11) If there's a Mask of Time, is there a Mask of Space? Because it would logical to have one. 2Not as yet there isn't, no. There wasn't even a Mask of Time until 1000 years ago
32) What is the Barraki's curse? Is it blinding light? 4No. Remember, the only Barraki who will get cursed is the one who touched it -- not all of them -- and the light is not a manifestation of a curse
5You were right about the previous part THOA, so maybe Karzahni will be a set:

1hi greg
2ive got few questions on mantax and the Zyglak
31) mantax has a tentacle as an electrical conductor which tentacle is this the one on his back or the two on his head? 41) On his back
51a) what would happen to mantax if his conductor was struck with electricity would he become stronger or harness the power as a wepon like ehlek uses his spines to zap enemies? 61a) No, he is simply protected from electrical attack
72) Mantax is searching the pit, could he be looking for ehleks breathing apparatus that way he'd be able to breath air and leave his comrads to suffer in the pit ? 82) No, he knows Ehlek's breathing apparatus got destroyed
93) The Zyglak could this be the species that hates the matoran, that could have replaced them or are they rahi of some kind ? 103) You'll find out in the spring
11Thank you
12Interesting it looks like the Zglak could be the species thats hates the matoran, and could have replaced them or they could be simple rahi
1well, isn't the Zyglak a combiner from takadox, pridak, and kalmah? and if its taller than a Toa then that means if it is the species that hates Matoran then it is gonna be a big combiner.
3The combiner dosent neccisarly have to be bigger than a toa. Remember that Jovan was a combiner of Hewkii, Hahli and Naparu inika but it remained the same size as a toa.
1I, myself, think that the zyglak will be nocturn sized, but thats just me:

1well, isn't the Zyglak a combiner from takadox, pridak, and kalmah? and if its taller than a Toa then that means if it is the species that hates Matoran then it is gonna be a big combiner.
3The combiner doesn't necessarily have to be bigger than a toa. Remember that Jovan was a combiner of Hewkii, Hahli and Nuparu inika but it remained the same size as a toa.
4It was stated that the Zyglak, in the story, is bigger then a Toa.
1well, isn't the Zyglak a combiner from takadox, pridak, and kalmah? and if its taller than a Toa then that means if it is the species that hates Matoran then it is gonna be a big combiner.
3The combiner doesn't necessarily have to be bigger than a toa. Remember that Jovan was a combiner of Hewkii, Hahli and Nuparu inika but it remained the same size as a toa.
4It was stated that the Zyglak, in the story, is bigger then a Toa.
5What story? Anyways, I got my PM replyed:

6Um, hi Mr. Farshtey. I sent you a PM 2 weeks ago and you didn't reply. so here are the questions:
71. Can you name the Barraki from strongest to weakest? 82. Which is the fastest Barraki? 93. Does Artahka and Karzani have the same power level? 104. How does the Barraki control their armies? 115. Ehlek has protosteel claws, yet can't break BoM armor because he's weak correct? 126. Is Pridak's teeth a racial trait? 137. If the BoM paid attention to the war, about how long would it take to completely crush the Dark Hunters? 148. Kalmah's tentacle acts as a whip in battle correct? 159. What is the use for the tentacles in Mantax's arms? 1610. Is Carapar's armor able to be penatraited by Ehlek and Pridak? 1710a. Are there any other Barraki that could do that?
191) Carapar is strongest, Takadox is physically weakest 202) Probably Pridak 213) Roughly, yes 224) Same way a lion controls its pride. The other creatures sense who the alpha male is and follow him 235) Wrong 246) No, they are the result of his mutation 257) Depends on if the DH went guerilla and struck from hiding. If they melt into the various islands and cities, it would be very hard to root them all out. 268) It can 279) I don't have the set, so I'm not familiar with them 2810) By Ehlek's electrical attack, yes, and Pridak's teeth would do damage but Carapar would probably knock him out before he could do too much. 2910a) No
1well, isn't the Zyglak a combiner from takadox, pridak, and kalmah? and if its taller than a Toa then that means if it is the species that hates Matoran then it is gonna be a big combiner.
3The combiner doesn't necessarily have to be bigger than a toa. Remember that Jovan was a combiner of Hewkii, Hahli and Nuparu inika but it remained the same size as a toa.
4It was stated that the Zyglak, in the story, is bigger then a Toa.
5It was also stated that the "Failed Matoran" species is bigger than a Toa...
1Wouldn't the zyglak be as big as the Pit war tortise?
1Not necessarily -- it depends on how many pieces are used and the way they're used in the construction -- Jovan wasn't near the size of a Pit War Tortoise, and the sets that made him were larger than the Barraki.
