1Matoran Hewkii, you need to PM your questions to GregF, because he rarely comes to this topic.
3I believe that question was directed at us, not Greg. Also, I think that Takanuva was not presented the opportunity to become Turaga because he did not truly defeat Makuta. He simply won a fight against him, which Makuta purposefully lost. So he did not achieve his destiny. Also, just because Greg said it has not been determined that Takua is from Artahka, this does not mean that he is not. Remember the Dume/Makuta answer back in 03?
1Karzahni isn't a paradise. The Matoran there are slaves. Artahka is the paradise.
2And I just have a lil' somethin' to say on the subject of the first thing created by the Great Beings in the BIONICLE universe. First I'd like to say, read the bolded part of the previous sentence. Greg said thing, not being. A thing could be a being, yes, or it could be an island. Or a plant. Or even just some water.
3My opinion? The island of Mata Nui.
4That wasn't my point, I'm well aware Karzahni is a bad, bad place. But that Matoran in Karzahni came from the place where they built the canisters for the Toa Mata. We are told the Mata came from "paradise" and not Arthaka. So, the "Karzahni" Matoran could be from "paradise" because all Matoran in Karzahni are from somewhere else.
1I don't have pm. 

I sent GregF a PM about the sparkly Mask of Light and he said it was an extra they put in to demonstrate the Mask of Light in use...thank you for your time.

14. I heard that in BL4 there was a Toa of "Flora"(control plantlife) and she was female. Is it right?
3Actually, the Toa of Plants is male - BL4 repeatedly refers to that Toa as "he" and "him".
4well, wich one is it? Greg says its female, the book says its male...

5i'm lost.
6and is it 'toa of plants' or 'toa of flora'? i mean, officially?
7this is directed at you guys, not Greg. so, yeah.
1Maybe there's 2 of them
1Everything (not really) you want to know is right here. Yesterday, I sent out a PM to GregF to ask him a few questions. The whole conversation is right here:
19Please post your thoughts in this topic.
2Me and my brother have a few more questions to ask you.
3My brother's questions:
41) will Lariska become a toy?
52) Have you created any characters that appeared in comics, books, or toys? If so, who?
6My questions:
71) Will the Toa fight against Vezon/Fenrakk and the Piraka in book 5?
82) How will the Piraka react when they see Vezon, the seventh Piraka, in the Chamber of the Mask
93) The Chamber of the Mask holds Vezon, Fenrakk, and Umbra in it, right?
104) Is the Chamber of the Mask in Mount Valmai?
115) Would it be okay if I post your answers in a topic?
121) No plans for that 132) In books, yes. In comics and toys, no.
141) Yes 152) Read the book and find out 163) No, Umbra is not in the chamber itself 174) No, not actually inside it, more like underneath it 185) Yes
19Please post your thoughts in this topic.
1well, wich one is it? Greg says its female, the book says its male...2i'm lost.
3and is it 'toa of plants' or 'toa of flora'? i mean, officially?
4this is directed at you guys, not Greg. so, yeah.
5Well, I'm pretty sure that the book is the right one. After all, the book is printed into several thousand copies.
6And I don't think there is an official name. However, Greg called him "Toa of the Green", so I'm going with that.
1I asked Greg about it the day that that post was posted. See this:
23)I read in the OGD topic that someone asked you if the Toa of the Green in that Toa fortress was real and if it was female and you answered yes. Yet in the book, Hahkaan and Vezok refer to it as 'he'. Which is it anyways?
33) Book always takes precedence. Unfortunately, the person who first asked me about the Toa's gender had indicated no gender was given in the book, so my answer was inaccurate.
4There ya go:
23)I read in the OGD topic that someone asked you if the Toa of the Green in that Toa fortress was real and if it was female and you answered yes. Yet in the book, Hahkaan and Vezok refer to it as 'he'. Which is it anyways?
