1Some info on the Time Slip and Krahka:
2QUOTE 3Here are a few questions:
41. How many Vahi have ever existed? 52. Is there more then one way to make a Vahi? 63. Are there enough BoM to overpower Mata Nui? 74. Where did Krahka and Tahtorak go? 85. Will anyone survive 2007 and 08 to tell Onewa the good news?
91) One 102) No 113) No 124) That just happened, so they haven't gone anywhere yet 135) I can't discuss future storyline
14There ya go, jetslandingboard.
2QUOTE 3Here are a few questions:
41. How many Vahi have ever existed? 52. Is there more then one way to make a Vahi? 63. Are there enough BoM to overpower Mata Nui? 74. Where did Krahka and Tahtorak go? 85. Will anyone survive 2007 and 08 to tell Onewa the good news?
91) One 102) No 113) No 124) That just happened, so they haven't gone anywhere yet 135) I can't discuss future storyline
14There ya go, jetslandingboard.
1Here is what I asked: 2Hello Mr Farshtey. 3I wanted to ask you a question regarding the 2007 matoran. 41) What is their release date? Because I just saw some real set pictures of them. 52) What exactly is "Nocturn"? Is it a Titan or what? 6Thanks.
7Here is what he said: 81) I don't have this info. Normally, the earliest BIONICLE sets come out is December of the year before. At this point, neither LEGO Shop At Home or the Toys R Us web site is selling Matoran sets. 92)
10No one needs to know this -- he doesn't come into the story until next summer.
7Here is what he said: 81) I don't have this info. Normally, the earliest BIONICLE sets come out is December of the year before. At this point, neither LEGO Shop At Home or the Toys R Us web site is selling Matoran sets. 92)
10No one needs to know this -- he doesn't come into the story until next summer.
1So maybe Nocturn is a Titan, the titans comes out in the summer 

1one quick one:
2amazon.co.uk says theres a new bionicle called Nocturn. is this a lie?
3thanks, 4
5It's accurate, but he is not out until next summer, so no idea why they are advertising him now. 6----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

8wait, maybe its just one of those pronoun-things.

1Mr. F, Wikipedia now has a full summary of BL5. Seeing as how this may hurt book sales, I want to ask you this: should the summary be removed (I could do it personally) seeing as how it could hurt booksales?
2Don't worry, I'll still buy it though.
3Yes, please
4And I've done so. To those who have BL5, please do NOT post it on Wiki. It will hurt book sales.

1I agree with you about not putting up full spoilers yet, but you have to remember... BZPower essentially has no authority over on Wikipedia. "A BZP admin says so" is not going to be enough to stop people. In fact, I just came from Wikipedia - someone has already reversed Oniichan's deletion. Even if the plot synopsis is deleted on the Bionicle Legends page, it won't be enough; spoilers have been added to the articles on Order of Mata Nui, Toa Nuva, Rahi (for Krahka and Tahtorak's appearance (note that I didn't spoil anything here, we were told they'd show up somehow))... Deleting spoilers might work if you link to the OGD where Greg said "Don't post spoilers yet" and mention that buying the books may mean a fourth one next year, but in all honesty I think the best anyone can do is just make sure BL5 stuff is tagged with a spoiler warning.
2I'd help you in getting rid of spoilers except, well, I already cleaned up some of them myself, and I feel deleting them now would be kind of hypocritical.
I don't know. But I may start a discussion over there on how long to keep spoilers out; maybe we can prevent this from happening next time.
2I'd help you in getting rid of spoilers except, well, I already cleaned up some of them myself, and I feel deleting them now would be kind of hypocritical.

1I never took all that into acount Drakhan.. but most people probably wouldn't get the whole picture without reading the book, right?
1Good point - especially since the Toa Inika and Bionicle timeline articles haven't been touched, and the Piraka article spoilers actually seem pretty poor to me (except for the ones I did on Vezon). I'd say the worst spoilers are the Axonn and Brutaka ones in the Order of Mata Nui article, though there are also the ones on one of the surprise characters... Well, I'm sure something will be figured out. And in a few weeks, it'll be a moot point anyway, right? 

1Yup, and I just recently checked the Bl5 reposted summary, and it's gone
for now... but maybe we should get back on topic.

