1There's something I wanna know... well, we know Barraki weren't allways the sea creatures. The evolved, when they was in Pit. Now they're like shark, electrical eel, mantis shrimp, squid, manta ray and crab. So tell me, Greg... is that just coincidence that it's very similar to "Pirates of Carribean: Dead Man's Chest"? I mean the crew of Flying Dutchman - they sepnd so much time underwater so they've changed into sea-creatures-things (f.e. Davy Jones, the captain, has octopus tentacles instead hairs). Well?
1There's something I wanna know... well, we know Barraki weren't allways the sea creatures. The evolved, when they was in Pit. Now they're like shark, electrical eel, mantis shrimp, squid, manta ray and crab. So tell me, Greg... is that just coincidence that it's very similar to "Pirates of Carribean: Dead Man's Chest"? I mean the crew of Flying Dutchman - they sepnd so much time underwater so they've changed into sea-creatures-things (f.e. Davy Jones, the captain, has octopus tentacles instead hairs). Well?
2WormWood The Star , GregF does not read this topic and answer questions that BZP members post here. What members do to ask Greg questions is to pm him with them and wait for him to reply with answers. What members then do is post the questions and answers up here

3As for your question, I would take a guess and say that that may be the case... It would make sense, unless the Barraki did something to themselves...
1Probably not. 2007 has been in the works since late 05. I doubt any LEGO workers saw the script for Pirate 2.
1Just one question this time...
2Is Takadox based off of a praying mantis or a mantis shrimp? A mantis shrimp would go with the underwater creature them, like the other Barraki, but he looks a lot like a praying mantis. And when asked before, all you have said is "mantis." So, which, specifically, is it?
3He always resembled a mantis (insect) to me.
4I just needed to check. I like to know the little things such as this.
1Here's some Q&A between me and GregF. QUESTIONS ANSWERS
21. Would you say that the Kanoka combination for creating a Kanohi Kadin would be a speed disk (teleportation random reconstitution) plus a levitation disk (teleportation weakening), so that the combination is basically teleportation random reconstitution weakening? 31) I have not come up with Kanoka disk combos for the 2006 masks, because they were not made in Metru Nui and so may not have been created in the same way as some of the other masks we have seen. As on our world, different places can have different ways of making the same thing.
42. If Toa Nuparu had more practice in the use of his Kanohi Kadin, would he be able to stop and hover? 52) Yes
63. When the Protodax split apart as the Toa Inika attack them, is this an ability that the Protodax trigger at will themselves as a means of dodging the Toa's attacks or is it a reflexive result of the Toa Inika attacking them? 73) It's a reflex
84. When the Protodax split apart, do they all have Zamor sphere launchers? 94) No -- I wanted them to, but can't think of a logical reason equipment would be duplicated.
105. Do microscopic protodites have the same splitting ability as the Protodax? If so, is Zaktan able to use this ability to regenerate lost protodites? 115) Microscopic protodites can split provided they are intact. The problem is, at their size, they are very easy to destroy with a physical blow. So only ones that feel the impact and survive it split.
12Now, some things about the DH guide:
136. In the DH guide it said something about a civil war on TSO and Ancient's island that essentially put in motion TSO's founding of the Dark Hunters. Where in history did this happen? (Between X and X, or about X years ago, or around the same time as X -- whatever way you want to put it.) 146) Probably around 90,000 years ago
157. I'm looking at Conjurer's entry in the DH guide, and it says his Kanoka disks can temporarily steal the power of an opponent and channel it to him. On the model he doesn't have any Kanoka disks or launchers, but he does have a prominent Rhotuka launcher on his right arm. Is "Kanoka disk" mistaken for for "Rhotuka spinner"? 167) Yes
178. Firedracax's Rhotuka spinner is mechanical since it's on his staff tool, right? 188) The launcher is mechanical, the spinner is not
199. Similar situation to Conjurer -- Gatherer's entry says he has a mind scramble Rhotuka. The model for Gatherer has no Rhotuka launchers at all, but he has a Kanoka disk launcher on his shoulder. I also noticed that mind scramble is italicized, and Kanoka powers always seem to be italicized while Rhotuka powers are not. Did you mean "Kanoka disk" when you wrote "Rhotuka spinner"? 209) Probably
2110. What does Primal's paralysis implant do? 2210) He can paralyze opponents by making physical contact with them
2311. Is Tracker's pet bull a Rahi? 2411) Yes
25Other questions:
2612. Why didn't any Matoran of Sonics, Plasma, Gravity, or Magnetism live in Metru Nui? 2712) Why didn't any Russians or Chinese live in the American colonies in the 1600s? Because they weren't from here.
2813. When do you think we will learn Axonn's and Brutaka's powers in full? 2913) I don't plan to share that info.
1Here's somthing you guys may find intersting:
21) You've mentioned a Matoran called Sarda. What type of Matoran is he? 31a) Will he be made into a set?
