1QUOTE 2Hi Greg I have a few questions in reguards to mata nui.
31: Have we seen mata nu in at all in any living body before?
42: So if the toa nuva wake mata nui up will darkness take over? As said in Bionicle Legends#4
53: Is mata nui evil?
64: So on a scale of 1 to 10 how easy is it to find mata nui
75: Is he in the world that feeds the world.
86: Is he the insane matoron from Bionicle Legends#2?
9Thats all and thanks for your time.
101) I would say no 112) I can't discuss future storyline 123) No 134) 10 145) Can't answer it 156) No. Mata Nui is asleep, the insane Matoran was not
11. When Takanuva tried on the Mask of Telepathy, did it turn Gold? 2A. That would make sense
32. Are all Doom Vipers six headed? 4A. Yes
53. In BL3, when Brutaka raced over to the vat of Antidermis, did it not effect him as it does others except for Zaktan? 6A. Yes
74. How do Kanohi and powerless masks attach to characters story-line wise? A strap or what? 8A. Magnetically 94. Do their heads repel each other? ("You may now kiss the bride," "aaaAAAGGG: I can't:") 10A. Not that I am aware of
115. BL5, page 54. It says that the Piraka didn't notice the minute changes in their bodies after being exposed to the sea water. So is this the same as the Mahri Nui mutagen? How did it get there? If the Piraka would have been underwater longer, would they have changed into water-breathers? 12A. Because where the mutagen originates from is tied into where Voya Nui originates from, and they were in the depths of Voya Nui at the time
136. Could you type your name as an autograph to me? 14A. Greg Farshtey
32. Are all Doom Vipers six headed? 4A. Yes
53. In BL3, when Brutaka raced over to the vat of Antidermis, did it not effect him as it does others except for Zaktan? 6A. Yes
74. How do Kanohi and powerless masks attach to characters story-line wise? A strap or what? 8A. Magnetically 94. Do their heads repel each other? ("You may now kiss the bride," "aaaAAAGGG: I can't:") 10A. Not that I am aware of
115. BL5, page 54. It says that the Piraka didn't notice the minute changes in their bodies after being exposed to the sea water. So is this the same as the Mahri Nui mutagen? How did it get there? If the Piraka would have been underwater longer, would they have changed into water-breathers? 12A. Because where the mutagen originates from is tied into where Voya Nui originates from, and they were in the depths of Voya Nui at the time
136. Could you type your name as an autograph to me? 14A. Greg Farshtey
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31a. I was reading the OGD, when someone asked you if Axonn has powers that haven't been revealed... you answered yes. 4Will those powers be revealed in BL7? 51b. Does Brutaka has powers that haven't been revealed?
62. I assume that the OoMN knows about the BoM-DH war, so why don't they attack now? I mean, the BoM is busy with the BoM-DH war, their "ultimate victory" and probably some other things we don't know about. Or do they still need more armies?
73a. Will we ever find out who the leader(s) of the OoMN is/are? 83b. Is it one leader, or are it more leaders? 93c. Mata Nui is not the leader of the OoMN, right? 103d. Is he/she/them someone we already know, or is it a new character/are it new characters? 113e. Male or female?
124. Every Makuta has 42 Rahkshi powers, I have some questions about some Rahkshi powers:
13What is adaption? (What can happen if it is used?) 14What is density control? (What can happen if it is used?) 15What is hunger? (What can happen if it is used?) 16What is molecular disruption? (What can happen if it is used?) 17What is statis field? (What can happen if it is used?)
185a. If someone finds out where Artakha is (a BoM member for example) and he tells it to someone else? (the BoM), what will do the OoMN then?
195b. Even other Order members will be killed when they find out where Artakha lies?
206. Except for the war against the BoM, does the OoMN has any other nice plans?
217. Toa won't kill, but for an Order member, killing when it's necessary is no problem?
228. If Makuta should fight Karzahni in his 2003 form, would Makuta win?
239. Daxia is the "home" island of the OoMN, right?
2410. What's your favorite villain?
25Thanks for your time.
