11) At the end of chapter seven in "Power Play", Kongu's mask is activated while he is touching the vat containing the antidermis. He finds out that the antidermis is alive, and evil. Wasn't Kongu already aware of the fact that it was a virus, and therefore alive?
22) I know that you're not supposed to reveal future storyline, but what do you think Turaga Takanuva would look like? I don't mean specifically, but would he still be gold and white with a noble Avohkii (if that's possible), or would he have Takua's old colors?
33) Again, no revealing, but any chance Brutaka will come back to the light side within the next few years, or will he forever be shrouded in darkness?
44) What is the name of BL4?
55) Can the Elda detect other things besides Matoro's astral form and the Ignika?
66) I heard the Mata-Nui Turaga are sort of like Turaga Dume's advisors. Do the Rahaga help too?
77) Also, what is that limb on TSO's back? Is it a tail or a leg?
91) Why would he be? When is the last time you heard of BIONICLE medical science, or a BIONICLE character having a cold or a virus? Why would they know about that? Half of BZP didn't know viruses are alive, and we have them all over in our world. 102) No idea, I don't think visually, I think in words. 113) No, no, and no. I don't believe in evil characters turning good. If you are going to be evil, at least have the guts to stand by your convictions. 124) Legacy of Evil 135) Well, I would assume it could spot someone using a Mask of Concealment. 146) No, the Rahaga have no reason to hang out on Metru Nui, because there are no more victims of the Visorak there. 157) Probably a tail, I guess
161) I figured that. 173) I totally agree. 185) Not exactly what I meant. 197) Sweet.
1Just 3 questions:
21.Is it possible that the MNOLG2 or the VNOLG will ever be available for download? 32.How many Toa Stones can a fresh new Toa (or a Toa who has never used any Toa Power) make before finally running out of Toa Power? 43.Were the Toa Stones of Mata Nui (the ones that the Toa Metru made) "used"? I know they sent out a beacon summoning the Toa Olda, but could they still have enough energy to be used to turn Matoran into Toa?
5Thanks 6-Kraahkan-User3000
71) VNOLG hasn't even gone up on the site yet. As for MNOLG2, it's possible, but they really should fix the glitch in it first 82) Oh, heck, considering it only takes a fraction of a Toa's energy to make a Toa stone, could be dozens, could be hundreds. 93) No, their energy was used to send the signal.
10Comments: 111. I totally agree that they should fix the glitch(es). 122. Cool: One Toa can make dozens, possibly hundreds of new Toa: 133. Thought so.
21.Is it possible that the MNOLG2 or the VNOLG will ever be available for download? 32.How many Toa Stones can a fresh new Toa (or a Toa who has never used any Toa Power) make before finally running out of Toa Power? 43.Were the Toa Stones of Mata Nui (the ones that the Toa Metru made) "used"? I know they sent out a beacon summoning the Toa Olda, but could they still have enough energy to be used to turn Matoran into Toa?
5Thanks 6-Kraahkan-User3000
71) VNOLG hasn't even gone up on the site yet. As for MNOLG2, it's possible, but they really should fix the glitch in it first 82) Oh, heck, considering it only takes a fraction of a Toa's energy to make a Toa stone, could be dozens, could be hundreds. 93) No, their energy was used to send the signal.
10Comments: 111. I totally agree that they should fix the glitch(es). 122. Cool: One Toa can make dozens, possibly hundreds of new Toa: 133. Thought so.
1I wish Greg would stop comparing Antidermis with real world viruses. Basic science says that viruses are not living things. They are DNA surrounded by a protien coat, not a living organism. They do not truly live. They don't eat or reproduce. They replicate themselves by inserting their own genetic code into living cells. I would be fine if he said that it is alive because it is not an earth virus, but a fictional one, but it seems like its saying that real viruses are living.
1I wish Greg would stop comparing Antidermis with real world viruses. Basic science says that viruses are not living things. They are DNA surrounded by a protien coat, not a living organism. They do not truly live. They don't eat or reproduce. They replicate themselves by inserting their own genetic code into living cells. I would be fine if he said that it is alive because it is not an earth virus, but a fictional one, but it seems like its saying that real viruses are living.
2Well, because they are living. DNA is only contained in living creatures. Rocks don't have DNA.
3(From dictionary.com) Virus:Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
4They may not be considered living, but plants, animals and bacteria are all living.
5Bacteria (for the doubtful):Any of the unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms of the class Schizomycetes, which vary in terms of morphology, oxygen and nutritional requirements, and motility, and may be free-living, saprophytic, or pathogenic in plants or animals.
6So, all plants, animals and bacteria are living. Because a virus is any variety of those, we can logically conclude that a virus is living.
1Well, because they are living. DNA is only contained in living creatures. Rocks don't have DNA.
2(From dictionary.com) Virus:Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
3They may not be considered living, but plants, animals and bacteria are all living.
4Bacteria (for the doubtful):Any of the unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms of the class Schizomycetes, which vary in terms of morphology, oxygen and nutritional requirements, and motility, and may be free-living, saprophytic, or pathogenic in plants or animals.
5So, all plants, animals and bacteria are living. Because a virus is any variety of those, we can logically conclude that a virus is living.
6A virus is not "a variety of these things." It is a parasite that is considered nonliving and survives via these organisms. It is not classified as a plant, animal, or bacteria, and thus is not a memeber of the animalia, plantae, or moneran kingdoms. It is not considered living becuase it lacks two key factors: a cell membrane and the ability to metabolize its own food. Therefore, conclusively, a virus is not considered living.
1Hey guys, let's try to get back on topic. Anywho, here's some of my goodies:
21. In "Web of the Visorak", Matau and Nuju are talking while fighting the mutated Lohrak, and they mention that the reason Airships cannot fly too high is because ice will begin to form. That happens when you fly too high from the surface because you're entering the heatless Outerspace, but why would that happen in an underground dome heated by Twin Suns?
32. In "Web of the Visorak", in the Epilogue on P. 123, Turaga Vakama says, "Meaning you are Toa, not children who need..." But, I thought there wasn't any biological reproduction in BIONICLE. So how do they know what children are?
41) You are applying Earth science to BIONICLE -- can't do that, there's no evidence we're on Earth.
52) Keep in mind that the English spoken in the books is translated from Matoran. So the use of the word children means that is the English word closest to what Vakama said. He doesn't literally mean children the way we would ... but at some point, every being does come into the world, so the Matoran equivalent would probably be "new being." But if I use "new being" it's not going to make sense to the 7-9 year olds who make up most of my readers, so I use a term they will understand.
