1Recently, I P.M.ed greg with a few questions:
6That is going to be cool.
10So, that means that they would have greater power than normal turaga, so they would have noble nuva masks. Like tha Noble Hau Nuva, etc., etc. Edit: Page 193 is mine, I claim it the name of the Dark side::
2Will the BionicleMainland ever be a part of the story?
3You don't have to say what year, just yes or no, please?
5I believe so
6That is going to be cool.
7I was wondering, when the Toa Nuva become turaga, will they be the Turaga Nuva?
9If they become Turaga, then yes
10So, that means that they would have greater power than normal turaga, so they would have noble nuva masks. Like tha Noble Hau Nuva, etc., etc. Edit: Page 193 is mine, I claim it the name of the Dark side::

1Hey, guys: I've got important news: It's highlighted in bold.
9If... no, when Mata Nui awakens, the Toa Nuva will probably be re-released:
2I have 3 questions for you, Greg.
31. You said yourself the storyline would not focus on the Toa Nuva unless they were to reappear in stores. Since it was the Nuva's destiny to awaken Mata Nui, are you basically saying that we'll never see Mata Nui awaken?
42. Will any of the fan-made Dark Hunters from the DH Guide appear in the storyline?
53. Will any of the fan-made Rahi from the Rahi Guide appear in the storyline?
61) No, I am saying that by the time Mata Nui awakens, it will make business sense to re-release the Toa Nuva 72) Yes, in BL #4 83) They already have in a number of places, most recently the doom viper's cameo in BL #2
9If... no, when Mata Nui awakens, the Toa Nuva will probably be re-released:
More Info.

3Just one question based of of this qoute in the OGD.42) Say the dark hunters had won, and captured metru nui in the toa/dark hunter war. Would that have put mata nui to sleep? or would it have severly weakened mata nui?
52) I don't think it would have had an enormous effect, as long as the DH kept the Matoran working and didn't kill them or imprison them
6So Does this mean that the only reason Mata Nui is asleep is because the Matoran were imprissioned by Makuta?If so, why was Mata Nui not awakened when they were?Also,If this is true does that mean that there are other Islands where Matoran are inslaved and Mata Nui will not be awakened untill they are all free? 7Thanks: 8Legend
9No, that's not what it means, but it certainly didn't help. Remember -- the first key to waking up Mata Nui was repopulating Metru Nui. That wasn't the only thing had to be done, or he would be awake now, but it did have to be done.
11. Who in the world are Toa Jovan and Botar?
22. Let's say if Thok could teleport matoran where ever he wanted and he put on the sunken part of Voya Nui and lets say that matoran could survive down for a week. Could Gali Olda save him? 32b. Could Gali Nuva save him? 42c. Could Toa Nokama save him? 52d. Could Turaga Nokama save him? 62e. Could Toa Hali save him?
73. Why did Lego change the Inkia heads last minute?
84. This isn't your department but... How come the Inkia cost $5 more in Canada then the US where there is only a 10 cent difference between they USD and CND
