koji toa of ice 111) In City of the Lost, the 300 foot Venom Eel hears fighting inside the stone cord. Who is fighting?
2A) The Toa Inika and the Zyglak
3Well now, that's new. So the Zyglak are inside the Cord, this could mean that they aren't water-breathing creatures (are that they're amphibious)...
1Dear Greg, 21. Can a Mask of Fire theoretically be forged from a Toa Disk of Fire? 32. Can other masks be made from other Toa Disks as well? 43. Would it give the wearer power over an element as though they were a Toa of that element? 54. Would it also provide protection from that element (such as a Toa of Air using a mask of fire could surround himself with flames, and not be burned)? 6-Rabin
71) Yes 82) Yes 93) Yes 104) I would say no
11Interesting... right? 12-Rabin
1Brutaka fallowed Zaktan because Zaktan gave him zamor spheres. Why does Nocturn follow Ehlek? And what is the secret of the zamor spheres?
3For the same reason that henchmen always follow bosses ... because they are not leaders by nature and they need someone to follow
4That the antidermis inside them was Makuta
6The Anterdermis thing is old news, I never saw Brutaka as a henchman.
8Brutaka never was a henchman. He only wanted the Zamor Spheres, since that makes him stronger.
1hello again...
21. why didnt the mahri matoran mutate to breath underwater before the outer appeirences?
32. will there be a bionicle heroes 2?
43. when will the comic 6 come out? ( i woudnt wanna get #7 before reading #6)
54. Do you make up the story line or does lego tell you what to wright?
65. when voya nui was part of a larger continent, apperantly it shot into the sky., was the original voya nui under water, then float up and split off, then mahri nui sank?
81) Just worked out that way 92) No idea. I don't have any involvement with the video games 103) I was told it would be online this week 114) I work with the story team to come up with the outline for the year, then I flesh it out in comics and boks 125) I don't understand your question. Voya Nui split off its continent and shot up out of its dome and to the top of the ocean. The land mass that Mahri Nui sat on formed after that. The Matoran built Mahri Nui, then later that land split off and Mahri Nui sank.
13Oh. So the contenent voya nui was on was under water just in a big dome thing.
14It was in a dome just like Metru Nui was

21. why didnt the mahri matoran mutate to breath underwater before the outer appeirences?
32. will there be a bionicle heroes 2?
43. when will the comic 6 come out? ( i woudnt wanna get #7 before reading #6)
54. Do you make up the story line or does lego tell you what to wright?
65. when voya nui was part of a larger continent, apperantly it shot into the sky., was the original voya nui under water, then float up and split off, then mahri nui sank?
81) Just worked out that way 92) No idea. I don't have any involvement with the video games 103) I was told it would be online this week 114) I work with the story team to come up with the outline for the year, then I flesh it out in comics and boks 125) I don't understand your question. Voya Nui split off its continent and shot up out of its dome and to the top of the ocean. The land mass that Mahri Nui sat on formed after that. The Matoran built Mahri Nui, then later that land split off and Mahri Nui sank.
13Oh. So the contenent voya nui was on was under water just in a big dome thing.
14It was in a dome just like Metru Nui was

1hello again...
21. why didnt the mahri matoran mutate to breath underwater before the outer appeirences?
32. will there be a bionicle heroes 2?
43. when will the comic 6 come out? ( i woudnt wanna get #7 before reading #6)
54. Do you make up the story line or does lego tell you what to wright?
65. when voya nui was part of a larger continent, apperantly it shot into the sky., was the original voya nui under water, then float up and split off, then mahri nui sank?
81) Just worked out that way 92) No idea. I don't have any involvement with the video games 103) I was told it would be online this week 114) I work with the story team to come up with the outline for the year, then I flesh it out in comics and boks 125) I don't understand your question. Voya Nui split off its continent and shot up out of its dome and to the top of the ocean. The land mass that Mahri Nui sat on formed after that. The Matoran built Mahri Nui, then later that land split off and Mahri Nui sank.
13Oh. So the contenent voya nui was on was under water just in a big dome thing.
14It was in a dome just like Metru Nui was
16Déja vu, I swear I have seen you post before....

17Anyway, some confirmative information on Zyglak:
18Hi GregF,
19Some questions:
201. Bermuda stories; true or fairytales, what's your opinion?
212. So, the armies of the OoMN has warriors of Brutaka's species, Axonn's species, 22do they have warriors of any other OoMN member's species? (Hydraxonn)
233. If Brutaka's "power level" should be 10, if he uses Antidermis, how may should his "power level" increase?
244. The weapon that Brutaka holds, his rotate blade, is it powered by Brutaka self, or does the energy comes from the sword?"
255. If Brutaka falls into a cliff, while he is falling, can he still open a gate with his mask?
266. Will we see Axonn see this year, except for the Atlas?
277. The fight between Axonn and Brutaka, even without the Antidermis it was a pretty even match, but on a moment, Axonn lost it, the friend he once known, is gone. And then he became outraged, knocking Brutaka down in one blast. Can Brutaka also turn his anger into power?
28Thanks for your time.
291) No opinion, don't really care 302) I'm sure they do 313) Probably by 1 324) Energy comes from him 335) I am not going to say it's impossible, but it is very hard to concentrate and keep presence of mind while falling to your death. 346) Possibly in Book 8, but not sure yet 357) I wouldn't really call it turning anger into power. I would call it the same kind of thing that can happen in humans in a time of crisis, the result (in us) of an adrenalin rush.
