1More from GregF including why Mata Nui needed the effects of the Ignika when Jovan was around:
2Hi Mr. F, I have another set of questions:
31. You told someone else that the work of the matoran on Metru Nui was related to Mata Nui's health. So if they do good work, is Mata Nui "healthy" and vice versa?
42.I think I've come up with a theory about what started Jovan's mission:
580,000 years ago, there was a Matoran Civil War on Metru Nui. Now with a war at hand, matoran would have to drop everything and help out right? And if their work keeps Mata Nui healthy and they all suddenly stopped working, he would start to weaken right? This is where Jovan and his team comes along go to Voya Nui and yaddayaddayadda, they heal him again. Is this theory about right?
63. Did the Ignika lead Jovan's team to where they needed to be just like it is doing with the Inika? Or did they know where to go? 73b. Was Voya Nui still on Mainland when Jovan went for the Ignika?
84. Is this place where the Ignika has to be used somewhere we've been to? 94b. I have a strong feeling that it is Metru Nui, is it?
105. You told me that one of the Inika may be sacrificed for the Ignika's use. Were you just saying that or did you mean it..?
11Thanks in advance once again.
131) Yes 142) Very good, yes 153) Basically it did 163b) Yes -- it didn't split off until 1000 years ago 174) No 184b) No 195) I have stated that use of the Mask of Life does require the sacrifice of a life, yes. I don't think I specified from which group
20Cool, another point for Oniichan, but I have just one more question:
21Is Mata Nui's health now declining because the Matoran were away from Metru Nui for so long and didn't work there or because of Makuta's "ritual" to make him sleep?
24Indirectly, because of what Makuta did. The Matoran have to repopulate Metru Nui in order for him to wake up and function, but their absence the last 1000 years was sort of irrelevant because he was in a coma anyway. Their being there would not have changed matters.
1You told Oniichan (as seen here) that if the Matoran on Metru Nui worked well, Mata Nui would be healthy and vice verse. Is that why Matoran who worked well were rewarded and got to go to Artahka and Matoran who worked poorly needed repaired by Karzahni?
2Also, if a lot of Matoran from Metru-Nui were to get sent to Karzahni about the time he started keeping them, would that affect Mata-Nui's health?
3Actually, no, because the Karzahni-Artakha transports you are referring to happened before Mata Nui existed.
1Only two questions - I know you've got a lot of work. 21) There's something I wanna know... well, we know Barraki weren't allways the sea creatures. The evolved, when they was in Pit. Now they're like shark, electrical eel, mantis shrimp, squid, manta ray and crab. So tell me, Greg... is that just coincidence that it's very similar to "Pirates of Carribean: Dead Man's Chest"? I mean the crew of Flying Dutchman - they sepnd so much time underwater so they've changed into sea-creatures-things (f.e. Davy Jones, the captain, has octopus tentacles instead hairs). Well? 32) You said the red marks on Pridak's jaws can be blood. My question is: is the colour of blood is connected with species? (for example Ga-creatures has got blue blood, Le - green, or Po - yellow\bronze) 4Thanks - WormWood The Star.
51) Yup, it is, because the 2007 story was planned back in 2004, long before the second Pirates movie ever came out. 62) The blood on his jaws is not coming from bio-mechanical residents of the BIONICLE universe. It is coming from purely organic fish and other sea creatures of the Pit who are not part of the Matoran universe. Bio-mechanical creatures like Matoran have never been shown to have anything resembling human blood.
7Okay... It was very interesting coincidence.
1That is really good info. I had always suspected that in a way, but now it has been fully confirmed. I wonder if we will ever meet organic beings. No wonder every biomechanical being originated from the domes...
2I don't understand how this is new news. I have quotes still in my inbox from a few years ago with that info in them, and I posted them on here. I just dont get how this is a revalation, we've known this for quite a while.
1Ya, I had forgotten that too
(that there are organic animals)

1I think everyone forgot. (myself included.)![]()
2I certianly didn't. I'm kind of pleased with myself-a post I made before the revelation speculated that the blood probably came from organic creatures under the sea. It's also mentioned in one of the Adventure books about a creature the Toa Metru find that is completely organic- a bird that mystifies them all with it's ability to fly.
1I certianly didn't. I'm kind of pleased with myself-a post I made before the revelation speculated that the blood probably came from organic creatures under the sea. It's also mentioned in one of the Adventure books about a creature the Toa Metru find that is completely organic- a bird that mystifies them all with it's ability to fly.
2Well, yeah I knew that. The part I found interesting was that only organic beings are on the surface,and that biomechanical beings shouldn't.

