14. We've seen three Toa merge together to form a Toa Kaita. With the DH Prototype, we heard of two Toa merging together. Do think that this type of combination could be called a "Toa Vezon," since vezon means "double"? 24) No, I think that would make things too confusing -- people would think Vezon had become a Toa or had been a Toa.
3That would make no sense, because double in Vezon's case means "copy" where as in a two toa combiner would probably need a word meaning "dual". So "dual toa" instead of "copy/double toa"
1Are you implying then that Makuta is still alive? Because Makuta was listed as one of the top 5 most powerful beings known to us...If that is the case, why not Takutanuva as one of the 5 most powerful?
2I think Bepura is referring to the fact that Takutanuva is a combination of Makuta and Takanuva. Therefore, if Makuta and Takanuva are not merged, which they certainly are not at the moment, then Takutanuva can not exist.
1hey i pm'd greg about some things:
2are roodaka and sidorak from the same island?:
51. is there more keetongu esque creatures out there? like a keetongu race? 6if so, are they more or less advanced then the metru?
72. the vahki, are their weapons fused to their arms or are they removeable?
8and 3: will we ever see the throwbots or roboriders in the bionicle storyline?
2are roodaka and sidorak from the same island?:
3No, but Sidorak and Krekka are from the same island.
51. is there more keetongu esque creatures out there? like a keetongu race? 6if so, are they more or less advanced then the metru?
72. the vahki, are their weapons fused to their arms or are they removeable?
8and 3: will we ever see the throwbots or roboriders in the bionicle storyline?
91) If memory serves me, all of the others of Keetongu's species were slaughtered by the Visorak. 102) Removable, I think 113) No, they are not a part of the BIONICLE universe.

2I have a few questions. All right, maybe a lot more than a few, but here they are:
3It sounds like someone is going to eventually give themselves up to restore Mata Nui. Can you tell me either who it is or what group they belong to? 41) No, I can't. That would ruin the story for you.
5Also, in regards to Zaktan's near-impossible knowledge of what's going on, did he gain this knowledge from a kraatana? 62) No, he did not.
7Or is HE the ancient evil that could awaken? 83) No, he is not.
9Also, I thought that Mata Nui was awakened at the end of Mask of Light: The Movie. Why is the movie saying one thing, and the story line another? 104) The movie never says Mata Nui is awakened. At one point, one of the Turaga says something like, "Let us go awaken Mata Nui:" But since the Turaga have no idea how to do that, the statement is meaningless. It also stated Mata Nui was awakened in the directors' commentary, because the directors don't know the storyline.
11Where are the matoran now? 125) The Matoran are on Metru Nui.
13How did the Toa Nuva find out about Voya Nui? 146) They were told by Turaga Dume and Turaga Nuju, who read about it in the stars.
15Also, do the Rhotuka spinners in the accessory packs each have their own powers, or are they just for show? 167) Most are just reloads for the launchers.
17Do you get some of your ideas from fans, or are they just your original concepts? 188) I am not allowed to take story ideas from fans, we could get sued for that.
19Will Mata Nui ever become an actual set, like Makuta? 209) No plans to make a Mata Nui set that I know of -- at this point, a set of a sleeping figure probably wouldn't be that exciting.
21Will you ever do anything more with the proto-squad, for the few who have not grown out of bionicle? 2210) No plans to reactivate the P-S at this time, no.
23I saw on the Wikipedia in the bionicle timeline, there is a small gap in history where no one remembers, is that going to be important in the story line to come? Or has it already been important. 2411) It may be -- time will tell
25My comments: 26I really should start reading the books 27Too bad about the rhotukas 28Too bad about the P-S 29I knew that the gap will be important:
3That's true, but we don't know if Makuta is still alive, so I believe non-existing characters should be added to that list...Just my opinion, though...
1I think Bepura is referring to the fact that Takutanuva is a combination of Makuta and Takanuva. Therefore, if Makuta and Takanuva are not merged, which they certainly are not at the moment, then Takutanuva can not exist.
1Mr. F, I have a question about Krakha:
2In what form will she assume in BL5? Will it still be the Metru Nui combiner, or her original form?
3Oh and will Tahtorak be with her?
51) She'll be in the same form she was in when she disappeared, and yes, Tahtorak will be with her
6Just to confirm things, she was the Toa Metru combiner right?