1Yup, and I just recently checked the Bl5 reposted summary, and it's gonefor now... but maybe we should get back on topic.
2Not that I want to get off topic, but if you think the spoilers on Wikipedia should be withheld, shouldn't you use the usertalk to tell the Wiki moderator to allow the content to be deleted and tell him/her of the situation of the BIONICLE Legends books?
3I do, however, have something to add for the moment:
4Why is it that you cannot not discuss how creatures come into being in the Bionicle universe? Is it a forbidden tppic such as religion or is it something that relates to future storyline? 5The philosophy of the former head of the story team, which I agree with, is that if you tell everyone every detail about the universe, then it will lose its mystique. People don't need to know the answer to this for them to follow and enjoy the story, and all knowing it would do is erase a little more of the mystery for no real good reason.
1Hey Greg, I have some small questions about some of the 2007 characters that I was wondering if you could answer.
21) Would I be correct in assuming that Defilak is a Le-Matoran?
32) Is it true that the Toa Inika will not transform next year?
43) Not sure if you can answer it or not, but oh well: Aside from the possible appearance of the Toa Nuva, will any characters from 2001-2006 make an appearance in 2007?
54) Who's your favorite Matoran, Defilak or Dekar?
65) Not sure if you answer this one either, but I figured there was a chance: Would you say that the "Squid Ammo" collectibles next year are more of a replacement pack (like the Zamor and Kanoka) or more similar to the Kanohi, Krana, and Kraata?
7Thanks. 2007 looks even better than 2006:
81) Yes 92) I've said nothing about whether they will or they won't 103) I can't answer this, for one thing, I haven't finished all the books for 2007 yet 114) My favorite is actually Sarda 125) Depends on if we do different powers for the different colors or not
1Sarda? Sounds like we have a new Matoran name. Cool name.
11. In the shop at home bio for Dekar, it says he's an Onu-Matoran, but I saw you say that he was a Po-Matoran. Can you clear this up?
22. I read about the Pit's jailer and how he was killed, but rumor says that he's back on his feet and doing his job again. Are you having fun writing about him?
31) Yes, by getting Shop At Home to fix their entry 42) Yes, he's fun
5I saw a topic with a bit of controversy over whether Dekar was Po- or Onu-Matoran, but now we know it was (once again) a S@H error.

6I'm looking forward to reading about the jailer.


1Hi Greg. I've just got 3 questions for you today:
21) Will we be seeing any other Matoran or Hydruka sets in 2007 (like this Sarda character that you mentioned)? 32) How come LEGO didn't do six Matoran or six Hydruka sets (I really liked the whole set of six thing) for 2007? 43) Can you tell me what kind of Matoran Sarda is?
5Thanks in advance Greg.
6- Toa Lhikan Hordika
71) Possibly in a store exclusive set 82) Because the smaller sets make very little profit for us 93) I would have to go back and check Book 6

1Alright, I've taken it out. I'll repost it in mid-December.
1Master of Ice and Sonic, take out that content ASAP. BL5 Spoilers won't be allowed until Mid-Late December. Until then we must refrain from posting BL5 oriented PMs (believe me, I've got a couple of'em).
2EDIT: Here's an larger version of the last PM I posted:
21Yay, more Matoran sets:

2EDIT: Here's an larger version of the last PM I posted:
3Hi Greg. I've just got 3 questions for you today:
41) Will we be seeing any other Matoran or Hydruka sets in 2007 (like this Sarda character that you mentioned)? 52) How come LEGO didn't do six Matoran or six Hydruka sets (I really liked the whole set of six thing) for 2007? 63) Can you tell me what kind of Matoran Sarda is?
7Thanks in advance Greg.
8- Toa Lhikan Hordika
91) Possibly in a store exclusive set 102) Because the smaller sets make very little profit for us 113) I would have to go back and check Book 6
121) You mean that there would be a couple of box sets that are only available at a particular store chain, right? 131.a) Also, you said "set" do you mean singular or plural?
14Thanks again Greg.
15- Toa Lhikan Hordika
161) No, I mean two Matoran figures would be included in a store exclusive set, along with a more Toa-sized model. Whether there will be other store exclusive sets besides that one, I do not know at this time.
17Oh, okay. One last question:
181) Do you have any idea which store it will be exclusive to at this time?
19- Toa Lhikan Hordika
201) No, we're talking something that is out next summer, too early for me to have that info
21Yay, more Matoran sets:

1I've got only one question (sorry if I repelling smth): Aquatorans (2007 Matorans) are revealed, and their instructions contains Barraki pics. So can we say them (pictures) are accepted by LEGO and we can show them for example on other forums?
13So Dekar is a Po-Matoran, and he's cursed: Plus a Barraki, or maybe more than one (
, are cursed. And they could care less... Interesting.
2Well... The small sets of 2007 have been put onto S@H, so I hope you're OK with answering these questions now...
31) Is Dekar a Po-Matoran or Onu-Matoran? His S@H bio says Onu-, but yellow is the new Po- color.
42) If Dekar found the Ignika [SWEET:, then is he cursed? 52.1) Are the Barraki cursed as well, seeing as Dekar "lost it to them"?
63) The name "Toa Mahri" and "Mahri Nui" is used in Dekar and Defilak's bios. So is this confirmation that the Lost Land is called Mahri Nui, and that the Toa Inika become the Toa Mahri?
71) Dekar is Po. Error on S&H will be corrected. 82) He is, yes. 92.1) The one(s) who hold it are, yes. But the Barraki's attitude is what can the mask do to them that is worse than their current fate. 103) Yes
113) Was your answer of "yes" pertaining to the question as a whole, or just that Marhi Nui is the name of the Lost Land? (So was it also a "yes" to the Toa Mahri being one in the same as the Toa Inika?)
123) Applied to the name of the setting only. I am not discussing the Mahri because they don't come into the story for seven months
13So Dekar is a Po-Matoran, and he's cursed: Plus a Barraki, or maybe more than one (

