1Hi. Long-time reader, first-time poster. Answers in bold and a couple comments in italics.
2Hi, Greg. This is my first time posting, though I've been reading the BZP forums for quite a while now. I really appreciate how much you involve the fans in the process, whether it's answering questions or even asking opinions on occasion. Anyway, there were a few things I was wondering about:
31. Was it the Order of Mata Nui who teleported the Kanohi Nuva onto Mata Nui? 41) If I had to place a bet, I would say they had some involvement, yes.
52. Why did the Turaga choose when they did to show the Matoran how to rebuild themselves? Why not much earlier? And how did they get that knowledge in the first place? 62) Well, remember, they never lost their memories of Metru Nui, so they know a lot of things. And they told the Matoran when they did because with the attack of the Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal, Makuta had upped the stakes of the conflict. 7Huh. I would've figured that Vakama had a vision after the Kal attacks that gave him the info.
83. In the Mata Nui Online Game 2, Matoran were seen named Nuri, Orkan, and Tehuti. Can you confirm that these are one and the same as Nuhrii, Orkahm, and Tehutti? 93b. If they are, when were their names changed in-story (or were the MNOLG2 names just dropped and ignored, like "Tohunga" was)? 103) They are the same, and the names were changed because the names in MNOG2 were never cleared by our Legal Department and you can't use names that have not been.
114. I remember hearing that there was some sort of storyline excuse for Bohrok appearing in the Maze of Shadows video game; what was it? 124) I don't recall offhand. Ask InnerRayg, I believe he won the contest to provide the reason for it.
135. I heard that Brutaka's mask cannot open a gate to the Zone of Darkness; is this accurate? 145) No
156. Does the Miru have some advantage over the Kadin? 166) No 17Judging by BL#3, I would've guessed the Miru gives more control.
187. Can we assume that the Piraka nicknames ("Drifter", "Beast", etc.) are their Dark Hunter codenames? 197) No, those names are purely used for branding purposes -- they do not appear anywhere in the storyline.
208. About Toa Kaita: 218a. Must Kaita be Earth/Stone/Fire and Air/Water/Ice, or can they be different combinations of elements? 228) No, there is no set combination 238b. If 8a is yes, would different elemental combinations still be "Wairuha" and "Akamai", or would they be different Kaita identities? 248b) Different, if such entities could even exist 258c. If another Toa team made Earth/Stone/Fire and Air/Water/Ice Kaita, would they be considered "Wairuha" and "Akamai"? 268c) I tend to doubt it. 278d. Will we ever see a Toa Inika Kaita? (I know not in 2006, but I do remember seeing four of the six Inika being part of a Matoran Nui in 2001, so they do have experience with fusing) 288d) No, because there are no official combo models of the Toa Inika, so no reason to put such combos in the storyline
30Just one more question - I've been having an argument with someone about this - can you confirm the population of Mata Nui at the time of the Chronicles (2001-2003) storyline? Is it about 1,000 Matoran or just 72? 31About 1000. The 72 number was bandied about early on by the head of the story team, but he then contradicted it in Mask of Light in the kolhii stadium scene, so we decided to abandon it.
32On Question 3, I was asking if there was a storyline explanation; I know the real-world reasons for the name change. I was wondering if there was a Naming Day at some point, or if as far as the story was concerned the MNOLG2 versions of the names never existed. 33We did not postulate a Naming Day, no -- the difference in the spellings is so minor, and the characters' appearances in MNOLG2 so minor, that we did not see the point.
1My brother, a soon to be BZP member, came up with a theorey (Though it really doesn't have much to do with the current storyline):
2[spoilersIn the Dark Hunters guide, there was a hunter named Prototype. It says that a dark hunter made a weapon that he believed would destroy Toa. The dark hyunter tested the weapon on to toa fust as they were fusing together. The result was that it didn't destroy the two toa, but in fact, fused them together permeneantly and drove the being insane.
3Now here comes the intresting part. We all know that Vezon's weapon is the Staff of Fusion. Was it Vezon who invented that 'weapon', and was the weapon the Staff of Fusion?[/spoilers
4Should I PM this to GregF?
5Edit: Yes I should. 6Edit2: When I have recieved the answer, I shall post it here. 7Edit3: I can't seem to PM anybody::::
2[spoilersIn the Dark Hunters guide, there was a hunter named Prototype. It says that a dark hunter made a weapon that he believed would destroy Toa. The dark hyunter tested the weapon on to toa fust as they were fusing together. The result was that it didn't destroy the two toa, but in fact, fused them together permeneantly and drove the being insane.
3Now here comes the intresting part. We all know that Vezon's weapon is the Staff of Fusion. Was it Vezon who invented that 'weapon', and was the weapon the Staff of Fusion?[/spoilers
4Should I PM this to GregF?