1Some interesting questions, read on for more info . . .
2Hi GregF, just want to ask a few questions.
31a) Did Sarda, Defilak and Dekar all originally come from Voya Nui (After it split from the mainland) or were they already in the Pit? 41b) If they came from the Pit, can you give any reason or hint towards why? 52a) When you say the Barraki are all different, did they come from different homelands? 62b) If they did, will any of these homelands be in the Atlas 73) If Mata Nui awaked, would Mata Nui do anything to Makuta for puting him in a 'deep-sleep' 84) You said that we will see a member of the first of Toa team in 07, can you tell us whether its a male or female? 95) Has the TSO sent his Piraka-hunting team yet? 106) If Amphibax met the Piraka if they tried to leave Voya Nui, would he defeat the Piraka or would the Piraka defeat him? 117) Can the Ignika allow Matoro to carry it phychically and in his spirit-mode? 128) Does the word 'Mahri' have a Matoran meaning as did Mata, Metru and Voya? 139) Will we only be on this island for a year or will we stay on it for two years? 1410) Will we ever see Krahka and Tantohrak after BL5? 1511) If Brutaka was taken to the Pit, does that mean we'll see him again in 07? 1612) If the Pits underwater, and Botar may transpprt Brutaka to the Pit, does that mean he can breathe underwater? 1713) Can the Matoran from Mahri Nui come to Voya Nui if they desire too? 1814) Were the Hyrduka ever on Voya Nui? 1915) Does the fact that the Hydruka harvest Solidified Air Buubles play any role in how the Matoran breathe underwater? 2016) Did Garan ever know Sarda, Defilak and Dekar?
21Well, thanks for your time GregF.
22Toa Axzaa
231) They are all from Voya Nui 242) Yes 252b) No 263) I would say it is likely, yes 274) Rather not this soon 285) Yes, they are off-shore of Voya Nui. 296) Six Piraka vs. one Amphibax means the Piraka would probably win 307) No, in spirit form Matoro cannot interact with any physical object 318) Actually, none of those three were ever given an official meaning, I don't think. BZP gave them meanings and I guessed at some. 329) I can't discuss future storyline 3310) No idea, but I am hopeful. 3411) Yes, you will see him again. 3512) If he can't, he better learn 3613) If they knew it was there, and if they ascended slowly enough, yes. 3714) No. The hydruka are sea creatures 3815) Yes 3916) Most likely he did, yes
113) Can the Matoran from Mahri Nui come to Voya Nui if they desire too?
213) If they knew it was there, and if they ascended slowly enough, yes.
3Could it be that they can't survive on land just because they're used to a much higher pressure than the one of the surface? Seems likely to me, after Greg's answer. 4Khote
113) Can the Matoran from Mahri Nui come to Voya Nui if they desire too?
213) If they knew it was there, and if they ascended slowly enough, yes.
3Could it be that they can't survive on land just because they're used to a much higher pressure than the one of the surface? Seems likely to me, after Greg's answer. 4Khote
5It sounds to me that they could survive on land perfectly fine. They would have to ascend slowly to avoid getting the bends. 6Maybe the Mask of Life curses whichever Matoran who touch it by giving them gills

1Hey, Greg: Just one question:
2In the background of the Defilak picture, it has a giant bubble thing back there. Is that Mahri-Nui? If so, does that mean that the Matoran there aren't really living IN water, but in a bubble that is surrounded by water?
3If the above is right, then is it the Hydrukas' jobs to harvest in new, fresh air?
1Hey, Greg: Just one question:
2In the background of the Defilak picture, it has a giant bubble thing back there. Is that Mahri-Nui? If so, does that mean that the Matoran there aren't really living IN water, but in a bubble that is surrounded by water?
3If the above is right, then is it the Hydrukas' jobs to harvest in new, fresh air?
8Wow, that's quite a revelation

9will their be a group book with all of one set in it 10Eg. Bionicle Chronicles all in one book not a box set
11There already is a hardcover book of all four Chronicles books. It's sold at most bookstores; it shouldn't be hard to find.
113) Can the Matoran from Mahri Nui come to Voya Nui if they desire too?
213) If they knew it was there, and if they ascended slowly enough, yes.
