1Got some good answers here - including a new Atlas tidbit:
21. Makuta appeared to offer Vakama full membership in the Brotherhood near the end of Legends of Metru Nui. But now we know that all members are of the same race. How would that work? Would he be turned into a Makuta, be the first non-Makuta member, just be a lieutenant, or what? 31) Had he accepted, he would have been an agent of the BOM, as Sidorak and Roodaka were.
42. The Dark Hunters guide says Amphibax is in the seas around Voya Nui. Does he know of Mahri Nui and what's happening down there? If he does, has he gotten involved somehow, or just observed? 52) Since his job was to observe the Piraka, he probably has not done a lot of subsea exploring.
63. What about Conjuror; he fell comatose from absorbing a Makuta's power. Did the fact that Makuta are actually made of energy have any kind of effect on this? 73) Had more to do with a Makuta's power level -- it was sort of like running 220 current through a 120 line.
84. Did the Brotherhood create the Bohrok? The Brotherhood's purpose is creating specialized life forms, and I think it was they who put in the Exo-Toa safeguards... 94) Mmmmmm .... I would say ... they created some things associated with the Bohrok, like the canisters they sleep in. They did not directly create the Bohrok.
105. We know the Barraki work together now, but did their armies fight each other before they were banished? I'd think they would've clashed over territory or something like that. 115) No, not really. The Barraki were nothing if not efficient, and inter-mural warfare is not efficient.
126. How does Sidorak compare to the Barraki? He seems to have the armies and conquests enough to call himself a "warlord" (and he also seems the kind of guy who would have enjoyed having a title like that). 136) Sidorak was not a bad tactical thinker, but he was also cautious by nature. He wasn't a huge risk-taker, and of course he was blind to Roodaka's planning. The Barraki will take big risks if they feel they are warranted, and would have had Roodaka executed in about three seconds.
147. Just checking because the original source is no longer available - the leaders of the Great Disruption were Matoran, and they were sent to the Pit, right? 157) Yes
168. Are the Matoran of Metru Nui still on strike since Jaller left? 178) No
189. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 199) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
20Is it me or does Zakaz sounda bit like Zaktan?
21I'm sure it's just coincidence. Krekka sounds like Krahka, Krahkkan, and Krana, things just sound alike often. It's possible that Zak- and Kra- and the like are some kind of suffix, but we wouldn't know.
22Edit: My bad Aanchir, I haven't had grammar in quite a while now. Thankfully I'm already finished with my college english courses.
1Well said *claps*. Evolution, as I see it, is really a concept that cannot exist in the Bionicle universe as there is no biological reproduction and therefore no developing of genetic code over time through many generations. I blame Pokemon for obscuring the scientific definition of evolution.
2Well it very well may. Remember in the encyc, as per the Bohrok entry.
3Marvah suggested that the Bohrok evolved to the point where they became just mechanical. You see, the Bohrok are mechanical, but they have no evidence of ever being built. Marvah suggested they evolved from biomechanical beings to this current state.
4Now, how could have this happened? As you are right, no genes, no real way to explain it all.
5However, to evolve simply means to develop gradually from a simple to more complex form, hopefully becoming better in doing so. That is the plain definition, and has nothing to do with genes and reproduction.
6Here's one explanation: The Matoran rebuilt theirselves. That's a way to show how Bionicle creatures could possibly go from a simple to more complex state.
7Just throwing out ideas8*whistles*
10EDITSIES: Quotes fixed...
11First off Evolution is a theory not a fact. And notice Mavrah "Suggested" which means whatever he said could be possible but in the long run we will never know. Unless Greg says other wise. Also you left one bit of Evolution out. Almost every single living thing on earth adapts in some shape or form. Adapting is making minor changes to suite your enviroment better. So if something spends a thousand or a millions years making minor changes they can quite possibly become something entirely different. And who knows maybe evolution was a theory in Bionicle just as it is in our world and Mavrah believed it. I also agree with the others. Evolution cannot exist in Bionicle for obvious reasons. But creatures in Bionicle can make sudden changes to their appearances manually or with assistance from others.
12But what about the Brotherhood of Makuta? Greg actually said that they evolved beyond the point of needing physical bodies.