33) Book always takes precedence. Unfortunately, the person who first asked me about the Toa's gender had indicated no gender was given in the book, so my answer was inaccurate.
4There ya go:
11. Was Triglax's name cleared by legal?
2Are the following things those details that you challenge yourself to explain later?
32.Toa of Plasma 43.Toa of Sonics mentioned in Ignition 1 54.Toa of Gravity 65.Toa of Gravity's turaga 76.Triglax 87.Vezok's tablet 98.-BL4 content- 109.Toa of the Green
1110.Do you know Lariska's and Triglax's powers?
1211.Is it possible that the Recorder is a BOM spy?
1312.-BL4 content-
1413.-BL4 content-
1514.-BL4 content-
1615.-BL4 content-
1716.Were the Toa once much more organized than they are now?
1817.-BL4 content-
1918.-BL4 content-
2019.-BL4 content-
2120.-BL4 content-
2221.Where did Vezon get his canister?
2322.-BL4 content-
2423. -BL4 content-
2524.-BL4 content-
2625.Piraka Attack bios state that Vezok and Reidak are the stupidest piraka. BL4 and the DH guide seem to disprove that. Which is true?
2726.-BL4 content-
2827.What would happen to Voporak if he got the Vahi? Would Tso return him to Makuta (yeah right)? Would Voporak be forced to actually join the DH?
2928.Is Mimic's friend still alive?
3029.Will TSO force Roodaka to join DH?
3130.How many Piraka are on Voya Nui? (I just want to clear this up, some people believe there is an "8th Piraka", i personally don't.)
3231. -BL4 content-
3332.-BL4 content-
3433.-BL4 content-
3534.-BL4 content-
3635.-BL4 content-
391) Yes 402) Or things I throw out for fans to theorize on -- I don't feel every single detail warrants a long explanation/story. Some things are thrown in to give the story some richness and color. 4110) Lariska's only power is her agility and her marksmanship, and Triglax I have not bothered to come up with powers for because he has never appeared in the story. 4211) No. 4312) -BL4 content- 4413) -BL4 content- 4514) -BL4 content- 4615) -BL4 content- 4716) When Mata Nui was awake, yes 4817) -BL4 content- 4918) -BL4 content- 5019) -BL4 content- 5120) -BL4 content- 5221) It belonged to an OOMN member who Makuta had killed some time back 5322) -BL4 content- 5423) -BL4 content- 5524) -BL4 content- 5625) Again, books take precedence. 5726) -BL4 content- 5827) If Voporak got the Vahi, he would turn it over to TSO. 5928) Who knows? 6029) No. Roodaka is already selling the DH information, she is of more use to them working for BOM -- of course, she is selling BOM info on the DH too. 6130) Seven total, counting Vezon 6231) -BL4 content- 6332) -BL4 content- 6433) -BL4 content- 6534) -BL4 content- 6635) -BL4 content-
67Yeah, sorry, most of it had to do with Legacy of Evil.
2Are the following things those details that you challenge yourself to explain later?
32.Toa of Plasma 43.Toa of Sonics mentioned in Ignition 1 54.Toa of Gravity 65.Toa of Gravity's turaga 76.Triglax 87.Vezok's tablet 98.-BL4 content- 109.Toa of the Green
1110.Do you know Lariska's and Triglax's powers?
1211.Is it possible that the Recorder is a BOM spy?
1312.-BL4 content-
1413.-BL4 content-
1514.-BL4 content-
1615.-BL4 content-
1716.Were the Toa once much more organized than they are now?
1817.-BL4 content-
1918.-BL4 content-
2019.-BL4 content-
2120.-BL4 content-
2221.Where did Vezon get his canister?
2322.-BL4 content-
2423. -BL4 content-
2524.-BL4 content-
2625.Piraka Attack bios state that Vezok and Reidak are the stupidest piraka. BL4 and the DH guide seem to disprove that. Which is true?