3Could it be that they can't survive on land just because they're used to a much higher pressure than the one of the surface? Seems likely to me, after Greg's answer. 4Khote
5It sounds to me that they could survive on land perfectly fine. They would have to ascend slowly to avoid getting the bends. 6Maybe the Mask of Life curses whichever Matoran who touch it by giving them gills![]()
7I'm sure there is a post back there saying that neither the Barraki nor the Matoran could survive on land (I can even remember that the member posting it said the Matoran were like fish, then). 8Khote
1Hello sir. After reading the 'Takua as the Matoran of Light', I had questions.
21) Is it possible for this to happen: Takanuva gathers all of the Matoran of Light that exists and he passes the Avohkii around. Thy all have a turn of putting it on and all turn into Toa of Light. Then they get Great Kanohi and create an army of light.
32) If no, then does the Avhokii work for just one Matoran because it has enough energy to trigger just one Matoran?
41) No. You can only become a Toa if you are destined to become a Toa. What you are suggesting would be like saying any Ko-Matoran who got a Toa stone could have become a Toa if Ice instead of Nuju.
52) It worked for Takua because he was the one destined to be a Toa.
6Then, why did the Toa Metru think that the 6 other Matoran were destined to be the Toa Metru, well if the Toa Metru were not destined, then how on earth did they believe that the other 6 could be Toa when they were already Toa?
7You are assuming that Matoran know that no one other than those destined can become Toa. You know that, I know that, doesn't mean they know that.
8Oh, there's why you should never ask Matoran about Toa-destiny.
1Hi Greg justa few questions
21 if the barraki have got the mask of life then that means thier cursed correct but i want to know is, did they get the mask of life while they looked like the sea creatures?
31b if they didnt look like a shark crab etc when they found the mask of life, could the masks curse cause them to mutate giving the resemblance to sea creatures?
42 Pridaks mouth is covered in blood is this simply decoration to scare his enemy or does he actually eat the sea life because i thought biomechanical beings didnt eat or is that just matoran Toa Turaga that dont?
53 only one barraki must be cursed by the mask of life as i gather it needs to be touched to curse any one such as Dekar so who which barraki is cursed
63b if all the barraki are cursed do they all have the same curse upon them or is it a indivdual curse for each of them?
73c if it is a indivdual curse for each of them that means they must have each touched the mask at some point did they fight over it snatching from each other or was it passed to one another to guard?
8Thanks greg
101) At this point, the Barraki don't have the mask yet, because we haven't reached that point in the story. And the only ones who would be cursed are the ones who physically touch the mask.
112) As I said in my topic, a set designer told me he suggested putting something resembling blood around Pridak's mouth -- what LEGO Company will officially say it is, I don't know. But it has been established for some time that some beings, like Rahi, eat in a different way than Matoran do -- and the things the Barraki would be eating are not bio-mechanical but fully organic fish.
123) You'll find out next year.
13its funny why he didnt answer my question on why the barraki look how they are and wouldnt answer is it was something to do with the MOLi i wonder
21 if the barraki have got the mask of life then that means thier cursed correct but i want to know is, did they get the mask of life while they looked like the sea creatures?
31b if they didnt look like a shark crab etc when they found the mask of life, could the masks curse cause them to mutate giving the resemblance to sea creatures?
42 Pridaks mouth is covered in blood is this simply decoration to scare his enemy or does he actually eat the sea life because i thought biomechanical beings didnt eat or is that just matoran Toa Turaga that dont?
53 only one barraki must be cursed by the mask of life as i gather it needs to be touched to curse any one such as Dekar so who which barraki is cursed
63b if all the barraki are cursed do they all have the same curse upon them or is it a indivdual curse for each of them?
73c if it is a indivdual curse for each of them that means they must have each touched the mask at some point did they fight over it snatching from each other or was it passed to one another to guard?
8Thanks greg
101) At this point, the Barraki don't have the mask yet, because we haven't reached that point in the story. And the only ones who would be cursed are the ones who physically touch the mask.
112) As I said in my topic, a set designer told me he suggested putting something resembling blood around Pridak's mouth -- what LEGO Company will officially say it is, I don't know. But it has been established for some time that some beings, like Rahi, eat in a different way than Matoran do -- and the things the Barraki would be eating are not bio-mechanical but fully organic fish.
123) You'll find out next year.
13its funny why he didnt answer my question on why the barraki look how they are and wouldnt answer is it was something to do with the MOLi i wonder

1its funny why he didnt answer my question on why the barraki look how they are and wouldnt answer is it was something to do with the MOLi i wonderhhhmmmm
2Perhaps he forgot to. From what we've gathered from Greg though, the Barraki trasformed over time and not from a curse. Look at what he did say: He said that not all of the Barraki have touched it, and the Kanohi Ignika only curses those who touch it who aren't destined to. It won't effect those who are in the company of the one who is cursed.