1It depends what u are talkin about. Some sets are bigger in sets but are smaller in storylines. 

1Not necessarily -- it depends on how many pieces are used and the way they're used in the construction -- Jovan wasn't near the size of a Pit War Tortoise, and the sets that made him were larger than the Barraki.
2Keep in mind, you can't really have a Kaita-sized Toa. All other combo models were big compared to the sets they were made of. Jovan was meant to be a Toa, not a huge hulking combo model. With the exception of the bulked-Inika-style Jovan, all combo models were relatively close to the combined size of the sets used to construct them.
1i asked him about if or when the mask of life would be relesed he said 2008 if at all
1I haven't posted here in a while, but just because I haven't doesn't mean that I haven't had some PMs from Greg pile up, so here they are:

2Hi Greg, how's it going?
3I haven't had many questions lately, but I just got BL6 yesterday and figured I should ask you a few questions (and on a side note, this PM will not be shared/posted until March).
41) Is Sarda still alive (I know that he is assumed to be dead, but the book never said if he was alive or not) after Pridak threw him out of the air bubble and into the ocean?
52) Are all of the Matoran who have touched the Ignika cursed still, or does the curse pass away as it is transferred to another being?
63) If the Ignika realized that the water was damaging it, why did it not simply rise back to the surface, let Matoro touch it again and transfer its knowledge to him as far as where and how it had to be used?
74) Will there be any other Matoran sets this year aside from Sarda and Idris?
85) Will there be a Karzahni set this year (I swear to you that if you answer this question, I will delete this PM right away and I won't even mention a thing about it until someone goes to Amazon or something like that and discovers that there will be/will not be a Karzahni set)?
96) In OGD, I've seen you say that the Inika are immune to Mahri Nui's waters and that the aren't. Which is it?
10Thanks so much for your time Greg.
111) Time will tell. 122) Passes once it is transferred 133) By the time it realized it, it was too late 144) Not that I know of 155) I can't discuss future set plans 166) I never said they were immune. What I said was that they would not be affected by it. I am not immune to fire, but if I never put my hand in a flame, or only doing it wearing an asbestos glove, I will never be affected by it.
17Hi Greg, it's been quite a while (since before I became a staffer). I've got 2 questions for you today that I hope you can answer:
181) Have any of the Toa that we know had any part in the BOM/Exo-Toa/Toa/Rahkshi/Rahi army that brought down the Barraki's armies in BL6?
192) In OGD, I saw that you said the Toa Nuva know quite a bit about the BOM. I take it that Botar told them this. Am I correct?
202.a) If so, what exactly did he tell them?
21That's it for now. I promise that I won't post these until the BL6 No-Spoiler period is over. Thanks in advance Greg.
22- Toa Lhikan Hordika
231) Only possibility might be Dume if he was active then 242) I am sure he told them something, but remember, the Toa Nuva have been around 100,000 years, not of all which was spent in canisters.
252) Yeah, but didn't they get some form of amnesia from being in the canisters for 1000 years?
26I'm sure they knew quite a bit about the BOM and many other things before they were put in the canisters. I mean they probably had to know who their enemies were seeing what their mission is.
273) Wait, the Toa Nuva have been around since the BIONICLE world was new (100,000 years)? I thought it was 95,000 years.
28Thanks again Greg.
29- Toa Lhikan Hordika
302) Initially, yes, but we don't know that it was permanent. And even if it wasn't, the Turaga knew who Makuta was and it is reasonable to assume they knew the Brotherhood existed, since that was never a secret.
313) I would have to check the timeline, but 95,000 years is still a really long time.
32Thanks a million Greg. I hope you don't mind answering these last few more things pertaining to question 2:
332) Are you confirming that the Toa Nuva have regained some of their former memories?
342.1) If so, how exactly? Was it just a matter of time?
352.2) So when exactly were the Turaga able to give the Toa Nuva info on the BOM since they only recently told them the tales of Metru Nui?
36Thanks for your time Greg.
37- Toa Lhikan Hordika
382) No, just speculating 392.2) There was plenty of time for that -- either during the time they were telling the Metru Nui tales or on the journey back to Metru Nui or in the days immediately following their arrival there before the Toa Nuva left.
40Hey Greg. I just had one question for you today that I'm hoping you know the answer to.
41In the 2nd Toa Hordika flash movie with Onewa, he is attacked by a purple, tentacled creature right after he grabs a piece of the Makoki stone. Do you know the name of this Rahi?
42Thanks in advance Greg.