5Edit: Yes I should. 6Edit2: When I have recieved the answer, I shall post it here. 7Edit3: I can't seem to PM anybody::::
14. I remember hearing that there was some sort of storyline excuse for Bohrok appearing in the Maze of Shadows video game; what was it? 24) I don't recall offhand. Ask InnerRayg, I believe he won the contest to provide the reason for it.

4it's nice to have a part in the official story, even if it is the most obscure part ever.
5Anyway, to sum it all up nicely for you, back sometime before Makuta came to Metru-Nui, he was dilly-dallying in his lab as per usual. He was messing with a strange, hive-mind species of creatures. These things were small, worm-like beings. He had collected most of them into a vat, but underestimated their ingenuity and they escaped. They then proceded to hide in a cavern that turned out to be a Bohrok next. Combining their strength they break open the pods, and through trial and error manage to learn to control the Bohrok machines, using them to defend themselves from any future threat.
1Okay, so here's some answers. I hope they're allowed since they're not about storyline but I thought that people might find them interesting. Answers in bold.
2Hi Greg, I had some questions. They are probably not your normal questions that you get everyday, but it was really bothering me.
31) You spend quite a bit of time on BZP it seems to me, and get an average of 2.2 posts per day according to your profile. So I was wondering, how do your bosses at various companies feel about that? Were you encouraged to join BZP or did you just think it a good idea? I know you said that your editor at Scholastic has thought it a good idea to get suggestions for books, in the encyclopedia omissions topic. 41) I do BZP on my own, basically, it's not something I was instructed to do. As a member of the BIONICLE story team, it is at times a useful resource to get immediate feedback on what we are doing.
52) Also, what about releasing semi-spoilers like the Inika mask powers, and the turaga of magnetism? Do you have to get it cleared, or do they suggest it sometimes, or do they just trust your judgement and not even check into it? 62) Mostly when I release stuff like that, it is coming out anyway in a couple months and really isn't "spoiling" anything. Releasing mask powers, for example, is a way of promoting buzz about an upcoming series of sets.
73) And how do you feel about kids(and adults to, I guess) sending you questions about Bionicle, night and day?Does it annoy you, do you not care, or do you enjoy being PMed all the time? 83) I enjoy it, it breaks up my day and it lets me know what fans are interested enough in to ask about or what they are confused by.
9Well there's my unusual questions. I hope you can understand these and I hope you don't think them too personal. Thanks a lot if you can answer, I know their not too important to Bionicle, but I was wondering.
1Dude awesome questions. And your right those are unusaul questions but I doubt their not allowed on this Topic I mean they ARE answers from GregF.
1Hey Greg, a question now that I know the comic and book order.
21. So, in comic 1, Dalu was captured. But in book 2, everyone was captured by Brutaka anyway. So, which is which?
32. I was also wondering about Irnakk's powers. Did he have the thought power and zamor power in the Piraka's legends, or did the chamber do that?
43. Did Vezon have his powers befor the Ignika, or after? Vezon had his acidic saliva I'm guessing, but what about the kinetics and Vezon's future telling?
54. Also, I know you can't say much, but what was your impression of the three titan combiner? And its been confirmed that there's no Inika combiners within the sets?
65. And Exo-Force- You said they were a more children aimed book, even moreso then Bionicle. Could you extend on this?
7Thank you Greg:
81) And at the start of Book 3, it states that when the Matoran wake up after being captured by Brutaka, Dalu is missing. She escaped and is then recaptured in comic 1. Comic 1 had to take place after Book 2, because the Toa Nuva are not allowed to appear in the comics. 92) That's part of the legend. 103) The future telling comes from the mask, the rest were his own. 114) Yes, that has been confirmed. The feeling is that combo models don't really make the sets sell any better, so what we will most likely do is do them in the magazine and for BIONICLE.com. And I was pretty impressed with the three titan set. 125) Yes. BIONICLE sets are aimed at 7, but story has always been aimed at 10-12, and the books are 20,000 words long with no art other than covers. EXO-FORCE sets and story are aimed at 6, and the books are 6000 words long and have illos.
1QUOTE 2Hey, GregF: 31. Will we learn anything new about Lhikan and/or his team in future storylines? 42. Does the unique design of his Hau have anything to do with him, or was it the set designers' idea? 53. I just found out that Nidhiki's Kanohi was emerald in color. Did all members of Lhikan's Team have Gemstone/rare ore-colored kanohi, or is this just a random coincedence? 64. How was Makuta, who was easily taken down by Takanuva, able to put Mata Nui into a deep sleep? 75. Is the fact that he is refered to The Makuta hinting towards something, or is it just another coincedence?
