11. If Makuta is ever caught, would he be thrown into the Pit as well?
22. Will we ever see a Toa Nui in action? (I think that my own invented name for a 6-fusion Toa, Rikama, sounds a lot better, imo)
33. What is your typical day like?
44. OK, I'll admit it. I'm a big Transfan (ie, a fan of Transformers). If you could write a Transformers story, what would you do differently than other writers?
51) He would certainly deserve it 62) No plans for that at the moment 73) On a weekday, I get up, go to work, work on LEGO Magazine or whatever other projects I have ... come home, have dinner, do some writing, and then relax with my wife. 84) Sorry, not a Transformers fan, so would not be able to write anything on them. You might want to PM Swiftone on this, he is the Transformers fan in our office.
9At the moment? Hmmmmm...... we'll see.......
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, first off, I just want to say I really appreciate the fact that you take time out of you schedule to answer so many questions:
3Anyway, here are a few questions I have...
41. You have said that the Barakki are different from each other. Does this mean that, unlike the Piraka, all previous Toa, and most other sets, in which basically if you build one, you can build them all without looking at the intructions, will they be completely different? I hope so: That would be a great first for Lego.
52. If beings from the bionicle planet were placed in our world, would an average hight human be about the size of a Toa, Turaga, or Matoran? Or would we be somewhere in between?
63. Is the Bionicle planet in our universe? So, like, could Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise, or Captain Kathrine Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager stumble into the middle of a huge war between the Toa and the Barakki (and, of course, be prohibited from intervening by the Prime Directive) tongue.gif ? I know, I'm a nerd:
7I guess thats all for now, thanks:
81) Not having built them, I can't comment on the building experience. But they certainly look different to me. 92) A Toa averages 7.2 feet in height, so taller than the average human. 103) I can't answer this.
3Anyway, here are a few questions I have...
41. You have said that the Barakki are different from each other. Does this mean that, unlike the Piraka, all previous Toa, and most other sets, in which basically if you build one, you can build them all without looking at the intructions, will they be completely different? I hope so: That would be a great first for Lego.
52. If beings from the bionicle planet were placed in our world, would an average hight human be about the size of a Toa, Turaga, or Matoran? Or would we be somewhere in between?
63. Is the Bionicle planet in our universe? So, like, could Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise, or Captain Kathrine Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager stumble into the middle of a huge war between the Toa and the Barakki (and, of course, be prohibited from intervening by the Prime Directive) tongue.gif ? I know, I'm a nerd:
7I guess thats all for now, thanks:
81) Not having built them, I can't comment on the building experience. But they certainly look different to me. 92) A Toa averages 7.2 feet in height, so taller than the average human. 103) I can't answer this.
1Order of Mata Nui Base
2If you are referring to the final, unknown chapter in the Atlas, it is the 07 location, which is the Lost Land, not the OoMN base.
3...did Greg just reveal a major part of the 2006 Finale?
4Interesting, but I could've guessed that Axonn wouldn't be going underwater next year.
1QUOTE[QUOTEi have few questions on the mask of kindred 21. lets say you are a fire toa and you see a being who can turn into fire literallyand you copy that power . cany you keep that power or is it temporary?
32 do you have to touch them to copy their powers?
43. it it limited to element or can you copy other people of your species powers?
54 . Do you think you could give me a name of another mask for 2007 please
6thank you for your time greg[/QUOTE]
71) Powers granted by the mask of kindred are only temporary, and I am not sure something that would be outright physically impossible for you, like setting yourself on fire, would be included in what you could do. 82) No. 93) The mask, as I designed it, copies Rahi powers, not those of other Toa. 104) Nope[/QUOTE] 11cool stuff
32 do you have to touch them to copy their powers?
43. it it limited to element or can you copy other people of your species powers?
54 . Do you think you could give me a name of another mask for 2007 please

6thank you for your time greg[/QUOTE]
71) Powers granted by the mask of kindred are only temporary, and I am not sure something that would be outright physically impossible for you, like setting yourself on fire, would be included in what you could do. 82) No. 93) The mask, as I designed it, copies Rahi powers, not those of other Toa. 104) Nope[/QUOTE] 11cool stuff
1QUOTE 2Greg, one or two quick questions.
