does anyone know what sets you need to build toa krakua? you can get instructions on brickshelf. 

1Before I start, I would like to request no huge spoilers of the plot next yera. All I'm here to know is the nature of the new characters cropping up. IF you think an answer is too revealing to next years storyline, please say "I can't answer it." Thank you.ol type='1'[li]I noticed next years 'Bad Guys' are kind of insectoid looking. I thought LEGO was trying to stray away from that, looking at the Piraka. Can you confirm or not whether or not the bad guys are amphibious or insectoid (I already kow the story will revolve around underwater)?[li]Are the new baddies sentient (capable of independant thought, like the Piraka), or are they more instictive, such as the Visorak and Rahi.[li]Will the new masks the Inika be receiving be "New new masks", such as new powers, or old masks, new shape?[li]Will the Inika recieve new names, such as the Toa Mata changed into the Toa Nuva?[li]Do the new baddies appear in BL7?[li]Will there be a 2007 spoiler in the last comic of the year as it was last year?[li]Do the new baddies control any ability/element at all, or are they pure fighters, such as the Rahi were in 2001?[li]I noticed the prototype baddie had a rubber spine like the Piraka. Does this mean Lego is sticking with it, or is it only for these few years? I myself preferr plastic (with the exception of the Inika masks).[li]Will all of 2007 take place underwater, or just BL7?[li]Will Voprak be seen anytime soon? If so, will we see Ancient as well?[li]Do you have any idea when BL4 will be out in America?[li]When you say the Bahrag will be shown in BL7, do you mean in a flashback or in person?[li]Has Lego found a use for the Bahrag combiner yet, or is it still a random combiner?[li]There are no plans for more appearances by Karzahni, no?[li]Will Artahka be visted this year or the next? Is there a possibilty?[li]Are there any plans on more information about the origin of the Kanohi dragon?[li]Can you confirm whether or not Jaller and Co. will definitly be new sets next year?[li]Will Tahu and Co. and Jaller and Co. ever fight side by side?[li]Are there any plans for Krakua in the near future (within 2007-2008)?[li]Are the Bahrag machine, or biomechanical, like Matoran and Toa?[li]Do all Toa have to be Matoran at some point, or is "Toa" just the Matoran word for Hero?[li]Out of curiousity, are any of the Rahi Guide/DH guide winners apid in any way for their creations being part of the books, or is all just for publicity?[li]Do the Brotherhood use ground troops (soldiers) in their War, or is it huge power houses fighting against each other aided by Visorak and Exo-Toa?[li]Will we see more into the BoM/DH War soon? [li]Is the Brotherhood aware of Makuta's death?[li]Does Makuta's death affect the War in any way?[li]Have the smaller $4-5 sets been finsihed and ready for mass production yet for 2007, or are the prototypes still being devolpoped?[li]Will we have about the same amount of sets next yera as we had this yera, or more or less?[/olThanks you very much for your time.
2Next year's Toa masks are, I believe, new shape, new power.
3Ancient appears in Bionicle Legends #4, no plans for Voporak at the moment.
4Bionicle Legends #4 is listed on Amazon as 10/1, which probably means in stores in September.
5At this point, all bets on what will be in Bionicle Legends #7 are off because of the cancellation of one of the novels next year. I don't have the luxury of doing a bridge story now, I have to go right into the main story in #7 and #8.
6The Bahrag combiner is really not a priority for us -- you're talking about a four year old set that didn't sell well when it was available.
7There are no plans to visit Artakha, other than its write-up in the Atlas.
8The Bahrag are biomechanical.
9Well, Tahu and his group were not Matoran, but in general, yes, only members of the Matoran species can become Toa.
10Fan winners are not paid for the use of their creations, other than with contest prizes -- however, they have the right to refuse to sign the rights of their model over to Scholastic, and so opt out of the book.
11Both the smaller sets and the first canister sets are done. The only set still being worked on is the $30 set for late next year.
12Probably about the same number.
13Your other questions I cannot answer.
15I deeply appreciate you not telling me anything spoiler wise. Thank you.
11) Are there situations where EP can touch Antidermis without destroying it? Or is that its only "destiny?" 2Antidermis, so far as we know, is not destined to transform, therefore EP can't do anything but destroy it 32) Is Antidermis capable of killing things? 4Not in its current state, I would say no, only indirectly if you ordered someone under its influence to walk off a cliff, etc. 53) Does Antidermis have anything to do with Makuta or his Brotherhood? 6Such as what? 74) Will we learn Antidermis's origins, and if so, when? 8My guess is you will have a pretty good idea by the end of 2006 95) Is Bionicle Legends #6's title "City of the Lost," or is it still up in the air? 10That is the title, yes 116) How much are the seven Turaga that we know of mentioned in Bionicle Legends #4 & 5? 12Offhand, I don't know that they are mentioned at all in either book. #4 is a flashback and focuses on the Piraka, who never met the Toa Metru, and #5 is completely set on Voya Nui. 137) Are there any hints to anything in '07 in Bionicle Legends #5? 14Yes
15Few interesting tidbits there...