261) No. Axonn does not appear in Bionicle Legends #7. 271b) Yes 282) Why bother? Why not let the BOM and the DH fight it out and weaken each other, then swoop in and pick up the pieces? If the OOMN attacks now, they have to reveal themselves, and who's to say the DH wouldn't decide to ally with the BOM against them? 293) Can't answer it 304) Adaptation basically means you adjust to suit your environment .. so a Rahkshi with that power could adapt to breathe water if he was thrown into an ocean, for example. 31Density control means you can make yourself rock-hard or ghost-like, so that objects would pass right through you. 32Hunger allows you to draw energy from another being. 33Molecular disruption means you are basically attacking your foe on an atomic level and doing damage to every part of them at once. 34A being in a stasis field is paralyzed and cannot move out of the field. 355a) Take care of whoever knows. 365b) As things stand right now, yes. 376) None that I can discuss with you 387) Correct. Toa are like police -- they have to be trusted and respected by the Matoran to do their jobs, so they can't just go slaughtering anyone they don't like -- then they won't be trusted, just feared. OOMN are like spies -- no one knows about them, they don't care what anyone thinks of them, they just do what they have to do. 398) No way to predict the outcome of a fight that never took place. 409) Daxia is their main base. They have other bases as well. 4110) Makuta.
42Hi GregF,
43Some questions:
441a) In BL8? 451b) Will Brutaka's "hidden" powers be revealed?
465a) Yes, but what if someone tells it to 10 other ones, and then they have the knownledge about where Artakha is also.
47"5b) As things stand right now, yes." 485b) Is something special going on on Artakha right now?
49Some additional questions:
501. Is there an illustration of Amphibax? If so, where is it in?
512a. Tyrant is still alive, right? 52He was thrown into a sea, is he mutated, or wasn't he trowed in the mutagen water? 532b. Does Tyrant still have a body...?
543. Why doesn't TSO finish Darkness off? I mean, Darkness is a powerful warrior, but if it is not with you, it's against you, so...
554. Are the weapons of Axonn and Brutaka made of protosteel?
565. Does the OoMN still "possess" persons of Ehlek's species? I mean, they gave them protosteel claws.
57Thanks for your time.
581) I don't plan on revealing all the powers of either of them. They are more mysterious as characters if you don't know the limits of their abilities. 595) Then you hunt them all down. The entire raiding party the BOM brought to Artakha to grab the Mask of Light knew ... and they are all gone now. 605b) Well, the Order may need to seek out Artakha at some point, and if they decide to do that, they obviously aren't going to kill the people they send to find it.
611) Amphibax is a fan-built model. A pic of him is in the Dark Hunters Guide. 622) Haven't decided. 633) Because Darkness' job is to make sure TSO doesn't show weakness. It's important to the health of the DH organization that the leader not be weak. 644) Don't think so 655) They never "possessed" them. They altered the species for possble future use.
66Hi GregF,
67First, a few reactions:
681) But will more powers of Axonn and Brutaka (so not all, just more) be revealed? If not in 2007, then in 2008, or maybe even 2009? (If you have enough screentime left, of course.)
692b) Does Tyrant still have a body...? 70If not, can he take over body, just like Makuta?
71Second, a few additional question:
721. Not sure if I asked you this before, sorry if I did, but the item Mantax is searching for, is it useful to anyone in the Pit, or just to the Barraki?
732. Will Axonn appear in BL8? And will the Piraka?
743. When will the next Ignition be out?
754. Wich is the offically release date of the Toa Mahri? (In the U.S.)
765. This may sound stupid, but Kalmah breeds the squids, are the vampiric squids 77aseksual?
786. Can Pridak bite through Carapar's armor?
797. Nocturn's favorite food are Razor Whales and Giant Squid, what if Nocturn eats one, shouldn't that make Kalmah "angry"?
808. Wich Barraki mutated the least? Ehlek, since he always was a water-breather?
819. I've read BL6, but I'm not sure about the fate of the 300-feet long eel, is he dead, or still alive?
8210. Makuta's power scream, is it the hand that came out of his mouth in one of the comics?
8311. Did the Toa Hordika still have their elemental powers?
8412. The mutagen were not from the beginning in the water, right? They were there after the Great Catalysm, right? And you know for sure that the Order doesn't know about the prison break of the prisoners? My theory is, the Order somehow managed to put the mutagen in the waters surrounding the Pit as a second line of defense, am I right?
8513. I think I know why Hydraxonn is not affected by the mutagen water, it is... because... 86He has no organs and such anymore: Just like the Makuta species: (I forgot how Thok puts it.) Am I right?
8714. Since Maxilos is a robot, and contains no organs and such (just like Hydraxonn and the Makuta species), is he not affected by the mutagen water?
