1I have a few questions about umbra: 2I just got some information about umbra, and Axxon and Brutaka(see the final #5).
31.What is the first book he's in? 42.What is the first comic he's in? 53.Can you list an umbra quote from a comic? 6And I have some more: 74.Will Hakann and Thok be the only piraka left? 85.Will Axonn and Brutaka be in future comics?
91) Book 5 102) Comic 4 113) No 124) No 135) Define "future" -- do you mean past 2006?
145)Kind of both.I mean, they aren't coming into the mask chamber, but will they at least help, right? And it would be cool to see them past 2006.
155) No, they won't. Axonn and Brutaka will be fighting each other while the Toa are heading for the mask. Brutaka is a bad guy, and yes, you will see both of them after 2006, though it may be in books more than in comics.
31.What is the first book he's in? 42.What is the first comic he's in? 53.Can you list an umbra quote from a comic? 6And I have some more: 74.Will Hakann and Thok be the only piraka left? 85.Will Axonn and Brutaka be in future comics?
91) Book 5 102) Comic 4 113) No 124) No 135) Define "future" -- do you mean past 2006?
145)Kind of both.I mean, they aren't coming into the mask chamber, but will they at least help, right? And it would be cool to see them past 2006.
155) No, they won't. Axonn and Brutaka will be fighting each other while the Toa are heading for the mask. Brutaka is a bad guy, and yes, you will see both of them after 2006, though it may be in books more than in comics.
1QUOTE 2THe bionicle 2007 taopic is really annoying me so can you point out the errors in the first post(see below).
3(Quote)All i know about BIONICLE for 2007 is that there will be and island called akua nui and that the toa will be the toa inika, and we might have the toa nuva as turaga and there might be new toa but i'm not so sure. What do you think?(unquote)
4I have already stated multiple times in multiple topics that there will not be anyplace called Akua Nui and that the Toa Nuva cannot become Turaga until Mata Nui wakes up, which isn't happening this year.
5Most BZPers know that there is very little info on 2007 that can be relied upon, especially since no one on here even knows how 2006 ends yet.
3(Quote)All i know about BIONICLE for 2007 is that there will be and island called akua nui and that the toa will be the toa inika, and we might have the toa nuva as turaga and there might be new toa but i'm not so sure. What do you think?(unquote)
4I have already stated multiple times in multiple topics that there will not be anyplace called Akua Nui and that the Toa Nuva cannot become Turaga until Mata Nui wakes up, which isn't happening this year.
5Most BZPers know that there is very little info on 2007 that can be relied upon, especially since no one on here even knows how 2006 ends yet.
1Some questions 
24~ Bioran

2Hello there Greg, I just want to ask some questions![]()
31) Can the Antidermis communicate with Zaktan?
42) Is Brutaka more powerful than Axonn? Or are they equal?
53) Is Botar the same species as Axonn and Brutaka?
64) Around how many members of the Order of Mata Nui are there? Also how many there are for the BoM? DH?
75) How tall is Botar?
8Thanks.9~ Bioran
101) Not that I recall 112) Axonn is physically stronger than a non-antidermis enhanced Brutaka 123) No, nor are Axonn and Brutaka from the same species. 134) Can't answer it 145) Botar is in scale to Axonn and Brutaka in the model
15Oh, and I got a few more...
166) In the end of BIONICLE Legends #3, (Where Vexon and Fenrakk comes in) It said that lava was dripping off the hair on Fenrakk's legs. Does that means Fenrakk has hair? 177) According to the book, the guardians are all located on the stairs. Therefore does this mean that the Toa Inika have to battle Irnakk, Umbra etc. on the stairs? 188) Is the Kardas a creatured fused together with Axonn, Brutaka and Fenrakk?
20~ Bioran
211) Usually what the word "hair" means, yes 227) Yes, and on the landings, but they don't fight Irnakk - Irnakk is not their nightmare, he's the Piraka's 238) No.
24~ Bioran
11. could a Toa put some of his Toa energy into a light stone? 21b. if so, what kind of Toa would it create?
31) Possibly, a lightstone is just a form of crystal. But it wouldn't affect what kind of Toa you became -- what kind of Toa you become depends on what kind of Matoran you are.
42. in the Bionicle Encyclopedia, in the Kraata article, it said "see SHADOW KRAATA". so i looked it up, but there wasn't an article under SHADOW KRAATA. how come?
52) Just an error on my part.
63. how many pieces are in the Vezon and Fenrakk set?
73) No idea.
84. can i have a BL3 quote?
94) 3 is already out, so if you want a quote from it, you can pick up the book.
105.i have a theory that one of the current 13 Toa are destined to wear Kanohi Ignika. am i correct?
115) Actually, we have not decided ourselves yet who is wearing it, so you may or may not be correct.
12thank you. 13kurtrahk
14Oh, and to back up Comkeen1's post, Greg said that the 2007 island will not be called akua nui. i read that in an above post, im positive.
15thanks for answering my questions, Greg, but i forgot to number this one:
161.i heard that as a Toa, Nokama suggested the name Manas for, obviously, the Manas. but in BL2, Karzahni refered to the same creatures as Manas. how is this possible, if Toa Nokama never met Karzahni?
171) Nokama sees Manas crabs in sites with forums are not allowed #5: Voyage of Fear, but she does not name them in that book, so not sure where you got that info from. Makuta fish get named in that book, but not Manas.
18got another one:
192. is the three titan combo set of makuta, takua/pewku, and jaller/gucko called Makuta Nui, or Graalok Ash Bear?
202) I don't believe we ever did a combo model of the ash bear, no. The ash bear was a movie character only.
21thanks alot again.