95. The Strobe Light Swords are ment to represent lightning right?
106. Which is your favourite Bionicle movie?
117. What happened to VNOG? Wasn't going to come in Feburary?
128. Does answering 5000 questions every day really get on your nerves?
13Thanks so much for taking this time out your busy schedule: 14~B-Bomb
151) Botar is the combo model of Axonn and Brutaka. Jovan is a combo model of Hahli, Hewkii and Nuparu, a former Toa of Magnetism and the deceased former Turaga of Voya Nui 162) I cannot answer this because it relates to future storyline 173) No idea, I am not the set designer. Those decisions get made in Denmark 184) I actually did some research on this and discovered that the same thing happens with other toys and with comic books (so I have to assume other goods as well). It is possible that Canada imposes some kind of an import duty on foreign goods that raises the price, as a way of protecting domestically produced items. I can't see any reason to expect the price would be 1-1 with the US when the goods are not produced in Canada. 195) No, they are meant to represent the energy that is in the sword 206) Probably the second one 217) Still in development, evidently. I don't work on the web, so that's all I know 228) If it did, I wouldn't do it. This isn't something I am mandated to do by my job
23Look at question 2, I think I struck a big part of plot. So it's the government, eh? ~B-Bomb
1Hey, guys: I've got important news: It's highlighted in bold. 21) No, I am saying that by the time Mata Nui awakens, it will make business sense to re-release the Toa Nuva 32) Yes, in BL #4 43) They already have in a number of places, most recently the doom viper's cameo in BL #2 5If... no, when Mata Nui awakens, the Toa Nuva will probably be re-released:
6I doubt that they will be re-released as the same way they were before. Probably in a revamped version.
11) Botar is the combo model of Axonn and Brutaka. Jovan is a combo model of Hahli, Hewkii and Nuparu, a former Toa of Magnetism and the deceased former Turaga of Voya Nui 22) I cannot answer this because it relates to future storyline 33) No idea, I am not the set designer. Those decisions get made in Denmark 44) I actually did some research on this and discovered that the same thing happens with other toys and with comic books (so I have to assume other goods as well). It is possible that Canada imposes some kind of an import duty on foreign goods that raises the price, as a way of protecting domestically produced items. I can't see any reason to expect the price would be 1-1 with the US when the goods are not produced in Canada. 55) No, they are meant to represent the energy that is in the sword 66) Probably the second one 77) Still in development, evidently. I don't work on the web, so that's all I know 88) If it did, I wouldn't do it. This isn't something I am mandated to do by my job 9Look at question 2, I think I struck a big part of plot. So it's the government, eh? ~B-Bomb
10Question 2 boosts my theory the the next area in 2007 is in fact the Lost Land aka the part of Voya Nui that sank 1000 years ago. I hope I'm right. But how would they survive down there??
1Maybe they fell to the Dome under Voya Nui? Don't know, just a theory. 2Also, about "water being a conductor of electricity," that's not true. What really conduces electricity are the minerals and ions in the water. Pure water doesn't conduce electricity, and I'm guessing Toa of Water launch pure water. 3Khote
11. You have seen the 2007 Set, are they cool?
22. How many 2007 sets have you seen?
33. Which chapter are you now on in the Atlas?
44. Will we see Maps and Rahi from the entries?
55. Which chapter are your favorite?
66. Can you share some info on Mana-Ko?
77. How many Legends will it be?
88. Will we see more OoMN members 2007 and 2008?
99. Will we see some characters from the new alliace?
1010. OoMN are writing the Atlas, will they share some info about Some members? 11
121) Yes 132) All but one 143) I have two chapters left to do 154) Maps, yes, and there will be Rahi but they won't be illustrated 165) Xia and Artakha, so far 176) No 187) Plan for 2007 is four novels, I don't know the plan for 2008 198) I can't discuss future storyline 209) By then you will have, yes 2110) No. There's no reason for them to do so, it is being written for other OOMN members to read and they already know who they are
22. How many 2007 sets have you seen?
33. Which chapter are you now on in the Atlas?
44. Will we see Maps and Rahi from the entries?
55. Which chapter are your favorite?
66. Can you share some info on Mana-Ko?
77. How many Legends will it be?
88. Will we see more OoMN members 2007 and 2008?
99. Will we see some characters from the new alliace?
1010. OoMN are writing the Atlas, will they share some info about Some members? 11

121) Yes 132) All but one 143) I have two chapters left to do 154) Maps, yes, and there will be Rahi but they won't be illustrated 165) Xia and Artakha, so far 176) No 187) Plan for 2007 is four novels, I don't know the plan for 2008 198) I can't discuss future storyline 209) By then you will have, yes 2110) No. There's no reason for them to do so, it is being written for other OOMN members to read and they already know who they are
1Maybe they fell to the Dome under Voya Nui? Don't know, just a theory. 2Also, about "water being a conductor of electricity," that's not true. What really conduces electricity are the minerals and ions in the water. Pure water doesn't conduce electricity, and I'm guessing Toa of Water launch pure water. 3Khote
4Greg's reply to this would be 'Earth physics do not apply in Bionicle' though, or something like that.