43- Toa Lhikan Hordika
44Nope, I didn't give it a name. Given how much names cost to clear through Legal, they tend to be reserved for things that are going to play a larger role in the story.

11) If there's a Mask of Time, is there a Mask of Space? Because it would logical to have one. 2Not as yet there isn't, no. There wasn't even a Mask of Time until 1000 years ago
32) What is the Barraki's curse? Is it blinding light? 4No. Remember, the only Barraki who will get cursed is the one who touched it -- not all of them -- and the light is not a manifestation of a curse
5You were right about the previous part THOA, so maybe Karzahni will be a set:And the Mask of Time is formed by combining the 6 legendary Kanoka disks wich formed the Kanoka disk of Time from wich Vakama made the Mask of Time.
6Thank you someone agrees with me:
11. In L4 It was like 150 years ago when zaktan giv info to roodaka. But the visorak battle in metru nui was like 1000 years ago. So was roodaka killed ? or did she survive?
22. in Adv. 10 It said vakama saw six rahaga and turaga dume coming to greet them. In L1 L2 and the rest, there is no rahaga at all. Why?
33. Will we see the piraka again?
51) As stated in LEGO Magazine in 2005, she did survive and was working both sides of the war 62) Because the Rahaga only occasionally visit Metru Nui. They aren't needed there for anything. 73) Too soon to tell
8kewl. How did she survive?
9Makuta saved her
10there u go. makuta saved roodaka.
11hi again
121. why is it that the mask of life that comes with vezon and fen/kardas different from the one on the movie and the game?
131a. which one is the right one?
142. when leriska lost the toa darkhunter war, was that how she lost an arm?
153. why isnt there a white or a black matoran this year?
164. 2008 is the last year of the mask of life story right?
175. is brutaka in 2008?
185a. if it is too early to tell, when is it not?
19thanks your awsome
201a) There is no "right" one -- like life itself, the mask can take many forms 212) No 223) Because the set designers chose not to make one 234) Yes, that's the plan 245) Can't answer it 256) You'll know if he will be in the story or not when and if he shows up
26I thought the mask was just a mask that thinks and feels....oh well. so brutaka might be in 2008. Maybee that is when the toa nuva and/or the toa inika become turaga cus they complete their destinys.

22. in Adv. 10 It said vakama saw six rahaga and turaga dume coming to greet them. In L1 L2 and the rest, there is no rahaga at all. Why?
33. Will we see the piraka again?
51) As stated in LEGO Magazine in 2005, she did survive and was working both sides of the war 62) Because the Rahaga only occasionally visit Metru Nui. They aren't needed there for anything. 73) Too soon to tell
8kewl. How did she survive?
9Makuta saved her
10there u go. makuta saved roodaka.

11hi again
121. why is it that the mask of life that comes with vezon and fen/kardas different from the one on the movie and the game?
131a. which one is the right one?
142. when leriska lost the toa darkhunter war, was that how she lost an arm?
153. why isnt there a white or a black matoran this year?
164. 2008 is the last year of the mask of life story right?
175. is brutaka in 2008?
185a. if it is too early to tell, when is it not?
19thanks your awsome
201a) There is no "right" one -- like life itself, the mask can take many forms 212) No 223) Because the set designers chose not to make one 234) Yes, that's the plan 245) Can't answer it 256) You'll know if he will be in the story or not when and if he shows up
26I thought the mask was just a mask that thinks and feels....oh well. so brutaka might be in 2008. Maybee that is when the toa nuva and/or the toa inika become turaga cus they complete their destinys.

1"3. why isnt there a white or a black matoran this year?" 2Hey, maybe this will help; 33. I'm not sure if you have this info, but if so; Are box set sales going down? ('cause there was only four this 'season') 4A. I'm not sure where you are getting your info from -- in 2005, we had Roodaka, Keetongu, and Sidorak, plus store exclusives and play sets. In 2007, we have Hydraxon, Maxilos, and Gadunka, plus store exclusives and play sets. 53. By Box sets I meant Matoran and the like. 6A. Ah, I see. We wanted to see if their sales would go up if there were fewer of them. They are meant as impulse buys, so we don't count on them for a lot of revenue to start with.
7As for the Inika turning into Turaga, hwo knows how soon they will transform, the Mata/Nuva have been around ever since '01.
7As for the Inika turning into Turaga, hwo knows how soon they will transform, the Mata/Nuva have been around ever since '01.
1hi greg: some stuff for you.
21: are you going to have a dark hunter war for metru nui some point, with dweller battleing takanuva?
