11) Yes, yes and yes 22) Yes 31. Is the Kanohi of Elemental Energy also a Great Kanohi?
4On an unrelated subject...
52. Can you confirm the Pit's existence? We have a quote with Botar mentioning it, and it says on the timeline you gave to Swert the Matoran leaders of the Metru Nui Civil War (A rather cool idea, by the way, and I hope more can be told about it in the future) were sent to the Pit, so there are a few things supporting its existence. I'd just like some confirmation, though.
61) Yes 72) Yes
8Just some things that were bothering me...
9Go Pit:
10What's this?I haven't heard anything about a Metru Nui Civil War.And what Botar quote?
1What's this?I haven't heard anything about a Metru Nui Civil War.And what Botar quote?
2The "Botar quote" was exclusive information given to Makaru, and posted in the Official Botar Topic. The Metru Nui Civil War was something that occured in Metru Nui 79,500 years ago. It, too, was exclusive information given to Swert and first put onto the BS01 Wiki article for Metru Nui, along with more of Metru Nui's history.
1New questions, edited for convenience.
26#9 Was interesting to me. Maybe there's no day on islands like Roodaka's island or Keetongu's island.
21. The DH Prototype was originally a fusion of two Toa? So a group of six Toa can form either two Kaita or three two-combinations? 31) Looks that way
42. What color was the special Zamor that Zaktan gave to the Toa Inika to reverse the effect of Hakann and Thok's gold Zamor (Just curious)? 52) Not sure I specified in the book, I would have to check
63. About how old would a Matoran such as Ahkmou be (1,000 yrs how many yrs. on Metru Nui)? 73) Are you asking about Ahkmou specifically? 83. Sure. Ahkmou would be a good example. 93) I've never determined a specific age for any of the Matoran, beyond the fact that they are all at least 1000 years old. Some could be as young as 1000 years, others as old as 100,000.
104. Did Turaga Onewa learn that Ahkmou knew of Metru Nui and was affiliated with Makuta before or after he tried to scam Matoran with "lucky Ghekula"? 114) Well, Onewa knew from the start that Ahkmou was not one of the Matoran he woke up. And he had no reason to trust Ahkmou, either. But we have no evidence anyone knew he was allied with Makuta directly until he sold the infected comet balls.
125. Who are the DH's "masters of pain" mentioned in Avak's entry in the DH guide? 135) Hasn't been revealed
146. Is it true that there are no islands of the underground domes south of Metru Nui? 156) No, it's not. Virtually all of the islands in the Atlas are south of Metru Nui -- there are no other islands within Metru Nui's dome.
167. I asked you a long time ago if underground islands existed in their own seperate domes, and you said that you wouldn't describe them as domes. What would you describe these massive, underground pockets as? 177) Not something I have thought about
188. Are there actually underground waterways or river-caves that link the seas of the seperate underground domes, or is the only way to get from dome-to-dome by subterranean chutes? 198) You can get there by sea, yes. The sea gates around Metru Nui's Great Barrier lead into other "domes"
209. Are there more sun-holes on the bottom of the sea (surrounding Mata Nui and Voya Nui) floor that illuminate other underground domes? 219) Not that I am aware of off the top of my head, no 229. Wouldn't those lands need at least one sun-hole for illumination? Otherwise everything would be as dark as a regular cave. 239) Not if they had lightstones to provide light.
2410. Is Mata Nui the northernmost surface-island? 2510) That the Matoran are aware of, yes
26#9 Was interesting to me. Maybe there's no day on islands like Roodaka's island or Keetongu's island.
1Here are some questions which I recently asked.
2Hi Mr.Farshtey, I hope your having a good summer. I just had a few questions that I wanted to ask you.
31. I've heard people arguing over which zamor are the energized protodermise zamors, are they the blue or the silver zamors?
42. Are there more than one kraata-kal?
53. Why did the dark hunter kraata-kal defect from the brotherhood of makuta?
64. Is there an official color for the kraata-kal because I saw the bla/red kraata as the one that seem to fit the model.
