1My latest set of questions (probsbly the last ofr a while):
32Yay: The Matoran combiner will finally be in the storyline:
33-Master of the Rahkshi
2We know that the three circles on the inside of the Bionicle symbol mean Unity, Duty, and Destiny. What do the two things encircling them mean? Mata Nui and Makuta? 3Sorry, no idea.
4What other powers does the Kolhii Staff of Light have? Ditto with the Kolhii Staff of Darkness. 5Other powers besides what? My guess would be the staffs simply channel the powers that Takanuva and Makuta have, which are largely the powers given to them by their masks.
6You said there would be more Ussanuis. Past or present? 7I have no idea. I am assuming Takanuva's Ussanui will be rebuilt for the trip to Metru Nui, I have no idea if others will or could be built, given that they would not have access to Kal/Rahkshi parts with which to build them.
8This has been bugging me since I saw the MoL: how did Takua get to know all this stuff? Nobody else knew how to make a Ussanui, but he does...only after he turns into a Toa. Nobody knows how to power it...but again, he does, after he turns into a Toa. Where did this knowledge come from? 9Since it was his destiny from the start to be the Seventh Toa, my guess is that knowledge was already somewhere in his brain waiting for the moment of transformation to be unlocked.
10You say there are "things" in the Silver Sea, very dangerous things. Will we get to see any of these "things"? 11Yup.
12You also said there are Rahi on Metru Nui. Would you say there are more or less than on Mata Nui? 13I would say more, and more different kinds too.
14On a scale of one to ten, how dangerous is the Morbuzakh? Makuta being ten, and a lone Rama being one. 15Well, I don't want to rate it numerically, but I will say that in its own way it is just as dangerous as the Rahkshi. If the Rahkshi wanted to say, destroy the city, they would have to do it a metru at a time. The Morbuzakh could do it almost all at once.
16Is there protodermis on Metru Nui? If so, how important is it? 17Yes, and very.
18Exactly how many Kanoka are there? 19No idea. The web people are overseeing the maintenance of the codes.
20How were the Toa Nuva's symbols, and the Nuva cube, made? Were they forged? Or did they simply appear? 21Can't answer it.
22Were there other Chroniclers besides Takua and Hahli? 23No idea.
24You said there is something akin to the Kini-Nui on Metru Nui. Will it play as big a part as its cousin? 25Well, it plays a part, certainly.
26Will the Matoran Kaita be in the storyline FINALLY next year? 27Not the Kaita, but the Matoran Nui will be.
28Do the Rahkshi play a big part in the storyline next year? Or do they sort of stay on the sidelines? 29No, they are not a focus by any means -- they appear more in the Scholastic books than they will anywhere else.
30How do the Toa Nuva take the news that some of the people they've been protecting all along were Toa themselves? Like, how are their reactions? Shocked? Nondescript? Or does it depend on who we're talking about? 31Well, as you can see from issue #15, they are not too thrilled.
32Yay: The Matoran combiner will finally be in the storyline:
33-Master of the Rahkshi
1QUOTE 21. How can Matoro translate Nuju?
3My understanding is that Nuju's gestures and noises are part of an ancient Matoran dialect. Matoro has been trained in the same dialect, most likely by Nuju.
42. Did Matoro know Nuju before he was a Toa and then Turaga?
5It's possible. I do not know for sure, but I do know that Matoro did live on Metru Nui at the same time that Nuju was a Matoran.
3My understanding is that Nuju's gestures and noises are part of an ancient Matoran dialect. Matoro has been trained in the same dialect, most likely by Nuju.
42. Did Matoro know Nuju before he was a Toa and then Turaga?
5It's possible. I do not know for sure, but I do know that Matoro did live on Metru Nui at the same time that Nuju was a Matoran.
1Here are some more things I asked him:
2Back with a few more questions:
3Since the 2004 story takes place in the past, and MOL ended book 1, as you said, does that mean that really 2004 is book 1 and the Toa Olda and Nuva are book 2?
4I don't know exactly what numbers are being designated for which book.
5Do you know alot about 2005? In your opinion does that year look to be really good with the release of Bionicle to the big screen?
6We are hoping for '05, but also aware that with Hollywood release dates can change because of a lot of things.
7I read that the Toa Metru come with cards. Is this for a TCG, or are they collectible cards, and certain ones will be rare to get?
8No, neither one.
9Do you know alot about the 2004 movie? Does it look to be better the MOL, in battles and stuff?
10I like it better than the '03 one, for a lot of reasons. I really can't speak to the battles thing until the movie is done, because LEGO has to approve it before it goes out the door and the company is not big on violence.
11I sent Greg another question about the cards also:
12Thanx for the info, can you give out anything about the cards?
13Not at this time, no.
14Looks like we probably won't get much info on em for a while.
2Back with a few more questions:
3Since the 2004 story takes place in the past, and MOL ended book 1, as you said, does that mean that really 2004 is book 1 and the Toa Olda and Nuva are book 2?
4I don't know exactly what numbers are being designated for which book.
5Do you know alot about 2005? In your opinion does that year look to be really good with the release of Bionicle to the big screen?
6We are hoping for '05, but also aware that with Hollywood release dates can change because of a lot of things.
7I read that the Toa Metru come with cards. Is this for a TCG, or are they collectible cards, and certain ones will be rare to get?
8No, neither one.
9Do you know alot about the 2004 movie? Does it look to be better the MOL, in battles and stuff?
10I like it better than the '03 one, for a lot of reasons. I really can't speak to the battles thing until the movie is done, because LEGO has to approve it before it goes out the door and the company is not big on violence.
11I sent Greg another question about the cards also:
12Thanx for the info, can you give out anything about the cards?
13Not at this time, no.
14Looks like we probably won't get much info on em for a while.
1QUOTE 2Sorry I forgot one 31. Did Matoro go with Nuju to hunt the Kraata?
4I don't know, but I would tend to doubt it, only because Matoro's role is primarily interpreter. Who was Nuju going to be chatting with when he was hunting kraata? And while Matoro has been sworn to secrecy about Turaga doings, it would have been hard to keep it secret if he wound up with his mask infected. I don't think the Turaga wanted to risk anyone else's lives besides their own.
4I don't know, but I would tend to doubt it, only because Matoro's role is primarily interpreter. Who was Nuju going to be chatting with when he was hunting kraata? And while Matoro has been sworn to secrecy about Turaga doings, it would have been hard to keep it secret if he wound up with his mask infected. I don't think the Turaga wanted to risk anyone else's lives besides their own.
1Here's another question I sent to Gregf recently.
2Question: Were the 2004 Matoran originally meant to be released in December 2003? It seems like if they were, then they would've been on the list of sets for 2003 that BZP released in January of this year. I hope you can give me an answer for this one.
3Answer: We traditionally release a few Bionicle sets early, but the decision to do so is not usually made before October. And we would never release names of the following year's sets in January...we want people focused on the '03 sets at that point, not the '04 storyline--often the names of '04 sets have not even been cleared through Legal at that point.
2Question: Were the 2004 Matoran originally meant to be released in December 2003? It seems like if they were, then they would've been on the list of sets for 2003 that BZP released in January of this year. I hope you can give me an answer for this one.
3Answer: We traditionally release a few Bionicle sets early, but the decision to do so is not usually made before October. And we would never release names of the following year's sets in January...we want people focused on the '03 sets at that point, not the '04 storyline--often the names of '04 sets have not even been cleared through Legal at that point.
1Here's my next session of Q&A from Greg. I like these ones.
2Hi again, I just had a few questions, mainly about 2004. Thanks so much in advance, you're really a big help for everybody.
31. Is the Morbuzakh the darkness that Comic 15 refers to that "touched" one of the Matoran and tainted it?
4No, that text is not meant to be taken literally. The Matoran is corrupt because he is corrupt -- he wasn't taken over by something else. He's just a rat.
52. Since Makuta basically mindwiped the Matoran, do they have the same personalities that they did on Metru Nui? Like, Jaller is upstanding and responsible now. Was he like this on Metru Nui?
73. Can you at least hint at us when we'll find out which Matoran it is that has been touched by darkness?
8Oh, well, by May in the comic, earlier in the Scholastic books, not sure of the timing on the web.
94. Are you allowed to give even the briefest description of Nokama's weapon/tool? Because I'm kind of interested to see what kind of tool she would have, because most tools match the character wielding them.
10Nokama's tool is called hydro blades. They are a little like Onewa's in that they have a sort of chain thing (I think) going -- she can fling them out in front of her to pull her through the water, but they are also strong enough to smash stone.
11Thanks again, these are a big help.
12All right: Nokama's got cool tools, we find out that the Matoran have the same personalities now that they did before, and we know that a Matoran hasn't been corrupted, he's just a rat.
I'm betting on Ahkmou. Especially with the fact that the personalities are the same, and this seems to be the same Ahkmou, since two characters with the exact same name wouldn't really fit. So if he's a rat now, I'm guessing he was a rat before. CBT lives:
2Hi again, I just had a few questions, mainly about 2004. Thanks so much in advance, you're really a big help for everybody.
31. Is the Morbuzakh the darkness that Comic 15 refers to that "touched" one of the Matoran and tainted it?
4No, that text is not meant to be taken literally. The Matoran is corrupt because he is corrupt -- he wasn't taken over by something else. He's just a rat.
52. Since Makuta basically mindwiped the Matoran, do they have the same personalities that they did on Metru Nui? Like, Jaller is upstanding and responsible now. Was he like this on Metru Nui?
73. Can you at least hint at us when we'll find out which Matoran it is that has been touched by darkness?
8Oh, well, by May in the comic, earlier in the Scholastic books, not sure of the timing on the web.
94. Are you allowed to give even the briefest description of Nokama's weapon/tool? Because I'm kind of interested to see what kind of tool she would have, because most tools match the character wielding them.
10Nokama's tool is called hydro blades. They are a little like Onewa's in that they have a sort of chain thing (I think) going -- she can fling them out in front of her to pull her through the water, but they are also strong enough to smash stone.
11Thanks again, these are a big help.
12All right: Nokama's got cool tools, we find out that the Matoran have the same personalities now that they did before, and we know that a Matoran hasn't been corrupted, he's just a rat.

1I asked him some questions, and here they are:
6QUOTE 7Can rahkshi posess the shadow kraata? If so, what color would they be, and what would thier power be? 8I would assume they would have the power of infection.