8815. Will we see the battle of Makuta and Karzahni in one of the Bionicle Legends books?
8916. Why is Karzahni after Makuta? I mean, he doesn't bother him...
9017. There must be a antidote for the mutagen water (I guess the Order knows it/haves it) otherwise Karzahni (and Brutaka) can't take part in the story anymore when we leave the water?
9118. Takadox has an army of insects, since Makuta has insect control, do you think he could control Takadox's armies? Or does Takadox hypnotyse his armies? If Takadox does so, can Makuta's insect control still take place?
9219. Do you think either Makuta or Karzahni will be affected by Takadox's hypnose?
9320. Is Takadox smarter than Zaktan, or is it an even match? And is Takadox smarter than Makuta?
9421. The tentacles of Kalmah, are it just weapons he holds, or are his tentacles part of him? (Doesn't look like metal to me.)
9522. Did Kalmah always had 3 eyes, or did the mutagen water "granted" him with one extra eye?
9623. Is Nocturn strong enough to lift the Pentagon? (I know, stupid question.) How much weight can he lift?
9724. Why is Nocturn afraid for Pridak? Sure, Pridak once bit his arm of, but Nocturn is still bigger, is he instinctive afraid of Pridak?
9825. Nocturn gains possession of the Ignika, right?
99Thanks for your time.
1001) Here and there, as and if I need them, but I don't see them playing a role past 2008. 1012) I would assume he does still have a body.
1021) Arguably, anyone who could reach the surface might find some use for it. 1032) Yes to both 1043) The comic? The March issue just came out, so the next one is May 1054) 8/1 1065) Not something I care to get into 1076) Yes, if he had enough time 1087) It might, if he ate enough of them to put a dent in Kalmah's army. But you also have to figure that, as with animals in our world, the ones most likely to get eaten are the slow, the sick, the ones who can't keep up, and they aren't much use to any army. 1098) Ehlek, simply because his respiratory system didn't have to change 1109) He's still alive 11110) No. That is shadow energy. Power scream is sonics. 11211) They could access their elemental powers through their Rhotuka disks, other than that, they could not 11312) No 11413) No 11514) No, arguably he would be affected, because we have seen inorganic objects affected, like armor. 11615) No. That is intended for web-only 11716) Can't answer it 11817) The only known antidote is the Mask of Life 11918) Makuta's will would be stronger than Takadox's. Remember, though, Makuta also has Rahi control, I believe, so he can influence any of the armies. 12019) I doubt it very much. 12120) Define "smarter than" 12221) Part of him, I believe 12322) I think the mutagen gave him three eyes 12423) I don't quantify things like this 12524) Why are whales, which are much bigger, not going up to sharks to be pals? Pridak is violent, unpredictable, and dangerous, and his biting Nocturn's arm off amounts to aversion therapy 12625) Yes
127Hi GregF,
128First, a few reactions:
1291a) So, it's useful when used on the surface... but Mantax already started to search it, when the Ignika wasn't in Mahri Nui, does Mantax have an other solution of the mutate problem (so that he can breath air again)? 1301b) Does the item where Mantax is searching has anything to do with Xia?
1312b) Right, but can Tyrant take over spiritless bodies?
1323) Can you tell me anything of what's going to happen in the May comic?
13312a) Please answer each question seperately: 134The mutagen were not from the beginning in the water, right? 13512b)They were there after the Great Catalysm, right? 13612c)And you know for sure that the Order doesn't know about the prison break of the prisoners?
13720) In general terms?
13825) They leave the Ignika with Nocturn because they think he is stupid and doesn't care about "a" mask, right?
139Second, a few additional questions:
1401. What's the official release date of BL7?
1412. Why did Pridak and Kalmah fight? (When Kalmah lost his top eye.)
1423. Why did Carapar and Mantax fight?
1434. Piraka experience "fun" in killing Rahi, Toa, and killing eachother. Since the Barraki are not such brutes as the Piraka, what do they see as "fun"?
1445. The rest of the BoM knows that Makuta (of Metru Nui) is still alive, right? What is the BoM doing on the moment? Besides being busy with their war against the DH.
1456. Mata Nui is a single being right, he's not in the Toa Nuva or something, right? (Someone made a topic of that.)
1467. Besides Mata Nui, the wearer of the Kanohi Ide and the Makuta species, is there anyone else who can take over spiritless bodies?
147Thanks for your time.