11) Dekar is Po. Error on S&H will be corrected. 22) He is, yes. 32.1) The one(s) who hold it are, yes. But the Barraki's attitude is what can the mask do to them that is worse than their current fate. 43) Yes 5So Dekar is a Po-Matoran, and he's cursed: Plus a Barraki, or maybe more than one (, are cursed. And they could care less... Interesting.
6And that means that the Toa Inika will become the Toa Mahri:
7Thanks ET

8EDIT: Or not...

1This is just information that I was wondering about. Nothing important really
8It seems the Hau is not quite as powerful as we once thought (alright I once thought)
2Couple of questions for you Greg
31.a: The Piraka can use elemental powers. Does that mean that they use EE like Toa? 4b: If they do use EE can they run out of it? Or absorb their element to gain it?
52: If someone were to use a Hau to make a shield around them could someone else wearing a Kualsi/Olmak, or with abilities like Vanisher teleport to inside that shield?
61) Yes, and yes, but you cannot replenish your power by absorbing your element 72) Definitely yes on the Olmak, probably yes on the others -- arguably, you are not occupying the same physical space as the shield when you are teleporting, which is why it is possible to teleport through physical objects. So if you are not in the same space, there is nothing physical for the shield to repel.
8It seems the Hau is not quite as powerful as we once thought (alright I once thought)
1Greg,41) Correct 52) It is still connected
2Just confirming that I've connected the scraps of information correctly: The 2007 location is the part of Voya Nui that sank underwater, which is now surrounded on all sides by the Pit, and is called Mahri Nui. Correct?
3And is this sunken region still connected to Voya Nui, or has it completely separated?
11) The sphere used on Brutaka contained part of Vezok's power. However, Vezok was not included in the "rebellion plans" against Zaktan. So my question is, how did the other four Piraka get a bit of Vezok's power?
22) If the OOMN does not have access to the Pit, how do they banish others to it?
33) You said Brutaka could escape the Pit using his mask. If/when he is banished to the Pit, wouldn't Botar take his mask?
43a) If not, why?
54) The Barraki killed the jailer of the Pit. But is it true that he's back?
65) If a Matoran or Toa or any other BIONICLE being came up and started to talk to you, would you be able to understand him?
76) After giving it some thought, I've come to the conclusion that eather a Toa of Earth or a Toa of Stone could make a volcano errupt. Which is it?
86a) If it is neither, which Toa element is it?
97) Why is it so important that the Bohrok clean Mata Nui?
108) Could a Kraata "launch" itself from Rahkshi armor onto the mask of someone and infect them?
119) Where is Nidhiki from?
1210) Could you give me a little info on Nidhiki's island? It sounds bad.
1311) Why does Nidhiki say that on his home, " Toa struck from the shadows or they didn't live very long"?
1412) How did Lhikan know that Nidhiki was in the city? Nidhiki had changed considerably.
1513) What drove Nidhiki to try to betray Metru Nui?
1614) Why didn't Hakkan kill Lhikan?
1715) How did Lhikan survive the Frosteleus attack? He was a novice.
1816) How many Toa do you think Vezok has killed? In BL3 he says he "chews up and spits out rookie Toa".
1917) If the Toa Nuva woke up Mata Nui, would they then become Turaga?
2018) If Takutanuva gave up Makuta's life force to revive Jaller, then why is Makuta still alive?
2119) Is Pridak leader of the Barraki?
2220) I just saw some pics of the Barraki. It looked like the red one was throwing something from ?tentacles?. What was it?
2321) The DH Gatherer was once an honorable Matoran before being captured and "persuaded" to join the DH. Currently he is on the trail of the OOMN. If he gets to close to some info about them, will they kill him or would they capture him and reverse whatever the DH did to him?
2422) Why was Turaga Dume named the head Turaga of Metru Nui?
2523) Who freed Dume from his pod?
2623a) Why wasn't his memory erased and his body smaller?
2724) Why did Makuta tell Takanuva that his duty was to the Mask of Shadows?
2825) Is it true that the original plot for MoL was for some kid to come to the BIONICLE world and become the Toa of Light?
2926) Do the Barraki have one big army or individual armies?
3027) Who turned the Exo-Toa on automatic to guard the Bahrag?
3128) If/when the Toa Nuva free the Bahrag, would the Bahrag attack?
3229) Why were the Lehvak the only Bohrok to infect Matoran?
3330) If you ha a Toa that controlled plants and a Rahkshi that controlled plants fight, who would win?
3431) If Zaktan walked into your room with no intention of hurting you, at the moment, what would your reaction be?
3531a) What would you do?
3632) What did the BOM hope to achieve in their various expieraments on Rahi and other unfortunate beings?
3733) After getting the Rahi Nui's head stuck in a wall, Vakama says he had to get it so angry it would forget how it was defeated last time. However, he beat it by making its atoms drift apart. Why does he say this and what was the connection he was thinking of?
3834) Did Krekka know Sidorak or Gladiator?
3935) What did Sidorak do to be considered for DH recruitment?
4036)In BL4 TSO says Sidorak may be of use to the DH. What use was TSO speaking of when Sidorak fails DH recruitment?
4137) Are the Krana/Kraata things good or evil? They warned the Toa Metru of the Visorak and they allowed Vakama to talk to Krakua.
4238) How intimidated would you be by the Barraki?
4339) Is it true we will learn more about the Mana Ko?
4440) Can Avak imprison more than one person/thing at a time?