2726.-BL4 content-
2827.What would happen to Voporak if he got the Vahi? Would Tso return him to Makuta (yeah right)? Would Voporak be forced to actually join the DH?
2928.Is Mimic's friend still alive?
3029.Will TSO force Roodaka to join DH?
3130.How many Piraka are on Voya Nui? (I just want to clear this up, some people believe there is an "8th Piraka", i personally don't.)
3231. -BL4 content-
3332.-BL4 content-
3433.-BL4 content-
3534.-BL4 content-
3635.-BL4 content-
391) Yes 402) Or things I throw out for fans to theorize on -- I don't feel every single detail warrants a long explanation/story. Some things are thrown in to give the story some richness and color. 4110) Lariska's only power is her agility and her marksmanship, and Triglax I have not bothered to come up with powers for because he has never appeared in the story. 4211) No. 4312) -BL4 content- 4413) -BL4 content- 4514) -BL4 content- 4615) -BL4 content- 4716) When Mata Nui was awake, yes 4817) -BL4 content- 4918) -BL4 content- 5019) -BL4 content- 5120) -BL4 content- 5221) It belonged to an OOMN member who Makuta had killed some time back 5322) -BL4 content- 5423) -BL4 content- 5524) -BL4 content- 5625) Again, books take precedence. 5726) -BL4 content- 5827) If Voporak got the Vahi, he would turn it over to TSO. 5928) Who knows? 6029) No. Roodaka is already selling the DH information, she is of more use to them working for BOM -- of course, she is selling BOM info on the DH too. 6130) Seven total, counting Vezon 6231) -BL4 content- 6332) -BL4 content- 6433) -BL4 content- 6534) -BL4 content- 6635) -BL4 content-
67Yeah, sorry, most of it had to do with Legacy of Evil.
1I had asked the same question a few days ago, but it had Bionicle Legends#4 spoilers in the question. I thought the bit about the Order of Mata Nui member was really neat. So, they knew about Mata Nui, and sent a member. The only question remains; since Makuta killed him, how much does the Order of Mata Nui currently know about the whereabouts of the Metru Nui matoran, since their contact on Mata Nui is dead?
1Kraahkan-User, you could have just taken out all the BL4 CONTENT to make your questions and answers easier to read you know.
1I think I was the first one to get an actual answer from Greg concerning Vezon's canister. I've got a longer answer telling a little about him. I've got like 7 PMs waiting to be posted with some awesome info, but I've gotta wait until BL4 spoilers are allowed.
3Same here... I got alot of sort of meaningless questions about LoE but I gotta wait to post em.
12EDIT: i guess everybody else answered these, what, 5,000,000 times? as of now, its 5,000,001. XD dumb joke. :[
2i heard this:
34. I heard that in BL4 there was a Toa of "Flora"(control plantlife) and she was female. Is it right?
5then this:
6Actually, the Toa of Plants is male - BL4 repeatedly refers to that Toa as "he" and "him".
71.is this new toa male or female? 81) Male
92.is it called toa of plants or toa of flora? 102) I refer to him as "Toa of the Green"
11i thank you.
12EDIT: i guess everybody else answered these, what, 5,000,000 times? as of now, its 5,000,001. XD dumb joke. :[
1So, there's been a bit of back and forth about it on the board, and I was wondering, have we been told of Takanuva's destiny? Most people seem to think it was to defeat Makuta, but because of the recent ambiguity of Makuta, others have begun to contend that it is to defeat the whole Brotherhood.
22) Also, in Bionicle Legends#2, the Turaga decide that Takanuva has to stay in Metru Nui in case the Toa Nuva ever do return because his presence is necessary. Why is his presence necessary, and for what is it necessary?
33) How well do Makuta and Mata Nui know each other? Even though 'Brother' is a title implying comradery as opposed to literal brotherhood, Makuta speaks about Mata Nui as if they were very close. Is that true, or is this just another example of Makuta's insanity?
