1here are the guestions
21.is the virus alive 3basic science my freind all virus are living thing
42.does the virus have a connection with the kardas dragon 5no
6Umm... did you make those up? I mean basic science says that a virus is not a living thing,
7vi·rus (vrs) 8n. pl. vi·rus·es
9Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms. 10( from dictionary.com)
11and Greg isn't answering any questions about the Kardas Dragon because it relates to future storyline. 12It's just... it's not really fair at all to misquote him.
Um, guys, that was real, and here's my questions to prove it:
2Hey Greg, I have some questions:
3About Antidermis:[ol type='1'[li]Is Antidermis alive? 4All viruses are living things, basic science[li]If so, is it sentient? 5Good question -- can something that is liquid/gas feel sensations? Not sure.[li]How did Zaktan know about it? If you can't answer that, could you tell me when he learned of it? 6Same time he learned of the Mask of Life [/ol 7Now a few other things:[ol type='1'[li]If Makuta is pure energy, does that mean he can't die? 8I wouldn't say that, no[li]Can Makuta be in more than one place at once? 9I would say no, not in general.[li]How does Makuta create Kraata if he's made of energy? Could he create other things with his energy? 10I cannot reveal how things in BIONICLE come into being, and no, the only thing we know of he can create is kraata[li]How have Krahka and Tahtorak survived these thousand years if there is no place to hide? 11It's a vast zone, and there is nothing that says they have been sharing it with a Zivon all this time. If the Zivon got out, and they did not, then there was nothing for them to hide from.[li]How does the Zivon see in the dark? Does it have heat vision? 12Refresh an old author's memory
-- where does it say he can see in the dark?[/ol 13That's all for now.
14I found #3 very interesting, as it seems to support my theory

2Hey Greg, I have some questions:
3About Antidermis:[ol type='1'[li]Is Antidermis alive? 4All viruses are living things, basic science[li]If so, is it sentient? 5Good question -- can something that is liquid/gas feel sensations? Not sure.[li]How did Zaktan know about it? If you can't answer that, could you tell me when he learned of it? 6Same time he learned of the Mask of Life [/ol 7Now a few other things:[ol type='1'[li]If Makuta is pure energy, does that mean he can't die? 8I wouldn't say that, no[li]Can Makuta be in more than one place at once? 9I would say no, not in general.[li]How does Makuta create Kraata if he's made of energy? Could he create other things with his energy? 10I cannot reveal how things in BIONICLE come into being, and no, the only thing we know of he can create is kraata[li]How have Krahka and Tahtorak survived these thousand years if there is no place to hide? 11It's a vast zone, and there is nothing that says they have been sharing it with a Zivon all this time. If the Zivon got out, and they did not, then there was nothing for them to hide from.[li]How does the Zivon see in the dark? Does it have heat vision? 12Refresh an old author's memory

14I found #3 very interesting, as it seems to support my theory
1How does the Zivon see in the dark? Does it have heat vision? 2Refresh an old author's memory-- where does it say he can see in the dark?
3That's all for now.
4I found #3 very interesting, as it seems to support my theory
6He doesn't have any special abilities to see in the dark, persay. Book 8 simply states that he's USED to seeing in the dark, like any of us can be if we sit in a dakr room for a long time (Or something else along those lines).
1Um, guys, that was real, and here's my questions to prove it:
2[*How does Makuta create Kraata if he's made of energy? Could he create other things with his energy? 3I cannot reveal how things in BIONICLE come into being, and no, the only thing we know of he can create is kraata
5Waaaaait a second...I thought kraata were actual chunks of Makuta's physical essence? If he's actually creating them...could this whole "energy" thing maybe be a key to how Bionicle beings are created?
1Waaaaait a second...I thought kraata were actual chunks of Makuta's physical essence? If he's actually creating them...could this whole "energy" thing maybe be a key to how Bionicle beings are created?
2Well, he creates them from his essence. The way I see it, he pulls out a chunk'o'himself, which naturally forms into a Kraata, "creating" it.
1*Funeral music*
2Today is a sad day for us North Americans....
4No, I never said that. What I have said is that the release date I was given is 8/1, which means sets usually hit stores in July.