1481) No 1491a) No (Strange, didn't get an answer on 1b...) 1502b) I would have to double-check his entry 1513) No 15212a) Right 15312b) Right 15412c) As of the beginning of this year, they did not 15520) I don't see a vast difference in their intelligence levels, only perhaps in their experiences. 15625) And because his dwelling is a central point between their six territories.
1571) 7/1 1582-3) Try getting stuck with the same people for 80,000 years and see if you never fight over anything. 1594) Conquering territories 1605) Carrying forward their leader's plans 1616) Correct. Mata Nui is a single being with a physical body, he is not a character you have already met or scattered among other characters. 1627) Not that we know of, no, and actually I am not sure we have seen proof that Mata Nui can do it either. When has he been shown to do that?
163I will find out what the item is that Mantax is looking for... I will find out...
1fresh answers from Greg
2Hi Greg I saw this in another webpage, but can you confirm 31.-That Artahka is going to appear in Downfall?
4and another question.. 52.-"Downfall refers to the Barraki?, if not, to whom?
6that´s all Greg, thanks in advance![]()
71) Yes, you will at least hear him speak 82) Downfall refers to a lot of things in that book
11.How much younger is the Makuta comapred to Umbra? Like a year or a week? 22.How long was the 2006 storyline in days?(Not counting BL4) 33.Do you know the Makuta of Metru Nui's real name? 44.Are all Makuta assigned a region?
51) Could be a week, or 100 years 62) Less than a week, easily 73) I haven't bothered worrying about it, because it's not relevant to the story at this time. I only have time to come up with things I am actually going to need to use. 84) Yes
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31a. I was reading the OGD, when someone asked you if Axonn has powers that haven't been revealed... you answered yes. 4Will those powers be revealed in BL7? 51b. Does Brutaka has powers that haven't been revealed?
62. I assume that the OoMN knows about the BoM-DH war, so why don't they attack now? I mean, the BoM is busy with the BoM-DH war, their "ultimate victory" and probably some other things we don't know about. Or do they still need more armies?
73a. Will we ever find out who the leader(s) of the OoMN is/are? 83b. Is it one leader, or are it more leaders? 93c. Mata Nui is not the leader of the OoMN, right? 103d. Is he/she/them someone we already know, or is it a new character/are it new characters? 113e. Male or female?
124. Every Makuta has 42 Rahkshi powers, I have some questions about some Rahkshi powers:
13What is adaption? (What can happen if it is used?) 14What is density control? (What can happen if it is used?) 15What is hunger? (What can happen if it is used?) 16What is molecular disruption? (What can happen if it is used?) 17What is statis field? (What can happen if it is used?)
185a. If someone finds out where Artakha is (a BoM member for example) and he tells it to someone else? (the BoM), what will do the OoMN then?
195b. Even other Order members will be killed when they find out where Artakha lies?
206. Except for the war against the BoM, does the OoMN has any other nice plans?
217. Toa won't kill, but for an Order member, killing when it's necessary is no problem?
228. If Makuta should fight Karzahni in his 2003 form, would Makuta win?
239. Daxia is the "home" island of the OoMN, right?
2410. What's your favorite villain?
25Thanks for your time.
261) No. Axonn does not appear in Bionicle Legends #7. 271b) Yes 282) Why bother? Why not let the BOM and the DH fight it out and weaken each other, then swoop in and pick up the pieces? If the OOMN attacks now, they have to reveal themselves, and who's to say the DH wouldn't decide to ally with the BOM against them? 293) Can't answer it 304) Adaptation basically means you adjust to suit your environment .. so a Rahkshi with that power could adapt to breathe water if he was thrown into an ocean, for example. 31Density control means you can make yourself rock-hard or ghost-like, so that objects would pass right through you. 32Hunger allows you to draw energy from another being. 33Molecular disruption means you are basically attacking your foe on an atomic level and doing damage to every part of them at once. 34A being in a stasis field is paralyzed and cannot move out of the field. 355a) Take care of whoever knows. 365b) As things stand right now, yes. 376) None that I can discuss with you 387) Correct. Toa are like police -- they have to be trusted and respected by the Matoran to do their jobs, so they can't just go slaughtering anyone they don't like -- then they won't be trusted, just feared. OOMN are like spies -- no one knows about them, they don't care what anyone thinks of them, they just do what they have to do. 398) No way to predict the outcome of a fight that never took place. 409) Daxia is their main base. They have other bases as well. 4110) Makuta.
42Hi GregF,
43Some questions:
441a) In BL8? 451b) Will Brutaka's "hidden" powers be revealed?