44) Does Makuta honestly care that Mata Nui will feel pain if he is awakened? Doesn't that also imply that he knows Mata Nui is dying?
55) How old is Pewku? She's gone through quite a few owners in the storyline.
66) The Vahi represents one of the most advanced, if not THE most advanced mask creatable by a Matoran mask maker, and the Ignika was created by the Great Beings. The Mask of Light's origins are shrouded in mystery. Are we ever going to learn about the origins of the Avohkii and Kraakhan?
77) Obviously no one would trust Makuta if he had been created wearing a mask of shadows, do you have a guess as to what kind of mask he wore before hand?
8This last one is a little off topic, but do you know of a way for fans to contact set designers, too? I want to see Minifig Toa Nuva, and I was wondering if there was a way that I could voice my interests where they could read them.
91) No, you haven't been told what his ultimate destiny is meant to be. 102) Simple. If Takanuva left with the Toa Nuva, the city would be completely undefended. Somebody has to stay behind to protect the city. If you are in a fort, you don't send your entire force out after the enemy, you leave a garrison behind to protect the fort. 113) Makuta probably knows the ways and will of Mata Nui better than anyone other than the Order of Mata Nui. 124) No, he doesn't. That whole "he suffers if he's awake" thing was just Makuta rationalizing for the sake of the Toa. 135) I don't have an exact age for her, it's not something I have had any need to worry about. 146) Yes -- the origin of the Avohkii is revealed in next year's Atlas. 157) I actually had this question from someone else the other day. We have, at this point, no evidence if shadow was ALWAYS connected with evil in the BIONICLE universe, or if that happened when the BOM was revealed to be evil. I tend to think it would always have been a suspect element, but right now, there is nothing to indicate it was shunned from the beginning. 168) Set designers aren't allowed to accept product ideas from outside of the company, so not sure how you could get something directly to them. I can tell you your best bet for seeing Toa Nuva mini-figs is when they come back into the forefront of the story again -- until that happens, I can't see them being part of playsets.
1Hey GregF just got some questions on my mind.
21. Did you feel great when a mom told you that her son learned to read just so he could read Bionicle books?
32. Could Krahka become more powerful then Roodaka in theory by transforming into a Manas?
43. In a full out fight who would you say would win? Sidorak or Roodaka?
54. Also are Sidorak more powerful then most foes they meet because they usually are stronger, faster and stronger? Noteing from their size I doubt any Toa or Piraka could match them in those areas.
65. Is Krekka stronger then Reidak. Like for example Krekka could throw a 10 ton rock while Reidak could only a 5 ton rock? Or are they even matched strength wise?
76. I read somewhere that BOTH Nidhiki are Krekka can fly is that true? I thought Nidhiki could fly when I saw him and Krekka rocket up toward that ship after the Toa Metru in one of the comics. But they were side by side so I figured Nidhiki was carrying Krekka somehow because Krekka didn't look like he was in any shape to fly.(No wings and most likely to heavy.)
87. Is Sentrakh more powerful then TSO because he obvisouly has more powers and was trained and practicly raised by TSO.
98. If TSO was to die but he could choose who he felt would rule the Dark Hunters the best in his absence who would he pick among these 3? Ancient, Lariska or Sentrakh?
109. What would you say in your opinion is the most powerful Rahkshi?
1110. How is the book lineup for next year going so far?
121) Yes 132) Arguably, but Manas do not have good ranged abilities, so if Roodaka stayed away from her and used her spinner, Krahka would still have a problem. She would be better off turning into a Mana Ko. 143) Probably Roodaka 154) I am not sure what you are referring to -- Sidorak is a proper name, not a species name. 165) I don't see there being a vast difference in strength 176) Yes, both can fly 187) He has a lot of powers, but he doesn't have the evil intelligence, experience and cunning that TSO has. 198) Ancient. He would see no reason to reward Lariska like that, and Sentrakh is not a leader, he's a follower. 209) Not sure 2110) Book 6 and Atlas are done, start next book next weekend.
