will dissapointet because Matoro is a toa?

3YOU can answer these questions, Gref?
41) The toa nuva will have a reaction when they see the toa Inika?
52) When is going to be out the third book?
63) The resistance will meet first the toa Inika?
74) Do you think that Kopaka will dissapointet because Matoro is a toa?

1I can´t believe that Jaller said it.![]()
3YOU can answer these questions, Gref?
41) The toa nuva will have a reaction when they see the toa Inika?
52) When is going to be out the third book?
63) The resistance will meet first the toa Inika?
74) Do you think that Kopaka will dissapointet because Matoro is a toa?
9GregF does not actually come to this topic to answer questions. You must PM your questions to him. Then, once you get an answer, quote the PM here. I hope that helps.
10Jaller cocked his head and locked eyes with Vezok. "I don't need a Mask of Telepathy to know what's going through your head. You figure we're new to being Toa, maybe not quick enough or skilled enough to use our powers. And you're right. But, see, there's only one problem – I'm so new I can't always control my flame. I might want to just singe you, Vezok ... but poor, novice Toa that I am, I could slip ... and burn your head clean off."
11Dude, that is sweet. I guess Jaller is really serious when dealing with the Piraka.
1Just to add on to what Eyeshield said...click here to see GregF's profile. Go down to communicate and click "Send a Personal Message".
2Anywhoo I might as well give some of my questions to the public...
19On-topic: That's about it, not much, just confirming some things on the Chinese TRU site. Also in another PM Greg said that the whole "Axonn planning to join the Piraka" plot was originally intended to happen, but because he didn't have enough space he dropped it. Just letting you guys know.
20Off-topic: Man, I probably should post more, but it's just not my thing. Shame really.
2Anywhoo I might as well give some of my questions to the public...
3I just read that you have confirmed that Umbra is not a OoMN member.
41) Was Umbra made a guardian by the OoMN or did the Ignika wanted him there just like it wanted Vezon there?
52) Thok's ice gun has (of course) the power to shoot beams of ice. Is this power in the gun itself or is it Thok's elemental power being channeled through the gun?
63) Hakann's lava gun. same question: Is the power to create lava the gun's power or Hakann just was this ability and uses the gun to channel his power.
74) Is it true that Hakann and Thok can use their elemental powers without conjuction? Or is it that the can only use their gun's without conjuction? Meaning that Hakann can shoot lava, but to heat up a being, he has to be with Zaktan or something...
85) How exactly to the Piraka use their powers in conjuction? Do they stay close? Have to touch each other? They can only combine their powers (i.e.- For Zaktan and Vezok to use their powers they have to create a storm or water and wind (Gali and Lewa did so once).
96) Can Brutaka's sword edge actually electronically cut rock? (It said so in the Chinese TRU site)
107)The Axonn description on that TRU site says that his weapon is a "Giant Axe" Is there an official name for it or is that just it?
11Thanks for your time
121) OOMN 132) The latter 143) The latter 154) Only through their weapons 165) They do not have to be touching each other. They have to combine their powers. 176) Yes 187) That's it
19On-topic: That's about it, not much, just confirming some things on the Chinese TRU site. Also in another PM Greg said that the whole "Axonn planning to join the Piraka" plot was originally intended to happen, but because he didn't have enough space he dropped it. Just letting you guys know.
20Off-topic: Man, I probably should post more, but it's just not my thing. Shame really.
1Jaller cocked his head and locked eyes with Vezok. "I don't need a Mask of Telepathy to know what's going through your head. You figure we're new to being Toa, maybe not quick enough or skilled enough to use our powers. And you're right. But, see, there's only one problem – I'm so new I can't always control my flame. I might want to just singe you, Vezok ... but poor, novice Toa that I am, I could slip ... and burn your head clean off."

1hi greg sorry to bother you again,i've got some questions:
21.Were the toa olda supposed to be the first toa?
32.If yes to 1. then could this theory be correct?:
4Mata nui decides to send toa (in canasters that crazy guy built ) that can protect the matoran should anthing happen to him.Then he is about to send them and the great catalysm begins and he trys to send them but they accedently land somewhere mata nui does not want them.Then he forgets all about them and sends Dume and co.And we continue down the line until Takua finds the toa stones and so forth.Then mata nui creates the inika because he can see the piraka have just beaten him the nuva up.