1The Barraki weren't like that at first (like sea creatures). But when the pit went underwater, they had to either evolve and survive or don't and die. They apparently picked the first, or it may just be natural that they evolve. Look, we evolved from apes to humans, and we didn't actually pick, nature did that.
Master of Ice and Sonic 1The Barraki weren't like that at first (like sea creatures). But when the pit went underwater, they had to either evolve and survive or don't and die.
2I don't think it's ever been stated that the Barraki "evolved" in any way. The breaking of The Pit dome was a sudden, catastrophic occurence--can creatures "evolve" at will then? That's pretty silly. The Barraki (and the other prisoners in The Pit) obviously could not have just thought "Oh, I need to be able to breath underwater now. HHUURRGHH--there, whew, that was close:" Oh, btw, I don't think apes could either.

3But anyway, a few older questions:
GregF PM 41) You've stated that a Toa's form is determined by the Matoran's previsualization of what a Toa should look like, so how would you explain (storylinewise) the Toa Inika not looking exactly like the Toa Mata? (since they're the only Toa the Inika have ever seen)
52)What if a Matoran's visualization of a Toa is some all-powerful, all-capable, infinitely strong being, or, conversely, a being that's entirely un-Toa like? (as in some evil, horrible looking creature) Is there some kind of basic (humanoid?) structure that all Toa must at least resemble?
61) The same way I explain why they have electrical powers and the Mata do not and why they have organic masks and the Mata do not -- the way they were brought into being. 72) I can't see why a Matoran would visualize that, also, there is only so much mass this transformation can add to a Matoran -- he's not going to be able to turn into some huge, horrible monster because the mass is not there to do it.
Master of Ice and Sonic 1The Barraki weren't like that at first (like sea creatures). But when the pit went underwater, they had to either evolve and survive or don't and die.
2I don't think it's ever been stated that the Barraki "evolved" in any way. The breaking of The Pit dome was a sudden, catastrophic occurence--can creatures "evolve" at will then? That's pretty silly. The Barraki (and the other prisoners in The Pit) obviously could not have just thought "Oh, I need to be able to breath underwater now. HHUURRGHH--there, whew, that was close:" Oh, btw, I don't think apes could either.![]()
3Well said *claps*. Evolution, as I see it, is really a concept that cannot exist in the Bionicle universe as there is no biological reproduction and therefore no developing of genetic code over time through many generations. I blame Pokemon for obscuring the scientific definition of evolution

1Some interesting questions, read on for more info . . .
2Hi GregF, just want to ask a few questions.
31a) Did Sarda, Defilak and Dekar all originally come from Voya Nui (After it split from the mainland) or were they already in the Pit? 41b) If they came from the Pit, can you give any reason or hint towards why? 52a) When you say the Barraki are all different, did they come from different homelands? 62b) If they did, will any of these homelands be in the Atlas 73) If Mata Nui awaked, would Mata Nui do anything to Makuta for puting him in a 'deep-sleep' 84) You said that we will see a member of the first of Toa team in 07, can you tell us whether its a male or female? 95) Has the TSO sent his Piraka-hunting team yet? 106) If Amphibax met the Piraka if they tried to leave Voya Nui, would he defeat the Piraka or would the Piraka defeat him? 117) Can the Ignika allow Matoro to carry it phychically and in his spirit-mode? 128) Does the word 'Mahri' have a Matoran meaning as did Mata, Metru and Voya? 139) Will we only be on this island for a year or will we stay on it for two years? 1410) Will we ever see Krahka and Tantohrak after BL5? 1511) If Brutaka was taken to the Pit, does that mean we'll see him again in 07? 1612) If the Pits underwater, and Botar may transpprt Brutaka to the Pit, does that mean he can breathe underwater? 1713) Can the Matoran from Mahri Nui come to Voya Nui if they desire too? 1814) Were the Hyrduka ever on Voya Nui? 1915) Does the fact that the Hydruka harvest Solidified Air Buubles play any role in how the Matoran breathe underwater? 2016) Did Garan ever know Sarda, Defilak and Dekar?
21Well, thanks for your time GregF.