32: since there is a pic. of karzanni in the atlas, is there a pick of: his land? atahka?(the being and the place)
43: could the zyglak be the species that could have replaced the matoran?
54: will the first toa thats going to be a set be in any of the books or comics?
65: is the thing mantax is searching for in the old pit very important?
76: when can you tell us how the hydraxon was reserected?
91) Depends on if I have room in the story for that 102) There is a pic of his land and there is a pic of the island of Artakha, but not Artakha himself 113) You'll find out in a couple weeks 124) At this point, I am leaning toward no, I think he is going to be web-only unless I am told he has to appear in comics. 135) Yes, to him 146) Oh, you'll find that out in Book 7. It's made very clear
15Nothin new. Darn.
1New to me. It's strange, Greg has told me eirlier that comics and books are to promote sets, so Q4 is odd.
2"9. What is the use for the tentacles in Mantax's arms?" 3Oh, that's just armpit hair... JK
41. Do all Makutas wear Kanohis of shadow? 5A. Can't answer it
62. What state do you live in? 7A. CT
83. Could you say if you think there will be a BIONICLE movie 4? 9A. I hope there will be, but it's not something I can say yes or no to -- it depends on if there is a studio interested, etc., so impossible to predict
104. The Barraki can use Kanohi right? Storyline-wise that is. 11A. They could if they chose to, they just don't
125. I know not to take the Barraki movie literally because it was a vision, but at the end, do you know who's tentacle that was? Kalmah, Nocturn or other? 13A. Might have just been a Rahi
146. Is there any way to get that special BIONICLE comic 1, the one that looks kind of like Sayger's work on the cover? 15A. Do you mean the special edition comic from Comic-Con 2003? 166. Yes 17A. Okay. Since that was four years ago, I doubt we still have any -- your best bet would be eBay
187. How many Hydruka are there in Mahri Nui? 19A. Oh, probably 100 or so
208. Are Hydruka only found on Mahri Nui? 21A. It's possible there are some other places
229. Can you say how many books will be in the 'Legends' series? Worth a try. 23A. I wish I knew -- I believe Legends will run through 2008 as the umbrella title, but I don't know how many books Scholastic is scheduling for 2008 yet. 249. Sorry, I don't know what 'umbrella title' means 25A. It means the overall title -- like we have had Chronicles, Adventures, and now Legends
2610. Once I sent you mail, and called to see if you got it. I asked the person if they would ask you if you received it and she asked if I wanted to speak to you. Do you really take calls from fans? I was to nervous to actually talk to you
27A. Yes, sometimes I do. I like talking to fans, it's one of the things I get to do that not a lot of other people at LEGO Company have the chance to do 2810. You like it better then getting messages through internet? 29A. It's easier, yes, because then I can answer when I have spare time.
2"9. What is the use for the tentacles in Mantax's arms?" 3Oh, that's just armpit hair... JK
41. Do all Makutas wear Kanohis of shadow? 5A. Can't answer it
62. What state do you live in? 7A. CT
83. Could you say if you think there will be a BIONICLE movie 4? 9A. I hope there will be, but it's not something I can say yes or no to -- it depends on if there is a studio interested, etc., so impossible to predict
104. The Barraki can use Kanohi right? Storyline-wise that is. 11A. They could if they chose to, they just don't
125. I know not to take the Barraki movie literally because it was a vision, but at the end, do you know who's tentacle that was? Kalmah, Nocturn or other? 13A. Might have just been a Rahi
146. Is there any way to get that special BIONICLE comic 1, the one that looks kind of like Sayger's work on the cover? 15A. Do you mean the special edition comic from Comic-Con 2003? 166. Yes 17A. Okay. Since that was four years ago, I doubt we still have any -- your best bet would be eBay
187. How many Hydruka are there in Mahri Nui? 19A. Oh, probably 100 or so
208. Are Hydruka only found on Mahri Nui? 21A. It's possible there are some other places
229. Can you say how many books will be in the 'Legends' series? Worth a try. 23A. I wish I knew -- I believe Legends will run through 2008 as the umbrella title, but I don't know how many books Scholastic is scheduling for 2008 yet. 249. Sorry, I don't know what 'umbrella title' means 25A. It means the overall title -- like we have had Chronicles, Adventures, and now Legends
2610. Once I sent you mail, and called to see if you got it. I asked the person if they would ask you if you received it and she asked if I wanted to speak to you. Do you really take calls from fans? I was to nervous to actually talk to you

1i asked greg what will happen to the old turaga if the toa nuva become turaga he said there would ba more turaga and the turaga nuva would go to places where there needed
1what where the two figures at the end of the book Inferno that come out of Brutaka's portal? 2what are the zyglak?