23thanks for answering my questions, Greg, but i forgot to number this one:
241.i heard that as a Toa, Nokama suggested the name Manas for, obviously, the Manas. but in BL2, Karzahni refered to the same creatures as Manas. how is this possible, if Toa Nokama never met Karzahni?
251) Nokama sees Manas crabs in #5: Voyage of Fear, but she does not name them in that book, so not sure where you got that info from. Makuta fish get named in that book, but not Manas.
26got another one:
272. is the three titan combo set of makuta, takua/pewku, and jaller/gucko called Makuta Nui, or Graalok Ash Bear?
282) I don't believe we ever did a combo model of the ash bear, no. The ash bear was a movie character only.
29thanks alot again.
31) Possibly, a lightstone is just a form of crystal. But it wouldn't affect what kind of Toa you became -- what kind of Toa you become depends on what kind of Matoran you are.
42. in the Bionicle Encyclopedia, in the Kraata article, it said "see SHADOW KRAATA". so i looked it up, but there wasn't an article under SHADOW KRAATA. how come?
52) Just an error on my part.
63. how many pieces are in the Vezon and Fenrakk set?
73) No idea.
84. can i have a BL3 quote?
94) 3 is already out, so if you want a quote from it, you can pick up the book.
105.i have a theory that one of the current 13 Toa are destined to wear Kanohi Ignika. am i correct?
115) Actually, we have not decided ourselves yet who is wearing it, so you may or may not be correct.
12thank you. 13kurtrahk
14Oh, and to back up Comkeen1's post, Greg said that the 2007 island will not be called akua nui. i read that in an above post, im positive.

15thanks for answering my questions, Greg, but i forgot to number this one:
161.i heard that as a Toa, Nokama suggested the name Manas for, obviously, the Manas. but in BL2, Karzahni refered to the same creatures as Manas. how is this possible, if Toa Nokama never met Karzahni?
171) Nokama sees Manas crabs in sites with forums are not allowed #5: Voyage of Fear, but she does not name them in that book, so not sure where you got that info from. Makuta fish get named in that book, but not Manas.
18got another one:
192. is the three titan combo set of makuta, takua/pewku, and jaller/gucko called Makuta Nui, or Graalok Ash Bear?
202) I don't believe we ever did a combo model of the ash bear, no. The ash bear was a movie character only.
21thanks alot again.
23thanks for answering my questions, Greg, but i forgot to number this one:
241.i heard that as a Toa, Nokama suggested the name Manas for, obviously, the Manas. but in BL2, Karzahni refered to the same creatures as Manas. how is this possible, if Toa Nokama never met Karzahni?
251) Nokama sees Manas crabs in #5: Voyage of Fear, but she does not name them in that book, so not sure where you got that info from. Makuta fish get named in that book, but not Manas.
26got another one:
272. is the three titan combo set of makuta, takua/pewku, and jaller/gucko called Makuta Nui, or Graalok Ash Bear?
282) I don't believe we ever did a combo model of the ash bear, no. The ash bear was a movie character only.
29thanks alot again.
1Hello Greg,
2May I ask you a few questions if you don't mind?
31. Who/What is the Ancient Evil? 41a. If you can't answer this, just when will it appear in the storyline? 52. You said once that Botar is linked to many characters of 2007, right? Just how extensive is his link to the 2007 characters? 63. What is Metru Nui's current state? 74. When will the characters in Metru and Voya Nui go to the Mainland? 85. Does the Mainland have a name?
91-1a) Can't answer either one -- I cannot discuss future storyline 102) Guess you'll find out in 2007 113) In the process of being rebuilt 124) Who says they ever will? The Metru Nui Matoran are where they are supposed to be, there's no reason for them to relocate again. 135) I am sure it will have when we get to it in the story
14Hmmm... So the Mainland won't stay nameless.
2May I ask you a few questions if you don't mind?
31. Who/What is the Ancient Evil? 41a. If you can't answer this, just when will it appear in the storyline? 52. You said once that Botar is linked to many characters of 2007, right? Just how extensive is his link to the 2007 characters? 63. What is Metru Nui's current state? 74. When will the characters in Metru and Voya Nui go to the Mainland? 85. Does the Mainland have a name?
91-1a) Can't answer either one -- I cannot discuss future storyline 102) Guess you'll find out in 2007 113) In the process of being rebuilt 124) Who says they ever will? The Metru Nui Matoran are where they are supposed to be, there's no reason for them to relocate again. 135) I am sure it will have when we get to it in the story
14Hmmm... So the Mainland won't stay nameless.
1i had a couple questions:
2heres my second question: 3were the toa (tahu,lewa,kopaka,etc. matoran at one point? i mean, ive heard that asome matoran turn into toa at one point (Vakama and Jaller, for example) and another thing i dont understand is that are the toa still alive because one of the piraka said "that defeating the toa was easy" and "the toa of sound is the toa of silence, now" i mean, the Nuva were defeated before, but i hardly think they could die (of course, i could be wrong,and not having the newer books could be part of the reason i dont understand)
41) No, the Toa Mata were not Matoran in the past. 52) The Toa of Sonics the Piraka killed was not on Voya Nui, that was in the past. No, the Nuva are not dead, they are merely being held prisoner.
6i think its pretty cool that the Nuva arent dead, im quite relived though
2heres my second question: 3were the toa (tahu,lewa,kopaka,etc. matoran at one point? i mean, ive heard that asome matoran turn into toa at one point (Vakama and Jaller, for example) and another thing i dont understand is that are the toa still alive because one of the piraka said "that defeating the toa was easy" and "the toa of sound is the toa of silence, now" i mean, the Nuva were defeated before, but i hardly think they could die (of course, i could be wrong,and not having the newer books could be part of the reason i dont understand)
41) No, the Toa Mata were not Matoran in the past. 52) The Toa of Sonics the Piraka killed was not on Voya Nui, that was in the past. No, the Nuva are not dead, they are merely being held prisoner.