6I will go cry myself to sleep now, and hopefully my mother will cheer me up.
2Today is a sad day for us North Americans....
3Hey Greg: Someone said you confirmed that the release dates for the Inika is now July 1st, but you have said it was August 1st. Just wanted to run this by you, thanks:
4No, I never said that. What I have said is that the release date I was given is 8/1, which means sets usually hit stores in July.
6I will go cry myself to sleep now, and hopefully my mother will cheer me up.

1July starts in three days. We'll have them soon, don't worry.
1Hey, does anyone remember when it was said that there was a connection between Bohrak and Toa?
5There you go:
2It was one stated somewhere that there was some relationship between the Bohrak and the Toa "Mata" that was going to be revealed. This was never revealed. 3Will it be revealed any time soon?
4Actually, to some extent, it has been. Both the Toa and the Bohrok serve Mata Nui, just in different ways. The Toa defend the Matoran, and the Bohrok, for reasons still unrevealed, serve Mata Nui by making sure the island remains barren. Thus, the Bahrag could not understand why the Toa would oppose beings who were carrying out the will of the Great Spirit.
5There you go:
1Hey, does anyone remember when it was said that there was a connection between Bohrak and Toa?
2Actually, to some extent, it has been. Both the Toa and the Bohrok serve Mata Nui, just in different ways. The Toa defend the Matoran, and the Bohrok, for reasons still unrevealed, serve Mata Nui by making sure the island remains barren. Thus, the Bahrag could not understand why the Toa would oppose beings who were carrying out the will of the Great Spirit. 3There you go:
4Wow. That is a very intersting thing to discover. But I do wonder how the Bahrag were "serving Mata-Nui's will" by cleaning it...
6EDIT: I've got some new goodies:
7Hey GregF: I just have two questions:
81. In "Web of the Visorak", Matau and Nuju are talking while fighting the mutated Lohrak, and they mention that the reason Airships cannot fly too high is because ice will begin to form. That happens when you fly too high from the surface because you're entering the heatless Outerspace, but why would that happen in an underground dome heated by Twin Suns?
92. In "Web of Shadows", in the Epilogue on P. 123, Turaga Vakama says, "Meaning you are Toa, not children who need..." But, I thought there wasn't any biological reproduction in BIONICLE. So how do they know what children are?
111) You are applying Earth science to BIONICLE -- can't do that, there's no evidence we're on Earth.
122) Keep in mind that the English spoken in the books is translated from Matoran. So the use of the word children means that is the English word closest to what Vakama said. He doesn't literally mean children the way we would ... but at some point, every being does come into the world, so the Matoran equivalent would probably be "new being." But if I use "new being" it's not going to make sense to the 7-9 year olds who make up most of my readers, so I use a term they will understand.
1What are Fenrakk Spawn Spiders, as seen in the Piraka Outpost and Piraka Stronghold playsets? And is there a reason the Inika are riding them?
2They are smaller versions of Fenrakk, and in the playset, the Toa have tamed them to use as mounts. I wasn't able to work that into the comics/books, because I simply did not have room.
1Hey, does anyone remember when it was said that there was a connection between Bohrak and Toa?
2Actually, to some extent, it has been. Both the Toa and the Bohrok serve Mata Nui, just in different ways. The Toa defend the Matoran, and the Bohrok, for reasons still unrevealed, serve Mata Nui by making sure the island remains barren. Thus, the Bahrag could not understand why the Toa would oppose beings who were carrying out the will of the Great Spirit. 3There you go:
4Hmm, that is pretty interessting. 5So they both serve the will of Mata Nui. 6Thats very cool to know. Maybe one of the reasons 7could be to keep Metru Nui hidden. Who knows. 8Great finding.
1Hi Greg, I saw in the OGD, that you had answered someones question as to if the OoMN has spies in the DH and BoM organizations. You said yes, so I have to ask one question. I also have a couple of questions concerning the BoM
21) Are any of the Dark Hunters in the DH guide OoMN members and if so, can you confirm which ones?
32) Do you yourself know how many BoM members there are?
43) Why can't you give us the number of members.