81) Read BL #4, that's about it as far as plans for now. The overall feeling is that flashback stories are a bad idea for entire years, because they confuse the majority of fans who are used to linear tales. 92) Set designers 103) Emerald in this case is another word for green. We weren't intending it as a rare Kanohi 114) I can't answer this -- also, read BL #4, which strongly implies Makuta threw the fight against Takanuva 125) There are very few coincidences in BIONICLE
13I'm sorry that I did not ask these questions in my previous message: 141. If energized protodermis destroys/evolves beings according to their destiny, do all toa have the "right" to evolve?
152. Were the toa matoran before? I say this because toa are formed by toa stones, but takua gathered the stones and didn't give them to other matoran.
163. Are there other ways to form a toa? I know of the Red Star lightning and Toa Stones, but I don't think that there were enogh toa stones to form the 300 toa army.
174. How are toa created with other elements besides the original six (like Krakua)?
185. Could 6 Toa, with elemental energy of the Bohrok-Kal, form a Protodermis seal? If not, what would they form?
196. If Makuta has all 42 Rahkshi powers under his control, why doesn't he use them?
207.Where are the other 36 rahkshi?
218. Do matoran talk with mouthpieces on the masks , or do they talk like us with masks on?
221) Nope. Not all Toa can automatically become Toa Nuva. 232) Which Toa are you referring to? My feeling is that Tahu and his team were never Matoran. 243) Don't forget that Toa, like Matoran, live tens of thousands of years easily. Not all 300 had to be formed at the same time or in the same place. The universe is vast. 254) No idea, we haven't met them yet and there have been hundreds if not thousands of Toa over the course of recorded history. 265) Since we don't know that Toa exist with all six of those powers, it's a moot point. 276) He does, when he needs to. People keep assuming he would pull out all the stops in every battle -- sometimes it makes more sense strategically to lose a fight than to win one. 287) Elsewhere in the universe, if Rahkshi with all 36 other powers exist at the moment. 298) I have always seen it as the latter, but the moviemakers needed to do it a different way
1Hi Greg. One question for ya today.
21) Why didn't Makuta use his power of Rahi Control when he was fighting Keetongu in BIONICLE Adventures 10: Time Trap?
3- Toa Lhikan Hordika
4I tend to doubt it would have helped much. Yes, Keetongu is a Rahi, but he is an intelligent Rahi like Krahka -- so while it would have had some effect, you are not dealing with a being with the standard Rahi level of intellect and willpower.
5That one's been puzzling me lately. I guess it's a good answer.

1I don't know why I didn't post this before:
7I made them some time ago
2this is my first question so:
3As far as we have seen Umbra has a great Ruru. But in the storyline does he have a really working Ruru?
5So do you know what mask he use?
6Umbra does not use a mask power. He has enough natural abilities that he does not need one.
7I made them some time ago
1Here we go...[ol type='1'[li] In the MNOLG, when the Toa blasted Makuta with their elemental powers, why wasn't he encased in protodermis?[li]Is the Red Star a spirit star for some powerful being (such as Mata Nui)? [/ol 21) Because they did not blast him simultaneously -- it has to be done all at once, at exactly the same moment, for protodermis to be created 32) No
11.Is this an official Rahi? (Did this model win the Rahi Contest?) 2http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1097721
32.Can Irnakk talk? 43.Is Irnakk considered a Rahi? 54.Why are the Piraka afraid of Irnakk? (Waht do they think he will do to them? Eat them?) 65.Is Vezon's worst fear (besides being separated from Fenrakk) Irnakk? (If he had to go through the Zone of Nightmares without being allowed to go through freely, would he find Irnakk?)
91) I don't see anything that looks like it in the Rahi Guide, but it could have been a contest winner. Not all the contest winners were selected to be in the book. The only official Rahi though are the ones in the book. 102) Yes 113) No 124) Kill them 135) Probably
1Some info I got by Greg via PM:
21. Are Matoran able to smell? If yes where are their "noses"?
32. How are Matoran able to taste? Do they have tongues?
43. How can Matoran hear? I never saw any ears.
54. Do Matoran sneeze or cough when they get ill or inhale a foreign substance?
65. Do they need to oil their joints?![]()
78. Do they shake because of cold or fear?
89. Can Matoran blush?
910. How exactly did the Matoran "rebuild" their bodies?
1011. What is the function of those heartstones?
1112. Do they have spit in their mouths?
1213. Are Matoran able to weep (pouring out real tears)?
1314. Have they got veins? If yes what flows through them? Blood, Protodermis or something else?
1415. Do Matoran sweat if it's getting to hot around them?
1516. How did Roodaka originally plan to take the Toa Hordika's Elemental Powers to free Makuta? I can't believe she wanted herself being hit by Rhotuka spinners. This doesn't seem to be an enjoyable experience.