6i think its pretty cool that the Nuva arent dead, im quite relived though

1New questions answered, edited for convenience. QUESTIONS ANSWERS
21. What materials are needed to make a Suva for a Toa? 3I'm asking this because it seemed like the Turaga/Matoran built the Suva out of just plain stone for the Toa long before they arrived. But how does just plain stone with niches in it for Kanohi masks allow a Toa a place to teleport collected Kanohi masks to? And why wouldn't they use the same technique to teleport other objects? 41a. My thought: On Mata Nui, the Turaga/Matoran built the Suva for the Toa long before they arrived on the island. They really just sat there -- carefully carved domes of stone with special niches in them upon which rested the Turaga's Noble Kanohi. When the Toa finally arrived on Mata Nui and came to their Koro, they activated their Suva by leaving an imprint of their own Toa power in them. This allowed the Toa to use the telportation method of storing Kanohi on the Suva. When the six Great Kanohi were all collected, they beacme one through the Toa power in the Suva, forming Gold Kanohi. The Gold Kanohi took on the shape of the Kanohi that each Toa had worn when he/she had stored their power in the Suva. 5Does that sound right? In short, Stone carved into the shape of a Suva Toa power = Fully functional Suva, just as stone Toa power = Toa stone. 61) But a suva with Toa power invested in it would just be a big Toa stone, wouldn't it?
72. Can Toa use their Suva to teleport objects other than Kanohi masks? 82) No
93. Did the Toa Kaita face many Manas on their way to Makuta as in MNOLG or only two as in Chronicles #1? 103) Two. Chronicles #1 is approved by the story team, MNOLG is not.
114. Is the term "Toa Mata" the official name of the 2001 Toa that the story team gave them? 124a. If so, what does Toa "Mata" mean/refer to (just as Hagah means guardian and Inika means energy from a star)? 134) It's the name I decided to give them, and Mata refers to Mata Nui since their job is to awaken Mata Nui. 144b. Were the 2001 Toa, Turaga, or Matoran ever aware of this name? 154b) It's possible, but we never referenced it. 164c. Were the Toa aware of this name before they lost their memory, on their original island? 174c) Yes
185. Why is the Kini-Nui built over the entrance to Mangaia? 195) Cause that is where it was built.
206. About 2001's ending: The Toa Kaita defeated the Manas, then split apart, then defeated the Shadow Toa, and then defeated Makuta himself as seen in MNOLG. Would you say that's the correct chain of events? 216) Off the top of my head, I don't recall if the shadow Toa were before or after the Manas. 2001 was a long time ago.
227. The Toa collected the Noble Kanohi after they got their Gold Kanohi and before they battled Makuta, right? 237) No. I believe the Toa were collecting Noble Masks while they were getting their Great Masks.
248. How did the Toa defeat the Shadow Toa? Chronicles #1 says the Toa couldn't defeat them until they worked together against them, Encyclopedia says they absorbed them back into their bodies. 258) The Toa defeated them by accepting the fact that that darkness was part of them, not separate from them
26Sorry if I was a little picky -- I'm trying to piece together specifics for 2001.
27Once again, thank you so much for your time:No more questions for a while.
28-- Planetperson
1That's a pretty interesting answer. Greg didn't say whether it was right or not...does that mean the suva have a role to play in the future?
3That could explain why Metru-Nui's suva turned the Matoran into the Toa Metru when they placed the Toa stones on it? 4I dunno, just theorizing.
1That could explain why Metru-Nui's suva turned the Matoran into the Toa Metru when they placed the Toa stones on it? 2I dunno, just theorizing.
4I'm pretty sure that their transformation was because of the Toa Stones, not just the Suva. The Suva released the energy from the stones into the Matoran.
5Anyway, I've sent Greg a some questions a few days ago, and he has yet to answer, so he must be pretty busy.
7EDIT: Sweet: Got 'em back:
8Hi Mr. Farshtey: I've just got two questions this time.91. So we know that if someone touches the MoLi who isn't supposed to, they become cursed in some way. But what is they just snag it in a bag, or use a claw to touch it or something? Then they wouldn't be touching it, but would they get away with it?
102. So, do Jaller and Hahli basically have to put aside their feelings for the greater good? Same with Hewkii/Macku?
11Thanks alot:
131) If you can find some way to touch it and carry it without physically making contact with it, then yes, you can avoid the curse -- at least, that has happened once before.
142) Basically, I am not dealing with their feelings at all -- that was a web thing that Leah wanted to pursue. I am not interested in telling romance stories to 9 year olds.
15Oh, wow: About #1, could you tell me when that happened/who it happened to? Or will we have to wait for this answer?
16Thanks again:
18Happened a long time ago
19Guess we won't find out who for a while...
1I am proven wrong.
2I always thought that Gali's hooks were natural, like Onua's claws. However, Greg confirms...
2I always thought that Gali's hooks were natural, like Onua's claws. However, Greg confirms...
3Here's a question that keep bugging me.
4Gali's Hooks. Some resources say that her Hooks are natural, that they're Gali's hands. Other resources - even the Bionicle Encyclopedia - say that Gali's hooks are just tools. Which is correct?
5Encyclopedia is correct.
1Hi Greg. I know I'm anly 13, but I am seriously interested in working for Lego. Is it okay if I ask a few questions concerning your work?