4541) The Mana Ko blasts the Piraka's boat when they mention leaving. Could the Mana Ko understand what they were saying?
4642) Does a Toa Suva have a range limit?
4743) How did Vezon escape without being blasted by the Mana Ko?
4844) What exactly do Kongu's and Nuparu's weapons do?
4945) How did Kazi meet Axonn?
5046) Is the Red Star sentient?
5147) What is Turaga Dume's personality?
5248) In BL4 it is mentioned that Metru Nui provided energy to other islands with no cost to itself. Did other islands have to pay Metru Nui for energy?
5348a) If so, what did they pay?
5449) Would the DH be able to handle a mass attack on their base?
5550) What island will Krakua be defending?
56Thank you Mr. Farshtey: More later: lol:
571) Well, they're around him all the time, it's not that hard. 582) Who said they don't have access to it? Botar is an OOMN member and he is the one who transports people to it. 593) No, this is a place of exile not a death sentence. Removing his mask would weaken him. 604) You'll find out in 2007 615) No. They would be speaking Matoran. 626) I would say neither. Volcanoes erupt when the pressure of the magma inside increases to the point that the volcano splits and the magma gets out. This has nothing to do with Earth, since magma is melted rock -- and a Toa of Stone doesn't control melted rock anymore than a Toa of Ice controls water. 637) Hasn't been revealed yet. 648) I would say no. They don't work like Bohrok do. 659) Another land. 6610) I haven't bothered to develop it since it is not figuring in the story at this point. 6711) Because it was a dangerous place for Toa to be. Not every land is welcoming to heroes, the same way not every place in our world is happy to see police. 6812) If your best friend puts on a Halloween costume, are you clueless it's him? Besides, Nidhiki right away calls Lhikan "brother," implying he was an ex-Toa, and Lhikan certainly would have heard rumors about what happened to Nidhiki. He had been active as a Dark Hunter for some time before that. 6913) Self-preservation. He figured the Dark Hunters were going to win anyway. 7014) Same answer. If he kills Lhikan, Lariska ends up getting credit for the victory, and he didn't like her. By making a deal with Lhikan, Hakann ends the war and escapes without injury. 7115) Most likely because he was ordered to leave before the end so that there would be someone to report what had happened. 7216) No idea. 7317) If the Toa Nuva achieve their destiny, they will, at some point, be given a choice -- surrender their Toa power for the greater good and become Turaga, or remain as Toa Nuva. It will then be up to each individual member to make that decision. 7418) He didn't give up all of it. Matoran don't need as much energy to survive as a Makuta does. 7519) You'll find out in 2007 7620) See answer to #19 7721) Most likely, if he gets too close, they'll kill him. The OOMN isn't known for its mercy. 7822) I don't understand your question. Prior to the Matoran return, he was the only Turaga of Metru Nui, there were no others. Now that there are, he still has thousands of years of seniority over Vakama and the rest. 7923) Pod malfunctioned and he got out. 8023a) He wasn't in there long enough for it to take effect. 8124) Because it is -- his duty is to what the mask represents. 8225) I have no idea if he was going to become the Toa of Light, but yes, there was originally talk of tying in a "real kid" to the story in one of the early script drafts. 8326) Individual armies. 8427) Most likely, the BOM. 8528) If the Toa Nuva tried to interfere with their mission, yes, but since it would be the Toa freeing them, I can't see that happening. 8629) Because having that happen a bunch of times in the story would have been dull and repetitious. 8730) I would give the edge to the Toa, because Toa have sharper wits than Rahkshi. 8831) I don't bother with hypotheticals. 8932) It was a continuation of their original mission, which was to create/modify things to keep the universe running smoothly. 9033) Hasn't been revealed 9134) I doubt it. Do you know everyone who lives in your city? 9235) You don't necessarily have to do anything, sometimes it comes down to what powers you have or where you live or what you can bring to the organization. 9336) Simple. He knew Sidorak wasn't going to just shrug his shoulders and go home, he would seek employment elsewhere -- like the BOM -- and potentially make a good double agent down the line. 9437) I would say, like most animals, they are neither. 9538) See answer to #31 -- they don't exist in our world, so I don't worry about it. 9639) Yes, in the Atlas next year 9740) That is really difficult, because it requires dividing his concentration. 9841) How well it understands Matoran has not been revealed 9942) Not that we have seen thus far. 10043) Well, the Mana Ko was busy blasting the other Piraka. 10144) Kongu's fires laser crossbow bolts, Nuparu's shoots energy bolts that punch holes in solid matter. 10245) Hasn't been revealed 10346) No, not to my knowledge 10447) Wise, impatient, brave. 10548) No. Since it costs Metru Nui nothing to provide the energy, there is no reason to charge for it. 10649) Depends on who is making the mass attack. 10750) Can't answer it.
22) If the OOMN does not have access to the Pit, how do they banish others to it?
33) You said Brutaka could escape the Pit using his mask. If/when he is banished to the Pit, wouldn't Botar take his mask?
43a) If not, why?
54) The Barraki killed the jailer of the Pit. But is it true that he's back?
65) If a Matoran or Toa or any other BIONICLE being came up and started to talk to you, would you be able to understand him?
76) After giving it some thought, I've come to the conclusion that eather a Toa of Earth or a Toa of Stone could make a volcano errupt. Which is it?