54) About what time of the year would you say that the Kardas Dragon will be released (before or after the end of the summer)?
6Thanks for your time Greg.
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
81) No, none of the ones in the book are because I was trying to stay close to the contest entries the entrants submitted. 92) Yes 103) Because no one needs to know this now. 114) I don't know.

1Here are a few questions. Nothing new,just something I wanted to confirm.
39Anyone got a pic of the fusion?
41EDIT: Saw it. Pretty cool.

2Hello, Greg. I have some questions:
31)In the Kardas model, is Vezon exactly the same, or does he have some differences? 42)Does the Kardas dragon have some powers? 53)Is he powerful? 64)What colour is the Visorak venom? 75)Antidermis is greenish coloured. Correct? 86)The Zamor spheres themselves are transparent, and they assume the colour of the substance they contain. Right? 97)You said that you know all of Brutaka's and Axonn' powers. But you also said that not all of them are going to be revealed. Then what is the point of creating powers that aren't going to be used in the story? 108)Out of the Titans (also counting Umbra and Vezon & Fenrakk) this year, who has the greatest variety of powers? 119)After Vezon & Fenrakk, which is your favourite set this year? 1210)Now that in Europe, UK, Australia and New Zealand the Inika are available at Shop at Home and the playsets are for preorder, when do you think Vezon & Fenrakk will be available? What about the Kardas dragon? 1311)Set wise, which is your favourite Inika? 1412)In your opinion, would you consider the Kardas dragon model to be better than past years' "Promo combiners" (the ones that came in their own boxes, such as Voporak and Ultimate Dume)? 1513)The Kardas dragon will have its own box, right? 1614)Besides Kardas and Botar, will there be any other Titan combiner models? 1715)Can you confirm that, except the Piraka fusion, none of this year's combiners are actual fusions of the characters? 1816)Speaking of the Piraka combiner, how big will his role be? 1917)When will we see a picture of him?
20Thanks in advance. Hope they weren't too much.
221) I don't have the model, but I assume he is the same. 232) Yes 243) Yes 254) No idea 265) Greenish-black 276) Yes 287) I didn't say they wouldn't ever be used -- I said I wasn't going to list them all on BZP. 298) Axonn and Brutaka 309) Kardas 3110) No idea, I don't work in Sales 3211) I don't really have a favorite 3312) I don't like doing comparisons like this. This is something every fan has to decide for himself or herself. My tastes in a set might be different from yours. 3413) Yes 3514) Not that I know of 3615) Yes 3716) He appears in the November comic and in Book 5 3817) You should already have seen one. The winner of the Piraka Fusion contest was pictured in the May issue of LEGO Magazine, in the Cool Creations section
39Anyone got a pic of the fusion?
41EDIT: Saw it. Pretty cool.
1Hi Greg. I was wondering about a few things:
21) Seeing as the Bahrag serve the will of Mata Nui, are they members of the OoMN or are they servents of it like Umbra?
32a) Just how much do they know about Mata Nui and the BIONICLE universe in general.
42b) Could you be specific?
5Thanks for your time Greg.
6- Toa Lhikan Hordika
71) Neither. (After all, the Toa are not members of the OOMN or employees of it either, and they serve the will of Mata Nui as well.)
82) Probably not a lot. They know what Toa are, they know of the Kal, of course, and they know they have a job to do because Mata Nui wills it. Think of it this way -- the maintenance people in a company are pretty vital to its smooth operation, but you don't bring them into the board room to be in on executive decisions. That's not their role.

1Questions to answer, GregF...
21. A Toa Kaita is a combination of three Toa, am I correct?
32. Prototype is a combination of two Toa, am I correct?
43. What is a combination of two Toa called, if not called a Toa Kaita?
54. Will Toa Jovan be more grey or more black?
65. Is it possible that Takanuva will come back in 2007?
76. Will Toa Jovan's group be named, or is not important?
87. Did "Jovan" go through a legal name check?
98. If say, Takanuva was to meet with Umbra, could the Toa of Light absorb Umbra when Umbra turns into light?
109. If so, would Takanuva have Umbra's powers like turning into light?
1110. Will Toa Jovan be important in 2007?
1211. On the BZPower set database, for Hafu, it says "Rumour has it that Hafu has an incredible skill with a disk. He can make it return just like a boomerang." Is this true?