465a) Yes, but what if someone tells it to 10 other ones, and then they have the knownledge about where Artakha is also.
47"5b) As things stand right now, yes." 485b) Is something special going on on Artakha right now?
49Some additional questions:
501. Is there an illustration of Amphibax? If so, where is it in?
512a. Tyrant is still alive, right? 52He was thrown into a sea, is he mutated, or wasn't he trowed in the mutagen water? 532b. Does Tyrant still have a body...?
543. Why doesn't TSO finish Darkness off? I mean, Darkness is a powerful warrior, but if it is not with you, it's against you, so...
554. Are the weapons of Axonn and Brutaka made of protosteel?
565. Does the OoMN still "possess" persons of Ehlek's species? I mean, they gave them protosteel claws.
57Thanks for your time.
581) I don't plan on revealing all the powers of either of them. They are more mysterious as characters if you don't know the limits of their abilities. 595) Then you hunt them all down. The entire raiding party the BOM brought to Artakha to grab the Mask of Light knew ... and they are all gone now. 605b) Well, the Order may need to seek out Artakha at some point, and if they decide to do that, they obviously aren't going to kill the people they send to find it.
611) Amphibax is a fan-built model. A pic of him is in the Dark Hunters Guide. 622) Haven't decided. 633) Because Darkness' job is to make sure TSO doesn't show weakness. It's important to the health of the DH organization that the leader not be weak. 644) Don't think so 655) They never "possessed" them. They altered the species for possble future use.
66Hi GregF,
67First, a few reactions:
681) But will more powers of Axonn and Brutaka (so not all, just more) be revealed? If not in 2007, then in 2008, or maybe even 2009? (If you have enough screentime left, of course.)
692b) Does Tyrant still have a body...? 70If not, can he take over body, just like Makuta?
71Second, a few additional question:
721. Not sure if I asked you this before, sorry if I did, but the item Mantax is searching for, is it useful to anyone in the Pit, or just to the Barraki?
732. Will Axonn appear in BL8? And will the Piraka?
743. When will the next Ignition be out?
754. Wich is the offically release date of the Toa Mahri? (In the U.S.)
765. This may sound stupid, but Kalmah breeds the squids, are the vampiric squids 77aseksual?
786. Can Pridak bite through Carapar's armor?
797. Nocturn's favorite food are Razor Whales and Giant Squid, what if Nocturn eats one, shouldn't that make Kalmah "angry"?
808. Wich Barraki mutated the least? Ehlek, since he always was a water-breather?
819. I've read BL6, but I'm not sure about the fate of the 300-feet long eel, is he dead, or still alive?
8210. Makuta's power scream, is it the hand that came out of his mouth in one of the comics?
8311. Did the Toa Hordika still have their elemental powers?
8412. The mutagen were not from the beginning in the water, right? They were there after the Great Catalysm, right? And you know for sure that the Order doesn't know about the prison break of the prisoners? My theory is, the Order somehow managed to put the mutagen in the waters surrounding the Pit as a second line of defense, am I right?
8513. I think I know why Hydraxonn is not affected by the mutagen water, it is... because... 86He has no organs and such anymore: Just like the Makuta species: (I forgot how Thok puts it.) Am I right?
8714. Since Maxilos is a robot, and contains no organs and such (just like Hydraxonn and the Makuta species), is he not affected by the mutagen water?
8815. Will we see the battle of Makuta and Karzahni in one of the Bionicle Legends books?
8916. Why is Karzahni after Makuta? I mean, he doesn't bother him...
9017. There must be a antidote for the mutagen water (I guess the Order knows it/haves it) otherwise Karzahni (and Brutaka) can't take part in the story anymore when we leave the water?
9118. Takadox has an army of insects, since Makuta has insect control, do you think he could control Takadox's armies? Or does Takadox hypnotyse his armies? If Takadox does so, can Makuta's insect control still take place?
9219. Do you think either Makuta or Karzahni will be affected by Takadox's hypnose?
9320. Is Takadox smarter than Zaktan, or is it an even match? And is Takadox smarter than Makuta?
9421. The tentacles of Kalmah, are it just weapons he holds, or are his tentacles part of him? (Doesn't look like metal to me.)
9522. Did Kalmah always had 3 eyes, or did the mutagen water "granted" him with one extra eye?
9623. Is Nocturn strong enough to lift the Pentagon? (I know, stupid question.) How much weight can he lift?
9724. Why is Nocturn afraid for Pridak? Sure, Pridak once bit his arm of, but Nocturn is still bigger, is he instinctive afraid of Pridak?