31.) I'm not sure if this has actually been revealed, ut it seems to me that you keep answering questions about Makuta taking over Matoro's body like it is going to happen for usre, is this true?
42.) If he were to do so, could he use all of his physical abilities again?
53.) If Matoro is destined to carry the Ignika wouldn't Makuta be in trouble becasue technically it's not Matoro carrying it?
64.) Couldn't the other Inika tell that something was off about Matoro, like Kongu reading his mind and it being blocked, or having facts or personality things that are "off"?
7Well, that's all I have for now. Thanks in advance.
91) The person is asking me a hypothetical question, so I am giving him hypothetical answers. 102) Yup 113) Only if Matoro actually had it at the time 124) That's a good question. My feeling is Makuta is skilled enough to shield himself mentally from Kongu, now that he knows what kind of mask Kongu is wearing -- and while there are certainly bits of knowledge that would give the game away, it depends on if Makuta slipped up and gave that away .. or if the Toa ascribed any differences in behavior to the enormous amount of stress they are all under.
31.) I'm not sure if this has actually been revealed, ut it seems to me that you keep answering questions about Makuta taking over Matoro's body like it is going to happen for usre, is this true?
42.) If he were to do so, could he use all of his physical abilities again?
53.) If Matoro is destined to carry the Ignika wouldn't Makuta be in trouble becasue technically it's not Matoro carrying it?
64.) Couldn't the other Inika tell that something was off about Matoro, like Kongu reading his mind and it being blocked, or having facts or personality things that are "off"?
7Well, that's all I have for now. Thanks in advance.
91) The person is asking me a hypothetical question, so I am giving him hypothetical answers. 102) Yup 113) Only if Matoro actually had it at the time 124) That's a good question. My feeling is Makuta is skilled enough to shield himself mentally from Kongu, now that he knows what kind of mask Kongu is wearing -- and while there are certainly bits of knowledge that would give the game away, it depends on if Makuta slipped up and gave that away .. or if the Toa ascribed any differences in behavior to the enormous amount of stress they are all under.
24.) Couldn't the other Inika tell that something was off about Matoro, like Kongu reading his mind and it being blocked, or having facts or personality things that are "off"? 3Well, that's all I have for now. Thanks in advance.
44) That's a good question. My feeling is Makuta is skilled enough to shield himself mentally from Kongu, now that he knows what kind of mask Kongu is wearing -- and while there are certainly bits of knowledge that would give the game away, it depends on if Makuta slipped up and gave that away .. or if the Toa ascribed any differences in behavior to the enormous amount of stress they are all under.
5Interesting... but wouldn't the real Matoro give Makuta away by notifying Hahli with her Elda (Mask of Detection)?
6Vezok-Piraka of Water
1Pridak stood on the tower of his island fortress, looking down at his assembled army. His troops came from an endless number of places. Some were Matoran criminals, others ex-Dark Hunters seeking refuge from their former employer, and by far the majority were simply beings who did no long welcome in their homelands. They were thieves, murderers, traitors, and liars, and easily the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
2hmm... wonder if they all have individualized armies?
3hmmm.....what colar is Pridak?
4i'm gonna take a guess and say white... i just like the ice guys
4Me neither. It shows up in the Atlas (I used the idea that all the BIONICLE books were originally carved in Matoran on tablets, which somebody found and Mr. Farshtey has diligently translated). 1except a little excerpt that Mr. Farshtey found and translated...2can you please tell me where we can find what was translated? 3Couse I do not remember it from ANY book I have red:

1can you please tell me where we can find what was translated? 2Couse I do not remember it from ANY book I have red:Me neither. It shows up in the Atlas (I used the idea that all the BIONICLE books were originally carved in Matoran on tablets, which somebody found and Mr. Farshtey has diligently translated).
4Ok thanks for making that clear

1Just a few questions greg anwsered for me may be of some use.