13Thank you...I really like the name Jovan...
141) Yes 152) Yes 163) Doesn't have an official name 174) More gray 185) I can't discuss 2007 storyline 196) Really not relevant to the story 207) Yes. Jovan came off our list of approved names 218) Yes, so Umbra most likely would not do that around him 229) No. Absorbing light does not give Takanuva the properties of light, anymore than absorbing fire causes Jaller to burst into flame 2310) No. Toa Jovan died 1000 years ago, when he was a Turaga. 2411) You are going back past my time with BIONICLE on that one.
3Hi Greg I have a question, I get the DH guide a few days ago, I rode the Gatherer profile, and I want to know (if you can, I expect that yes) who is that Third Player??, is it the OoMN???
4And I have another doubt about Avak, why if he is bad at "hand-to-hand" combat his weapon doesn`t have any powes? I mean , he cannot be keeping his tool box with him all time
5ANSWERS 61) Yes 72) Well, look at it this way. Say I hand you, oh, a really cool martial arts kind of weapon -- but I never train you how to use it. Does having it mean you will suddenly be a great martial artist? No. In Avak's case, his power is to imprison people before they get anywhere near him, so why would he have have to learn hand to hand combat skills?


4And I have another doubt about Avak, why if he is bad at "hand-to-hand" combat his weapon doesn`t have any powes? I mean , he cannot be keeping his tool box with him all time
5ANSWERS 61) Yes 72) Well, look at it this way. Say I hand you, oh, a really cool martial arts kind of weapon -- but I never train you how to use it. Does having it mean you will suddenly be a great martial artist? No. In Avak's case, his power is to imprison people before they get anywhere near him, so why would he have have to learn hand to hand combat skills?
1Hi Greg. First of all, thanks for answering my questions earlier, but I have a couple more.
21) What is Toa Jovan's Kanohi?
32) Will there be a story in the back of the BIONICLE Atlas or the 2nd BIONICLE Encyclopedia like there was in the first one?
43) I figured it can't hurt to ask this: Why have the prices of the canister sets raised over the years? I'm going to buy the Toa Inika, but 60 bucks for all of them seem to be a little more than paying 54 or even 48 like I have in the past. The Piraka weren't that much.
5Thanks for your time.
6- Toa Lhikan Hordika
71) Mask of Flight 82) Not in the Atlas, and too far out to know about Encyclopedia yet. Maybe, maybe not -- with all the new entries, there may not be room. 93) Not really something I am qualified to comment on, because I don't have anything to do with these decisions. If I had to guess (and this is ONLY a guess, not anything official) I would think it would have something to do with the higher cost of raw materials, shipping, etc. due to the rise in energy prices. But I really don't know what the company's reasoning is.

1Whoa. Some interesting info for 2006... and beyond 8D
9Numbers 2, 3 and 4 are going into the Official 2006 Q&A Topic in S&T. #1 was removed because it was a personal question, and it was also WAAAAY too early for that kind of information.
22) Since obviously Umbra is good, and he'll defend the Ignika against everyone, does this mean the other guardians are also good, or are they just bound to the destiny of protecting the Ignika, no matter if they were once good or bad?
33) I'm seeing some reports on the BS01 Wiki that Jovan once had a Huna... is this true? I've been deleting such a 'fact' on the Wiki so far, but I need a confirmation. I'm leaning towards "no" automatically, but I can't make that decision now.
44) I read on the Wiki a spoiler about "Vezon", in Matoran, means "Double." So, does this lean towards possibly a clone of Vezok, or perhaps another experiment by The Shadowed One?
62) Basically, I have to answer it's the latter, because Vezon is a guardian and he is not good.
73) No, Jovan never had a Huna. That has never been stated by us. He wears the Mask of Flight.
84) I can tell you it is not a clone and the Shadowed One has nothing to do with his origin, but the "double" spoiler is accurate. His origin gets revealed in comic #4 and BL #4.