86a) If it is neither, which Toa element is it?
97) Why is it so important that the Bohrok clean Mata Nui?
108) Could a Kraata "launch" itself from Rahkshi armor onto the mask of someone and infect them?
119) Where is Nidhiki from?
1210) Could you give me a little info on Nidhiki's island? It sounds bad.
1311) Why does Nidhiki say that on his home, " Toa struck from the shadows or they didn't live very long"?
1412) How did Lhikan know that Nidhiki was in the city? Nidhiki had changed considerably.
1513) What drove Nidhiki to try to betray Metru Nui?
1614) Why didn't Hakkan kill Lhikan?
1715) How did Lhikan survive the Frosteleus attack? He was a novice.
1816) How many Toa do you think Vezok has killed? In BL3 he says he "chews up and spits out rookie Toa".
1917) If the Toa Nuva woke up Mata Nui, would they then become Turaga?
2018) If Takutanuva gave up Makuta's life force to revive Jaller, then why is Makuta still alive?
2119) Is Pridak leader of the Barraki?
2220) I just saw some pics of the Barraki. It looked like the red one was throwing something from ?tentacles?. What was it?
2321) The DH Gatherer was once an honorable Matoran before being captured and "persuaded" to join the DH. Currently he is on the trail of the OOMN. If he gets to close to some info about them, will they kill him or would they capture him and reverse whatever the DH did to him?
2422) Why was Turaga Dume named the head Turaga of Metru Nui?
2523) Who freed Dume from his pod?
2623a) Why wasn't his memory erased and his body smaller?
2724) Why did Makuta tell Takanuva that his duty was to the Mask of Shadows?
2825) Is it true that the original plot for MoL was for some kid to come to the BIONICLE world and become the Toa of Light?
2926) Do the Barraki have one big army or individual armies?
3027) Who turned the Exo-Toa on automatic to guard the Bahrag?
3128) If/when the Toa Nuva free the Bahrag, would the Bahrag attack?
3229) Why were the Lehvak the only Bohrok to infect Matoran?
3330) If you ha a Toa that controlled plants and a Rahkshi that controlled plants fight, who would win?
3431) If Zaktan walked into your room with no intention of hurting you, at the moment, what would your reaction be?
3531a) What would you do?
3632) What did the BOM hope to achieve in their various expieraments on Rahi and other unfortunate beings?
3733) After getting the Rahi Nui's head stuck in a wall, Vakama says he had to get it so angry it would forget how it was defeated last time. However, he beat it by making its atoms drift apart. Why does he say this and what was the connection he was thinking of?
3834) Did Krekka know Sidorak or Gladiator?
3935) What did Sidorak do to be considered for DH recruitment?
4036)In BL4 TSO says Sidorak may be of use to the DH. What use was TSO speaking of when Sidorak fails DH recruitment?
4137) Are the Krana/Kraata things good or evil? They warned the Toa Metru of the Visorak and they allowed Vakama to talk to Krakua.
4238) How intimidated would you be by the Barraki?
4339) Is it true we will learn more about the Mana Ko?
4440) Can Avak imprison more than one person/thing at a time?
4541) The Mana Ko blasts the Piraka's boat when they mention leaving. Could the Mana Ko understand what they were saying?
4642) Does a Toa Suva have a range limit?
4743) How did Vezon escape without being blasted by the Mana Ko?
4844) What exactly do Kongu's and Nuparu's weapons do?
4945) How did Kazi meet Axonn?
5046) Is the Red Star sentient?
5147) What is Turaga Dume's personality?
5248) In BL4 it is mentioned that Metru Nui provided energy to other islands with no cost to itself. Did other islands have to pay Metru Nui for energy?
5348a) If so, what did they pay?
5449) Would the DH be able to handle a mass attack on their base?
5550) What island will Krakua be defending?
56Thank you Mr. Farshtey: More later: lol:
571) Well, they're around him all the time, it's not that hard. 582) Who said they don't have access to it? Botar is an OOMN member and he is the one who transports people to it. 593) No, this is a place of exile not a death sentence. Removing his mask would weaken him. 604) You'll find out in 2007 615) No. They would be speaking Matoran. 626) I would say neither. Volcanoes erupt when the pressure of the magma inside increases to the point that the volcano splits and the magma gets out. This has nothing to do with Earth, since magma is melted rock -- and a Toa of Stone doesn't control melted rock anymore than a Toa of Ice controls water. 637) Hasn't been revealed yet. 648) I would say no. They don't work like Bohrok do. 659) Another land. 6610) I haven't bothered to develop it since it is not figuring in the story at this point. 6711) Because it was a dangerous place for Toa to be. Not every land is welcoming to heroes, the same way not every place in our world is happy to see police. 6812) If your best friend puts on a Halloween costume, are you clueless it's him? Besides, Nidhiki right away calls Lhikan "brother," implying he was an ex-Toa, and Lhikan certainly would have heard rumors about what happened to Nidhiki. He had been active as a Dark Hunter for some time before that. 6913) Self-preservation. He figured the Dark Hunters were going to win anyway. 7014) Same answer. If he kills Lhikan, Lariska ends up getting credit for the victory, and he didn't like her. By making a deal with Lhikan, Hakann ends the war and escapes without injury. 7115) Most likely because he was ordered to leave before the end so that there would be someone to report what had happened. 7216) No idea. 7317) If the Toa Nuva achieve their destiny, they will, at some point, be given a choice -- surrender their Toa power for the greater good and become Turaga, or remain as Toa Nuva. It will then be up to each individual member to make that decision. 