36Hi GregF,
37A reaction:
381) Well, mysteries are what make Bionicle so fun.
39A few extra question:
401. The Zyglak is uploaded, looks okay. So, the Great Beings tried to make Krana, but they failed, so basicly, they tried to make those little Krana masks, but instead they made giant reptiles, how come?
412. Are Zyglak amphibious?
423a. Are the Zyglak and Barraki "allies'? 433b. Do the Zyglak hate everything?
444. So, the Zyglak are not prisoners of the Pit?
455. Are Zyglak affected by the mutagen?
466. Does the Order of Mata Nui know about the Zyglak?
477. Does Mata Nui know about the Order?
488. If Mata Nui is up and well again, and Brutaka finds out, will he return then?
499. Have Mata Nui and Brutaka ever met eachother?
5010. Any plans to let titans transform?
5111. We first get BL7, and then we will get BL8, Brutaka won't return in "07, maybe appear later, but how many "storyline"time is their between books? I mean, if Brutaka should be alive, he would go after the Ignika immediatly, but that doesn't happen in BL7 and BL8. So, since he doesn't do that you can conclude his dead.
5212. Any other plans for Brutaka to go after something else than the Ignika?
53Thanks for your time.
541) No, they didn't fail. They did make the first krana. But some of their efforts resulted in zyglak instead of krana. 552) Yes 563a) No, they're not 573They hate everything they see as being loyal to Matoran or Mata Nui 584) No 595) They haven't been exposed to it, really. Some are living in the old Pit, where the exposure is minimal, the rest are in the cord where there is no water. 606) Yes 617) Yes 628) If Brutaka had what he felt was evidence that Mata Nui was in this universe and paying attention to his people, he might well change his attitude 639) No 6410) No 6511) I don't understand your question. Bionicle Legends 7 and Bionicle Legends 8 take place over a matter of days. Mata Nui doesn't have much time left. 6612) Not really, no. Brutaka is not a current set, so he can't be part of main story, he can only show up in the books, and I don't have a lot of room for non-current characters in the books with the curtailed book schedule. So finding stuff for Brutaka to do is going to take a backseat to finding screen time for the other 20 new characters in a year.
1Some info on the Zyglak
2Hi Greg
3ive got some questions on the zyglak if its ok for you to answer them if not i apologise for wasting your time
41)Are the zyglak purely organic, being as they are a by product of making krana i assume they are? 51) No, they are not organic.
62) Have the matoran heard of this species if not could the Zyglak take the matoran by suprise some day and attack? 72) Yes, the Matoran have heard of them.
83) does mata nui know of the Zyglak? 93) Mata Nui knows of just about everything in his universe. That's why he's Mata Nui.
104) Were the Zyglak banished to the surface world by the great beings? 114a) if so is this one of the reasons why the matoran should not live on the surface world due to the savage nature and hatred the Zyglak have about the matoran? 124&4a) No. The zyglak live in places where no one else wants to be, like the flooded remains of the original Pit and the subterranean recesses of Voya Nui. They don't live outside the domes as a rule.
135) Why are the Zyglak in the cord have they sensed the prensense of the mask of life? 145) See answer to #4. It's a safe place where no one else lives and no one else travels.
155a)Is it simply there home if so how did they get there? 165a) They lived in the subterranean portions of Voya Nui and then migrated down to the cord.
176)If they have sensed the presense of the MOLI could they want it for themselves to over through the matoran? 186) No. The zyglak have no interest in the mask. Masks are things used by Toa and Matoran and zyglak hate Toa and Matoran.
197)Do the Zyglak have any involvement in how the inika change? 207) I can't discuss this, as the Inika haven't changed yet.
217a) Finaly how would you say the inika have changed, is it a transformation or a mutation? 227a) See answer to #7. I cannot discuss future storyline
23Thank you
11. Is Nocturn the only one in his race? 2A. No
32. Is there any way to get that special BIONICLE comic 1, the one that looks kind of like Sayger's work on the cover? 4A. Do you mean the special edition comic from Comic-Con 2003? 52. Yes 6A. Okay. Since that was four years ago, I doubt we still have any -- your best bet would be eBay 72. I just bought it last night off of eBay (for 7.25 total
and I was wondering, does it have a variant back also or just variant front? Because the back on the old one was advertising something that was probably over by 2003 right? (BIONICLE playing cards.) 8A. I don't remember the back cover, I only remember that we got new art done for the front.