9Numbers 2, 3 and 4 are going into the Official 2006 Q&A Topic in S&T. #1 was removed because it was a personal question, and it was also WAAAAY too early for that kind of information.
1Hello, here are some other questions:
21.)Isn't a Kadin very usefull on a toa of magnetism (he could activate it and then use his powers to make his ally's cling to him)?
31b)If so did he ever do that?
42)Was he transformed by the red star (well he is made up of Inika pieces so he wears a (probaly) organic mask))?
53)Are the Locations Xia and Daxia connected?
64)Is Vezon meaning double associated with his creation?
75)Does Arthaka (being) know about what Karzhani is doing?
86)If we learn the names of the species of the Piraka and Roodaka would it be right to assume that there homelands are in the Atlas?
9Thanks in advance
101) That's one possibility 111b) No idea, I have not written any Jovan adventures 122) No. He wears an organic mask solely because he is made of Inika pieces. 133) No 144) Follow the story and find out 155) I doubt it very much 166) You can assume whatever you like -- and you could be right, or I could be writing something on, say, the Dark Hunter's island and mentioning the fact that members of those species can be found there. You'll find out when the book comes out
1Quote from Greg.
4So we could see that little crazy matoran again.
2Me:Will the crazy matoran near the end of Bionicle Legends 2 ever appear again? Or was this just a one time appearance?
3Greg:Most likely, he will only appear again if and when we go back to Karzahni in the story. He's still there.
4So we could see that little crazy matoran again.
1All questions regard to this post. 21. When will the Atlas be released for US? 32. When will it be released on Amazon.com? 43. How ill Toa Joven be released by you? Will you personally post them, or will you have Lego post them on Bionicle.com? 54. What is Toa Joven's color scheme? 65. I noticed only main islands have "Nui" in them. "Nui" means 'great', correct? Does that mean that Mata Nui dod not intend a very important destiny role for them? Ex. Mata Nui: Mask of Light saga, Metru Nui: help reawaken Mata Nui, Voya Nui: Ignika Hunt.
81) Next year 92) Next year 103) Once the spread is released for Europe in the fall, we will send the PDF to Leah to post on BIONICLE.com. 114) Gray and black and a little blue 125) Might want to think about the fact that the islands with Nui at the end are Matoran islands -- the islands in the atlas are not Matoran islands.
1Z: Can Kongu communicate with Matoro while he's in astral form?
2G: No. Hahli can and possibly Axonn could. For Kongu's mask to work, you actually have to have a physical "mind" for him to read, which Matoro does not have when he is in astral form.
3Z: Sweet.. wait, not sweet. Well, how would Axonn communicate or see him, since astral projection isn't really a "lie"?
4G: But invisibility, in a sense, is because you are concealed from normal sight -- and his astral form is invisible.
5Z: Okay, never thought of that. Also, how come Nuparu is the only Inika with a shoulder-mounted launcher and three other weapons? And is his mask being sorta shaped like a Miru Nuva intentional, or a coincidence, or what?
6G: In this case, you are asking the wrong person. I do story, not set design, and those are set designer decisions.
7Z: Sweet. I have one more question: Near the end of chapter four of Dark Destiny, Hakann notices Zaktan fire a strange zamor into Brutaka, but it doesn't seem to control him. I know Brutaka thinks Mata-Nui might've abandoned him and Axonn, but is that zamor also to blame for Brutaka's betrayal?
8G: Oh, no -- it doesn't control him because Brutaka's physiology allows it to strengthen him -- antidermis does not enslave him. Brutaka has been having a crisis of faith for centuries -- he just never acted on it until the Piraka gave him the opportunity, because they are the perfect pawns to go get the mask which he can then take from them.
9Z: Aw, man, that shoots down my theory. So, the larger you are, the harder it is to enslave you, right?
10G: Not related to size -- antidermis simply does not work on Brutaka's species.
11Z: So if, say Axonn got hit with it, he would get mind-controlled?