16) How much are the seven Turaga that we know of mentioned in Bionicle Legends #4 & 5?
2Offhand, I don't know that they are mentioned at all in either book. #4 is a flashback and focuses on the Piraka, who never met the Toa Metru, and #5 is completely set on Voya Nui.
3I remember seeing Greg say something about Dume in BL4, using Vahki to send messages to other lands during the Toa-Dark Hunters War on Metru Nui.
1Hi Greg. When you told us about the updated 2007 book schedule you told us that they reason there would only be 3 books (well storyline books, erm, you know what I mean) because the book sales have dropped. I've got a couple of questions reguarding this matter:
21) If the sales were to go up significanltly this year, would there be a chance that they'd add a Bionicle Legends 9 next year or not?
32) If it's too late for that, if the books sales picked up this year and next year, is there a possibility of 6 books in 2008 like when we had 6 BIONICLE Adventures books in 2004?
4I think that's it for now. Thanks in advance.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
6My understanding is that if the sales go back up, books will be added back into the schedule. I think after the Encyclopedia they are going to stay away from guidebooks for a while, but they can add books to the schedule at relatively short notice. So a sales upturn even the rest of this year could lead to another book being put back on the schedule next year.
7Oh, okay. I have one more question right now, that doesn't concern the books.
81) I know that we'll find out Vezon's origin in BL4, but exactly how old is he? Like just a few weeks, days, months, years?
9Thanks in advance.
10- Toa Lhikan Hordika

1Probably nothing new, but anyway... 2[quoteGregF @ Aug 24 2006 09:16 PM
GregF @ Aug 24 2006 @ 09:16 PM 31) Is it true that Krahka and Tahtorak appear in Bionicle Legends #5? 4It is indeed. 52) Was the Ignika actually used by Jovan, or by somebody else on his Toa team? 6It was not used by Jovan himself, no. 73) I forget, so just for quick reference: Does Mana-Ko appear in Bionicle Legends #5? 8No, in #4. 94) Do Dume and Vahki appear in Bionicle Legends #4? Somebody mentioned remembering you state somewhere that Dume used "Vahki to send messages to other lands during the Toa-Dark Hunters War on Metru Nui," as mentioned in Bionicle Legends #4. 10Yes, they both do, as I recall. 115) In the scene where Zaktan deploys the other Piraka to finish off the Nuva, another "guttural" voice joins in his chorus of voices. Whose voice is that, or will we find out later this year? 12You should be able to guess by the end of the year, especially if you follow the books. 136) Does antidermis have a voice of its own? Or is it only capable of telepathic communication? 14Mmmm, not going to answer this one.

1Hi Greg, one last question for the day.
21) How old is Kardas? Older, younger (how much), or the same age as Vezon?
3Thanks Greg, I hope you can answer this.
4- Toa Lhikan Hordika
5Younger. By the way, I saw the set in person yesterday -- it's really big. Someone said it looks like classic BIONICLE -- not like a combo model, but more like it was designed in and of itself. Really impressive.

1sorry to be a pest.![]()
21.is matoros mask called the mask of spirit, or astral projection? 31) I believe it's Spirit
42. if its spirit, why isnt it called Kanohi Mata? 52) You guys decided Mata meant spirit, we never said that. 6P.S. Think about it - -if Mata means spirit, then everytime the Toa refer to the "Great Spirit Mata Nui" they are saying "the Great Spirit Great Spirit" -- would that make sense?
73. do you know when kardas dragon comes out? 84.if so, can you tell me? 93/4) Fall
105.are the words Kopen and Jaga the words for wasp and scorpion in the matoran language? 115) I don't have anything in the story bible that defines those words
126. if jaga means scorpion, then why is the one scorpion called kofo jaga, since it means fire scorpion? why isnt it called ta jaga? 136) It's a fire scorpion, but who says the name literally translates to that?
147. i used to think the word bionicle came from the words biomechanical cronicle. you said it came from "biological cronicle". my question is this: what does biology have to do with bionicle? wouldnt biomechanical cronicle make sense, since bionicles are biomechanical? 157) But half of biomechanical is biological -- the term biological chronicle was devised by the original team that created BIONICLE, so I assume they had their reasons.
168. do any bionicle names mean anything? i know Vezon means double, and Mata Nui maens great spirit, but are there any others? 178) Probably too many to list
18thanks in advance.