93. In reading through the comics, 1-I6, where would you put the special edition comic (from McDonalds)? I put in in-between 1 and 2. 10A. Makes sense
114. Out of the whole BIONICLE world, out of all of the submersions in energized protodermis, have there been more death than transformations or the other way around. 12A. Oh, way more death than transformation
135. When is your B-day? 14A. July
156. When is your busiest day of the week? 16A. Varies. Depends on how many meetings I have in a given day
32. Is there any way to get that special BIONICLE comic 1, the one that looks kind of like Sayger's work on the cover? 4A. Do you mean the special edition comic from Comic-Con 2003? 52. Yes 6A. Okay. Since that was four years ago, I doubt we still have any -- your best bet would be eBay 72. I just bought it last night off of eBay (for 7.25 total

93. In reading through the comics, 1-I6, where would you put the special edition comic (from McDonalds)? I put in in-between 1 and 2. 10A. Makes sense
114. Out of the whole BIONICLE world, out of all of the submersions in energized protodermis, have there been more death than transformations or the other way around. 12A. Oh, way more death than transformation
135. When is your B-day? 14A. July
156. When is your busiest day of the week? 16A. Varies. Depends on how many meetings I have in a given day
15. If Brutaka falls into a cliff, while he is falling, can he still open a gate with his mask?
25) I am not going to say it's impossible, but it is very hard to concentrate and keep presence of mind while falling to your death.
3Not counting the fact that, even if he teleports somewhere else, he would still be falling.
47. The fight between Axonn and Brutaka, even without the Antidermis it was a pretty even match, but on a moment, Axonn lost it, the friend he once known, is gone. And then he became outraged, knocking Brutaka down in one blast. Can Brutaka also turn his anger into power?6I think that Axonn wasn't using all his power, because he didn't want to harm Brutaka, his friend (at least, not that much), but when he realizes Brutaka is lost, he unleashes all his might. 7Khote
57) I wouldn't really call it turning anger into power. I would call it the same kind of thing that can happen in humans in a time of crisis, the result (in us) of an adrenalin rush.
15. If Brutaka falls into a cliff, while he is falling, can he still open a gate with his mask?
25) I am not going to say it's impossible, but it is very hard to concentrate and keep presence of mind while falling to your death.
3Not counting the fact that, even if he teleports somewhere else, he would still be falling.47. The fight between Axonn and Brutaka, even without the Antidermis it was a pretty even match, but on a moment, Axonn lost it, the friend he once known, is gone. And then he became outraged, knocking Brutaka down in one blast. Can Brutaka also turn his anger into power?6I think that Axonn wasn't using all his power, because he didn't want to harm Brutaka, his friend (at least, not that much), but when he realizes Brutaka is lost, he unleashes all his might. 7Khote
57) I wouldn't really call it turning anger into power. I would call it the same kind of thing that can happen in humans in a time of crisis, the result (in us) of an adrenalin rush.
8true, Brutaka would be falling, but if he made the exit door face away from the ground (like in a normal walking direction), then it would be null and void. heck, it could be a running boost.
1If he transports himself to another universe, parallel to the BIONICLE universe, then the floor is in the same place it is in the BIONICLE universe -- and gravity would pull him down. So I don't know why you assume he can go inside an horizontal portal and appear vertically in the parallel universe...? When you open the door of your house, can you go out walking and appear outside, falling? 2Khote
1I was wondering about few thing relating to the Barraki.
21) If the Barraki had a choice would they have chose death over being in the Pit for 80,000 years?
32) Can Takadox hypnotise anyone? Or just anyone with a sub-conscious(Almost everyone has one I believe)
43) Does Makuta have a sub-conscious? I don't think he has one really. Because he never sleeps, Hes just energy and is basicly shape-shifting thought.
54) What did Makuta think of Botar when he first met him? Did he think he was just some guy that drags off the trash?
65) Did the Hand of Artahka disband like 85,000 years ago?
76) Which Barraki is hated the most of the bunch?
87) How smart/dumb is Carapar? Does he think like Reidak? Or does he think more on a Zaktan level?(Probably not) Or like somewhere in between but closer to Zaktan's thought process.
98) Does Nocturn think on a Piraka level or the super genious Barraki level(doubtful)?
109) Are Ehlek and Carapar the least intelligent of the Barraki? If so which one is smarter then the other?
1110) In one of your qoutes Mantax claims he doesen't have friends just enemies he hasn't killed yet. So does this imply that if he didn't need the other Barraki he would dispose of them without a seconds hesitation?
1211) How long has Nocturn been in the Pit?
13Well thats about it for now hope this doesen't stack to high in your pile of PMs, and thanks for making Bionicle characters fun and interesting.
141) I'd say no. As long as you live, you can hope for escape. Death leaves no hope. 152) He can hypnotize someone who has enough a mind to be hypnotized -- not all things do. 163) Yes, he does have one. Subconscious is always active, even if you are awake. 174) He had no idea who he was or why he was interfering. 185) More like 100,000 years ago 196) By whom? 207) Carapar is not stupid, he just thinks slowly. 218) Nocturn, on the other hand, basically is stupid. 229) Ehlek is smarter than Carapar at this point, and I don't consider Ehlek to be particularly dumb 2310) If he felt he had to, yes 2411) Probably slightly less time than the Barraki have been
1I was wondering about few thing relating to the Barraki.
21) If the Barraki had a choice would they have chose death over being in the Pit for 80,000 years?
32) Can Takadox hypnotise anyone? Or just anyone with a sub-conscious(Almost everyone has one I believe)
43) Does Makuta have a sub-conscious? I don't think he has one really. Because he never sleeps, Hes just energy and is basicly shape-shifting thought.
54) What did Makuta think of Botar when he first met him? Did he think he was just some guy that drags off the trash?
65) Did the Hand of Artahka disband like 85,000 years ago?
76) Which Barraki is hated the most of the bunch?