12G: Who knows? Axonn is not a Matoran either, so there is no way of knowing whether it would affect him or not. Keep in mind the fact that Axonn and Brutaka hold the secret of where the Mask of Life is hidden -- that means they have to at the least have enormous willpower to keep the secret from being read in their minds or tortured out of them. So that would naturally make them more resistant to any form of mind control.
13Z: Yes, that would. But what if someone kept firing and firing at them? I mean, sure one won't do any good, but what about five, or ten, or twenty? Eventually, even they would have to crack, right?
14G: But why bother? It would be faster and easier to just pick up the comatose Matoran and throw him off a high place.
1Hi Greg, thank you for taking time out of your day to answer so many peoples questions.
21. Was Dume awakened when the Matoran returned to Metru Nui, or when the Toa Metru brought the Matoran to Mata Nui?
32. Why didn't the Toa Metru bring Dume with them to Mata Nui? Couldn't they have used his experience as a turaga to help them lead the matoran?
43. How does Dume feel about suddenly having to rule his city with 6 other Turaga?
54. Dume's pretext for keeping Takanuva in Metru Nui seems thing. After all, what will it matter if there's a Toa still on Metru Nui if the universe ends? Does Dume know a much bigger secret regarding Takanuva that he's keeping even from the other Turaga?
65. Could a Matoran technically be seen as the 'larval' stage of a Toa?
76. How long had the Matoran that showed the canisters to Jaller and Co. been in Karzhani
87. Aside from Makuta, are there any other species aside from Toa and Turaga that can use Kanohi powers?
98. Is the MoLi like Vahi in that it is extremly difficult to control? If so, how can the Toa be sure that even if they do use the MoLi, they will be able to revive Mata Nui?
109. Is it possible for a Toa to become a memeber of OoMN?
1110. Who have existed for long, the OoMN, or the Toa?
1211. We know that at some point prior to Mata Nui being put to sleep, there were up to 300 Toa existing at one time. In the 1000 years since then, has the number of Toa drastically diminished, or are there still hundreds of Toa we don't know about?
131) Dume was awakened before the Toa brought the Matoran to Mata Nui. 142) He chose not to go. Someone had to watch over the city until the Matoran could return. 153) It's really not an issue. He is the leader, they are his council of advisors. 164) Think of it this way -- what if the universe DOESN'T end? And what if someone attacks Metru Nui while the Toa Nuva are trying to get back, and there's no Toa there, and the city gets wiped out? If there's a crisis in the next town over, do you want every police officer in your city going to help out, or do you want at least a couple to stay and protect your own town? 175) I would say no. To me, that would imply every Matoran could possibly become a Toa, and that is not the case. 186) Probably 90,000-95,000 years 197) Well Axonn and Brutaka can. 208) The Toa have no idea what they are supposed to do with the mask. They are counting on it somehow showing the way. And go back and read what te old Matoran from question #6 said -- that the power of the mask consumes its user. 219) It's highly, highly doubtful. 2210) The OOMN 2311) There are far fewer Toa than there used to be, because many have been killed by either the DH or the BOM
24#6 is easily the most interesting answer. Since the crazy matoran built the canisters and had the Tahu, Kopaka, Pohatu, Gali, Lewa, and Onua enter the canisters before he was sent to Karzhani, that means the Toa Nuva are almost 100,000 years old:
21. Was Dume awakened when the Matoran returned to Metru Nui, or when the Toa Metru brought the Matoran to Mata Nui?
32. Why didn't the Toa Metru bring Dume with them to Mata Nui? Couldn't they have used his experience as a turaga to help them lead the matoran?
43. How does Dume feel about suddenly having to rule his city with 6 other Turaga?
54. Dume's pretext for keeping Takanuva in Metru Nui seems thing. After all, what will it matter if there's a Toa still on Metru Nui if the universe ends? Does Dume know a much bigger secret regarding Takanuva that he's keeping even from the other Turaga?
65. Could a Matoran technically be seen as the 'larval' stage of a Toa?
76. How long had the Matoran that showed the canisters to Jaller and Co. been in Karzhani
87. Aside from Makuta, are there any other species aside from Toa and Turaga that can use Kanohi powers?
98. Is the MoLi like Vahi in that it is extremly difficult to control? If so, how can the Toa be sure that even if they do use the MoLi, they will be able to revive Mata Nui?