75. You said that Jovan will be made of hewkii, hahli, and naparu. Will there be a combo model for the other 3 toa?
86. Of all the charaters that you have written for which one reminds you most of yourself?
97. You said that the last user of the mask of life was consumed by the masks power, my question is that with this knowlege would the toa inika willingly let one of their own members die, it just seems that they are a close group, for matoran of different villages these matoran spent alot of time with eachother, and being a close group they couldn't let a friend die.
108. Of all the mask powers so far which one is your favorite?
11I hope you enjoy your summer, good luck and can't wait until your next book comes out. Thanks in advance for your time 12--Jts21
131) All of the Toa Inika figures are carrying energized proto zamors. I realize the colors do not seem to match that, but that is how it is in the story. 142) No 153) Think about it -- until 1000 years ago, many Brotherhood creations had been loaned out to the DH. Kraata-Kal wound up enjoying the work, so why go back? 164) Since it is a fan-built model, I think I would want the fan who built it to answer that. 175) Don't know at this time. 186) None 197) Keep following the story, the answer might surprise you 208) If I could have any one, it would probably be Mask of Flight or Mask of Concealment
1Just got some info on the atlas for those of you who are a little anxious.
51) Atlas 62) Dark Hunter base 73) No
21. Is the Metru Nui timeline for the atlas or something else?
32. Does "The Shadowed One's island" mean his homeland or the Dark Hunter base which could be considered his?
43. Will Sidorak's Island be in the Atlas?
51) Atlas 62) Dark Hunter base 73) No
1Just a few minutes ago, Greg replied to some questions of mine:
2I have a few questions, Greg.
31. On Page 57 of Dark Destiny, it says the following: 4"Then, he removed his Nuva armor and tossed that aside as well." 5Does that mean that the Nuva armor isn't part of the Toa Nuva's bodies? That it can just be taken off?
62. On Page 108 of the Bionicle Encyclopedia, it says the following under the Turaga entry: 7"Turaga are able to master Noble Masks of power and have limited elemental abilities ." 8Does that mean that, say, Vakama can create a smale flame? Or Matau can master a small breeze?
93. Where do the events of Bionicle Comics "The Coming of the Toa," "Deep into Darkness," "Triumph of the Toa," and "Challenge of the Rahi" (the McDonalds Matoran comic) take place in relation to Mata Nui Online Game or C. A. Hapka's Tale of the Toa?
104. Just how accurate to the storyline are C. A. Hapka's books (Tale of the Toa, Beware the Bohrak, Makuta's Revenge)?
111) Yes, that's exactly what it means. 122) Yes 133) You are going way back here. First off, I don't have a copy of Hapka's book and haven't read it in three years. And I had nothing to do with MNOLG, as it was all designed and programmed before I came to work for LEGO. I would suggest you check BZP's BIONICLE timeline. 144) All of her books were approved by the story team -- MNOLG #1 and #2 were not.
1I few new answers that I got:
21. I was wondering how many kinds of specialized protodites Zaktan has. Does he have specialized protodites for the following functions? 3-Digestion 4-Inter-protodite communication 5-Armor/Tri-Sword composition 6-Muscles (for moving his limbs in a regular manner)
72. Does Zaktan need to drink protodermis?
83. Do the gold and black/gray zamors in Power Play have the same powers as the gold and black/gray zamors in the Zamor kits?
94. On page 22 of Power Play, Zaktan finds himself uncertain over how he knows that the MoLi is more than just "one more Kanohi". You have stated earlier that Zaktan knows virtually everything that is going on, which would logically include him knowing what the strange source of knowlege on Voya Nui is. Could you please clarify?
105. How are the unusual Zamor sphere mixes seen in Power Play made?
111) Think of it this way. I hit you with a ray that turns your entire body into LEGO bricks. Your body still functions the same way it did before, it is just made of plastic bricks. So everything still works as normal, just what it is made out of has changed.
122) Zaktan needs nutrition the same way any other BIONICLE being does.
133) Yes
144) Zaktan's knowledge was gained before he went to Metru Nui in search of Makuta's corpse. Therefore, that knowledge does not pertain to what happened to him there, beyond what he has been able to theorize based upon it.
155) Skillfully.
1this just popped into my head
2If Matoran who were bad workers were temporarily sent to Karzahni to be rebuilt and then shipped back to where they came from, then were Matoran who were good workers only sent to Artahka temporarily also? Was it their reward, some kind of vacation from work or something
3No, reassignment to Artakha was not temporary. It was a permanent step up.