1Boo-yah: Evolution in BIONICLE: Now, this could be the start of several very interesting theories:
1Got some good answers here - including a new Atlas tidbit:
21. Makuta appeared to offer Vakama full membership in the Brotherhood near the end of Legends of Metru Nui. But now we know that all members are of the same race. How would that work? Would he be turned into a Makuta, be the first non-Makuta member, just be a lieutenant, or what? 31) Had he accepted, he would have been an agent of the BOM, as Sidorak and Roodaka were.
42. The Dark Hunters guide says Amphibax is in the seas around Voya Nui. Does he know of Mahri Nui and what's happening down there? If he does, has he gotten involved somehow, or just observed? 52) Since his job was to observe the Piraka, he probably has not done a lot of subsea exploring.
63. What about Conjuror; he fell comatose from absorbing a Makuta's power. Did the fact that Makuta are actually made of energy have any kind of effect on this? 73) Had more to do with a Makuta's power level -- it was sort of like running 220 current through a 120 line.
84. Did the Brotherhood create the Bohrok? The Brotherhood's purpose is creating specialized life forms, and I think it was they who put in the Exo-Toa safeguards... 94) Mmmmmm .... I would say ... they created some things associated with the Bohrok, like the canisters they sleep in. They did not directly create the Bohrok.
105. We know the Barraki work together now, but did their armies fight each other before they were banished? I'd think they would've clashed over territory or something like that. 115) No, not really. The Barraki were nothing if not efficient, and inter-mural warfare is not efficient.
126. How does Sidorak compare to the Barraki? He seems to have the armies and conquests enough to call himself a "warlord" (and he also seems the kind of guy who would have enjoyed having a title like that). 136) Sidorak was not a bad tactical thinker, but he was also cautious by nature. He wasn't a huge risk-taker, and of course he was blind to Roodaka's planning. The Barraki will take big risks if they feel they are warranted, and would have had Roodaka executed in about three seconds.
147. Just checking because the original source is no longer available - the leaders of the Great Disruption were Matoran, and they were sent to the Pit, right? 157) Yes
168. Are the Matoran of Metru Nui still on strike since Jaller left? 178) No
189. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 199) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
20Is it me or does Zakaz sounda bit like Zaktan?
21I'm sure it's just coincidence. Krekka sounds like Krahka, Krahkkan, and Krana, things just sound alike often. It's possible that Zak- and Kra- and the like are some kind of suffix, but we wouldn't know.
22I believe you mean prefix, and yes, it's a plausible theory that such prefixes exist. However, don't let other members start to assume that all words are formed from such prefixes--- after all, there aren't prefixes in all English words.
23- :vahi
1More coming at you:
2Hi Mr. F. I have questions regarding the Great Spirit this time around. Hope you can answer them:
31. Is MAta Nui himself, if you would, an actual, physical being? 41b. If so, is he organic or biomechanical?
52. Is Mata Nui the Spirit indirectly connected to plenty of islands? 62b. Could it be that to awaken him, these specific islands must be prepared in the right way for the Nuva to awaken him (i.e. Metru nui = Matoran must be there and working/Mata Nui = must be completely barren)?
73. What are Mata Nui's thoughts on Makuta's betrayal? 83b. Did even Mata Nui know this event would happen? 93c. Could you define their connections to each other, like why they are considered to be brothers?
104. Does Mata Nui have anyone that could rival the power that he himself contains? 114b. Who would you say had more complex plans: Mata Nui or Makuta?
12That's it for now I suppose, thanks in advance Mr. F:
141) Yes, he does have a physical form 151b) I cannot discuss that 162) I don't think it's as direct a connection as that 173) Well, he's not happy about it. 183b) Had he known for certain, he would have taken steps to prevent it. 193c) Because they essentially had the same job -- looking after the universe and overseeing the Matoran -- just at a different power level. 204) No, not that we know of in this story 214b) Makuta, definitely
1Hi Greg, I was hoping you could answer these.
21. Are matoran of light like ta-matoran, personality wise(make masks, enjoy lava surfing, etc.)?
32. What was the original purpose of the Mask of Light?
43. I noticed your topic about the contest coming up, you said this:
6Of all the people/places/things/objects that have been in the story or referred to in the story between 2001 and 2006 -- name which/who was the FIRST to be created by the Great Beings? And include why you chose your answer.
7When you say people/places/things/objects, could universe fit into the places category?