1I asked greg this stuff:
2I remember that back in 2004 they showed the 2005 sets in the bionicle 2 dvd special features and many people noticed there was a big airplane shaped thing with spinners on the wings. What was that and is it canceled?
3Gregf said it was a MOC not a set.
4I was wondering do you ever read the Completely off topic section or is that like reading someone's fanfic which youre not allowed to do? One time somebody made a sprite of you dancing in front of a cup of coffee or sumthing in the completely off topic forum. What is your favorite video game if any? What's your favorite genre besides rpg? What do your cats look like? According to the internet you once wrote a novel called "River of God" What the bloody Jigoku was that book about? The server just broke so I have to send you the same PM twice I think. The server is busy so i ahve to try it a third time just incase. *waits a bit*......................................................Now for attempt four..
5Gregf said hes usally too busy answerig questions to look at the oof topic section. Gregf Likes world of warcraft. His PS2 has racing games. Gregf no longer has cats: Gregf says it was a sci-fi book from 92.
61: What is this "Ancient enemy" everyone is talking about?
72. If you can remember back to when you were in school, can you tell me the first story you ever wrote? Or is the story too long?
83. Is the "River of God" thing in your old book some kinda fountain of youth like the blood orchid in the movie Anacondas? I just made that up to see if I was right.
94.Did you know makuta is a type of money used in the democratic republic of the congo?
105. If Makuta is the matoran's ability to destroy, then if Makuta was destroyed, and a bolt of lightning hit a tree, would the matoran lose the ability to destroy the presence of fire in the jungle?
116. If Makuta is not all powerful, then what is the limit to his powers? What can he not do?
127. Is that Dark hunter guide out yet? Probably
138. Why did the artists make the toa inika look so evil?
149. Is matoran a derivitave of mata nui and the suffix "an" as in "georgian" or "Oregonian"?
1510. You once said you have never heard of the tv show code lyoko. I was wondering if you knew anything more about it now because it has a really awesome villain, but thats just my opinion.
1611. Have you ever read/seen anything with a villain that has all of the following characteristics:
17Is a computer A.I.
18Is a virus.
19Really only infects one computer in the entire world.
20Uses that computer to influence things outside of cyberspace.
21Has an evil sounding name.
22Has a Satan-like deep voice.
23I asked you number 11 because if you had never seen the villain on code lyoko you would at least have seen a villain just as cool.
24P.s: the closest japanese word to makuta is makula, meaning "pillow".
25greg said if the piraka get the mask of lfe the ancient enemy appears. Greg said the first thing he can remember writing was a mystery story about the murder of a big league baseball team at the world games.
26gregf said the titled refered to a massive asteroid belt.
27greg said he didnt know this.
28greg said makua is not the matoran's power to destroy.
29he said makuta cannot create a universe.
30greg said the guide is out.
31greg said he does not know
32he said yes.
33greg said he doenst watch anime, event hought code lyoko is from france, not japan.
34he said he once read a novel about a computer possessed by Satan.
35i asked greg these: 361. if tahu was shielding a bunch of toa and one gets attacked from behind, and tahu doesnt know it, will that toa get hurt? What if tahu did know about it?
372. In that book where kraka first appeared, who wrote the writing on the wall that was too old for Nokama to translate? Could she have read it with a mask of translation nuva? Or is it so old not even that can translate it?
383.If there was a bionicle tv show, and you were hired to write the short theme song, what would you write? If youre too busy you can tell me later.
394. Did you only marry your new wife because the name Jackina reminds you of money?
405. I thought it would be fun for me if I did a comparison between code lyoko and that book with the Satan-possessed computer that you probably remember nothing about. So answer these four questions so I can compare and contrast:
411: In CL, the supercomputer X.A.N.A. was built to contain a digital world that can control the real world in order to destroy a military project to block out enemy communications made by the same guy who made X.A.N.A., but X.A.N.A. went crazy and instead apparently intends to use the digital world to destroy the real one. So the question is, what was the computer Satan possessed built for?
422. In CL X.A.N.A. uses structures in the digital world called towers to send electrical impulses into the real world that: Turn a teddy bear into a killing machine, try and overheat a nuclear power plant, crash two trains into eachother in order to release toxic gas into the atmosphere, create a blizzard that drops temperatures to unsafe levels, and more recently take control of humans and make them attack people, etc. So the question is what did Satan try and do with the computer? And how?
433. In CL the good guys stop the bad guy by going not the digital world, fighting monsters made by the bad guy, and "Deactivating" the towers. So the question is how did the good guys in your book fight Satan?
444. How was the conflict resolved? In CL the characters meant to "materialize" this virtual girl so they could shut down X.A.N.A. without harming the girl, but then X.A.N.A. became non-digital matter outside of Cyberspace. I expect you will probably say "They got an exorcist.". Ok there are the questions; ill be waiting till tomorow because people in connecticut are sleeping.
45he said if tahu knew the toa wouldnt get hurt.
46he said he doesnt know who wrote it.
47greg said he is not good at songwriting, and he said most theme songs have no lyrics nowadays.
48he said the name reminds him nothing of money and that the question was offensive, so I sent him an Im sorry PM.
49He says the purpose of the computer was not specified, and that Satan entered it to get psychotherapy LOL:
50He said at the end the computer got blown up with dynamite.
2I remember that back in 2004 they showed the 2005 sets in the bionicle 2 dvd special features and many people noticed there was a big airplane shaped thing with spinners on the wings. What was that and is it canceled?
3Gregf said it was a MOC not a set.
4I was wondering do you ever read the Completely off topic section or is that like reading someone's fanfic which youre not allowed to do? One time somebody made a sprite of you dancing in front of a cup of coffee or sumthing in the completely off topic forum. What is your favorite video game if any? What's your favorite genre besides rpg? What do your cats look like? According to the internet you once wrote a novel called "River of God" What the bloody Jigoku was that book about? The server just broke so I have to send you the same PM twice I think. The server is busy so i ahve to try it a third time just incase. *waits a bit*......................................................Now for attempt four..
5Gregf said hes usally too busy answerig questions to look at the oof topic section. Gregf Likes world of warcraft. His PS2 has racing games. Gregf no longer has cats: Gregf says it was a sci-fi book from 92.
61: What is this "Ancient enemy" everyone is talking about?
72. If you can remember back to when you were in school, can you tell me the first story you ever wrote? Or is the story too long?
83. Is the "River of God" thing in your old book some kinda fountain of youth like the blood orchid in the movie Anacondas? I just made that up to see if I was right.
94.Did you know makuta is a type of money used in the democratic republic of the congo?
105. If Makuta is the matoran's ability to destroy, then if Makuta was destroyed, and a bolt of lightning hit a tree, would the matoran lose the ability to destroy the presence of fire in the jungle?
116. If Makuta is not all powerful, then what is the limit to his powers? What can he not do?
127. Is that Dark hunter guide out yet? Probably
138. Why did the artists make the toa inika look so evil?
149. Is matoran a derivitave of mata nui and the suffix "an" as in "georgian" or "Oregonian"?
1510. You once said you have never heard of the tv show code lyoko. I was wondering if you knew anything more about it now because it has a really awesome villain, but thats just my opinion.
1611. Have you ever read/seen anything with a villain that has all of the following characteristics:
17Is a computer A.I.
18Is a virus.
19Really only infects one computer in the entire world.
20Uses that computer to influence things outside of cyberspace.
21Has an evil sounding name.
22Has a Satan-like deep voice.
23I asked you number 11 because if you had never seen the villain on code lyoko you would at least have seen a villain just as cool.
24P.s: the closest japanese word to makuta is makula, meaning "pillow".
25greg said if the piraka get the mask of lfe the ancient enemy appears. Greg said the first thing he can remember writing was a mystery story about the murder of a big league baseball team at the world games.
26gregf said the titled refered to a massive asteroid belt.
27greg said he didnt know this.
28greg said makua is not the matoran's power to destroy.
29he said makuta cannot create a universe.