1Hey guys, let's try to get back on topic. Anywho, here's some of my goodies:
21. In "Web of the Visorak", Matau and Nuju are talking while fighting the mutated Lohrak, and they mention that the reason Airships cannot fly too high is because ice will begin to form. That happens when you fly too high from the surface because you're entering the heatless Outerspace, but why would that happen in an underground dome heated by Twin Suns?
32. In "Web of the Visorak", in the Epilogue on P. 123, Turaga Vakama says, "Meaning you are Toa, not children who need..." But, I thought there wasn't any biological reproduction in BIONICLE. So how do they know what children are?
41) You are applying Earth science to BIONICLE -- can't do that, there's no evidence we're on Earth.
52) Keep in mind that the English spoken in the books is translated from Matoran. So the use of the word children means that is the English word closest to what Vakama said. He doesn't literally mean children the way we would ... but at some point, every being does come into the world, so the Matoran equivalent would probably be "new being." But if I use "new being" it's not going to make sense to the 7-9 year olds who make up most of my readers, so I use a term they will understand.
6You have posted these before.
1Hey Greg, I've got a few questions --
21) How come the Inika heads do not glow in the dark? 31) That feature was changed at the last minute, unfortunately after we had gone to press with the July magazine. I assume it just proved either impractical or too expensive to do.
42) I suppose the story reason of their features being too bright to make out would still count, right? 52) Yes, because the heads still do not have features.
63) I read this reply of you over here :73) No, no, and no. I don't believe in evil characters turning good. If you are going to be evil, at least have the guts to stand by your convictions.
8I'm just wondering what you think of Star Wars' final ending in Ep VI, then? Should Vader have been killed, or doesn't he truely qualify as evil? Or was that an exception?
93) Obviously, Star Wars is hugely successful, so it is hard to quarrel with what they do. But had I written it, after Vader killed them Emperor, he would have turned to Luke and said, "Now we will rule the universe together" and Luke would have had to fight him one last time. Vader blew up entire planets, chopped off his son's hand, and did who knows how many other horrible things in his life, so I just had a hard time buying that he sees the Emperor attack his son and suddenly becomes a good guy for the first time in his adult life. (After all, he had no problems attacking his son himself -- what was he doing during that whole, "Luke, I am your father" scene in Ep. V?)
10Just some interesting stuff.
1Well, because they are living. DNA is only contained in living creatures. Rocks don't have DNA.
2(From dictionary.com) Virus:Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
3They may not be considered living, but plants, animals and bacteria are all living.
4Bacteria (for the doubtful):Any of the unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms of the class Schizomycetes, which vary in terms of morphology, oxygen and nutritional requirements, and motility, and may be free-living, saprophytic, or pathogenic in plants or animals.
5So, all plants, animals and bacteria are living. Because a virus is any variety of those, we can logically conclude that a virus is living.
6Oh good *slaps head and moans* Viruses are NOT living. All living things are able to rebroduce without the help of an other speicies. Wether that is asexual or sexual, they cannot use another species to reproduce. A virus invades a host cell. Then it injects its genetic meterial into the cell and that meterial makes the cell produce more viruses. This is the way viruses "re-procuce"
7In truth, viruses are not considered living or NON-living.
8So, all plants, animals and bacteria are living. Because a virus is any variety of those, we can logically conclude that a virus is living.
9Wah? A virus cant be a plant animal or bacteria: Who taught you this?
1Back on topic, please... 2[ol type='1'[li]When the Matoro, Hahli, Kongu, Jaller, Hewkii, and Nuparu were struck by lightning, did that lighning by chance have Toa Energy in it? 3The lightning came from the red star, that's all I can say.[li]If so, was the 'organicizing' of the Kanohi they were wearing a result of the combination of Toa Energy and lightning? 4See answer to #1
5[li]I've noticed from the first two movies that the characters can wear two masks at once. How is this possible? How many Masks can one wear at once? Can all the powers be used in this case? 6Like you said, that is largely a movie thing -- it has only happened in the comics with the Vahi, which being a legendary mask, does not have to follow the same rules as normal masks. The only other exception was the Dume-Makuta situation, which I frankly saw as more him shapeshifting than doing what it appeared he was doing.
7[li]Since the Toa Inika need to heal Mata Nui, does this mean they have to find him? 8No.
9[li]Does this mean we'll finally see Mata Nui himself? 10No.
11[li]I'm not sure if I've already asked this, but how does Makuta crate Kraata out of his essence if he's made of energy and Krata are organic? 12Because he's Makuta and it's one of the things he can do. Also keep in mind your question springs from your knowledge of Earth science, and as I often say, we're not using Earth science.
13[li]Could there ever be a mask of duplication? 14I suppose it's possible. 15[li]What about liquification? 16Not sure I would see the point of that one -- it's not of much use against inanimate objects, really, and I couldn't use it against living creatures, LEGO would see it as too gross.
17[li]Do any Bionicle creatures have hair? 18Not that I can recall
19[li]What happens to Mask powers if the Kanohi of said power breaks? 20As stated in 2004, the mask simply becomes unusable and has to be destroyed. The only exceptions are the legendary masks.
21[li]When the Mask of Life is used, does the Mask's power consume the wearer because it feeds off of life? 22It consumers the wearer -- the why has not been revealed
23[li]Do Matoran have any legends besides Artahka and Karzahni? 24Sure, they do. They have lots of legends.
25[li]Will we ever see Artakha (I mean Karzahni's brother)? 26No idea.
27[li]Since names mean things in our languages, do Bionicle names mean anything?[li]
Could you give a list if so?
28I am not sure I understand your question 29On that last one, I mean since names have meanings, like, for example, 'Eric' means 'Forever strong' (though it is usually interpreted as 'Ever ruler'). I'm asking if Bionicle names mean anything, like say,
'Vakama' means 'visionary', or
'Tahu' means 'fire'. 30Only thing we have said along those lines is that Ta is a Matoran prefix meaning fire, Ga is a Matoran prefix meaning water, etc. We have not gone into what individual character's names mean.[/olThat's all.
32edit: Wow: new page:
5[li]I've noticed from the first two movies that the characters can wear two masks at once. How is this possible? How many Masks can one wear at once? Can all the powers be used in this case? 6Like you said, that is largely a movie thing -- it has only happened in the comics with the Vahi, which being a legendary mask, does not have to follow the same rules as normal masks. The only other exception was the Dume-Makuta situation, which I frankly saw as more him shapeshifting than doing what it appeared he was doing.
7[li]Since the Toa Inika need to heal Mata Nui, does this mean they have to find him? 8No.