8You probably won't be able to answer any of these questions, but thanks anyway
91) No. 102) The purpose it eventually fulfilled -- to be worn by Toa of Light in the event one was needed to oppose the Brotherhood. 113) It can if you choose, but wouldn't a universe encompass all places, beings and things?
1Just some questions.
21. You mentioned Makuta trying to get Vakama to be a lieutenant. Was Roodaka's action a second attempt at this?
31b. If so, were all the Toa Hordika decided to be LT's once vakama reasoned with them?
42. Are the squids Rahi?
53. Does Pridak eat them?
64. I know the Wal-Mart description was wrong, but does Umbra's light-transformation come from the mask?
75. Will you evergive him spinner and vision powers?
86. Any news on the Zamor Promo?
97. What makes the squids so collectable?
108. Is there a Matoran word for Victory? I had a theory:
11Say the matoran word for victory was "Vuna" (HYPOTHETICAL). The Copper Mask, therefore, would be the Kanohi Vuna.
12would this be correct?
141) No, because Makuta's efforts took place after the events of Web of Shadows, not before. 152) In the eyes of Matoran, they are, because they aren't Matoran -- but they are also not bio-mechanical. 163) If he's hungry, yes 174) No 185) I don't plan to, no 196) Haven't heard anything. 207) I see them as more ammo refills than collectibles 218) No word that I know of
21. You mentioned Makuta trying to get Vakama to be a lieutenant. Was Roodaka's action a second attempt at this?
31b. If so, were all the Toa Hordika decided to be LT's once vakama reasoned with them?
42. Are the squids Rahi?
53. Does Pridak eat them?
64. I know the Wal-Mart description was wrong, but does Umbra's light-transformation come from the mask?
75. Will you evergive him spinner and vision powers?
86. Any news on the Zamor Promo?
97. What makes the squids so collectable?
108. Is there a Matoran word for Victory? I had a theory:
11Say the matoran word for victory was "Vuna" (HYPOTHETICAL). The Copper Mask, therefore, would be the Kanohi Vuna.
12would this be correct?
141) No, because Makuta's efforts took place after the events of Web of Shadows, not before. 152) In the eyes of Matoran, they are, because they aren't Matoran -- but they are also not bio-mechanical. 163) If he's hungry, yes 174) No 185) I don't plan to, no 196) Haven't heard anything. 207) I see them as more ammo refills than collectibles 218) No word that I know of
1Hi again, I just have a question regarding your last reply
22. What was the original purpose of the Mask of Light?
32) The purpose it eventually fulfilled -- to be worn by Toa of Light in the event one was needed to oppose the Brotherhood.
4Does that mean that who ever made the Mask of Light knew the Brotherhood would become evil?
5I also have two more questions, if you don't mind answering:
61.In your Bionicle Great Biengs Contest, one of the answers for question 2 says "The residents of Artakha", does that mean matoran, Artakha(being), or just anyone that might be residing there?
72. For question 3 in the contest, it says "ESSAY", how long does the essay need to be?
8Thanks Greg
91) No, not "knew" -- but the person who put the smoke alarm in your house doesn't KNOW there is going to be a fire. It's a precaution, same as the mask was.
101) You will have to decide that for yourself 112) Can be one sentence, if you wish
12So you can do one sentence if you wish
1That is really good info. I had always suspected that in a way, but now it has been fully confirmed. I wonder if we will ever meet organic beings. No wonder every biomechanical being originated from the domes...
2I don't understand how this is new news. I have quotes still in my inbox from a few years ago with that info in them, and I posted them on here. I just dont get how this is a revalation, we've known this for quite a while.
3I'm pretty sure it's new news that these organic beings are not made of protodermis.
12. If Makuta can "possess" a spiritless body, is that what he will do in the case of battling Karzahni? 22) Whose body did you have in mind?
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta? 4Khote
12. If Makuta can "possess" a spiritless body, is that what he will do in the case of battling Karzahni? 22) Whose body did you have in mind?
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta? 4Khote
5Woah, now that I think about it, that's pretty much the only explaination about the jailer, since Greg doesn't like to bring characters back from the dead.
1[quotename='Drakhan' date='Nov 15 2006 11:22 PM' post='3997523'
4you ROCK:

name='Drakhan' date='Nov 15 2006 @ 11:22 PM' post='3997523'
29. And because it's worth asking - you've told us which lands are in the Atlas, and you've told us the names of the lands. Besides the storyline locations, Artakha, and Karzahni; we also know Xia is Roodaka's homeland. Would you be willing to match another of the places to its name, please? 39) Because you asked so nicely, yes -- Zakaz is the home island of the Piraka's native species.