109. Is it possible for a Toa to become a memeber of OoMN?
1110. Who have existed for long, the OoMN, or the Toa?
1211. We know that at some point prior to Mata Nui being put to sleep, there were up to 300 Toa existing at one time. In the 1000 years since then, has the number of Toa drastically diminished, or are there still hundreds of Toa we don't know about?
131) Dume was awakened before the Toa brought the Matoran to Mata Nui. 142) He chose not to go. Someone had to watch over the city until the Matoran could return. 153) It's really not an issue. He is the leader, they are his council of advisors. 164) Think of it this way -- what if the universe DOESN'T end? And what if someone attacks Metru Nui while the Toa Nuva are trying to get back, and there's no Toa there, and the city gets wiped out? If there's a crisis in the next town over, do you want every police officer in your city going to help out, or do you want at least a couple to stay and protect your own town? 175) I would say no. To me, that would imply every Matoran could possibly become a Toa, and that is not the case. 186) Probably 90,000-95,000 years 197) Well Axonn and Brutaka can. 208) The Toa have no idea what they are supposed to do with the mask. They are counting on it somehow showing the way. And go back and read what te old Matoran from question #6 said -- that the power of the mask consumes its user. 219) It's highly, highly doubtful. 2210) The OOMN 2311) There are far fewer Toa than there used to be, because many have been killed by either the DH or the BOM
24#6 is easily the most interesting answer. Since the crazy matoran built the canisters and had the Tahu, Kopaka, Pohatu, Gali, Lewa, and Onua enter the canisters before he was sent to Karzhani, that means the Toa Nuva are almost 100,000 years old:
21. Are the Toa Mata older than 95,000 years old or younger?
32. If not older, then how old?
43. Did the crazy Matoran see the Toa Mata depart via canisters?
51) Probably somewhere in the 95,000 range 63) No. He was in Karzahni when that happened, and the canisters were not launched from Karzahni. If they had been there would have been no canisters for Jaller and his group to find there
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2I've seen some entries in the contest featuring one of the Rahaga being able to speak the Visorak language. Is that official? I can't find any info on it, but it seems unlikely.
3On that note, could Roodaka/Sidorak speak it?
4It seems also like Vakama must have been able to at least speak some of it. If so, that might explain Rahaga knowing it after those events... But did he? Or did he just know enough to give basic commands? (Like "disband")
51) I do not recall any Rahaga speaking Visorak, no 62) No. The Visorak were able to understand enough Matoran to follow orders, plus Sidorak could signal basic maneuvers with his tool 73) Same answer as #2. Vakama never speaks Visorak in the movie.
8Thanks for clearing that up. As I'm reading more and more Metru entries, I'm seeing often that people are basically saying the Rahaga learned it over the years, though, so now I'm still a little confused, lol.
9Do you think I would have to rule out entirely that the Rahaga could not have learned it over their many years? This entry for example from KKN_GN says this:
10I know the Visorak language. Every Rahaga learned it. It's important to know what your enemy is saying... so I listen. I sneak along the shadows, evading their sights, and listen.
11I'm not 100% sure on what to judge about this. Perhaps in the past 500 years things had changed... but then why would they when they haven't encountered more Visorak on Metru Nui? However... if they've been taking missions to other islands already, as they are said to in the entries I've seen using this, perhaps durig those missions they could have focused on learning Visorak as a side objective?
12That sounds plausible to me but I'd be concerned it might possibly conflict with future story. What do you think?
13I think the issue with it is that none of the Rahaga outside of Kualus spoke Rahi before, and the fact that we know Visorak signalled each other through patterns of vibration in the webs, not through spoken language. While they could speak, they were not great conversationalists. Think about it -- if America went to war tomorrow with an alien race that spoke the X'kkzzzt language -- short of your being captured and being around them constantly, how would you ever pick up any of their language? (If you captured one of them, they would just clam up.) Most US GI's in WWII only knew enough German to know if the enemy was surrendering or not, and that was an established language.