5*Imagines Onua Nuva taking off his armor along with his head* 6
11. On Page 57 of Dark Destiny, it says the following: 2"Then, he removed his Nuva armor and tossed that aside as well." 3Does that mean that the Nuva armor isn't part of the Toa Nuva's bodies? That it can just be taken off?41) Yes, that's exactly what it means.

1My questions involve Brutaka and the Tahtorak.
21. Brutaka dropped Tahtorak on Metru Nui at least before the Great Cataclysm, right? 32. Where was Brutaka that he would even meet Tahtorak in the first place? 4b. Keetongu and Tahtorak's island? 5c. why wasn't he on Voya Nui protecting the Ignika? 63. Why, if Brutaka was a member of the OOMN, would he take a Rahi and transport it from it's home to an unfamiliar place just for fun? I don't think a Toa would do that, or are Toa generally more just and moral than Brutaka is? 74. When exactly did Brutaka lose faith in Mata Nui? Or was it a gradual process? 8Thanks:
91) Yes, Tahtorak is shown as being on Metru Nui during the 2004 storyline, which is before the cataclysm 102) Brutaka had a life before being assigned to Voya Nui, and one has to assume that occasionally he got missions off of Voya Nui during the past many thousands of years 113) You are assuming all OOMN members are just and moral. Toa are the public face of the light, they have to be just and moral the same way police do. But CIA agents don't have to be -- their jobs are secret, they often have to cross legal lines, and do things police can't. Same with the OOMN. 124) Over the last thousand years
13so, Brutaka transported Tahtorak before he was even a guardian of the Ignika. Tahtorak must have been on Metru Nui for a long time
14edit: wow, this honestly too like 3 minutes for him to reply
15I have some questions concerning Jovan, the Toa of Magnetism 161. How is Jovan pronounced? Joe-van, Joe-von, Ho-von? 172. I know that earth physics and chemistry don't apply to the bionicle world, but on our earth some metals, such as iron are magnetic, while others are not. Are all metals on the bionicle world magnetic? If not, this could be one of Jovan's power limitations, since otherwise he could practically manipulate anything living on the bionicle world. 183. Would Jovan be able to pull a kanohi off the face of his foe? Similarly, would a mask of telekinesis be able to do this? 194. Can a Toa of magnetism warp and shape the physical structure of metals, like Magneto can, or can he just move them? 20Thanks again:
211) Joe-Van 222) I don't see all metals as being magnetic, no 233) Possibly 244) Yes, he could warp and shape as well
21. Brutaka dropped Tahtorak on Metru Nui at least before the Great Cataclysm, right? 32. Where was Brutaka that he would even meet Tahtorak in the first place? 4b. Keetongu and Tahtorak's island? 5c. why wasn't he on Voya Nui protecting the Ignika? 63. Why, if Brutaka was a member of the OOMN, would he take a Rahi and transport it from it's home to an unfamiliar place just for fun? I don't think a Toa would do that, or are Toa generally more just and moral than Brutaka is? 74. When exactly did Brutaka lose faith in Mata Nui? Or was it a gradual process? 8Thanks:
91) Yes, Tahtorak is shown as being on Metru Nui during the 2004 storyline, which is before the cataclysm 102) Brutaka had a life before being assigned to Voya Nui, and one has to assume that occasionally he got missions off of Voya Nui during the past many thousands of years 113) You are assuming all OOMN members are just and moral. Toa are the public face of the light, they have to be just and moral the same way police do. But CIA agents don't have to be -- their jobs are secret, they often have to cross legal lines, and do things police can't. Same with the OOMN. 124) Over the last thousand years
13so, Brutaka transported Tahtorak before he was even a guardian of the Ignika. Tahtorak must have been on Metru Nui for a long time
14edit: wow, this honestly too like 3 minutes for him to reply
15I have some questions concerning Jovan, the Toa of Magnetism 161. How is Jovan pronounced? Joe-van, Joe-von, Ho-von? 172. I know that earth physics and chemistry don't apply to the bionicle world, but on our earth some metals, such as iron are magnetic, while others are not. Are all metals on the bionicle world magnetic? If not, this could be one of Jovan's power limitations, since otherwise he could practically manipulate anything living on the bionicle world. 183. Would Jovan be able to pull a kanohi off the face of his foe? Similarly, would a mask of telekinesis be able to do this? 194. Can a Toa of magnetism warp and shape the physical structure of metals, like Magneto can, or can he just move them? 20Thanks again:
211) Joe-Van 222) I don't see all metals as being magnetic, no 233) Possibly 244) Yes, he could warp and shape as well
1BL#3 Spoilers: 21. In Power PLay, Garan said that the Piraka were focused on the sky. Are they looking for signs of the Dark Hunters? 31b. If it isn't can you tell me what they are worried about? 41c. If not can you tell me when you will release the information? 52. Kongu found a carving that depicted a Piraka riding a Tahtorak. Did the Piraka ever see or ride it? 63. In BSO1 it says that Lhikan is the returning hero. Is that true? 74. When Kongu touched the glass that contained the virus, how he didn't feel sick or dizzy? 85.In Power Play the Voya Nui Resistance Team found the tablets of Voya Nui's history. How did the Piraka get those tablets? 95b. Was it from from Brutaka? 105c. Does it have any importance to the storyline? 116. Does Vezon's chain have any importance to the storyline? 127. Does Vezon use his vision power? 138. Can Vezon & Fenrakk survive in lava? 149. Did Vezon kill the flying Rahi, in Power Play, for any particual reason? 1510. I believe you have said that their is one more guardian we don't know about. Will this guardian be a set? 1611. Is Matoro only going to carry the Ignika? 1711b. Will it curse him? 1812. Do Axonn and Brutaka know who is destined to wear the mask? 1913. If the Inika and the Piraka enter the Zone of Nightmares at the same times, would the Inika be able to see Irnakk? 2014. Why did the Green Belt pop up in a barren wasteland?
21Thanks in advance.
221) DH and Toa. 232) Yes 243) I don't know what they are basing that on, other than someone's theory. It is not based on anything I have said. 254) He might well have, but he was more taken with what his mask was telling him than any physical consequences. 265) Yes, it does have importance, and as pointed out, those tablets came from someone who had been watching the island for some time. Most likely, they belonged to either the BOM or the DH 276) Nothing major, no. 287) Yes 298) Follow the story 309) No. Vezon is insane, he doesn't need reasons. 3110) At this point, you guys know of all the sets coming out this year 3211) No, Matoro would not be cursed by it, because it is his destiny to carry it. At this point, who will wear the mask has not been decided by the story team yet. 3312) Only that it isn't them. 3413) Possibly, but that's not going to happen. The Piraka get there first. 3514) Hasn't been revealed yet
21Thanks in advance.
221) DH and Toa. 232) Yes 243) I don't know what they are basing that on, other than someone's theory. It is not based on anything I have said. 254) He might well have, but he was more taken with what his mask was telling him than any physical consequences. 265) Yes, it does have importance, and as pointed out, those tablets came from someone who had been watching the island for some time. Most likely, they belonged to either the BOM or the DH 276) Nothing major, no. 287) Yes 298) Follow the story 309) No. Vezon is insane, he doesn't need reasons. 3110) At this point, you guys know of all the sets coming out this year 3211) No, Matoro would not be cursed by it, because it is his destiny to carry it. At this point, who will wear the mask has not been decided by the story team yet. 3312) Only that it isn't them. 3413) Possibly, but that's not going to happen. The Piraka get there first. 3514) Hasn't been revealed yet
111) No, Matoro would not be cursed by it, because it is his destiny to carry it. At this point, who will wear the mask has not been decided by the story team yet.
2Wait, did GregF mean that Matoro is actually the one destined to carry the Ignika or was he just saying that the one destined wouldn't be cursed?
1Wait, did GregF mean that Matoro is actually the one destined to carry the Ignika or was he just saying that the one destined wouldn't be cursed?
2Normally someone who touches the mask is cursed, unless it is their destiny to do so. Matoro is destined to carry the mask on his person (though not wear it.) 3Apparently, they need to transport it somewhere.