87) How smart/dumb is Carapar? Does he think like Reidak? Or does he think more on a Zaktan level?(Probably not) Or like somewhere in between but closer to Zaktan's thought process.
98) Does Nocturn think on a Piraka level or the super genious Barraki level(doubtful)?
109) Are Ehlek and Carapar the least intelligent of the Barraki? If so which one is smarter then the other?
1110) In one of your qoutes Mantax claims he doesen't have friends just enemies he hasn't killed yet. So does this imply that if he didn't need the other Barraki he would dispose of them without a seconds hesitation?
1211) How long has Nocturn been in the Pit?
13Well thats about it for now hope this doesen't stack to high in your pile of PMs, and thanks for making Bionicle characters fun and interesting.
141) I'd say no. As long as you live, you can hope for escape. Death leaves no hope. 152) He can hypnotize someone who has enough a mind to be hypnotized -- not all things do. 163) Yes, he does have one. Subconscious is always active, even if you are awake. 174) He had no idea who he was or why he was interfering. 185) More like 100,000 years ago 196) By whom? 207) Carapar is not stupid, he just thinks slowly. 218) Nocturn, on the other hand, basically is stupid. 229) Ehlek is smarter than Carapar at this point, and I don't consider Ehlek to be particularly dumb 2310) If he felt he had to, yes 2411) Probably slightly less time than the Barraki have been
25I think it is Pridak, it's obvious. Read BL6. (They think that Pridak has betrayed them, if they find out that an other Barraki should have it done, they would hate him the most.) But, now it's Pridak.
1If he transports himself to another universe, parallel to the BIONICLE universe, then the floor is in the same place it is in the BIONICLE universe -- and gravity would pull him down. So I don't know why you assume he can go inside an horizontal portal and appear vertically in the parallel universe...? When you open the door of your house, can you go out walking and appear outside, falling? 2Khote
3and what about teleporting to somewhere where he just falls onto the groung a meter or so further?
1If he transports himself to another universe, parallel to the BIONICLE universe, then the floor is in the same place it is in the BIONICLE universe -- and gravity would pull him down. So I don't know why you assume he can go inside an horizontal portal and appear vertically in the parallel universe...? When you open the door of your house, can you go out walking and appear outside, falling? 2Khote
3and what about teleporting to somewhere where he just falls onto the groung a meter or so further?
4Well, that's possible, as long as he hasn't been falling for too long before teleporting himself. To open the portal he needs to concentrate while falling, and that would take, at least, two seconds. In our world, two seconds of fall would be, aproximately, 20 metres (like 70 feet), I think. So it would be a hard crash, anyway.
6Well, maybe Pridak is the most hated because everyone wants his position, but it's not obvious that he betrayed the Barraki. I hadn't even considered him as the traitor. He is rebelling against the BoM and the Great Spirit, after all -- why would he betray the League, when he needs the others to have a big army? And what could he posssibly get from the BoM? I would suspect of Mantax, maybe, but never of Pridak. 7KhoteMutated_Brutaka 5I think it is Pridak, it's obvious. Read BL6. (They think that Pridak has betrayed them, if they find out that an other Barraki should have it done, they would hate him the most.) But, now it's Pridak.
1I was wondering about few thing relating to the Barraki.
21) If the Barraki had a choice would they have chose death over being in the Pit for 80,000 years?
32) Can Takadox hypnotise anyone? Or just anyone with a sub-conscious(Almost everyone has one I believe)
43) Does Makuta have a sub-conscious? I don't think he has one really. Because he never sleeps, Hes just energy and is basicly shape-shifting thought.
54) What did Makuta think of Botar when he first met him? Did he think he was just some guy that drags off the trash?
65) Did the Hand of Artahka disband like 85,000 years ago?
76) Which Barraki is hated the most of the bunch?
87) How smart/dumb is Carapar? Does he think like Reidak? Or does he think more on a Zaktan level?(Probably not) Or like somewhere in between but closer to Zaktan's thought process.
98) Does Nocturn think on a Piraka level or the super genious Barraki level(doubtful)?
109) Are Ehlek and Carapar the least intelligent of the Barraki? If so which one is smarter then the other?
1110) In one of your qoutes Mantax claims he doesen't have friends just enemies he hasn't killed yet. So does this imply that if he didn't need the other Barraki he would dispose of them without a seconds hesitation?
1211) How long has Nocturn been in the Pit?
13Well thats about it for now hope this doesen't stack to high in your pile of PMs, and thanks for making Bionicle characters fun and interesting.
141) I'd say no. As long as you live, you can hope for escape. Death leaves no hope. 152) He can hypnotize someone who has enough a mind to be hypnotized -- not all things do. 163) Yes, he does have one. Subconscious is always active, even if you are awake. 174) He had no idea who he was or why he was interfering. 185) More like 100,000 years ago 196) By whom? 207) Carapar is not stupid, he just thinks slowly. 218) Nocturn, on the other hand, basically is stupid. 229) Ehlek is smarter than Carapar at this point, and I don't consider Ehlek to be particularly dumb 2310) If he felt he had to, yes 2411) Probably slightly less time than the Barraki have been
25Sorry bout that for number 6 should have been more clear about that. I meant which of the Barraki is hated the most amongst the Barraki.(Like their all really annoyed with Pridak for being a maniuplative freak)
266) I don't think there really is one. I would say all of them are kind of creeped out by Takadox, but not to the point of actual hatred.