1This isn't really new news, but there are a few conclusions that came from it that were relevant to a question in S&T.
2Greetings, GregF. We have a slight issue in a current S&T topic that I thought you might be able to shed some light on.
3In this topic, a member posts:4When you look at Iriuni's Kanohi it has those two Vahki like prongs on the bottom of it 5It is also supposedly shaped like the mask of a great hero of the past (as is Norik's)
6If you look at the Sanok it also seems to have those prongs at the bottom 7So maybe that Great Hero wore a Sanok
8Toa Iriuni's Kualsi may be what an un-organic Sanok actually looks like
9Now, most people who came and posted said that this was simply a coincidence; Toa Iruini's mask does not honor a Sanok-wearer; it honors a fellow Kualsi-wearer.
10Now, I was about to close that for that fact when I stopped. I asked myself, do we actually have 100% confirmation that Toa Iruini's Kualsi is indeed in the shape of a normal Kualsi? (Toa Norik's mask is actually in a shape characteristic of a Kiril, even though it has a completely power.)
11So, to put it plainly: 121)Is the Kualsi that Toa Iruini wears the same shape as normal Kualsi? Or is it like Toa Norik's, honoring a different mask?
132) If the latter, can you confirm whether or not the shape of Toa Iruini's mask is that of an inorganic Sanok?
14I know it's likely that you've answered this before, but I couldn't find a quote about it.
15Thanks for your time, GregF.
17Yes, it is in honor of a fellow Kualsi wearer. Also, an inorganic Sanok would look like an organic Sanok, simply made out of metal rather than an organic substance.
1Just got these back from Greg:
13I like the answer to the second one.
2Hey Greg, just something I was thinking about that I'd like your opinion on:
31. I got to thinking today after reading Island of Doom (great book, btw): Hakann used his heat vision to melt the rock beneath Tahu's feet. Is an indirect attack on the environment around the bearer of the Mask of Shielding something that the mask could protect against, if the user knew the attack was coming? Apparently Tahu didn't know, as Lewa had to yank him out of the way, heh.
4That's all for now... thanks in advance:
5Something that hits that close, yes, because Tahu would have no way of knowing the attack was not aimed at him. If, however, Hakann aimed at a big rock high above Tahu's head, Tahu could block the rock from hitting him with his shield, but not block Hakann from hitting the rock -- it would be too far away.
6Hey Greg,
7I got done reading Island of Doom yesterday (I loved the way you ended it), and started on Dark Destiny, so I have some questions about that one.8In Dark Destiny, when Zaktan speaks and his voice is joined by "one other, a guttural growl none of the Piraka had ever heard before"...
91. Is that a voice that not even Zaktan has heard? It did say "none of them", but I'm not sure if that would disclude Zaktan or not.
102. Is that voice coming from Zaktan himself, or somewhere/ somebody else?
11Thanks for your time:
12I believe it is one he has not heard either, and it is coming from within him.
13I like the answer to the second one.

1Another batch of questions:
14There goes my theory..
2Mr. F, I have some questions and a theory about Jovan's team..
31. Was Toa Jovan's team on the good side?
42. Did Makuta influenece the Toa in any way to retrieve the MoLi?
53. Was Jovan's team before the Hagah's mutation, or after?
6Now for my theory. I don't have many facts to back this up so bear with me.
7I believe that Makuta influenced Jovan's team to get the MoLi to help him putt Mata Nui to sleep (as you said to another member, they used the mask in relation to the Great Spirit). Now if the Toa were good, and if this occured when no one knew that the BoM turned corrupt, Makuta could have told the team that his "brother" was suffering and that he needed to do a ritual to heal him. Now the Toa wouldn't want their Great Spirit dead right? So they went along and got the mask. Once they used it, it actually put helped Makuta weaken Mata Nui enough to put him to sleep. Once the Toa realized what they had done, they returned the mask ASAP.
8Now I know that this theory is probably false, but I'd like to hear your opinion on it..
101) Yes 112) No 123) Long before 134) No. The Mask of Life was not used to put Mata Nui to sleep.
14There goes my theory..
1Some stuff from the Official Makuta Stats.
17So yeah, Makuta can't technically be destroyed. His armor can pop and he can leak all over the place, but yeah.
2Hi, we've hit a bit of a snag in the Makuta Status discussion and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions.
31)What is the Bionicle Definition of "energy"?