22Everybody loves answers.
23EDIT: As a side note I accidently got mixed up on question number 4 a result of staying up to late sadly

11) Was the Piraka's race always evil, or are they as capable of good as some Matoran are of evil?
22)Is it safe to compare Piraka to pirates? In addition to the similarity of the two words, the word "Piraka" means thief and murder- both of which are apt descriptions of pirates. Pirates also have sea-faring exploits, similar to the Piraka.
33)I read that Jovan's team is older than the Hagah, but are the Mata younger or older than Jovan's team?
44)Do you have Team Names for Jovan and Lhikan's teams?
55)Is Takanuva technically a member of the Toa Nuva? I know he isn't by power level a Nuva and doesn't use a Kanohi Nuva, but he was refered to as the Seventh Toa for a long time, and his design implies a closer relationship between himself and the Nuva than the Inika.
66)I saw that a picture of Jovan has been released. Based upon what I've seen, his main color scheme is black and grey, similar to Onua's. Should it be assumed that black and gray can signify both Earth and Magnetic Toa?
77) Jovan has claws on his chest, are those meant to be armor, or are they more like a pancho?
88)Not sure if this is really a question, but the info next to Jovan on the page make it seem like his team is the first team. I'm acting on the assumption that they aren't and think you might want to be ready for people asking/saying that his was the first team.
99)What is the meaning of "Ussanui"? Is it Great Crab?
101) Capable of it? Perhaps. Likely to do any good deeds? Highly unlikely. When your entire social structure is built on the idea of being deceitful, treacherous, and violent, you don't tend to think in terms of how you can help someone else out. 112) Yup. 123) Mata came into being most likely before Jovan's team did. 134) Nope, no need for them at this time. 145) They do regard him as a member of their team, despite his not being a Nuva. 156) In this case, has to, because it's a combo model, so we have no option of using anything besides the basic colors. 167) A pancho? 178) I am not worried. It clearly states he led the "first Toa team to find the Mask of Life" -- not the first Toa team, period. It's like saying someone was the "first man on the moon" -- that doesn't mean he was the first man ever.
18So, a few things this answers, Piraka's race can churn out one or two good guys, just like the Matoran wound up stuck with Ahkmou. Piraka= Pirates, just as Toa= Police and Order Members= Secret Agents. The Mata are older than Jovan's team who are older than the Hagah, which makes the Mata the oldest known team. No team names for Jovan and Lhikan. Takanuva IS a Toa Nuva, by membership, as opposed to actually being a Nuva. Still no official colors for Magnetism Toa. Uhm, we'll ignore the pancho thing and #8.
1Hi mr.F this is my first time pming to you so this might be rough.
21. But do you know if they are going to come out with the rest of jovans team and if no do you even know what names would be?
32. For the 2007 canister villains are they going to be different from each other or are they going to be the same just different color and weapon?
4Thanks for your time Mr.F
51) No. Jovan is a combiner model, we don't have plans to put out the other members of his team as sets because they are not the focus of the story.
62) The 2007 villains are the most differentiated sets we have done since 2001, in my opinion.
21. But do you know if they are going to come out with the rest of jovans team and if no do you even know what names would be?
32. For the 2007 canister villains are they going to be different from each other or are they going to be the same just different color and weapon?
4Thanks for your time Mr.F
51) No. Jovan is a combiner model, we don't have plans to put out the other members of his team as sets because they are not the focus of the story.
62) The 2007 villains are the most differentiated sets we have done since 2001, in my opinion.
1No doubt the Inika and Piraka are the most differentiated sets from '01 to '06. But it seems like the 2007 villains are gonna be even more differentiated...
2Hrm. I'd argue that the Toa/Nuva (especially Olda/Mata) are more so, as they really had quite a lot of variety. One body/foot design (except Pohatu), but no two had exactly the same limbs (plenty of Legs The Same, but not arms).