2[/QUOTE]Hey greg I have a few questions, 31: Will we see more matoran of light in years to come? 42: If something happens to takanuva will it effect the whole bionicle universe? 53: Will older bionicle sets be released in a best of collection? 63B: By best of I mean actual toy sales, by each individual set. 74: Are any contest similar to the gold haus, or mask of light ones going to happen again? A yes or no will suffice. 85: Are there rejected combiner model instructions, that could eventually be posted some where?
9Thank You for your time, and good day.
101) Can't answer it 112) Yes, same as if something happened to Tahu Nuva, etc. Every Toa has a destiny, if they die before completing it, it's a problem 123) No plans for that that I know of. I don't think there's a huge BIONICLE collector's market for old sets. 134) They are still planning promotions for next year, do not know if a contest is planned. 145) No. If it's rejected, then the instructions are never produced and the models taken apart.
2[/QUOTE]Hey greg I have a few questions, 31: Will we see more matoran of light in years to come? 42: If something happens to takanuva will it effect the whole bionicle universe? 53: Will older bionicle sets be released in a best of collection? 63B: By best of I mean actual toy sales, by each individual set. 74: Are any contest similar to the gold haus, or mask of light ones going to happen again? A yes or no will suffice. 85: Are there rejected combiner model instructions, that could eventually be posted some where?
9Thank You for your time, and good day.
101) Can't answer it 112) Yes, same as if something happened to Tahu Nuva, etc. Every Toa has a destiny, if they die before completing it, it's a problem 123) No plans for that that I know of. I don't think there's a huge BIONICLE collector's market for old sets. 134) They are still planning promotions for next year, do not know if a contest is planned. 145) No. If it's rejected, then the instructions are never produced and the models taken apart.
1Here are some things I asked yesterday, I find it odd that NorikHordika asked the exact same question as me on the exact same day
(on #1)
18And here are more

2Hi Greg, Ijust have some questions.
31. Can a toa be a different color, as in a blue toa of fire? Because there's blue fire in are world.
42. Are all the Barraki male?
53. Are they like a clan or brotherhood?
64. Do they care about each other?
75. When did they meet?
86. How do they get anyone to sign up for their armies?(advertisement, etc.)
97. About the time when no one knows what happened, did the Order of Mata Nui cause that to happen?
10Thanks for answering.
111) Not in BIONICLE, no -- it would be too confusing to have blue Toa running around who did not represent water. 122) Yes 133) They are fellow warlords. 144) As friends? No. 155) Hasn't been revealed. 166) Depends on whether you are asking about now or 80,000 years ago. 177) Can't answer it
18And here are more
19Hey greg I have some more questions after reading the OGD
201. What kind of being enslaved someone like Zaktan?
212. If a toa of fire were using the mask of kindred could he develop the abilities of a toa hordika of fire? Because you said the mask only works with rahi, but a hordika is half rahi
223. Do the Barraki want to kill each other for their armies?
234. Do they respect each other?
245. When the Barraki fight in wars do they usually win, 80,000 years ago and now.
256. Do you ever get tired of answering questions?
267. Do you have a role model, if so who?
278. You didn't officially answer this question so I'll ask it here. How do(did) the Barraki recruit soldiers for their armies 80,000 years ago and now?
28Thanks Greg
291) Hasn't been revealed 302) I would say no. 313) No. 324) Yes 335) Well, they were legendary conquerors in their day, you don't get that way from losing. 346) If I do, I take a break from BZP for a day or so 357) Not really 368) You'll find out next year
1More answers from Greg, nothing really big.
2Just four today Greg.
31. Are there any other BZP members who are members of the Bionicle storyline team? If so, what are their jobs, and what are their display names?
42. In an answer to a question, you said Axonn's and Brutaka's powers are close to Makuta's. In a more recent answer, someone asked about Wikipedia saying the same thing: However, both's power approaches that of Makuta, and you said Wikipedia was wrong. Are you saying your previous answer is wrong?
53. You said to BZP member Oniichan that during the six-month time-slip that during that time, Takua was placed in Metru Nui and disguised as a Ta-Matoran. Now, is this theory plausible: The OoMN wiped the minds of everybody (or something else that made everyone forget) and placed Takua in Metru-Nui. Pretty sure this is an obvious theory, but wanted to check with you.