53.Will we find out the place where the toa olda come from this year?
6Some things not about the toa olda:
74.when will we find out where Lhikans group came from and what their names are.
85.Can the ignika revive people.
96.Say Karazahni somehow revives jallers mask.What would happen?
107.the great catalysm(spelling?)you said happened everywhere not just metru nui,who else put the matoran in capsules a part from makuta
118.Can bionicles die of old age?
129.Approx. how many islands are there in the bionicle universe?
1310.(sorry I do ramble on a bit to much about lhikan hence my name) is it possible for lhikan to be revived as a toa again?
14thanks for you're time
161) No. It is not in any story bible that the Olda are the first Toa to ever exist. 173) No 184) No idea. At this point, we have no flashback years planned and they are not relevant to the current story we are telling. 195) Resurrect them, you mean? No. 206) I don't understand your question. How do you revive a mask? Do you mean what Takutanuva did in Mask of Light? Nothing would happen, Jaller isn't dead. 217) The cataclysm refers to the earthquake, not the placing of Matoran in canisters 228) So far, we have not seen that happen, but since they are partially organic, it may be possible 239) No idea 2410) No. Lhikan has been dead for over 1000 years.
25some interesting things here,what I don't get is no.10 does he mean Lhikan Can never come back to life?
21.Were the toa olda supposed to be the first toa?
32.If yes to 1. then could this theory be correct?:
4Mata nui decides to send toa (in canasters that crazy guy built ) that can protect the matoran should anthing happen to him.Then he is about to send them and the great catalysm begins and he trys to send them but they accedently land somewhere mata nui does not want them.Then he forgets all about them and sends Dume and co.And we continue down the line until Takua finds the toa stones and so forth.Then mata nui creates the inika because he can see the piraka have just beaten him the nuva up.
53.Will we find out the place where the toa olda come from this year?
6Some things not about the toa olda:
74.when will we find out where Lhikans group came from and what their names are.
85.Can the ignika revive people.
96.Say Karazahni somehow revives jallers mask.What would happen?
107.the great catalysm(spelling?)you said happened everywhere not just metru nui,who else put the matoran in capsules a part from makuta
118.Can bionicles die of old age?
129.Approx. how many islands are there in the bionicle universe?
1310.(sorry I do ramble on a bit to much about lhikan hence my name) is it possible for lhikan to be revived as a toa again?
14thanks for you're time
161) No. It is not in any story bible that the Olda are the first Toa to ever exist. 173) No 184) No idea. At this point, we have no flashback years planned and they are not relevant to the current story we are telling. 195) Resurrect them, you mean? No. 206) I don't understand your question. How do you revive a mask? Do you mean what Takutanuva did in Mask of Light? Nothing would happen, Jaller isn't dead. 217) The cataclysm refers to the earthquake, not the placing of Matoran in canisters 228) So far, we have not seen that happen, but since they are partially organic, it may be possible 239) No idea 2410) No. Lhikan has been dead for over 1000 years.
25some interesting things here,what I don't get is no.10 does he mean Lhikan Can never come back to life?
1Just a few this time. Well, a few by my standards, anyway.![]()
21. Isn't Zaktan technically impervious to physical damage? I mean, say Jaller cuts off his head (just for example). Would that really make any sort of difference to him? Or if he gets crushed under a 16-ton weight. If he's made of microscopic creatures, would that really cause him any damage?
32. Is Zaktan's Piraka body his "rest state," or is it just a form he likes shaping himself into? If, say, he was hit with a Mask of Unconsciousness, would he fall over in his Piraka form, or would he melt into a shapeless pile of protodites?
43. In Comic 1, Reidak attacks Thok after climbing back up the cliff. What did he do to attack him? It looks like some kind of laser in the comic, but he doesn't have eyebeams, does he? Is this just an error by the artist?
54. From a marketing point of view, why does Umbra have a Rhotuka? Why would you sell last year's collectible?
65. Does Irnakk somehow generate his own Zamor? And does he create the substance that they're filled with himself too? Is that how he uses his powers?
76. What can Hahli's Mask of Detection do that Axonn's Mask of Truth can't? Seeing stuff that's hidden is the same as seeing the truth behind where stuff is hidden, isn't it?