21. Are you actually part of the story team, or do they just tell you what are the main points to write about and you write around the ideas? 32. If Bionicle exceeds to sell as well as it has, do you think BIONICLE will still be around by, oh lets say, 2013? 43. Seeing as Mata Nui will (probaly) be awakened at the end of 2008, will BONICLE go in anew direction entirely, or will the series end there? 54. Can you confirm or not whether the Inika's new masks (next year) will be the same substance (set wise) as they were this year? 65. What college classes would you ahve to take to be a Lego writer? Set designer? Art designer? 76. Do you know whether or not Stuart will be the comic artist for the three year arc or not? 87. What is your inspiration for writing?
9Okay, now just normal questions from here.
101. Can Vezon's Spear of Fusion be used as a normal spear without fusing the target as well as fusing? 112. My brother brought up an interesting question. Can Matoro land in another life form in spirit form? What I mean is, can he possess other creatures? 123. Are all Toa of Water females, or are there exceptions? 134. Will the fused Piraka creature still retain the two seperate Piraka's powers? 145. Have you decided who the two fused Piraka will be? 156. How many comics wil be released this year? 167. If you could meet and chat with one BIONICLE character, who would it be and why?
17Thank you very mcuh for your time.![]()
191) I am actually part of the team, UGM. We meet two or three times a year, usually in Denmark. 202) If BIONICLE continues to sell well, I see no reason why LEGO would cancel it. 213) There are no plans at this point to awaken Mata Nui in 2008. This story arc is about saving his life, not waking him up. 224) Far as I know, they are not. 235) Set designers usually have art or architecture backgrounds (and of course, all set design is done in Denmark). Art for the magazine, etc., is done in CT and the graphic artists all work on computer. There are only two writers on staff -- my background is Communications, my staff writer's background is more science-based. 246) I haven't gotten official word on 2007 yet. 257) Usually my deadlines.
261) Yes 272) Only if that creature is a) living andhas no spirit inside of it at the time. 283) So far, they have all been female 294) Offhand, I don't think so 305) Yes - 2006 story is completely done 316) 5 327) Can't really think of one I am that interested in meeting -- I know them better than they know themselves
33Thank you very much. I liked your answer to the first #7.![]()
34As to the later #2, does that mean he can only control creatures that aren't in their body (such as another Toa using a Mask of Spirit), or are their creatures in the Bionicle world that just don't have a Spirit, such as Sentrahk?
35The former. I really wasn't interested in this becoming a Mask of Possession, which is why I am so severely limiting its ability to be used for that.
1I have a couple of random questions and questions about the Pit:
21. Was the Pit used as a tool for punishment? 31a. If it was, who were put in there? 42. I heard a quote about Botar saying something about the Pit. Was Botar a witness of the punishing in the Pit or he was the one who punished the bad into the Pit? (If your reply is no or can't answer it in 1. and 1a. Just don't answer this question.) 53. Who can you say so far in the storyline, the oldest Toa team? 64. How do the Piraka collect Antidermis if they only have one vat of it? Since it must run out sooner or later, right? 75. Where do Matoran get nutrition? After all, they have organic parts too. 86. Are Zaktan's Protodites a hive mind? Or they have their own will?
93) Of the ones you have met, Tahu's team is physically the oldest. 104) What they have is enough for their purposes. They only needed it to enslave the Matoran, and they have done that already. 115) Matoran are able to absorb energy directly from certain things -- like fruit and fish -- merely by making physical contact with them (hence the presence of a fish market in one of the original online games). They simply don't chew and swallow as we do. 126) They do not have their own will, no.
13So the Pit cannot be discussed for now. Well we'll just see when it get's to the story:
21. Was the Pit used as a tool for punishment? 31a. If it was, who were put in there? 42. I heard a quote about Botar saying something about the Pit. Was Botar a witness of the punishing in the Pit or he was the one who punished the bad into the Pit? (If your reply is no or can't answer it in 1. and 1a. Just don't answer this question.) 53. Who can you say so far in the storyline, the oldest Toa team? 64. How do the Piraka collect Antidermis if they only have one vat of it? Since it must run out sooner or later, right? 75. Where do Matoran get nutrition? After all, they have organic parts too. 86. Are Zaktan's Protodites a hive mind? Or they have their own will?
93) Of the ones you have met, Tahu's team is physically the oldest. 104) What they have is enough for their purposes. They only needed it to enslave the Matoran, and they have done that already. 115) Matoran are able to absorb energy directly from certain things -- like fruit and fish -- merely by making physical contact with them (hence the presence of a fish market in one of the original online games). They simply don't chew and swallow as we do. 126) They do not have their own will, no.
13So the Pit cannot be discussed for now. Well we'll just see when it get's to the story:

1Hi Greg, I recently saw in the OGD that Botar has the ability to teleport and a couple other issues caught my eye so I figured I'd ask you.
21) What is the extent of Botar's teleportation abilities? Like can he teleport anywhere he wants even if he's never been there? Can he only teleport within range of sight?
32) You said that if the Rahaga were hit by another one of Roodaka's Rhotuka, that they could be changed back into Toa Hagah. Does this mean that all Rhotuka can counteract their own powers or only some?
43) With Makuta's teleportation abilities, can he only teleport within range of sight or can he teleport anywhere he wants?
54) Do a Rahkshi's powers come from within themselves or from their staffs?
65) If Kardas doesn't release his "concussive force" will he "go boom himself"?
7Thanks in advance Greg.