42) You've also said that Dekar is cursed. What exactly are the details of this curse? It can't be the same as Vezon's since he doesn't have the MoLi on his head or is fused to a spider.
53) The Hydruka's "zamor" launchers shoot solidified air. Do the Matoran's launchers do something different?
64) What do the Barraki want with the MoLi?
75) The Hagah's masks look like other masks to honor past heroes. We know that Norik's mask represents a noble Kiril, but what then is Dekar's mask?
86) You said Makuta will fight Karzahni next year. Does that mean he will be getting a new body?
97) Are there any types of Matoran besides the traditional six on Voya Nui? (since they all came from different places before they were sent to Karzahni, and later to the mainland)
10Please answer:
111) Have to check, I don't remember what I made him, and he may be a set. 122) No, it's not the same as Vezon's -- every curse is different, but there's really no reason for me to give out plot points two months before we start the story. 133) Nope 144) You'll find out in 2007 156) If Dekar's mask resembles Norik's, and Norik's was carved to look like a Kiril, then Dekar's mask is a Matoran version of a Kiril 166) You'll find out in 2007 177) Not that we have seen, no
1Hello, Greg. I just thought of a couple more Barrak-related questions that I hope you can answer.
21. Do you know if any of the Barraki have waist articulation? I know you do not work in the sets deparment, but if you have seen the sets then would you not have this knowledge?
32. What is the official name for the 2007 "collectable?" Is it "polyp," or, as seen in the Matoran instruction manual, "Squid Ammo?"
43. Do the red marking on Pridak have any storyline significance? Or are they just set additions? They look ominously like blood...
51) Seeing them would not tell me that, no. I would have to have built them and "played" with them, which I have not done -- they are not in the company store yet, so I do not have any. 62) In the US, it's squid -- in Europe, it may be polyp 73) On his jaws? My understanding is that it is blood. He's a shark, after all.

1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I was wondering if I could have a few questions answered:
21. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intelligent would you say the Barraki are? 32. Is there one Barraki who the others don't trust? 43. How livable is Mahri Nui? 54. How many Matoran are living there? 65. You mentioned that Sarda and another Matoran being released as a promotional set, am I right to guess that they are Ko and Onu-Matoran? 76. Do they bare much resemblance to Dekar and Defilak? 87. Will the battle between Makuta and Karzahni be an animation, or a text story? 98. I read that the Barraki are all different species, are any of them species we've seen or heard of before? (Mantax reminds me of Krekka.) 109. Could the Spear of Fusion be used to make Zaktan whole?
121) The Barraki are, for the most part, extremely intelligent -- the smartest among them Makuta level intelligent 132) No. 143) It's a struggle 154) A few hundred, probably 165) I have no idea what they are at this point, but it is not a promotional set, it is a store exclusive set. 176) Again, have not seen the models. 187) I have it planned as text. 198) No, they are not species you already know 209) Possibly, yes
11) Seeing them would not tell me that, no. I would have to have built them and "played" with them, which I have not done -- they are not in the company store yet, so I do not have any. 22) In the US, it's squid -- in Europe, it may be polyp 33) On his jaws? My understanding is that it is blood. He's a shark, after all.
5I thought Lego doesnt alow such violence?
6AWSOME, Bionicle is getting violent:
7Wait, do bionicle even have blood?
8ANOTHER mystery: oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhh [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
11) Seeing them would not tell me that, no. I would have to have built them and "played" with them, which I have not done -- they are not in the company store yet, so I do not have any. 22) In the US, it's squid -- in Europe, it may be polyp 33) On his jaws? My understanding is that it is blood. He's a shark, after all.
7Since when....gah. Well, I'm hoping that like on Mata-Nui, the oceans surrounding it contain some completely organic creatures that Pridak...has been snacking on....
8I must admit even with my own explanation I'm really not comfortable at all putting blood in my Bionicle. I need clarification.
1Wait. 2What?
3Since when....gah. Well, I'm hoping that like on Mata-Nui, the oceans surrounding it contain some completely organic creatures that Pridak...has been snacking on....
4I must admit even with my own explanation I'm really not comfortable at all putting blood in my Bionicle. I need clarification.
5G.I Joe seems just as innocent as Bionicle, yet they do much wrse. those figures carry guns, Greg told me that Pridak only has blood because that's what sharks have usually on them, blood.
1But Bionicle don't have Blood so maybe it's just red markings that is to represent blood.
1But Bionicle don't have Blood so maybe it's just red markings that is to represent blood.
2Well, species in Bionicle are usually Biomechanical, which mean half organic and half mechanical. Since Matoran and Toa have lungs and hearts, wouldn't it make sense for them to have blood? We usually don't see it, since a cut on thier arm would mean a scratch on metal, but I believe they have blood. Vahki and Bohrok don't however, because they are completely mechanical.