22Toa Axzaa
231) They are all from Voya Nui 242) Yes 252b) No 263) I would say it is likely, yes 274) Rather not this soon 285) Yes, they are off-shore of Voya Nui. 296) Six Piraka vs. one Amphibax means the Piraka would probably win 307) No, in spirit form Matoro cannot interact with any physical object 318) Actually, none of those three were ever given an official meaning, I don't think. BZP gave them meanings and I guessed at some. 329) I can't discuss future storyline 3310) No idea, but I am hopeful. 3411) Yes, you will see him again. 3512) If he can't, he better learn 3613) If they knew it was there, and if they ascended slowly enough, yes. 3714) No. The hydruka are sea creatures 3815) Yes 3916) Most likely he did, yes
40Yah Brutaka::::::::::::::::::::hope he plays a pretty not-so-small-role:
41I blame Pokemon too....
1Hmm now that you said it,how did they evolve if they are biomechanical?I understand if they evolve overtime but how?
1That was a little theory of mine. I'm pretty sure it will be wrong, but what's the point of a theory if you're not going to defend it. If I'm defending my theory, then the mechanical parts may have stayed, but the organic parts may have been changed. Planetperson, I wasn't thinking of Pokemon when I posted that. If that's wrong (which I'm pretty sure it is), the OOMN may have changed the Barraki, although I'm not too sure about that one.
1Well said *claps*. Evolution, as I see it, is really a concept that cannot exist in the Bionicle universe as there is no biological reproduction and therefore no developing of genetic code over time through many generations. I blame Pokemon for obscuring the scientific definition of evolution.
2Well it very well may. Remember in the encyc, as per the Bohrok entry.
3Marvah suggested that the Bohrok evolved to the point where they became just mechanical. You see, the Bohrok are mechanical, but they have no evidence of ever being built. Marvah suggested they evolved from biomechanical beings to this current state.
4Now, how could have this happened? As you are right, no genes, no real way to explain it all.
5However, to evolve simply means to develop gradually from a simple to more complex form, hopefully becoming better in doing so. That is the plain definition, and has nothing to do with genes and reproduction.
6Here's one explanation: The Matoran rebuilt theirselves. That's a way to show how Bionicle creatures could possibly go from a simple to more complex state.
7Just throwing out ideas

10EDITSIES: Quotes fixed...
1Hey, Greg. I was just wondering if the Mahri Nui Matoran could survive on land and, if not, what prevents them from doing so.
3Yes, they can. But they don't remember Voya Nui is up there, and the only other surface island we know about, Mata Nui, is miles and miles away, so they have no way to reach it or to know it exists.
1Don't forget the "rapid evolution" that took place on Mata Nui, resulting in the massive jungle that exists there now. It happened because of EP, which is the source of much change in Bionicle. Who knows? Maybe the Barraki were around some EP, and figuring they were going to die anyway they took the chance of mutating themselves?
1Got some good answers here - including a new Atlas tidbit:
21. Makuta appeared to offer Vakama full membership in the Brotherhood near the end of Legends of Metru Nui. But now we know that all members are of the same race. How would that work? Would he be turned into a Makuta, be the first non-Makuta member, just be a lieutenant, or what? 31) Had he accepted, he would have been an agent of the BOM, as Sidorak and Roodaka were.
42. The Dark Hunters guide says Amphibax is in the seas around Voya Nui. Does he know of Mahri Nui and what's happening down there? If he does, has he gotten involved somehow, or just observed? 52) Since his job was to observe the Piraka, he probably has not done a lot of subsea exploring.
63. What about Conjuror; he fell comatose from absorbing a Makuta's power. Did the fact that Makuta are actually made of energy have any kind of effect on this? 73) Had more to do with a Makuta's power level -- it was sort of like running 220 current through a 120 line.
84. Did the Brotherhood create the Bohrok? The Brotherhood's purpose is creating specialized life forms, and I think it was they who put in the Exo-Toa safeguards... 94) Mmmmmm .... I would say ... they created some things associated with the Bohrok, like the canisters they sleep in. They did not directly create the Bohrok.
105. We know the Barraki work together now, but did their armies fight each other before they were banished? I'd think they would've clashed over territory or something like that. 115) No, not really. The Barraki were nothing if not efficient, and inter-mural warfare is not efficient.
126. How does Sidorak compare to the Barraki? He seems to have the armies and conquests enough to call himself a "warlord" (and he also seems the kind of guy who would have enjoyed having a title like that). 136) Sidorak was not a bad tactical thinker, but he was also cautious by nature. He wasn't a huge risk-taker, and of course he was blind to Roodaka's planning. The Barraki will take big risks if they feel they are warranted, and would have had Roodaka executed in about three seconds.