9[li]Does this mean we'll finally see Mata Nui himself? 10No.
11[li]I'm not sure if I've already asked this, but how does Makuta crate Kraata out of his essence if he's made of energy and Krata are organic? 12Because he's Makuta and it's one of the things he can do. Also keep in mind your question springs from your knowledge of Earth science, and as I often say, we're not using Earth science.
13[li]Could there ever be a mask of duplication? 14I suppose it's possible. 15[li]What about liquification? 16Not sure I would see the point of that one -- it's not of much use against inanimate objects, really, and I couldn't use it against living creatures, LEGO would see it as too gross.
17[li]Do any Bionicle creatures have hair? 18Not that I can recall
19[li]What happens to Mask powers if the Kanohi of said power breaks? 20As stated in 2004, the mask simply becomes unusable and has to be destroyed. The only exceptions are the legendary masks.
21[li]When the Mask of Life is used, does the Mask's power consume the wearer because it feeds off of life? 22It consumers the wearer -- the why has not been revealed
23[li]Do Matoran have any legends besides Artahka and Karzahni? 24Sure, they do. They have lots of legends.
25[li]Will we ever see Artakha (I mean Karzahni's brother)? 26No idea.
27[li]Since names mean things in our languages, do Bionicle names mean anything?[li]

32edit: Wow: new page:
1About the whole viral thing, I don't see much point in debating here. The facts are that viruses replicate but do not carry out all the processes of life to be considered technically living. As far as I know, whether or not they are indeed alive is still a subject of debate. If you believe in the five necessary functions of an organism, then no, they aren't living. But if you think an exception should be made, then they are living. I'm guessing Greg is in that second camp, so let's try not to moan and complain that he's giving us incorrect biological information.
1Like I told Greg when I PM'ed him, I apologize if these are old questions. But I figured in the case of sharing info I'd post the responses.
21. It has been said the chain is Matoran -> Toa -> Turaga. Is it possible to break this chain. As in, can a Turaga exist without first being a Toa?...or can a Toa exist without first being a Matoran.
31) We know that the "Toa Olda" most likely were never Matoran, but as a general rule, the answer is no.
42. Are there plans to address the origins of the Toa Nuva before they reached Mata-Nu? Such as if they were Matoran first?
52) See answer to #1, and BL #2 revealed who built their canisters.
63. With the arrival of the Toa Inika, there are now two Toa of Fire (Jaller and Tahu), is this something that has happened before, or something that is supposed to happen normally?
73) Oh, sure it has. There were some 300 Toa in the Toa-Dark Hunter war back in Metru Nui, surely some of them had to share the same elements.
84. Is the Toa of Sonics that the Piraka killed a member of the same Toa team Jovan belonged to?
94) No. Once Jovan's team completed their mission, the surviving members became Turaga.
105. References have been made to Toa of Sonics, Gravity, Magnetism, and Plasma. Would it be a safe guess to say there have also been Toa of Vacuum and Electricity?
115) Of the two, Electricity would be the most likely. I don't think I would do a Toa of Vacuum simply because a skilled Toa of Air can create a vacuum if he needs to.
126. Is there any significance to be drawn from the fact that Toa of 4 "other" elements share their elements with those of the Bohrok-Kal?
136) No.
147. A long time ago, it was said that Bionicle was story of 6 books. The first book, if I remember correctly, ended with the Mask of Light movie (or thereabouts). Which book are we currently in? And if possible, could you sum-up where the books inbetween ended?
157) This is really not something I can answer. The whole seven books of BIONICLE thing came from Bob Thompson, former head of the story team. Bob has since left the company to open his own production company, and the remaining story team members are not following the book structure.
16Do with the info what you will.
21. It has been said the chain is Matoran -> Toa -> Turaga. Is it possible to break this chain. As in, can a Turaga exist without first being a Toa?...or can a Toa exist without first being a Matoran.
31) We know that the "Toa Olda" most likely were never Matoran, but as a general rule, the answer is no.
42. Are there plans to address the origins of the Toa Nuva before they reached Mata-Nu? Such as if they were Matoran first?
52) See answer to #1, and BL #2 revealed who built their canisters.
63. With the arrival of the Toa Inika, there are now two Toa of Fire (Jaller and Tahu), is this something that has happened before, or something that is supposed to happen normally?
73) Oh, sure it has. There were some 300 Toa in the Toa-Dark Hunter war back in Metru Nui, surely some of them had to share the same elements.
84. Is the Toa of Sonics that the Piraka killed a member of the same Toa team Jovan belonged to?
94) No. Once Jovan's team completed their mission, the surviving members became Turaga.
105. References have been made to Toa of Sonics, Gravity, Magnetism, and Plasma. Would it be a safe guess to say there have also been Toa of Vacuum and Electricity?
115) Of the two, Electricity would be the most likely. I don't think I would do a Toa of Vacuum simply because a skilled Toa of Air can create a vacuum if he needs to.
126. Is there any significance to be drawn from the fact that Toa of 4 "other" elements share their elements with those of the Bohrok-Kal?
136) No.
147. A long time ago, it was said that Bionicle was story of 6 books. The first book, if I remember correctly, ended with the Mask of Light movie (or thereabouts). Which book are we currently in? And if possible, could you sum-up where the books inbetween ended?
157) This is really not something I can answer. The whole seven books of BIONICLE thing came from Bob Thompson, former head of the story team. Bob has since left the company to open his own production company, and the remaining story team members are not following the book structure.
16Do with the info what you will.
T-Hybrid 14. Is the Toa of Sonics that the Piraka killed a member of the same Toa team Jovan belonged to?
24) No. Once Jovan's team completed their mission, the surviving members became Turaga.
35. References have been made to Toa of Sonics, Gravity, Magnetism, and Plasma. Would it be a safe guess to say there have also been Toa of Vacuum and Electricity?
45) Of the two, Electricity would be the most likely. I don't think I would do a Toa of Vacuum simply because a skilled Toa of Air can create a vacuum if he needs to.
5I wonder what happened to the other Turaga.
6I'm glad that Greg doesn't want to make a Toa of Vacuum, it sounds too close to a Toa of air. If he could make another Toa with an element besides electricity, I'd bet it might be acid or something.

1Hello again. Thanks for answering my question on the 2nd Law.Could you answer another question (it relates to this topic.) Could two Iden users switch bodies if both were in their astral forms? I think they could, according to this:
Myself 2Let's pretend we have machinery like in the Exo-Force line of Lego. Each person is used to using their own machine, and the machine is like a suit that enhances/channels/makes use of the users abilities. When two people get out, they could switch machines, even though they might not be as used to the new machine as their old one.