64. Since all Matoran of the same element have near-same personalities, do Matoran of Light have personalities like Takua (adventurous, doesn't like to work, etc.)?
7Thanks in advance
91) Brickgirl is the BIONICLE web producer. Swiftone also works for LEGO, but works primarily on Knights and EXO-FORCE. 102) I am saying I don't recall saying their powers were close to Makuta's level, though I may well have done so. Certainly an OOMN member could give a BOM member a battle, but I frankly have not decided how equal in power I want the individual members to be. 113) Makes sense to me 124) Since we haven't met any others yet, it's impossible to say.
2Just four today Greg.
31. Are there any other BZP members who are members of the Bionicle storyline team? If so, what are their jobs, and what are their display names?
42. In an answer to a question, you said Axonn's and Brutaka's powers are close to Makuta's. In a more recent answer, someone asked about Wikipedia saying the same thing: However, both's power approaches that of Makuta, and you said Wikipedia was wrong. Are you saying your previous answer is wrong?
53. You said to BZP member Oniichan that during the six-month time-slip that during that time, Takua was placed in Metru Nui and disguised as a Ta-Matoran. Now, is this theory plausible: The OoMN wiped the minds of everybody (or something else that made everyone forget) and placed Takua in Metru-Nui. Pretty sure this is an obvious theory, but wanted to check with you.
64. Since all Matoran of the same element have near-same personalities, do Matoran of Light have personalities like Takua (adventurous, doesn't like to work, etc.)?
7Thanks in advance
91) Brickgirl is the BIONICLE web producer. Swiftone also works for LEGO, but works primarily on Knights and EXO-FORCE. 102) I am saying I don't recall saying their powers were close to Makuta's level, though I may well have done so. Certainly an OOMN member could give a BOM member a battle, but I frankly have not decided how equal in power I want the individual members to be. 113) Makes sense to me 124) Since we haven't met any others yet, it's impossible to say.
1Uh, I would doubt to say that Takua was the only Matoran who got relocated during the Time Slip. Probably some other Matoran of Light were sent to other islands, after all, six months is a lot of time to hide just one being. 2Khote
3Yes, but what are their purposes? Would they also become ToL? I think I remember Greg saying Takanuva is the only destined ToL, but I could be wrong.
1Yes, but what are their purposes? Would they also become ToL? I think I remember Greg saying Takanuva is the only destined ToL, but I could be wrong.
3But how do the OoMN know whose destiny is whose? They could have very well scattered hundreds of Matoran of Light in disguise to different islands during that six month period in hopes that one would one day transform. It just ended up being Takua's destiny, not the others'.
1But how do the OoMN know whose destiny is whose? They could have very well scattered hundreds of Matoran of Light in disguise to different islands during that six month period in hopes that one would one day transform. It just ended up being Takua's destiny, not the others'.
3Makes sense to me. 4But maybe, just maybe, the OoMN have something that can tell ones destiny, 5very unlikely though......
1Perhaps, in putting Takua on Metru-Nui, he became the Matoran of Light to be destined for Toa-dom. Just an Idea.
1yah i missed it too.....i just pmed greg about it.
2I brought it up in a PM I sent to GregF after reading Wikipedia (I know it usually isn't reliable but the timeline seemed accurate) and asked him about the Time Slip that occured 59,000 years before the GC on Metru Nui. Six months were of history are missing from that time and no one but the OoMN knows what truly happened then.
1The Time Slip thing was in a Metru Nui timeline posted to the BS01 Wiki - y'know, before it went down. The info has been added to the Bionicle Timeline on the normal Wikipedia, and if I'm not mistaken it's going to be in the Atlas as well. The other major new information was that Metru Nui had a civil war, the "Great Disruption", a little under 80,000 years ago.
2Speaking of BS01, does anyone know how progress is coming on getting the site back up?
2Speaking of BS01, does anyone know how progress is coming on getting the site back up?