1I don't know if these have been asked and answered, but here are alot of questions about Vezon.
2I have some questions about Vezon
31: Was Vezon separated from Vezok by the Staff of Fusion?
42: What is Vezon's eye power?
53: Vezon is the guardian of the Ignika, however, does he protect it according to his opinion, or according to the Order of Mata Nui's or to the mask's?
64: Is he still mentally the same old Vezon after the mask became fused to his head?
75: How would one unfuse the mask from his head?
86: How did he bypass Umbra? Did the mask tell Umbra not to fight?
97: Has Vezon always had that cape?
108: Is he still physically the same old Vezon (not counting the Ignika on the back of his head) after the mask fused with him?
119: When the seven Piraka were together, was Vezon on good terms with Vezok?
129a: Was Vezon on good terms with all the Piraka? (At least as far as good terms go with them)
1310: How does TSO know that Vezon has the Ignika?
141) I am not discussing Vezon's origin, because it gets revealed in comic 4 and I see no reason to spoil the story 152) Limited future sight thanks to the Ignika 163) Vezon is cursed. The mask is fused to him, other beings want it, and so far as he knows, they will kill him to get it. That gives him a lot of incentive to guard the mask. And just a side note, Vezon has no idea the OOMN even exists. 174) Yes, he was always nuts 185) Far as Vezon knows, that only happens when he's dead 196) Holding off on answering this one for now 207) Yes 218) Yes 229) No 239a) No 2410) TSO knows a lot of things. He knows Vezon went there and did not come back, meaning either he has the mask or he's dead
1Just some new info on if Takanuva were ot become a Toa Nuva:
2[centerI was just reading through a name change topic here, and another question popped into my head.
3Q: Since Takanuva looks like a Toa Nuva, what would happen to him if he became a Toa Nuva? Would he have a modified form of the nuva armor? And since his mask is the mask of light, would that mean he could share the power of light with other toa?
4Again, thanks for your time.
6Yes and yes

1Wow, that's cool. I'd like to see what his armor would look like, along with the Avokkhi nuva.
1Hi Greg. How's Comic Con preparations coming along? I loom foward to meeting you again this weekend.
21. Has Botar always been on Voya Nui, or has he arrived recently? 32. I heard somewhere that some other OoMN member fear Botar. And on the back of Ignition #3 thers an ad for the 'Coming of Botar', saying who will survive yaddayaddayadda. If this information is true, is the reason behind the fear and Botar's appearance is that if at any time a OoMN member fails, Botar is sent to kill/take away the member before valuable information is divulged, similar to the DH Guardian? 43. Is the name 'Botar' a name for a specific creature, or is the name of the Bota we know's speicies? 54. Another rumor on BZP is that tehre are mor ethen one of Botar's race in the OoMN. Is this true? If so, was he one of the OoMN who was killed by Karzahni? 65. Will Vezon and Fenrahk be sold at Comic Con, or will only the matoran, Piraka, Toa, and Titans? 76. What is the differance, other then the aurograph, of the two Ignition #3: The one at Comic Con and the one in the mail? 87. Is the name 'Kardas' the name of the Kardas Dragon's speicies, or is it a proper name? 98. Is the Kardas Dragon one of a kind, or are there others like it? 109. When would be the next time information about the Red Star will be divulged? 1110. Why are there Bohrok and Visorak in Bionicle Heroes the videogame? 1211. What day will the artist be signing the comics at Comic Con? I'm coming Fri-Day and Sturady, but I wanted to be sure. 1312. Are there any plans for new colored sets next year, such as purple, teal, yellow, Matoro Blue, etc.? And discussion on it? 1413. How many comics are planning to be released this year? 1514. Is the Bionicle booth larger then last year at Comic Con? 1614b. Is it being shared (the booth) with other lego based products, or is it solo? 1715. Has set design already started for next year? 1816. Have you seen any prototypes? 1916b. If yes, are they looking better then this years, or no comment? 2017. Is your wife coming with you to Comic Co? 2118. Where do you normally work on writing? At your home, at a specific work place, or in Denmark? 2219. Is the thing that touched Matoro's hand in the Dark Realm important in the story? 2320. Are the Toa Nuva trapped in the Zivon Realm, due to Brutaka's Olmak?