9Yes, Rahkshi can have shadow kraata, but it would not affect their coloration and they would have whatever power the kraata would have had in stages 1-6. The Rahkshi would not have the power of infection, as that is a kraata power only - which is why Rahkshi cannot infect masks by touching them. That is why most shadow kraata are not in Rahkshi, because they can do more damage on their own.
11wel, there you go:
2QUOTE 3does the orientation of the kraahkan on makutas face have any bearing on the storyline? you know, how the mask sits on his face?
4Not that I am aware of, no.
6QUOTE 7Can rahkshi posess the shadow kraata? If so, what color would they be, and what would thier power be? 8I would assume they would have the power of infection.
9Yes, Rahkshi can have shadow kraata, but it would not affect their coloration and they would have whatever power the kraata would have had in stages 1-6. The Rahkshi would not have the power of infection, as that is a kraata power only - which is why Rahkshi cannot infect masks by touching them. That is why most shadow kraata are not in Rahkshi, because they can do more damage on their own.
11wel, there you go:
1Here's a couple of Comic questions I asked Greg:
2Hey Greg, a question for you:
3If you could write a full one issue comic focusing on one Toa Nuva, which would it be? I know they are a team, but just what if.
4Hmmmm ... well, if it was Toa Nuva, I would say Kopaka. If it was Toa Metru, I would say either Onewa (cause I like his attitude) or Whenua (cause I like his setting the best).
5Also, if you were able to write a complete story arc of one Superhero, who would you choose?
6And if I could write a superhero comic, I would probably want to write Batman.
7GregF's a fan of Batman, I didn't know that.
2Hey Greg, a question for you:
3If you could write a full one issue comic focusing on one Toa Nuva, which would it be? I know they are a team, but just what if.
4Hmmmm ... well, if it was Toa Nuva, I would say Kopaka. If it was Toa Metru, I would say either Onewa (cause I like his attitude) or Whenua (cause I like his setting the best).
5Also, if you were able to write a complete story arc of one Superhero, who would you choose?
6And if I could write a superhero comic, I would probably want to write Batman.
7GregF's a fan of Batman, I didn't know that.
1Here's a ton of questions I asked him...
2Here's some questions...
30. We've heard about most of the Toa Metru, but I haven't heard hardly anything about Nokama. Can you elaborate on her characteristics/weapons/personality?
4Hmmm .. well, like Gali, Nokama is fairly wise, but I don't think she is quite as patient with Gali. She was a teacher before she became a Toa, so she has a tendency to talk instead of listen at times. And she has a very sharp wit -- she and Matau are friends, but they do a lot of verbal jousting. She is also very resourceful. There aren't really any Toa she doesn't get along with, but she can get very impatient with them sometimes, especially if they are not behaving the way she thinks Toa should.
51. I don't quite understand how Metru Nui (and an ocean), is under Mata Nui. Can you explain?
6Well, in the old days, there used to be lots of stories about the Earth being hollow and whole civilizations living underground. It's the same idea. Think of the island as a big, hollow rock ... inside the center of the rock is Metru Nui surrounded by a protodermis sea.
72. Who is your favorite Toa Metru?
8In terms of attitude, Onewa .. in terms of setting, Whenua, because I love writing about Onu-Metru.
93. In comic #15, Takanuva sat around with Vakama and Jaller. Is he part of the Toa group, or just an unnoticed addition?
10No, he is definitely part of the Toa now.
114. You said in answer to a question, that the traitor on Metru Nui is not literally corrupted by something, that he's just a rat. Does this mean it's not Vhisola?
12No, I was just using the "he" because it's less awkward than "he/she."
135. Is it true that a card comes with the Toa Metru?
14In the US, yes.
156. If yes to #5, is this card part of a new card game?
177. Are there plans to continue making the Bionicle Card Game?
18I don't know, actually.
198. Will there be another promotion like the WMKK or SSKK that's available in sets in '04?
20We are batting around ideas for something like that.
219. What storyline do you like better - Mata Nui or Metru Nui?
22I would have to say Metru Nui, just because the setting is so much cooler.
2310. You said that there's a '04 female villain that is not a set. Is it too big to make in a set, or LEGO just decided to not make it?
24Well, here's the story on that. As you probably know, the BIONICLE sets for the year are pretty much set 12 to 18 months ahead of time. The villain in question did not exist until I made her up for the third novel next year, so making her into a set for '04 just was never a possibility. The good news is you will be able to build her with pieces from early '04 sets, and I am hoping to get instructions done for that.
2511. You said that Mata Nui (the Great Spirit) is not on Metru Nui. So there's no "Unity, Duty and Destiny" virtues?
26Sure, there are. The Matoran still revere Mata Nui and they revere the virtues he instilled in them. He doesn't have to physically be there for that to happen.
2712. Do Metru Matoran wear Great Masks (the Olda Hau, KauKau, Kakama, etc.)?
28Not that I have seen -- they seem to be wearing mostly replicas of Noble Masks so far.
2913. Will there be any more Rahi sets in '04?
30There is one Rahi that I know of.
3114. You said that Toa Vakama is the only Toa with a disc launcher. Is he more special than the others?
32No, he just chose that as his Toa tool -- something Matau makes fun of.
3315. Will there be 36 Toa Metru masks to collect?
34No, the Toa Metru do notneed to collect masks next year. So there are just the six they start with.
3516. Are there any plans to release more Rahkshi?
36Not at this time.
3717. Is Turaga Dume male or female?
3918. What color is Turaga Dume?
40Don't know, have not seen the set.
4119. I was disappointed with the design of the '04 Matoran. How do you feel about them?
42I have no problem with them. I can't speak for you, but a lot of the people I saw complaining about it also complained about the '03 sets ... now they love the '03 sets and hate these.
4320. Do you know around how many Kanoka discs there will be? 20? 50? 100?
44No, I don't.
4521. Do you know what the Burger King UK promotion is? What Bionicle items will be available at Burger King, that is.
46No idea.
4722. Are there plans for the '04 movie to be longer than MoL?
48No -- the standard length for direct to video animated movies is 70-80 minutes (even the most recent Batman one was 75) so I expect it to be in there again.
4923. Is the '05 movie called Bionicle: Metru Nui: City of Legends, as reported by one site?
50No, that is not the name I have heard.
5124. Is Nuhrii the only mask maker?
5325. Which Toa (Olda/Nuva) are you most like?
54Depends on my mood.
5526. Which Toa (Metru) are you most like?
56There really isn't one I identify strongly with.
5727. Will Hahli get a cameo in the '04 storyline? Please?
58As a matter of fact, yes.
5928. If anyone stole the Nuva cubes from the Suva, would the Toa lose their elemental power, or were their powers only able to be stolen by the Kal?
60No, if the symbols were stolen by anyone, it would work the same.
6129. It's somewhat strange that the Exo-Toa were sitting in a chamber right beside the Bahrag. Did the Bahrag put them there so the Toa would use them and lose their elemental powers, or were they there before the Bahrag moved in?
62No, the Bahrag did not put them there. But the people who created the Exo-Toa did, because their whole purpose was to stop the Bahrag if the Bohrok were ever released early. They were a failsafe.
6330. If the Bahrag are part-organic, how can they survive in a cave with no food/water?
64Most likely by slowing their life processes down so that they don't need nutrition.
6531. What's your favorite Rahkshi?
66Lehrak probably.
6732. Who's your favorite Turaga?
6933. Who is a "cooler" Matoran: Hahli or Takua?
70I don't know who's cooler, but I like Hahli a little better.
7134. Do you work normal hours, or does Bionicle make you work overtime?
72I work regular hours during the day, doing BIONICLE, LEGO Magazine, Shop At Home catalog, etc., and then I do the Scholastic books at home.
7335. Is Nathan Furst, composer for MoL, doing the music again for The Mask Maker?
74No idea.
7536. The Toa are coming out in February, I believe. Will there be any other sets available then, or just Toa?
76The Matoran will already be out at that point.
7737. When will the '04 villain sets be released?
78I think summer.
7938. It's known that Takua found the Turaga's masks/weapons for them. How did they survive without wearing masks?
80It wasn't easy
8139. Why did Ga-Koro win the Kohlii tournament? It seems that Po-Koro should, since they're the Kohlii-lovin' Koro.
82Well, kolhii is like baseball -- on any given day, given the right circumstances, any team can beat any other team.
8340. Toa Matau's weapons bear close resemblance to Lewa Nuva's Katana blades. Are they pretty much the same?
84They can do cooler things.
8541. Do we get to see the Toa Metru as Matoran, and their transformation?
86You will in the movie.
8742. About how long of a time does the '04 storyline take place before the MoL storyline?
88Oh, goodness .. before MOL? Thousands of our years, probably.
8943. I haven't read any of the Scholastic novels - I'm 16, and they're somewhat out of my age range. Should I read them?
90Well, you might want to read next year's. If you read and enjoy the comic, they are written at the same level, because I am writing them.
9144. Many fans want Matoran Builder kits. Has LEGO considered producing any?
92Not that I know of.
9345. When will the next US promotion be?
94February, I think.
9546. Will the Bionicle Van go on tour again in '04?
96Don't know.
9747. What is your favorite movie?
98Too many to list.
9948. Star Trek or Star Wars?
100Classic Trek. I never liked Next Gen.
10149. Do you have a favorite musical band/group?
102Not really any bands, no.
10350. What kind of music do you listen to?
104I listen to mostly jazz.
10551. Do you ever build with Bionicle/TECHNIC pieces? I find it very stress-relieving.
106Oh, sure, and also with system. I am building some Orient Expedition stuff now.
10752. More Bionicle video games in '04?
108Not that I know of.
10953. How much do you know about Knights' Kingdom? Are you working on it?
110No, someone else here will be handling most of that. I am pretty busy with BIONICLE. Knights is aimed at a much younger audience, too.
11154. Why are the Manas so small in the online episode?
112No idea, I don't have anything to do with those.
11355. Can Matoran change their masks at any time (get a new one, like Kopeke)?
114Only if there is a good reason to do so.
11556. What's the most questions you've ever answered in one PM?
116I think you set the record.
117Thanks for taking the time:
118Whew: There's a lot there, but I recommend reading through them all. I especially like the one describing Nokama's personality.