27Oh right there was one more question I wanted to ask you.
281) Nocturn is stupid? So we basicly have a stronger Krekka on are hands then. So was this added in to balance out the character?
292) So since Nocturn is another dumb ape is he as stupid as Krekka or a bit smarter then that? I mean he can't be too stupid to serve as a leiutenant for the Barraki.
303) Also since be tore an island in HALF in a fit of temper does this imply that he has some hulk like powers? The more furious he gets the more powerful he becomes? Or is his strength always at island ripping levels?
311) Well, if you are powerful enough to break islands in half, you don't really need to be that smart to get whatever it is you want. Ask the Hulk.
322) I would not say he is as dumb as Krekka, no. Krekka was TOO dumb in my opinion. Nocturn simply operates a bit more on instinct than on intellect, but he's not a drooling moron.
333) Like anyone else, human, animal, etc., when he's enraged he hits harder.
34I had to edit some of what Greg said cause the BZP blerter turned the "I" word into "Cool Dude" So I just changed it to moron. Also as a side note turns out none of the Barraki really hate each and they seem to dislike Takadox for his control freak nature. Also I edited the part about Pridak to where it says "manipulative freak" instead of the "J" word.
17) How smart/dumb is Carapar? Does he think like Reidak? Or does he think more on a Zaktan level?(Probably not) Or like somewhere in between but closer to Zaktan's thought process.
27) Carapar is not stupid, he just thinks slowly.
3It really bugs me when people say Reidak is stupid. It has been stated in the books and Dark Hunter Guide that he is smart and cunning. It's mentioned on the BS01 wiki, too. 4Anyways, here's my question.
5Hiyah. 6As BIONICLEStory.com is going to focus a lot on non-set characters and older, no-longer-for-sale characters, is it possible that they might put up the old Templar animations from '01-'03? A lot of older fans would love that, and it would help new fans learn BIONICLE's history. 7And if not BIONICLEStory, do you think maybe the Kanoka Club?
8The last thing I heard, which was a while back, is that BIONICLE.com was talking about setting up an archive section where older material like that could be accessed. No idea what the status of that is, but it's probably the best approach. Animations and things like that are expensive in terms of bandwidth, and it's difficult to get the brand to fund something that doesn't promote their sets. The site, as a whole, is really not intended to focus on "non-set" and older characters -- the initial serial is supposed to be the Inika, who are still available in stores.
16) I don't think there really is one. I would say all of them are kind of creeped out by Takadox, but not to the point of actual hatred.
3Why do you assume that they hate him for his "control freak nature"? I quoted your Greg answer so you can see that he never said that. They are just creeped out by him, due to his vile nature, I think. If you have read Bionicle Legends #6, you know that it's not nice to be near him. 4And Wrinkledlion, it also bothers me that a lot of people seem to think that Reidak is stupid. It's crearly stated in many sources that he doesn't uses his brain more because he doesn't need to. 5Khote2they seem to dislike Takadox for his control freak nature.
1hi greg, got a few question
21(a).is there a two or three barraki combination other than pit war tortoise and zyglak. 31b.if yes then which ones 41ba. if yes to 1(a0 then can you give me a picture of it 51bb.if no to 1b then can someone give me a picture
62.for kalmah does he have armies of squid (as in squid ammo) or squid{as in the one he's base on[ the squid in the real world(similar to octopus)}
73a.what's the cordak blaster's power 83a.a.does it accord to the one which hold them 93a.aa.if yes to 3a.a then can you tell the toa mahri's 103a.ab.hydraxon's 113a.ac. maxilo's 123a.ad. barraki deep sea patrol's(if it's unofficial still tell me) 133a.ada.if barraki deep sea patrol 's official 143a.ae.toa udersea attack's(cordak blaster power)(if it's unofficial still tell me) 153a.aea.if toa undersea attack 's official 163a.af.toa terrain crawler's (cordak blaster power)(if it's unofficial still tell me) 173a.afa.if toa terrain crawler's official 183b. where does it come from 193ba.does it come from somewhere we know
204.i don't really get where zyglak comes frm ,can you explain it
21thanks in advance
21(a).is there a two or three barraki combination other than pit war tortoise and zyglak. 31b.if yes then which ones 41ba. if yes to 1(a0 then can you give me a picture of it 51bb.if no to 1b then can someone give me a picture
62.for kalmah does he have armies of squid (as in squid ammo) or squid{as in the one he's base on[ the squid in the real world(similar to octopus)}
73a.what's the cordak blaster's power 83a.a.does it accord to the one which hold them 93a.aa.if yes to 3a.a then can you tell the toa mahri's 103a.ab.hydraxon's 113a.ac. maxilo's 123a.ad. barraki deep sea patrol's(if it's unofficial still tell me) 133a.ada.if barraki deep sea patrol 's official 143a.ae.toa udersea attack's(cordak blaster power)(if it's unofficial still tell me) 153a.aea.if toa undersea attack 's official 163a.af.toa terrain crawler's (cordak blaster power)(if it's unofficial still tell me) 173a.afa.if toa terrain crawler's official 183b. where does it come from 193ba.does it come from somewhere we know
204.i don't really get where zyglak comes frm ,can you explain it
21thanks in advance
1And what's with all the 3a.a, 3a.ab etc.? It's a bit confusing.
