1Haven't posted here in a while. More info on the jailer:
2I think Khote here may have figured out whose body Makuta uses:
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta?
4Could this be plausible Mr. F? Also, someone else said you dislike bringing back dead characters, and seeing as how the real jailer might not be himself and may be Makuta, can we assume Makuta uses this jailer's body to battle Karzahni?
6No, he is not in the jailer.
1Q: As you've seen, there's the theory on the seperation of organic and biomechanic life on the Bionicle planet. I brought up the concept of water, then realised that the Bionicle universe is different from our own. In what way though? Is it more of a fantasy world? Or a science-fiction? I mean this in the way of atomic structure, like would protodermis have a molecular stucture? Or is it more magical, for a lack of a better term. And would any of this be relevent to the seperation?
2A: Protodermis does have a molecular structure, yes. While I do think you could call this a science fantasy, I don't plan to introduce magic into the story. From a BIONICLE perspective, magic is just science you don't understand yet
3Q: But is a Bionicle molecular structure a different concept to us? I'm not asking how, I'm just curious as to how we should percieve this world. I understand it is very different from our own, but being me, I like to know how far I can go with understanding. I'm sure I'm correct in saying the audience here on BZP are both science-fiction and fantasy fans, so do you try to cater to both?
4A: The molecular structure doesn't really come up, simply because I do not allow Toa to use their powers on a molecular level. My stock answer to people is simply that they should not apply Earth science to BIONICLE. And I can't really say I try to cater to both groups -- what the story and the universe are was determined back when BIONICLE was first created, and before BZP existed, so I am just working within those parameters.
2A: Protodermis does have a molecular structure, yes. While I do think you could call this a science fantasy, I don't plan to introduce magic into the story. From a BIONICLE perspective, magic is just science you don't understand yet
3Q: But is a Bionicle molecular structure a different concept to us? I'm not asking how, I'm just curious as to how we should percieve this world. I understand it is very different from our own, but being me, I like to know how far I can go with understanding. I'm sure I'm correct in saying the audience here on BZP are both science-fiction and fantasy fans, so do you try to cater to both?
4A: The molecular structure doesn't really come up, simply because I do not allow Toa to use their powers on a molecular level. My stock answer to people is simply that they should not apply Earth science to BIONICLE. And I can't really say I try to cater to both groups -- what the story and the universe are was determined back when BIONICLE was first created, and before BZP existed, so I am just working within those parameters.
1Some questions I asked Greg.
21) If everyone loved transformations with Bionicle and they never thought it got old, could of it been possible for the Inika to be actually the Nuva transformed?
32) Are you nervous at meetings with the storyteam? Like you say think you have a really good idea and everyone likes it, but someone else comes up with something good, and it's up to everyone else to decide what happens. Does your heart start beating fast?
43) I don't get how the time slip happened. Did everyone know what was happening a day before the time slip? Like say someone discovered that Takua was really a matoran of light and Mata Nui quickly had to make a time slip. Could this be a reason why it happened?
54) When did the brother of Makuta evolve past the point of needing bodies?
65) How long would it take for Metru Nui to be fully rebuilt and up and running?
76) In the book "makuta's Revenge", the Bohrok said something about the " before time." What did they mean by that? If you can't answer would be kind enough to tell me if we will eventually find out what they meant by that?
87) Do you watch any Anime shows?
98) Has a Bionicle fan ever met you in a store or something?
109) Did you or the movie producers make up the stroy for the movies?
1110) How far are you in writing BL7?
1211) If I read all the books to follow the storyline, is it really that important to read the comics becuase I don't get them.
1312) Are you part of 2 storyteams, seeing how you also write about Exo-Force.
1413) Do you get happy or sad when your finished writing a book? Do ever wish that you could just keep writing more?
1514) How many books are planned for 2008?
1615) Do you owb every Bionicle book?
17That's all I have for now Greg. Thanks in advance.