1Hello Greg, I just want to ask you some questions based on the Suletu
21) Kongu's Suletu is it's true shape right?
32) If so, does that means that all which happened when the Red Star striked was it transformed the Kanohi into organic form? (Kongu's Suletu)
43) So when Kongu found that Suletu, it is the same shape except it is not organic?
5Thanks.6~ Bioran
71) Yes 82) Yes, because the Suletu he found was already a Great Mask. It didn't need to be turned into one. 93) Yes
10Some questions which I already knew the answers to, but I still asked for no reasons

11~ Bioran
1when will the toa inika be in England?
1I understand that Brutaka once guarded the temple of life. Is this temple below Voya Nui's surface, or somewhere the storyline hsn't gone yet?
3That reference comes from an outdated version of the story bible -- there is no temple of life.
4I didn't know that, and maybe other BZPers didn't either.
1Here are some other questions thanks in advance:
21) What happened to Takua's Pakari when he transformed?
32)Seeing as the Toa are more then 95.000 years old are their Kanohi NOT made out of Kanoka?
43)Is the mask of elemental powers considered as a great mask?
54)IF the Oomn transported the Kanohi Nuva to Mata Nui would it be mentioned in the atlas?
6those are all exept those i keep forgetting and remember as soon as i sent the message again thanks in advance
7P.S Is there a chance there will be ever books translated into Dutch??
81) Most likely it ceased to exist 92) The original Toa? Probably not 103) Yes 114) Not necessarily 125) That is up to Scholastic. For the books to be published outside the US, Scholastic has to make a deal with a local publisher to do so (as they did with Harper Collins in the UK). LEGO has nothing to do with it.
12)Seeing as the Toa are more then 95.000 years old are their Kanohi NOT made out of Kanoka?
22) The original Toa? Probably not
3Is Greg referring to the Toa Olda as the "original" Toa because they were the first in the Bionicle storyline, or because they were the first Toa in existance? I didn't know if he had ever confirmed or not if Tahu and co. were THE very first Toa to be created in history.
1Is he referring to the Toa Olda as the "original" Toa because they were the first in the Bionicle storyline, or because they were the first Toa in existance? I didn't know if he had ever confirmed or not if Tahu and co. were THE very first Toa to be created in history.
2I ment the olda just as the toa olda forgot to put the olda into toa olda
16I quite happy that the sets will be released on January, it means I can get one for my brithday:
2-- Me again. Back with some questions:
- 3Can the ignika withdraw/take the life of a great being?
- 4Can we expect Bionicle to be around until 2010?
- 5Though we know that you cannot give information on the sets of 2007 themselves, do you know when the first few will be released?
- 6Seeing that plants are on the Bionicle world, are there any "animals" ?
- 7Are the orignial toa (tahu,lewa,etc.) native to mata-nui ?
- 8Will the storyline go back to the original toa ever again?
9thank you in advance: (After reading your blog, I litteraly cant wait for the 2007 sets
101) Since I do not want to discuss the nature of the Great Beings, I can't answer this 112) That depends completely on you and people like you -- if the sets keep selling, BIONICLE will stay around. If they stop selling well, LEGO will shut it down. 123) January 2007 134) All the Rahi are animals 145) No, no one is native to Mata Nui 156) As a focus? Only if they sets are re-released at some point. Story has to focus on current sets, because it exists to promote awareness of the sets
16I quite happy that the sets will be released on January, it means I can get one for my brithday:
12. Since there is Toa Jovan, is there a second Inika combiner? 22) Not yet, no
3Interesting...not yet...does this mean there will be another three-way Inika Combiner?
4Also, I have have some questions answered from GregF, and some important news about the Voya Nui Online Game :
5I have some questions:
61.Will the island of Mata Nui have any further importance? 72.I remember reading that you would write bios for the Piraka Combiners. I know they aren't in the story, but you wrote bios for the Dagger Spider and the Lava Hawk, and neither are they. Could you write bios for the Combiners? 83.Have any Turaga joined the Dark Hunters? 94.Was Zaktan's body always made of Protodites, and the Shadowed One just phyically separated them? Or did the Shadowed One actually convert Zaktan's substance into Protodites? 105.Are there any other members of the Piraka's species in the Dark Hunters? 116.Will any of the Fan-Created Dark Hunters featured in the Guide be featured in future story? 127.Do you know the Shadowed One's real name? 138.Who wrote the story for Tales of the Tohunga/Quest for the Toa? 14Would you consider it canonical? 159.Who wrote the story for MNOLG? 16Would you consider it canonical? 1710.Who wrote the story for MNOLG2? 18Would you consider it canonical? 1911.Who wrote the story for the Voya Nui Online Game? 20Would you consider it canonical? 2112.How many times can a being be defused into two beings by Vezon's Spear of Fusion? 2213.If Vezon defused Prototype, would the two Toa still be loyal to the Dark Hunters, go wild like Rahi, become good again, or become completely robotic? 2314.Could Keetongu save the Hordika Dragons? 24How about Savage?
271) Nothing planned for it at the moment, beyond an appearance in the Atlas next year 282) I haven't had time, my writing schedule is just too tight 293) No 304) The latter 315) Quite possibly, yes 326) Yes, some show up in BIONICLE Legends #4 337) Yes 348) No idea, that game was produced before I came to work at LEGO 359-10) I had nothing to do with the online games. Most of it is considered canon -- the major events -- but some of the minor things, like taxi crabs, are not. Also neither game was ever approved by the story team. 3611) I have not seen really anything of the VNOLG, but I can tell you it does not and was not intended to match the 2006 storyline (originally, it was supposed to be up and done with so long before the end of the year that if we went with the actual story on it, then we would have blown the ending already). So no, it will not be canon. 3713) Probably until there is not enough mass left to exist in our universe 3814) Probably has a lot to do with what they were look like before they were fused and what condition their sanity is in now 3915) Yes on Hordika dragons, and yes on Savage
40So there you have it, the Voya Nui Online Game is not canonical:
1Not much in terms of Bionicle, but it tells us something we can expect NOT to happen.
2Hope you can answer some of these (they're kinda mix-n-match).
31.) You said you know the Shadowed One's real name. Does this mean there are plans to release it in the future?
42.) If so, could you project when? (You can probably tell I have a fascination with the character.)
53.) Do you have any news as to whether or not Batman will continue next year? With all the basic vehicles, villains, Batcave, and Arkham already out, it seems like TLC was trying to cover everything in one year.
64.) In one of the online Exo-Force comics I think Meca One makes some sort of mention to his "private machine." Is that where the Bridge Walker set comes into play this year?
81) No. But I have to know everything, whether we are sharing it with you guys or not 92) Nope 103) I don't have info on this yet, but I certainly hope it will, and I know it is selling well 114) Yes
1could people acctually add the "quotes" from Gregf? I fail to belive anything with out the quotes.
2EDIT (here are add ons to the answers) :
27Well, that weird. 0_o how can an animal be an animal without the ability to reproduce? Didn't it say in one of the books about some rahi being a mother or having a mother?
2EDIT (here are add ons to the answers) :
3-- Me again. Back with some questions:
10thank you in advance: (After reading your blog, I litteraly cant wait for the 2007 sets
- 4Can the ignika withdraw/take the life of a great being?
- 5Can we expect Bionicle to be around until 2010?
- 6Though we know that you cannot give information on the sets of 2007 themselves, do you know when the first few will be released?
- 7Seeing that plants are on the Bionicle world, are there any "animals" ?
- 8Are the orignial toa (tahu,lewa,etc.) native to mata-nui ?
- 9Will the storyline go back to the original toa ever again?
111) Since I do not want to discuss the nature of the Great Beings, I can't answer this 122) That depends completely on you and people like you -- if the sets keep selling, BIONICLE will stay around. If they stop selling well, LEGO will shut it down. 133) January 2007 144) All the Rahi are animals 155) No, no one is native to Mata Nui 166) As a focus? Only if they sets are re-released at some point. Story has to focus on current sets, because it exists to promote awareness of the sets
17Indeed, can you tell us if they will be large sets (ex. piraka/toa/hordika) or smaller sets (ex. Matoran)?
18Also, when you say that Rahi are animals, do you also mean that they are capable of reproduction?
19Finally, is it possible that the original toa will be released in "re-vamped" versions?
201) What are you referring to? 212) No. There is no biological reproduction for any species in BIONICLE. 223) Anything is possible, but I do not see the Nuva being re-released for some years, unless story and product line plans change radically. At this point, the Nuva were just on the shelves three years ago, that's a blink of an eye to toy retailers.
23If you are talking original 2001 Toa, answer's no -- they will never be in that form again, or in the storyline as their pre-Nuva selves, so no point in putting them out.
251.) I am reffering to the January 2007 sets. Will they be large or small?
26Same set-up it always is -- six canister sets and then a few smaller sets. We don't do big sets until summer.
27Well, that weird. 0_o how can an animal be an animal without the ability to reproduce? Didn't it say in one of the books about some rahi being a mother or having a mother?
1Well, that weird. 0_o how can an animal be an animal without the ability to reproduce? Didn't it say in one of the books about some rahi being a mother or having a mother?
2It was in Bionicle Chronicles #1. It was talking about Lewa accidentaly knocking a baby chick out of it's nest. 3The reason for this-- C.A. Hapka didn't know everything about BIONICLE and evidently did not realize that reproduction isn't in BIONICLE. 4Just a lack of knowledge was all it was. 5As Greg stated, there is no biological reproduction, just a mistake on the author's part.:psychotwich:
1I remember when I read BA7, the Toa Metru encountered and rescued Graalok the Ash Bear when she was "young". Also, I remember seeing the word "mother" and BL3, and both of those books were written by Greg Farshtey. And yes, I have known that there is no biological reproduction in Bionicle for some time now.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hi, here are some Questions
31.Will there be any Alpha Team in 2007 or later? 42.Do you know if there will ever be Lego Baseball Sets? 53.Can you tell us what caused the Matoran Civil War? 64.Was Dume a Toa on Metru Nui? 75.When Dume was appointed Turaga, were any other Memebrs of his team alive? 86.Is there any plan to release a Toa Nidhiki and other Members of Lihkan's team at some point? 97.Could the Lightning that transformed the Toa Inika have some substance related to Visorak Venom in it? No Venom specifically, but something related to it tha caused the Organic Masks and Stuff. 108.Could Mata Nui have been the Land Mass Voya Nui Broke off Of? 119.Will there be any Rahkshi in BL #5? 1210.Which of the Inika would you say is the Wisest? 1311. Will there be any Contests soon that are like the Rahi and DH Contests? 1412.Will there be a Toa Team Guide Ever? 1513.Can you tell us what type of creature the Returning Hero is? 1614.Will Takanuva and the Toa Nuva be playing any future roles in the story? 1715.Do you know when VNOLG is coming out? 1816.What would happen if Mata Nui awoke and found out about Brutaka's actions? (By that, i mean Brutaka betraying him and siding with the Piraka) 1917.When should we expect the July/August US Lego Magazine to come out? 2018.How will The Inika get the Ignika if It's on Vezon's head? 2119.When you say the Piraka will be in future storyline in "some formn", could this mean they are transformed? 2220.How do you say Vakama would feel about Jaller being a Toa? The other Turaga about the other Inika? Dume? 2321.How will the Toa Nuva react when they meet the Inika? 2422.How would they feel? 2523. Okay, I have EXTREME doubts, but can you give us a BL #4 or #5 quote? It's okay if you can't24.Is Nuju going to begin speaking Matoran? 2625. Were Axonn and Brutaka ever Toa?
27Thank you for your time and awnsers![]()
28-Hunter Nuva
291) Not in '07, I have no idea what might be planned for beyond that. 302) Have not heard anything about that 313) If I wanted you to know that, it would be in the timeline 324) Probably not 335) Yes 346) No. We don't have any flashback stories planned, and if characters are not going to be a focus of the story, there is no point in doing sets of them. 357) Not to my knowledge 368) Oh, no, absolutely not. Read the description -- Voya Nui broke off and shot UP -- it is south of Mata Nui, not up from Mata Nui (up from Mata Nui is the sky) 379) Read it and find out 3810) Jaller, Matoro or Hahli 3911) There will be another building contest soon, but it will not be tied to a Scholastic book. 4012) Nothing planned for that right now, simply because all the info on the Toa is beaten to death in the comic, on the web, in the magazine, there is really nothing new to say in the guide. 4113) No 4214) I would assume so, since the Toa Nuva are destined to awaken Mata Nui. 4315) No, I have nothing to do with the web site, that is handled in Denmark 4416) Mata Nui is on such a massive power scale, and so far above the average BIONICLE character, that the actions of an individual like Brutaka won't be his concern. That is what the OOMN is for, to take care of things like that. 4517) Next week 4618) Follow the story and find out 4719) See answer to #18 4820) Depends. If the Inika save the universe, they'll be thrilled. If they don't, their opinions won't matter. 4921) See answer to #18 5022) You just asked this 5123) I really have no time to go quote searching. Quotes from these books were already given out weeks ago and are on BZP, so you will have to be content with those. 5224) No. Nuju is going to train another Matoran to know Rahi language. His reasons for speaking that language have not changed. 5325) No. The cycle goes Matoran-Toa-Turaga, you can't turn into something else in the meantime, and Brutaka and Axonn are way more powerful than Toa are.
1I remember when I read BA7, the Toa Metru encountered and rescued Graalok the Ash Bear when she was "young". Also, I remember seeing the word "mother" and BL3, and both of those books were written by Greg Farshtey. And yes, I have known that there is no biological reproduction in Bionicle for some time now.
2Sure beings can be young. They have to come into existance sometime, right? It's just not by means of birth. Makuta is old. The Shadowed One is old. Karzahni is ancient. Why would you be okay considering them old, but not considering Graalok young? Also, words like brother, sister and mother are metaphorical terms for individuals who work together or are close to each other.
1hi,5Toa fofo nuva
2well i have a question, do rahi eat smaller rahi?
6Yes, just as animals in our world do.7- gregf
8about the toa nuva:13Tfn
9if the toa nuva became turaga do they became something like turaga nuva?
10about the toa inika:
11can the inika just control lighting or their elements are always fused?
141) Yes 152) Always fused
17mmm interesting
2It's called "Stop Quote Embedding," and it's a board feature that's turned on. :psychotwich:Fivrik Toa of Building 1For some reason, when you quote someone using quotes, their quotes don't show up, and so you have to find the quotes and insert them yourself.
3That thing about lightning and elements is pretty much answered in Power Play.
4I see Greg's changed his "Can't answer that" replies to "Follow the story and find out."

5©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
Fatoran the awesomesauce 1Heyo Greg. Just a couple of quick ones tonight if it's ok.
21) So I'm assuming by the end of this story arc we'll have one less Toa in one group (or perhaps a lone Toa). But a death is inevitable, yes?
32) Have you ever considered/ could you forsee a time where BIONICLE has it's own expanded universe style series, where other writers can create their own side stories that either take place after/ before/ during storylines but wouldn't really affect the main story? It'd be a great way to get more people involved, but of course there is the risk that stories could overlap, too powerful/ contradictary characters could be created etc. 4But I would like to take an opportunity of something like this. The concept of writing side stories for BIONICLE would be one that any fan with good writing abilities would love to take, I'm sure. Could you ever see it happening/ want to?
51) We have not decided who will be wearing the Mask, so it's not something I can discuss. 62) Not off the top of my head beyond unofficial fan fiction, mainly for two reasons. One, stories have to focus on existing sets because that is what the story exists to promote. And two, there aren't any fans who actually understand how this universe works, or why, or what the story is really all about -- so they could write a great story that we can't use because they got something wrong through no fault of their own, and I wouldn't be able to correct them without ruining the next 5-10 years of story for them.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey.![]()
2I was wondering if the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics applied to the Bionicle Universe (if you are wondering, the 2nd law says that the quality of energy decreases over time, as well as the order of things, unless a being of intelligence interferes and makes order). From what I can tell, it does apply (i.e. The Vahi rusting, Metru-Nui needing to be rebuilt by Dume (as it won't rebuild itself), the Nuva getting armour because of the EP (which would be a source of intelligence), etc.)
3Thank you.![]()
4Your examples are logical and I would say unofficially you are probably right, but we reserve the right to make exceptions to any Earth laws of physics because this is science fantasy.
5Just something I was curious about. I'm very satisfied with the answer, too. Not a bit dissapointed.