2Now some trivia:
2Now some trivia:
3Hey Greg. Just a few questions, if you don't mind:
41. Does Hewkii have his right hand in the story? (The set doesn't.) 51a. If not, what happened to it? 62. Can the Mahri breathe water directly? 73. Are those tubes that look like breathing equipment on the sets a part of them, or are they actually breathing equipment? 84. Did Kongu lose his weapon and replace it with a Cordak?
9Thanks for your time.
101) Yes 112-3) I can't discuss storyline aspects of the Mahri, it's too early 124) No
1Hi Mr. F. some questions for you. (I wont post some of these spoilers)
21: how much can kalmah lift with his tentacle? (I'm guessing around 100lbs)
32: are you going to give a name for karzahni's mask?
87: how many zyglak were the inika facing in the cord?
98: could you confirm any of the descriptions the toy fair gave on the mahri and the titans?
1211: will the zyglak or the pit war totoises be featured in any books?
1312: any special stuff happen in book 8 other than the end of the storyline and kopeke becomeing chronicler?
1413: A bit off topic, but do you have any kids? if so, do they like bionicle?
15Thanks a bunch
161) I generally don't quantify things like this, because it paints me into story corners 172) Not yet, I will eventually, probably 183) 194) 205) 216) 227) Oh, probably 40 or so 238) No, I cannot discuss summer sets 249) 2510) 2611) Zyglak will be in the comic, PWT I am not sure yet, it may show up in Book 8 2712) I can't discuss that. The book is still 9 months away 2813) No, I don't have kids
29Sorry, atlas spoilers in here:
1Hi, Greg. I just have a couple of questions I'd like you to answer...
21. I was browsing the BioSector 01 wiki, and I noticed that in the Kanohi page, it says "Kanohi can be in any shape or form, but throughout the BIONICLE world, mask makers have adopted specific shapes for certain powers". So, for example, the Hau looks like it does simply because Matoran designed it that way. Is this true?
31) Yes. Same way a Stop sign could be a yellow triangle, but it's always made a red octagon so people can recognize it immediately.
41a. If it is true, how does that explain the fact that when a Kanohi changes (as in, from Great to Noble), it gains the form of how it was meant to look like in its Noble form? For example, Vakama wore a great Huna as a Toa, which looked like it did because Matoran chose that shape. However, when it changed to noble, it looked like the way Matoran designed the noble Huna to look like. I know that's a bit confusing - basically, how does a mask know what shape to take once it changes? Does it change based on what the person thinks it's supposed to look like?
51a) Basically, yes, the same way that Jaller's mask changed from Noble to Great in shape because Vakama gave it to him to honor Lhikan as a Toa, not a Turaga.
61b. If it does change based on that person's memories and thoughts, how does that explain Lhikan's Hau? Jaller was unconscious when Vakama placed Lhikan's Hau on him, therefore he didn't have any thoughts at the time. However, the mask still changed to what a normal Great Hau is supposed to like. How is that possible?
71b) Because it was influenced by Vakama, not Jaller. Jaller would have had no memory of what Lhikan's mask looked like even if he had been awake.
82. Normally, when a mask is not worn by someone, it is gray. However, there have been several masks which weren't gray when not worn - the Vahi, Ignika and Avohkii. Since the Avohkii isn't legendary, the only thing in common between those masks is that all three are elemental Kanohi. Is this why they still have color even when not worn, because they're elemental?
92a. If yes, does that mean all elemental Kanohi have color even when not worn?
102) I'm not sure you can call the masks of life and time elemental, because they are not Toa elements. The Vahi and Ignika retain color because they are legendary and don't change color depending on who wears them. The Avohkii retained color because it had to for the movie -- Takua opens a rock and finds a gray mask which then stays gray practically the entire movie would have been visually dull.
113. Is the "Mask of Light and Shadow" an elemental Kanohi?
123) Yes
13That's all the questions I have. Hope you can answer.14P.S., I finished reading Bionicle Legends#4 a few weeks ago, and I have to say it's one of the best Bionicle books I have ever read. I just love how you managed to tell the Piraka's story in such an original way. I hope you'll do more books where the bad guys are the main characters.
154) I enjoyed #4 a lot too -- that and BA #10 are my two favorite books. I like the ending of Bionicle Legends #8 too, but have not written the beginning yet.
1Oh Greg like Legends 4 and Adventures 10 and the end of Legends 8, I cant wait to reed Prisoners of the Pit and Downfall.
1New answers. Check #2. I'm very proud of it
2Can the Barraki hold their breath if they are thrown into an air bubble? 3No, no more than a fish can hold their breath if you pull it out of the water into a boat. Barraki (and fish) don't have lungs.
4I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 5Sounds plausible? 6That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
7So, the mutagen affects complete races in the same way? That's why the Matoran from Mahri Nui look all the same, even when they looked different when they lived on Voya Nui (due to Karzahni's rebuild)? 8It seems to, mainly for consistency's sake, in much the same way Visorak venom does
9If yes, had the Barraki been all of the same race, would they've looked all the same? 10Probably
11Discuss: 12Khote

2Can the Barraki hold their breath if they are thrown into an air bubble? 3No, no more than a fish can hold their breath if you pull it out of the water into a boat. Barraki (and fish) don't have lungs.