1617. What's this gas Sidorak exhales?
1718. Why didn't Sidorak try as well to free Makuta although he's a BoM member?
1819. Can the Visorak be considered as Rahi?
1920. Are the Bahrag and Bohrok Va also completely mechenical, just like the Bohrok?
2021. Is Kopaka's sheild a second Toa tool (= he can channel his Elemental Energy through) or is it just a useful defence tool he carries?
2122. Will you probably tell us which Kanoka are needed to forge the new masks we didn't know of when you provided us the list. (Kadin, Olmak, Elda...)![]()
2223. Will we learn more about the origin of the Piraka's powers this year?
2324. Can you confirm for good whether Vacuum, Electricity and Acid are Elements? So many people are wondering about that.
2425. How many PMs like this do you get a day?
251) Being biomechanical, Matoran have sensory apparatus -- so they can smell, hear, etc. without an obvious nose or ears. 262) Matoran have no need to taste, they don't eat the same way we do 273) See answer to #1 284) So far, we have never seen a Matoran become physically ill -- they probably would cough, as they do have lungs. 295) No 308) Not that we have seen, no 319) No 3210) How exactly is something we are not revealing 3311) Can't answer it 3412) Not that we have seen, no 3513) I doubt it very much. 3614) What kind of a circulatory system Matoran may have has never been revealed, because it's not relevant to the story we are telling. We let the fans debate these things. 3715) No. Matoran are mechanical parts connected by organic tissue. They have no skin, thus no sweat glands. 3816) She would have found a way once they were captured. 3917) I have no idea what you're talking about. 4018) Why should he? He was a general running the most important city in the universe -- who needs the boss around? 4119) Yes 4220) The Bohrok Va are, the Bahrag are biomechanical 4321) He most likely can channel his energy through it, but purely for defensive purposes. I doubt he could fire a blast of ice through it. 4422) Probably not, because they most likely used disks other than those in Metru Nui 4523) Not a ton. Most of their powers are natural, so there is no origin for them. 4624) No, I can't confirm that. Until you see Toa with those elements, you can't assume they are elements. Offhand, I really can't see a Toa of Vacuum or a Toa of Acid. 4725) 25-50
1Waspinator brings good news:
10Kardas set:
11Oh, for you who do not know, the Kardas Dragon was revealed on a game card in "Bionicle: The Quest Game."
2What exactly are the Kardas Dragons? 3I don't know why, but I think I'll get a "I don't recognize that name" kind of answer. Ah, Ah, AH CHOOOO:4Gwaaaa... I'm sick....
5No, I know the name -- it's just not something we are revealing this early, that's all
6So when can you tell us about it?
7When the set is actually coming out
8Set?? This year or next?
9This year
10Kardas set:
11Oh, for you who do not know, the Kardas Dragon was revealed on a game card in "Bionicle: The Quest Game."
1Kardas Dragon? Where'd you hear that? Well, it must be the 3-titan combo: it being the only whing we haven't heard of yet.
Hmmm...Kardras Dragon sounds spiffy...Perhaps it is the 3 Titan combo or perhaps a 5th set....I hope it's a combo,I can't afford annother set this year: 

1I'm betting it's the 3-Titan combiner because everything else has been accounted for. It sounds like it could be quite an interesting set, with the "Dragon" title and all.
3It could be a new store-exclusive. There are still sets we haven't seen. Search for the Mask of Life was just found about a week ago. I do hope it's the 3-Titan Combo, because Greg said he loves it, it's huge, and "Dragon" sort of hints at what it is. Me likey. I've never heard of it before, though, Waspinator, where did you learn of the name?
1It could be a new store-exclusive. There are still sets we haven't seen. Search for the Mask of Life was just found about a week ago. I do hope it's the 3-Titan Combo, because Greg said he loves it, it's huge, and "Dragon" sort of hints at what it is. Me likey. I've never heard of it before, though, Waspinator, where did you learn of the name?
2The Kardras Dragon was first heard of on one of the cards that comes with the "BIONICLE Quest" board game. It mentions Vezon riding it-- I don't know why it would say that when he's fused to Fenrakk. If you want more information on the card, go to the review topic for the game in the Promos forum

1hi greg,
2I have a few questions...
31) is the place where zaktan got his knowledge from the same place where the ancient evil is?
42) Since the toa olda put themselves together could a toa take himself apart.
53) were the toa of sonics, plasma, gravity and magnetism on the same team.
64) will the toa of magnetism appear in bl4?
75) where did the piraka get the antidermis from?
86) when will these to questions be answered:
9Where did zaktan get his knowledge? 10What is antidermis?
131) No 142) Yes, because Matoran can 153) I doubt it very much. 164) No, I don't think so 175) They placed the crystal vat in the stronghold and the vat collected the antidermis from the air 186) Book 4 answers the first and the odds are you will know the answer to the second by the end of Book 5
19these are all pretty interestin' i thought.