147. Just checking because the original source is no longer available - the leaders of the Great Disruption were Matoran, and they were sent to the Pit, right? 157) Yes
168. Are the Matoran of Metru Nui still on strike since Jaller left? 178) No
189. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 199) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
1Well said *claps*. Evolution, as I see it, is really a concept that cannot exist in the Bionicle universe as there is no biological reproduction and therefore no developing of genetic code over time through many generations. I blame Pokemon for obscuring the scientific definition of evolution.
2Well it very well may. Remember in the encyc, as per the Bohrok entry.
3Marvah suggested that the Bohrok evolved to the point where they became just mechanical. You see, the Bohrok are mechanical, but they have no evidence of ever being built. Marvah suggested they evolved from biomechanical beings to this current state.
4Now, how could have this happened? As you are right, no genes, no real way to explain it all.
5However, to evolve simply means to develop gradually from a simple to more complex form, hopefully becoming better in doing so. That is the plain definition, and has nothing to do with genes and reproduction.
6Here's one explanation: The Matoran rebuilt theirselves. That's a way to show how Bionicle creatures could possibly go from a simple to more complex state.
7Just throwing out ideas8*whistles*
10EDITSIES: Quotes fixed...
11First off Evolution is a theory not a fact. And notice Mavrah "Suggested" which means whatever he said could be possible but in the long run we will never know. Unless Greg says other wise. Also you left one bit of Evolution out. Almost every single living thing on earth adapts in some shape or form. Adapting is making minor changes to suite your enviroment better. So if something spends a thousand or a millions years making minor changes they can quite possibly become something entirely different. And who knows maybe evolution was a theory in Bionicle just as it is in our world and Mavrah believed it. I also agree with the others. Evolution cannot exist in Bionicle for obvious reasons. But creatures in Bionicle can make sudden changes to their appearances manually or with assistance from others.
19. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 29) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
3Thank you for asking so nicley

1its funny why he didnt answer my question on why the barraki look how they are and wouldnt answer is it was something to do with the MOLi i wonder
hhhmmmm 2[/QUOTE]
3Perhaps he forgot to. From what we've gathered from Greg though, the Barraki trasformed over time and not from a curse. Look at what he did say: He said that not all of the Barraki have touched it, and the Kanohi Ignika only curses those who touch it who aren't destined to. It won't effect those who are in the company of the one who is cursed.

6yea but greg didnt say one of the barraki is cursed, when the question of the barraki and the moli curse was brought up before in a question. i think he said that the barraki will be cursed but they dont care so it could be or one of the barraki or all of them they could have argued and fought against each other, each of them at some point touching the mask

3Perhaps he forgot to. From what we've gathered from Greg though, the Barraki trasformed over time and not from a curse. Look at what he did say: He said that not all of the Barraki have touched it, and the Kanohi Ignika only curses those who touch it who aren't destined to. It won't effect those who are in the company of the one who is cursed.

6yea but greg didnt say one of the barraki is cursed, when the question of the barraki and the moli curse was brought up before in a question. i think he said that the barraki will be cursed but they dont care so it could be or one of the barraki or all of them they could have argued and fought against each other, each of them at some point touching the mask
19. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 29) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
3Thank you for asking so nicley4Zakaz Hmm 5Cool
6I would have guessed, seeing as Zakaz sounds like Zaktan...
1Since I am getting bombarded with questions about Pridak today, I am putting my answers here. I have no further info on this that I can share (in terms of storyline) or that I know about (in terms of set design) beyond what is listed here:
31) I was told in July by a set designer that he had suggested putting something resembling blood around Pridak's jaws. He said nothing about the substance on his tools being blood, so it is quite possible that is not what that is intended to be. I had no involvement in set design, set approval, violence policy discussions, etc., so I have no other info beyond this to offer.
51) Go back to BA #5 -- when the Toa Metru first come to Mata Nui, they remark on the fact that there are sea birds who look nothing like anything they have ever seen. That is because those birds are not bio-mechanical.
62) It has been stated a number of times on BZP that those birds and some of the plant life on Mata Nui are not made of protodermis.
73) Matoran were never meant to live on the surface. Think about it -- Mata Nui was never supposed to have anything living on it, and Voya Nui was never meant to be on the surface of that ocean.
84) Given that there is organic bird life, it only stands to reason there would be organic sea life as well, that would be likely to have blood. So no, BIONICLE bio-mechanical beings do not have blood, but purely organic beings not made of protodermis very well might.
9And in case you haven't guessed, this is a clue and a half to what's going on here since 2001.