3In any case, yay more variety:
1Hi, Greg. Couple of Q's
21. When's the next comic coming out?
32. Why did Kongu switch the mask Karzahni gave him with the Suletu?
43. Do Matoran eat or sleep?
54. When is BL4 coming out?
65. Can Krahka turn into a Visorak, Kahgarak, Zivon, etc?
76. How come Kongu can't turn his mask power off?
8Your 2nd to 32nd biggest fan, 9Cakeman
101) This month 112) Well, if you could wear a mask you already knew about, as opposed to one a villain was handing you, what would you do? 123) Yes 134) It's out already 145) Yes, if she has seen them. 156) Doesn't know how. Remember, these Toa have no experience using mask powers, because Matoran masks have no power
1Hrm. I'd argue that the Toa/Nuva (especially Olda/Mata) are more so, as they really had quite a lot of variety. One body/foot design (except Pohatu), but no two had exactly the same limbs (plenty of Legs The Same, but not arms).
2In any case, yay more variety:
3What he means is that one villain might be a squid and the other would be a shark.
1EEEK: I thought i seen some BL4 content questions up there...is that allowed?
21. First of all, have BOM members been killed in the DH/BOM war? 32. Hope this isn't a big 2007 one-would you say next years villains are more evil or less then the Piraka? 43. Do you like 2007's villians better then the Piraka? 54. If the book protest on Movies and books keep up, is there a chance that we will get the fourth book back?
10And thats all for today...
21. First of all, have BOM members been killed in the DH/BOM war? 32. Hope this isn't a big 2007 one-would you say next years villains are more evil or less then the Piraka? 43. Do you like 2007's villians better then the Piraka? 54. If the book protest on Movies and books keep up, is there a chance that we will get the fourth book back?
61) Certainly possible 72) I would say they are evil for different reasons and in a different style. 83) I wouldn't say better, no. 94) That is up to Scholastic, not me. They are going to look at sales of the books way more than emails -- emails are nice and attract attention, but the sales have to go up on the books to get the book back.
10And thats all for today...
1hey mr.F i have some questions for you.
21. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?
32. Is every inika going to get a new masks?
43. when are these masks going to come out early2007 or late 2007?
54. are the inika going to be the good guys of 2007?
65. have you seen the titans of 2007 and are they cool?
76.How many are their?
87. Are they bigger then 2006's titans?
98. Is their a titan combiner?
109.Is it as big as the kardas dragon,or is it bigger or smaller?
11Thanks for your time mr.F
12I cannot discuss 2007 sets
13I mean come on mr.f could have answerd one of the ?
21. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?
32. Is every inika going to get a new masks?
43. when are these masks going to come out early2007 or late 2007?
54. are the inika going to be the good guys of 2007?
65. have you seen the titans of 2007 and are they cool?
76.How many are their?
87. Are they bigger then 2006's titans?
98. Is their a titan combiner?
109.Is it as big as the kardas dragon,or is it bigger or smaller?
11Thanks for your time mr.F
12I cannot discuss 2007 sets
13I mean come on mr.f could have answerd one of the ?
1hey mr.F i have some questions for you.
21. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?
32. Is every inika going to get a new masks?
43. when are these masks going to come out early2007 or late 2007?
54. are the inika going to be the good guys of 2007?
65. have you seen the titans of 2007 and are they cool?
76.How many are their?
87. Are they bigger then 2006's titans?
98. Is their a titan combiner?
109.Is it as big as the kardas dragon,or is it bigger or smaller?
11Thanks for your time mr.F
12I cannot discuss 2007 sets.
13When then:
14Well, it's September -- the earliest official pics will be out from LEGO on Jan sets will probably be October, and the 2006 story doesn't wrap up until November, so there is really no reason for me to go into details on these things until later in the fall. 15[ Add to Buddies
21. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?
32. Is every inika going to get a new masks?
43. when are these masks going to come out early2007 or late 2007?