251) As of right this moment in the storyline, he's not on Voya Nui and may not ever have been. 262) You are on the right track, but it has nothing to do with mission failure or worry about information being divulged. 273) There is only one Botar, there is no species. 284) See answer to #3 295) I don't know. 306) Ignition #3 at Comic-Con has a special cover by Toby Dutkiewicz. Covers in the mail do not. 317) I would say it is a proper name 328) One of a kind 339) No plans for that in the near future 3410) 'Cause it's a third-person shooter, and when you do a third person shooter, you need a lot of different things to shoot. If all you are shooting at is Piraka, game ends pretty quick, right? 3511) Should be Friday afternoon, sometime between 2 and 5 3612) I cannot discuss 2007 product plans 3713) 5 3814) I believe so, because this year it is not just a BIONICLE booth -- it is BIONICLE, Star Wars, Batman and EXO-FORCE 3914b) See answer to 14 4015) Set design is pretty much done for next year, except for the $30 item 4116) Yes 4216b) See answer to #12 4317) Yes, but I don't think she will be at the con much 4418) I am not based in Denmark, I am based in CT. My book writing is all done at home, my comic writing is done at work. 4519) Yes 4620) No
1Well, yesterday I asked Greg if Vezon and Vezok were never the same being, as their had been discussion about whether or not he had said that.
7Well, that probably effectively eliminates the notion that he said Vezon and Vezok were never the same being.
2Hi Greg.
3Lately, there's been some debate about whether you said "Vezon and Vezok were never the same being" or not. Can you confirm that they were never the same being? Sorry if this is something you can't answer.
4Thanks again,
6I have never said anything one way or the other. Vezon's origin gets revealed in comic #4, and that's when people will get their answers.
7Well, that probably effectively eliminates the notion that he said Vezon and Vezok were never the same being.
1Heres some stuff i've never seem asked yet:
2Whats up Greg? 3I have some questions about Turaga: 41. If, theoretically, Noble Kanohi existed, would a Turaga Nuva still be able to share his mask powers?
52. If takanuva became a Turaga, would he look like a Turaga Nuva?
63. Matoran take the shape of the Toa they are most familiar with when transforming into one. Do Toa transforming into Turaga take shape of the Turaga they are most familiar with? Like would Takanuva look like Turaga Vakama and co?
74. When a Toa becomes a Turaga, does his tool disappear?
85. Would a Turaga Nuva have more elemental power than a Turaga, but less than a normal Toa?
96. Does the Turaga Nui exist in the storyline? Cause I know i've seen it as a set back in 2001.
107. If it does exist, how do the Turaga from Metru Nui know how to form a Nui, when they didn't even know how to form a Toa Kaita?
118. This one's really stretching it: The Toa Nuva know how to form a Kaita. If they became Turaga and formed a Turaga Nuva Kaita or Nui, would it be stronger than a Toa? Nuva?