9825. Nocturn gains possession of the Ignika, right?
99Thanks for your time.
1001) Here and there, as and if I need them, but I don't see them playing a role past 2008. 1012) I would assume he does still have a body.
1021) Arguably, anyone who could reach the surface might find some use for it. 1032) Yes to both 1043) The comic? The March issue just came out, so the next one is May 1054) 8/1 1065) Not something I care to get into 1076) Yes, if he had enough time 1087) It might, if he ate enough of them to put a dent in Kalmah's army. But you also have to figure that, as with animals in our world, the ones most likely to get eaten are the slow, the sick, the ones who can't keep up, and they aren't much use to any army. 1098) Ehlek, simply because his respiratory system didn't have to change 1109) He's still alive 11110) No. That is shadow energy. Power scream is sonics. 11211) They could access their elemental powers through their Rhotuka disks, other than that, they could not 11312) No 11413) No 11514) No, arguably he would be affected, because we have seen inorganic objects affected, like armor. 11615) No. That is intended for web-only 11716) Can't answer it 11817) The only known antidote is the Mask of Life 11918) Makuta's will would be stronger than Takadox's. Remember, though, Makuta also has Rahi control, I believe, so he can influence any of the armies. 12019) I doubt it very much. 12120) Define "smarter than" 12221) Part of him, I believe 12322) I think the mutagen gave him three eyes 12423) I don't quantify things like this 12524) Why are whales, which are much bigger, not going up to sharks to be pals? Pridak is violent, unpredictable, and dangerous, and his biting Nocturn's arm off amounts to aversion therapy 12625) Yes
127Hi GregF,
128First, a few reactions:
1291a) So, it's useful when used on the surface... but Mantax already started to search it, when the Ignika wasn't in Mahri Nui, does Mantax have an other solution of the mutate problem (so that he can breath air again)? 1301b) Does the item where Mantax is searching has anything to do with Xia?
1312b) Right, but can Tyrant take over spiritless bodies?
1323) Can you tell me anything of what's going to happen in the May comic?
13312a) Please answer each question seperately: 134The mutagen were not from the beginning in the water, right? 13512b)They were there after the Great Catalysm, right? 13612c)And you know for sure that the Order doesn't know about the prison break of the prisoners?
13720) In general terms?
13825) They leave the Ignika with Nocturn because they think he is stupid and doesn't care about "a" mask, right?
139Second, a few additional questions:
1401. What's the official release date of BL7?
1412. Why did Pridak and Kalmah fight? (When Kalmah lost his top eye.)
1423. Why did Carapar and Mantax fight?
1434. Piraka experience "fun" in killing Rahi, Toa, and killing eachother. Since the Barraki are not such brutes as the Piraka, what do they see as "fun"?
1445. The rest of the BoM knows that Makuta (of Metru Nui) is still alive, right? What is the BoM doing on the moment? Besides being busy with their war against the DH.
1456. Mata Nui is a single being right, he's not in the Toa Nuva or something, right? (Someone made a topic of that.)
1467. Besides Mata Nui, the wearer of the Kanohi Ide and the Makuta species, is there anyone else who can take over spiritless bodies?
147Thanks for your time.
1481) No 1491a) No (Strange, didn't get an answer on 1b...) 1502b) I would have to double-check his entry 1513) No 15212a) Right 15312b) Right 15412c) As of the beginning of this year, they did not 15520) I don't see a vast difference in their intelligence levels, only perhaps in their experiences. 15625) And because his dwelling is a central point between their six territories.
1571) 7/1 1582-3) Try getting stuck with the same people for 80,000 years and see if you never fight over anything. 1594) Conquering territories 1605) Carrying forward their leader's plans 1616) Correct. Mata Nui is a single being with a physical body, he is not a character you have already met or scattered among other characters. 1627) Not that we know of, no, and actually I am not sure we have seen proof that Mata Nui can do it either. When has he been shown to do that?
163I will find out what the item is that Mantax is looking for... I will find out...
164u will find out in book 8
1here is an amazingly short list of stuff i asked greg
2hi greg, i have some questions for you. thanks in advance for answering.![]()
3Q: are pridak's long feet part of his mutation?
4A: Possibly
5Q: will the barraki's armies be in the comics?
6A: To some extent, yes
7Q: is nocturn like a seventh barakki?