54. are the inika going to be the good guys of 2007?
65. have you seen the titans of 2007 and are they cool?
76.How many are their?
87. Are they bigger then 2006's titans?
98. Is their a titan combiner?
109.Is it as big as the kardas dragon,or is it bigger or smaller?
11Thanks for your time mr.F
12I cannot discuss 2007 sets.
13When then:
14Well, it's September -- the earliest official pics will be out from LEGO on Jan sets will probably be October, and the 2006 story doesn't wrap up until November, so there is really no reason for me to go into details on these things until later in the fall. 15[ Add to Buddies
1Dear GregF, 2I have a few questions that I hope you will be able to answer.
31. As far as I can tell, the rebuiling of matoran in 2003 (and to a further extent, the 2006 matoran) meant their heads had to come off their bodies for the rebuild to happen. How did they surivive? This has bothered me since 2004.
42a. Could Vezon's staff of fusion fuse inanimate objects? 52b. What about fusing living things to inanimate objects?
63a. Say Makuta did the absorbing trick he did in LOMN, on a being that had a mask power. Would he be able to accese that mask power or would it be lost? 73b. Would Makuta be able to revive beings he has absorbed, with or without their memories?
84.Can Rakshi oporate without Kratta, like Bohrok without krana?
91) Well, I don't know if that was the case, but if it was, keep in mind that they are biomechanical -- if the Toa can survive having their arms and legs off, I am sure the Matoran can survive that. After all, humans can be clinically dead and come back, right? 102a) Not that we have seen, no 112b) That is possible. 123a) No, he wouldn't have the mask power. As far as we were able to tell from LOMN, all he got were physical attributes from the absorption -- he didn't show any signs of having any of Nidhiki or Krekka's powers. 3b) No. Their consciousness has been destroyed, so even if their body was somehow recreated, there would be no mind or spirit to inhabit it. 134) No.
14So Vezon could fuse Axonn and a rock, in theory. Intresting, very intresting.
1Well, here's a little something I got from Mr. GregF.
11Well, It did clear things up for me. Hope it does for some of you guys.
2Hello Mr GregF, 3Since the translation on the Barakki, some are posting saying that you say that Piraka's are evil you DO see and the Barakki are evil you DON'T see. When you meant by "DON'T see" does it mean that they are just stealthy or are their appearance closely resemble that of a Rahi and that they might be mistaken as Rahi to the Toa Inika/Matoran/Turaga/Etc. just like "Poison" from the Dark Hunters.
4I'll understand if you can't answer for you might want to keep it a secret from us.
6I can answer this one.
7Think of two kinds of movies --
81) Big army of undead storm a town, smashing windows, attacking people, destroying whatever they see, etc. That's like the Piraka.
92) Frazio walks through an old, dark house, creepy music playing, little scratching sounds coming from all over, lots of suspense .. suddenly, a claw emerges from the shadows, grabs him, and he's gone: That's the Barraki.
11Well, It did clear things up for me. Hope it does for some of you guys.

1Okay, this is my first post so I don't know what I'm doing. But Apperently you ask questions. And I've got questions.
21. Did The Shadowed One create Zaktan's prototites on purpose?
32. What the heck are Barraki?
43. I read somewhere that destinde Kanohi turned into Kanohi. How can a Kanohi have a destiny?
54. Was there a particular reason that Tahu chose the name Nuva?
65. In Bionicle Legends 4, The Shadowed One said he hed uses for Sidorak after Gladiator defeated him. Can you tell me what those uses were?
76. In BL3, why was Kongu driven towards the vat if antidermis?
87. Why did Avak end up in the Piraka? Because when they were originally going to rebel, Zaktan left him out.
98. Is Botar aware of Vezon, the Piraka, the Inika, etc.?
109. Does Botar have a species?
11[spoiler10. I read that the current form of the Antient Evil is antidermis. How is this possible?[/spoiler
21. Did The Shadowed One create Zaktan's prototites on purpose?
32. What the heck are Barraki?
43. I read somewhere that destinde Kanohi turned into Kanohi. How can a Kanohi have a destiny?
54. Was there a particular reason that Tahu chose the name Nuva?
65. In Bionicle Legends 4, The Shadowed One said he hed uses for Sidorak after Gladiator defeated him. Can you tell me what those uses were?