181) Probably not. The Nuva need to be focused on waking up Mata Nui, so it makes more sense to have a different Toa team focused on saving his life. We didn't decide not bring the Nuva back this year because BZP doesn't like transformations. 192) No. I get nervous when I present an idea because people might not like it. If people do like it, what happens is they make suggestions to improve upon it, not replace it completely. 203) No. Had that happened, then the person who discovered that would have still remembered after the time slip. 214) Quite some time ago 225) Not too long, if everyone works at it 236) The before time refers to the time before the Great Cataclysm, when the island of Mata Nui was barren 247) No 258) Not sure I understand your question? I have probably been in LEGO aisles with a lot of BIONICLE fans, but they would have no idea it was me 269) I had no involvement with the movies. The producers and screenwriters worked with Bob Thompson, then head of the story team 2710) It's done 2811) No, books will tell you all you need to know. Where are you that you get the books, but not the comics? 2912) I am part of several 3013) I am usually ready to get on to the next one after wrestling with one for a few months 3114) I don't have a publishing schedule for '08. My assumption is three. 3215) Yes
1Good questions Nuva King, I hope we will learn about Sarda soon
1Haven't posted here in a while. More info on the jailer:
2I think Khote here may have figured out whose body Makuta uses:
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta?
4Could this be plausible Mr. F? Also, someone else said you dislike bringing back dead characters, and seeing as how the real jailer might not be himself and may be Makuta, can we assume Makuta uses this jailer's body to battle Karzahni?
6No, he is not in the jailer.
8You know, Greg said he was not IN the jailer. But maybe there are other ways to posess someone?

1I'm including a Legends #5 question here with the spoilery part removed. If you read it, you should be able to figure out what it was, though I doubt it's obvious to someone who hasn't read the book.
21. Is Axonn's mask called the Roden or the Rode? I could've sworn that "Roden" was a typo, but now that I've seen Bionicle Heroes use it... 31) I believe Rode is accurate -- software games are not canon, so I don't worry about them, but I will double check the story bible.
42. In Legends #5, something happened to the Piraka from [spoiler removed, but at the time they didn't notice and we weren't told what it was. Is it being saved for future storyline, or did I just miss something in the latter half of the book? 52) No, it hasn't been touched on yet, so you didn't miss anything.
1Haven't posted here in a while. More info on the jailer:
2I think Khote here may have figured out whose body Makuta uses:
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta?
4Could this be plausible Mr. F? Also, someone else said you dislike bringing back dead characters, and seeing as how the real jailer might not be himself and may be Makuta, can we assume Makuta uses this jailer's body to battle Karzahni?
6No, he is not in the jailer.
8You know, Greg said he was not IN the jailer. But maybe there are other ways to posess someone?![]()
9That's exactly what I was thinking. He never asked if Makuta was in the jailer, so why didn't Greg say, 'No, he does not possess the jailer' or 'he does not use the jailers body to battle Makuta.' Maybe he's not in the jailer himself, but in his armor or something?
1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2I have a personal theory about the Pit guardian. You said next year we would meet the guardian, and we would meet a member of the first group of Toa to be created. My theory is that the Pit guardian is that Toa, and his destiny was to guard the Pit. So he hasn't completed his destiny yet because he's still guarding it, and will until everything ends, I guess.
3Is my theory at all plausible?
4Thanks in advance,
6It's a good theory, but not correct, no.
1I've heard about this Pit jailer for some time...can someone give me the quote we first heard about him, please? I don't think I ever saw it. Thanks. 

1You don't really need a quote.The jailer is just a jailer of the pit killed by the Barraki
1Here is a quote, I was the one who got that answer from Greg (or I at least asked the same question): 213) No, there is no one there to torture them. There is a jailer, or at least there was -- the Barraki killed him a while back, though there are unconfirmed reports he is up and walking around again.
11. Is Axonn's mask called the Roden or the Rode? I could've sworn that "Roden" was a typo, but now that I've seen Bionicle Heroes use it... 21) I believe Rode is accurate -- software games are not canon, so I don't worry about them, but I will double check the story bible.
3Shop@Home says it the Roden also.
4Axonn wears the Kanohi Roden, the Great Mask of Truth, which can pierce any disguise and spot any deception.
11. i may be behind on this, but why does turaga Nuju have a speach impairment? 22. why would the matoran create a place where it looks like Hades? (karzahni) 33. why did the great beings make Karzahni such a lousy repair-men?
41) He doesn't. He chooses to speak as he does, feeling that if you are not willing to make the effort to understand him, you are not worth his time to talk to. 52) It didn't look completely like that when they built it -- it has deteriorated over 100,000 years. But since part of its function was to repair damaged Matoran, it would need hot forges to create mechanical parts. 63) The ability to create does not automatically equal the ability to create perfection.