30greg said the guide is out.
31greg said he does not know
32he said yes.
33greg said he doenst watch anime, event hought code lyoko is from france, not japan.
34he said he once read a novel about a computer possessed by Satan.
35i asked greg these: 361. if tahu was shielding a bunch of toa and one gets attacked from behind, and tahu doesnt know it, will that toa get hurt? What if tahu did know about it?
372. In that book where kraka first appeared, who wrote the writing on the wall that was too old for Nokama to translate? Could she have read it with a mask of translation nuva? Or is it so old not even that can translate it?
383.If there was a bionicle tv show, and you were hired to write the short theme song, what would you write? If youre too busy you can tell me later.
394. Did you only marry your new wife because the name Jackina reminds you of money?
405. I thought it would be fun for me if I did a comparison between code lyoko and that book with the Satan-possessed computer that you probably remember nothing about. So answer these four questions so I can compare and contrast:
411: In CL, the supercomputer X.A.N.A. was built to contain a digital world that can control the real world in order to destroy a military project to block out enemy communications made by the same guy who made X.A.N.A., but X.A.N.A. went crazy and instead apparently intends to use the digital world to destroy the real one. So the question is, what was the computer Satan possessed built for?
422. In CL X.A.N.A. uses structures in the digital world called towers to send electrical impulses into the real world that: Turn a teddy bear into a killing machine, try and overheat a nuclear power plant, crash two trains into eachother in order to release toxic gas into the atmosphere, create a blizzard that drops temperatures to unsafe levels, and more recently take control of humans and make them attack people, etc. So the question is what did Satan try and do with the computer? And how?
433. In CL the good guys stop the bad guy by going not the digital world, fighting monsters made by the bad guy, and "Deactivating" the towers. So the question is how did the good guys in your book fight Satan?
444. How was the conflict resolved? In CL the characters meant to "materialize" this virtual girl so they could shut down X.A.N.A. without harming the girl, but then X.A.N.A. became non-digital matter outside of Cyberspace. I expect you will probably say "They got an exorcist.". Ok there are the questions; ill be waiting till tomorow because people in connecticut are sleeping.
45he said if tahu knew the toa wouldnt get hurt.
46he said he doesnt know who wrote it.
47greg said he is not good at songwriting, and he said most theme songs have no lyrics nowadays.
48he said the name reminds him nothing of money and that the question was offensive, so I sent him an Im sorry PM.
49He says the purpose of the computer was not specified, and that Satan entered it to get psychotherapy LOL:
50He said at the end the computer got blown up with dynamite.
1Here is some I got from GregF.
21 I know the Toa Nuva were not meant to win this year ,but why didn't they encase the Piraka in Proto?
3ANSWER: That only works in one of two ways. One, all six Piraka stand close enough together and wait around for the Toa take their shot. Or, all six Toa attack each Piraka in turn, and leave themselves vulnerable to attacks by the others. It wasn't practical against this many enemies -- the Toa have never used this method in combat against more than two foes.
42 Is there a way to tell if something is destined to be changed by Energized Proto?
63 Do the Makuta have to protect the Matoran because of some wrong they did against them in the past? If yes then what was it ?
84 Why do Toa such as Nidiki think themselves different than the Matoran even though their only difference is their power?
9ANSWER: Well, if you were suddenly given the powers of Superman, would you still be able to relate to people who can't fly or be invulnerable? You would be a cut above them.
105 Did Vezon steal Vezok's tactical skills because of his mental condition?
126 Why are the Matoran specifically Mata-Nui's people?
13ANSWER: Because it is through their labor that Mata Nui's will is done.
147 Is their a possibility that there are Toa of Metal existing since it is a natural element?
15ANSWER: Anything's possible.
168 Does Kongu prefer Nuparu over the other Inika? If so why?
189 What does Nuparu think about their mission and his fellow Inika? I'm wondering because I haven't heard much about Nuparu since 2004.
19ANSWER: Nuparu is generally pretty easy going. He is a very dedicated Matoran and takes being a Toa very seriously.
2010 Is the Ignika purpose this year to keep Mata-Nui alive until they can awaken him?
21ANSWER: Its purpose is to save his life. He's dying.
2211 Will the Great Beings ever be sought for in the story?
23ANSWER: Probably would be pointless, since the Toa would never find them. They aren't in their universe.
2412 Why didn't Botar get rid of Makuta yet? After all Makuta has been trapped in Proto once and crushed by a door once.
25ANSWER: It's a good question -- perhaps he was not convinced the Pit could hold someone as powerful as Makuta?
2613 Has Makuta visited Voya-Nui in the past?
2814 Is Makuta responsible for Brutaka's corruption?
29ANSWER: No, not in any way.
3015 Is it the Bohrok's job to return Mata-Nui to it's natural state include fixing the Energized Proto pipe?
31ANSWER: Probably not, because their mission was given to them long before that pipe was damaged.
3216 Is the Order of Mata-Nui responsible for the Nuva mask's hidden through out Mata-Nui?
3417 In BL2 the crazy Matoran refers to a well spring of fire that burns completely, is this symbolic for Energized Proto?
35ANSWER: No, not that I know of.
21 I know the Toa Nuva were not meant to win this year ,but why didn't they encase the Piraka in Proto?
3ANSWER: That only works in one of two ways. One, all six Piraka stand close enough together and wait around for the Toa take their shot. Or, all six Toa attack each Piraka in turn, and leave themselves vulnerable to attacks by the others. It wasn't practical against this many enemies -- the Toa have never used this method in combat against more than two foes.
42 Is there a way to tell if something is destined to be changed by Energized Proto?
63 Do the Makuta have to protect the Matoran because of some wrong they did against them in the past? If yes then what was it ?
84 Why do Toa such as Nidiki think themselves different than the Matoran even though their only difference is their power?
9ANSWER: Well, if you were suddenly given the powers of Superman, would you still be able to relate to people who can't fly or be invulnerable? You would be a cut above them.
105 Did Vezon steal Vezok's tactical skills because of his mental condition?
126 Why are the Matoran specifically Mata-Nui's people?
13ANSWER: Because it is through their labor that Mata Nui's will is done.
147 Is their a possibility that there are Toa of Metal existing since it is a natural element?
15ANSWER: Anything's possible.
168 Does Kongu prefer Nuparu over the other Inika? If so why?
189 What does Nuparu think about their mission and his fellow Inika? I'm wondering because I haven't heard much about Nuparu since 2004.
19ANSWER: Nuparu is generally pretty easy going. He is a very dedicated Matoran and takes being a Toa very seriously.
2010 Is the Ignika purpose this year to keep Mata-Nui alive until they can awaken him?
21ANSWER: Its purpose is to save his life. He's dying.
2211 Will the Great Beings ever be sought for in the story?
23ANSWER: Probably would be pointless, since the Toa would never find them. They aren't in their universe.
2412 Why didn't Botar get rid of Makuta yet? After all Makuta has been trapped in Proto once and crushed by a door once.
25ANSWER: It's a good question -- perhaps he was not convinced the Pit could hold someone as powerful as Makuta?
2613 Has Makuta visited Voya-Nui in the past?
2814 Is Makuta responsible for Brutaka's corruption?
29ANSWER: No, not in any way.
3015 Is it the Bohrok's job to return Mata-Nui to it's natural state include fixing the Energized Proto pipe?
31ANSWER: Probably not, because their mission was given to them long before that pipe was damaged.
3216 Is the Order of Mata-Nui responsible for the Nuva mask's hidden through out Mata-Nui?
3417 In BL2 the crazy Matoran refers to a well spring of fire that burns completely, is this symbolic for Energized Proto?
35ANSWER: No, not that I know of.
1I asked these questions and got these answers
21)So did the Toa Mata start out in Karzahni when they went into the canisters? I read Bionicle Legends#3 and suspected that they either started in another land or Karzahni.
32) Are there going to be any other guardians of the Moli introduced in Bionicle Legends#5?
43)Can you show me any quotes from Bionicle Legends#5?
54) 6When Toa Matoro is in his astral form can he go into anyother person and like take control of the person.
81) No. Canisters exist in many different places -- after all, the Toa Nuva took canisters from Metru Nui to Voya Nui in Book #1. 92) Other besides who? 103) No, sorry 114) No. A body cannot have two spirits in it. So as long as there is a spirit residing in a body, Matoro cannot enter it.
1The first two quotes are a message from me to jetslandingboard, but the last one is from Greg.
9So I guess we won't know what the final cover looks like until the book actually comes out.