3Now, when you think of the spirit as the person, and the body as the machine, it would be fully possible (logically) that two Iden users could switch bodies (although I don't quite see why it would be useful).
4Thanks in advance.![]()
5I would say it is a reasonable assumption.
6Just something I wanted to know...
1Hey, Greg, it's me again.
21. If the story team never approved of MNOLG, then why is there so many refrences to it in the Bionicle Encyclopedia?
32. If Jaller is wearing Lhikan's noble Hau, then why does it look like a great Hau? 42b. Why did the mask "shapeshift" upon putting it onto Jaller?
53. If TSO gives the Dark Hunters codenames, then why don't the Piraka, Nidhiki, and Krekka have codenames as well?
64. How does Poison inject his venom?
75. What is the name of the Piraka's species?
86. Besides Bionicle: The Game, was the Mask of Elemental Energy ever used in storyline?
97. Besides Bionicle: The Game, was the Amana Volo Sphere ever used in storyline?
101) Because it exists, and it was many people's intro to BIONICLE -- and because many of the major events in it were retroactively made official. It is more of the minor stuff in the online games, like the taxi crabs, that we do not consider official.
112) Because the mask was being given to Jaller in honor of the memory of Lhikan, and Jaller never saw him as Turaga Lhikan, only Toa Lhikan. And, more practically, it had to look like the mask Jaller wore in 2001.
123) Why bother to list codenames in the book for two characters who are dead and six who have defected? There is no need to protect their identities.
134) Claws, most likely
145) That gets revealed next year
156) No. It was just a power-up in the game.
167) Not to my knowledge, no
17I'm not exactly sure if Greg understood Question #2...
1Here is my latest from GregF. It gives some insight in to the way he thinks characters should be.

2BL#3 was fantastic, we can't wait for the next one. I do have one question for you, I realize my answer will probbably be keep reading but I have to try.
3Is there any chance that Brutaka will "see the light" and return the OoMN?
4The answer to your question is probably not. I am not real big on villains suddenly turning good -- my villains tend to be how they are because they don't believe in anything and so there is a void they try to fill with power or conquest. That's not something that just suddenly changes, and I believe villains in fiction, like heroes, should have the strength of their convictions. That is why I always took issue with Return of the Jedi -- Vader tries to kill his son, chops his hand off, blows up entire planets, but the second the Emperor attacks Luke, suddenly he's a good guy again. Never rang true for me.

1Hi. I have a few questions regarding Rhotuka Spinners:
2Can you reveal the Rhotuka powers of the following beings?
42.Rock Raptor
75.Chute Lurker
86.Gate Guardian
10Also, I have some other questions regarding Rahi:
118.Why wasn't the Parakrekk in the Rahi Guide?
129.Why wasn't the Frostelus in the Rahi Guide?
1310.Why wasn't the Protocairn in the Rahi Guide?
1411.Why wasn't the Venom Flyer in the Rahi Guide?
15And lastly, I have questions about Guides:
1612.Can we hope to get a Rahi Guide Edition 2, with the Rahi I mentioned above, and others left out, and new Rahi such as the Dagger Spider, Lava Hawk, Fenrakk, and Kardas?
1713.How about the same for the Dark Hunters, updated, perhaps including Triglax, Lariska, Voporak, Roodaka, some info on the Rahi Nui, and this time Vezon doesn't have his entry torn out and burned?
1814.And what about an updated Atlas (although this would be in the far future, with islands/continents left out for next year's, and any new islands/continents introduced after 2007?
1915.Now about Guides already planned, will next year's Atlas include an illustration for Artahka (being), as well as Karzahni?
221-7) I really don't have time to do this right now. 238-11) Simple, my friend. The models you refer to are mostly combo models from 2005, if not all, I believe. Now take a look at the publication date of Rahi Guide -- June 2005 -- which means it was written in fall of 2004, before any of those combos existed as models. Combo models get done last, and some, like Protocairns, are ones we build at LEGO Magazine as we need them. 2412) No plans for that, no, at least not through 2007. 2513) Dark Hunters just came out this year, there's not going to be a market for a volume 2 for several years, probably. Also, Roodaka is not a Dark Hunter, and there are no sets for Lariska or Triglax so they cannot be pictured. 2614) The first Atlas is not even out yet, why are you worrying about a second one?? 2715) No
1Hi Greg only a couple of questions:
21. When will we find out what happened to the Great Being that wasn't supposed to touch the mask?
32. Is it possible that the AE is that same Great Being (because Great Beings are powerful)?
43. If not already, in which BL book(s) will the AE be mentioned if not released?
5Thank you.
61) 2007 72) No 83) I am not going to answer this one, sorry
9I wonder why he can't answer it..
11. When will we find out what happened to the Great Being that wasn't supposed to touch the mask?
21) 2007
3Where did you hear about a Great Being that touched the Ignika and wasn't supposed to? This has me greatly interested...
4EDIT: Got some new ones...
5Hey, Greg: Can't wait for BL 3&4: Anyway, I got a question (or three):
61. Nuju would be able to use his Great Kanohi Matatu on more than one object, right? Because in LoMN, he rips off like seven rocks from the wall.
71b. If he can, how many do you think he could lift at one time?
81c. Would I be correct in assuming, if Nuju's Great Mask can lift more than one object, that his current Noble Matatu can only lift one object?
111) Yes, as long as he can maintain his concentration. Keeping seven bricks in the air is not that hard -- keeping seven Kikanalo in the air would be much more of a strain. 121b) Depends solely on the size and weight of the object -- think of it like pumping iron. How much you can do depends on your muscles. How much you can lift with telekinesis depends on the strength of your mind. 131c) Nuju's Noble Mask can lift more than one object, but it would have to be lighter objects and he couldn't keep them up for as long because the duration of the power is shorter with a Noble Mask.
1I have a few questions that bug me.
21.Will the piraka be in the 2007 story?
32.If so how many and who?
43.When will the current toa use the ignika?
54.Will there be more Order Of Mata Nui sets?
65.Is the whole Brotherhood Of Makuta evil or just Makuta?
76.Who is the leader of the BOM?
87.Is BL6 about Garan and his friends going to the lost land of Voya Nui?
98.Will Takanuva have a major role or a minor role in the upcoming story line?
109.Will Takanuva be upgraded so he looks even more elite than the Toa Hagah?
1110.Is Takanuva the most powerful toa so far?
1211.Whats the name of BL7?
21.Will the piraka be in the 2007 story?
32.If so how many and who?
43.When will the current toa use the ignika?