1AAARRRGH: Everyone: quit getting all concerned about ze blood:
This is rediculous: It is nothing to fuss about, but if you make some huge deal out of it, it will be: Please, I don't want BIONICLE banned by concerned parents for some red plastic peices.
Ooh: Is someone making nachos? 

1I don't know if BL5 spoilers are allowed yet, but someone tell me if I have to take one of theses down... SPOILERS REMOVED
1Hi Greg:
2After seeing the pictures, and hearing Carapar is yellow instead of brown, i could not helpbut wondering.
3Is brown gone for ever now?
4Also, i'd like to know which is your favorite Barraki?
51) I have no idea. I am not involved in those decisions, they are made in Denmark.
62) Takadox
7Got this from Greg just now.
2After seeing the pictures, and hearing Carapar is yellow instead of brown, i could not helpbut wondering.
3Is brown gone for ever now?
4Also, i'd like to know which is your favorite Barraki?
51) I have no idea. I am not involved in those decisions, they are made in Denmark.
62) Takadox
7Got this from Greg just now.
1Clearing up on the blood issue --
23. Do the red marking on Pridak have any storyline significance? Or are they just set additions? They look ominously like blood... 33) On his jaws? My understanding is that it is blood. He's a shark, after all.
4Not meaning to be a pest or anything, but is that not completely contradictory to everything you've been telling about LEGO not being allowed to show such things, and whatnot? And when was it suddenly decided Bionicle beings have blood?
5Thanks much,
8I have nothing to do with set design or set approval. I spoke to a set designer at Comic-Con who told me he had suggested putting blood around Pridak's mouth. The set got approved. That's what I know about it, so not much point in expecting me to go into a long-winded explanation on the topic. I have no other behind the scenes info but that.
9To your second question -- in Voyage of Fear, when the Toa Metru first arrive on Mata Nui, they are struck by the sight of sea birds that are not biomechanical. It has been stated repeatedly that the only things on Mata Nui that were not made of protodermis were the sea birds and possibly some plant life whose seeds had drifted to the island from elsewhere. It is reasonable to assume there are also creatures in the ocean that are not biomechanical -- for example, the squid "ammo" next year are not native to the universe of Mata Nui -- and therefore would have blood.
10So BIONCLE beings have not been shown to have blood -- non-biomechanical creatures quite probably do.
11. Was Voya Nui always surrounded by ice even when it was connected to the mainland?
22. When Mahri Nui was connected to Voya Nui, did it fill up the whole bay of Voya Nui (to the pointed ends of ice) or just a part of the bay?
33. Are there really any other elements that can be put into the story; there are already alot that that have been mentioned but not seen much?
51) No, because it wasn't an island at that time. 62) All of it, as far as I know 73) There are always more elements that can be included.
81. So the ice must have accumulated as Voya Nui drifted in the water. 92. So then Voya Nui used to be like an egg shape. 103. What elements would there be besides the ones we know 114. Will we learn what exactly Jovan's team mission was?
121) Possibly 132) Yup 143) Well, since you don't know them yet, I see no point in giving them away ahead of time. 154) I can already tell you. Their job was to regenerate Mata Nui's life energy, hence their need for the mask.
1More on the Ignika: Exciting info may create new theories..
2Hi Mr.F. It's kinda been a while, but I've got new questions:
34) I can already tell you. Their job was to regenerate Mata Nui's life energy, hence their need for the mask.
41. With the above quote, when exactly did this event occur?
52. Was Jovan's team all from the same island, or more like a "Lhikan team" (with different Toa from different places)?
63. Will BL6 explore more into Jovan's quest for the mask?
74. Did they encounter guardians like Umbra, Axonn/Brutaka?
85. Why is the Ignika in Mahri Nui? (EDITED)
96. What could have caused Mata Nui to be "weak", needing Jovan's team to use the MoLi?
107. I'm guessing that the jailer had to have been pretty powerful. Could he be a titan sized being? Because I doubt a puny runt could "guard" the Pit. 117b. Is there only one jailer?
12That's all I can think of, thanks a lot in advance.
141) 80,000 years ago 152) Has not been determined yet 163) No. Jovan's team was active ages ago. I am not telling his story, I have no room. 174) Yes 185) Because it wanted to go beneath the waves, it knows where it is supposed to be. 196) 80,000 years ago was also the time of the civil war in Metru Nui 207) You'll find out in 2007
21Thanks for replying so soon, but what did you mean "Because it wanted to go beneath the waves, it knows where it is supposed to be."? Shouldn't the mask be with Matoro, or does the Ignika have its own plans?
23But if it was just with Matoro, how would Matoro know where to bring it? It is leading the Toa where it needs to be.