1The Kardras Dragon was first heard of on one of the cards that comes with the "BIONICLE Quest" board game. It mentions Vezon riding it-- I don't know why it would say that when he's fused to Fenrakk.
2Have you considered that Vezon might have ridden it before he got fused to Fenrakk? Just a thought.
1Several Q&As recently that I haven't had time till now to post:
21) Do we know what it's like when protocages are unlocked? Does it shatter, or maybe seem to melt away?
31) No idea
42) Could the Piraka use their tandem elemental powers in one beam to make solid protodermis (and would it count as a "cage"? I'd assume not to the latter... they're not Toa.)
52) No -- only Toa have that ability
63) Related question to TSO; his solid proto that he can make doesn't count as protocages, does it? (I remember in Time Trap Vakama was able to break one.)
73) No, his is crystalline, Toa's is more like rock
84) This'n you probably can't answer, though it was worth a shot anyways. You've confirmed, I believe, that the Great Beings did indeed make the Bionicle universe, and you said they go around making universes, plural, right? So, would the Zivon's "dimension" count as one they made? (I'm assuming it would be considered a universe itself more than part of the Bionicle one?)
94) Zivon's is what we would call a pocket dimension -- meaning it cannot survive without the universe it is attached to. And yes, the GBs would have made that too.
105) Does the DH Guide give any details about the DH base other than what's in the encyc?
115) And no, I don't think there is much on the DH base in the guide, there is a good deal more in Book 4 and next year's atlas.
12Curious about a few things, if you've got any idea:[ol type='1'[li]There's "ground" in the Zivon dimension. Is it basically a planet about the size of the Bionicle one? Does one spot in the Ziv dimension correspond to the same spot in the Bionicle universe? Can't seem to remember what you've said on this...
131) It's a pocket dimension, not a parallel dimension.
14[li] What would happen if someone tried to dig down? Just dig into dirt? Or is it even dirtlike?
152) I see it as being stone. There's no need for dirt, because nothing can grow there.
16[li]If someone tried to use a lightstone, torch, Avhokii, Great Ruru, etc. to light up the ground or any others that were with them while in the Ziv. dim. would it work? It's not like that shadow tunnel on the way to Karzahni's lair, is it?
173) The shadow tunnel actually fed on light. The zone of darkness does not. Light simply will not function there, because its natural laws are different than those of the world at large.
18[li]Is the ground always flat? Or could there be mountains, valleys, etc.?
194) I picture it as being flat, yes[/ol
Greg bones Greg 20News travels fast in the BIONICLE universe, especially when you have spies everywhere.
21I know you were talking about the DH there, but I've always gotten the impression that with the less powerful beings like Matoran news travels slowly (not just on Mata Nui--Metru Nui, VN, and most other places too?). Would you say that's true? Or are those three islands more like "flukes" because of MataN's and VN's isolation and Metru Nui being sealed off at the time we got story for it (as opposed to when it had sea trade before)?
22In the old days, news traveled between Matoran mainly by ship through traders. As you say, Mata Nui and Voya Nui are both isolated, and Metru Nui was closed off for a while before we started the story there. So they really weren't typical. In Book 4, you also see Turaga Dume using Vahki to send messages to other islands (since they can fly), which is obviously much faster than doing it by sea but also is only done in emergencies.
23Is Life confirmed to be a (non-Toa) element?
242) I am not sure you can call it an element, if a Toa cannot control it (ie, you can't have a Toa of Life). Life and Time are concepts, I don't think you can call them elements the way you do fire and ice.
25Okay. We've got time on the Official Elements Topic list 'cuz I'm pretty sure you've confirmed that one. My understanding was that some elements like those two and Shadow still count even though Toa don't have them. Perhaps all three belong more in a "Quasi-element" category?
26I would put time and life in a "Legendary Element" category.
27That energy that Axonn's ax shot out in Comic 1 and carved that Hau in the wall -- is that a power in his ax, or in him, and it's the focus?
28It's in him.
1Okay, I got it:

2I don't know if you recieved this, but my brother came up with a theorey (Though it really doesn't have much to do with the current storyline):
3In the Dark Hunters guide, there was a hunter named Prototype. It says that a dark hunter made a weapon that he believed would destroy Toa. The dark hyunter tested the weapon on to toa fust as they were fusing together. The result was that it didn't destroy the two toa, but in fact, fused them together permeneantly and drove the being insane.
4Now here comes the intresting part. We all know that Vezon's weapon is the Staff of Fusion. Was it Vezon who invented that 'weapon', and was the weapon the Staff of Fusion?
5Actually, Vezon's weapon is the spear of fusion, and he did not invent it. However, there may be a connection between it and Prototype.