54.Will there be more Order Of Mata Nui sets?
65.Is the whole Brotherhood Of Makuta evil or just Makuta?

76.Who is the leader of the BOM?
87.Is BL6 about Garan and his friends going to the lost land of Voya Nui?
98.Will Takanuva have a major role or a minor role in the upcoming story line?
109.Will Takanuva be upgraded so he looks even more elite than the Toa Hagah?

1110.Is Takanuva the most powerful toa so far?
1211.Whats the name of BL7?

1GregF desn't visit this topic. You need to PM him. May as well post something while I'm here....
14Of topic I know, but cool (At least for me) none the less.
2Hey Greg: I thought you might be getting a bit tired of Bionicle questions all the time, so I wanted to discuss Spider-man: (If your into that of course...)
31. Are you into Spider-man?
42. I heard you have issues with the ending of Return of the Jedi, are you happy with the ending to Spider-man the film? Norman Osborn never truely turned good, he just told Peter not to tell Harry who he was.
53. Who is your favorite villian? I like Venom. he is SOOO COOL: My REAL favorite is Carnage.
64. Have you heard of the villians for Spider-man 3? (There's 4 dude![]()
75. Do u collect issues? If so, what is your favorite?
86. What other Marvel comics do you enjoy? Fantastic 4? X-men? (PLEASE tell me you like X-men
91) Yes -- I don't read the comic these days, but I used to. 102) I felt it made sense with the character as he was in the comics -- Norman's one soft spot early on was always Harry. 113) I would say Sandman, probably, and Morbius the Living Vampire 124) Only Sandman and it looked like Harry was going to become the Goblin, and I saw the black costime 135) I used to, but I recently got the first 500 issues of Spider-Man on CD. My favorite Spider-Mans were probably from around 150-180 -- back when I got back into collecting comics, around 1975, those were the first Spider-Mans I was buying, plus they were just really good stories.
14Of topic I know, but cool (At least for me) none the less.
1I have a few questions that bug me.
21.Will the piraka be in the 2007 story?
32.If so how many and who?
43.When will the current toa use the ignika?
54.Will there be more Order Of Mata Nui sets?
65.Is the whole Brotherhood Of Makuta evil or just Makuta?![]()
76.Who is the leader of the BOM?
87.Is BL6 about Garan and his friends going to the lost land of Voya Nui?
98.Will Takanuva have a major role or a minor role in the upcoming story line?
109.Will Takanuva be upgraded so he looks even more elite than the Toa Hagah?![]()
1110.Is Takanuva the most powerful toa so far?
1211.Whats the name of BL7?![]()
13you'll have to PM greg here
14and he probably can't answer them all but about nr 5 i can tell you that it is not only Makuta but we are not sure that it is the entire brotherhood but Makuta isn't alone
1hey greg. I IMMENSElY enjoyed BL#3. very good, and excellent cliffhanger. so here are some questions![]()
21.) I'm curious about vezon. does his origin have to do with why he has different armor than the other piraka and a cape?
32.) does his cape have a storyline significance, or is it more of a set thing
43.) Is the mask of life fused to his head physically or is he just wearing it on his head.
54.) does vezon have any eyebeam powers?
65.) where did his staff of fusion come from?
76.) The shadowed one must not hold a high opinion of vezon for not handing over the mask huh?
88.) about fenrakk. he can live underneath the lava right?
99.) can vezon also survive underneath lava because fenrakk can
1010.) is vezon actually physically fused to fenrakk or is he just afraid to dismount in fear of death
1111.) since vezon carries the mask of life, does that make him immortal?
1212.) can the mask of life speak?
1313.) does it sense that the toa inika and the piraka are coming for it
1414.) are the transformations created by the mask permanant like the mutations caused by roodaka's spinners
1515.) during the whole of the DH/BOM war, has roodaka continued to play both sides?
1616.) if yes, is anyone aware of this?
1717.) compared to karzahni, how insane is vezon.
1818.) does vezon consider the fenrakk his only friend, or does he still consider the piraka his friends.
1919.) was vezon's creation intentional or accidental
2020.) are the inika's kanohi called the "kanohi inika"
2121.) are the inika's kanohi sentient to the degree that the ignika is
2222.) is there a reason that the words "inika" and "ignika" are so similar
2323.) would you consider the current events in the story the bionicle equivalent of armageddon?
2424.) has there ever been a large organization of toa at any time in the bionicle universe, similar to the justice league.
2525.) are all OOMN members considered the same species
2626.) same question as above except with BOM members
2727.) when/if the inika return to metru nui, will takua and jaller fight side by side as toa? will the nuva team up with the inika?
2828.) you mentioned that brutaka will not turn good at any time in the near future. is brutaka actually now defined as an evil character?
2929.) is the OOMN more of a good or neutral organization
3030.) you mentioned that all inika elemental powers are entertwined with lightning. let's say that hahli creates a jet of water from her tool. water is a conductor of electricity. does that mean that she basically shoots charged water that electrocutes enemies?
3131.) just curious, how are preparations for comicon coming along.
3232.) just looking for confirmation, is the green belt on voya nui caused by the ignika's life power?
3333.) will the revelation of the surviving underwater portion of voya nui play a big role in the future.
3434.) once the ignika is taken from it's chamber, since the guardians need not function anymore, does that mean that brutaka and axxon will just wander voya nui forever, and will the other guardians dissapear or die, or do the continue to live, but just wander underground.
3535.) will any BOM members be released as sets in the future
3636.) are mata nui's powers dwarfed by the powers of the great beings.
3737.) exactly how intellegent are the great beings?
3838.) when the term "bionicle universe" is used, does it just refer to the planet that all the characters live on, or does it refer to the actuall universe with other planets and such.
3939.) did vezon disband from the dark hunters around the same time as the other piraka?