4you ROCK:

11ne) Did the matoran in Artakha have special/Important jobs? 21) I can't answer this
32wo) Was Karzahni ever sane? He seemed very out there in Dark dentiny... 42) Yes
53hree) After Nuparu and co. went in the Toa canisters, did the Re-Matoran build new one's? 63) No, he didn't have the tech there. The canisters were not built in Karzahni's realm, they were simply placed there.
74our) How exacly do you pronounce your name? 84) Farsh-tee
95ive) I heard you watch doctor who. Is this true? 105) Yes
116ix) Does the Red Star have some sort of Intelligence? 126) Can't answer it
137even) Is the red Star different from the other stars? 147) Well, normal stars can't shoot lightning bolts
32wo) Was Karzahni ever sane? He seemed very out there in Dark dentiny... 42) Yes
53hree) After Nuparu and co. went in the Toa canisters, did the Re-Matoran build new one's? 63) No, he didn't have the tech there. The canisters were not built in Karzahni's realm, they were simply placed there.
74our) How exacly do you pronounce your name? 84) Farsh-tee
95ive) I heard you watch doctor who. Is this true? 105) Yes
116ix) Does the Red Star have some sort of Intelligence? 126) Can't answer it
137even) Is the red Star different from the other stars? 147) Well, normal stars can't shoot lightning bolts
1i just noticed that the piraka's native species island is one of those names you can spell backwards and its the same(forgot the name for it). the bit about makuta possessing the dead jailor seems pretty plausible but if thats so then can makuta use his powers or are they limited to battling karzahni
1i just noticed that the piraka's native species island is one of those names you can spell backwards and its the same(forgot the name for it). the bit about makuta possessing the dead jailor seems pretty plausible but if thats so then can makuta use his powers or are they limited to battling karzahni
2It is called a palindrome.

3And Khote, I think you may have just figured out how the good old jailer is walking around again.
11. Will there ever be sets of the Hagah?
22. Will there be more recolors of existing masks we haven't seen before?
33. Will there ever be a Karzahni set?
44. Will there ever be a Mata Nui set?
55. Who is Sarda?
6Vezok's friend's... friend, you must PM GregF. He does not visit this topic.
7Hmm. Makuta possessing the jailor's body? Well. Unless the jailor's armor was destroyed, I don't see why it's not possible... But I doubt it. I tend to lean towards the jailor actually being alive.
1Some stuff on Great Beings
2Hi Greg, after reading Inferno, I have some questions on the Great Beings.
31. In the beginning of the book it says:4They took no notice of the newcomers, for that is how the two travelers wished it
5If a Great Being wants something, is that automatically how it is?
62. About how big would the average Great Being be?
73. Can Great Beings become evil, or are they above that?
84. Can they adjust their physical characteristics?
9Thanks in advance
101) When it comes to Matoran, yes 112) Can't answer it 123) Great Beings are capable of emotion, so yes, they can do good or evil acts, but no Great Being has ever been corrupted 134) Can't answer it
1QUOTE 2Message From Toa Seer
3I hope this message gets to Greg F. I've never sent a PM before so I have no clue what I'm doing. .Anyway I have a few Q to ask. Please respond when you get the chance.
41. What is & when is the next BIONICLE building contest?
52. Why did they not do a BIONICLE 4 movie this year?
63. What is the release date for BIONICLE 4?
74. Will the BIONICLE 4 movie have both the Piraka & the Barraki in it, or just one of them?
8From a true BIONICLE fan (or a B.U.F.F) (BIONICLE ULTIMENT FAN FREAK) and a true AMERICAN . to you...Please Respond.
9His Answers
101) Sorry, I can't give advance notice or info on building contests, it would be unfair to those people who aren't on BZPower to get the info. 112) Because the sales for B2 were not as good as B1, and the sales for B3 were not as good as B2 ... when you see that happening, there is no point in rushing out a B4. Fans had started taking the movies for granted, weren't excited anymore, and the sales of the movies reflected that. 123-4) No B4 is planned. Nothing is in development at this point.
13Thats 1.