11ME 12wait. not intended to live here. what was their destiny if it wasn't to live on mata-nui? is their some other force involved, or did they get lucky
13When Makuta attacked Metru Nui, Vakama had a vision telling him to take the Matoran through the light in the Great Barrier, and that led to the island of Mata Nui. Had Makuta not attacked Metru Nui, those Matoran would have lived the next thousand years there, rather than on the island of Mata Nui.
14This is why the Bahrag did not understand the problem with the Bohrok being loose on Mata Nui -- because no one was supposed to be living there, therefore the Bohrok should not have been a threat to any living thing.
16well you just hit 2 birds with one stone greg. i've always wonderd why the Bahrag thought they were doing the right thing
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I was just wondering if you could answer these questions
21. Does Vezon eat lava eels?
32. Are all the Barraki capable of hypnosis?
43. What could the 2007 matoran do with solidified air bubbles? Wouldn't they need the air to be in the form of a fluid in order to breath it?
54. Could a Toa of The Green control fabrics made from plants(cotton) and wood?
65. What will the Barraki want to do when they get the MoLi next year?
76. Will the Inika be sets next year?
85. Did the '07 matoran make the bubble around the underwater city?
9Thanks Greg
101) He might well absorb the energy from them, yes. 112) No 123) It's a weapon, Traitor. For a sea creature, air is toxic. 134) It's an interesting idea, but we have no proof cotton garments exist in BIONICLE, or even a cotton plant. 145) You'll find out when they get it 156) I can't discuss future set plans 167) Again, you'll find out when we start the story
1check out these ...
21:will we see anymore of the 2006 matoran? i really liked them
32:will we be seeing the shadowed one this year?
43:is mantax going to be a big brute like most black sets?
54:would lego possibly consider selling the bionicle books in the uk and ireland? i feel like im missing out on so much
65:what would the kardas dragons concussive force feel like and what degree of power would it be at?
76:what are dekars and defilaks fighting capabilities like?
8thank you for your time
91) Possibly toward the end of '07, not sure yet 102) No 113) I don't think so 124) BIONICLE books started selling in the UK this year, through Harper-Collins, including quite a few not available in the US. LEGO doesn't sell them, they are sold by Scholastic in the US and Harper-Collins in the UK. 135) It would hurt. A lot. Think about how it would feel to be close to an explosion. 146) Dekar is probably a better fighter than Defilak is
21:will we see anymore of the 2006 matoran? i really liked them
32:will we be seeing the shadowed one this year?
43:is mantax going to be a big brute like most black sets?
54:would lego possibly consider selling the bionicle books in the uk and ireland? i feel like im missing out on so much
65:what would the kardas dragons concussive force feel like and what degree of power would it be at?
76:what are dekars and defilaks fighting capabilities like?
8thank you for your time
91) Possibly toward the end of '07, not sure yet 102) No 113) I don't think so 124) BIONICLE books started selling in the UK this year, through Harper-Collins, including quite a few not available in the US. LEGO doesn't sell them, they are sold by Scholastic in the US and Harper-Collins in the UK. 135) It would hurt. A lot. Think about how it would feel to be close to an explosion. 146) Dekar is probably a better fighter than Defilak is
1well, i just got a set of awnsers from greg
17well after reading this we see that the makuta are not relativley much older than the toa olda, and that the bohroks are preparing for the waking of mata-nui
2hi mr. Farshtey i have some questions i was hoping you could awnser,
31. concerning the dark hunters guide, why is keetongu on the front and vahki on the back?
42. will the dark hunters play a further role in the story line?
53. does the bohroks cleaning of mata-nui (the island) have to do with the coming of the great spirit himself aka. mata-nui is resting somewere under mata-nui?
64. a. how many islands are on the bionicle planet? and b. how large is the planet 7(compared to some of our planets)?
85. will any toa teams include any of the non-basic elements?
96. concerning the BoM, does were the makuta all the same species and about how old are they?
10thank you in advance for taking the time to awnser these:
111) Cause Scholastic screwed up 122) I can't discuss future storyline 133) There is a connection between it and his waking up, though not a direct connection 144) Can't answer either of these 155) If you are talking as sets, that depends on the set designers. If they make a Toa in something other than the six basic colors, then he would be a different element. 166) They are all the same species and they are probably about 100,000 years old
17well after reading this we see that the makuta are not relativley much older than the toa olda, and that the bohroks are preparing for the waking of mata-nui
1More from GregF, but I guess I confused us both with my so called "theory":
2Seems that my curiousity just doesn't quit; I think I've made up a theory/question I just had to ask:
3About the Bohrok, seeing as how they are supposed to cleanse the island of Mata Nui, does that mean that absolutely NO mechanical life should be up on the surface of the planet (since there are organic birds on the surface and biomechanical birds inside the domes underneath) maybe because the organic and partially organic beings shouldn't be together for whatever reason (which is why they were destroying plant life on Mata Nui back in the day)? Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, but I had to ask if the two are supposed to be permanently separate from each other..