4040.) will the world that bionicle is set on ever be named
41thank you so much
431) Yes 442) Set thing, mainly, to help differentiate him from the other Piraka 453) Fused 464) Yes 475) That gets revealed in BL #4 486) Nope 498) Yes. So can Vezon 509) Yes 5110) Fused 5211) No. For example, the mask could kill him whenever it wanted to 5312) Not like we do, no 5413) Yes, hence its wanting Vezon for a guardian -- who better to fight the Piraka than another Piraka? 5514) Yes 5615) Yes 5716) Outside of the OOMN, no. If they knew, she'd be dead. 5817) I'm not sure you can compare levels of insanity. They are how they are for different reasons, so there isn't really any basis for comparison 5918) He never considered the Piraka his friends 6019) Can't answer it, too soon 6120) No. 6221) Less so, but sentient 6322) Just worked out that way. Originally the Toa were supposed to be called Igniters, but that was dropped because some EU residents have problems with the "ign" sound 6423) Not yet 6524) We know Toa have functioned as an army in the past, but we don't yet know of an actual standing team of more than a dozen or so 6625) I can tell you that Axonn and Brutaka are not of the same species 6726) Can't answer it at this time 6827) At this point, there is no telling if they will return to Metru Nui, or if they do, if they will be active Toa when they do it. 6928) As I define evil, yes 7029) I see it this way -- the Toa are like the police -- very public, very visible, supposed to be moral and decent and uphold the law. The OOMN is like the CIA -- also fighting for the "good," but secret, hidden, and immoral and brutal when they have to be in the pursuit of their mission. 7130) Yup 7231) Oh, well, company's prep has been done for ages. And my prep largely consists of packing. My major work is taking care of things at the office because I will be gone four days and don't want things to pile up. 7332) That has not been confirmed, no. That was the Piraka's suspicion. 7433) I can't discuss future storyline 7534) No, because after the mask is used, it has to be brought back there and guarded again. 7635) I can't discuss future set plans 7736) Let's say if anyone could beat him, they could 7837) Extremely 7938) Matoran have no idea there are any other worlds. 8039) No, he did not. 8140) Only if it becomes relevant to our story that we do so. Right now, it's not.
1Hey, everyone who says the term 'Mana' for a singular 'Manas...'
6There: 'Mana' is not the term for singular 'Manas:' 'Manas' is both singular and plural:

2Hey, Greg, this time I have a question about Bionicle terms. Many BZPower members think that the term 'Manas' is only plural, so when they're talking about only one, then they say 'Mana.'
3I'm not exactly sure if 'Mana' is even an official term.
4So my question is: Is 'Manas' both plural and singular, or is the 'Mana' term correct for only one?
5Manas is both singular and plural.
6There: 'Mana' is not the term for singular 'Manas:' 'Manas' is both singular and plural:
1Greg has said before that all Bionicle names are the same for both plural and singular, so that they only have to copyright one name instead of two.
3Yes, it's just that many people don't realize that 'Manas' is also singular - they're always just saying 'Mana.' I was hoping that post would clear the confusion.
Some Interesting info to digest here....

2Message Forwarded From GregF
3Hey Greg:
4Just a few questions for the OGD....
51.How are the movements of the stars readable from Matru Nui if the island is underground and the "stars" are really holes in Mata Nui?
62.Why do Voya Nui Matoran only wear Metru Great masks while Mata/Metru Nui Matoran wear "Mata Nui Olda" Noble and Great masks?
73.Are there Noble and Great versions of the Inika masks?
84.Will only the Toa Nuva where Nuva Style masks?
95.Are the Nuva masks Organic like the Inika?
106.What is the process for making a story line?Do you tell the set designers what to make or do they tell you what to write about?
117.Will the 2006 characters be back in future storylines?(yes,ALL or most of them)
128.Is Karzahni the AE? The Mask of Life could awaken (Or give more power to) his Land of the Dead meaning the "End" of a living universe right? But if used for good it could awaken the napping Mata Nui. 13If you don't want me to post the answer I won't.
149.If the Ignika is used the wrong way the Universe will end.Does anyone survive this?(Evil doers included)If so who and how?And do the Piraka know that the universe will end if they have it?
1510.Besides Bionicle and Exo-Force what else do you do for Lego?
1611.Who is your favorite character in Bionicle?Story year?
17Thanks so much for your time:![]()
191) You are talking about two different sets of stars. There are stars above both Mata Nui and Metru Nui, the ones above Metru Nui are simply not stars as we know stars.
202) Because that is how the artists drew them and the set designers designed them. There would have been no way for 2001-2003 characters to be pictured wearing masks that did not exist until 2004.
213) Yes
224) Most likely, yes, until Matoran design Matoran masks in honor of them
235) No.
246) The set designers design the sets first, then we take the sets and build a storyline around them. If we need the sets to match a particular environment, then we let them know what that environment will probably be, but other than that, they work first, we work second.
257) I cannot discuss future storyline
268) No
279) No, the Piraka do not know, and if you told them, they wouldn't believe you -- they lie all the time, so they figure everyone else does too. It's not a case of the mask being used wrong -- it's a case of the Toa not getting it to be able to save Mata Nui. And no, no one would survive except the Great Beings because they exist outside of this universe.
2810) I am editor in chief of LEGO Magazine, that is my main job.
2911) Kopaka, and probably 2004 or 2006-2007
1Hey Greg:
2You've told us that the Inika's elemental power is fused with lightning ALWAYS. Very cool. Now, I can understand how if, for example, Toa Hahli shot a blast of water from her tool, it would be laced with lightning. But, creating the element is only half of it. The other half is manipulating the element that already exists. So, say Toa Hahli came to a big sea. If she made the sea form a tidal wave, would it to be fused with lightning?
3Or if she made it rain, or something?
61) No, it would not. The lightning affects thing she creates herself, not existing things she is only manipulating.
7Just something I was wondering...
9EDIT: Got some new ones...
10Hey Greg: Hope you've had a good day:
11So if the Ignika is not obtained by the Toa Inika, the universe will end because Mata-Nui will die. And, you said that only the Great Beings would survive because they can exist beyond the BIONICLE universe. But, couldn't Brutaka use his mask to escape the doom in a different dimension? And, according to the vision Jaller, Hewkii, Kongu, Nuparu, Matoro, Hahli, Karzahni, and the crazy Matoran had, it will take a while for the universe to end. So, Brutaka would have time to escape: The only problem I can think of is that maybe when Mata-Nui dies, will all the Kanohi stop working?
14The difficulty is that the dimensions Brutaka can travel to are all pocket dimensions of this universe -- in other words, they are attached to it. So if the universe dies, the pocket dimensions die with it.
1We got some good ole answers here:
23This maybey old news but since I havent read the books in a while, this is new for me. Lol on the 9th question.
2Hello Greg, couple of questions: :psychotwich:
- 31.) I read in the offical gregf topic that in BL2 you revealed who built the toa "olda" canisters. Can you recount who/what it was?
- 42.) Can we expect a movie this yearext year?
- 53.) Which do you enjoy working with more, Bionilce or Exo-force?
- 64.) Do the silver avokii's used as claws on the set of Makuta have anything to do with the story-line?
- 75.) Will we still be on Voya-Nui in 2007?
- 86.) Was there ever a toa of time?
- 97.) Do you see a set of Mata-nui coming out within 2010?