14QUOTE 15Ok, Hears some good Q's that i must have answered.
161. If the Toa Inika don't transform, and their aren't any other toa, than what is a Toa Mahri. 17Do the Inika just chang their name or what? ?
18Toa Seer.
19Since the Mahri don't come out until next summer, I cannot discuss them. It's much too early
20Thats all, so far.
3I hope this message gets to Greg F. I've never sent a PM before so I have no clue what I'm doing. .Anyway I have a few Q to ask. Please respond when you get the chance.
41. What is & when is the next BIONICLE building contest?
52. Why did they not do a BIONICLE 4 movie this year?
63. What is the release date for BIONICLE 4?
74. Will the BIONICLE 4 movie have both the Piraka & the Barraki in it, or just one of them?
8From a true BIONICLE fan (or a B.U.F.F) (BIONICLE ULTIMENT FAN FREAK) and a true AMERICAN . to you...Please Respond.
9His Answers
101) Sorry, I can't give advance notice or info on building contests, it would be unfair to those people who aren't on BZPower to get the info. 112) Because the sales for B2 were not as good as B1, and the sales for B3 were not as good as B2 ... when you see that happening, there is no point in rushing out a B4. Fans had started taking the movies for granted, weren't excited anymore, and the sales of the movies reflected that. 123-4) No B4 is planned. Nothing is in development at this point.
13Thats 1.
14QUOTE 15Ok, Hears some good Q's that i must have answered.
161. If the Toa Inika don't transform, and their aren't any other toa, than what is a Toa Mahri. 17Do the Inika just chang their name or what? ?
18Toa Seer.
19Since the Mahri don't come out until next summer, I cannot discuss them. It's much too early
20Thats all, so far.
1Hey Greg, 2The jailer- that the Barakki apparently killed, is thought to be up and about again. But, you don't like to bring characters back to life. Did Makuta posess the body of the dead jailer?
3You'll find out in 2007, he doesn't show up in the story until summer
4I had to know now, Khote

1Just a few questions I had....
12I'll have to elaborate on the first question in a future PM to get it resolved since I wasn't really asking about the whereabouts of the Great Beings.
13It seems from the second answer that we have another subterranean biomechanical faction entering the fray.
14Lastly, it appears that the seperation of biomechanical/organic is not do to competitive evolution.
2Mr. Farshtey:
3I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me:
41. Is it possible that the "Time Slip" was executed by the Great Beings to erase any memory of a previous encounter (possibly even a violent one) between the purely organic creatures of the surface world and the protodermic biomechanical lifeforms of the subterranean domes?
52. Is it possible that the race which had the potential of being the Matoran (i.e. the dominant culture), but didn't, and therefore, hate the Matoran, is organic and from the surface world?
63. I speculate that the "separation" between the two "worlds" is necessary because the surface world eventually forces adaptation to a more organic way of life, while on the other hand, I protodermis alters organic life in such a way that it becomes biomechanical. In other words, I hypothesize that if the two worlds were to mix for an extended period of time then one will eventually be entirely consumed by the other.
7Thank you in advance for your time and answers.
91) No. By the time the time slip took place, the Great Beings were no longer in this universe. 102) No 113) I don't see that as happening, no
12I'll have to elaborate on the first question in a future PM to get it resolved since I wasn't really asking about the whereabouts of the Great Beings.
13It seems from the second answer that we have another subterranean biomechanical faction entering the fray.
14Lastly, it appears that the seperation of biomechanical/organic is not do to competitive evolution.
1Yha:keep with the nice questions while I cant pm him.( done it 11 times a week, way too much)
1Hello again Mr. Farshtey. Wonder if you can answer these questions:
21) Do the Barraki exhibit behaviour similar to their animal counter-part? - To some extent
32a) Will the Jailor for the Pit be a summer set? Does he have a name? - Yes
43) Do all prisoners of the pit get polyp/squid attached to them the moment they enter the pit or the squid just find them? - No
54a) One of the Barraki's power is hypnosis. Does it makes the target obey the command of that Barraki or only cause the target to enter a trance-like state? - You'll find this out in 2007
6Would you like to reveal which Barraki has that power? - You'll find this out in 2007
75) Are all the prisoners adapted to survive the watery pit such as developing gills etc? - See anwser to 4
86) Can Makuta, in antidermis form, survive underwater even for a short while? - Yes
97) Does Makuta have some control over his gaseous state like Zaktan does with his protodites? - Yes, it is kept intact by his willpower.