8- Toa Lhikan Hordika
91) He can teleport beyond range of sight and over vast distances 102) Well, think about what her Rhotuka does. It causes mutations. That means she can mutate you into an aardvark with one hit, then if she so chooses, mutate you back into a human with the next. A freeze disk cannot freeze you and then warm you up, but in this case, she decides what you turn into, so she can turn you back to what you were. 113) He is not limited to range of sight, no 124) They come from their kraata. Rahkshi were on the loose in the Archives with no staffs and still had powers. 135) Yes

1Oh, wow: About #1, could you tell me when that happened/who it happened to? Or will we have to wait for this answer?
2Thanks again:
4Happened a long time ago
5Guess we won't find out who for a while...
6I think he is actually talking about the one who originally created and placed the mask where it is. If you think about it, the Great Being had to put it there, but he would be cursed if he touched it, so he must have used some sort of levitation or something. Because we know that Great Beings are not immune to the curse, as one who touched it has been cursed by it before.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hi Greg, I must congratulate you on the fantastic job you made in 2006. Well done:
31- Who is your favourite good guy to write about?
42- Am I correct when I say that Vezon ,during his final battle with the Piraka, will focus more on Vezok thanks to their connection?
53-Would Axonn, or actually any Bionicle, be able to crack his knuckles?
64-Which character would you wish to have his character developed better but just coudn't devolop anymore?
75-Which Dark Hunter is your favourite?
86- About Botar, how does his power actually work? Does he just think of a location or just it's name and he's there or can he teleport other beings aswell?
97-Does Kardas also share Vezon's ability to absorb kinetic energy?
108-Does the Moli 'talk' in any of the books?
119- If the Ignika got hit, would it fell pain? 129.1 Would the Inika's masks fell pain?
1310-In this particular battle( Axonn vs. Brutaka in the final of Bionicle Legends#3), who would you give the advantge to?
1411- When Thok and Hakkan stole Brutaka's power, did they recieved Brutaka's ability to get stronger from Antidermis?
15Thanks in advance:
171) Kopaka 182) Yes 193) Oh, heck, I don't know, it's not something I have ever thought about 204) I can't really think of one 215) I'd have to go back through the book, there are a couple 226) He can teleport other beings too, yes 237) Yes 248) Not talk as we do, no 259) No 269a) Possibly 2710) Axonn, because he is fighting for something bigger than he is 2811) No
1I think he is actually talking about the one who originally created and placed the mask where it is. If you think about it, the Great Being had to put it there, but he would be cursed if he touched it, so he must have used some sort of levitation or something. Because we know that Great Beings are not immune to the curse, as one who touched it has been cursed by it before.
2Hm... that's a pretty good theory: Or, maybe someone stole it to use it for leverage, but accidentially touched it and then became cursed? I dunno...
1Hi Greg. First of all, thanks for answering my questions earlier, I just had a couple more questions and it'll probably be another week or so until I can think of anything else, so without further to do:
21) I now know that you refer to the original Toa as the Toa Mata. Is this their official name?
32) I guess it makes since seeing as that's the island that they landed on, but what other significance to that name is there?
43) Will they be listed under Toa Mata in the second BIONICLE Encyclopedia?
54) Will they be named Toa Mata in the atlas?
6I think that's it. I just wanted to get my facts straight about their official name. Thanks in advance.
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
81) Is now 92) Has nothing to do with the island, actually, has to do with their mission in life, which is to awaken Mata Nui. Remember that the Turaga named the island Mata Nui, long after the Toa Mata came into existence, and no one was ever supposed to be living on that island. 103) Yes 114) Yes

1I just have one this time.
2How did the Turaga (or should I say Toa Metru, at the time), know which masks to bring with them? I mean, each Toa Mata wore a different mask. And the Turaga brought with them and hid the other five masks that their corresponding Toa didn't happen to have, but the other Toa did. And also, how did the Turaga know about the Toa Mata, and which masks they had? And one more thing, Why did the Turaga do the same thing with the Noble Masks? The Toa sometimes used them, but not the Turaga, who rarely used their own masks.
5You are forgetting that Vakama has visions of the future and could well have known which masks the original Toa wore ... plus there were no doubt carvings of them extant someplace.
Observe: New Information:

2Hey Greg:
3Just one question this time.
4Okay,We all know that Bionicle Legends#4 is going to be about the origin of the Piraka.Does this mean that the september comic will feature this book and the Inika will not be involved in either Comic or Book?
6No, that is not the case. The story in Bionicle Legends #4 is book only -- it is not in the comic, other than the facts of Vezon's origin. Comic #4 is the Toa Inika making their way down the staircase toward the Mask of Life chamber.
1Also, about the Toa Mata thing, one could say that since "Mata Nui" means Great Spirit and "Nui" means Great, Toa Mata would mean "Spirit Toa"... remember back in 2001 when Tahu was the SPIRIT OF FIRE, Onua was the SPIRIT OF EARTH and so forth....
2Now, onto the real point of my post...
16I have another bit coming soon...
18EDIT: I finished posting these, and oh lookie, 1 new message...
2Now, onto the real point of my post...
3A few questions...
41) What is the population of Voya Nui? (after the eruption in Dark Destiny) 52) How many Matoran are in Karzahni's Realm? 63) Were the following things invented on Metru Nui before or after the Kanohi Dragon arrived?? 7i) Kanoka 8ii) Transport chutes 9iii) Vahki 10iv) Krahli 114) If any of the above things were made after the Kanohi Dragon arrived, how many years after?
131) Several hundred 142) Oh, a few hundred, probably 154) All of them were made before -- Kanohi Dragon was only 4000 years before the current storyline, Metru Nui has existed for well over 90,000 years
16I have another bit coming soon...
18EDIT: I finished posting these, and oh lookie, 1 new message...
19One more question that I forgot to ask: were there Toa on Metru Nui before Lhikan's team?