- 108.) Seeing that the toa nuva are the ones destined to awaken mata-nui, would they also be the ones destined to destroy makuta?
- 119.) Do you like pumpkin pie?
- 1210.) Do the toa inika's zamors "enslave" others like the pirka zamors do?
131) It was a group of Matoran 142) No, no plans for any more movies at this time 153) They are very different, so while both are fun, it is a very different experience. For example, the BIONICLE books are written for 9-12 year olds, the EXO-FORCE books are written for 6-8 year olds 164) No 175) No 186) No, and there never will be if I have anything to say about it. 197) I can't discuss future set plans 208) I don't see anyone as being destined to destroy Makuta -- simply because Toa as a rule have nobler destinies than the death of another living being. Makuta does not have to die for Mata Nui to wake up. 219) Not really 2210) No. The Toa Inika's zamors are full of energized protodermis and free the Matoran from enslavement
23This maybey old news but since I havent read the books in a while, this is new for me. Lol on the 9th question.
How can he not like Pumpkin Pie? Heh.XD 2Another Interesting tid-bit.

4Sorry,I forgot to include this question with my others from yesterday.
5Do spiders in the Bionicle world only have 4 legs or is that only for some spiders like the Visorak and Fenrakk?
7Some spiders have four, some spiders have more
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I have a few quick questions.
31) The turaga knew how to rebuild matoran pretty decently (on mata nui after the bohrak kal were beaten). I was wondering, is this a technology that metru nui developed by themselves, since karzahni doesn't seem to know how.
41) Yes, it was a later development
52) Say the dark hunters had won, and captured metru nui in the toa/dark hunter war. Would that have put mata nui to sleep? or would it have severly weakened mata nui?
62) I don't think it would have had an enormous effect, as long as the DH kept the Matoran working and didn't kill them or imprison them
73) Do you think the first ever toa were toa ignika, since all new toa we've seen created were created from a past toa putting their power into some object. The toa ignika are the only toa that were created from scratch.
83) What Toa Ignika are you talking about? I'm confused. Are you talking about Tahu and his group?
94) Does Silence, the dark hunter assassin, actually manage to kill off brother hood of makuta members, or does he simply kill people working for them?
104) Both
115) A lot of things have changed in bionicle as of 2006. such as tools being called weapons, wheels, even though you said there would never be wheels, sword fighting, which was once considered too violent. Basically, I like the change, but why was there this change?
125) A lot of reasons. We can't stay locked into the 2001-2002 approach if we want to keep BIONICLE fresh and bring in new fans. 8 or 9 year olds today are vastly different from 8 or 9 year olds in 2001, in terms of what they expect from entertainment, what kind of media they use, the stresses they are under, what they play with and how they play. (Oh, and as far as wheels go -- we said there were no wheels, and there aren't -- on Mata Nui or Metru Nui. That's not where we are now. One of the major differences between 2006 and 2001-2002 is that we are no longer saying, "There are these six Toa on an island ..." ... now we are saying, "There are six Toa on an island in the middle of a vast and varied universe."
136) It seems one lone toa guarding metru nui is pretty...useless, why wouldn't turaga dume resurrect the vakhi? I mean especially after jaller caused the matoran to stop working, it kinda proves that they need an order enforcement squad. Also, rahi might start wandering in again, and takanuva doesn't have a flying surfboard to get him around. Plus now that the island is inhabited, it's a ripe target for the dark hunters too, etc, etc.
146) One is better than none, and the Vahki have already proven themselves dangerous. Plus the Matoran who designed them is no longer on Metru Nui, and the equipment needed to create them is scrap, and the Matoran who are on Metru Nui have no memory of ever building them.
157) How hard would you have to blow on zaktan to blow him away?
167) At best, you could temporarily disperse him, so it's not that effective a technique.
178) Makuta sparked the dh/bhom war, then left for 1000 years. Is the rest of the BH really mad at him?
188) What do you mean he left? He didn't leave, he was where he was supposed to be -- in the vicinity of Metru Nui.
199) What is stronger? The effect of antidermis, or an infected mask?
209) Not sure there is a vast difference
2110) Does the BH keep many 'servants' who are controlled by infected masks?
2210) BH?
23THanks for your time Greg
31) The turaga knew how to rebuild matoran pretty decently (on mata nui after the bohrak kal were beaten). I was wondering, is this a technology that metru nui developed by themselves, since karzahni doesn't seem to know how.
41) Yes, it was a later development
52) Say the dark hunters had won, and captured metru nui in the toa/dark hunter war. Would that have put mata nui to sleep? or would it have severly weakened mata nui?
62) I don't think it would have had an enormous effect, as long as the DH kept the Matoran working and didn't kill them or imprison them
73) Do you think the first ever toa were toa ignika, since all new toa we've seen created were created from a past toa putting their power into some object. The toa ignika are the only toa that were created from scratch.
83) What Toa Ignika are you talking about? I'm confused. Are you talking about Tahu and his group?
94) Does Silence, the dark hunter assassin, actually manage to kill off brother hood of makuta members, or does he simply kill people working for them?
104) Both
115) A lot of things have changed in bionicle as of 2006. such as tools being called weapons, wheels, even though you said there would never be wheels, sword fighting, which was once considered too violent. Basically, I like the change, but why was there this change?
125) A lot of reasons. We can't stay locked into the 2001-2002 approach if we want to keep BIONICLE fresh and bring in new fans. 8 or 9 year olds today are vastly different from 8 or 9 year olds in 2001, in terms of what they expect from entertainment, what kind of media they use, the stresses they are under, what they play with and how they play. (Oh, and as far as wheels go -- we said there were no wheels, and there aren't -- on Mata Nui or Metru Nui. That's not where we are now. One of the major differences between 2006 and 2001-2002 is that we are no longer saying, "There are these six Toa on an island ..." ... now we are saying, "There are six Toa on an island in the middle of a vast and varied universe."
136) It seems one lone toa guarding metru nui is pretty...useless, why wouldn't turaga dume resurrect the vakhi? I mean especially after jaller caused the matoran to stop working, it kinda proves that they need an order enforcement squad. Also, rahi might start wandering in again, and takanuva doesn't have a flying surfboard to get him around. Plus now that the island is inhabited, it's a ripe target for the dark hunters too, etc, etc.
146) One is better than none, and the Vahki have already proven themselves dangerous. Plus the Matoran who designed them is no longer on Metru Nui, and the equipment needed to create them is scrap, and the Matoran who are on Metru Nui have no memory of ever building them.
157) How hard would you have to blow on zaktan to blow him away?