87a. So, all of the Inika have energy interlaced with their Toa Tools somehow, right? Hewkii has his vibrating axe, Kongu shoots energy arrows, Nuparu fires lasers, and Hahli launches energy harpoons. Is all this correct? 97b. What about Jaller and Matoro? I remember hearing that Jaller's sword is filled with energy, but what does that do? Does it improve the sword's potential for damage? And does the same go for Matoro's sword?
108. Can Brutaka travel through his own dimensional gates?
119. How does Vezon feel about being the Mask of Life's eternal guardian? I understand he was driven insane by it, but insane people have feelings, too.Is he bitter? Is he happy (with a sort of Gollum complex)?
1210. Who are the OOMN trying to fool with Umbra's shadowy-sounding name? I mean, if a Makuta comes down into the chamber of the mask to get its claws on the MoLi, Umbra's not going to waste time trying to fool it, is he?
131) Just because a creature is microscopic does not mean it is invulnerable. Microscopic creatures can still be crushed, burned, frozen, etc.
142) It's a good question. Obviously, his protodites do not all go flying off when he falls asleep, but it is reasonable to assume that keeping his exact shape requires some effort of will on his part.
153) Stuart was graphically showing the after-effects of a blow.
164) Asking the wrong person. I don't work in set design or marketing, I work on story.
175) Yup
186) Nope. Axonn's mask penetrates lies ... Hahli's does not. Hahli's can locate the Mask of Life, Axonn's cannot.
197a) and 7b) Yup
208) Yes
219) He's not too crazy about it.
2210) Umbra was not placed there to guard against someone as "wired in" to the ways of the universe as Makuta. Makuta didn't even exist yet when Umbra was placed there.
1In a Pm you highlight all the text you want to quote and copy it. Then in the topic you want to post in click add reply, at the top of the reply box there is a tool bar click on the speech bubble, paste your text, nd click on the speech bubble again. OR type it out like this. [code]" INSERT TEXT HERE "[/code] 2Hope this helps.
If you have any more questions check out the New Member Q and A

11. How did Makuta come into being,or do you know that?
22. Are there more piraka than the seven on voya-nui?
33. What do the piraka plan to do with the maskoflife? Other than releash the anceint evil.
44. is Botar the ancient evil?
55. Why does karhzanni take jaller and other matorans masks?
66. Is the shadowed one dead?
77. What do the toa plan to do with the maskoflife when they save mata-nui?
88. Was mata-nui the first person in the bionicle univers?
9Thankyou, 10Tigs1
111) Can't answer it 122) Yes 133) They don't plan to unleash the ancient evil. They plan to essentially ransom it. 144) No 155) Because it is a symbolic stripping of identity, like giving someone a number instead of a name 166) No 177) Once they have used it to save Mata Nui, it would need to go back to its chamber on Voya Nui 188) No, the Great Beings were there before him.
1euh... hi i have some questions please answer them
21) was it difficult to make the metru-nui saga because the result needed to be a situation that linked on to 2001?
32) the ignika has his own mind right? wel is Kongu able to use the suletu on it?
4that is all that i can think of now wel thanks in advance:
51) Nope, because we knew back in 2001 how the Matoran got to Mata Nui 62) Time will tell
7they already knew in 2001 that the matoran came from metru nui?

1I don't know how much of your'e PMs are questions...Probably a lot...
2Here are mine:
31. Is it true that Toa take form depending on their perception of Toa. What about the Inika, theyv'e never seen previous Inika. (I know the reason was to make new Toa for 2006, but I need the storyline reason) 42. What use is Hahli's mask? Personally, the only things I can think of than need to be 'detected' is Matoro in spirit form, and someone using a Huna. 53. Will we ever see the Piraka using their powers together to make elemental powers? 64. Will Voya-Nui be important after 2006? 2008? 7Off-topic: 85. I'm just wonderin', What sets do you own?
91) Well, the Metru certainly did. As far as the Inika go, they had no control over their transformation, because of how it was done. Their experience of Toa, for example, did not include organic masks or features that were aglow. 102) How about the Mask of Life? Hahli is the only one who can always track down its location. 113) Already happened -- Avak and Hakann did it in Book 1 124) I can't discuss anything past 2006 135) I have some from pretty much every year, but not all -- we have to buy them too, and I have limited room in my home office for display. Some I buy and give away to children's hospitals, etc.