7418) He didn't give up all of it. Matoran don't need as much energy to survive as a Makuta does. 7519) You'll find out in 2007 7620) See answer to #19 7721) Most likely, if he gets too close, they'll kill him. The OOMN isn't known for its mercy. 7822) I don't understand your question. Prior to the Matoran return, he was the only Turaga of Metru Nui, there were no others. Now that there are, he still has thousands of years of seniority over Vakama and the rest. 7923) Pod malfunctioned and he got out. 8023a) He wasn't in there long enough for it to take effect. 8124) Because it is -- his duty is to what the mask represents. 8225) I have no idea if he was going to become the Toa of Light, but yes, there was originally talk of tying in a "real kid" to the story in one of the early script drafts. 8326) Individual armies. 8427) Most likely, the BOM. 8528) If the Toa Nuva tried to interfere with their mission, yes, but since it would be the Toa freeing them, I can't see that happening. 8629) Because having that happen a bunch of times in the story would have been dull and repetitious. 8730) I would give the edge to the Toa, because Toa have sharper wits than Rahkshi. 8831) I don't bother with hypotheticals. 8932) It was a continuation of their original mission, which was to create/modify things to keep the universe running smoothly. 9033) Hasn't been revealed 9134) I doubt it. Do you know everyone who lives in your city? 9235) You don't necessarily have to do anything, sometimes it comes down to what powers you have or where you live or what you can bring to the organization. 9336) Simple. He knew Sidorak wasn't going to just shrug his shoulders and go home, he would seek employment elsewhere -- like the BOM -- and potentially make a good double agent down the line. 9437) I would say, like most animals, they are neither. 9538) See answer to #31 -- they don't exist in our world, so I don't worry about it. 9639) Yes, in the Atlas next year 9740) That is really difficult, because it requires dividing his concentration. 9841) How well it understands Matoran has not been revealed 9942) Not that we have seen thus far. 10043) Well, the Mana Ko was busy blasting the other Piraka. 10144) Kongu's fires laser crossbow bolts, Nuparu's shoots energy bolts that punch holes in solid matter. 10245) Hasn't been revealed 10346) No, not to my knowledge 10447) Wise, impatient, brave. 10548) No. Since it costs Metru Nui nothing to provide the energy, there is no reason to charge for it. 10649) Depends on who is making the mass attack. 10750) Can't answer it.
1wow its really hard to read those questions when theres that many and you have to scroll half a page to read the answer 50 times.
132) What did the BOM hope to achieve in their various expieraments on Rahi and other unfortunate beings?
232) It was a continuation of their original mission, which was to create/modify things to keep the universe running smoothly.
3Well, hello, what's this? Seems we have a clue as to the BoM's original purpose.
1More from GregF, but some questions will be taken out because of BL5 content:
32Because of ET's post, my theory was basically right
. But one of the Inika will die according to GregF.. unless he was kidding
2Mr. F, Wikipedia now has a full summary of BL5. Seeing as how this may hurt book sales, I want to ask you this: should the summary be removed (I could do it personally) seeing as how it could hurt booksales?
3Don't worry, I'll still buy it though.
4Yes, please
5It's been done. Since I'm here, I think I'll ask you some questions, some concerning BL5 if you do not mind:
61. When the Nuva and Inika complete their destinies (if they do of course) would they sacrifice their Toa powers for the greater good, or remain Toa, to protect everyone because of the Toa shortage?
72. After Bl5, did the Nuva return to Metru Nui, or stay on Voya Nui with Axonn and the matoran?
83. Do the Nuva know, at this point, how exactly they will awaken Mata Nui?
94. BL5
105. Since it is the Inika's destiny to save Mata Nui, wouldn't it make sense for one of the Inika to use the Ignika and save the Great Spirit?
116. BL5
127. How long has the Red Star existed? 137b. Does it have any relation to the OoMN or Mata Nui?
14I suppose that's all. I won't post the BL5 Q&A until the book is available widely, or until we get your word. Thanks once again.
151) Basically, time will tell. For example, let's say the Inika complete their destiny and return to Metru Nui -- is Metru Nui in need of six more Turaga, or of Toa to protect it? 162) The Nuva left Voya Nui 173) No. 184) BL5 195) Who says that's not going to happen? 206) BL5 217) Long time 227b) Can't answer it
23I've also theorized the identity of these Toa Mahri.. They are the Inika. Seeing as how the Inika may go along with the tradition of transforming next year, it would make sense for them to change their names to Toa Mahri, which was revealed to mean sea (in spanish I think..). Further more, with the release of the new 07 sets, a description has come up:
24Dekar: 25Skilled hunter of the sea: 26An Onu-Matoran aqua hunter, Dekar finds the Mask of Life only to lose it to the Barraki. A strong ally of the Toa Mahri, he will do anything to get the mask back:
27Seeing as how the Toa Mahri are obviously trying to retrieve the Ignika, and as the Inika watched as the Ignika was plunged into the ocean, AND seeing as how they may change their name because of their perhaps "aquatic transformations/enhancements", it leads me to the conclusion that the Inika are the Mahri. Also, the Inika are in all 3 years, so that too would help with my theory.. What do you think?
301) You'll find out in '07 312) BL5
32Because of ET's post, my theory was basically right