12Thanks a lot:
131) If the Toa Nuva become Turaga, then yes, they would wear Noble Kanohi Nuva and be able to share powers. 142) No idea, we'll find out if it happens. In the end, it would come down to what the set designers design, not what I say on here. 153) See answer to #3 164) No, it transforms. 175) Definitely less than a Toa, and probably a smidge more than a normal Turaga. 186) As I recall, it never appeared in the storyline, only the Matoran Nui has. 197) See answer to #6 -- a lot of the combo models from 2001 never made it into the story, because we only had three comics and no books back then and nowhere near the room for them. Matoran Nui only made it in because of the McDonald's comic. 208) No, it would not be stronger than a Toa. Turaga Nuva do not have that much more elemental power than a normal Turaga, and the ability to share mask powers is useless when you are all merged into one. So a Turaga Nuva Nui would not be that much better than a standard Turaga Nui.
2Whats up Greg? 3I have some questions about Turaga: 41. If, theoretically, Noble Kanohi existed, would a Turaga Nuva still be able to share his mask powers?
52. If takanuva became a Turaga, would he look like a Turaga Nuva?
63. Matoran take the shape of the Toa they are most familiar with when transforming into one. Do Toa transforming into Turaga take shape of the Turaga they are most familiar with? Like would Takanuva look like Turaga Vakama and co?
74. When a Toa becomes a Turaga, does his tool disappear?
85. Would a Turaga Nuva have more elemental power than a Turaga, but less than a normal Toa?
96. Does the Turaga Nui exist in the storyline? Cause I know i've seen it as a set back in 2001.
107. If it does exist, how do the Turaga from Metru Nui know how to form a Nui, when they didn't even know how to form a Toa Kaita?
118. This one's really stretching it: The Toa Nuva know how to form a Kaita. If they became Turaga and formed a Turaga Nuva Kaita or Nui, would it be stronger than a Toa? Nuva?
12Thanks a lot:
131) If the Toa Nuva become Turaga, then yes, they would wear Noble Kanohi Nuva and be able to share powers. 142) No idea, we'll find out if it happens. In the end, it would come down to what the set designers design, not what I say on here. 153) See answer to #3 164) No, it transforms. 175) Definitely less than a Toa, and probably a smidge more than a normal Turaga. 186) As I recall, it never appeared in the storyline, only the Matoran Nui has. 197) See answer to #6 -- a lot of the combo models from 2001 never made it into the story, because we only had three comics and no books back then and nowhere near the room for them. Matoran Nui only made it in because of the McDonald's comic. 208) No, it would not be stronger than a Toa. Turaga Nuva do not have that much more elemental power than a normal Turaga, and the ability to share mask powers is useless when you are all merged into one. So a Turaga Nuva Nui would not be that much better than a standard Turaga Nui.
1Hi Greg I just wanted to ask you some questions:
21. When will the pictures of Toa Jovan be out?
32. Why did villagers expose themselfs to energised protodermis to make protocairns?
43. Where are protocairns at the moment?
5Hope you can answer my qustens and thanks in advance

6Hi Greg I just wanted to ask you some questions:
71. When will the pictures of Toa Jovan be out?
82. Why did villagers expose themselfs to energised protodermis to make protocairns?
93. Where are protocairns at the moment?
10Hope you can answer my questens and thanks in advance

1Vezok21, you have to PM GregF.
1Hey Greg:
21. How do you pronounce "Inika"?
32. What about "Ignika"?
6I pronounce it In-nee-kah and Ig-nee-kah -- some other people at LEGO pronounce it In-nigh-kah (pronounced like "high") -- so we will see how it's said in the commercials.
8I was gonna ask him about these, but you beat me to it.

1I usually say IN-ih-kuh, ih sounding like in or sit.
2Anyway, here's my recent list of questions.
25Yep. Number 5 was a bit random, not sure why I asked that.
2Anyway, here's my recent list of questions.
3I put this in because... well, I didn't feel like doing the whole quote thing. for this.
41) If the Nuva are re-released, would they have to redesign them with more points of articulation, masks with plus-rods instead of the old pegs, etc.?