167) At best, you could temporarily disperse him, so it's not that effective a technique.
178) Makuta sparked the dh/bhom war, then left for 1000 years. Is the rest of the BH really mad at him?
188) What do you mean he left? He didn't leave, he was where he was supposed to be -- in the vicinity of Metru Nui.
199) What is stronger? The effect of antidermis, or an infected mask?
209) Not sure there is a vast difference
2110) Does the BH keep many 'servants' who are controlled by infected masks?
2210) BH?
23THanks for your time Greg
1Hello Mr.F, more questions comin your way:
21. Was Vezon with the Piraka when they discovered Makuta's armor?
31) No
42. Was the armor remnants of the Light and Shadow battle in the Mangaia?
52) Yes
63. How often does Vezon use his future ability? 73b. And for what reasons? (I'm assuming they are for strategy) 83c. If it were the right time, could Vezon (if he were to be killed moments away) see his own death coming?
93) When he needs to, to see what is happening outside of his chamber, and if he is locked in that kind of battle I doubt he would have time to use his mask power.
104. Will Toa Jovan's team be mentioned in any of the Legends books?
114) Only in passing
125. What's the point of mentioning to us any information on the Ancient Evil if it (hopefully) won't be released at all by the Piraka or someone else? (There must be a reasonable reason for this.) 135b. Will it even play a role in the storyline?
145) Well, if the story was, find the mask or .. well, nothing much bad happens ... what kind of a story would that be? As far as what role it may play, I cannot discuss future storyline.
156. You stated that Jaller would be the leader of the Inika in 2006. Did you mean that he'd only be leader this year and that there'd be a new one next year? Or did you subconsciencely say that because of how the question was worded?
166) I stand behind my answer. I cannot discuss future storyline.
177. Approx. how much would you estimate the Kardas Dragon set to be worth?
187) I have no idea what they are charging for it. If you are asking what you could sell it to someone for, that depends on what they are willing to pay for it.
198. Do Vezon and Fenrakk feel anything at all when in the lava? (What I mean is like slight pain or a funny sensation etc.)
208) No
219. Does Fenrakk enjoy having someone on its back? 229b. Does it even care?
239) I doubt it cares
2410. Couldn't Vezok himself just steal the power of Brutaka if he got hit by him?
2510) No. Vezok can steal powers he sees used, like Jaller's fire -- so if Brutaka used his energy blast in front of Vezok, Vezok could steal that. He cannot steal physical strength, etc.
2611. How exactly did you end BL4? Was it back to present time or did you end it in the past?
2711) You'll find out when you read the book
2812. Will our "favorite old hero" be featured in a flashback or actually appear in BL5? 2912b. Will this hero have a minor or major role?
3012) Again, I cannot discuss future storyline
3113. When do you plan on starting BL7? 3213b. Do you have a title in mind yet?
3313) Not until I am back from San Diego, and no
3414. For 2007, which sets have you already previewed so far (villain, hero, titan, matoran)? 3514b. What did you think of them?
3614) Just about all of them except the $30 set, and what I think of them is sort of a silly question, as I am a LEGO employee.
3715. Is Botar more powerful then Axonn and Brutaka?
3815) Not in the strictest sense of the term
3916. Does Tahtorak know who transported him to Metru Nui? 4016b. If he knows, will he get revenge on Brutaka? 4116c. Who would you say is stronger between Brutaka and Tahtorak?
4216) No, and Brutaka is
4317. Could something from the Nightmare Chamber escape from there and enter the real world?
4518. Is Makuta the Antidermis or Ancient Evil? 4618b. Are there any connections towards the three?
4718) Sorry, I am not discussing who the AE is or is not, I am not on here to spoil storyline for people
4819. What are the Toa Nuva thinking about right now? 4919b. Do they know where they are?
5019) Not a whole lot
5120. I've always been confused about this, I hope you can answer it: what is the Inika's destiny? To find the Toa Nuva, to retrieve the Ignika or something else?
5220) The Inika's destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui.
53That's all for now. Thanks a bunch Greg.
55Just some more Q&A from the GregF. Also for number 5, instead of mentioning an Anceint Evil, They could have just said " Retrieve the mask, or face the death of the Great Spirit and the end of the universe..
1hey greg, some questions to quench my thirst for bionicle knowledge
21) Story-wise, the nuva are the same height as the piraka and the inika, right?
32)Has there ever been another group of toa nuva?
43)Does every year in the future have characters from the 01-03 story arc
54)In the current bionicle time, how long is it until mata-nui dies?
65)The ignika is only used to save mata nui, not awaken him, right?
76) if yes to number 5, then does that mean that once he is saved something else will have to be done to awaken him?
87)If mata nui gets saved, how will the BOM react? Afraid? Surprised?
98)It says on the bionicle wiki that the toa nuva are the most powerful group of toa we have met so far, is this true? If it isnt then what power level are they on?
109)if yes to number 8, then doesnt it seem a little odd that the most powerful toa with the most important destiny we have met so far were beaten by creatures(piraka) who are considered "average" for their species? 11thanks for your time
121) Not sure what the standard height of the Piraka is supposed to be, but yes, the Nuva and the Inika are the same height. 132) No 143) Not necessarily, no. And if it does, it would most likely be in the books, because comics have to focus on current sets. 154) A few months, I'd say 165) That is my understanding 176) Yes. If you have a coma patient who also has, say, a heart problem, fixing the heart problem does not automatically fix the neurological problem 187) Hard to say 198) Yes, they are, because they can share mask powers and no one else can. 209) One word -- Afghanistan. In the 1980s, a powerful Russian army marched in and occupied the country -- and got beat by a band of guerillas and forced to flee the country. The most powerful force you can imagine can still get beat if they a) know nothing about their enemy and get taken by surprise. How do you think Makuta downed Mata Nui, who is way more powerful than he is? And think about it -- besides Makuta and the Bahrag, just about everything the Toa Nuva have fought have been mindless swarms or beasts, with the exception of the Kal -- who almost beat the Nuva. They have never faced villains with the cunning of the Piraka.
21Wow, Russia must have really felt bad about themselves after that invasion.
1Just something I was thinking of when I saw a pic of the INika and saw how much taller than they were set wise:
2[centerHey Greg, just thought of a quick question and wanted to ask before I forgot it.
3Q: Is there any storyline difference between the heights of the toa groups? I know, set wise, the height pattern (from shortest to tallest) goes Olda/Nuva-->Metru-->Inika. I guess a better question would be, are all groups of toa the same height?
4Thanks for your time.
6Roughly the same, yes