10Thanks in advance
12I asked Question 6 as there are theories around that Makuta posses the Jailor, who is in the sea. Can't wait for the Jailor to be release as a set and this shows he have a part to play in the story and not just a cameo.
1What is the Hand of Artahka??? And, Makuta can't possess the jailor, most likely, because he can't posses a dead body.
1A little bit of Hand of Artakha info here:
17And Turaga of Force, the Hand of Artakha was an organization that acted as the heroes of the Bionicle Universe before the Toa arrived. Shadow Stealer from the Dark Hunters guide was a member of the organization.

2I was hoping you could answer a few questions about the Hand of Artkaha for me. 31) Are the Hand of Artakha the fourth faction we've heard about? 42) Is the Hand of Artakha at all active anymore? 53) Do all Hand of Artakha members look similar, like Toa, or are the more diversified in appearence like the Order of Mata Nui, and the Dark Hunters? 64) When were Toa chosen over the Hand of Artakha in the Bionicle universe? 75) Why were the Hand of Artkha replaced? 86) Not Hand of Artakha related, but I've been wondering, is it possible for a Toa to learn to focus their elemental energy without needing the help of a Toa tool?
9Not sure if you'll be able to answer some of these, but I'm hoping you'll be able to answer at least a couple of them. Thanks for you time.![]()
111) No 122) No 133) More diversified 144) Long time ago 155) You'll find out in the Encyclopedia 166) Yes -- Vakama was able to hurl fire out of his hands when he was a Toa Metru.
17And Turaga of Force, the Hand of Artakha was an organization that acted as the heroes of the Bionicle Universe before the Toa arrived. Shadow Stealer from the Dark Hunters guide was a member of the organization.

1Nevermind, A Sah Shi beat me and proved me completely wrong. When did we find out about the Hand? I thought it was just a rumor.
1Me:What are the Barraki's polyp things officially called
2Him:In the US,they're squid.In Europe(where he lives)they're 3evidently calling them polyps. 4Me:They're just called squids?Nothing special like zamor 5squids
6Him:Since they are not native tho the domes of the Matoran, 7there is no reason they would have been given a BIONICLE 8name.They are native to the ocean.

1Mr. Farshtey:84) Takua and other things that needed to be done 95) Or the Order of Mata Nui did 106) No . If they were able to have lots of alliances, etc., then they wouldn't be so jealous.
2Just a few follow up questions to my previous ones:
34. Was the sole purpose of the "Time Slip" the relocation of Takua or was that merely a convenient time to undertake such a mission?
45. Am I correct in assuming that if the Great Beings were no longer in the universe that the Great Spirit Mata Nui executed the "Time Slip"?
56. Is the jealous new species the biomechanical faction with various alliances including the strategic military one with industrialized Xia's weaponry production?
6Again thank you in advance for your time and answers.
11So it appears that the Order of Mata Nui carried out the "Time Slip" specifically with Takua's relocation in mind, among other things. Now I am really beginning to wonder why it took six long months?
12Well one thing is for certain, 2007 is going to be by far the most intricate story line yet.
1A theory I've wanted to ask you about for some time- was Roodaka truly selling information to the Piraka for the Dark Hunters, or simply to play a part in Makuta's plan by planting the info Zaktan learned in his mind, thus getting him to go to Makuta's base and seek the Mask of Life? Or was she really just doing it for her own personal gain?
21) Personal gain
3Also, why aren't the '07 Matoran hunched over and disfigured like the Voya Nui Matoran? They came from Karzanhi too, didn't they?
42) That gets revealed in '07
6Just a coupla' things I'd been wondering.
1Hey Greg, 2The jailer- that the Barakki apparently killed, is thought to be up and about again. But, you don't like to bring characters back to life. Did Makuta posess the body of the dead jailer?
3You'll find out in 2007, he doesn't show up in the story until summer
4I had to know now, KhoteBut I guess we won't know for sure till then.
5Quotes from Greg:
6"Makuta is not possessing the jailer. Makuta cannot reanimate the dead."
7"Sorry, no, Nocturn is/was not the jailer, nor has he ever been dead.
9So, Makuta needs a living body with no spirit in it, and Nocturn is someone else. Hope this clears up the speculation.