1There are some Bionicle Legends#5 spoilers in there Oniichan... especially that Toa Nuva one.
1Wow, that was a good one about the BoM's original purpose... I'll have to think about that answer for a while... 2BTW, I hope the Inika return to their actual form after their transformation to Mahri (Like the Hordika), unless their new forms are way better. I've liked the Inika's designs too much to forget them. And from what I've seen, next year sets are too thin or they have too many holes. That's good for villains and Matoran, but not for Toa. 3Khote
1Here's some interesting info regarding the lost Bionicle Legends 7 book.
13So, I hope this will cheer up all those who are angered with the no BL7 thing. You will see the Krana Origins after all. (Yes
14Oh, and Oniichan, you edited Wikipedia to hide spoilers, right? You missed the ones in The following sections: Order of Mata Nui, Toa Mata/Nuva, Toa Inika, and Piraka. I think that's it.
2I have realized that Bionicle Legends 7 has been cancelled. But didn't you already write it? You said something in your blog twice about working on this book, and Vezon slamming Matoro headfirst into a wall. (I am guessing that's from Vezon discovering about Matorro as the new Ignika wearer) I do ask, since it appears you have already written most, if not all, of Bionicle Legends 7, then if it does not get brought back into '07's lineup, could you post some stuff from it here at BZP? Like give main points, important chapters and quotes, stuff like that? Like the Krana origins, the parts with the Piraka and Toa Nuva, no doubt the Vezon/Matoro quarrel and the "Vezon getting much older" thing. Does that refer to the Ignika defending Matoro, or a return of Voporak, most likely meaning TSO too. I'm just curious, since the book is apparantly cancelled.
3If it's possible, great. If you can post everything you written within the 127 or so pages of Bionicle Legends 7 here, even better. I do hope that the book gets back though. If Scholastic notices, then how come they don't just add it back to the list?
4Thank you for reading this.![]()
5~Silver Calix
61) I wrote 7000 words of that version of the book before it got pulled. The books are 20,000 words long, so it was less than half done. 72) The plan right now is to put at least some of that content on BIONICLE.com 83) Scholastic notices the passion of the fans -- but that does not convince Barnes and Noble or Waldenbooks to order more BIONICLE books. Book sales do that.
9Oh, I see. Well, at least it won't be totally dead. Was the Makuta vs. Karzanhi battle originally for Bionicle Legends 7?
10One more question: I do not understand anything going on in the Piraka Animations on BIONICLE.com. The whole Toa Inika defending some cave from the Piraka seems very uncanonical. Is it? That could be a bad thing, because people who don't have the books might take that as official storyline.
111) No, it is slated for the web 122) It could be, it doesn't have to be. It can simply be a battle that took place between the two factions in between events depicted in the books or the comics.
13So, I hope this will cheer up all those who are angered with the no BL7 thing. You will see the Krana Origins after all. (Yes