3That was Krahka and Tahtorak. They were coming out of the Dark Zone for the first time in 1000 years (they were trapped there during the Visorak's invasion of Metru-Nui).
4And Zyglak is some creature that will be a summer set, and the popular theory right now is that Zyglak is the member of a species who could have been Mata-Nui's chosen people.
1what where the two figures at the end of the book Inferno that come out of Brutaka's portal? 2what are the zyglak?
3venex, you have to PM your questions to GregF. He doesn't look in this topic.
4Anyway, I can answer your first one. Those were Krahka and Tahtorak.
5Actually, he does visit the topic, I've seen him on the list of members viewing the topic. But yes, you have to PM him. He doesn't have the time to answer the questions in the topic.
1And Zyglak is some creature that will be a summer set
2Actually, Zyglak is a Barraki combo, that will be featured in the March Brickmaster Magazine.
3Are you entirely sure about that? I've never heard that, and looking at the pics of Gadunka, there are alot of pieces in there that belong to Barraki...
1Actually, Zyglak is a Barraki combo, that will be featured in the March Brickmaster Magazine.
2Are you entirely sure about that? I've never heard that, and looking at the pics of Gadunka, there are alot of pieces in there that belong to Barraki...
3Source: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?sho...237062&st=0
1I am sure, Greg told me himself.
2Edit: 31 Will there be a combo model for Kalma, Pridak, and Takadox? 4A. Yes, in the March issue of LEGO BrickMaster 51 What is the combo model in March's name? 6A. Zyglak
7I'm almost sure that that is the almost dominant species 8could that be what is in the cord?
1I am sure, Greg told me himself.
2Edit: 31 Will there be a combo model for Kalma, Pridak, and Takadox? 4A. Yes, in the March issue of LEGO BrickMaster 51 What is the combo model in March's name? 6A. Zyglak
7It's already 6 March, I don't know if anyone already got the Brickmaster Magazine. (I can't get it.) So, if somebody has it, and he's willing to upload the Zyglak instructions that would be fantastic:
1I am sure, Greg told me himself.
2Edit: 31 Will there be a combo model for Kalma, Pridak, and Takadox? 4A. Yes, in the March issue of LEGO BrickMaster 51 What is the combo model in March's name? 6A. Zyglak
7It's already 6 March, I don't know if anyone already got the Brickmaster Magazine. (I can't get it.) So, if somebody has it, and he's willing to upload the Zyglak instructions that would be fantastic:
8I don't get Brickmaster either, but my friend does. But neither of us have got our issues yet. I'm sure someone will put up the picture somewhere, and maybe put a link in here, or would that be off-topic?
9"I'm almost sure that that is the almost dominant species 10could that be what is in the cord?" 11Um, are spoilers aloud yet, tell me if they aren't and all edit this as soon as I can. 12BL6 spoilers.... 13That's the Inika coming down the cord from Voya Nui.
1And Zyglak is some creature that will be a summer set
2Actually, Zyglak is a Barraki combo, that will be featured in the March Brickmaster Magazine.
3Are you entirely sure about that? I've never heard that, and looking at the pics of Gadunka, there are alot of pieces in there that belong to Barraki...
5the zyglak is not the name of the creature but the name of the creatures species the answer was given a couple pages back thats why i asked greg could the zyglak be the species that could have replaced the matoran
6i'll be quite suprised if the zyglak turn out to be soemthing else i want to know about this species that hates the matoran
1Just a few things, nothing to exciting. Now I know why it takes so long to get the lego mag each month.
21. BL6, Mantax says that Caraper has two pincers to his one. Storyline-wise, does he have two identical pincers that look like the one he has in the set?
32. Where is the Lego-Mag shipped from? If there is multiple ones I live in western USA.
43. Was there a storyline significance of the core-ish spheres in the Mata sets?
54. The first Toa ever didn't have a team correct?
65. The Toa from the first team won't likely be in the storyline correct? Doesn't that go against what you told me that storyline existed to promote sets? I guess I'm just asking why the decision was made to release the set.
76. You are not aloud to read storyline ideas from fans correct? Do you have a screener guy or do you just look away when you start to read an idea?
87. Was the studio and/or the director of the third BIONICLE movie different from the previous two, because the style is a lot different.
98. Does the Mask of Life have to come back to Voya Nui? If yes, why?
101) Yes 112) I believe it is shipped from the printer in upstate NY. 123) Nope 134) So far as we know 145) The Toa from the first team will be in storyline, just web-only 156) No, no screener. 167) Same studio, same animation house, most likely same director. Style was different because tone and environment of the script were different. 178) That is where its resting place is and where its guardians are, so yes.