2Hi jetslandingboard. First of all, I'm glad to have ya back here on BZPower. Second of all, there is a relatively new picture on Amazon of the cover for BL4. Here's the link to the picture. They've got one for BL5 as well with Vezon, but it says on it that it's a placeholder. I don't know if you want to use the BL4 cover, but I figured it couldn't hurt to suggest it.
3- Toa Lhikan Hordika
4Thanks, Lhikan. As a rule, I try to avoid posting content that hasn't been proven accurate--of course, as book covers are rather hard to prove, they usually don't go up on my topic until after they're released. But thanks again for looking:
5You know, I once asked Mr. Farshtey about the Encyclopedia book cover, and he said it was pretty close to the real thing, if not it. So why don't you try asking him? Don't forget to link the picture in your message.
6Keep it up, and happy posting: Thank you for patronizing the Official BIONICLE Books Topic:
8It may well be accurate, TLH, but Scholastic does not run the covers by me so often I do not know what image they are using until the book comes out.
9So I guess we won't know what the final cover looks like until the book actually comes out.

1Hey again Mr.F: I've thought up some questions and I hope you can answer them.
21. This has been racking my brain for a while; when someone uses the Ignika, is its sole purpose to keep Mata Nui? Or can it be for saving anything's life?
31) You pretty much would only want to use it for Mata Nui, since it is a pretty extreme form of curing.
41b. Do the effects of the Ignika (saving Mata Nui's life) remain permanent? I mean say (and I'm just using examples here) Jovan's team used it to help Mata Nui stay alive, then no one awakens him for an extended period of time (say up to the Inika's time), would Mata Nui start to die again?
51b) In this case, no, barring some other tragedy happening, he would be all right following use of the Ignika.
62. Is it possible for you to reveal a Krakha quote from BL5? I'd like to hear what she says during these events.
72) She really has very little dialogue in the book, as she only appears for a couple moments.
83. Now a lot of people have been wondering who recieves Pewku next, do you know who gets Pewku next? (or does Pewku follow Takanuva?)
93) I haven't really thought about it. I would assume Metru Nui still considers Pewku to be Jaller's, since they don't know he's become a Toa.
104. Since the Kardas is very young, the fact that it has Fenrakk's head, and that Vezon is fused to it, can I assume that Fenrakk was somehow transformed into the Kardas Dragon?
114) Keep following the story and see if you're right. I am not going to say it is a good or a bad theory, but do keep in mind that in situations like this a combo model is naturally going to have pieces of previous models in it.
125. Was Jovan the leader of his team?
135) Yes
145b. Did the team consist of mixed elements (like say Fire, Sonics, Magnetism, Water, Plasma, Stone)?
155b) I haven't determined this.
166. At this point is Voporak still hunting down the Vahi?
176b. Is Ancient with him?
186) Voporak is, I would have to double-check on Ancient.
197. Were there other Toa perhaps that looked like the Toa Mata?
207b. Are the Toa Mata the first Toa?
217) No, the Toa Mata are most likely not the first Toa, and yes, there probably were other Toa who looked like them.
228. Will any information on Dume as a Toa be released anytime in the near future?
238) Nothing planned at the moment, although I may see about getting something into next year's Encyclopedia
249. Will the Atlas reveal who trained the Toa Mata and who sent them into their canisters?
259) No
2610. Is Takanuva the only Toa of Light?
2710b. Will he appear in the next Encyclopedia?
2810) As far as I know, yes, and he is in the first volume of the encyclopedia, I can't see why he would be omitted from the second
29Hmm, that's about it I suppose. Thanks for taking the time to read these Mr.F.
30Some of these answers are pretty interesting, and the fact that Greg said my Kardas theory was neither good nor bad makes me think a little..
1Hi Greg, I just have one question for ya:
21) Can the Ignika create a lifeform?
3So far all we know is that it can save Mata Nui's life and cause mutations (usually size-wise) in living beings.
4Thanks in advance fo answering this Greg.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
61) From scratch? Not that we have seen.