7now i may be wrong but look very carefully at that last one
1Just some info on the jailor:
2dear greg 31.is it true that kardas is the biggest bionicle set because istood him next to botar and they look about the same size 42.will we see any sets that are are bigger than kardas in 2007 53.i had a theory that nocturn may be the jailer is this a good theory 64.will the jailor be a titan set in 07 75.does the jailor have any BIG relavence in 07 86. have you seen what the jailor looks like,if so does he look like you imagine him. 97.is nocturn going to be a titan set 10Thanks in advance
121) That's what the marketing people say 132) I doubt it 143) No 154) Yes 165) Yes 176) Yes, I have seen all the 2007 sets 187) Nocturn is a store-exclusive set
19So the jailor is a titan. can't wait.
11. Is Axonn's mask called the Roden or the Rode? I could've sworn that "Roden" was a typo, but now that I've seen Bionicle Heroes use it... 21) I believe Rode is accurate -- software games are not canon, so I don't worry about them, but I will double check the story bible.
3Shop@Home says it the Roden also.
4Axonn wears the Kanohi Roden, the Great Mask of Truth, which can pierce any disguise and spot any deception.
5S@H has been notorious for getting wrong info. Every single time I've seen Greg mention the mask he has said the Rode is the official name.
1S@H has been notorious for getting wrong info. Every single time I've seen Greg mention the mask he has said the Rode is the official name.
2I'd just like to add that S@H usually get their Bionicle info from old story bibles. Because of this, their info will be outdated and terribly inaccurate.
3For instance, I bet Roden is just an old story bible note, and the new one that Greg tells the public probably says Rode. For example, Axonn making lava balls from his hands was an old story bible fact, but as it's outdated, that point no longer rings true.
1Personal Message 2GregF Re:Barakki, Nov 19 2006, 07:43 AM
3QUOTE 4Can you tell me the estimated U.S (Taxes) release date for the Barraki???
5Toa Seer....
6I have heard January '07, though it would not surprise me greatly if they start showing up in Toys R Us in December.
7COOL ha...Toa Seer.

1My questions
8His reply
21. Is the Hand of Artahka the fourth faction
32. Does Mata Nui live on the surface
43. Was the time slip a cover up for a meeting with organic creatures
54. Are there any other ways to get to the surface other then by Metru Nui
65. Is Artahka (the place) on the surface
75b. If it is, is it over the realm of Krazarni
8His reply
91) No 102) Can't answer it 113) No 124) Yes 135) No
1Haven't posted here in a while. More info on the jailer:
2I think Khote here may have figured out whose body Makuta uses:
3Maybe the dead guard of the Pit? The jjailer that the Barraki killed? There are rumors that he is up and walking again, but can you assure that it's him inside the body, and not our Makuta?
4Could this be plausible Mr. F? Also, someone else said you dislike bringing back dead characters, and seeing as how the real jailer might not be himself and may be Makuta, can we assume Makuta uses this jailer's body to battle Karzahni?
6No, he is not in the jailer.
8You know, Greg said he was not IN the jailer. But maybe there are other ways to posess someone?![]()
9That's exactly what I was thinking. He never asked if Makuta was in the jailer, so why didn't Greg say, 'No, he does not possess the jailer' or 'he does not use the jailers body to battle Makuta.' Maybe he's not in the jailer himself, but in his armor or something?
10Yes yes: now people are getting my point: we need a ggood old pm to answer this question 11::::::

1Q: Hey again, this time I'd like to ask about the actual politics of Bionicle. Why, if Mata-Nui was sent down to keep order, is there so much conflict in the Bionicle universe? If it were just the Dark-Hunters and the BoM, it would make some sense, but I've heard about this civil conflict in Metru Nui. In fact, has it been revealed why they fought?
2A: Do you believe the presence of a strong leader automatically means that there will never be disruptions on his watch? If that were the case, there would be no rebellions or revolutions or mutinies in human history.
3Q: But this leader of theirs gave the Matoran virtues. If a civil war occured, they would have abandoned unity in some sense, and their duty to their city. Destiny I'm not too sure on, I don't know if it was an actual virtue givin to the Matoran at creation, then made aware of in the presense of Mata-Nui, or if there is some loop hole I'm not aware of. Anyway, why did Mata-Nui give such virtues when they had the choice to not obey them? I'm not saying it should be automatic, it should just make more sense that a peaceful being would be able to uphold more order.
4I'm probably asking too complex questions, so thanks for taking your time to try and answer them.
5A: No, you are asking good questions. But stop and think about what we have in our society -- we have laws, and holy scriptures of different religions, and moral codes dating back to ancient times that tell us things like "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others," etc. Yet we also have free will, and some people make the choice to ignore those laws and codes. If that were not the case, we wouldn't need police and jails and things like that.