52) I once heard that other members of Lego (such as Stuart Sayger) were members here. Is this true?
63) When the Inika become Turaga, would their masks still be organic?
74) When the Nuva become Turaga, what power level would their masks be on? I mean, since they're greater than Noble, but not as strong as a Gret Nuva, would they be... Great masks? Just something I thought about for several years.
85) Who do you recieve the most PMs from?
96) Please say that a mask won't be used to awaken Mata-Nui. I mean, a mask was used in almost every important happening, like Takanuva's discovery, the Kals' defeat, Mata-Nui's life (possibly) getting saved, etc. But... will it?
107) Will the Inika, as Turaga, still have their lightning ability and zamor-launchers?
11That's all I can think of, and I hope you're having (or had) a good time in San Diego:12-Z-
131) It's impossible for me to answer this because a) there are no plans to re-release them at present andthat decision will get made by the set designers and the marketing team. I can't predict what they will do. 142) Stuart is not a LEGO employee, Stuart is a freelance artist who works for DC. I know he did have a membership here, I have no idea if he still does or not. 153) Probably, yes 164) No, they would be Noble Masks. The Toa Nuva's masks are not that much more powerful than Great Masks, they can simply share the powers with each other, which you cannot do with normal masks. 175) I don't see what difference that makes 186) I cannot discuss future storyline 197) There is no way for me to answer this because 1) we don't know if the Inika will become Turaga -- they might choose to stay Toa, 2) we don't know if they will be sets if they do become Turaga and 3) we don't know what those sets will look like if they do exist.
20About 2, I didn't know he was freelance. 215) I don't see it either, just something I wanted to ask for no reason. Not sure why. 227) I thought once you fulfilled your destiny, you were supposed to become Turaga. I didn't know they had a choice: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] Wow...
247) Yes. Once you fulfill your destiny, you will come to a point where you can choose whether or not to give up your Toa power for the greater good. If you choose not to, you remain a Toa
25Yep. Number 5 was a bit random, not sure why I asked that.
1The Inika's prices do seem to vary dramatically. In England they only cost £5.99, which is the same price as the other canister sets have been. So it must be tax in different countries that makes them more expensive, like Greg said.
3No actually they are £7.99 over here, i know because i've got all six Inika
1No actually they are £7.99 over here, i know because i've got all six Inika
2Yeah, but that's probably because of the new features. 3I already knew that toa had to give up their powers, and that it wasn't automatic that you would become a turaga. strange how I often seem to know things, thinking that it is common knowledge, and then people don't know those things (I hope that you understood that

1No actually they are £7.99 over here, i know because i've got all six Inika
2Well, I got mine from Woolworths for £5.99 each. Maybe they didn't know they were supposed to be more expensive?
3Please say that a mask won't be used to awaken Mata-Nui. I mean, a mask was used in almost every important happening, like Takanuva's discovery, the Kals' defeat, Mata-Nui's life (possibly) getting saved, etc. But... will it?
5'the Toa Nuva raised the Mask of Awakening and put it on Mata Nui's noble face. Nothing whatsoever happened... 6"I said it wouldn't be so easy:" Kopaka said.'
7I hope not. I'm sure Greg and the others can think of a better way of awakening Mata Nui.
1Well, I got mine from Woolworths for £5.99 each. Maybe they didn't know they were supposed to be more expensive? 2Heh...
3'the Toa Nuva raised the Mask of Awakening and put it on Mata Nui's noble face. Nothing whatsoever happened... 4"I said it wouldn't be so easy:" Kopaka said.'
5I hope not. I'm sure Greg and the others can think of a better way of awakening Mata Nui.
7Your lucky on the '£5.99 thing'. I got mine from Woolies too, but they charged £7.99, why did you only get charged £5.99? Why? Oh why?
1Cool: I didn't know the Toa Nuva would become Turaga Nuva. I thought they would just be regular Turaga:
2Read this and think before doing this again.