21At one point, very far back, there were, but in general, no
22Would that, by any chance, be Toa Dume?
2[QUOTEhey Greg, just a few questions
31. Was Umbra unhappy when he was told the only reason he is alive is to guard a mask?
42. by extent of the powers of brutaka and Axonn do you mean all the abilities they have?
53. When bionicle ends will you tell TSO's real name?
64. how did Reidak shoot a beam of energy in comic 1 if he has no ranged powers?
75. does brutaka get more stronger for each zamour shot into him?
86. can brutaka fire a beam of energy out of his sword?
97. are the stairs down to the ignika a winding staircase or straight?
108. what is the ignika chamber like?
119. Do you know the individual destiny of every character if they go in EP?[/QUOTE]
121) If I told you, Hydruss, you now have one of the most important jobs in the known universe, would you be bummed about it? 132) Yes 143) Offhand, I can't see doing that because it's not relevant to the story. 154) Wasn't an energy beam, was the impact of a blow 165) Yes 176) Yes 187) Straight 198) You'll find out when we go there 209) No. Unless they are going into EP in the story, there is no reason for me to worry about that.[/QUOTE]
211) Besides protecting the matoran what else did Brutaka and Axonn do in the last 10, 000 years?
222) Did they live in seperate dwellings?
233) When creatures are created in the nightmare zone do they stay alive?
244) can Umbra use elemental blasts like Takanuva could do?
255) How do you get recruited by the OoMN?
266) when we find out krana origins will we find out what the bahrag dip in EP?
277) when and/or if the toa nuva find out the bahrag help mata nui would they go free them?
288) what was it like for jaller when he was dead?[/QUOTE]
291) Hasn't been revealed. But let's be clear - their job is not to protect the Matoran. Their job is to protect the mask. If that meant all the Matoran had to be lost, then that is what it would mean. 302) Yes 313) Only as long as the beings who fear them are there 324) He can fire lasers through his staff 335) That gets revealed next year 346) Yes 357) Yes 368) Not having ever been dead, I can't give an answer to this one[/QUOTE]
2[QUOTEhey Greg, just a few questions
31. Was Umbra unhappy when he was told the only reason he is alive is to guard a mask?
42. by extent of the powers of brutaka and Axonn do you mean all the abilities they have?
53. When bionicle ends will you tell TSO's real name?
64. how did Reidak shoot a beam of energy in comic 1 if he has no ranged powers?
75. does brutaka get more stronger for each zamour shot into him?
86. can brutaka fire a beam of energy out of his sword?
97. are the stairs down to the ignika a winding staircase or straight?
108. what is the ignika chamber like?
119. Do you know the individual destiny of every character if they go in EP?[/QUOTE]
121) If I told you, Hydruss, you now have one of the most important jobs in the known universe, would you be bummed about it? 132) Yes 143) Offhand, I can't see doing that because it's not relevant to the story. 154) Wasn't an energy beam, was the impact of a blow 165) Yes 176) Yes 187) Straight 198) You'll find out when we go there 209) No. Unless they are going into EP in the story, there is no reason for me to worry about that.[/QUOTE]
211) Besides protecting the matoran what else did Brutaka and Axonn do in the last 10, 000 years?
222) Did they live in seperate dwellings?
233) When creatures are created in the nightmare zone do they stay alive?
244) can Umbra use elemental blasts like Takanuva could do?
255) How do you get recruited by the OoMN?
266) when we find out krana origins will we find out what the bahrag dip in EP?
277) when and/or if the toa nuva find out the bahrag help mata nui would they go free them?
288) what was it like for jaller when he was dead?[/QUOTE]
291) Hasn't been revealed. But let's be clear - their job is not to protect the Matoran. Their job is to protect the mask. If that meant all the Matoran had to be lost, then that is what it would mean. 302) Yes 313) Only as long as the beings who fear them are there 324) He can fire lasers through his staff 335) That gets revealed next year 346) Yes 357) Yes 368) Not having ever been dead, I can't give an answer to this one[/QUOTE]
11. Were Lhikan and Nidhiki on the same team? 21) Yes 32. If not whose team was he on?
43. Will the 2007 sets have something we've never seen before. in terms of their function? 53) I can't discuss 2007
64. Why weren't the Inika heads Glow-In-The-Dark? 74) I don't have an official answer, but I can only assume it turned out the feature would have driven the price of the sets up.
85. What is the correct pronunciation of Ignika? 95) Ig-nigh-kah - like "ignite"
10Ther's a few answers to a couple of my questions.
43. Will the 2007 sets have something we've never seen before. in terms of their function? 53) I can't discuss 2007
64. Why weren't the Inika heads Glow-In-The-Dark? 74) I don't have an official answer, but I can only assume it turned out the feature would have driven the price of the sets up.
85. What is the correct pronunciation of Ignika? 95) Ig-nigh-kah - like "ignite"
10Ther's a few answers to a couple of my questions.

1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Message Forwarded From GregF
31)Since Takanuva was gone, why didn't the Dark Hunters attack Metru Niui? 42)What methods of telecommunications are there in Bionicle? 52A)Can you name some of the mosr frequently used ones? 63)What is the Matoran Civil war? 73A)What was the cause? 84)Why can't a Toa of Time exist? (I have read some posts but I didn't understand why.) 95.Just how powerful does a being have to be in order to fully control the Mask of Time? (About) 105A) Was Makuta able to use the Vahi with full control? 115Aa)If Makuta couldn't control the Vahi, then why did he even attempt to get it in the first place? 125Ab)If the Shadowed One couldn't control the Vahi, then why did he even attempt to get it in the first place? 136) If the Kardas Dragon is the largest set, then is it the largest in the Boinicle world? 14Thank you for all your time Mr.F.