14So while Kualus could possibly have mastered the language, given the opportunity, I think the writers are going to have to explain how the opportunity came about. The Visorak scattered after LOMN, and what the Rahaga have been doing is rescuing Rahi from places the Visorak had BEEN -- not places they still are.
1Just a few questions today.
21. Since we know that 3a.)Zaktan recieved his knowledge of events in the Bionicle universe from a mysterious location 4b.) This will be revealed in BL#4, and that 5c.) The island of Xia will be mentioned this year, but not named. 6Am I correct in concluding that Xia is where Zaktan learned everything he knows?
72. Does this "alliance" on Xia have a name, or is it simply "The Alliance"?
83. How large a role does the "Alliance" play in future storyline?
94. In your Blog, you mentioned that while writing BL#6, you had to "Switch some Matoran roles around". Does this mean that there are more Matoran sets in 2007?
105. We know that the Inika have Energized Protodermis in their Zamor spheres, and I assume that this is represented by the blue spheres that come with Kongu and Matoro. I'd like to know what powers the light green Zamors (In Jaller & Hahli) and the Red Zamors (In Hewkii and Matoro) have, if they have powers at all.
116. Does BL#7 have a name at all?
12Thanks for everything13~
141) No, you're not 152) It's not on Xia, and it does have a name, but we're not revealing it yet 163) You will find out when we get to future storyline4) I can't discuss 2007 sets, but my reasons for switching (and having to switch again) has more to do with storyline needs than set needs as things stand. 175) I haven't made powers for those yet 186) Not yet, no. Haven't started writing it yet
19Just some oddball stuff I had on my mind...

1EDIT: I got back to Greg Farshtey and this is what he has to say:
2Questions, yet again...
31. Would you consider the Ignika legendary, since it is one of a kind?
42. Would you consider the Vahi legendary, since it is one of a kind?
53. Would you consider the Avohkii legendary, since it is one of a kind?
64. Would you consider the Kraahkan legendary?
75. Besides Fire, Water, Air, Stone, Earth, Ice, Sonics, Electricity, Gravity, Plasma, Vacuum, Magnetism, Light, and Shadow, can you name another element that might appear in the storyline?
81) Yes 92) Yes 103) No 114) No -- while Avohkii is one of a kind (and we don't know if Kraahkan is or not), being one of a kind does not make a mask legendary -- it comes down to the element being controlled. 125) Please note that Vacuum, Electricity and Gravity have never appeared as Toa elements, only as part of the Bohrok-Kal. And no, I can't discuss future storyline.
13Wait...I thought there was a Toa of Gravity, killed by Lariska...Isn't this true?
14It's possible -- unfortunately, when I answer questions in the midst of my writing, I don't always remember everything I have put in the books.
15) Please note that Vacuum, Electricity and Gravity have never appeared as Toa elements, only as part of the Bohrok-Kal. And no, I can't discuss future storyline.
2Wait a tic. There HAS been a Toa of Gravity: He mentioned him in one of the books or something... Maybe a Piraka killed him? But I definitely know there is one: Maybe it's a typo?...
1You are right, The Order of Mata-Nui...I shall ask him once more...But for now...
21.This is from the BS01 Wiki I contribute in...It says that Acid is an Element:
3Acid is an unconfirmed but widely speculated elemental ability that allows the wielder control of all acidic properties. Basically, the user is able to spray a large amount of incredibly corrosive acid over a large area, acid capable of eating through any substance. It is unknown whether combining this Element with others would produce a Protodermis cage similar to the basic six, or if any Toa have this ability.
4All of the following have the power of Acid:
6Bahrag (Only element not a part of the original six to be used by the Bahrag)[/list Is the above true?
7I would say no. I don't consider something to be an element unless there has been a Toa of it. As they say, "unconfirmed but widely speculated" -- meaning it is not official from LEGO
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Just one question today.
31. In the Lego magazine under Toa Matoro's description it reads that "his destiny is connected to the mask of life in ways he could not suspect." This is indeed storyline wise, is it not?
41b. Is he the one destined to activate the Ignika?
61) Yes 72) I cannot discuss future storyline -- just who is going to use the Ignika is still being discussed by the story team
8Guess that it could be someone else..