1The Kardras Dragon was first heard of on one of the cards that comes with the "BIONICLE Quest" board game. It mentions Vezon riding it-- I don't know why it would say that when he's fused to Fenrakk. If you want more information on the card, go to the review topic for the game in the Promos forum.
3I bet it's the 3-Titan Combiner. He sounds sweet. Just the word Dragon being used in context of the biggest BIONICLE set ever makes it sound to cool to be true. I doubt that he'll use the Kanohi Ignika/Vezon head piece though.

1Here are some questions I had that were buzzing around in my head; I hope you can answer them for me.21. I know that the Bionicle games don't follow the storyline, but I noticed in both the PC and Gameboy Advance versions of the first Bionicle game featured Takanuva being able to fly. Is this a power he possesses or not? 31) No, he cannot fly
42. All Toa have control over their own element without the help of their mask powers, but Takanuva's mask definitely has some role with his powers. Are there any powers of light that are controlled by the mask but not the elemental energy and vice versa? 52) No, not really. The mask is sort of the counterpoint to the Mask of Shadows, in that it spreads hope where the MOS spreads fear
63. After reading Dark Destiny, I got the idea that Jaller and company landed the canisters on Voya Nui before becoming Toa. Can you confirm that? Because when the Matoran in Karzahni said that only Toa could ride the canisters and live, I thought that they were going to be transformed within the journey to Voya Nui, not after they landed. 73) The canisters hit the beach, the lightning hit the canisters, the Matoran were transformed. The old Matoran's warning was that the Matoran might die if they rode in the canisters, not that they would transform.
84. I noticed you had said that the Inika's masks were organic and also "alive." Is this the reason why the masks are easier for the Inika to activate than the Toa Metru's Kanohi when they were discovering their mask powers? 94) Yes
105. Since the masks are alive, does that mean they react to other Toa attempting to try to put them on if hypothetically a non-Inika Toa tried to put one on? 115) Probably
126. Did Kongu's Suletu get charged with more power from the lightning? 136) Doubtful
147. Can the Toa Inika become enslaved if they were hit with antidermis zamor spheres? 157) No -- the lightning they are charged with counteracts the sphere.
16Thank you so much for your time, Mr. Farshtey.
17I find the last answer to be the most interesting.

1Shino asked my to post this for him. I took the following from his PM.
2Dear Greg,
3It has recently come to my attention that Vezon's spear can fuse and defuse things. My question is,
41.Can Vezon defuse himself from Fenrakk? 52.(If u can say) At some point in the storieline does he? confused1a.gif
6Well a reply ASAP would greatly appreaciated, thx
8For Vezon to be freed from Fenrakk, the curse would have to be lifted. The spear cannot help him, because the spear's power is not greater than that of the Mask of Life, which levied the curse in the first place.
1I was just checking this Bionicle Wiki article. Sinc eonly a fool ever trusts a Wiki entry, I have two Questions:
21) Is the Protodite thing true?
32) Do any of the other piraka's powers have similar and/or related origins?
43) Does it have some dubious realtion to the Vezok/Vezon 'accident'?
54) In alan Moore's Watchmen , a character named 'Captain Carnage' dresses as a supervillains ot hat heroes will beat him up. Do Vezon & Fenrakk take similar pleasure from getting more powerful with each blow?
65) Would Vezok's 'accident' have anything to do with the Fusion spear?
76) What use is an extra stealth in battle to Vezon when he's nutty as a fruitcake?
8Thanks for your time.
91) Yes 102) Some of the powers are artificial, yes, but not the same origin 113) No, happened long before that. 124) No. 135) Follow the story 146) I don't understand the basis of your question. Whose extra stealth are you referring to?
15I read a Quote from BL3:16"Blasts of fire and ice flew from the Piraka's hands. Matoro and Hahli were sent reeling by the unleashed elemental energy. That's two down, Vezok thought. There should be a quick way to take out the other four, but...
17He frowned. Ever since the accident, he had lost the ability to think tactically the way he used to. He was still smarter than he looked, but that intellectual edge was missing. Still, he knew who had stolen it from him, and he would get it back as soon as these Toa were dead."
18It's, I think, an obvious implication that his stealthy abilities were transferred to someone else, who would obviously be Vezon. So what use are thsoe stealthy abilities if he's nutty as, I have already implied, a fruitcake?
19I'm not sure you what you are talking about -- there is no reference to stealth anywhere in that quote. He is bemoaning the loss of his intellectual edge, not his ability to sneak around.
20Oh. Right. But the question still stands - what use are any extra abilities, such as an intellectuall edge, to Vezon?
21Beliwa, insane does not mean gibbering lunatic incapable of action -- Lex Luthor, Dr. Doom, and a whole host of other villains in comics are both insane and geniuses (or at least smart). Intellect is always of use, insane or not. I would not call Vezon a genius by any means, but he is sharp. An intellectual edge makes it easier for you to trick others and harder for others to trick you, and who wouldn't benefit from that?