42)Is that same definition true of the energy which makes up Makuta's body?
53) What is the Bionicle Definition of "Life Force"? Is it something Personal like a mind or a will or a soul? Or is it something impersonal, like a liver or a stomach?
64)Was Jaller in anyway effected by having Makuta's Life Force put into him by Takutanuva other than being revived? (Does Makuta have any more significant relation to Jaller than just the donation of his Life Force, such as control or influence of Jaller's actions?)
75) When Makuta Shapeshifts, is the transformation perfect? For example, if he were to become Vakama, would he look exactly like him, even under the mask?
86) Is there any similarity between Makuta's Shapeshifting and Matau's Great Mask's power?
97)Are there any relations between Makuta and other shapeshifters like Krahka?
101) Pretty much the same definition of energy humans have 112) Basically. I don't think that energy could be DESTROYED, but I do think that without a body or some other kind of enclosure, over time it would dissipate to the point that Makuta's consciousness would cease to exist, making him effectively dead. 123) Life force is the spark of life ... the energy that separates a living being from a dead one. 134) Not going to answer this one yet 145) I would say no, because when he removed Dume's mask, he looked like Makuta, not like Dume without a mask 156) Not sure I understand your question? 167) No.
17So yeah, Makuta can't technically be destroyed. His armor can pop and he can leak all over the place, but yeah.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hi Greg: Here are my questions:
31) Would you consider Vezon a challenge to write about? Or that just makes him more fun to write about?
42) Is the island that Reidak destroyed the Piraka's Homeland?
5Thank's in advance:
71) He's not that much of a challenge -- Le-characters are a challenge. 82) A portion of it
1I has been recenly reavealed about the piraka's itension in profits 2.
6So the piraka want to have metru nui eh?
3you said that the piraka want the mask of life for profit. But what exactly do you mean by this? It is not like they will sell it for some widjets. So what kind of profit do they mean in paticular?
4Well, here's a for instance -- the Piraka have the mask. The Toa want it. The Brotherhood of Makuta wants it too. The Piraka make a deal with the Toa that they will never give it to the Brotherhood, as long as the Toa promise that no Toa, anywhere, will ever oppose them or try to stop anything they do. Oh, and they want control of Metru Nui too ...
6So the piraka want to have metru nui eh?
1Hello, Mr. F. I saw this on Bionicle Wiki:
2The first being is created by the Great Beings, which would surprise the heck out of us, and Greg has already given a clue in the story to what/who it was
3Has the being been revealed yet?
4Have we ever encountered the being?
5What was the clue if you remember??
6It'd be great if you could answer some of these. I may ask more questions later, but for now thanks.
7I'm not sure exactly what this refers to -- are they talking about the first Toa, or the first being ever? And I thought BS01 Wiki was down still?
8I think they meant the first being they ever created.
9And both BS01 and BS01 Wiki are working on my computer. I'm not sure about any others.
10Okay. I don't recall ever saying anything about who the very first being created was.
1Here's answer number six from those Makuta Stat questions earlier. (and my clarification of my question) 2Clarification:
4Greg's Answer:
3What I meant in Question 6 is what exactly is so great about Makuta being a shapeshifter if a Toa wearing a Great Mahiki could do that, too? Or is it that Makuta's shapeshifting is in some way different from the shapeshifting of the Great Mahiki?
4Greg's Answer:
5Well, for one thing, Makuta's power does not depend on having a mask on. If you take off the Toa's mask, he loses the power. Plus, a mask power only works for a limited duration of time and requires constant concentration to maintain. Makuta can shapeshift into something and keep the form for years if he needs to.
11.Would you consider Nuparu's claws as mainly his hands, or tools? I and some BS01Wiki Members are discussing wether or not to merge Nuparu and Great Claws. 22. I assume this will be no, but just in case...Can you tell us which of the names the character on the City of the Lost Cover is? 33.When would you say you will be allowed to post the "2007 Sets" Topic? 44.When Vezok and Reidak Fuse, does the being have one mind, or both their minds? 55.Will Vezok and Reidak unfuse? 66.Do you happen to know if there will be any more Bionicle Costco Packs? 77.In My Last PM, about the Hewkii Swimming thing- What I meant was if he was knocked into a large body of water by an enemy, or would have to get something down at the bottom of a body of water. 88.Are there plans for an Seventh Inika? 99.Is the Zamor Promo going to be a New Colored Zamor? 1010.Do you know why most Hewkii and Nuparu Inika sets dont have 4 red Zamor? 1111.Will the Zamor Promo be a Store one, or something in a set? 1212.Do you know what store the Kardas Dragonw ill be sold in? 1313.Will there be a Botar Set?