151) Takanuva was not gone all that long, and it takes time to muster an army. Also keep in mind that the DH are still in a war with the Brotherhood of Makuta, so if you divert your forces to Metru Nui to start a second war, it leaves you vulnerable to attack. 162) Other than that jumbo screen thing shown in the second movie, no. 173) Other than the fact that it took place, I am not sharing any info on this at this time 184) Because a Toa of Time would unbalance the story. If you start introducing time travel into a continuing story, you foul it up -- what's to stop him from going back and stopping Makuta from putting Mata Nui to sleep, and thus ending the entire storyline? 195) Well, so far we have never seen a being who could do it. 205a) No 215aa) Vakama and Tahu couldn't fully control it either, but they controlled it enough to get done what they had to get done. Why couldn't Makuta? 225ab) Two reasons. One, see answer to 5aa - and two, the Piraka can't use the Mask of Life, but want it anyway, for purposes of blackmail/ransom. Same idea. 236) No, I would say Tahtorak or the Kanohi Dragon would be bigger than Kardas in the universe, but we have not done sets of them.
24About 5aa: 25Didn't it do nothing but leak it's power into Vakama and get Turaga Lhikan killed and only give the Toa Nuva the idea to feed their powers into their symbols?
26No. Vakama used the mask's power to slow down time around Makuta. Lhikan was killed by Makuta's shadow hand, not the Vahi. And Tahu used it to slow down time around the Bohrok-Kal. The idea to feed the power into their symbols came from Gali Nuva, not from the mask. The Vahi is not sentient, it's a mask, it can't communicate ideas to you.
27Said it wrong.
1just got this:
2after the recent news, i couldn't resist asking a few questions:
31: Who wins in the battle described in BL4? The Matoran of the new island or the Frostellus?
42: Will how the krana are created have anything to do with OOMN?
53: Will we see the Bahrag next year?
64: Will the Toa nuva play a bigger or smaller role than this year?
75: Is mata nui the only place to be cleansed by the bohrok?
86: Were there still Rahi infected by makuta in 2002 and 2003, or when makuta was defeated, so were the masks controlling the rahi?
9i can understand if you can't awnswer any of these:
101) There are no Matoran on that island, it's a Toa fortress. 112) Ummmm ... no. 123) Possibly 134) About the same 145) Yes 156) The infected Rahi were for the most part taken care of by the Toa in 2001 and early 2002 16[ Add to Buddies
17intresting "Ummm...." could that mean yes?
2after the recent news, i couldn't resist asking a few questions:
31: Who wins in the battle described in BL4? The Matoran of the new island or the Frostellus?
42: Will how the krana are created have anything to do with OOMN?
53: Will we see the Bahrag next year?
64: Will the Toa nuva play a bigger or smaller role than this year?
75: Is mata nui the only place to be cleansed by the bohrok?
86: Were there still Rahi infected by makuta in 2002 and 2003, or when makuta was defeated, so were the masks controlling the rahi?
9i can understand if you can't awnswer any of these:
101) There are no Matoran on that island, it's a Toa fortress. 112) Ummmm ... no. 123) Possibly 134) About the same 145) Yes 156) The infected Rahi were for the most part taken care of by the Toa in 2001 and early 2002 16[ Add to Buddies
17intresting "Ummm...." could that mean yes?
1For the MoLI question, couldn't this refer to Jovan? He was a Toa of Magnetism, and his Toa Team once made it to the mask, so couldn't Jovan have manipulated it using magnetism?
2[not for Greg, just a question
3Go to the S&T forum and check out the Official Kanohi Ignika Topic. This place is more for shareing questions, which I guess I should share this...
4MINOR Bionicle Legends#3 SPOILER, but for some reason all these quotes and the spoiler form are messing up...
5Hey Greg, I have a couple of questions for you today.
6First, a quote for a Q&A you had with someone else:
71. So we know that if someone touches the MoLi who isn't supposed to, they become cursed in some way. But what is they just snag it in a bag, or use a claw to touch it or something? Then they wouldn't be touching it, but would they get away with it?
8Thanks alot:
101) If you can find some way to touch it and carry it without physically making contact with it, then yes, you can avoid the curse -- at least, that has happened once before.
11Oh, wow: About #1, could you tell me when that happened/who it happened to? Or will we have to wait for this answer?
12Thanks again:
14Happened a long time ago
15Ok, so someone before carried it without physically touching it. Now, if memory serves: Jovan's team is the only team to successfully remove the mask from the Chamber of Life.
161) Wouldn't this mean that this event that happened a long time ago, was done by a member of Jovan's group?
17Also, we all know that Matoro is destined to carry it. Omicron asked a good question, that makes us think...
182) Is Matoro destined to touch the Ignika, without being cursed?
19Omi said that carry is one thing, but touching is something else...
203) The comment from Omi actually came from a theory that Matoro will use his astral form to pick up the Ignika. I tend to doubt that, because spirits can't touch physical things. Correct?
21You said that the Ignika guards like Umbra, the fear chamber, etc. are on the 777 stairs that lead to the chamber.
224) So are these guys and places literally on the stairs, like I am sitting on my grandparent's stairwell, not allowing people to pass?
235) Or are they on landings that are connected to the stairs?
246) Or do these stairs just have really large steps?
257) Just to deconfirm something: On the back of the playsets, you see a picture of a lava flow. The Piraka outpost is next to this river of lava, the Lava Chamber Gate is a bridge across the middle, and the Piraka stronghold is at the end of the river, right before it goes into a "lava fall."
26This is entirely wrong, because the lava chamber gate is right before the Chamber of Life, and the stronghold is above ground. Correct?