1I asked GregF some questions. Thought I'd share them with you.
21. What exactly turned the Metru Matoran into the Toa Metru?
3Can't answer that yet.
42. Can you tell me which Metru Matoran become which Toa Metru? (i.e.: Nuhrii= Vakama)
5No, no -- those six Matoran in November do not become Toa Metru. They are the six missing Matoran. Vakama, etc., were Matoran before they became Toa. So there was no name change involved.
63. What kind of elemental powers do the Toa Metru have?
7Can't answer it.
84. Is Makuta the big boss in 2004?
9Can't answer it.
105. You told me earlier that there would be three sets of enemies in 2004. What kind of enemies?
11Again, can't answer it.
126. How come you guys wait so long to publish the next comic book?
13The comic comes out every other month, because it ships with the magazine. Doing it any other way would make it too expensive for LEGO to produce.
147. When we will see the Metru Matoran and the Toa Metru in a comic? Comic 16?
168. Why did the Metru Matoran change their names when they transformed into the Toa Metru?
17See question #2 -- they didn't.
189. I believe you told someone that the original Toa would be in the storyline again. Didi you mean the Toa Olda or the Toa Nuva?
2010. What's the best part of being a comic writer?
21The fact that I always wanted to be one.
2211. How long does it take you to write a standard comic?
23Two or three days.
24That's it: Bye Greg:
25few questions. Thought I'd post them to you
21. What exactly turned the Metru Matoran into the Toa Metru?
3Can't answer that yet.
42. Can you tell me which Metru Matoran become which Toa Metru? (i.e.: Nuhrii= Vakama)
5No, no -- those six Matoran in November do not become Toa Metru. They are the six missing Matoran. Vakama, etc., were Matoran before they became Toa. So there was no name change involved.
63. What kind of elemental powers do the Toa Metru have?
7Can't answer it.
84. Is Makuta the big boss in 2004?
9Can't answer it.
105. You told me earlier that there would be three sets of enemies in 2004. What kind of enemies?
11Again, can't answer it.
126. How come you guys wait so long to publish the next comic book?
13The comic comes out every other month, because it ships with the magazine. Doing it any other way would make it too expensive for LEGO to produce.
147. When we will see the Metru Matoran and the Toa Metru in a comic? Comic 16?
168. Why did the Metru Matoran change their names when they transformed into the Toa Metru?
17See question #2 -- they didn't.
189. I believe you told someone that the original Toa would be in the storyline again. Didi you mean the Toa Olda or the Toa Nuva?
2010. What's the best part of being a comic writer?
21The fact that I always wanted to be one.
2211. How long does it take you to write a standard comic?
23Two or three days.
24That's it: Bye Greg:
25few questions. Thought I'd post them to you
1Greg was really helpful with the questions, hope he doesn't get in trouble for telling so much
3Hey Greg, have a great thanksgiving. Hope you don't have to cook. If you aren't busy then can you look over my questions?
41) Can matoran build something, and cause it to be alive since they're pretty good at building things.
5No, as far as I know Matoran cannot create life.
62) The new matoran launchers work by being squeezed. Do the disks go very far?
7Don't know, haven't tried them myself.
83) How come no replicas of the toa metrus masks are around? I know that they weren't designed in '01, but will we get a storyline explaination?
9Good question. I will find out. Thing to keep in mind, though, is that the Great Masks the Toa Metru wear appear when they transform .. they were not crafted by mask makers. So that might be why duplicates of them do not exist.
104) I'd always thought a mask provided the energy a toa needed to tap his elements. But the matoran can't use great masks, and the turaga can only use noble masks. In other words, they aren't getting any benefits if they put one on.Is this because they don't know how to use them?
11Basically, yes. Masks are sorta like martial arts, in a way .. you can know the moves, but without the mental training and discipline, you can't use them effectively.
125) You said that different beings can't combine with eachother. Does that mean makuta is a toa since the toa aren't spirits?
13No. I see there being a difference between voluntarily combining, the way Toa do into a kaita, and being combined by protodermis. Protodermis has a different set of rules.
146) Will there be a mask shape other than the ones worn by the toa metru, and the matoran in 2004?
15Only whatever Turaga Dume's is, not sure if there are any more.
167) Will there ever be a three way animosity? Like if the kal had stayed around there could've been.
17It's possible, yes.
188) If kopaka can stop avalanches does that mean tahu can prevent forest fires?
19Yes, actually, he could absorb the flames into his sword.
209) Was Tahu's (original) sword made of fire?
21Don't think so.
2210) Did you have to get rid of the exo toa because they seemed to be able to take on makuta, after all if makutas powers are fear and shadows, it's not really going to work against machines right??
23No, I had to get rid of them because the head of the story team told me to.
2411) Are there courts on Metru nui? or is it all done by the turaga?
25Well, that is a great question. You are going to find out just how order is enforced in Metru Nui .. and it's not quite the gentle, fair system you might expect, lol.
26See answers above.[/SIZE[/SIZE
3Hey Greg, have a great thanksgiving. Hope you don't have to cook. If you aren't busy then can you look over my questions?
41) Can matoran build something, and cause it to be alive since they're pretty good at building things.
5No, as far as I know Matoran cannot create life.
62) The new matoran launchers work by being squeezed. Do the disks go very far?
7Don't know, haven't tried them myself.
83) How come no replicas of the toa metrus masks are around? I know that they weren't designed in '01, but will we get a storyline explaination?
9Good question. I will find out. Thing to keep in mind, though, is that the Great Masks the Toa Metru wear appear when they transform .. they were not crafted by mask makers. So that might be why duplicates of them do not exist.
104) I'd always thought a mask provided the energy a toa needed to tap his elements. But the matoran can't use great masks, and the turaga can only use noble masks. In other words, they aren't getting any benefits if they put one on.Is this because they don't know how to use them?
11Basically, yes. Masks are sorta like martial arts, in a way .. you can know the moves, but without the mental training and discipline, you can't use them effectively.
125) You said that different beings can't combine with eachother. Does that mean makuta is a toa since the toa aren't spirits?
13No. I see there being a difference between voluntarily combining, the way Toa do into a kaita, and being combined by protodermis. Protodermis has a different set of rules.
146) Will there be a mask shape other than the ones worn by the toa metru, and the matoran in 2004?
15Only whatever Turaga Dume's is, not sure if there are any more.
167) Will there ever be a three way animosity? Like if the kal had stayed around there could've been.
17It's possible, yes.
188) If kopaka can stop avalanches does that mean tahu can prevent forest fires?
19Yes, actually, he could absorb the flames into his sword.
209) Was Tahu's (original) sword made of fire?
21Don't think so.
2210) Did you have to get rid of the exo toa because they seemed to be able to take on makuta, after all if makutas powers are fear and shadows, it's not really going to work against machines right??
23No, I had to get rid of them because the head of the story team told me to.
2411) Are there courts on Metru nui? or is it all done by the turaga?
25Well, that is a great question. You are going to find out just how order is enforced in Metru Nui .. and it's not quite the gentle, fair system you might expect, lol.
26See answers above.[/SIZE[/SIZE
1Warning: The following conatins spoilers of book 4, Tales of the Masks.
2Hi, Greg. I bought book 4, Tales of the Masks, today and I read the whole thing. I just have to say that this book is by far the best one in the series. But I have a few questions.
31. Will the giant worm (the thing that attacked Onua) or the enemy with tentacles (the thing that attacked Gali) play a big role in the 2004 plot?
4I can't say you will never see them again, because they are cool, but they are just things I created. They might be in the Onu-Metru Archives, though.
52. How come Gali has never seen the place where Nokama took her to find the Mask of speed?
6Well, there are many places on the island that remain unexplored.
73. Will this area be important to the 2004 storyline?
8No, '04 is all on Metru Nui.
94. Why are there many carvings of the Toa Metru all of a sudden and who made them?
10The Toa Metru made them.
115. Wait, those carvings are on Mata-nui, I thought the Toa Metru were in Metru-Nui. Why are they on Mata-nui?
12Well, as you know, the Matoran and the Turaga traveled from Metru Nui to Mata Nui. So they were made on the way.
136. What is this many-armed sea creature that the Toa see fighting the Toa Metru?
14lol, wait and see.
157. First of all, I think the idea of Rahi Nui is awesome: My question is who is it's master? And why would the master want to abandon the Rahi Nui?
16Makuta was its master. And he abandoned it for the same reason he does everything, because it failed him.
178. Is the many-armed thing or the Rahi-Nui the reason why the Turaga/Toa Metru fled to Mata Nui?
199. If the master is Makuta, then why would he leave the Rahi Nui in a chamber where it will wreak no havoc?
20Because he was saving it for just that moment.
2110. It says that it harmed Vakama's friends. Is one of these friends Nuju? Did it harm Nuju's vocal chords or something?
22No, Nuju can talk if he chooses to -- he does not choose to. But you are right .. the Rahi Nui has been seen before.
2311. Will we ever get pictures/instructions for the Rahi Nui? I would love to see it.
24No idea, I would like that too.
25Thanks Greg: And Thanks for making an awesome book:
26I am glad you liked it: My next one is Mystery of Metru Nui, out in Feb., I think.
1Hi Greg,
2I have one question that has been bugging me since a while.
3Is is posible that the Toa Nuva can devolve into Toa?
4I'm not saying that this will happen in the storyline, I just wanted to know if it's possible.
5Thanks in advance:![]()
7Hi Rah. Good question -- the Toa evolved as the result of a protodermis-inspired transformation. As far as I know, there is no way to undo such a transformation. Granted, becoming Nuva is not part of the natural life cycle of a Toa, it was a special case, but I am not aware of any way to "devolve" them. Doesn't mean it's impossible under any circumstances, just that i do not know of a way to do it.
1Wow, it seems like every day, we learn more and more about Bionicle: Here are some of the questions I asked GregF recently....
24See answers above. 25Greg
2Hey again.
31: In the Kratta chart, 6 of them had the same powers as the Bohrok-Kal. If these 6 Rahkshi and the Bohrok-Kal wen't against eachother, what level kratta would be needed for the Rahkshi to defeat it's like-powered counterpart?![]()
4I would put a Bohrok-Kal at about a level 5 or 6.
52: When the Toa Nuva arrive on Metru-Nui, will it be all "Hero leaves, then come back to find homeland all tattered and with only a few inhabitants left and not much standing"?
6Can't answer it. That is too far down the road, and that story has not been mapped out yet.
73: Has anyone ever asked you My first question?
94: Do you know Leah? Do you go to the same Confrences and stuff?
10Yes, we are both on the story team.
115: *whistles "I'm walking on sunshine"*
126:Have you seen any clips or still shots of the 2004 Bionicle movie?
147:Is the winner of the *fanfare plays* PLATINUM MoL:*fanfare ends* have it with them yet? Or it it still in the perpetual stage of waiting?
15I don't know if a winner has been announced yet. I'm not involved with that.
168:Is Matoro the only one who can understand Nuju? What about someone with control over the noble mask of translation?
17Conceivably, Nokama could use the Mask of Translation to translate -- also, the Turaga have all known each other so long that they can pretty much make a good guess what he is saying in a given situation.
189:Whats the most questions you have ever been asked in one PM?
19Probably 30 or 35.
2010:Why would Nuju and Whenua conflict? I would imagine Nuju would conflict more with Matau than anyone eles, Matau being the least serious Turaga, as the prank-puller he is.
21Because Nuju's job is all about looking into the future and trying to predict what is going to happen. Whenua's job is all about preserving the past, so his focus is all behind, and Nuju sees that as a waste of time and energy.
22Well, you got lucky, it seems I'm out of Ammo for now 23Thanks again Greg:
24See answers above. 25Greg
1QUOTE 2Just one quick question:
31) What is the Rahi Nui? I've heard the name going around the boards.
7The Rahi Nui is a monstrous creature who challenges the Toa Nuva and Turaga Vakama in the last story of the new Tales of the Masks short story collection I wrote.
9Sounds like a really cool creature. Hope they make a set. 10GO BUCKS::
31) What is the Rahi Nui? I've heard the name going around the boards.
7The Rahi Nui is a monstrous creature who challenges the Toa Nuva and Turaga Vakama in the last story of the new Tales of the Masks short story collection I wrote.
9Sounds like a really cool creature. Hope they make a set. 10GO BUCKS::
1Hi: I got three quick questions.
2[1.What color Rahkshi does the Orange/Black (Magnetism) Kraata change into?
3Black head and spine, gold hands and feet.
4[2.What color Rahkshi does the Black/red (Heat Resistance) Kraata change into?
6[3.What Kraata becomes an Orange Rahkshi?
7Bright yellow/black, insect control.
8Thank you very much.
10See answers above.
11I dont know how useful these ill be, but there helpful to me.
1QUOTE 21A. Is there Metru katia (3 toa comined)?
41B. If yes what are their names?
5They don't have names. Akamai and Wairuha were legendary characters with almost separate personalities from the Toa who made them up. The Toa Metru Kaita are not separate characters, they are simply unions of the Toa, so they do not need names.
62. Do the Le-metru matoran talk in treespeak like on Mata-Nui?
8See answers above.
41B. If yes what are their names?
5They don't have names. Akamai and Wairuha were legendary characters with almost separate personalities from the Toa who made them up. The Toa Metru Kaita are not separate characters, they are simply unions of the Toa, so they do not need names.
62. Do the Le-metru matoran talk in treespeak like on Mata-Nui?
8See answers above.
1QUOTE 2hi greg, i just have a few qiuck questions that might not be-able to be answered but i'm going to try anyway.
31. You mentioned earlier matau makes fun of vakama for his choice of weapon, does this mean that all the toa get o choose which weapon they have?
52. If a toa becomes a turaga when they complete their destiny, what does a matoran become when they complete their destiny, because all beings must have a destiny of some sort?
6Only a very small number of Matoran ever become Toa -- a VERY small number -- otherwise, Matoran do not evolve into anything.
73. Also a turaga must have a destiny, does this mean they too could possibly reach a greater state of being?
8Not that we know of, no.
94.If so, wouldn't there then theoretically be an unlimited amount of transformations?
10Again, as far as we know, Turaga do not evolve into anything beyond what they are.
115.Is there a lake of water on metru nui, because if ga- metru is a place of water it would need to have a lake of some sort because this time the sea is made of protdermis instead of water?
12No, there is no water in Metru Nui. The Matoran think of liquid protodermis as water, because that is all they have ever been exposed to. Metru Nui is enclosed within the substance of the island of Mata Nui, therefore for there to be water in there would mean there was a leak.
136. Will the cards that come with the toa metru be like the kanoka discs ( able to access web features)?
14Sort of, plus they can do something else too.
157. Will we find out anymore about Napuru the boxor maker?
16Yes, he is actually in the third Scholastic novel, and he is mentioned in the movie novelization as well.
178. It might not be planned, but is there a possibility for a before before time when not even matoran existed?
18Not that I personally know of.
199.Do the metru mtoran seek answers from beneath the ground like the mata nui matoran?
21Thanks in advance.
22See answers above
31. You mentioned earlier matau makes fun of vakama for his choice of weapon, does this mean that all the toa get o choose which weapon they have?
52. If a toa becomes a turaga when they complete their destiny, what does a matoran become when they complete their destiny, because all beings must have a destiny of some sort?
6Only a very small number of Matoran ever become Toa -- a VERY small number -- otherwise, Matoran do not evolve into anything.
73. Also a turaga must have a destiny, does this mean they too could possibly reach a greater state of being?
8Not that we know of, no.
94.If so, wouldn't there then theoretically be an unlimited amount of transformations?
10Again, as far as we know, Turaga do not evolve into anything beyond what they are.
115.Is there a lake of water on metru nui, because if ga- metru is a place of water it would need to have a lake of some sort because this time the sea is made of protdermis instead of water?
12No, there is no water in Metru Nui. The Matoran think of liquid protodermis as water, because that is all they have ever been exposed to. Metru Nui is enclosed within the substance of the island of Mata Nui, therefore for there to be water in there would mean there was a leak.
136. Will the cards that come with the toa metru be like the kanoka discs ( able to access web features)?
14Sort of, plus they can do something else too.
157. Will we find out anymore about Napuru the boxor maker?
16Yes, he is actually in the third Scholastic novel, and he is mentioned in the movie novelization as well.
178. It might not be planned, but is there a possibility for a before before time when not even matoran existed?
18Not that I personally know of.
199.Do the metru mtoran seek answers from beneath the ground like the mata nui matoran?
21Thanks in advance.
22See answers above
11. Is it too far fetched to consider sometime in the future that long 300 page bionicle novels will be produced?
2I think it's doubtful. With the exception of Harry Potter, 300 page books generally do not sell well to 8-12 year olds, and that is who the books are aimed at. While we could do books for an older audience, there are probably not enough teenagers into BIONICLE to make it make sense economically.
32. Will we learn the origins of mata nui and makuta, or at least mroe about them next year?
4Can't answer it.
53. In your opinion, how is 2005 looking in terms of story and figures compared to the other years, including 2004?
6Figures are still being designed and redesigned, actually. Story is mostly set, but we may make some important changes to it depending on how the figures end up looking. So I can't really comment on it yet.
7P.S. this is not really a question but I really liked the tales of the masks book. My favorite part was when it was suggested that makuta would never play a match of kolhii, I nearly feel out of my chair laughing when I read that, it was a great joke.
8Thank you. I am still waiting for Scholastic to send authors' copies -- I know the book is on Amazon, but have not been able to find it in stores.
2I think it's doubtful. With the exception of Harry Potter, 300 page books generally do not sell well to 8-12 year olds, and that is who the books are aimed at. While we could do books for an older audience, there are probably not enough teenagers into BIONICLE to make it make sense economically.
32. Will we learn the origins of mata nui and makuta, or at least mroe about them next year?
4Can't answer it.
53. In your opinion, how is 2005 looking in terms of story and figures compared to the other years, including 2004?
6Figures are still being designed and redesigned, actually. Story is mostly set, but we may make some important changes to it depending on how the figures end up looking. So I can't really comment on it yet.
7P.S. this is not really a question but I really liked the tales of the masks book. My favorite part was when it was suggested that makuta would never play a match of kolhii, I nearly feel out of my chair laughing when I read that, it was a great joke.
8Thank you. I am still waiting for Scholastic to send authors' copies -- I know the book is on Amazon, but have not been able to find it in stores.
1Hi Greg:
2I've got a few questions:
3Why did the Bohrok and Exo Toa have to be off the island by the time MOL was released? I thought were some of LEGO's best sets.
4Well, I agree with you on the Exo-Toa. It wasn't my call to make, it was a directive from the head of the story team. So I can't really explain it.
5If Jaller was the only Matoran to die on Mata Nui, then what happened to Lhii the Surfer? We never saw him in Ta-Koro.
6You will find out more this year ...
7Are the Matoran and their names in the MNOLG 2 the official villagers, or just made up?
8Well, I know that some of the villagers in MNOLG2 are the same ones we are releasing as sets in December, so I would think the villagers in the game are considered official.
9So basically, can a Matoran that's brave enough and wise enough become a Toa, and when that destiny is fulfilled, become a Turaga?
10No, it has nothing to do with personal qualities so much as it has to do with destiny. There are lots of brave and wise Matoran, but very, very few ever become Toa.
11Did the Metru Nui Matoran carry Kolhii staffs like the new ones do, or did they only carry Kanoka launchers?
12No, kolhii in Metru Nui was played with disk launchers.
13Do all (or most) of the Metru Matoran have a disk launcher, or were they special?
14Most do, definitely.
15Finally, could the Metru Nuians reproduce Matoran on Metru Nui?
16I believe that new Matoran did come into being on Metru Nui, yes.
17Thanks Greg:
18Matoran can reproduce on Metru-Nui: I wonder how they do it?
2I've got a few questions:
3Why did the Bohrok and Exo Toa have to be off the island by the time MOL was released? I thought were some of LEGO's best sets.
4Well, I agree with you on the Exo-Toa. It wasn't my call to make, it was a directive from the head of the story team. So I can't really explain it.
5If Jaller was the only Matoran to die on Mata Nui, then what happened to Lhii the Surfer? We never saw him in Ta-Koro.
6You will find out more this year ...
7Are the Matoran and their names in the MNOLG 2 the official villagers, or just made up?
8Well, I know that some of the villagers in MNOLG2 are the same ones we are releasing as sets in December, so I would think the villagers in the game are considered official.
9So basically, can a Matoran that's brave enough and wise enough become a Toa, and when that destiny is fulfilled, become a Turaga?
10No, it has nothing to do with personal qualities so much as it has to do with destiny. There are lots of brave and wise Matoran, but very, very few ever become Toa.
11Did the Metru Nui Matoran carry Kolhii staffs like the new ones do, or did they only carry Kanoka launchers?
12No, kolhii in Metru Nui was played with disk launchers.
13Do all (or most) of the Metru Matoran have a disk launcher, or were they special?
14Most do, definitely.
15Finally, could the Metru Nuians reproduce Matoran on Metru Nui?
16I believe that new Matoran did come into being on Metru Nui, yes.
17Thanks Greg:
18Matoran can reproduce on Metru-Nui: I wonder how they do it?

1Hey Greg,
21.) I can't find the exact quotes, but you've said that the Toa Nuva will just bring their symbols with them to Metru Nui. But if they are taken out of their villages, the Toa lose their power. Will they remain powerless during transit to Mertu Nui?
3No, if they are taken out of the village by a HOSTILE force, they lose their power. If they are carried by Toa or Matoran who show the symbols the proper respect, it will not adversely affect the Toa.
42.) Why is everyone even GOING to Metru Nui? I mean, sure, it's their original home and all, but what's wrong with Mata Nui? Why bother packin' up and movin' out?
5Because the key to waking up Mata Nui lies in Metru Nui. That is why Makuta has tried so hard to keep the Matoran aboveground.
63.) I think you said the Matoran Metru didn't know about outer Mata Nui.Could ya really miss a giant cieling for a sky?
7Ever see the old Star Trek episode, "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"? Same idea. If all your life you have lived in an enclosed space and the sky is a big ceiling ... that is what you think the sky is.
84.) You say that the Turaga are reluctant to trust people because their trust was betrayed before. Is the one Matoran who betrays them what you're refering to?
9He is part of it.
105.) You say they'll probably make instructions for your female villian, so any hope for Graalok?
11Last I heard is that pieces do not exist to build Graalok. Pieces will exist to build my villain, because she was intended to be able to be built from existing sets.
126.) You said the Kanohi were "randomly scattered" across Mata Nui, then how do the Turaga know where they are to tell the Toa?
13They have had several thousand years to locate them. Look for the place the Rahi are trying to keep you out of.
147.) You said Bionicle sets in the future will be in the price range like this year's. Will we ever see a larger set again, like the Manas?
15I won't say "no," but what we have found is that the larger, more expensive sets do not sell well. Takanuva, at $30, is the best-selling more expensive set we have had so far. Traditionally, they do not move as much.
168.) You probably can't say anything, but I'll ask anyhow. You said we'll see the Matoran Metru's transformation to Toa Metru in the '04 movie, yet the comics will surly have Metru story before the movie, won't they? How will they connect? (In the voice of Lewis Black: "I have comics and a movie..... And I am confused...")![]()
17Oh, they connect .. but when the comic begins, they will have just transformed to Toa Metru-- in 12 pages, I didn't have room to show the whole origin sequence, and this saves something for the film. The movie shows the origin and touches briefly on the early '04 story, then proceeds to the movie story.
1Heya Greg, I don't PM you much, but this one has been bugging me:
2Will we ever get a map of the whole of the Mata Nui underground?As in, will we see what kind of scale you mean by a 'huge' underground. 3So is there any chance you could get the artist for the Bionicle Comic to draw out one of these, I think it would be a great idea as it is the Geography of Mata Nui/Metru Nui that intrigues many people, and it is kind of fuzzy about how deep underground the Toa kept going.
4I hope you can shed some light on this
5Cheers man
7That's certainly an interesting idea. I am not sure if we could it or not, it would depend on if it could be done without revealing too many secrets of the story.
9I might even consider drawing one myself.
1Hi, I just have a few questions for you.
21) Since the people that created the exos put them there to contain the Bahrag, did they not know that they would cut the Toa off from their elemental powers, or were they intended for a different strategy?
3They probably didn't think of it, simply because they were created a long time before the six current Toa were ever sent out. And we do know the Exos can operate on their own, so maybe that was the idea.
42) Are there six metru on Metru Nui just like on Mata Nui with koro?
63) Is there an underground to Metru Nui?
7Like any city, yes.
84) Could you say that the creatures that inhabit the protodermis sea are rahi-like? Are they controled by someone or just naturally evil?
9They are not evil or good, they are sea creatures -- sharks aren't evil, they just do what comes naturally.
105) Are those creatures that I talked about above as strong as the manas?
11No idea. Some might be.
126) Are you allowed to tell us how the the evil plant would be able to destroy the entire island? I'm not doubting that it could, but I'm just curious as to how.
13Easy. It wraps its vines around buildings and reduces them to rubble. And it has a LOT of vines.
147) Do you think that we will ever see more of a continent setting rather than an island?
15No idea.
16Thought you'd like to know.
21) Since the people that created the exos put them there to contain the Bahrag, did they not know that they would cut the Toa off from their elemental powers, or were they intended for a different strategy?
3They probably didn't think of it, simply because they were created a long time before the six current Toa were ever sent out. And we do know the Exos can operate on their own, so maybe that was the idea.
42) Are there six metru on Metru Nui just like on Mata Nui with koro?
63) Is there an underground to Metru Nui?
7Like any city, yes.
84) Could you say that the creatures that inhabit the protodermis sea are rahi-like? Are they controled by someone or just naturally evil?
9They are not evil or good, they are sea creatures -- sharks aren't evil, they just do what comes naturally.
105) Are those creatures that I talked about above as strong as the manas?
11No idea. Some might be.
126) Are you allowed to tell us how the the evil plant would be able to destroy the entire island? I'm not doubting that it could, but I'm just curious as to how.
13Easy. It wraps its vines around buildings and reduces them to rubble. And it has a LOT of vines.
147) Do you think that we will ever see more of a continent setting rather than an island?
15No idea.
16Thought you'd like to know.
1Eh, can you give me some info on Toa Matau?
21: What is his personality like?
3Matau's personality is very similar to what it was as a Turaga.
42: What can his wepons do?
53: Can he levitate or something?
6His tools allow him, among other things, to fly.
74: Why did he chose the weapons he did?
8Because they were what appealed to him.
95: And how do the Toa Metru chose the weapons that they want?
10When the Matoran become Toa, a panel opens and they see a whole slew of tools. Each one picks what he or she wants to use.
21: What is his personality like?
3Matau's personality is very similar to what it was as a Turaga.
42: What can his wepons do?
53: Can he levitate or something?
6His tools allow him, among other things, to fly.
74: Why did he chose the weapons he did?
8Because they were what appealed to him.
95: And how do the Toa Metru chose the weapons that they want?
10When the Matoran become Toa, a panel opens and they see a whole slew of tools. Each one picks what he or she wants to use.
11. Is Nui a title of respect, or part of mata`s name? For example, if their roles in the story were reversed, would makuta be makuta nui, and mata nui be just mata? Because you said metru nui isn`t a person.
2Far as I know, it is part of a name.
32. Do you think a soundtrack will come out for the 04 or 05 movie?
4My guess would be that there would more likely be a soundtrack for the theatrical release. You don't do soundtrack albums for direct to video releases, normally.
53. Are makuta and mata nui brothers in that:
61. They had the same mother and/or father.
72.They used to be one being that was split in two
93. Symbolically, as in the way the toa say brother and sister.
11Well, it's not 1 or 2 as far as I know, and I have no idea about 3.
124.What has been your favorite part of the 01-03 story?
13Oh, gee, I don't know.
145.Who is your favorite villain in bionicle?
15I like Makuta and I like the Kal, because they can talk.
166. You probably can`t answer these but:
17Is turaga dume evil?
18Can't answer.
19Did dume used to be a toa?
20Don't know.
21Is it pronounced Doom or Doo-May?
22Doo-Mat( NOTE: I`m pretty sure that is a typo since y and t are right next to each other.)
23Is takua in metru nui a drifter like on mata nui, or does he have an imortant position?
24I don't believe his position in the society is ever made a big deal of in the story. But I doubt very much he is a drifter -- Metru Nui does not tolerate drifters.
2Far as I know, it is part of a name.
32. Do you think a soundtrack will come out for the 04 or 05 movie?
4My guess would be that there would more likely be a soundtrack for the theatrical release. You don't do soundtrack albums for direct to video releases, normally.
53. Are makuta and mata nui brothers in that:
61. They had the same mother and/or father.
72.They used to be one being that was split in two
93. Symbolically, as in the way the toa say brother and sister.
11Well, it's not 1 or 2 as far as I know, and I have no idea about 3.
124.What has been your favorite part of the 01-03 story?
13Oh, gee, I don't know.
145.Who is your favorite villain in bionicle?
15I like Makuta and I like the Kal, because they can talk.
166. You probably can`t answer these but:
17Is turaga dume evil?
18Can't answer.
19Did dume used to be a toa?
20Don't know.
21Is it pronounced Doom or Doo-May?
22Doo-Mat( NOTE: I`m pretty sure that is a typo since y and t are right next to each other.)
23Is takua in metru nui a drifter like on mata nui, or does he have an imortant position?
24I don't believe his position in the society is ever made a big deal of in the story. But I doubt very much he is a drifter -- Metru Nui does not tolerate drifters.
1QUOTE 21. After the Kohlii (sp) match Nokama says "Only to be worn by a seventh toa" Gali says "The prophosey is being for filled (sp)" did the Toa know about Takanuva?
3I am sure they had heard the legend of their being a Seventh Toa, or at least Gali had.
42. Are there now two Jaller bodies? I ask because Hahli only took his mask and put it on the Ussalnui and when Takutanuva revives Jaller his body appears.
5Good question. It is entirely possible that what happened (and this is just my theory) is that when the life force was returned to the mask, his body was teleported from where it had been laid to rest. (Again, just my theory.)
6See answers above.
7- - -
8QUOTE 9QUOTE 105: And how do the Toa Metru chose the weapons that they want?
11When the Matoran become Toa, a panel opens and they see a whole slew of tools. Each one picks what he or she wants to use.
12What do you mean a panel? Also will we see this "panel"?
13Basically, a suva opens up to reveal the tools. And you will see it in the movie.
3I am sure they had heard the legend of their being a Seventh Toa, or at least Gali had.
42. Are there now two Jaller bodies? I ask because Hahli only took his mask and put it on the Ussalnui and when Takutanuva revives Jaller his body appears.
5Good question. It is entirely possible that what happened (and this is just my theory) is that when the life force was returned to the mask, his body was teleported from where it had been laid to rest. (Again, just my theory.)
6See answers above.
7- - -
8QUOTE 9QUOTE 105: And how do the Toa Metru chose the weapons that they want?
11When the Matoran become Toa, a panel opens and they see a whole slew of tools. Each one picks what he or she wants to use.
12What do you mean a panel? Also will we see this "panel"?
13Basically, a suva opens up to reveal the tools. And you will see it in the movie.
1QUOTE 2Sorry, I wasn't going to pm you until after Thanksgiving, but I just got Tales of the Masks (good job) and I have some questions:
31) How do you create something like the Rahi Nui? Would it involve protodermos?
4Everything involves protodermis.
52) Is the Rahi Nui more powerful than any of Makuta's creations?
6"Than any of ..." I can't say that, I don't know of everything he has created.
73) Why would it be so bad if the Rahi Nui was released on Mata Nui? (GregF falls of chair laughing) Vakama acted like it would be the end of everything, but then it was easily tricked and trapped. Couldn't they just do the same thing on the surface?
8Much easier to trap a creature like that in a confined space than it is when it's busily stomping on Matoran.
94) In Tales of the Masks, Vakama says something about how the Rahi Nui was much weaker than when he fought it as a Toa. How much more powerufl can this thing get?
10Pretty gosh darn powerful
115) Is the Rahi Nui the most powerful creature in Metru nui or Mata Nui?
13Can't answer it, again, I don't know yet of every creature on Metru Nui. I would say it is probably one of the more powerful on Mata Nui.
146) Have you gotten any new information on the Mana Ko?
167a) If you have, is a Mana Ko created by combining two manas or more?
177b) Why did Makuta never release the manas onto the island. Surely they would wreck much havoc (or is light another one of their weaknesses)?
18My guess would be based on Makuta's pattern. He wasn't trying to kill Matoran and wreck their villages, he was trying to keep them out of the underground. Keeping the Manas as guardians of his lair was a much better way of doing that. Letting them loose on the surface would have DRIVEN the Matoran underground.
208) Would it be possible for all 42 types of Rahkshi to combine into one huge Rahkshi Nui? Would this be possible for Bohrok too? *shudders*
21Yikes. I hope not.
229) How powerful would you say a Toa Nuva Nui is?
23On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being Mata Nui ... I would say about a 6 or 7. But that's just a guess.
2410) Is the sea-creature carving that Gali sees really the new plant enemy?
25Don't think so, no.
2611) In the Tales of the Masks, Onua and Whenua go very deep into the earth. Exactly how far did the Onu Matoran dig?
27Well, remember the carvings they see of the Toa Metru? There are tunnels extending all the way down to Metru Nui.
2812) I know that this is a weird question, but...does Makuta have some sort of weird laboratory in his lair where he can test and crete such bizzare creatures such as the Rahi nui?
29Good question .. so good I can't answer it But you are pretty close to the money.
3013) Are there any more creatures like the Rahi Nui on Mata Nui?
31Don't know.
3214) Is there any other creature(s) more powerufl than the Rahi Nui?
33Don't know. There's some MEAN stuff in Metru Nui, my friend.
35Have a Happy Thanksgiving :
38See answers above.
40Pretty cool, huh? Look at #12 especially.
31) How do you create something like the Rahi Nui? Would it involve protodermos?
4Everything involves protodermis.
52) Is the Rahi Nui more powerful than any of Makuta's creations?
6"Than any of ..." I can't say that, I don't know of everything he has created.
73) Why would it be so bad if the Rahi Nui was released on Mata Nui? (GregF falls of chair laughing) Vakama acted like it would be the end of everything, but then it was easily tricked and trapped. Couldn't they just do the same thing on the surface?
8Much easier to trap a creature like that in a confined space than it is when it's busily stomping on Matoran.
94) In Tales of the Masks, Vakama says something about how the Rahi Nui was much weaker than when he fought it as a Toa. How much more powerufl can this thing get?
10Pretty gosh darn powerful
115) Is the Rahi Nui the most powerful creature in Metru nui or Mata Nui?
13Can't answer it, again, I don't know yet of every creature on Metru Nui. I would say it is probably one of the more powerful on Mata Nui.
146) Have you gotten any new information on the Mana Ko?
167a) If you have, is a Mana Ko created by combining two manas or more?
177b) Why did Makuta never release the manas onto the island. Surely they would wreck much havoc (or is light another one of their weaknesses)?
18My guess would be based on Makuta's pattern. He wasn't trying to kill Matoran and wreck their villages, he was trying to keep them out of the underground. Keeping the Manas as guardians of his lair was a much better way of doing that. Letting them loose on the surface would have DRIVEN the Matoran underground.
208) Would it be possible for all 42 types of Rahkshi to combine into one huge Rahkshi Nui? Would this be possible for Bohrok too? *shudders*
21Yikes. I hope not.
229) How powerful would you say a Toa Nuva Nui is?
23On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being Mata Nui ... I would say about a 6 or 7. But that's just a guess.
2410) Is the sea-creature carving that Gali sees really the new plant enemy?
25Don't think so, no.
2611) In the Tales of the Masks, Onua and Whenua go very deep into the earth. Exactly how far did the Onu Matoran dig?
27Well, remember the carvings they see of the Toa Metru? There are tunnels extending all the way down to Metru Nui.
2812) I know that this is a weird question, but...does Makuta have some sort of weird laboratory in his lair where he can test and crete such bizzare creatures such as the Rahi nui?
29Good question .. so good I can't answer it But you are pretty close to the money.
3013) Are there any more creatures like the Rahi Nui on Mata Nui?
31Don't know.
3214) Is there any other creature(s) more powerufl than the Rahi Nui?
33Don't know. There's some MEAN stuff in Metru Nui, my friend.
35Have a Happy Thanksgiving :
38See answers above.
40Pretty cool, huh? Look at #12 especially.
1QUOTE 2I am just full of questions today aren't I 3Will there be any comedy in the next movie?
4There will be some lighter moments, I guess, yes.
6QUOTE 71. Does Vakama's kanoka say his name?
8No, not that I know of.
92. If yes do the weapons of the other Toa Metru say their names?
113. Can you tell us the names of the Kanohi Metru?
12I am not going into that here, because it is revealed in Jan. and really doesn't play a part until later in the year.
13See answers above.
4There will be some lighter moments, I guess, yes.
6QUOTE 71. Does Vakama's kanoka say his name?
8No, not that I know of.
92. If yes do the weapons of the other Toa Metru say their names?
113. Can you tell us the names of the Kanohi Metru?
12I am not going into that here, because it is revealed in Jan. and really doesn't play a part until later in the year.
13See answers above.
1Hey Greg,
21.) What do they mean when they say, "The time before time" ?? In the begining of MOL, Vakama says the Matoran were brought to the island in the time before time. In an older BZP story, it says the 2004 story takes place in the time before time. But in the first trailer for the MOL, it says the MOL takes place in the time before time. So it pre-Toa Olda the time before time? Or is the whole shabang the time before time? (Kinda like "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." ?)
3My feeling is that "time before time" is the era which the Matoran basically no longer remember. The time when they were on Metru Nui and the time before that. For them, recorded history starts when they arrived on Mata Nui.
42.) Is there a difference between Vakama's disk from his launcher and the Matoran's Kanoka disks? If so, can you tell us what it is?
5Yup. Vakama's disks are a lot more powerful.
63.) Does Vakama carry more than one disk for his own launcher?
7Normally, he does, yes.
84.) What happens when you fire a disk? Is it like a boomarang, and it comes back to you? It's sure be annoying to have to go retrieve them.
9Only some of the work that way. Disks are manufactured in all six metru, and where they are made determines their particular flight capabilities.
105.) Is there a reason the Toa Metru's eyes are a different color that the Toa Olda's?
11They were designed that way.
126.) Do you have any form of a Bionicle book release schedual? If you can't give us the names of the books, how about at least the numbers? I just realized I don't know anything about the books after the MOL novelization.
13I think I can give you a little info. Tales of the Masks is already out through Amazon, not sure if it is in stores yet. That is the last Toa Nuva book for the time being. The first Metru Nui book, Mystery of Metru Nui, comes out in Feb. (I think), and the second, Trial By Fire, comes out in April (again, I think). I am currently writing book #4 for next year, the movie novelization.
147.) So we're staring "Book Two" of the story and i's a complete setting and character change, it'a all brand new. Will it be like this every "book" change?
15No idea. I only know the story through '05. But we do need to keep coming up with new characters so the stores have something to sell.
168.) Do you know how many "chapters" are in "Book Two," and/or their relative lengths?
17No, I don't.
18Thanks, Greg:
21.) What do they mean when they say, "The time before time" ?? In the begining of MOL, Vakama says the Matoran were brought to the island in the time before time. In an older BZP story, it says the 2004 story takes place in the time before time. But in the first trailer for the MOL, it says the MOL takes place in the time before time. So it pre-Toa Olda the time before time? Or is the whole shabang the time before time? (Kinda like "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." ?)
3My feeling is that "time before time" is the era which the Matoran basically no longer remember. The time when they were on Metru Nui and the time before that. For them, recorded history starts when they arrived on Mata Nui.
42.) Is there a difference between Vakama's disk from his launcher and the Matoran's Kanoka disks? If so, can you tell us what it is?
5Yup. Vakama's disks are a lot more powerful.
63.) Does Vakama carry more than one disk for his own launcher?
7Normally, he does, yes.
84.) What happens when you fire a disk? Is it like a boomarang, and it comes back to you? It's sure be annoying to have to go retrieve them.
9Only some of the work that way. Disks are manufactured in all six metru, and where they are made determines their particular flight capabilities.
105.) Is there a reason the Toa Metru's eyes are a different color that the Toa Olda's?
11They were designed that way.
126.) Do you have any form of a Bionicle book release schedual? If you can't give us the names of the books, how about at least the numbers? I just realized I don't know anything about the books after the MOL novelization.
13I think I can give you a little info. Tales of the Masks is already out through Amazon, not sure if it is in stores yet. That is the last Toa Nuva book for the time being. The first Metru Nui book, Mystery of Metru Nui, comes out in Feb. (I think), and the second, Trial By Fire, comes out in April (again, I think). I am currently writing book #4 for next year, the movie novelization.
147.) So we're staring "Book Two" of the story and i's a complete setting and character change, it'a all brand new. Will it be like this every "book" change?
15No idea. I only know the story through '05. But we do need to keep coming up with new characters so the stores have something to sell.
168.) Do you know how many "chapters" are in "Book Two," and/or their relative lengths?
17No, I don't.
18Thanks, Greg:
1This isn't that helpful because of the whole it comes out in january thing, but it might help.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg I have some more questions, if u don't mind answering them/
4Can you tell us all of the bios/personalities of all of the toa metru in one message?
5Can you tell us all of the weapons (like names and what they do because we have already seen the pics of the weapons) in one message?
6It would really take too long to do all this -- and it's all going to be out in January anyway when the magazine and comic comes out.
7How do the toa metru get to pick their weapons and where were they kept? (I think you said that they picked their weapons before)
8Yes, they do. They are kept inside a suva.
9Is '05 the end of the storyline taking place on metru nui, or are the matoran not going back to Mata Nui?
10I can't speak to '05, but there is not much point in the Matoran going to back to Mata Nui, because there is nothing going on there.
11Are some matoran staying on Mata Nui?
13Does protodermis change Nuju, vakama, matau, nokama, etc. into the toa metru, or something else?
14No, proto does not do it.
15Can you give us a little more info about the '04 matoran?
16Such as?
17Can you tell us the Metru Mask powers and the Noble mask power?
18I'm not going to go into that, because it will be out in January and because the masks really don't come into play until later in the year.
19When will we be able to get the instructions for the female villain?
20Don't know.
21Can you give us any info at all about the female villain?
22I'd rather not, because the novel has not yet been approved by LEGO.
23What mask does Kopeke have on Metru Nui in '04, komau or matatu?
24I have not seen how Kopeke looks on Metru Nui.
25Will it be possible for masks to be infected on metru nui, or another parasite?
26There are no plans for that, no.
27Will there be any more bionicle contests soon?
29Will we learn more about the toa olda prophecies and how they were first made?
31Can you tell us the elemental powers yet?
32Again, will be out in January.
33I think you said that if they were all of the same type (matoran or toa or bohrok etc.) then they can combine. If this is true could all of the matoran on Metru/mata nui combine into one big combiner?
34No idea.
35Will any of the new enemies have masks or mask-like things, or will they be like the bahrag?
36No, I don't think masks play a real big part in '04.
37Thanks greg:
38See answers above.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg I have some more questions, if u don't mind answering them/
4Can you tell us all of the bios/personalities of all of the toa metru in one message?
5Can you tell us all of the weapons (like names and what they do because we have already seen the pics of the weapons) in one message?
6It would really take too long to do all this -- and it's all going to be out in January anyway when the magazine and comic comes out.
7How do the toa metru get to pick their weapons and where were they kept? (I think you said that they picked their weapons before)
8Yes, they do. They are kept inside a suva.
9Is '05 the end of the storyline taking place on metru nui, or are the matoran not going back to Mata Nui?
10I can't speak to '05, but there is not much point in the Matoran going to back to Mata Nui, because there is nothing going on there.
11Are some matoran staying on Mata Nui?
13Does protodermis change Nuju, vakama, matau, nokama, etc. into the toa metru, or something else?
14No, proto does not do it.
15Can you give us a little more info about the '04 matoran?
16Such as?
17Can you tell us the Metru Mask powers and the Noble mask power?
18I'm not going to go into that, because it will be out in January and because the masks really don't come into play until later in the year.
19When will we be able to get the instructions for the female villain?
20Don't know.
21Can you give us any info at all about the female villain?
22I'd rather not, because the novel has not yet been approved by LEGO.
23What mask does Kopeke have on Metru Nui in '04, komau or matatu?
24I have not seen how Kopeke looks on Metru Nui.
25Will it be possible for masks to be infected on metru nui, or another parasite?
26There are no plans for that, no.
27Will there be any more bionicle contests soon?
29Will we learn more about the toa olda prophecies and how they were first made?
31Can you tell us the elemental powers yet?
32Again, will be out in January.
33I think you said that if they were all of the same type (matoran or toa or bohrok etc.) then they can combine. If this is true could all of the matoran on Metru/mata nui combine into one big combiner?
34No idea.
35Will any of the new enemies have masks or mask-like things, or will they be like the bahrag?
36No, I don't think masks play a real big part in '04.
37Thanks greg:
38See answers above.
1I asked Greg Some Questions.Those are the Questions and answers.
21.I keep hearing about a Matoran named Lhii.Can you tell me who he is?
3All I can tell you is that, as far as I know, he was not a Matoran.
42.I was looking at the Pic from Fridays news.It looks like Vakama is the Only Toa to have a Disc.Is this true?Or do the other toa have discs aswell.
5No, only Vakama comes with a disk launcher and disks. The other Toa have different tools. In fact, Vakama gets mocked by some of the other Toa for choosing a disk launcher as a tool.
63.Do all the Metru Nui Matoran have that big armor like the 6 Matoran from the Comic?
7Yes, all Metru Nui Matoran probbaly look like that.
84.Except the Rahi,All of the Enemy sets came in 6 sets.Now that Takanuva is with the toa,Will 7 sets be avalible?
9No, because the '04 story focuses on the Toa Metru, and there are only six of them.
105.I can't tell if the Koros have a dozen Matoran(Like in MNOLG2) or a couple Hundred(Like in Mask Of Light).Abotu how many Matoran are there in each Koro?
11Judging by the '03 movie and stuff you will see in future, there are hundreds of Matoran in each village.
21.I keep hearing about a Matoran named Lhii.Can you tell me who he is?
3All I can tell you is that, as far as I know, he was not a Matoran.
42.I was looking at the Pic from Fridays news.It looks like Vakama is the Only Toa to have a Disc.Is this true?Or do the other toa have discs aswell.
5No, only Vakama comes with a disk launcher and disks. The other Toa have different tools. In fact, Vakama gets mocked by some of the other Toa for choosing a disk launcher as a tool.
63.Do all the Metru Nui Matoran have that big armor like the 6 Matoran from the Comic?
7Yes, all Metru Nui Matoran probbaly look like that.
84.Except the Rahi,All of the Enemy sets came in 6 sets.Now that Takanuva is with the toa,Will 7 sets be avalible?
9No, because the '04 story focuses on the Toa Metru, and there are only six of them.
105.I can't tell if the Koros have a dozen Matoran(Like in MNOLG2) or a couple Hundred(Like in Mask Of Light).Abotu how many Matoran are there in each Koro?
11Judging by the '03 movie and stuff you will see in future, there are hundreds of Matoran in each village.
1I asked him a few just yesterday, and got the answers before bedtime, and now that I am back from Luray Caverns, (It was a long trip there from Maryland) I am posting them here.
2Q. After the 2004 storyline, in which we go back in time, in 2005 or later, will we go back to the modern storyline about when the toa Nuva moved to metru-nui?
3A. Yes, eventually.
4Q. How strong exactly is hard protodermis, could you provide examples for at least Nuva armor and matoran bodies, and such things?
5A. Sorry, I don't have quantified measurements of that sort of thing.
6Q. In the beggining of the Mol movie, Vakama says that the great spirit Mata-nui brough them DOWN to Mata-nui. 7In the end, He says "my island home, rediscovered" This means he was born there.
8Metru-nui is underneath Mata-nui so how could mata-nui bring them down to mata-nui,
9So can you explain this?
10A.Think so. Just my theory, but .. we know the Matoran went from Metru Nui to Mata Nui. We also know they really had not traveled beyond the bounds of Metru Nui before. And we have no idea what the journey was like yet. So they may not have known they were going "up" instead of "down" ... they could have been going down part of the time, up others .. we will find out next year. But you also have to keep in mind that they see Mata Nui as a Great Spirit who dwells in paradise ... up above ... so if Mata Nui is bringing them anyplace, it has to be "down" to it. You can't take everything Matoran say literally, it is couched in their legends.
11Q . I This picture, toa Nokama's body looks like it has a dofferent design from the others, can you explain?
12A. Well, I have not seen the sets up close .. it may simply be the angle of the shot, or there may be some differences to emphasize the fact she is female. I was not aware of any major design differences, though.
13Well, I will edit this post when I ask more questions
14Vahu toaof time
2Q. After the 2004 storyline, in which we go back in time, in 2005 or later, will we go back to the modern storyline about when the toa Nuva moved to metru-nui?
3A. Yes, eventually.
4Q. How strong exactly is hard protodermis, could you provide examples for at least Nuva armor and matoran bodies, and such things?
5A. Sorry, I don't have quantified measurements of that sort of thing.
6Q. In the beggining of the Mol movie, Vakama says that the great spirit Mata-nui brough them DOWN to Mata-nui. 7In the end, He says "my island home, rediscovered" This means he was born there.
8Metru-nui is underneath Mata-nui so how could mata-nui bring them down to mata-nui,
9So can you explain this?
10A.Think so. Just my theory, but .. we know the Matoran went from Metru Nui to Mata Nui. We also know they really had not traveled beyond the bounds of Metru Nui before. And we have no idea what the journey was like yet. So they may not have known they were going "up" instead of "down" ... they could have been going down part of the time, up others .. we will find out next year. But you also have to keep in mind that they see Mata Nui as a Great Spirit who dwells in paradise ... up above ... so if Mata Nui is bringing them anyplace, it has to be "down" to it. You can't take everything Matoran say literally, it is couched in their legends.
11Q . I This picture, toa Nokama's body looks like it has a dofferent design from the others, can you explain?
12A. Well, I have not seen the sets up close .. it may simply be the angle of the shot, or there may be some differences to emphasize the fact she is female. I was not aware of any major design differences, though.
13Well, I will edit this post when I ask more questions
14Vahu toaof time
1my latest from Greg:
21. Just how big is the Morkzubah (I think I spelled it right)
3Ummmm .. the king root is probably the size of the Chrysler Building
4Sounds like the weeds in my backyard...only much, much bigger...![]()
52. Is the '04 movie focused just on the missing Matoran?
6No, it is not focused on them at all. Different story.
7Vewy vewy intewesting...
83. Will there be any scenes from present-day timeline (aka, Toa Nuva)?
9Only a real brief one.
114. Do the masks for the Toa Metru do similar things that the original Toa's masks did?
12Similar such as ... ?
13I should've said that better...
145. Is their a reason why Nuju looks so...ugly? Stupid question, but still one worth asking.
15I don't think he looks ugly. I think he looks formidable.
16Seriously. Nuju's mask looks like a shoulderpad with an eyepatch on it...
176. Do you like Star Wars?
18I am okay with it. I used to work on the roleplaying game a long time ago, so I got kind of "Star Wars'd" out for a while.
207. How big is Mata Nui/Metru Nui in scale to our continents?
21No idea.
21: Was Takua a Toa on Metru Nui before Mata Nui?
3No. Takua did not become a Toa until he put the MOL on.
42: Is Takua an important character on Metru Nui?
5Not that I know of.
63: How come the Toa Metru seem more powerful then the Toa Olda, and or, Nuva?
7I am not sure where you guys are getting this, unless it is just the look. Because they aren't more powerful.
84: Who is the nicest Toa Metru?
9Maybe Whenua.
105: Why did the Toa Metru lose their powers?
126: How come Vakama & Co. were chosen to become Toa?
13Can't answer it.
21: Was Takua a Toa on Metru Nui before Mata Nui?
3No. Takua did not become a Toa until he put the MOL on.
42: Is Takua an important character on Metru Nui?
5Not that I know of.
63: How come the Toa Metru seem more powerful then the Toa Olda, and or, Nuva?
7I am not sure where you guys are getting this, unless it is just the look. Because they aren't more powerful.
84: Who is the nicest Toa Metru?
9Maybe Whenua.
105: Why did the Toa Metru lose their powers?
126: How come Vakama & Co. were chosen to become Toa?
13Can't answer it.
1I threw alot at GregF, here's the answers.
45There you are: Another Huta Post...
2have a list of questions.
3{1} Would a Mata Nuian disc fit in a Metru Nuian disc launcher?
4Don't know.
5{2} Now that the matoran are heading for Metru Nui, are they having Deja Vu?
6Not that we know of.
7{3} The McDonalds matoran had disks with thier villages Toa on the front. Any special reason?
8No idea -- those were produced before I worked for LEGO. I am sure it was to honor the Toa.
9{4} BZP has a postcard sent to them from LEGO with a picture of Vakama firing a disc from his launcher. The disc has the word 'Vakama' written on it. Any reason for this?
10Probably so people will know which Toa it is when they see the pic.
11{5} Someone asked you if Vakama's discs were more powerful than a matoran's. Does this have something to do with the discs, or the launcher?
12No, the disks.
13{6} Who makes Vakama's discs, matoran or Vakama?
14Matoran make disks.
15{7} Are Vakama's discs special or different from the avarage matoran's disc?
16They would, on average, be more powerful, although he could also use the disks Matoran use if he chose to -- and they could use his, if they had any.
17{8} I am still confused about the Rahkshi. You said that the Kraata don't have a power, other than infection, until they become a Rahkshi. Some asked you about powers, such as Elasticity lvl. 5, "Can strech around even sharp edges without harm." That power does not sound like a Rahkshi's power: You said that it was a charactistic, not a power. Then what power does a Elasticity Rahkshi have?
18It stretches. Like Elongated Man.
19{9} Six of the Rahkshi have the powers of the Bohrok Kal. Is there a special reason for this?
20Cause I like those powers.
21{10} A fire resistance Rahkshi has only a defensive power. Does it have an offensive power as well?
22If he is fighting Tahu, what other power would he need?
23{11} What color is a Rahi Control Rahkshi?
25{12} There has been alot of speculation about Nokama and Onewa's tools. From the pictures we have seen, they look quite fragile. Are the toy versions sturdy?
27{13} What exactly are Nokama's tools? They look like whips:
28They are hydro blades.
29{14} Could you give me a description of Nuju's tools?
30They are crystal spikes which he can swing and use to dig into the side of Knowledge Towers.
31{15} Will the '04 matoran have a Kaita or Nui?
32They definitely have a Nui.
33{16} Does Turaga Dume have a different mask from the Toa Olda, Nuva, Metru and Turaga?
34No idea.
35{17} Is Turaga Dume going to be a set?
37{18} Does Turaga Dume have a different body design than the Mata Nuian Turaga?
38No idea.
39{19} Does the Vahi play any part in the upcoming storyline, '04?
41{20} You said you like Orient Expedition. I happen to love Orient Expedition: What is your favorite set?
42Probably the Dragon Fortress.
43{21} What is your favorite food?
45There you are: Another Huta Post...
11: Did the current Toa used to be Matoran? (Kopaka Gali, Lewa, Tahu)
2That has not been shared with me yet, so I do not know.
32: Did the current Toa reiceive their tools as the same manner as the Toa Metru?
4I doubt it very much.
53: Is there any specific reason that the Toa Metru choose the tools that they do, aside from they look cool?
6They chose the ones they liked best.
74: Will we see them getting their tools in the comic?
8No, but you will in the movie.
95: Can you tell us the names of the Toa Metrus tools?
10Vakama - disk launcher; Nuju - crystal spikes; Onewa - proto pitons; Nokama - hydro blades; Matau - aero slicers; Whenua - earthshock drills.
116: What is Turaga Dume's badge of office (You know, Like Fire staff for Vakama, Trident for Nokama, ETC)
12Don't know.
137: I remember you saying Vakama is the Toa Metru's leader for their first major mission. Does this mean he leads the Toa Metru against the Morbuzkah? And afterwards, who takes over as leader?
14Yes, it does, and as far as afterwards goes, there really is no leader for a while.
158:Which Toa (Aside from Matau) make fun of Vakama's choice of weapon?
16Mainly Matau.
179: Does the Morbuzkah have a reason for attacking Metru-Nui?
18Yup, sure does.
1910: Have there ever been Toa before the Toa Metru?
20Can't answer it.
2That has not been shared with me yet, so I do not know.
32: Did the current Toa reiceive their tools as the same manner as the Toa Metru?
4I doubt it very much.
53: Is there any specific reason that the Toa Metru choose the tools that they do, aside from they look cool?
6They chose the ones they liked best.
74: Will we see them getting their tools in the comic?
8No, but you will in the movie.
95: Can you tell us the names of the Toa Metrus tools?
10Vakama - disk launcher; Nuju - crystal spikes; Onewa - proto pitons; Nokama - hydro blades; Matau - aero slicers; Whenua - earthshock drills.
116: What is Turaga Dume's badge of office (You know, Like Fire staff for Vakama, Trident for Nokama, ETC)
12Don't know.
137: I remember you saying Vakama is the Toa Metru's leader for their first major mission. Does this mean he leads the Toa Metru against the Morbuzkah? And afterwards, who takes over as leader?
14Yes, it does, and as far as afterwards goes, there really is no leader for a while.
158:Which Toa (Aside from Matau) make fun of Vakama's choice of weapon?
16Mainly Matau.
179: Does the Morbuzkah have a reason for attacking Metru-Nui?
18Yup, sure does.
1910: Have there ever been Toa before the Toa Metru?
20Can't answer it.
1{1}.could i build any of the new Rahkshi out of other sets parts?
2{1}a: if yes could you tell me them?
3Yes, you could build some of them. Once the color list is on BZP, you will be able to tell which ones.
4{1}b:do any of them share the same type of staff heads or back spines or do they all have different types of staffs and spines?
5No specifics are given about shape of spines or staffs, so use your best judgement.
6{2}:what are the colors for stasis, dodge, and Heat vision so i can build them?(those are the kratta i have only 3)
7Stasis - Blue head and spine, black claws and feet. Dodge - Red head and spine, silver claws and feet. Heat vision -- Yellow.
8{3}: on the shapeshifting one: do both the Rahkshi and the Kratta change shape?
9The kratta would be inside whatever shape the Rahkshi assumed.
10{4}k the power is inside the Rahkshi suit but the staff chanels it right? ok so vorahk stinks the life out of you throu his, and the other 5 shoot there powers out of them.for alot of the others yea that works, BUT but but but invulerability,elasticity,dodge,Laser vision?? what does there staff do when they have powers like invulerability,elasticity,dodge or Laser vision?
11Well, dodge is a tricky one, of course, but basically the staff manifests the same power. For example, the invulnerable Rahkshi has an invulnerable staff; the elastic Rahkshi has a staff that stretches to strike, etc.
12{5}:how fast can a rahkshi move on foot?
13No idea.
14{6}: in the air?
15No idea.
16{7}:the Stage 6 adaption kratta says "Instantly adapts to take Maximum advantage of any condition or situation" wha?? what does that mean?
17Basically, it adapts in the best way it possibly can. If, for exampe, the Rahkshi is plunged underwater, the power allows it to adapt to be the ultimate underwater creature and most efficiently process air from water.
187a ok you made the Rahkshi so.... say Kopaka was fighting an adaption Rahkshi on top of mount Ihu what "adaptions" would it make?
19Well, for example -- it might adapt to the cold so that ice blasts would not do much more than slow it down. That might involve either developing an immunity to cold, like Kopaka has, or actually radiating heat to counter the ice.
208: a Stage 6 electricity Kratta says it can control powerful electric fields and surround or stun people with them. ok stun i get but what would surrounding someone with an electrical feild do?
21Well, do you want to walk through an electrical field? It would hurt. So you would stay put.
229: ok so to make a rahkshi a kratta climbs in to a pool of proto then morphs into a Rahkshi suit "killing" it(i think) then another kratta climbs in to it turning it on, the type of Kratta the suit is made out of tells you what type of kratta it needs to turn it on. Does the level of kratta that became the Rahkshi have any affect on the over all power level of the rahkshi?
23Yes, to an extent. As you have seen, the kraata powers differ somewhat based on what stage they are at. So, for example, the Stage 6 kraata with the electricity power can use it in ways a stage 5 cannot.
249a: becouse a shadow kratta lacks colors does that mean it can use any Rahkshi?
25No. It is still just a Stage 7 of a particular type of kraata.
26i don't think he understood #9... i meant does the level of the kratta that made the rahkshi(not the one in it) affect its power level...eh