3When do you plan on releasing the info on Botar? (If you're going to, that is) Because people in Europe can already build him and the latest magazine had a teaser of him.
4Thanks in advance:
6He doesn't come into the story until later in the fall, so I am kind of trying to hold off talking about him
7Hi Greg.
8We all know that Pohatu Nuva is the strongest Toa so far. But Hewkii was able to destroy rocks with his feet and head as a Matoran. So is it possible for Hewkii( as Toa) to be stronger than Pohatu Nuva? 9Thanks in advance.
11But who says Pohatu could not have done that? He simply had no reason to.
12Sorry what I meant to say was: When a Matoran transforms into a Toa their strenght increases. Hewkii was pretty strong already as a Matoran. So one he became a Toa his strenght increased. My question is this: Is Hewkii stronger than Pohatu?
14I would say no, there's no evidence of that.

1Greg is probably in San Diego getting ready for Comic Con tomorrow.
1He's at Comic Con this weekend, so he's likely too busy to reply until next week.
1I'm curious as to exactly how Hewkii learned to smash rocks with his head. Wouldn't that be a significant danger to his Kanohi (as a Matoran)? Makes me wonder just how he won so much at Koli. It would certainly help to impress Macku, I'm sure.
1Just some regarding the Kanohi Ignika and Toa Power...
2Hey GregF:
31. You may not be able to answer this yet, but I was just wondering if you could tell me what order the Kanohi Ignika's guardians come in. So far the ones I know of are:
4Axonn* 5Brutaka* (*I know they're the first line of defense) 6Umbra 7Protodax 8Nightmare Zone 9Vezon & Fenrakk
10Please inform me if I missed any:
11I really appreciate it:
131) Axonn 14Brutaka 15Nightmare Zone 16Protodax 17Umbra 18Vezon and Fenrakk
19and assorted tricks and traps along the way.
20Hey Greg:
211. If a Toa completes his/her destiny, and they choose not to sacrifice their Toa power, do they stay a Toa forever? Or could they sacrifice their Toa power into some random object to become a Turaga if they wanted to?
222. Could a Toa sacrifice their Toa power into a Kanohi, so that a Matoran with a Toa destiny could put it on and transform? That would explain the Kanohi Avohkii, and I just think that is a really cool idea.
251) They would stay a Toa forever. They must sacrifice their power for the greater good, they can't just dump it into any old thing, and they only get one opportunity to do that.
262) No.
1Hi again,
21.) I've only heard the word "Bionicle" used once in the storyline, by Turaga Vakama at the rediscovery of Metru Nui at the end of the MoL movie, something along the lines of "new legends will be made, this is the way of the Bionicle". What significance does the word "Bionicle" have to the matoran and Turaga? I know it stands for Biological Chronical as the name for the toy line, but in the storyline does it refer to their entire history or something like that?
32.) Is the sole purpose of the Inika's zamor launchers to liberate the matoran? Because if they shot anyone else with them, they would be killed unless destined otherwise, right?
4Thank you:
51) I pretty much know what you do on this subject. I have only heard it used in the movies in the fashion you mentioned, and I did not write the movies. Other than that, it has never been used to my knowledge.
62) Right
7Aw man he doesn't know either

1I think that in the first CD the BIONICLE was the name of the Toa Mata's quest. 2I just got this answer about Zaktan:
6I don't know why he didn't put his 'Greg' signature at the end of his answer, though. 7Khote
Greg 3Is Zaktan weaker against sonic attacks, given his protodite condition? When Avak trapped him, his prision created a hum that made his protodites insane, so I assume he is more sensible to that kind of attacks. If so, would Kazi's Echo Forks have a bigger effect on him than on any other Piraka?
4Thank you.
5Sonics do have a greater effect on him, because keeping his form together requires concentration and sonic attacks disrupt that
6I don't know why he didn't put his 'Greg' signature at the end of his answer, though. 7Khote