21. BL6, Mantax says that Caraper has two pincers to his one. Storyline-wise, does he have two identical pincers that look like the one he has in the set?
32. Where is the Lego-Mag shipped from? If there is multiple ones I live in western USA.
43. Was there a storyline significance of the core-ish spheres in the Mata sets?
54. The first Toa ever didn't have a team correct?
65. The Toa from the first team won't likely be in the storyline correct? Doesn't that go against what you told me that storyline existed to promote sets? I guess I'm just asking why the decision was made to release the set.
76. You are not aloud to read storyline ideas from fans correct? Do you have a screener guy or do you just look away when you start to read an idea?
87. Was the studio and/or the director of the third BIONICLE movie different from the previous two, because the style is a lot different.
98. Does the Mask of Life have to come back to Voya Nui? If yes, why?
101) Yes 112) I believe it is shipped from the printer in upstate NY. 123) Nope 134) So far as we know 145) The Toa from the first team will be in storyline, just web-only 156) No, no screener. 167) Same studio, same animation house, most likely same director. Style was different because tone and environment of the script were different. 178) That is where its resting place is and where its guardians are, so yes.
1Good questions here, but nothing revolutionary...
211) Nocturn is stronger, but outside of the squid launcher, has no ranged attack. Axonn has a very effective ranged attack, so gotta lean a bit toward him.
222) No.
233) Probably
244) No, because the change to water breathing happens very quickly, otherwise you would drown right away. They are far beneath the ocean
255) If they knew about it, yes
266) Don't think so
277) I am not sharing info on them for a few weeks yet
288) No idea
299) I doubt there is going to be room to tell that story online.
3010) The latter, and he might have, yes
3111) No
3212) They are preparing for the very real possibility that they may have to reveal themselves to prevent a disaster
3313) Probably not, no
3414) More like the general idea of the story and settings. Individual characters can't really be mapped out until we see what the set designers come up with.
2Hello Greg, how are you doing on this beautiful day?
3Just some more questions I have...
41)If Axonn and Nocturn fought, who would you pick to win?
52)If the Barraki re-gained the ability to breathe air, but their physical forms were not changed, would they be at a major disadvantage?
63)Also, if the Barraki got back to the surface, do you think Nocturn would stay in Ehlek's army?
74)Would it have been possible for, when the Pit dome shattered, the Barraki to have swam to the surface quickly and not be affected by the mutagen, or is the mutagen take effect too quickly?
85)If Mata-Nui were to be saved, woul the OoMN try to fix the "problem" in the Pit?
96)Will we find out an time soon what caused the mutagen in the Pit?
107)How powerful are the Zyglack?
118)I know you recently got plaugued by strength questions, but I have a very simple one(although kinda wierd): If Carapar and Reidak had an arm wrestle, who would win?
129)If the Piraka do appear online, do you think it is likely we will see them fight against the Dark Hunter team sent to capture them?
1310)In BL5, it says that "no one had ever prevented Botar fom doing his duties." Does this mean that no one had even attempted to stop him, or that some beings had, but failed? 1410a)If the latter, then did Botar send them to the Pit as well?
1511)Will/Has Hydraxon be/been affected by the mutagen?
1612)You recently gave another member an answer where you stated "the OOMN is preparing for war with the BOM." so does this mean OOMN members wll actually fight the OOMN? Hw can they fight hem without revealing themselves?
1713)As to the BOM's "grand plan," would you say enough clues have been given out for us to figure it out?
1814)Last one: it has been said many times that Lego had seven "books" for Bionicle already panned out. Does this mean that even beings like Axonn or the Barraki(or at least their characters, if not their names) had already been thought of?
19Thanks Greg:
211) Nocturn is stronger, but outside of the squid launcher, has no ranged attack. Axonn has a very effective ranged attack, so gotta lean a bit toward him.
222) No.
233) Probably
244) No, because the change to water breathing happens very quickly, otherwise you would drown right away. They are far beneath the ocean
255) If they knew about it, yes
266) Don't think so
277) I am not sharing info on them for a few weeks yet
288) No idea
299) I doubt there is going to be room to tell that story online.
3010) The latter, and he might have, yes
3111) No
3212) They are preparing for the very real possibility that they may have to reveal themselves to prevent a disaster
3313) Probably not, no
3414) More like the general idea of the story and settings. Individual characters can't really be mapped out until we see what the set designers come up with.
1QUOTE 2Hello, this is my first message. I have some questions.