1Just been wondering about a couple things lately and figured I may as well ask you. 21) Do Piruk and other Le-Matoran on Voya-Nui speak treespeak? 32) If not, why? 43) Can any three Toa form a Toa Kaita regardless of their elements? 54) Would it be possible for a Matoran to become a Toa by being exposed to Energized Protodermis? 6Thanks in advance,
81) Off and on 93) Yes 104) Not that we have seen thus far, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily impossible
11Sorry but just one other thing I forgot to put in my last PM. Do all BoM members create the same type of Kraata, or is each member capable of creating differently powered Kraata.
13At this point, there has never been confirmation in the story that other BOM members are capable of creating kraata. We have never met any other BOM members in the story.
14I could've sworn that he had said all BoM members can create Kraata. Oh well.

1Heres just some questions I asked Greg, a few are quiet interesting actually . . .
19So, what do you think?
21)Will the Dark Hunters have anything to do with next year? 32)Do you know when the Protodax is released in stores? 43)You recently said that the Aincent Evil could be somebody who we already know, can you say that if it is somebody we already know, they are in a different form? 54)Does Takanuva play a part in next year? 65)Can you give anymore information about the connection between Vezon and Vezok? 76)If the Lost Land is the island for next year, does it have a name? (Metru Nui, Voya Nui etc) 87)Do you know who the Aincent Evil is? 98)It says in the Official Vezon, Fennrahk and Kardas Dragon topic that Vezon is back for next year, can you say which book he is back in?
10Thanks for your time Mr F
111) Not that I am aware of at this moment. 122) It won't be. Protodax is a combo model we did instructions for the in the LEGO Magazine. It's not being released as its own set. 133) Well, you have never met anyone in the form of a virus before, so they would have to be in a different form. 144) I can't discuss 2007 storyline 155) You will find out all you need to know in about two weeks. 166) The 2007 setting does have a name, as all settings do 177) Of course I do. 188) The plan was to bring Vezon back in Book 7, when the schedule for 2007 was Books 6-9 -- the schedule is now 6-8, so if I want to bring him back, I may have to do it through a web-only story or someplace like that. I may not have room in the books.
19So, what do you think?
1Well, I PMed Greg about this:
9I guess Greg's not gonna say, which makes sense. There really hasn't been much about the AE that we know of yet, so why spoil the surprise?
10EDIT: Never mind, just look at Utopia's post on page 5 of the official AE topic, right here.
2Earlier, someone PMed you asking this:
3You recently said that the Ancient Evil could be somebody who we already know, can you say that if it is somebody we already know, they are in a different form?
4And you relplied, saying this:
5Well, you have never met anyone in the form of a virus before, so they would have to be in a different form.
6Does this mean that the AE is/connected to the Virus? Or was it just a mistake?
7Thanks for your time.
8I stand behind my answer, as is.
9I guess Greg's not gonna say, which makes sense. There really hasn't been much about the AE that we know of yet, so why spoil the surprise?
10EDIT: Never mind, just look at Utopia's post on page 5 of the official AE topic, right here.
1Got these fresh...
2Hello Greg, i hope you can answer these questions...
31. Does Botar have a species? 42. If not then is there a reason? 53. Is he very active in bringing things to the pit? 64. Is bringing people to the pit his main job? 75. How does he know about Brutaka's betrayal?
8And about the Pit...
91. Is it big? 102. Probably are, but are the Matoran leaders of the Metru Nui civil war still there? 113. Probably cant answer-do people in it get tortured or something? 124. Will is purpose be revealed before 2007? 135. Will it be mentioned at all in the atlas?
14Thanks if you can answer
22So does that mean AE is the antidermis virus? Woah...
2Hello Greg, i hope you can answer these questions...
31. Does Botar have a species? 42. If not then is there a reason? 53. Is he very active in bringing things to the pit? 64. Is bringing people to the pit his main job? 75. How does he know about Brutaka's betrayal?
8And about the Pit...
91. Is it big? 102. Probably are, but are the Matoran leaders of the Metru Nui civil war still there? 113. Probably cant answer-do people in it get tortured or something? 124. Will is purpose be revealed before 2007? 135. Will it be mentioned at all in the atlas?
14Thanks if you can answer
151) I would assume he does 163) His job is to transport those beyond redemption to a place of confinement, yes 175) OOMN knows a lot of things
181) Can't answer it 192) No. Reasonable beings can disagree and even take up arms against each other, it doesn't make them beyond redemption in the eyes of Mata Nui 203) No 214-5) Can't answer it
22So does that mean AE is the antidermis virus? Woah...
1just got this from greg.
2hi, 3 quick questions
31. abit ago you told me that none of the toa nuva die, do all of them have to be alive to give the mask to the great spirit?
42. are the toa nuva the destined team to give the mask to the great spirit or can the toa inika.
53. are the inika simply on voya nui to rescue the nuva and help save the matoran, or do they have to give the mask to the great spirit in order to leave the island
6i understand if you cannot share any of this info, but if you can thanks in advance.
71) The Toa Nuva are not responsible for getting the Mask of Life anywhere, but they are responsible for waking up Mata Nui, and yes, they all have to be alive for that. 82) Who says the mask even is going to be given to Mata Nui? 93) They do not have to do anything in order to leave the island -- they can leave the island whenever they want.
10this was from you earlier, and i just had to ask
112) i though if it is not then mata nui died and the universe was destroyed. 123) how though? is there canisters somewhere on voya nui? i though you said the waters were cerrosive. 134) can you give any hint on what the name of the character is on the city of the lost front cover?
142) No. All we have ever said is that the Toa have to get the Mask of Life. Nothing has been said about what they have to do with it once they have it. The Toa have no idea where Mata Nui is, so how could they bring it to him?
153) They came to Voya Nui in canisters. So did the Toa Nuva.
164) No. That is 2007 info.
17i found that intersting, thanks greg:

2hi, 3 quick questions
31. abit ago you told me that none of the toa nuva die, do all of them have to be alive to give the mask to the great spirit?
42. are the toa nuva the destined team to give the mask to the great spirit or can the toa inika.
53. are the inika simply on voya nui to rescue the nuva and help save the matoran, or do they have to give the mask to the great spirit in order to leave the island
6i understand if you cannot share any of this info, but if you can thanks in advance.
71) The Toa Nuva are not responsible for getting the Mask of Life anywhere, but they are responsible for waking up Mata Nui, and yes, they all have to be alive for that. 82) Who says the mask even is going to be given to Mata Nui? 93) They do not have to do anything in order to leave the island -- they can leave the island whenever they want.
10this was from you earlier, and i just had to ask
112) i though if it is not then mata nui died and the universe was destroyed. 123) how though? is there canisters somewhere on voya nui? i though you said the waters were cerrosive. 134) can you give any hint on what the name of the character is on the city of the lost front cover?
142) No. All we have ever said is that the Toa have to get the Mask of Life. Nothing has been said about what they have to do with it once they have it. The Toa have no idea where Mata Nui is, so how could they bring it to him?
153) They came to Voya Nui in canisters. So did the Toa Nuva.
164) No. That is 2007 info.
17i found that intersting, thanks greg:
1Just one thing I've been wondering about. If the Toa Inika were to create a set of Toa Stones would the resulting Toa also have the effects of Red Star energy (glowing heads, elements infused with lightning, etc.)?
3I would say no, because the Toa stone itself does not make you a Toa -- it just unleashes power that is already inside of you.

11. I read in the GD topic that the Manas are stronger then Roodaka or Sidorak and I'm pretty sure I read that Roodaka and Sidorak are some of the toughest oppentents a Toa could face. So could Roody or Siddy beat like a whole team of Toa by themselves? I mean in the B3 movie Roodaka took 5 rounds from the Toa Hordika and seemed largely unphazed so couldn't she beat a single Toa by herself or something?
22. Could the a single Manas beat 1 Piraka?
33. And how strong is a Kikalno compared to a Manas?
44. Is Roodaka or Sidorak about as strong as one of the Piraka. Or is a single Piraka stronger then Roodaka or Sidorak I mean each Piraka has at least 3 powers while as Roodaka or Sidorak only have 2.
51) Roodaka probably could beat a single Toa by herself -- after all, Krahka beat individual Toa and Roodaka beat Krahka.
62) Yes
73) Not as strong as a Manas
84) It isn't how many powers you have, it's how good you are at using them. The Piraka are powerful, but they aren't very good at strategy and tactics, which both Roodaka and Sidorak are.
1Interesting . . . very interesting
2that's what i though
3i also got this
4thanks once more. but one last thing, won't the canister have got damaged, how can the rely on them if they have? sorry for being a pain. no more questions for now.
5Well, the original Toa from 2001 floated in their canisters for 1000 years before coming to shore, so the canisters must be pretty tough
6i though this because i woundered if they had got damaged
1Hi Greg, one last question for the day.
21) How old is Kardas? Older, younger (how much), or the same age as Vezon?
3Thanks Greg, I hope you can answer this.
4- Toa Lhikan Hordika
5Younger. By the way, I saw the set in person yesterday -- it's really big. Someone said it looks like classic BIONICLE -- not like a combo model, but more like it was designed in and of itself. Really impressive.
6Really, that's awesome. I'm already anticipating and planning on getting it. Thanks. By the way, do you have any idea as to when it will be released (month wise) in the U.S.? I know that Toa Tilius has it, but he's like the only known person on BZP who does.
7I will check for you, I did not realize it was out anywhere yet.