6Now take the Matoran -- they do not "worship" Mata Nui, but they honor and respect him. That honor and respect mean nothing if they have no free will to CHOOSE to do that. And the only way they can have free will is if they also have the ability to choose to ignore the three virtues. The alternative, like it or not, is a society of robots.
8Q: So the concept of free will and choice adds to the human side of the characters, yes? And destiny in their world is also optional then? I mean, destiny is just the best term to describe it.
9Also, if destiny is something they are given at creation, how did Mata-Nui give them that virtue? Did he just make them aware of it? Or work in a fundamental of the Matoran into the universe?
10A: I don't know that I personally consider destiny a virtue, to be honest, though it is classed as one in the story -- I see destiny more as fate. Among humans, I do believe it is possible to have multiple destinies -- in the same way that you can get on a highway and go to Point A, or choose to exit at Point B and never reach Point A. Life will nudge you toward where you are supposed to go, but free will means you may choose not to go there. Among the Matoran, it seems to be a case of certain things being "hardwired" in, like who becomes a Toa and who does not, who can be transformed by EP and who cannot.
2A: Do you believe the presence of a strong leader automatically means that there will never be disruptions on his watch? If that were the case, there would be no rebellions or revolutions or mutinies in human history.
3Q: But this leader of theirs gave the Matoran virtues. If a civil war occured, they would have abandoned unity in some sense, and their duty to their city. Destiny I'm not too sure on, I don't know if it was an actual virtue givin to the Matoran at creation, then made aware of in the presense of Mata-Nui, or if there is some loop hole I'm not aware of. Anyway, why did Mata-Nui give such virtues when they had the choice to not obey them? I'm not saying it should be automatic, it should just make more sense that a peaceful being would be able to uphold more order.
4I'm probably asking too complex questions, so thanks for taking your time to try and answer them.
5A: No, you are asking good questions. But stop and think about what we have in our society -- we have laws, and holy scriptures of different religions, and moral codes dating back to ancient times that tell us things like "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others," etc. Yet we also have free will, and some people make the choice to ignore those laws and codes. If that were not the case, we wouldn't need police and jails and things like that.
6Now take the Matoran -- they do not "worship" Mata Nui, but they honor and respect him. That honor and respect mean nothing if they have no free will to CHOOSE to do that. And the only way they can have free will is if they also have the ability to choose to ignore the three virtues. The alternative, like it or not, is a society of robots.
8Q: So the concept of free will and choice adds to the human side of the characters, yes? And destiny in their world is also optional then? I mean, destiny is just the best term to describe it.
9Also, if destiny is something they are given at creation, how did Mata-Nui give them that virtue? Did he just make them aware of it? Or work in a fundamental of the Matoran into the universe?
10A: I don't know that I personally consider destiny a virtue, to be honest, though it is classed as one in the story -- I see destiny more as fate. Among humans, I do believe it is possible to have multiple destinies -- in the same way that you can get on a highway and go to Point A, or choose to exit at Point B and never reach Point A. Life will nudge you toward where you are supposed to go, but free will means you may choose not to go there. Among the Matoran, it seems to be a case of certain things being "hardwired" in, like who becomes a Toa and who does not, who can be transformed by EP and who cannot.
1Its true what Greg said. Look at Nidhiki- He was a TOA and chose to betray the others and his duties for a CHANCE to survive the conflict between the Dark Hunters and Metru Nui.
1I was just asking why isn't there order as we know it in our world, and basically how destiny works. I guess it is like what we know, that we have the choice to live by our own rules, and that fate gives us hints as to what we should do. That's always been my belief, and it's great to see it implemented in my favourite story

11. Is it okay to post Comic 5 info. in spoiler tags? 21) Yes
53. Do you think Vezon will remain the guardian of the Mask after it is put back by the Inika? 63) I tend to doubt it
74. Has Mata Nui been in the same place since he was created? Because you said the only ones who know where he is are the Great Beings, and they don't even know that he's dying. 84) Essentially, yes
95. Does the Order have a good idea of where he is? 105) Yes
116. Which book are you currently working on? 126) BIONICLE Encyclopedia Vol. 2
13Question #2 contains a Comic 5 spoiler.