22Ah, right. sorry, I wasn't thinking outside the box. I see your point.
1Hey there Greg, I forgot to ask you some more questions:
21) About where exactly is Roodaka's homeland?
32) Is Umbra aware of the Protodax?
43) Where is the Protodax placed?
54) Are there any other guardians of the Ignika?
65) I know you can not answer this, but I will try anyways, from the Botar quote that someone gave out, is it true that "The pit" exsists?
76) What is Axonn's species?
87) Are all the OoMN members from the same species?
98) About how tall is Axonn and Brutaka? (In BIONICLE measurements)
109) Does the great catalysm have anything to do with Metru Nui?
1110) I have been reading this map which is provided by Q.B and I want to ask, is this how the Metru/Mata Nui dome formatted? (In other words, is this drawing correct?) 1210b) If so, what exactly is the "Silver Stairs" and the "North and South Gates"?
1311) Will we ever going to get a drawing of the BIONICLE planet?
14Thanks for your time.
15~ Bioran
161) I cannot give exact locations, only general directions 172) Yes 183) Just outside of where Umbra is 194) The Ignika creates guardians as it needs them, so the numbers vary 205) Follow the story and find out 216) Doesn't have a BIONICLE name 227) No 238) Oh, gee, that's a tough one. Brutaka is probably 10-11 feet tall, maybe, Axonn probably closer to 9 feet. 249) Well, it struck Metru Nui -- that was the earthquake that hit it in 2004-2005. 2510) Since he is not a member of the story team, I would have to say no. 2611) There isn't even such a drawing in the story bibles, so probably not anytime soon.
27Just some random and umb questions which popped up in my head.

1all right, here's the news

2Before i start, I have to say that the books have been great:
3Now here are the questions:
41.) Will Mata nui EVER be shown as a person or in a form in the Bionicle Saga?
52.) When you say that Vezon and Fenerak are merged, does that mean that mean they are one living soul?
63.) How many books are sechuled for this year, and if you are very kindhow many are for next year?
7Thanks for your time and cooperation:
81) I would assume the story would end (or at least the first major segment of the story would end, depending on what LEGO chose to do) with Mata Nui waking up, so you would see him then. 92) No. It means they are physically fused together. 103) A total of six for this year -- five novels, and the Dark Hunter Guide. Next year we have scheduled four novels, a BIONICLE Atlas, and a revised and updated BIONICLE Encyclopedia.
1Some info I got by Greg via PM:
24. Do Matoran sneeze or cough when they get ill or inhale a foreign substance?
38. Do they shake because of cold or fear?
49. Can Matoran blush?
513. Are Matoran able to weep (pouring out real tears)?
64) So far, we have never seen a Matoran become physically ill -- they probably would cough, as they do have lungs.
78) Not that we have seen, no
89) No
913) I doubt it very much.
11From what I remember of the MNOG's and Flash movies, several of these answers seem misinformed.
12For #4, during the Comet Ball "disease" in Po-Koro (during the MNOG 1), several of the Matoran became "ill" and coughed frequently.
13For #8, I believe we saw Matoro getting very cold during the MNOG 1 cave scene in the drifts - he didn't seem to be shivering, although he was starting to go into a "hibernation" state and was getting sleepy.
14For #9, we HAVE seen Matoran blush - Huki and Maku blushed during the Bohrok-era flash movie in Ga-Koro, when they thought they were alone and then Jala spoke. Judging by the round red circles that appeared on their masks, blushing probably occurs by the same mechanism masks use to take on the color of their wearer.
15For #13, I don't think Matoran can produce tears - we have seen Maku crying, holding her head in her hands - there were'nt any tears.
1I recently got this PM, it explains why Axonn and Brutaka came to Voya Nui:
2Me:The Ignika as many guardians, but the only one we know that was put there by the OoMN is Umbra. So my question is; Does the Ignika have other guardians put there by the OoMN or all the rest made and/or put there by the Ignika?
3GregF:Axonn and Brutaka were stationed on Voya Nui by the OOMN.
4Meo you mean that they were stationed there to guard the Ignika or stationed there for another reason?
5GregF:They were the first line of defense for the Ignika
1Some questions that where floating around in my head. Edited for convinience.
2Hey Greg,
3I have some questions I hope you can answer.