31. Does Kazi wear a Great Matatu? Or does it just look like one, I ask because of the eye piece.
42. As a Toa, did Nidhiki use tree speak? As a Dark Hunter, in the books and movie he didn't I believe.
53. Do Axonn and Brutaka wear Great Masks?
64. Will Ancient and Voporak come after Vakama during the story since he is in possession of the Mask of Time?
75. Why do the Dark Hunters still take missions during their war with the BoM?
86. Why are they still killed for failure? Failure is unforgivable for them, but don't they need all the Dark Hunters they can get?
97. Will Takanuva be attacked by Dweller in the story?
108. What happened to the airships and matoran pods after the Toa Metru arrived in Mata Nui?
119. Is the first comic book canon? Nuju speaks normally in it. This is why I ask.
1210. Could a matoran wear the Vahi or Ignaka and become a Toa of Time or Life, since Takua was destined to wear the Mask of Light, and became a Toa of Light.
1311. In City of the Lost, the 300 foot Venom Eel hears fighting inside the stone cord. Who is fighting?
1412. In the Dark Hunters Guide, some of the Dark Hunters are being assembled to capture the Piraka; will this have any relevance in the story line?
1513. I heard that the Mask of Stealth will be in the story this year. If that is true, then who wears it?
1614. Who wears the Mask of Kindred?
1715. In City of the Lost, it says that Takadox gained his hypnosis from the mutagen. But it also says that his army was the greatest of the Barraki's because they were hypnotized. Is this referring to his new undersea army, or did he have hypnosis on land?
1816. How could Ehlek use his electricity under water? Wouldn't it be conducted by the water, striking everything? Same with the Mahri, or can't the mutagen water conduct?
1917. I heard Matoro will have the Mask of Reanimation. I also read that in Prisoners of the Pit, Makuta is back, and want's Matoro. Is this because Matoro can resurrect a body for Makuta?
2018. I have two theories about Mata Nui. Could he be everywhere, like nature itself, or be like the Christian God? Also, since his symbol is the Hau, could part of him be in all Kanohi Hau, or something like that?
2119. Since Jovan was the Turaga of Mahri Nui, are there Matoran of Magnatism in Mahri Nui?
2220. Does only Vakama know of the Order, or has he told any one else, like the Nuva or other Turaga. Also, do the Inika know of the Order because of Axonn and Brutaka?
2321. What is your favorite of the six elements we are familiar with, ice, water, air, fire, stone, or earth?
2422. In City of the Lost, Carapar had Ehlek by the spine in his pincer, he then pointed toward Mahri Nui with his pincer. Does he have a pincer for both hands, unlike the set. Or is it like on Bionicle.com where on his bio, he has one part of the claw on each arm?
25I am sorry for all the questions. Thank you for answering them if you could.
261) Kazi wears a Matoran mask. I don't have the set on hand, so I don't know which Great Mask his mask resembles. 272) No, he did not. Chutespeak and treespeak came from Metru Nui and Mata Nui, and he isn't from there. 283) Yes 294) They may, but not anytime soon 305) Wars are expensive and have to be paid for somehow 316) An army has to enforce discipline. 327) Depends on if I have room to tell that story 338) They were taken apart and the pieces used to help build the koro 349) Yes. Nuju is perfectly capable of speaking Matoran, he just chooses not to. In this case, he was trying to convey urgent information to Kopaka and there wasn't time for it to be translated. 3510) No, because there isn't going to be a Toa of Time or Life, those elements are too powerful and would unbalance the story. 3611) The Toa Inika and the Zyglak 3712) Again, it depends on if I have room in the story. Right now, I don't. 3813) It is true, and I am not discussing which Toa wears which mask, it's too early. 3914) Same answer as #13 4015) He had hypnosis on land, but it is like 100 times more powerful now as a result of the mutagen 4116) How does an electric eel do it? 4217) No. Makuta is not after Matoro or Matoro's mask in Book 7. That is just BZP speculation. 4318) I can't answer this 4419) No, because Jovan was not native to that place 4520) The Inika know, the Toa Nuva know, and the members of the Matoran resistance know 4621) Ice 4722) Carapar has two, but detaches one to use his squid launcher.
31. Does Kazi wear a Great Matatu? Or does it just look like one, I ask because of the eye piece.
42. As a Toa, did Nidhiki use tree speak? As a Dark Hunter, in the books and movie he didn't I believe.
53. Do Axonn and Brutaka wear Great Masks?
64. Will Ancient and Voporak come after Vakama during the story since he is in possession of the Mask of Time?
75. Why do the Dark Hunters still take missions during their war with the BoM?
86. Why are they still killed for failure? Failure is unforgivable for them, but don't they need all the Dark Hunters they can get?