4I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 5Sounds plausible? 6That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
7So, the mutagen affects complete races in the same way? That's why the Matoran from Mahri Nui look all the same, even when they looked different when they lived on Voya Nui (due to Karzahni's rebuild)? 8It seems to, mainly for consistency's sake, in much the same way Visorak venom does
9If yes, had the Barraki been all of the same race, would they've looked all the same? 10Probably
11Discuss: 12Khote
1Just one:
2Were the 2006 animations canonical in any way?
3For the most part, no
4Okay, but can you tell me what parts of them are canonical?
5Also, a few more:
61. Have any Hand of Artakha members actually been to Artakha?
72. Atlas Spoilers
81) I had no involvement with them, so I really can't say, "Oh, there was that part" -- since they weren't canon, I paid no attention to them.
92) Most likely not, because everyone who knows where Artakha is has been disposed of.
103) Atlas Spoilers
1Now, I am extremely excited by the contest presented in the latest issue of the Lego mag. However it's provisions I'm a bit confused about...it calls for a team of Toa, but I'm wondering if a specific team (read: Inika/Mahri) would favor one more or less for the winning place? I'm assuming that the redrawing by Sayger, along with assurances of a completely similar looking style throughout the comic and the cover, would replace the Toa with the Mahri at the time (They will be out by the time the comic is released), but does it have any bearing on the contest? I'm assuming it will also except fan creations...I'm personally not a fan of fan-Toa and would stick with a team we are familiar with, but curiosity compels I ask. Can you shed some light on this?
2Has no bearing on the contest. We are going to judge based on the composition of the picture and whether or not we feel it will make a good comic cover. We obviously don't expect people to draw the Mahri, because they aren't out yet, and I personally am not worried about whether people do our Toa or their Toa. I am looking for what will make the best cover.
3Information for the art contest.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2If the MoLi were to fall into the wrong hands, the AE would be awakened, right? Since Pridak, touched the MoLi, does that mean that the AE will be revived?
4AE is already awake -- always has been -- what we said all along was that AE would be "unleashed," and right now it is looking likely that will happen
5Oh, okay, but does this mean that Makuta might soon gain a physical form? 6-Rabin
7Gonna be pretty hard for him to fight Hydraxon in Book 8 if he doesn't have a physical form, right?
11. Did the silver Kanohi ever appear in the story-line? 2A. No
32. Is there any way to tell apart a Golden Kanohi Hau (like the one that Tahu Mata wore) from Lhikan's/Jaller's golden colored Hau? 4A. I don't see Jaller's mask as gold, Jaller's mask was yellow in the set.
53. Were the Mata's Golden Kanohis the only Golden Kanohis ever? 6A. Far as we know
74. Are the age of the Mata non-canon any more? Like Lewa being the youngest at 17, I think it was.. 8A Never was canon. That info came from a story bible that was outdated in 2001
95. Is it possible that the Mata have a big past from the island that their canisters were shot up from? Like they had adventures and lost there memories from being in the canisters for so long, would you rule that out? You could make that a writing contest on BZP or something. 10A. I can't comment on this
116. Jovan's mask wasn't organic-ish like the Inika's correct? 12A. No, he wasn't an Inika
137. Can the Mask of Time take someone into the past? 14A. No. We don't do time travel in BIONICLE, it's a great way to ruin a continuing storyline
158. Can you read Matoran? 16A. Nope
32. Is there any way to tell apart a Golden Kanohi Hau (like the one that Tahu Mata wore) from Lhikan's/Jaller's golden colored Hau? 4A. I don't see Jaller's mask as gold, Jaller's mask was yellow in the set.
53. Were the Mata's Golden Kanohis the only Golden Kanohis ever? 6A. Far as we know
74. Are the age of the Mata non-canon any more? Like Lewa being the youngest at 17, I think it was.. 8A Never was canon. That info came from a story bible that was outdated in 2001
95. Is it possible that the Mata have a big past from the island that their canisters were shot up from? Like they had adventures and lost there memories from being in the canisters for so long, would you rule that out? You could make that a writing contest on BZP or something. 10A. I can't comment on this
116. Jovan's mask wasn't organic-ish like the Inika's correct? 12A. No, he wasn't an Inika
137. Can the Mask of Time take someone into the past? 14A. No. We don't do time travel in BIONICLE, it's a great way to ruin a continuing storyline
158. Can you read Matoran? 16A. Nope
16) I don't think there really is one. I would say all of them are kind of creeped out by Takadox, but not to the point of actual hatred.
3Why do you assume that they hate him for his "control freak nature"? I quoted your Greg answer so you can see that he never said that. They are just creeped out by him, due to his vile nature, I think. If you have read Bionicle Legends #6, you know that it's not nice to be near him. 4And Wrinkledlion, it also bothers me that a lot of people seem to think that Reidak is stupid. It's crearly stated in many sources that he doesn't uses his brain more because he doesn't need to. 5Khote2they seem to dislike Takadox for his control freak nature.