1Hi Greg, just want to ask a quick question
2You've recently said that the AE is in the form of virus and is Antidermis. Heres the question now, does Zaktan know its the AE inside?
3Thanks again:
5Tough question -- off the top of my head, I would lean a little toward Zaktan not being 100% certain of the nature of the virus, though he probably knows it is more than what it seems.
6Somebody out their likes me:
1Well, it certainly looks like antidermis is the AE...but could the antidermis be something...or someone...we've met before? Turaga of Force has a very good AE theory, and if you want to know what the ae could be, pm him. That would, of course, entail possible spoilers.
1Thanks for complementing my theory, Archivest. I'll put a spoiler tag around my theory, here it is: [spoiler I think Makuta is the AE and the Antidermis, they are all green/black energy and share other things in common. Click the link in my sig that says AE/Antidermis/Makuta for more info on my theory. [/spoiler
2Kardas, its looking that way, unless we are misinterpereting (I use that word a lot
) what Greg is saying about the matter...
2Kardas, its looking that way, unless we are misinterpereting (I use that word a lot

1Thanks for complementing my theory, Archivest. I'll put a spoiler tag around my theory, here it is: [spoiler I think Makuta is the AE and the Antidermis, they are all green/black energy and share other things in common. Click the link in my sig that says AE/Antidermis/Makuta for more info on my theory. [/spoiler
2Kardas, its looking that way, unless we are misinterpereting (I use that word a lot) what Greg is saying about the matter...
3I think you are. From what I understand, he means that he stands behind his word as in "I'm still going with my first answer." So that means he's basicly saying the whole "If it were someone you've met they'd have to be in a different form" thing again

5EDIT: Oh, so the AE is Antidermis: Wierd, I thought it was Makuta:
1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of questions for ya right now.
21) You've indirectly said that the AE is in the form of a virus. Do you mean Antidermis?
32) How old is FenrakK approximately?
43) When Kongu's Suletu, how do I say this? Um, well I guess, looked into the Antidermis' "mind" how come Kongu didn't see who it was?
54) If the Antidermis is the AE, then it's already been released, so aside from being cursed, what bad would come from the Piraka getting the Ignika (besides Mata Nui dying)?
65) Do you know what stores will be participating with the Zamor promo?
76) Will it come with the Toa Inika just like how the Rahkshi came with Shadow Kraata, and the Vahki came with a Gold Vahi, and the Disk of Time?
8That's it for now. Thanks in advance Greg.
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) Yes 112) Originally, I thought Fenrakk was quite young, but he is actually probably at least a few years old. 123) Same reason he can't read the minds of Axonn and Brutaka -- some minds are well shielded against mental intrusion 134) You only know half the story of this at this point 145-6) At this point, I do not have any official word this promo is happening. All I know is they were discussing it early in the year

1Hi, haven't sent in a while. I just want to know if the following Rahi are on Voya Nui:
21)Sand Tarakava 32)Rock Raptor 43)Tunneler 54)Tunnel Stalker 65)Troller 76)Sand Snipe 87)Spiny Stone Ape 98)Catapult Scorpion 109)Nui Jaga
11(Note that they are all desert Rahi )
1310)You said that you may give Umbra Vision and Rhotuka powers. Do you have any ideas yet?
1411)You said that were never going to give Umbra a mask power. Is there any chance of you giving him one? If not, did he even have a mask when you saw the model you had to work off of? I had a theory that I want you tell me if it's possible: someone with a powerless mask in the sahpe of a Great Ruru wanders into Umbra's chamber. Umbra kills them. He puts on their mask. This is why: some day, someone else not destined comes in and thinks "Look, he depends on a mask, if I knock it off, he'll get weaker:" So they try this, and he pretends to defend the mask, fooling them even more. After a while, he gives up, and they knock off the mask, thinking that he's weaker. But he isn't, and kills them in their moment of shock. Do you think this is plausible?
1512. Any chance of the Piraka Combiners or the Bahrag Spider appearing in the story? I'm one of those wierd people who want every model to have storyline relevence.
1613. I asked you if the Nui Caves had any canonical relevence, and you said you might work it into the web. Any signs of this happening?
1714.Any news of the VNOLG?
1815.So Vezon definitely makes it out of 2006 alive? You said so in your blog. 19Are you going to have to make changes in the 2007 books because of the schedule change? Are you going to take out the part about the Krana's origin ?
20Thanks: (And sorry about the huge amounts of questions )
211) It's certainly possible some could be there, although the number of Rahi on Voya Nui is extremely limited. 222) No and no -- if I give him those powers, then I have to explain why he did not use them in his appearance in the story. 233) No, and he did have a mask, but I felt he was powerful enough without giving him mask powers as well. I also didn't want him being too close to a Toa. 244) The protodax is in the story, in Book 5. As for the rest, the only place they can really show up is the books, and I have very little room in the books now. 255) I haven't been asked to do much in the way of web content for 2006 266) Still being worked on, was being playtested yesterday 277) I have to make major changes to the 2007 plans because of the omission of a book. I am hoping to be able to tell the story I was originally going to put in Book #7 on the web or on a fan site, we'll see.
1I think you are. From what I understand, he means that he stands behind his word as in "I'm still going with my first answer." So that means he's basicly saying the whole "If it were someone you've met they'd have to be in a different form" thing again.
3EDIT: Oh, so the AE is Antidermis: Wierd, I thought it was Makuta:
4And who's to say that Antidermis isn't Makuta?