8A: No. Nocturn is a henchman, he's not a Barraki
9Q: if the barraki are different species, then why are they all called barraki?
10A: "Barraki" is a Matoran word meaning "warlord" -- it's a job title, not a species name
11Q: were the barraki a part of any organization?
12A: They were originally the League of Six Kingdoms
13Q: what did pridak do to get banished?
14A: The Barraki rebelled against Mata Nui
15Q: does makuta really posess the jailer?
16A: No
17Q: if so, why would he still be on the mahri's side? to gain their confidence?
18A: See answer to #7
19Q: what element are the 2 new matoran going to be?
20A: Fire and water
21Q: do you ever get tired of answering pm's?
22A: Only when it's the same questions over and over
23Q: do you know when the jan/feb comic is going to come out on bionicle.com?
24A: Should be soon, I think the animation is donesorry, i asked a while ago and didnt get around to posting them until now
25Q: will the bohrok ever come back into the storyline?
26A: As a cameo
27Q: does the storyline ever return to mata nui? (the island)
28A: No plans for that, no
1Don'o if I posted this but...
21) Are the Krana somehow related to the Toa Inika's masks? 31) No 42) Was it Jaller and co.'s destiny to transform into toa? 52) Yes. You can't become a Toa unless you are destined to do so 63a) Are the Matoran and krana related? 73a) To the extent that the first krana were created from what was left over from the process that created the first Matoran 83b) Are the Toa related to the krana? 93b) Only to the extent that most Toa start out as Matoran
21) Are the Krana somehow related to the Toa Inika's masks? 31) No 42) Was it Jaller and co.'s destiny to transform into toa? 52) Yes. You can't become a Toa unless you are destined to do so 63a) Are the Matoran and krana related? 73a) To the extent that the first krana were created from what was left over from the process that created the first Matoran 83b) Are the Toa related to the krana? 93b) Only to the extent that most Toa start out as Matoran
1Here are some answers:
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Dear Mr. Farshtey: Here are some things I was wondering.
61. Is the statment on the back of Bionicle World about the Order of Mata Nui making the guide for the Toa canon? Because there is Artakha in it and I'm not sure they want all the Toa that don't know about the Order to know about it. 3. Is the reason that you wrote in BL6 that Carapar has two claws because the prototype had two claw/blades? 3.Could the thing Mantax is looking for be Ehleks device? You said if could be helpful to anyone who could reach the surface.
71) All Toa have at least heard of Artakha, and the guide does not give away the most important fact, the one really being kept secret: where it is. 83) No, I just assumed he had to have had two hands. 94) No. As I have told the dozen other people who suggested this, it was destroyed in the quake. Otherwise, Ehlek would be searching for it too.
10But what about the chapter on the Order of Mata Nui Base? If alot of Toa read this then they will all know of the Order. ohmy.gif
11True, but I doubt the Order is going to share the book with anyone until they are forced to by circumstances, by which point secrecy won't matter anymore.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Dear Mr. Farshtey: Here are some things I was wondering.
61. Is the statment on the back of Bionicle World about the Order of Mata Nui making the guide for the Toa canon? Because there is Artakha in it and I'm not sure they want all the Toa that don't know about the Order to know about it. 3. Is the reason that you wrote in BL6 that Carapar has two claws because the prototype had two claw/blades? 3.Could the thing Mantax is looking for be Ehleks device? You said if could be helpful to anyone who could reach the surface.
71) All Toa have at least heard of Artakha, and the guide does not give away the most important fact, the one really being kept secret: where it is. 83) No, I just assumed he had to have had two hands. 94) No. As I have told the dozen other people who suggested this, it was destroyed in the quake. Otherwise, Ehlek would be searching for it too.
10But what about the chapter on the Order of Mata Nui Base? If alot of Toa read this then they will all know of the Order. ohmy.gif
11True, but I doubt the Order is going to share the book with anyone until they are forced to by circumstances, by which point secrecy won't matter anymore.

1Very interesting stuff here:
2Hi greg. Lots of stuff:
31: On a scale of one to ten (ten being the best) how powerful is artahka?
42: What kind of speaking role will artahka have in downfall? A really brief one, or something big?
53: I think I know what mantax is searching for in the old pit.(At least tell me if i'm close on this) If you can make it to the surface, this device will help you or take you to the world that feeds the world: Thats how the toa could get there::: 6If you cant answer this, please just tell me if I'm close
74: How aware is artahka on the current state of the universe?