6For the record I have never said Reidak was stupid. I said does Carapar think like him. I know full well Reidak is not stupid hes actually pretty smart and so is Carapar apparently. I also didn't say the other Barraki hate Takadox I only said they disliked him. Beside I have read Bionicle Legends 6 and read first hand that he is a control freak, maniulating or trying too get everyone around him to do what he wants. And if your a control freak you pretty vile man. I mean he was a control freak to the point of not having to move for 100 years and thats pretty creepy and vile if you ask me.
1Some more questions, Greg...1. What type of Matoran was Firedracax? A Ta-Matoran? Because he can absorb heat energy from the air and let out a blast of heat and flames...And his name has "Fire" in the word... 22. Was "Gatherer" a Onu-Matoran? He has some control on subterrainean Rahi... 33. Are the Mask of Time and Mask of Life legendary Elemental Masks? 44. Are they considered Legendary elements?
51) Ta-Matoran would make sense 62) Would have to double-check, I don't remember 73) They are legendary masks, I don't consider them to be elemental masks because life and time are not Toa elements.
1For the record I have never said Reidak was stupid. I said does Carapar think like him. I know full well Reidak is not stupid hes actually pretty smart and so is Carapar apparently.
2Well you were presenting them as opposite sides of the "spectrum" of intelligence. You asked if he was closer to Reidak or Zaktan. And just for the record, I'm not irritated with you or anything- just with the fact that everyone thinks he's stupid.
1For the record I have never said Reidak was stupid. I said does Carapar think like him. I know full well Reidak is not stupid hes actually pretty smart and so is Carapar apparently.
2Well you were presenting them as opposite sides of the "spectrum" of intelligence. You asked if he was closer to Reidak or Zaktan. And just for the record, I'm not irritated with you or anything- just with the fact that everyone thinks he's stupid.
3Yeah I'm sure you were but I was just making it clear i'm not one of those people. Beside I was using Reidak and Zaktan as an example because one is CLEARLY smarter then the other and I just wanted to know which one's thought process was more similar to Carapar's.
1For the record I have never said Reidak was stupid. I said does Carapar think like him. I know full well Reidak is not stupid hes actually pretty smart and so is Carapar apparently.
2Well you were presenting them as opposite sides of the "spectrum" of intelligence. You asked if he was closer to Reidak or Zaktan. And just for the record, I'm not irritated with you or anything- just with the fact that everyone thinks he's stupid.
3Yeah I'm sure you were but I was just making it clear i'm not one of those people. Beside I was using Reidak and Zaktan as an example because one is CLEARLY smarter then the other and I just wanted to know which one's thought process was more similar to Carapar's.
4That's true. Krekka is a wee bit dumber, though. Just a little.
11. Did the silver Kanohi ever appear in the story-line? 2A. No
32. Is there any way to tell apart a Golden Kanohi Hau (like the one that Tahu Mata wore) from Lhikan's/Jaller's golden colored Hau? 4A. I don't see Jaller's mask as gold, Jaller's mask was yellow in the set.
53. Were the Mata's Golden Kanohis the only Golden Kanohis ever? 6A. Far as we know
74. Are the age of the Mata non-canon any more? Like Lewa being the youngest at 17, I think it was.. 8A Never was canon. That info came from a story bible that was outdated in 2001
95. Is it possible that the Mata have a big past from the island that their canisters were shot up from? Like they had adventures and lost there memories from being in the canisters for so long, would you rule that out? You could make that a writing contest on BZP or something. 10A. I can't comment on this
116. Jovan's mask wasn't organic-ish like the Inika's correct? 12A. No, he wasn't an Inika
137. Can the Mask of Time take someone into the past? 14A. No. We don't do time travel in BIONICLE, it's a great way to ruin a continuing storyline
158. Can you read Matoran? 16A. Nope
17Brutaka's mask is gold as well, what's the different? The fact that each Golden Kanohi Mata has each 6 elemental powers?
11. Did the silver Kanohi ever appear in the story-line? 2A. No
32. Is there any way to tell apart a Golden Kanohi Hau (like the one that Tahu Mata wore) from Lhikan's/Jaller's golden colored Hau? 4A. I don't see Jaller's mask as gold, Jaller's mask was yellow in the set.
53. Were the Mata's Golden Kanohis the only Golden Kanohis ever? 6A. Far as we know
74. Are the age of the Mata non-canon any more? Like Lewa being the youngest at 17, I think it was.. 8A Never was canon. That info came from a story bible that was outdated in 2001
95. Is it possible that the Mata have a big past from the island that their canisters were shot up from? Like they had adventures and lost there memories from being in the canisters for so long, would you rule that out? You could make that a writing contest on BZP or something. 10A. I can't comment on this
116. Jovan's mask wasn't organic-ish like the Inika's correct? 12A. No, he wasn't an Inika
137. Can the Mask of Time take someone into the past? 14A. No. We don't do time travel in BIONICLE, it's a great way to ruin a continuing storyline
158. Can you read Matoran? 16A. Nope
17Brutaka's mask is gold as well, what's the different? The fact that each Golden Kanohi Mata has each 6 elemental powers?
18Maybe "bionicle_fan_nuva" made a mistake, I think I'll answer Q. 3 193. Were the Mata's Golden Kanohis the only Golden Kanohis ever? 20A. Brutaka's, Takanuva, Iruini's, mask were all Kanohi, and were all Gold so no. LEGO just used different shades of Gold, most of them being familiar to the Golden Toa Mata masks, since they are just different shades, they still count as Gold: