1Hi Greg. Sorry, I know I've been a PM bucket spilling out questions a lot lately, but two more things:
21) Was Vezon created before or after the Piraka went rogue?
32) Was he in existence when the Piraka found Makuta's armor or not?
43) Any word as to when Vezon & Kardas will be released yet?
5Thanks for being patient with me Greg.
6- Toa Lhikan Hordika
71-2) All this info will be out in the next two to four weeks when comic #4 and book #4 come out. 83) I don't have an official release date, but the three-titan combos usually come out late in the fall as Christmas items, based on past experience

1So now Greg has totally confirmed that the AE is the Antidermis, so this part of my theory is correct
I still really think that Makuta is the AE/Antidermis...

1Hey Greg thanks for answering my previous questions. Anyway I was wondering what Zaktan's previous power was before he was inflicted with his Protodite condition? Or will this be revealed in Bionicle Legends#4?
2No, I don't go into it. I really didn't have a way to smoothly fit it into the story, and since we are talking about thousands of years he has had the protodite ability, it didn't seem that relevant what (if anything) he had before
3So are you saying that TSO's eye beam made him that way by chance? surely some resistance or power of Zaktans allowed him to survive the devastating attack. Because TSO didn't seem to speak lightly of Zaktan and he over saw his training and put in charge of a group of Dark Hunters whos job was to kill Toa.
4Neither Zaktan nor TSO have any idea why TSO's eyebeams affected him that way. If it was a result of some power of Zaktan's, Zaktan did not know it existed and therefore it hasn't been mentioned in the story. A DH does not need to necessarily have some special super power to get a position of responsibility in the org. -- what's Lariska's super power? She doesn't have one, she is simply a highly trained, very agile and skilled assassin.
5Interesting... Zaktan had some power that allowed him survive TSO eyebeams and HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE HAD THIS POWER AMAZING:
1No, I don't go into it. I really didn't have a way to smoothly fit it into the story, and since we are talking about thousands of years he has had the protodite ability, it didn't seem that relevant what (if anything) he had before 2So are you saying that TSO's eye beam made him that way by chance? surely some resistance or power of Zaktans allowed him to survive the devastating attack. Because TSO didn't seem to speak lightly of Zaktan and he over saw his training and put in charge of a group of Dark Hunters whos job was to kill Toa. 3Neither Zaktan nor TSO have any idea why TSO's eyebeams affected him that way. If it was a result of some power of Zaktan's, Zaktan did not know it existed and therefore it hasn't been mentioned in the story. A DH does not need to necessarily have some special super power to get a position of responsibility in the org. -- what's Lariska's super power? She doesn't have one, she is simply a highly trained, very agile and skilled assassin.
4Interesting... Zaktan had some power that allowed him survive TSO eyebeams and HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE HAD THIS POWER AMAZING:
5Aw, shame about Zaktans secret power because he should have been blown to bits: That way the Piraka would have no antidermis, no enslaved Matoran and no defeated Toa: Still, life goes on . . .
1But then there would be no 2006 .
2I was just making a little joke.
3Sorry if I'm being a pest but I just want to ask this question.
4In the DH Guide it says that Vezok stole an aincent tablet before he went rouge and hidden it from the Shadowed One. Does this tablet have anything to do with Vezon's creation?
5Thanks for answering all my questions Greg:
7One Vezok/Vezon theory down
1Shouryuuzan Zero, you mean you know how they are related? How are they related? Please tell me::: But put it in a spoiler tag.
1Oh, sorry. And I know how the connection between Vezok and Vezon and it's pretty interesting how it all happens.
2Is this from Legacy of Evil then? Can PM me the info too?
3I still really think that Makuta is the AE/Antidermis...
4Has anyone considered that it isn't the Makuta we already know, but another one from the Brotherhood?
6Bionicle Legends #4 content.1can we discuss Bionicle Legends #4? 2Bionicle Legends #4 content. 3did dume fight the KD?(kanohi dragon)
4It's a little early I think to be in full-scale discussion about it. Unfortunately, once spoilers start appearing all over BZP, people no longer need to buy the book because all the info on it is here.
5No, Dume did not fight the KD -- Dume was the one who sent for the Toa for help. A Turaga wouldn't be able to do anything to a creature that powerful.
7True, but there is no evidence Dume's time as a Toa was spent on Metru Nui. It is much more likely he came to Metru Nui after he became a Turaga.
1tis another day, tis another PM
3LEGO doesn't have to "get around" the issue of killing the Piraka because the Toa aren't going to kill the Piraka.
4yes but have you not got to get one of the teams, piraka or toa, defeaten so ne of them can get the mask?
5Yes, but you can defeat someone without killing them.
6good point- but in a storyline like bionicle, it makes it abit more excitment- like i said in my first argument, in the second movie Likan being killed was okay, it made a change of good always winning, and it just made the movie better- put it this way, if you were watching a movie, would you rather see a hero get knocked out for abit and come back- or the hero get killed and bring a new atmosphere to the movie.
7True, but if I kill the Piraka, I have also just killed sales on six sets which can be reasonably expected to still be on store shelves in early '07. (After all, to use your own example -- if the hero gets killed in the movie, he can't come back for a sequel.) That is why when I kill characters, it is generally characters I have invented who aren't sets. Also, bluntly, Toa don't believe in killing their foes unless they absolutely have to, and in this case, they don't. LEGO is not going to approve a storyline where the Toa go around murdering their foes.
8yes, okay, is it something to do with the age limit, lego won't alow to much death, as it may frighten younger children. how come you need the piraka to be on sale for so long? most people have got the piraka and are now focusing on the inika, or did you mean the piraka coming back in a new form?
9It's pretty simple, actually. Stores buy Piraka during the course of 2006. If they don't sell all of them by the end of '06, then they are still on the shelves in '07. If we then say, "Oh, all those characters are dead now," interest in the sets nosedives ... that is why I wanted to bring Vezon back in '07, so that people who buy his set this year don't end up with something that never shows up again anywhere.
3LEGO doesn't have to "get around" the issue of killing the Piraka because the Toa aren't going to kill the Piraka.
4yes but have you not got to get one of the teams, piraka or toa, defeaten so ne of them can get the mask?
5Yes, but you can defeat someone without killing them.
6good point- but in a storyline like bionicle, it makes it abit more excitment- like i said in my first argument, in the second movie Likan being killed was okay, it made a change of good always winning, and it just made the movie better- put it this way, if you were watching a movie, would you rather see a hero get knocked out for abit and come back- or the hero get killed and bring a new atmosphere to the movie.
7True, but if I kill the Piraka, I have also just killed sales on six sets which can be reasonably expected to still be on store shelves in early '07. (After all, to use your own example -- if the hero gets killed in the movie, he can't come back for a sequel.) That is why when I kill characters, it is generally characters I have invented who aren't sets. Also, bluntly, Toa don't believe in killing their foes unless they absolutely have to, and in this case, they don't. LEGO is not going to approve a storyline where the Toa go around murdering their foes.
8yes, okay, is it something to do with the age limit, lego won't alow to much death, as it may frighten younger children. how come you need the piraka to be on sale for so long? most people have got the piraka and are now focusing on the inika, or did you mean the piraka coming back in a new form?
9It's pretty simple, actually. Stores buy Piraka during the course of 2006. If they don't sell all of them by the end of '06, then they are still on the shelves in '07. If we then say, "Oh, all those characters are dead now," interest in the sets nosedives ... that is why I wanted to bring Vezon back in '07, so that people who buy his set this year don't end up with something that never shows up again anywhere.
1I got some more:
2Well, here are some more questions that has been bugging my mind....
31)If Voporak was facing another enemy who had a real-life gun (you know,bullets and everything), how would Voporak be able to deflect the bullets?? Unless of course they bounce of him like in Superman...
42) The Calix alows you to do impossible feats. Do they include something like the Matrix Bullet dodging?
53) Since the organic Kadin has spikes, is it possible for a person wearing an organic Kadin to stab a person with it?
64) Is there a reason why the organic Suletu that Kongu wears has half of it's mask look half-deformed?
75) Could you tell me which Piraka is the most efficient at battling Makuta?
86) Could you tell us all of the Dark Hunters who appear in "Legacy of Evil"?
97) Why is there a deep hatred between Hakann and Vezok?
10Thanks for your answers.
111) That's easy. Let's say you fire a gun -- pow. Over the course of time, gravity will affect it, so that if it doesn't hit something, it will drop to the ground once its momentum has been expended. If you fire at Voporak, the field around him will essentially "age" the bullet, speeding up its personal time without speeding up its movement through space. This would have the result of its momentum running out much faster and gravity then making it drop.
122) No. The mask allows you to basically be like Captain America -- at the peak of Toa conditioning. In the same way Cap can run faster, have more agility and endurance and strength than an average human, the mask lets you perform like a Toa at the peak of possible speed, strength and endurance. So you can, for example, dodge better than another Toa, but you don't get super-powers from it.
133) No. It has spikes, but they are not necessarily made of bone or some other hard substance like that, and no Toa is going to go around spiking people with his mask anyway.
144) You would have to ask the set designer, I had nothing to do with the mask designs.
155) None of the Piraka have ever battled Makuta, so there is no way to answer this.
166) No, I can suggest you read the book to find out.
177) See Vezon's origin in comic #4, out in two weeks.
18Thanks alot Greg:

2Well, here are some more questions that has been bugging my mind....
31)If Voporak was facing another enemy who had a real-life gun (you know,bullets and everything), how would Voporak be able to deflect the bullets?? Unless of course they bounce of him like in Superman...
42) The Calix alows you to do impossible feats. Do they include something like the Matrix Bullet dodging?
53) Since the organic Kadin has spikes, is it possible for a person wearing an organic Kadin to stab a person with it?
64) Is there a reason why the organic Suletu that Kongu wears has half of it's mask look half-deformed?
75) Could you tell me which Piraka is the most efficient at battling Makuta?
86) Could you tell us all of the Dark Hunters who appear in "Legacy of Evil"?
97) Why is there a deep hatred between Hakann and Vezok?
10Thanks for your answers.
111) That's easy. Let's say you fire a gun -- pow. Over the course of time, gravity will affect it, so that if it doesn't hit something, it will drop to the ground once its momentum has been expended. If you fire at Voporak, the field around him will essentially "age" the bullet, speeding up its personal time without speeding up its movement through space. This would have the result of its momentum running out much faster and gravity then making it drop.
122) No. The mask allows you to basically be like Captain America -- at the peak of Toa conditioning. In the same way Cap can run faster, have more agility and endurance and strength than an average human, the mask lets you perform like a Toa at the peak of possible speed, strength and endurance. So you can, for example, dodge better than another Toa, but you don't get super-powers from it.
133) No. It has spikes, but they are not necessarily made of bone or some other hard substance like that, and no Toa is going to go around spiking people with his mask anyway.
144) You would have to ask the set designer, I had nothing to do with the mask designs.
155) None of the Piraka have ever battled Makuta, so there is no way to answer this.
166) No, I can suggest you read the book to find out.
177) See Vezon's origin in comic #4, out in two weeks.
18Thanks alot Greg:

1if you wanna know pm me
14) Is there a reason why the organic Suletu that Kongu wears has half of it's mask look half-deformed?Greg 24) You would have to ask the set designer, I had nothing to do with the mask designs.
3Actually, it's because the Matoran found it half-buried near Karzahni's realm (Before their transformation). 4Khote
1Hi Greg F, I have a few questions. Who is the most powerful and dangerous out of the Piraka? When Matoro became a Toa, did he think of himself as "the bomb" or was he a little unsure? Do you think Matoro is as cool as Jaller? Thanks 

1Hi Greg F, I have a few questions. Who is the most powerful and dangerous out of the Piraka? When Matoro became a Toa, did he think of himself as "the bomb" or was he a little unsure? Do you think Matoro is as cool as Jaller? Thanks
2Fenrakk1231, you have to PM GregF with your questions.
1Hi Greg F, I have a few questions. Who is the most powerful and dangerous out of the Piraka? When Matoro became a Toa, did he think of himself as "the bomb" or was he a little unsure? Do you think Matoro is as cool as Jaller? Thanks
2Fenrakk1231, you have to PM Greg your questions as he does not go to this topic. But to answer you questions:
31. I guess Zaktan would be.
42. What do you mean by "the bomb" exactly?
53. Irrelevant question
1Mr. F
2first of all, it's great to finally talk to you. I've been trying for weeks: anyway, i'm a lego brickmaster and i haven't been getting the magazines. we just resubscibed, but they totally skipped the issue with the second ignition comic and went to the third. is there a way to get it now or at the very least, read #2 online? 3help::
4(p.s. what does PM mean? i'm new to BZpower and i still don't know.)
2first of all, it's great to finally talk to you. I've been trying for weeks: anyway, i'm a lego brickmaster and i haven't been getting the magazines. we just resubscibed, but they totally skipped the issue with the second ignition comic and went to the third. is there a way to get it now or at the very least, read #2 online? 3help::

4(p.s. what does PM mean? i'm new to BZpower and i still don't know.)

1pm means private message. ignition 2 is going to come out online eventualy... to p.m. gregf go to his look up and click private message.
1Just to clear things up, ussal captain and Fenrakk 1231, go here to see GregF's profile. On the right, in the Communicate box, it says 'Send a Personal Message'. Then you can send him your questions.
2But Fenrakk 1231, in answer to your questions: 31. I guess Zaktan would be, as he knows a lot more than the other Piraka. 42. None of the Inika thought of themselves as 'the bomb', as they know that their becoming Toa means that something bad has happened to the Toa Nuva. 53. Greg would probably say that all the Inika are as good as each other.
2But Fenrakk 1231, in answer to your questions: 31. I guess Zaktan would be, as he knows a lot more than the other Piraka. 42. None of the Inika thought of themselves as 'the bomb', as they know that their becoming Toa means that something bad has happened to the Toa Nuva. 53. Greg would probably say that all the Inika are as good as each other.
1Just to clear things up, ussal captain and Fenrakk 1231, go here to see GregF's profile. On the right, in the Communicate box, it says 'Send a Personal Message'. Then you can send him your questions.
2But Fenrakk 1231, in answer to your questions: 31. I guess Zaktan would be, as he knows a lot more than the other Piraka. 42. None of the Inika thought of themselves as 'the bomb', as they know that their becoming Toa means that something bad has happened to the Toa Nuva. 53. Greg would probably say that all the Inika are as good as each other.

1Hey, guys, I've found something about Pewku's current owner - nobody:
53So because none of the Matoran realize Jaller's a Toa, nobody currently owns Pewku: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
2Thanks in advance for answering these:
31. What is the difference between a Electricity Rahkshi's powers and a Chain-Lightning Rahkshi's powers? 41b. Is Tahnok Kal capable of both powers, or just Electricity? 51c. Would a Toa of Electricity and a Toa of Lightning be two different Toa?
62. What type of Kraata was Kraata-Kal prior to his transformation?
73. Can Kraata activate their powers without using Rahkshi armor?
84. If a Toa hit a Limited Invulnerability Rahkshi on the head, would the Kraata fly out? Or would the Rahkshi be invulnerable to that attack?
95. What are the powers for each stage of Chain-Lightning Kraata? What I'm asking is, what powers is it capable of at Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, etc.
106. Would a Limited Invulnerability Rahkshi, Quick-Healing Rakhshi, and other Rahkshi that don't need staffs to focus their powers carry a staff?
117. When I asked you about Gali's hooks, you said they weren't natural, rather they were just tools. Yet, LEGO Catalogues in 2001 and even the Story Team-approved Tale of the Toa say that Gali has hook-like hands. 12Are those things about Gali's hands being hooks just outdated storyline info? Like Roodaka being Queen of the Visorak, or Axonn's ability to create fire?
138. Is a Shadow Kraata still capable of using its original poweres?
149. In BL1, Avak claims he worked as a jailer for the DHs. When he assumed that everyone could break out of any cell, TSO sent him over to the BOM, where he got his ability to create perfect cells. 15Yet, in the DH Guide, it says that Avak had his powers prior to joining the DHs. 16Is TSO lying in the guide, or is Avak lying in BL1?
1710. What became of the Ussanui?
1811. From what was the Ussanui's name coined?
1912. Is the Matoran language basically English, only with a few different words (Vezon, Inika, Rahi, Nui, Metru, etc.)?
2013. Did the Rock Lion ever appear in storyline?
2114. Do Matoran Nui or Turaga Nui have names?
2215. Are the terms Akamai and Wairuha referring to all Fire/Earth/Stone and Water/Wind/Ice Kaita? Or are they just the names of the Tahu/Onua/Pohatu and Gali/Lewa/Kopaka Kaita?
2316. Who wrote the story/script for the Bohrak and Bohrak Kal online flash movies and updates?
2417. Is MNOLG II official storyline?
2518. Are the Matoran names in MNOLG II official? Such as Damek, the Onu-Matoran guard with a purple Miru? 2618b. Are the 2004 Matoran name changes (Nuri, Orkam) in MNOLG II official?
2719. When will the Tarakava Nui appear in storyline in places other than the Rahi Guide or Bionicle Encyclopedia?
2820. The Blade Burrowers in the Rahi Guide was described as to be building or mapping something through their tunnels. This never was explained. Will it?
2921. Who do you personally think shall be Pewku's next owner?
301) Chain lightning is forked, so it can hit multiple targets at once. A standard electric bolt is not. 311b) No, just electricity 321c) Probably not
332) Don't know, wasn't really relevant to what he is now so I didn't worry about it.
343) Yes
354) Limited invulnerability means it is going to be vulnerable to not a lot. I doubt very much a whack on the head would affect it.
365) I don't have this info at hand. You would probably need to check BS01 when it comes back.
376) Yes.
387) Yes. Tale of the Toa was written before the first movie came out and the books had to be brought in line with the movies, where the characters have regular hands. It makes no sense she had hands as a Toa Nuva and not as a Toa.
398) Yes
409) Avak is lying. Like any Piraka, he is playing the angles. He figures if the Piraka lose, the Toa would be more likely to keep him alive if they think he might have info on the BOM. One of the classic sources of confusion in fiction is the unreliablity of characters -- just because a character says something does not make it true.
4110) It was demolished in B1. I have no idea if it was rebuilt or not. Most likely, not, because it needs kraata to power it.
4211) I am not aware of it being coined from anything in particular.
4312) No. The Matoran language is completely different from English. If you heard a Matoran speak, you wouldn't understand a word he said. We simply translate it into English for you.
4413) Not that I recall, no. The rock lion was a Rahi contest winner for which we never received the model to do photography, which is why he is in the appendix, not the main book.
4514) Those are their names.
4615) I don't have this information.
4716) Not I.
4817) As with MNOG, most likely the major events are canon, some of the minor details are not.
4918) No. None of the names in MNOG or MNOG2 were ever cleared through Legal, which is why so many of the Matoran characters from those games do not appear in the Encyclopedia.
5019) I don't have plans to put it in storyline. It is based off a 5 year old set, so the only place it could go is the books, and with the reduced book schedule I don't have room for a lot of extraneous characters anymore.
5120) Time will tell.
5221) I doubt it has been awarded to an actual new owner, because no one realizes Jaller is a Toa at this point. They assume he is still a Matoran and will be coming back.
53So because none of the Matoran realize Jaller's a Toa, nobody currently owns Pewku: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
1How long does it take for greg to answer your question?
1Hey, I wonder if any of the other Piraka had anything to do with Vezons creation? Hakann probably used the Staff of Fusion, or maybe another Piraka who doesn't trust Vezok.
2I don't know the answer but if anyone does, please tell me:
3Are you sure you haven't read Legacy of Evil? 4I p.m ed some one who had... 5On that note thanks vader hater
GregF Me 1Hey Greg.
2Just want to ask a question. There's been rumors of that McDonalds are releasing Bionicle related toys with their Happy Meals. Can you confirm this?
3Thanks in advance.
4Info on the promotion will be on BIONICLE.com soon, and then on the fan sites, so you will get full info then.
1could you please awnswer some questions?
21: Do you know anything about the Mcdonalds promotion soon, like are they matoran? 32: Do the BOM still use Visorak battle rams, or were they just for Metru nui? 43: any news on the VNOLG? 54: Will Zaktan return next year? 65: Did the Bohrok know of the BOM? 76: How come there will only be 4 small boxed sets next year? 87: how many titans will there be next year? 98: Do the 2007 villains meet the Toa Nuva? 109: Is there a reason why the Toa Metru don't use their elemental powers during LOMN? 1110: Will any new islands be named this year? 1211: will issue 4 of the bionicle comic be available in the UK 1312: will the Mcdonalds promotion be in the UK?
14As always, thank you for your awnswers
151) Yes, I know all about it. Info gets released to fan sites in a week. 162) Yes, they do 173) It was being playtested last week 184) I can't discuss 2007 195) Bohrok don't know of much of anything beyond their mission. 206) Because the small sets don't sell as well as the canister sets do. 217) I can't discuss 2007 product plan 228) No. 239) Yes. They exhausted them fighting Morbuzakh and Krahka and have to wait for them to recharge. 2410) Not the remainder of this year, no, I don't think so. 2511) No idea. The UK market makes that decision, I just write them. 2612) Not that I am aware of. I could be wrong, but all I have heard about is US and Canada. We rarely do international promotions.
21: Do you know anything about the Mcdonalds promotion soon, like are they matoran? 32: Do the BOM still use Visorak battle rams, or were they just for Metru nui? 43: any news on the VNOLG? 54: Will Zaktan return next year? 65: Did the Bohrok know of the BOM? 76: How come there will only be 4 small boxed sets next year? 87: how many titans will there be next year? 98: Do the 2007 villains meet the Toa Nuva? 109: Is there a reason why the Toa Metru don't use their elemental powers during LOMN? 1110: Will any new islands be named this year? 1211: will issue 4 of the bionicle comic be available in the UK 1312: will the Mcdonalds promotion be in the UK?
14As always, thank you for your awnswers
151) Yes, I know all about it. Info gets released to fan sites in a week. 162) Yes, they do 173) It was being playtested last week 184) I can't discuss 2007 195) Bohrok don't know of much of anything beyond their mission. 206) Because the small sets don't sell as well as the canister sets do. 217) I can't discuss 2007 product plan 228) No. 239) Yes. They exhausted them fighting Morbuzakh and Krahka and have to wait for them to recharge. 2410) Not the remainder of this year, no, I don't think so. 2511) No idea. The UK market makes that decision, I just write them. 2612) Not that I am aware of. I could be wrong, but all I have heard about is US and Canada. We rarely do international promotions.
1a bohrok related question
2when i was reading the comic when the bohrok-kal first appeared, i woundered, how where they created? i know makuta created the normal bohrok, but how did he make them so diffrent? and so more intelligant? i strange thought crossed my mind, did 6 bohrok fall in protodermis, the same thing that changed the toa into toa nuva?
3Makuta did not create the Bohrok. The Kal were created by the Bahrag, using a mutagenic substance. EP was not involved.
2when i was reading the comic when the bohrok-kal first appeared, i woundered, how where they created? i know makuta created the normal bohrok, but how did he make them so diffrent? and so more intelligant? i strange thought crossed my mind, did 6 bohrok fall in protodermis, the same thing that changed the toa into toa nuva?
3Makuta did not create the Bohrok. The Kal were created by the Bahrag, using a mutagenic substance. EP was not involved.
11. Since Umbra means 'shadow' in latin, does this mean that Lego has loosened up on their policy of not allowing names to be words from other languages?
22. Do you think we might see more characters named after words taken from other languages?
33. Why is it that so many sets in Bionicle have the letter k in them?
44. You once said that a Toa's element depends on what kind of matoran they once were. Does this mean that only Ta-matoran can become a Toa of Light?
55. Is it possible there are other kinds of matoran aside from the 6 we know of so far?
67. Has any other team of Toa aside from the Inika ever used the pods ment for the Toa Mata/Nuva?
78. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, but they were created around 94,000 years before Mata Nui was put to sleep. Why would a team of Toa need to be created to deal with a problem that won't happen for almost a hundred thousand years?
89. Why did Vakama tell Makuta that Toa wern't killers when he had allready killed the Morbuzakh, several Visorak, and came very close to killing Roodaka?
910. Why is it that the lighting changed Hewkii's armour from brown to gray, but it didn't change the base color of any of the other toa inika?
1011. How long were the Toa Mata asleep in their canisters?
1112. I know that a matoran CAN live to be around 100,000 years old, but that can't be the average life expectancy just as a human CAN live to be 100, but most die in their 70s or 80s. What would be the average life expectancy for a matoran living on Voya Nui? Metru Nui?
1213. Can any being other than a matoran become a toa?
131) Um, well, no one really speaks Latin these days, Tahu -- other than ancient Romans, who are all dead -- so the likelihood is pretty small anyone will sue us over using a Latin term.
142) We have, at times, used proper names that were common in other languages for Matoran characters, so that is probably the closest we will come.
153) You basically answered your own question -- "k" is used more in English than in most other languages, it seems, which makes it easier to get a name cleared through Legal
164) Are you sure Takua was a Ta-Matoran? He never really completely fit in in Ta-Koro.
175) Yes, definitely.
187) The pods were not meant for the Toa Mata alone. They were meant for any and all Toa who needed to use them.
198) Well, first off, when they came into being, no one knew for sure they ever WOULD be needed at all. But it's like saying, "Why have a smoke alarm in your house if you might never have a fire?" Because if you have one, you'll be glad it's there.
209) "Very close" doesn't count .. and since the Morbuzakh was a plant and Visorak were Rahi, he probably did not see it as being that much different than what we do when we pull a weed or swat a spider. Do we call ourselves killers under those circumstances?
2110) Because we wanted to change brown because brown sets don't sell well.
2211) Can't answer it
2312) Why can't it be the average life expectancy? Can you explain?
2413) No.
25A couple interesting things. Namely, Greg confirmed that there are other kinds of matoran other than Ta-, Ko-, Ga-, Onu-, Po-, and Le-matoran. Also, he implies that Takua isn't even a Ta-Matoran:
22. Do you think we might see more characters named after words taken from other languages?
33. Why is it that so many sets in Bionicle have the letter k in them?
44. You once said that a Toa's element depends on what kind of matoran they once were. Does this mean that only Ta-matoran can become a Toa of Light?
55. Is it possible there are other kinds of matoran aside from the 6 we know of so far?
67. Has any other team of Toa aside from the Inika ever used the pods ment for the Toa Mata/Nuva?
78. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, but they were created around 94,000 years before Mata Nui was put to sleep. Why would a team of Toa need to be created to deal with a problem that won't happen for almost a hundred thousand years?
89. Why did Vakama tell Makuta that Toa wern't killers when he had allready killed the Morbuzakh, several Visorak, and came very close to killing Roodaka?
910. Why is it that the lighting changed Hewkii's armour from brown to gray, but it didn't change the base color of any of the other toa inika?
1011. How long were the Toa Mata asleep in their canisters?
1112. I know that a matoran CAN live to be around 100,000 years old, but that can't be the average life expectancy just as a human CAN live to be 100, but most die in their 70s or 80s. What would be the average life expectancy for a matoran living on Voya Nui? Metru Nui?
1213. Can any being other than a matoran become a toa?
131) Um, well, no one really speaks Latin these days, Tahu -- other than ancient Romans, who are all dead -- so the likelihood is pretty small anyone will sue us over using a Latin term.
142) We have, at times, used proper names that were common in other languages for Matoran characters, so that is probably the closest we will come.
153) You basically answered your own question -- "k" is used more in English than in most other languages, it seems, which makes it easier to get a name cleared through Legal
164) Are you sure Takua was a Ta-Matoran? He never really completely fit in in Ta-Koro.
175) Yes, definitely.
187) The pods were not meant for the Toa Mata alone. They were meant for any and all Toa who needed to use them.
198) Well, first off, when they came into being, no one knew for sure they ever WOULD be needed at all. But it's like saying, "Why have a smoke alarm in your house if you might never have a fire?" Because if you have one, you'll be glad it's there.
209) "Very close" doesn't count .. and since the Morbuzakh was a plant and Visorak were Rahi, he probably did not see it as being that much different than what we do when we pull a weed or swat a spider. Do we call ourselves killers under those circumstances?
2110) Because we wanted to change brown because brown sets don't sell well.
2211) Can't answer it
2312) Why can't it be the average life expectancy? Can you explain?
2413) No.
25A couple interesting things. Namely, Greg confirmed that there are other kinds of matoran other than Ta-, Ko-, Ga-, Onu-, Po-, and Le-matoran. Also, he implies that Takua isn't even a Ta-Matoran:
11. Since Umbra means 'shadow' in latin, does this mean that Lego has loosened up on their policy of not allowing names to be words from other languages?
22. Do you think we might see more characters named after words taken from other languages?
33. Why is it that so many sets in Bionicle have the letter k in them?
44. You once said that a Toa's element depends on what kind of matoran they once were. Does this mean that only Ta-matoran can become a Toa of Light?
55. Is it possible there are other kinds of matoran aside from the 6 we know of so far?
67. Has any other team of Toa aside from the Inika ever used the pods ment for the Toa Mata/Nuva?
78. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, but they were created around 94,000 years before Mata Nui was put to sleep. Why would a team of Toa need to be created to deal with a problem that won't happen for almost a hundred thousand years?
89. Why did Vakama tell Makuta that Toa wern't killers when he had allready killed the Morbuzakh, several Visorak, and came very close to killing Roodaka?
910. Why is it that the lighting changed Hewkii's armour from brown to gray, but it didn't change the base color of any of the other toa inika?
1011. How long were the Toa Mata asleep in their canisters?
1112. I know that a matoran CAN live to be around 100,000 years old, but that can't be the average life expectancy just as a human CAN live to be 100, but most die in their 70s or 80s. What would be the average life expectancy for a matoran living on Voya Nui? Metru Nui?
1213. Can any being other than a matoran become a toa? 131) Um, well, no one really speaks Latin these days, Tahu -- other than ancient Romans, who are all dead -- so the likelihood is pretty small anyone will sue us over using a Latin term.
142) We have, at times, used proper names that were common in other languages for Matoran characters, so that is probably the closest we will come.
153) You basically answered your own question -- "k" is used more in English than in most other languages, it seems, which makes it easier to get a name cleared through Legal
164) Are you sure Takua was a Ta-Matoran? He never really completely fit in in Ta-Koro.
175) Yes, definitely.
187) The pods were not meant for the Toa Mata alone. They were meant for any and all Toa who needed to use them.
198) Well, first off, when they came into being, no one knew for sure they ever WOULD be needed at all. But it's like saying, "Why have a smoke alarm in your house if you might never have a fire?" Because if you have one, you'll be glad it's there.
209) "Very close" doesn't count .. and since the Morbuzakh was a plant and Visorak were Rahi, he probably did not see it as being that much different than what we do when we pull a weed or swat a spider. Do we call ourselves killers under those circumstances?
2110) Because we wanted to change brown because brown sets don't sell well.
2211) Can't answer it
2312) Why can't it be the average life expectancy? Can you explain?
2413) No.
25A couple interesting things. Namely, Greg confirmed that there are other kinds of matoran other than Ta-, Ko-, Ga-, Onu-, Po-, and Le-matoran. Also, he implies that Takua isn't even a Ta-Matoran:
26Those are DEFINATELY good answers.
1I saw this in the OGD:
4Are you confirming that Takua was not a Ta-Matoran? Was he planted in Metru Nui for any reason? Was he alone like this? Are there others of his kind on Metru Nui? If so, could Tamaru be one? He never really fit in in Le-Koro (He was afraid of heights and he was good at and enjoyed swimming)...
6There have always been hints in the storyline that Takua did not really "fit in" with the other Ta-Matoran. As far as there being any others or Tamaru being one, there is no info on this in the story bible, and since there are no plans to make Tamaru a Toa, I tend to doubt he is an outsider.
24. You once said that a Toa's element depends on what kind of matoran they once were. Does this mean that only Ta-matoran can become a Toa of Light?
34) Are you sure Takua was a Ta-Matoran? He never really completely fit in in Ta-Koro.
4Are you confirming that Takua was not a Ta-Matoran? Was he planted in Metru Nui for any reason? Was he alone like this? Are there others of his kind on Metru Nui? If so, could Tamaru be one? He never really fit in in Le-Koro (He was afraid of heights and he was good at and enjoyed swimming)...
6There have always been hints in the storyline that Takua did not really "fit in" with the other Ta-Matoran. As far as there being any others or Tamaru being one, there is no info on this in the story bible, and since there are no plans to make Tamaru a Toa, I tend to doubt he is an outsider.
1Hiya Mr. F: I just wanted to ask you a few things:
21. In BL5 ( I don't know if you can answer this) when exactly do the Nuva encounter the Inika?
32. How would you desbribe the area in which Brutaka has kept them?
43. Will BL5 have an Axonn and Brutaka showdown?
54. Do you know what Takanuva's true destiny is?
65. You said before as I recall that we would find out whther or not if Makuta had a role this year right? 75b. If so, could you hint as to whether or not he does have a role?
86. ---
97. Does Zaktan fear anything in relation to the Nightmare Chamber?
108. It is rumoured that McDonalds is going to promote Bionicle in Happy Meals once again. Do you know what the promotion/toys will be?
119. How far along are you in writing Bionicle books?
1210. If sales went up by the end of the year, thus allowing another Legends book next year, and if you had already finished the first two, would you have to start over? Or would you just continue on with what you have?
13That's all for now. Thanks for taking the time to read these and hopefully answer them![]()
14That's all for no
151-2) Not going to answer these yet. 163) Yes 174) Yes 185) I stand behind my earlier answer. 196) --- 207) Read Book 5 and find out 218) Yes, I do. Details will be on BIONICLE.com and will be released to fan sites in a week or so 229) Book 6 is done. Book 7 is on hold until I get the new schedule from Scholastic. 2310) By the end of this year, I would probably have completed all but the last book for next year. So what would happen would be that if they added an extra book, it would fall somewhere during the second half of the year storyline.
24I took off number 6 because it had BL4 content.
1I saw this in the OGD: 2Are you confirming that Takua was not a Ta-Matoran? Was he planted in Metru Nui for any reason? Was he alone like this? Are there others of his kind on Metru Nui? If so, could Tamaru be one? He never really fit in in Le-Koro (He was afraid of heights and he was good at and enjoyed swimming)...
3-Kraahkan-User3000 4There have always been hints in the storyline that Takua did not really "fit in" with the other Ta-Matoran. As far as there being any others or Tamaru being one, there is no info on this in the story bible, and since there are no plans to make Tamaru a Toa, I tend to doubt he is an outsider.
5What:? Takua was not a Ta-Matoran:? Then what the heck was he? A Matoran of light?
6Which brings up another question: where do Matoran of sonics, plasma, gravity, and magnetism come from?