1The Time Slip thing was in a Metru Nui timeline posted to the BS01 Wiki - y'know, before it went down. The info has been added to the Bionicle Timeline on the normal Wikipedia, and if I'm not mistaken it's going to be in the Atlas as well. The other major new information was that Metru Nui had a civil war, the "Great Disruption", a little under 80,000 years ago.
2Speaking of BS01, does anyone know how progress is coming on getting the site back up?
3i dont know but why was it suspended? 4sorrykinda off topic
1Here's what Greg had to say on this matter. I should be getting a reply sometime tonight or tomorrow morning with a more elaborate answer on #3:

2Hi Greg. I've got a few of questions to ask you:
31) How did the OOMN know that Takua was the Matoran destined to be the Toa of Light? 41a) Did Mata Nui flat out tell them? 51b) If not, how did they discover this?
62) Are the remaining Matoran of Light scattered as Takua was or are they all (at least the majority of them) grouped together in a centralized area?
73) What exactly happens when a Matoran of Light is killed?
84) Why, after the Kanohi Avohki was stolen from the BOM by the Toa Hagah, didn't the BOM make an effort to kill any known Matoran of Light in vain attempt to stop the Toa of Light's coming into being?
9Thanks for your time and thanks in advance Greg.
10- Toa Lhikan Hordika
111) Well ... think about it .. who does the OOMN serve, and who determines destiny? 122) Mostly together 133) Is there a reason you think something other than the ordinary would happen? 144) Basically, because they knew where the Matoran of Light were, and they knew the Rahaga were nowhere near there, so as long as they kept the two apart, they figured there would be no Toa of Light. Slaughtering all the Matoran of Light wouldn't be that much brighter than slaughtering all the Metru Nui Matoran ... somebody has to do their jobs.

1Speaking of BS01, does anyone know how progress is coming on getting the site back up?
2Before I answer that, here's some recent stuff that gives way to Makuta's plans and all that jazz...some...
31) Around when did the BoM turn evil? I know it was a gradual process, but even to the nearest 1000 year would help.
42) Were the BoM evil when Takua was relocated to Metru Nui?
53) Now, it's been confirmed that Takua was relocated during the time slip. However, 6 months seems like a really long time to get rid of just because of the days it took for Takua to get settled in Metru Nui. Did something else happened, which is why it took 6 months, or were the OoMN just that slow?
64) Just to confirm this: As only the OoMN know what happened, I assume they were the ones to whip the memories of everyone else?
71) Makuta's first idea of overthrowing Mata Nui was 80,000 years ago. The actual attack came a little under 1300 years ago. Arguably, the BOM was already pretty far over the line before that, but they officially threw in with Makuta after the attack. 82) No. 93) Yes, other things did take place 104) Actually, Mata Nui was responsible for the mind-wipe.
11I pretty much asked these for Swert's theory in the S&T. Some go against, some are for...
12Anyways, to answer the question: Does anyone know how progress is going to get BS01 up? Sure, the entire BS01 staff does (or most of them, anyway). 13However, can I really say anything at this time? Not really. Perhaps within a week or so, we might officially say what has been going on.
14I can't promise anything, but I can say that we have been doing a lot, at least to the best of our abilities.
1Interesting, so Mata Nui wiped out all records of the six months.. Thanks for the info Utopia.
1I have a question about the pit. Is the pit annything like the greek tartarus? were the titans are held? a bottoless hole filled with darkness on all sides with ice storms and a sort of a lock above it? Is the pit annything like, since i know both the pit and tartarus is underwater, that or is it more like, well Inferno?
2Also i find this years storyline similar to " the treasure island" is that just a coincidence?
4I'm not really sure I see the connection with Treasure Island -- if I recall the story correctly, it's about a young boy who sails off to help find a treasure and gets mixed up with pirates. There's no young hero in our story -- the idea of going to an island to find treasure and meeting villains/monsters predates Treasure Island by a long time, it dates back to Greek myth.
5well there goes a lot of funny theories down the drain. i hoped it whould be like tratarus.