278) On the Lava Chamber Gate -- so there are 777 steps down, then once you go cross the bridge, raise the gateway, and you enter the Chamber of Life, correct?
289) Before Vezon got the mask fused to his head, wasn't it just sitting on a pedestal?
29Thanks for your time Greg.
311) That was not the event I was referring to. Jovan's group was destined to use it, so just like Matoro, its carrier with them would not be adversely affected by carrying it. 322) Omi is wrong. In this case, he can touch it, because he is destined to do so. The event I referred to involved beings who did not believe they were destined to do so. 333) Correct. 344) And on landings along the stairs 357) Correct 368) Correct 379) Yes
38So no, it's not Jovan and his crew. Check the Ignika topic for more.
1just got this:
2after the recent news, i couldn't resist asking a few questions:
31: Who wins in the battle described in BL4? The Matoran of the new island or the Frostellus?
42: Will how the krana are created have anything to do with OOMN?
53: Will we see the Bahrag next year?
64: Will the Toa nuva play a bigger or smaller role than this year?
75: Is mata nui the only place to be cleansed by the bohrok?
86: Were there still Rahi infected by makuta in 2002 and 2003, or when makuta was defeated, so were the masks controlling the rahi?
9i can understand if you can't awnswer any of these: 101) There are no Matoran on that island, it's a Toa fortress. 112) Ummmm ... no. 123) Possibly 134) About the same 145) Yes 156) The infected Rahi were for the most part taken care of by the Toa in 2001 and early 2002 16[ Add to Buddies
17intresting "Ummm...." could that mean yes?
18I'm pretty sure that when he said "No" he meant no

1Hi Greg. I have several questions that have been on my mind.
21. Why doesn't energized protodermis mutate things like the vial the Toa Metru used to contain it, the Toa Inika Zamors, the floor that is containing them, etc.? 32. Does the Kardas Dragon exist right now? 43. Can the Kardas Dragon speak? 54. How old is the Kardas Dragon? 65. Can Botar only teleport himself? 75a. If Botar can teleport other people, does he have to grab them? 86. How did Fenrakk become a guardian of the Ignika? 97. If Vezon touched the Ignika again, would he be cursed again? 108. Can the Kardas Dragon survive in lava? 119. Are most of the Matoran freed by the Inika?
12Thanks in advance.
131) Certain substances are unaffected by it, the same way that humans can keep molten metal or acids in certain substances without them melting through. 142) I prefer not to answer this 153) No 164) Quite young 175) No 185a) No 196) Ignika mutated it for use with Vezon 207) Vezon is already touching it, it's fused to his head 218) Yes 229) Follow the story and find out
1why did makuta get toa hagah as body gaurds
1you have to pm greg your questions:
Some new info....

2Hi Greg,quick question.
3Who is stronger?Inika or Nuva?
5Nuva can share mask powers, Inika cannot, therefore Nuva are more powerful
6Interesting...So then how were the Nuva defeated when the Inika are actually beating the Piraka?
9Nuva were defeated because:
10a) They came on the island expecting no oppostion 11Knew nothing about the Piraka 12c) And even then were winning until they were smashed by surprise by Brutaka
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey: I just have two questions, and I'd really appreciate it if you could answer them:
21. Is it possible for the Piraka to form a Piraka Kiata, Nui, or just two of them join together? I personally don't think so, because in my opinion, they are the farthest anyone can be from Unity, but I just wanted to check.
32. You said that Botar gets rid of OoMN members that have gone beyond redemption. And, he's after Brutaka (to throw him in some "pit"?). But, Brutaka saved those Matoran from the Doom Viper, so doesn't that prove that he still has some good in him way, way down deep? Or was that just force of habit?
4Thanks again:
61) Not on their own, no 72) That was force of habit. Brutaka winds up trying to kill Axonn so he can get the Mask of Life, and the OOMN does not believe in nursing people along to try to reform them -- if you screw up, that's it. The stakes they are playing for are too great to take chances.
8Just got these back... There's some good info there...
11)Does anything like a zamor laucher rhotuka spinner, kanohi mask etc. have the power of binding/pararylis. 21) Not that I am aware of right off the top of my head
32)Do you watch Doctor Who? 42) Yes
53)Is Hewkii's chain always connected to his axe and back? 63) Yes
74)What is the name of Nupuras claws. 84a)Are they organic? 94) They don't have a name and they aren't organic, no
32)Do you watch Doctor Who? 42) Yes
53)Is Hewkii's chain always connected to his axe and back? 63) Yes
74)What is the name of Nupuras claws. 84a)Are they organic? 94) They don't have a name and they aren't organic, no
11)Does anything like a zamor laucher rhotuka spinner, kanohi mask etc. have the power of binding/pararylis. 21) Not that I am aware of right off the top of my head
3To answer that, all breeds of Visorak, in addition to their individual Rhotuka powers, their Rhotuka spinners each have the default power of paralysis.

1Turaga Tahu, that post is complete spam. Please read the Rules before posting in a topic.
4That's a little...odd. What on earth does he use it for then? I mean, it's meant to be a climbing chain...but how can he use it if it's attached to him at both ends?
2Is Hewkii's chain always connected to his axe and back? 33) Yes
4That's a little...odd. What on earth does he use it for then? I mean, it's meant to be a climbing chain...but how can he use it if it's attached to him at both ends?
1I've got an interesting tidbit about Axonn...
2Only have one:
3As we know, to get the Mask of Life, you have to defeat the guardians. As we also know, Axonn is a guardian. Would the Inika have to defeat Axonn?
5No, Axonn is on their side and is the one who tells them where to go to find the mask.