14Thanks for the time and awnsers
151) I consider them to be part of his hands, not tools. 162) No 173) Right now, I have no idea, but usually info comes out from LEGO around ToyFair in October. 184) One mind 195) Yes 206) No idea, don't work in Sales 217) Remind me of your question? 228) No. 239) I don't have any info on this 2410) No, I don't. I just work on story. 2511) See answer to #9 -- all I know is they talked about doing this early in '06, have no idea if it's happening or not. 2612) No, but I can find out. 2713) No. I believe instructions for Botar are in the Axonn and Brutaka sets, so no need to do a separate set of him.
113) No. I believe instructions for Botar are in the Axonn and Brutaka sets, so no need to do a separate set of him.
2The instructions are not in the sets, but are available on Bionicle.com 3http://www.lego.com/eng/bionicle/buildingD...tailPageItem=17
1Anyway, one quick question:
2In the description for the "BIONICLE Annual" it says that there is a "first full-length chronicle" inside. Do you know anything of this? Do you know who wrote it? Is it meant to be canonical?
4If they are referring to it in that way, it is most likely referring to BIONICLE Chronicles #1 from 2003.
1Okay. I don't recall ever saying anything about who the very first being created was.
2Greg may not recall, but I still have the PM

31) So is Mata Nui quite possible the first "thing" created by the Great Beings? (But this doesn't mean that he was the first to be brought down to "run" things)
41) Close to the first thing, but not THE first thing -- what actually was first would surprise the heck out of you, and we have already given a clue in the story to what/who it was.
5So you have already introduced the "first" thing created? When will it be revealed as the "first" thing created?
6Oh, goodness, don't know. That may end up waiting for the big reveals toward the end of the story (unless, of course, we decide to keep the story going beyond the seven books).
83)I don't think you quite answered this question: this first being created...have we been exposed to it already? In a book or a comic?
93) Oh, yes, you are very familiar with it
10I asked Greg about some things...oh a really long time ago. Here's are the questions and answers that pertain to the first thing ever created.
11EDITSIES: Oh my, I guess it's the thing, not being. I'll edit that out
1You know the deal:
2About the Pika's species and the Piraka themslves: 31) The Piraka each have a vision power and a "body" power. Is this the same for every member of thier species? 41a) Do the others of the species just have one or the other? 52) Why does Vezon have the MoLi on his head? Wouldn't that make it easier to get the mask if someone were to beat him, instead of it being hidden somewhere behind him? 63) Is/was the Piraka's species a powerful faction, like the DH? If 6 of them could beat the Toa Nuva, then what if there was a whole army... 74) Did Irnakk ever really exist, or was he always fictional?
8Some about the BoM: 95) I read somewhere that "Makuta" in BoM is plural. Does this mean that they're all exactly the same as Makuta, or just the same species as him? 106) What is Makuta's species called? 116a) If you can't tell me, will it be revealed in the atlas? 127) Makuta can change shape at will. The Kohlii form is what we think of as his true form, but is his original form different and will it eventually be made into a set? 138) Is Makuta's original form the same as his species' normal form?
14And some about the OoMN: 159) What do the OoMN really do? 1610) Can all OoMN members use mask powers? 1710a) Do they all have a unique mask?
18A couple about Matoran and Toa: 1911) Matoran, Toa and Turaga are of the same species. Is there an overall name for this species? 2012) Matoran, when given a Toa Stone, become the Toa of their element (i.e. Ta-Matoran = Toa of Fire), but Toa of elements such as gravity and plasma have been mentioned, so there must be Matoran of those elements as well. What would a Matoran of Plasma be called? 2112a) Gravity? Magnetism? Electricity? Sound? 2212b) Do these Matoran live on one of the islands that will be in the atlas? (Xia, Daxia, etc.?) 2313) Can a different species related to elements, like the Piraka's race, become Toa when given Toa stones? 2414) If the Toa Nuva are so powerful, how come they were defeated by the Piraka? This would mean that the Piraka's race is more powerful than the strongest of Toa. 2514a) Are they?
26And a couple about the Kanohi: 2715) How many different kinds of Kanohi exist? (Just give me a rough estimate, like 50, 100, 1000s?) 2816) How come only the original 12 greatoble masks existed on Mata Nui, when so many more exist?
29Well, that's all. I'd like to be shut up now, please.
301) It's the same for most. 311a) No. 322) That is where it was fused. And Vezon believes that the only way for someone to get the mask from him is to kill him, and if he's dead, it won't matter where on his body it's positioned, right? 333) There are a number of members of that species, but they spend most of their time fighting each other, which has limited their effectiveness as a threat to others. 344) Always fictional. He's the bogeyman 355) "Makuta" is like a job title 366) Hasn't been revealed 376a) No, it will not. 387) No one knows what his true form is. And since his armor is shattered, he has lost his true body. 398) See answer to #7 409) They serve the will of Mata Nui. They deal with people like Artakha and others that Toa know little to nothing about. They do the things Toa cannot do. Think of the Toa as the police, and the OOMN as the CIA. 4110-10a) Hasn't been revealed 4211) Not that has been revealed 4312) I am not sure what you mean by "called" -- we haven't established prefixes for those elements, because Matoran who have them have not been in the story. And no, they aren't mentioned in the Atlas, it doesn't really focus on Matoran islands. 4413) No. Only Matoran can become Toa. 4514) I have answered this one a bunch of times. Power and strength alone do not win battles. Look at the American Revolution -- a better trained, better armed, numerically superior force was defeated by a ragtag, poorly supplied, and much smaller army because they knew the countryside, avoided major battles they couldn't win, and used unconventional tactics. In this case, the Toa Nuva had no idea there was a hostile force on the island, knew nothing about them, and so got taken by surprise -- and in the end, were defeated by Brutaka, not the Piraka. 4615) Can't answer it -- I wouldn't want to paint us into a corner with an answer on that. 4716) Because those were the ones the Toa Metru salvaged from the Great Temple before abandoning Metru Nui. With Makuta free again, they didn't have a ton of time to be choosy and make sure they got everything.
1just two.
21. since Fenrakk is a spider, can he spin webbing?
31) He should be able to, but I do not emphasize it because webbing was so much a part of 2005 and I don't want to be redundant.
42. do the dark hunters codenamed ravager, destroyer, and vanisher have the mental discipline to use kanohi mask powers, since they're wearing masks?
52) They have masks only because the fans who built them gave them masks. If they had mask powers they could use, it would be in their descriptions.
7thanks, i appreciate it.
8EDIT AGAIN: oh, never mind. i saw my mistake.
1The first being could be Takua. If there was only one, and destiny knew what he would do, [defeating Makuta isn't his true destiny, wouldn't he have been created first?
1Bionicle is split into seven books, and we're on the third one. I think that means they've got enough story planned to last until 2012, but I might be completely wrong.
3The was originally seven books created by the head of the storyline team. The head has since left, so they don't follow it like a code book, but more like a good reference for ideas.
4So they aren't used as an official "set-in-stone" set up, but it's still good to look at for future years.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, i rode the OGD topic and i have soma questions:
21. Takua isn't ta-matoran...hm...it's kind of funny...Can you tell me anything about where did he come from or something? Am i right when i say he is from Artakha? City of light, matoran of light...
32. Why is he red/blue then? Just because of set designers?Or could it be that his 'race' hasn't got different colors?
43. Am i right when i say Takua is red because to hide? Someone hide Takua, 'cause a white/gold matoran would be very obvius?
51) No determination has been made that he is from Artakha 62) You answered your own question with your third question.
71. Has the Ignika own consciousness? 82. Have the Inika masks own consciousness? 93. what's the power of the mask of elemental energy? Restores the elemental energy of a toa or healing? 104. I heard that in BL4 there was a Toa of "Flora"(control plantlife) and she was female. Is it right? 115. So there are matoran of light, plasma,gravity,sonic,magnetism and flora,right? Is there any plan to add them to the story?
121) Yes 132) They have a very limited sentience 143) It's just a power-up in a video game 154) Yes 165) I doubt they will get forefront treatment in the story unless sets are made of them, which would mean Matoran in something other than the six primary colors. Right now, with the reduced book schedule, it is very difficult for me to work in anything that isn't a set.
1For those who have read Legacy of Evil, you may want to see the answer to question 1.
2I was thinking more about other questions and I came up with a new list of stuff. If you can't answer these yet, its ok.
31.) [spoilerWho sealed the Kanohi Dragon under the ice?[/spoiler
42.) Did Lariska get a completely mechancial arm for keeping spoils of a mission for herself?
53.) Is Toa Krakua alive during the time the Toa Inika are in existence?
64.) Moving away from the storyline a bit, I was wondering what your opinion on this "Free the Band" business is? Like having a well known band being affiliated with Bionicle and stuff. Did you have any say in it or is your authority strictly book related with Lego? If this stuff is too personal you don't have to reply, I was just curious.
81) Toa 92) Probably 103) Can't answer it 114) My opinion is that anything that helps set sales, I am for. I really see this as no different than the deal BIONICLE had with Andy MacDonald back in 2001-2002.
12In terms of specifics, as a member of the BIONICLE team, I was involved in the early brainstorming of what we should do as a national promotion -- should it involve music, or music videos, or a contest, or sports, or what? Beyond that, everything to do with the promotion was handled by the US marketing team (which is their job) and our co-promotions person.
1The first being could be Takua. If there was only one, and destiny knew what he would do, [defeating Makuta isn't his true destiny, wouldn't he have been created first?
2I'm just a little confused on that, when did we ever hear anything to suggest that defeating Makuta wasn't the destiny of the Toa of Light? If I may say it, it seems a little stupid that Matoran in "paradise" (The Karzahni Matoran) would worry endlessly that a team of seven Toa would entail the coming of darkness if there was not some connection between the two things. That is, its really rather stupid to have a Toa of Light and all manner of prophecy and legend concerning him if it isn't his destiny to strike down the shadows. And since we only have four (maybe six if you count the Bahrag) it shouldn't be that hard to determine who our main shadow is. We have the Bahrag, the Shadowed One, who technically could be a good guy if they paid him, The 'Unknown Alliance' that Greg says is really bad, 'The Ancient Evil', and Makuta, who so far has to be the most evil guy we've met.
3Greg also said that the first thing ever created was something surprising, and I don't know that Takua would be all that surprising.
4I'm of the opinion that it's Pewku, I mean, can anyone even begin to guess how old that Crab is?
1I'm just a little confused on that, when did we ever hear anything to suggest that defeating Makuta wasn't the destiny of the Toa of Light? If I may say it, it seems a little stupid that Matoran in "paradise" (The Karzahni Matoran) would worry endlessly that a team of seven Toa would entail the coming of darkness if there was not some connection between the two things. That is, its really rather stupid to have a Toa of Light and all manner of prophecy and legend concerning him if it isn't his destiny to strike down the shadows. And since we only have four (maybe six if you count the Bahrag) it shouldn't be that hard to determine who our main shadow is. We have the Bahrag, the Shadowed One, who technically could be a good guy if they paid him, The 'Unknown Alliance' that Greg says is really bad, 'The Ancient Evil', and Makuta, who so far has to be the most evil guy we've met.
2Greg also said that the first thing ever created was something surprising, and I don't know that Takua would be all that surprising.
3I'm of the opinion that it's Pewku, I mean, can anyone even begin to guess how old that Crab is?
4Karzahni isn't a paradise. The Matoran there are slaves. Artahka is the paradise.
5And I just have a lil' somethin' to say on the subject of the first thing created by the Great Beings in the BIONICLE universe. First I'd like to say, read the bolded part of the previous sentence. Greg said thing, not being. A thing could be a being, yes, or it could be an island. Or a plant. Or even just some water.
6My opinion? The island of Mata Nui.
1Karzahni isn't a paradise. The Matoran there are slaves. Artahka is the paradise.
2And I just have a lil' somethin' to say on the subject of the first thing created by the Great Beings in the BIONICLE universe. First I'd like to say, read the bolded part of the previous sentence. Greg said thing, not being. A thing could be a being, yes, or it could be an island. Or a plant. Or even just some water.
3My opinion? The island of Mata Nui.
4Oeww: 5You're good: 6That is the best aproach I have seen so far. 7Thing.. 8well The Island of mata nui is very important so you cloud very well be right:
1After defeating Makuta, did Takanuva become presented with an opportunity to release his Toa Energy? And Makuta is just one of a species.