97. Will Takanuva be attacked by Dweller in the story?
108. What happened to the airships and matoran pods after the Toa Metru arrived in Mata Nui?
119. Is the first comic book canon? Nuju speaks normally in it. This is why I ask.
1210. Could a matoran wear the Vahi or Ignaka and become a Toa of Time or Life, since Takua was destined to wear the Mask of Light, and became a Toa of Light.
1311. In City of the Lost, the 300 foot Venom Eel hears fighting inside the stone cord. Who is fighting?
1412. In the Dark Hunters Guide, some of the Dark Hunters are being assembled to capture the Piraka; will this have any relevance in the story line?
1513. I heard that the Mask of Stealth will be in the story this year. If that is true, then who wears it?
1614. Who wears the Mask of Kindred?
1715. In City of the Lost, it says that Takadox gained his hypnosis from the mutagen. But it also says that his army was the greatest of the Barraki's because they were hypnotized. Is this referring to his new undersea army, or did he have hypnosis on land?
1816. How could Ehlek use his electricity under water? Wouldn't it be conducted by the water, striking everything? Same with the Mahri, or can't the mutagen water conduct?
1917. I heard Matoro will have the Mask of Reanimation. I also read that in Prisoners of the Pit, Makuta is back, and want's Matoro. Is this because Matoro can resurrect a body for Makuta?
2018. I have two theories about Mata Nui. Could he be everywhere, like nature itself, or be like the Christian God? Also, since his symbol is the Hau, could part of him be in all Kanohi Hau, or something like that?
2119. Since Jovan was the Turaga of Mahri Nui, are there Matoran of Magnatism in Mahri Nui?
2220. Does only Vakama know of the Order, or has he told any one else, like the Nuva or other Turaga. Also, do the Inika know of the Order because of Axonn and Brutaka?
2321. What is your favorite of the six elements we are familiar with, ice, water, air, fire, stone, or earth?
2422. In City of the Lost, Carapar had Ehlek by the spine in his pincer, he then pointed toward Mahri Nui with his pincer. Does he have a pincer for both hands, unlike the set. Or is it like on Bionicle.com where on his bio, he has one part of the claw on each arm?
25I am sorry for all the questions. Thank you for answering them if you could.
261) Kazi wears a Matoran mask. I don't have the set on hand, so I don't know which Great Mask his mask resembles. 272) No, he did not. Chutespeak and treespeak came from Metru Nui and Mata Nui, and he isn't from there. 283) Yes 294) They may, but not anytime soon 305) Wars are expensive and have to be paid for somehow 316) An army has to enforce discipline. 327) Depends on if I have room to tell that story 338) They were taken apart and the pieces used to help build the koro 349) Yes. Nuju is perfectly capable of speaking Matoran, he just chooses not to. In this case, he was trying to convey urgent information to Kopaka and there wasn't time for it to be translated. 3510) No, because there isn't going to be a Toa of Time or Life, those elements are too powerful and would unbalance the story. 3611) The Toa Inika and the Zyglak 3712) Again, it depends on if I have room in the story. Right now, I don't. 3813) It is true, and I am not discussing which Toa wears which mask, it's too early. 3914) Same answer as #13 4015) He had hypnosis on land, but it is like 100 times more powerful now as a result of the mutagen 4116) How does an electric eel do it? 4217) No. Makuta is not after Matoro or Matoro's mask in Book 7. That is just BZP speculation. 4318) I can't answer this 4419) No, because Jovan was not native to that place 4520) The Inika know, the Toa Nuva know, and the members of the Matoran resistance know 4621) Ice 4722) Carapar has two, but detaches one to use his squid launcher.
1Brutaka fallowed Zaktan because Zaktan gave him zamor spheres. Why does Nocturn follow Ehlek? And what is the secret of the zamor spheres?
3For the same reason that henchmen always follow bosses ... because they are not leaders by nature and they need someone to follow
4That the antidermis inside them was Makuta

3For the same reason that henchmen always follow bosses ... because they are not leaders by nature and they need someone to follow
4That the antidermis inside them was Makuta

1Brutaka fallowed Zaktan because Zaktan gave him zamor spheres. Why does Nocturn follow Ehlek? And what is the secret of the zamor spheres?
3For the same reason that henchmen always follow bosses ... because they are not leaders by nature and they need someone to follow
4That the antidermis inside them was Makuta
6The Anterdermis thing is old news, I never saw Brutaka as a henchman.