41. Who is the leader of the Inika? Is it Jaller or Kongu? 51) I haven't announced it yet
62. Is the 3 Titan Combiner the Kardas Dragon? 72) Can't answer it
83. Because of Hakann's messages will TSO consider letting him live? Or will he face the same fate as the others? 93) No, he'll kill him anyway
104. Fenrakk talks in hisses, does Vezon understand him? 114) No
125. Is Vezon's limited ability to see the future a power from the MoLi? 135) yes
146. Set-wise, who is your favorite Inika? 156) I am not sure I have one.
167. Who is your favorite guardian to write about? 177) Irnakk, although he gives me the creeps
188. What is Botar's personality like? Is he loyal to Mata Nui like Axonn? 198) Botar is very single-minded, and yes, he is loyal to Mata Nui
209. Does he have his own interpretation of the will of Mata Nui? If so, what is it? 219) No, he sees no need to interpret it. There's right and there's wrong and the difference is obvious
2210. Does Botar have the ability to teleport beings to locations of his choosing? 2310) Not really, no
2411. Did Vezon live on the Piraka's island? 2511) No
2612. If it isn't too much trouble, could I have a quote from Irnakk? If he speaks at all. 2712) I don't have access to Book 5 at the moment.
28Thanks for your time, 29Vash
1Also, Tohron, the "illness" was just Makuta's infection. That is not a disease like what appears to have been meant in that question. But yeah, all of that was just the web people deciding they'd do something a certain way without running it by the story team -- not official. 

21. Will some of the stes of next year be characters we have alraedy seen before, such as the Inika matoran from the 2001-2003 series? 32. Around what time will you be releasing more information about the Red Star? 43. Do you think Mata Nui (if he were awake) coem down in phsical form if all else failed and the Ignika fell into the wrong hands? 54. If the Great Beings come down in a flashback in BL5, then waht would they look like (in size, not appearence)? Toa sized, matoran sized, very tall, or huge, God-like beings? 65.If they had a choice, what would Garan and Co. do? Become a Toa, but loose the help of Axonn and the Inika, or remain matoran and have their aid in the fight for the Ignika? 76. What came first, the Suva or the Toa Stone?
91) Some characters will be familiar, yes 102) No idea 113) No. 124) I can't discuss that -- what is in Book 5 is all I choose to say about them at this time. 135) I don't think I would make Garan and company Toa now, no -- we already have 12 Toa running around in this story, we don't need 18. 146) Suva, most likely
1Hey Greg, 2I was wondering if you could answer any of these questions...
31. Are the Inika masks living? 42. If so, are they a part of the Inika's face, or a symbiote? 53. If alive, are they sentient? {Like Krana?} {Or are they just like a face?} 64. Can the MOLi activate itself? Does it need a wearer like the past masks, or can it use it's power on it's own? 75. What is this "Pit"? {You don't have to be specific, but is it good, bad, prision, vacation{lol}? 86. Are Kratana Kraata like creatures fused to a krana and given a different Purpose? 97. How did Makuta know of them in Time Trap? 108 Were they placed there by the OOMN? 119. Can they talk? Or are they mindless rahi?
12Thank you for your time... 13--DSOO
141) Yes 152) Neither 163) They seem to be, yes 174) Yes, it can use its power on its own 185) Can't discuss it 196) No 207) Makuta knows a lot of things 218) No 229) They can't talk, no
23These are the answers I got from Greg. Interesting...Sentient Inika masks...
31. Are the Inika masks living? 42. If so, are they a part of the Inika's face, or a symbiote? 53. If alive, are they sentient? {Like Krana?} {Or are they just like a face?} 64. Can the MOLi activate itself? Does it need a wearer like the past masks, or can it use it's power on it's own? 75. What is this "Pit"? {You don't have to be specific, but is it good, bad, prision, vacation{lol}? 86. Are Kratana Kraata like creatures fused to a krana and given a different Purpose? 97. How did Makuta know of them in Time Trap? 108 Were they placed there by the OOMN? 119. Can they talk? Or are they mindless rahi?
12Thank you for your time... 13--DSOO
141) Yes 152) Neither 163) They seem to be, yes 174) Yes, it can use its power on its own 185) Can't discuss it 196) No 207) Makuta knows a lot of things 218) No 229) They can't talk, no
23These are the answers I got from Greg. Interesting...Sentient Inika masks...
11) I cannot give exact locations, only general directions 22) Yes 33) Just outside of where Umbra is 44) The Ignika creates guardians as it needs them, so the numbers vary 55) Follow the story and find out 66) Doesn't have a BIONICLE name 77) No 88) Oh, gee, that's a tough one. Brutaka is probably 10-11 feet tall, maybe, Axonn probably closer to 9 feet. 99) Well, it struck Metru Nui -- that was the earthquake that hit it in 2004-2005. 1010) Since he is not a member of the story team, I would have to say no. 1111) There isn't even such a drawing in the story bibles, so probably not anytime soon.
12Just some random and umb questions which popped up in my head.![]()
13Bioran23, can you direct me to that Botar quote? I haven't been able to find it on my own, it hasn't reached my knowing. If you can't direct me, could you post the quote here?