4No way.My TRU closed down.Let it be Walmart. 3please be in TRU, please be in TRU...1can you tell me that nocturn is a bionicle set? (cause some say he's exo force)2Yes, a store-exclusive 2007 BIONICLE set
5Based upon the fact that the only place that Set 8935 has been found so far is on Amazon, coupled with the fact that in March 2006 a judge legally severed Toys "R" Us' relationship with Amazon, I think it's safe to assume that Nocturn will not be a TRU Exclusive.
1Hi Greg,
21) Do the Barraki have nicknames like the Piraka do?
32) Are the "Toa Mahri" new Toa, or something else?
43) Is the stuff around Pridak's mouth blood, or something else?
6Zumoro, first off, welcome to BZP. Greg does not actually come to this topic to answer questions. You must PM him and then post a quote of his reply.
1Hi Greg,
21) Do the Barraki have nicknames like the Piraka do?
32) Are the "Toa Mahri" new Toa, or something else?
43) Is the stuff around Pridak's mouth blood, or something else?
6you need to pm greg to ask questions.
7toa mahri are the new toa this year.
8and barraki is warlords for matoran, if thats what you were asking.
9that red around pridaks mouth is not blood.
6Zumoro:1Hi Greg,
21) Do the Barraki have nicknames like the Piraka do?
32) Are the "Toa Mahri" new Toa, or something else?
43) Is the stuff around Pridak's mouth blood, or something else?
7Mr. Farshtey rarely, if ever, reads this topic. You have to PM him to get answers to your questions.
9P.S. I believe most likely your first two questions will be answered "you'll find out in 2007", but the third answer is yes, it is blood. If you don't think it's blood, just see this topic.
1Hi Greg,
21) Do the Barraki have nicknames like the Piraka do?
32) Are the "Toa Mahri" new Toa, or something else?
43) Is the stuff around Pridak's mouth blood, or something else?
6you need to pm greg to ask questions.
7toa mahri are the new toa this year.
8and barraki is warlords for matoran, if thats what you were asking.
9that red around pridaks mouth is not blood.
10Wait wait wait a minute there.The red around Pridak is blood
1Hi Greg I was thinking about the Barraki when I come up with these:
21.-Is Takadox "she" or "he"?
32.-What are the things that you like the most of the Barraki?
43.- Could you please give any Bionicle Legends#6 quote? (any quote, I don´t care of who)
5thanks Greg, have a nice day
61) He 72) Given that it's 6:30 in the morning, I don't really have the presence of mind to analyze their characters right now 83) No
92.-What are the things that you like the most of the Barraki?
102) Given that it's 6:30 in the morning, I don't really have the presence of mind to analyze their characters right now
111.- So, if you like, please answer it when you can2.-Until which book will we see the Toa Mahri? 123.-Do them show up in the Atlas?, the 2nd Encyclopedia? 134.-Any possibility that you could give a Barraki quote?
14Thanks for these Greg![]()
15Mahri don't show up until Bionicle Legends #7 next summer 16The Mahri will be in the Encyclopedia, they will not be in the Atlas 17No, I have no time to go quote searching
18More soon...

11: In a commercial for the Piraka Fortress, it said that the fortress is alive. Is this true?
22: Will we see Vezon again?
33: Will there be an ACTUAL collectible next year?
44: How tall would the Kardas Dragon be in real life?
55: Is the simalarity between Zakaz and Zaktan a coincidence?
71) Not that I know of 82) Possibly 93) Nope, just the squids. Our focus groups tend to get all excited about the weaponry and want more ammo. 104) No idea 115) Yes
12:crybaby: NOOOOO:: Fist the end of brown, now the end of collectibles? Hopefully, the 2007 sets will have something to at least BARELY make up for it:
11: In a commercial for the Piraka Fortress, it said that the fortress is alive. Is this true?
22: Will we see Vezon again?
33: Will there be an ACTUAL collectible next year?
44: How tall would the Kardas Dragon be in real life?
55: Is the simalarity between Zakaz and Zaktan a coincidence?
71) Not that I know of 82) Possibly 93) Nope, just the squids. Our focus groups tend to get all excited about the weaponry and want more ammo. 104) No idea 115) Yes
12:crybaby: NOOOOO:: Fist the end of brown, now the end of collectibles? Hopefully, the 2007 sets will have something to at least BARELY make up for it:
14Dunno why this is a surprise, we haven't had collectibles since 2005.
15Anyway, I believe the bit about the Piraka Fortress being alive is an allusion to what the powered-up Thok does in BL3, bringing the entire fortress to life to hold the Piraka and Inika.