1Heres somthing that may be of intrest,
2Hey Greg, I was looking through your offical discussion topic and found this 3in one of Khote's posts,
4QUOTE 510) Is the Pit underwater? 6It is now.
7Now, I know you haven't been able to reveal the 2007 location yet, but I think that its in the lost land. And if the pit is nearby, then that two options. One, the pit was connected to Voya nui when it was part of the mainland therefore braking up to the surface with voya nui and later falling into the sea. two, the pit was never a part of voya nui and the lost land just fell down nearby it.
8If it was the first option, that would be rather difficult. For if the Pit is indeed a huge hole as the name sugests, that would be a very big and deep chunk of land it was located on. If it was the latter, that proposes an even more interesting thought.That would mean that the unnamed sea has not always been there, and was put there sometime in the past. And lastly this got me to thinking about the transport tubes that connenct the island together under the sea. It would be rather difficult to make these tube at the bottom of a sea without them filling up with water, etc.
9Personal, I think the second theory is more plausibe, but thats just me. So can you confirm any of this?
10Thanks alot for your time.
11The second theory is more plausible, but turn it on its head -- your theory is based on the idea that the Pit was always there, and the sea wasn't. Try it the other way.
1Hi Greg. I've got a few of questions to ask you:
21) How did the OOMN know that Takua was the Matoran destined to be the Toa of Light? 31a) Did Mata Nui flat out tell them? 41b) If not, how did they discover this?
52) Are the remaining Matoran of Light scattered as Takua was or are they all (at least the majority of them) grouped together in a centralized area?
63) What exactly happens when a Matoran of Light is killed?
74) Why, after the Kanohi Avohki was stolen from the BOM by the Toa Hagah, didn't the BOM make an effort to kill any known Matoran of Light in vain attempt to stop the Toa of Light's coming into being?
8Thanks for your time and thanks in advance Greg.
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) Well ... think about it .. who does the OOMN serve, and who determines destiny? 112) Mostly together 123) Is there a reason you think something other than the ordinary would happen? 134) Basically, because they knew where the Matoran of Light were, and they knew the Rahaga were nowhere near there, so as long as they kept the two apart, they figured there would be no Toa of Light. Slaughtering all the Matoran of Light wouldn't be that much brighter than slaughtering all the Metru Nui Matoran ... somebody has to do their jobs.
14Thanks for the answers. They were very satisfying, but to elaborate on what I meant on #3:
153) I might be mistaken, but I could've sworn that you said somewhere in OGD that the BOM didn't slaughter the Matoran of Light because bad things tend to happen when a Matoran of Light is killed. I might be mistaken though, but if I'm not, that's why I thought something other than ordinary would happen.
16BTW, how would you define ordinary? As in nothing except that a soul would be lost?
17- Toa Lhikan Hordika
183) Yes, the same sort of bad things that happen if you kill a Metru Nui Matoran. They have vital jobs to perform, and if you kill them, they can't do them and it impacts the rest of the universe.
194) Yes. Kill a Matoran, and that Matoran is dead -- it's not like his body spreads plague or explodes in a nuclear blast or something. He's just dead.

1Here's some Mata Nui and matoran of light stuff
2Hi again, I have some things I was wondering about.
31. Did Takua know he was a matoran of light?
42. Are the other matoran of light disguised like Takua was?
53. If they are disguised, do they know they are matoran of light?
64. When will we be seeing more on the matoran of light?
75. You recently said that Mata Nui did the mind-wipe on everyone during the Time-Slip, is this one of his powers?
86. On a scale of 1/10 how many powers does Mata Nui have?
97. You once said that you know what Mata Nui looks like, was this the set version or the island that you talked about?
108. Does Mata Nui know what has been going on all this time, like mabye by some psychic powers?
119. Can Mata Nui control time?
1210. Since his symbol is the Hau, is that his mask shape?( probably not )
13Thanks Greg, even if you can't answer some of these
141) In Metru Nui? No. 152) No 164) Can't answer it 175) Mata Nui can do tons of things 186) 10 197) I was talking about the being -- you all already know what the island looks like. 208) No, Mata Nui is asleep. 219) No 2210) I can't discuss what he looks like