24Oh, so are you saying that the Ignika has to be in a certain area to be used? But I bet it didnt know that the Barraki would get it.
26No, it had no idea they were even down there. But yes, the Ignika has to be brought to a specific place to be used correctly, otherwise it will not help Mata Nui any.
1Though that Ignika news is really good., it contains Bionicle Legends 5 spoilers. Please remove them.
13. Do the red marking on Pridak have any storyline significance? Or are they just set additions? They look ominously like blood... 23) On his jaws? My understanding is that it is blood. He's a shark, after all.
3Blood? Cool. I must ask him is colour connected with elements (f.e.: Onu-creatures has black blood instead red)
12) After seeing the Official Barraki Sets Topic, I really wanted some varification on the sets- Is Carapar here final (color, design, color?) or is he the prototype (I really wish he was the prototype, but please tell the truth)
23) Is the Polyp Launcher final in which picture? First or Second?
3Thanks A LOT(seriously)
4Vezok-Piraka of Water
52-3) Carapar is yellow, yes, and I believe another color as well. Brown sets do not sell, so they are not being done right now. As for your question on the squid launcher, I cannot even make it out in the underwater shot, so I am not going to comment.
6Hmmmmm we will see how the launchers end up in december or january... or at least some more OFFICIAL pictures probably on Shop@Home: And Carapar is definately yellow....
7Vezok-Piraka of Water
1Hey Oniichan, as much as almost everyone knows where the Ignika is next year, we didn't know how it got there, and that question ruined part of Bionicle Legends #5 for me, so please try to edit it.
2Exactly, and as I've heard Staff say before, it does not matter how minor the spoilers are, they're still forbidden.

1I haven't posted anything here for a while, but nonetheless,
7Yes, that's confirmation that Sarda is from Mahri Nui.
3You may not be able to answer this, but is Sarda a matoran of Mahri-nui? His/Her later release leads me to believe that Sarda will have a different sotryline role to that of Defilak and Dekar. This leads me to ask, could Sarda perhaps be one of the matoran leaders from the Great Disruption who was sent to the pit 80000 years ago?
4Thanks in advance,
6Sarda is from Mahri Nui, yes. The leaders of the Great Disruption are not slated to show up in the story in 2007.
7Yes, that's confirmation that Sarda is from Mahri Nui.
1hi Greg, just one. 2you said that the moli needs to be at the right spot to work, right. so did the GB do sort of seperate the lock and key deal, or something else for the moli?
3Mr. toi
4I'd say that is a fair way to put it, yes.
5Ok, so going down the stairs and fighting for your life for it isn't enough.
6Mr. toi
1QUOTE 2Greg, 3I seem to have missed the mark when it came to my understanding of the "clue and a half" comment in the Pridak topic, so I was wondering what you said that in reference to, and if you could elaborate at all? 4My second question relates to an answer you gave someone in the OGDT. When asked why Jovan's team went after the Ignika (or why Mata Nui's life energy needed replenishing) you said that the Civil War on Metru Nui was also at that time. So I took what you've told us about Mata Nui and the Matoran, and then came up with a theory. Is Mata Nui's Life Force Dependent, or Semi-Dependent on the Productivity of the Matoran on Metru Nui? I ask this because you have said many times about how important revitalizing Metru-Nui is to waking Mata Nui up, and how controling the Metru-Nui Matoran was the most important thing to Makuta, so that he would have power. Plus, the Matoran went to sleep when Mata Nui did as well, so is it possible that these two events are also related? 5Anyway, thanks in advance. 6TL007
71) Basically, I was referring to the fact that outside of the domes you have creatures that are completely organic, have blood, and so obviously differ from things the Matoran are used to seeing.
82) The Matoran going to sleep is not connected to Mata Nui going to sleep -- the Matoran went to sleep because the Vahki forced them into pods. However, yes, there is a connection between the Matoran doing their work and Mata Nui's "good health."
71) Basically, I was referring to the fact that outside of the domes you have creatures that are completely organic, have blood, and so obviously differ from things the Matoran are used to seeing.
82) The Matoran going to sleep is not connected to Mata Nui going to sleep -- the Matoran went to sleep because the Vahki forced them into pods. However, yes, there is a connection between the Matoran doing their work and Mata Nui's "good health."
1Hmmm....So 777 stairs, you say?
Are the ones in the Barraki scan final or the ones in the water tanks in the main lobby of the Lego factory?(you have probably answered this question a LOT::

1You need to PM Greg your questions. He doesn't read this.
11) Basically, I was referring to the fact that outside of the domes you have creatures that are completely organic, have blood, and so obviously differ from things the Matoran are used to seeing.
2That is really good info. I had always suspected that in a way, but now it has been fully confirmed. I wonder if we will ever meet organic beings. No wonder every biomechanical being originated from the domes...