5I don't want to say yes or no because I am not sure I understand your theory. But in general -- no, nothing from within the domes should have been on the island of Mata Nui. And remember that most of the plant life on Mata Nui was made of protodermis, and it was being destroyed by the Bohrok along with the mountains and the rivers and everything else, to make the island barren -- not because it was considered to be organic life.
6Ic, but are the Bohrok doing this to prepare somthing for the island? Or is this particular island just supposed to be flatout barren?
7And how come organic life is above and "bionicles" in domes underground?
81) It's supposed to be barren. 92) That's for you guys to try and figure out. It's no fun if I give away all the mysteries.
10Hi again Mr. F, I've got a couple questions tonight:
111. Is it possible that we could someday see Takutanuva once again?
122. If Makuta can "possess" a spiritless body, is that what he will do in the case of battling Karzahni? 132b. Is there anything that you could say about this battle? Maybe what sparked this new rivalry(could it be that Makuta wants to be the strongest baddie around, or maybe Makuta attacks Karzahni in Antidermis form and takes over his body)?
14Thanks again.
161) Highly doubtful. I can't see any reason why Makuta would ever allow that to happen again. 172) Whose body did you have in mind? 182b) No, it's too early to discusss this part of the story.
19Well, I never really had anyone in mind, but culd you leave us a hint as to who/what's body Makuta uses, or if he gets his own?
21No, I can't
1Hi Greg, your comment about the only organic beings we know of beneath the planets surface being Krana and Kraata and the hybrid brought a question to mind. The Kraata come directly from the essence of Makuta. We know Makuta no longer has a physical body, but it energy within armor. And he can pull one of the only organic beings in their universe out of himself. 21. My first question is, was Makuta's body originally organic? 32. Could Makuta's species be the jealous species that hates the Matoran? 43. Also, I think I remember you saying that the Squid that come with the Barraki are not of this universe. Does that mean that they are organic, and from the surface world?
51) Not to my knowledge 62) No -- that species is a new one in the story you guys don't know of yet 73) Yes, they are organic, and they are native to the ocean around Voya Nui.
8I thought it was worth a shot.
1Got some good answers here - including a new Atlas tidbit:
21. Makuta appeared to offer Vakama full membership in the Brotherhood near the end of Legends of Metru Nui. But now we know that all members are of the same race. How would that work? Would he be turned into a Makuta, be the first non-Makuta member, just be a lieutenant, or what? 31) Had he accepted, he would have been an agent of the BOM, as Sidorak and Roodaka were.
42. The Dark Hunters guide says Amphibax is in the seas around Voya Nui. Does he know of Mahri Nui and what's happening down there? If he does, has he gotten involved somehow, or just observed? 52) Since his job was to observe the Piraka, he probably has not done a lot of subsea exploring.
63. What about Conjuror; he fell comatose from absorbing a Makuta's power. Did the fact that Makuta are actually made of energy have any kind of effect on this? 73) Had more to do with a Makuta's power level -- it was sort of like running 220 current through a 120 line.
84. Did the Brotherhood create the Bohrok? The Brotherhood's purpose is creating specialized life forms, and I think it was they who put in the Exo-Toa safeguards... 94) Mmmmmm .... I would say ... they created some things associated with the Bohrok, like the canisters they sleep in. They did not directly create the Bohrok.
105. We know the Barraki work together now, but did their armies fight each other before they were banished? I'd think they would've clashed over territory or something like that. 115) No, not really. The Barraki were nothing if not efficient, and inter-mural warfare is not efficient.
126. How does Sidorak compare to the Barraki? He seems to have the armies and conquests enough to call himself a "warlord" (and he also seems the kind of guy who would have enjoyed having a title like that). 136) Sidorak was not a bad tactical thinker, but he was also cautious by nature. He wasn't a huge risk-taker, and of course he was blind to Roodaka's planning. The Barraki will take big risks if they feel they are warranted, and would have had Roodaka executed in about three seconds.
147. Just checking because the original source is no longer available - the leaders of the Great Disruption were Matoran, and they were sent to the Pit, right? 157) Yes
168. Are the Matoran of Metru Nui still on strike since Jaller left? 178) No
189. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 199) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
20Is it me or does Zakaz sounda bit like Zaktan?