14Well, looks like Greg does a bit of Charity work... 15As for number one, perhaps it only works if they know how they are becoming Toa... And number two, I guess that will give them an easier time to find the Ignika...
1Only a couple today.
21. With the recent discussion on how the discussion on the Toa Olda canisters, and how the Great Cataclysm affected them, they were meant to go to Mata Nui right? And why Mata Nui? What's so special about it?
32. Also, with the OoMN being content with the Vahi in the Toa's hands, how'd they find out? OoMN agents, or were rumors being passed around, and they heard them?
43. Who placed the Kanohi Ignika in Mt. Valmai? Not specificly, just what group?
54. My best guess is that Toa Jaller isn't as. . .scared as the other Toa would have been of the Piraka, because he was captan of the gaurd for so long. Am I right?
65. What exactly do the populations of the islands, cities, etc. do with the bodies of the ones who have passed away? (Jaller, for example)
76. Also, just to clear stuff up, is Lehvak Kal still alive? He was blasted into orbit, and his Krana needs to breath, so he's dead, right?
8Thanks in advance,
101) Pretty simple. I will use an example. You are in New York and you have a mission to go to an underground lab in Colorado. I shoot you up in a rocket to get there. The rocket is programmed to land at the base above the underground facility. Why? Because the easiest way to get to the lab is through the base -- if I make the rocket tunnel down through the ground, without knowing how the lab is laid out these days, you may wind up in a toxic vat or something. Mata Nui is the fastest way to get to Metru Nui, because it is like climbing down a chimney into a house. I didn't know it was so important for the Toa to get to Metru Nui. . .
112) OOMN knows pretty much everything. Heck, the Dark Hunters knew the Vahi was being used thanks to Voporak, you think the OOMN would not? Thought so.
123) The Great Beings placed it in its chamber, which is not in Mount Valmai. Okay.
134) True, but keep in mind that Kongu was also head of the Gukko Bird Force. A lot of these Matoran have seen combat. I forgot about that, plus the fight against the Bohrok in Onu-Koro.
145) I have already been asked this question about ten times in the last weekend. I answered the first person and my answer was posted in the topic on the subject. I feel sorry for him.
156) Depends. Krana were also buried alive on Mata Nui, but we don't assume they are all dead. It is entirely possible that krana can slow their life processes down to such an extent that they might only need, say, one breath every year or something. None of the Toa, Turaga or Matoran are experts on krana biology. Cool.
16Pretty interesting, ecspecially number 6.
1hi thanks for answering the 2 questions i did send you yesterday anyway i have another few
21)does the ignika's mind go away when it is worn?
32)what does happens when thok and vezok use their power in tandem? would it just be a block of ice or a thing like a waterblast that freezez everything t touches or a tidalwave filled with blocks of ice?
43)does the ignika know of the ae?
54)does the ignika know at all about organisations like the bom bomn dh or about toa karzahni and arthaka etc.
6again thanks in advance
71) No thought so 82) Depends on what they want to do with their powers -- they are not confined to doing just one kind of thing. should've known that 93) Good question. Most likely it does, because it is pretty well wired into the universe that is actually pretty logical 104) Same answer as #3 so it knows about those many things ? that mask is pretty intelligent
1Here is some stuff I asked GregF, nothing amazing but check out no.8
21. I was wondering just why Velika was deported to Karzahnni? You see, he is an amazing inventor and due to that he should have made a useful worker. That is unless he has developed his skills because of facing the treacherous terrain of Voya nui (answered my own question-dang. So was it a hidden and undeveloped talent all along.
32. Why are the the Garan and co. such good survivors? I mean after working for Karzahnni for so long (afew millenia?) they should have developed slave mentality-become dependant on their master and thought very little for themselves.
43. Who conceived the majority of set names this year? Did certain people coin certain groups of names e.g the piraka's, titan's etc.
54. What have you seen of 2007's sets and designs? Will they be very different in style and feel, for instance this years dark feel or not?
65. What parts of '07 still have to be 'nailed down'? Certain characters, climax etc?
76. Could you give any more quotes or spoilers?
87. Which comic are you writing at the moment and which is being drawn?
98. Can you give the titles of comics 2 and 3?
109. What other storylines do you work on outside Lego?
111) Deportation to Karzahni had nothing to do with talent or lack of talent. The point was to send damaged or ill-performing Matoran to be healed/repaired so they could be sent back.
122) They didn't spend that much time with Karzahni. He tried to repair them, did a bad job of it, and sent them to Voya Nui so they would be as far from him as possible. After that, he stopped sending Matoran back who were sent to him.
133) I come up with lists of possible names for different sets, which are then run through Legal and eventually the final names are chosen by the marketing team in Denmark.
144) I can't discuss 2007 sets
155) We have a fairly solid outline right now, which I now have to build upon.
166) Not at the moment no
177) I just finished #3 and artwork is being started on it.
188) #2 is Vengeance of Axonn, #3 doesn't have a title yet. 199) Right now, the only writing I do is for LEGO Company. With my full-time work and my freelance schedule, I don't have time to do anything else.

1Vengance? isn't that a little dark? i guess he faces Brutaka:
21: Have any Inika been made to goto the shops yet? 32:is it true there is a murderer next year. i seem to remember you saying that? 43: Being as the Inika are going to use the Ignika for good if they find it, does that mean that Vezon, Fenraak, Axxon and Umbra will not attack them?
51) The Inika are packaged and ready for shipment, and will probably hit store shelves in July or August. 62) No, I have not discussed next year's storyline at all, Sgran. 73) Axonn won't. But as far as the others go, you have to prove your worth to get the Mask -- Umbra and Vezon do not have the ability to read what's in your heart. If you are destined to get the mask, then you'll beat them in combat.
21: Have any Inika been made to goto the shops yet? 32:is it true there is a murderer next year. i seem to remember you saying that? 43: Being as the Inika are going to use the Ignika for good if they find it, does that mean that Vezon, Fenraak, Axxon and Umbra will not attack them?
51) The Inika are packaged and ready for shipment, and will probably hit store shelves in July or August. 62) No, I have not discussed next year's storyline at all, Sgran. 73) Axonn won't. But as far as the others go, you have to prove your worth to get the Mask -- Umbra and Vezon do not have the ability to read what's in your heart. If you are destined to get the mask, then you'll beat them in combat.
110) Umbra was not placed there to guard against someone as "wired in" to the ways of the universe as Makuta. Makuta didn't even exist yet when Umbra was placed there.
2Whoa: Umbra is older than Makuta?

13: Being as the Inika are going to use the Ignika for good if they find it, does that mean that Vezon, Fenraak, Axxon and Umbra will not attack them?
23) Axonn won't. But as far as the others go, you have to prove your worth to get the Mask -- Umbra and Vezon do not have the ability to read what's in your heart. If you are destined to get the mask, then you'll beat them in combat.
3Huh. So those this mean the Piraka will be defeated, as they probably aren't destined to get the mask?
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, 3I just finished reading Time Trap and all I can say is WOW. That book was awesome. I also have a few misc. questions about Time Trap and this year's story.
41.) Someone on BZP said that the Avohkii was a mask of Enlightenment, I just wanted to see if that was true?
52.) If it is, how did it contain Toa power (specifically light powers)?
63.)What exactly is Voporak's spinner power?
74.) Is there an element outside of the usual six that you would like to do more writing on?
85.) In BL10 the implication seems to be that Mata-Nui knew what was coming or is he just saying that to attempt to convince everyone else?(regading Makuta), why didn't he deal with Makuta then and there, or send someone to do it?
96.)Is Makuta actually convinved of the lies he tells (like easing Mata- Nui's burden, etc.)
107.)Was Krakua about to reveal more about the Inika to Vakama?
118.) Does Vakama now realize who Krakua was talking about?
129.) Did Makuta know what was going on when he took the krana/kraata hybrid off of Vakama?
1310.) Are the Inika ancient in Krakua's time?
1411.) Is the destiny of the Inika to recover the Mask of Life?
15Thanks in advance. 16TL007
171) It's never been referred to that way, only as the Mask of Light, but I can certainly see that description applying. 182) Not sure I understand your question 193) I would have to go back and check. 204) Oh, I'm sure there is. There are a lot of fun powers out there we haven't done much with yet. 215) Basically, because by the time Mata Nui knew what was happening, it was too late to stop it. For the Order to act directly would have sparked an Order of Mata Nui - Brotherhood of Makuta war which would have devastated the universe. So he had to be subtle in his approach. 226) It's possible. Some of the best liars I have ever met are people who can convince themselves their lies are true before they try to convince you. 237) Possibly 248) Probably not, because Vakama does not know the Inika exist 259) No 2610) Hasn't been revealed yet 2711) Follow the story and find out
28Not alot here is new, some of it is interesting. 29TL007
41.) Someone on BZP said that the Avohkii was a mask of Enlightenment, I just wanted to see if that was true?
52.) If it is, how did it contain Toa power (specifically light powers)?
63.)What exactly is Voporak's spinner power?
74.) Is there an element outside of the usual six that you would like to do more writing on?
85.) In BL10 the implication seems to be that Mata-Nui knew what was coming or is he just saying that to attempt to convince everyone else?(regading Makuta), why didn't he deal with Makuta then and there, or send someone to do it?
96.)Is Makuta actually convinved of the lies he tells (like easing Mata- Nui's burden, etc.)
107.)Was Krakua about to reveal more about the Inika to Vakama?
118.) Does Vakama now realize who Krakua was talking about?
129.) Did Makuta know what was going on when he took the krana/kraata hybrid off of Vakama?
1310.) Are the Inika ancient in Krakua's time?
1411.) Is the destiny of the Inika to recover the Mask of Life?
15Thanks in advance. 16TL007
171) It's never been referred to that way, only as the Mask of Light, but I can certainly see that description applying. 182) Not sure I understand your question 193) I would have to go back and check. 204) Oh, I'm sure there is. There are a lot of fun powers out there we haven't done much with yet. 215) Basically, because by the time Mata Nui knew what was happening, it was too late to stop it. For the Order to act directly would have sparked an Order of Mata Nui - Brotherhood of Makuta war which would have devastated the universe. So he had to be subtle in his approach. 226) It's possible. Some of the best liars I have ever met are people who can convince themselves their lies are true before they try to convince you. 237) Possibly 248) Probably not, because Vakama does not know the Inika exist 259) No 2610) Hasn't been revealed yet 2711) Follow the story and find out
28Not alot here is new, some of it is interesting. 29TL007
1Me again: This will interest lots of people, I'm sure, particularly the last one

2Erm, why did the OOMN think it necessary to send two lots of servants/ members to Voya Nui? Umbra was already there, why send Axonn and Brutaka?
3Would the Great Beings consider themselves in the OOMN? I would've thought they'd think it was too low for them.
4Do the Great Beings ever manipulate Mata Nui and his decisions, or are they too busy?
5Is someone/thing cough MOLi cough influencing Umbra and how would he react to Axonn intruding in the chamber or whatever?
6Does Umbra know of the predicament above ground and of Vezon?
7Is Brutaka considered 100% Piraka or just an ally?
8Do you think you will ever use apostraphes in Bio names? Personally I hope not.
9At any point will the mask be moved around in the chamber/Mt. Valmai, thus needing Hahli to relocate it?
101) That's an easy one. Umbra is stationed way down near where the mask is actually hidden. Axonn and Brutaka are on the island above, so they are the first line of defense.
112) No, the Great Beings founded the OOMN, they are not members. OOMN serves the will of Mata Nui, and the Mata Nui serves the will of the Great Beings.
123) Too busy
134) There's no need for the mask to influence Umbra. Umbra knows what his job is, and he will challenge anyone who tries to pass, regardless of who it is.
145) He knows Vezon exists, but he has no idea what is happening up above nor does he care. His only concern is people trying to pass him. The whole surface of Voya Nui could get torched and it wouldn't matter to him as long as no one tries to get the mask.
156) Brutaka is not a Piraka. He's just working with them until he can get what he wants.
167) I doubt it -- we never have, can't see why we would start.
178) No, but this story is a long way from over with. Remember, the Mask of Life story arc runs two more years.

1Hello Greg.
21)When Reidak adapt's to an attack,does that mean that he can't ever,EVER be defeated with that attack again?
32)What exactly does Reidak's vision power do?
43)Does Vezon have any power?
54)Have you built the Piraka combiners?
65)Are Umbra's power's stronger than Takanuva's?
76)Who is the best '06 inventor?
8Thanks for your time:
101) Yup 112) He sees heat patterns, which enables him to spot living beings in the dark 123) Yes 134) Have I personally built them? No. 145) I haven't decided yet 156) Of whom?
166)Avak,Nuparu,Velika and Balta.
17And also two more questions:
181)Doesn't Brutaka's mask make him practically invincible?I mean if he was fighting against,let's say,Axonn,wouldn't he just end the fight by sending to another dimension? 19´ 202)Can the Rode see a being using the Huna?
21Thanks again:
236) I don't know that there is a "best" -- Velika and Balta, for example, are very different kinds of inventors.
241) My being able to create a door does not automatically equal your going through it.
252) It's a good question. Hahli would be able to ... but is someone being invisible actually a lie? I think it open to debate.
1Huh. So those this mean the Piraka will be defeated, as they probably aren't destined to get the mask?
2[img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] Wow: You're absolutely right: So the bad guys don't win this year? Imagine that: This'll certainly be a change:
33.)What exactly is Voporak's spinner power?
4Voporak's spinner places the target a few seconds "out of time." So, they'll dodge blows a few seconds too late, or attack the spot their target was a few seconds ago.
52) It's a good question. Hahli would be able to ... but is someone being invisible actually a lie? I think it open to debate.
6Personally, I think it depends. If you happen walk past Axonn while invisible, then he won't be able to see you, since it's nt lying to him if he doesn't think you're there. However, if he's looking for you, and you turn invisible to avoid him, then he'd be able to see you, since you're in essence lying to him about where you are.
1Okies, I've had alot of questions burning in my mind lately, so I'm gonna ask them now. BTW, I've read BL1 & 2.
21. How did Onua get his chainsaws back in the earlier bit of BL2?
32. Piraka Attack is not considered official storyline, right?
43. You recently said that we will find out who was holding Matoro's hand in Bl5, do we already know this character?
54. Are the Manas found solely on Karzahni? Or are they antive to thaqt place and spread out, or are they found all over the place?
65. Might the ones on Voya Nui have been shipped there with the Matoran?
76. So Garan and co remember Karz?
87. Could the Toa Pods be piloted like a vehicle?
98. [Note: This is all hpothetical If, by some random chance, it was a Matoran's destiny to be able to recieve Toa powers (Mask powers and elemental), but not actgually transform phyisically into a Toa, it could happen?
109. Is there anyway to defeat Irnahk?
1110.<<Hypothetical>> If Makuta met Irnahk what would Irnahk create?
1211. Will the Inika meet Irnahk?
1312. There is still one set that we don't know about, right? And it's not a set like Ultimate Dume or Voporak was, right?
14Thank you very much:
161) Pretty simple actually. The other Piraka thought Zaktan was taking them back, and he thought they were. He took the masks, because they are way more important -- the tools just focus the power, but the power is in the Toa. 172) No, none of the current web games are. 183) You've heard the name before. 194) They are found in other places -- the Toa Metru saw Manas when they were sailing to Mata Nui. 205) Brain is fuzzy this morning -- remind me when Manas were shown to be on Voya Nui? 216) Yes 227) Not really, they tend to drive themselves 238) No. A Matoran body could not contain the energies of a Toa. He needs the greater size and muscle mass. 249) Yes -- there is no such thing as an unbeatable foe 2510) Makuta would not meet Irnakk, because Irnakk is not part of his mythos 2611) No, because they do not have him for a fear. He is not part of their mythology. 2712) The set you have yet to see (that I know for sure is coming out) is the three-titan combo for 2006. There may also be another playset, but it is up in the air whether that is being produced or not.
28Well, we now know why Toa are bigger.

29TMD woz 'ere
1Hello, Mr Greg: I have a few questions about ages, and who came first and the like.
21) In B3, when the Toa Hordika meet Keetongu, he sounds very old. His movements seem rusty and hard. Is Keetongu older than even Makuta? Or has he just been staying there for too long?
32) You have said that Umbra is older than Makuta. Is this the Makuta we all know and love? Or is it a different one?
4Thanks in advance:
51) He is not older than Makuta, no, but he is pretty old. 62) Yes, the Makuta you know
7Just a few conformations.
8Zarailion ending transmission.