14Oh, and Oniichan, you edited Wikipedia to hide spoilers, right? You missed the ones in The following sections: Order of Mata Nui, Toa Mata/Nuva, Toa Inika, and Piraka. I think that's it.
1PLEASE READ NEW QUOTE:The Toa Mahri being the Toa Inika is not confirmed: It was just the island name
13Yeah, it's my fault for not checking first...
2Well... The small sets of 2007 have been put onto S@H, so I hope you're OK with answering these questions now...
31) Is Dekar a Po-Matoran or Onu-Matoran? His S@H bio says Onu-, but yellow is the new Po- color.
42) If Dekar found the Ignika [SWEET:, then is he cursed? 52.1) Are the Barraki cursed as well, seeing as Dekar "lost it to them"?
63) The name "Toa Mahri" and "Mahri Nui" is used in Dekar and Defilak's bios. So is this confirmation that the Lost Land is called Mahri Nui, and that the Toa Inika become the Toa Mahri?
71) Dekar is Po. Error on S&H will be corrected. 82) He is, yes. 92.1) The one(s) who hold it are, yes. But the Barraki's attitude is what can the mask do to them that is worse than their current fate. 103) Yes
113) Was your answer of "yes" pertaining to the question as a whole, or just that Marhi Nui is the name of the Lost Land? (So was it also a "yes" to the Toa Mahri being one in the same as the Toa Inika?)
123) Applied to the name of the setting only. I am not discussing the Mahri because they don't come into the story for seven months
13Yeah, it's my fault for not checking first...
1omg 17 members on this topic as of now........
2Dekar is CURSED awsome:::::not for him though... 3hi greg....again
42. Do you get promo bionicle items from working in the TLC?
53. If you get banished to the Pit, what do you do there? do you do labor? stare off into the darkness? get tortured?
64. Can you just casually walk into the pit by accident?
75. Will Krakua ever aggain be mentioned in the story?
8Thats all. I can understand if you cant abswer mosr of them. 9Thanks Greg:
102) No. 113) You try to survive as best you can 124) Well, you can now 135) I can't answer an "ever again" question, "ever again" encompasses a long time
14try and survive ehh? fun.
2Dekar is CURSED awsome:::::not for him though... 3hi greg....again
42. Do you get promo bionicle items from working in the TLC?
53. If you get banished to the Pit, what do you do there? do you do labor? stare off into the darkness? get tortured?
64. Can you just casually walk into the pit by accident?
75. Will Krakua ever aggain be mentioned in the story?
8Thats all. I can understand if you cant abswer mosr of them. 9Thanks Greg:
102) No. 113) You try to survive as best you can 124) Well, you can now 135) I can't answer an "ever again" question, "ever again" encompasses a long time
14try and survive ehh? fun.
1Oh, and Oniichan, you edited Wikipedia to hide spoilers, right? You missed the ones in The following sections: Order of Mata Nui, Toa Mata/Nuva, Toa Inika, and Piraka. I think that's it.
2I think I got the pages with spoilers you mentioned removed.. Hope I don't get into any trouble with Wiki