76. In BL3, why was Kongu driven towards the vat if antidermis?
87. Why did Avak end up in the Piraka? Because when they were originally going to rebel, Zaktan left him out.
98. Is Botar aware of Vezon, the Piraka, the Inika, etc.?
109. Does Botar have a species?
11[spoiler10. I read that the current form of the Antient Evil is antidermis. How is this possible?[/spoiler
1Greg doesn't read this topic, so Bio-Kappa, you have to Pm him. Just go to "Members", search for GregF, click on "GregF" and click on "Send a personal message".
1Okay, this is my first post so I don't know what I'm doing. But Apperently you ask questions. And I've got questions.
21. Did The Shadowed One create Zaktan's prototites on purpose?
32. What the heck are Barraki?
43. I read somewhere that destinde Kanohi turned into Kanohi. How can a Kanohi have a destiny?
54. Was there a particular reason that Tahu chose the name Nuva?
65. In Bionicle Legends 4, The Shadowed One said he hed uses for Sidorak after Gladiator defeated him. Can you tell me what those uses were?
76. In BL3, why was Kongu driven towards the vat if antidermis?
87. Why did Avak end up in the Piraka? Because when they were originally going to rebel, Zaktan left him out.
98. Is Botar aware of Vezon, the Piraka, the Inika, etc.?
109. Does Botar have a species?
11[spoiler10. I read that the current form of the Antient Evil is antidermis. How is this possible?[/spoiler
12Welcome to

13To contact Greg you have to PM him. To do that, go to his member profile. In the right-side box labeled "Communicate." There are several contact methods, and one says "Send a Personal Message." Click it to send one.
1Okay, this is my first post so I don't know what I'm doing. But Apperently you ask questions. And I've got questions.
21. Did The Shadowed One create Zaktan's prototites on purpose?
32. What the heck are Barraki?
43. I read somewhere that destinde Kanohi turned into Kanohi. How can a Kanohi have a destiny?
54. Was there a particular reason that Tahu chose the name Nuva?
65. In Bionicle Legends 4, The Shadowed One said he hed uses for Sidorak after Gladiator defeated him. Can you tell me what those uses were?
76. In BL3, why was Kongu driven towards the vat if antidermis?
87. Why did Avak end up in the Piraka? Because when they were originally going to rebel, Zaktan left him out.
98. Is Botar aware of Vezon, the Piraka, the Inika, etc.?
109. Does Botar have a species?
11[spoiler10. I read that the current form of the Antient Evil is antidermis. How is this possible?[/spoiler
12Careful that you don't tell Bionicle Legends #4 spoilers:


1Okay, this is my first post so I don't know what I'm doing. But Apperently you ask questions. And I've got questions.
21. Did The Shadowed One create Zaktan's prototites on purpose?
32. What the heck are Barraki?
43. I read somewhere that destinde Kanohi turned into Kanohi. How can a Kanohi have a destiny?
54. Was there a particular reason that Tahu chose the name Nuva?
65. In Bionicle Legends 4, The Shadowed One said he hed uses for Sidorak after Gladiator defeated him. Can you tell me what those uses were?
76. In BL3, why was Kongu driven towards the vat if antidermis?
87. Why did Avak end up in the Piraka? Because when they were originally going to rebel, Zaktan left him out.
98. Is Botar aware of Vezon, the Piraka, the Inika, etc.?
109. Does Botar have a species?
11[spoiler10. I read that the current form of the Antient Evil is antidermis. How is this possible?[/spoiler
12Helps to read the rules if your new to BZP...