91) Can't answer it 102) You'll find out when you read the book 113) Nope, he is looking for something whose power is symbolic, not actual 124) Very
13) Nope, he is looking for something whose power is symbolic, not actual 2Maybe its something like information on the order from the pit jailer.....
3This is what we know:
4-The object has symbolic power, so no actual power. 5- 6-The object is valuable for anyone on the surface, this is it not:
7-Ehlek's breathing apparatus
89a. Is Mantax searching for a Kanohi in the ruins of the Pit? 99b. Is Mantax searching for data of an organisation in the Pit? 109c. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of Hydraxonn in the Pit? 119d. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of someone else?
129) No, no, no and no
13What I should ask him now:
14-Was it already there, or did Mantax took the object with him when he was sent to the Pit? 15-Has it anything to do with Xia? (Remember, he didn't answer that question...) 16-Is it some kind of ticket for one of the weapon makers? (Some kind of contract, contracts have a symbolic "power", just like money.) So that he could get his weapons back?
17More questions that help to reveal the item are welcome, I'll find out, before BL8, I'll find out...
1I've figured it out,mabye the banner of the six kingdoms?think about it,it would tell people the kingdoms were back at power,therefore it has no true power but will show they were back a power?...could someone ask Greg if my theorys right?if he cant answer it then we know something
1-Is it some kind of ticket for one of the weapon makers? (Some kind of contract, contracts have a symbolic "power", just like money.) So that he could get his weapons back?
2Hmm...that's a good theory. However, I think the banner one is possible too....perhaps the banner serves the same purpose as Voldemort's Dark Mark in HP? Maybe....
1More questions that help to reveal the item are welcome, I'll find out, before BL8, I'll find out...
2Ask him-
3is the item one of a kind? 4has any one else we know used the item before? 5do any of the other barraki know about the existance of the item but just dont know Mantax is searching for it? 6how large is the item? 7if the other barraki saw him with it would they try to take it?
1I think people should not ask Greg the same questions over and over again, I believe that get's annoying for him. I also wonder what Mantax is searcing in the Pit and as far as I can see the storyline we have so far does not offer a plausible guess what it might be. So I just lean back and await the things to come: 2Would you like to answer 30 questions a day like: 3Is Mantax searching....a 4Is Mantax searching....b 5Is Mantax searching....c 6Is Mantax searching....d 7........... 8Probably Not: 9Maybe we get more info with the next comic in May, I think until then questions about what he is searching do not really matter:
1Is the last one big news?
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3First, i finally got to read a bionicle legends book (prisoners of the pit) and i must say it was really good (and now i finally got why some people don't like spoilers). 4but i'd also like to ask some questions:
51)Would a powerfull new faction (I mean the OoMN) be able to throw the BOM plan off- balance?
62)If half the protodites that make up Zaktan are exposed to the mutagen around Voya Nui and fully mutate those 72a)Would the rest change along to correspond with the other one (or the other way?) 82b)Would he mutate into what a piraka's species member would mutate in or would all prodtodites mutate into what protodites would mutate into?
93)I remember you saying that if the OoMN would strike now that the dark hunters may ally with the BOM to fight them: would both organisations stab each other in the back during their alliance?
104) What could you do in battle with an activated Inika blade? The laser beam is in the middle of the blade which is not realy used in a fight.
115) Just for fun: Would a lightsaber be able to cut trough an activated Inika tool? 12And Chuck Norris vs all great beings: how long do the great beings survive?
131) Possibly, if they knew what the plan was. Problem is, they don't 142) I would say only those exposed would mutate, and he would mutate into what a Piraka would mutate into. 153) Impossible to predict 164) I am a little confused by your question. You seem to be confusing the set functionality with its use in story. 175) I don't have time for hypothetical questions like these, my PM box is jammed.
184) So the beams in an Inika blade don't really have a functionality in-stroy?
19and i also got some new questions:
206) Could the mask of life mutate after being exposed to the pit mutagen for some time? If it did would it just morph back into what it was before the mutation (like when Roodaka tried to mutate Krahka)?
217) Is there a particular reason that exactly the piece of mainland with the Ignika on shot up to the surface?
228) Is there a big gap now where Voya Nui used to be? (If so i guess that it filled itself now with water from the endless ocean)
239) When Voya Nui rocketed up, it flew trough the dome which probably now has a big hole in it, shouldn't most of the pit be sucked down into the mainland? (And was it Voya Nui shooting up that devastated the pit?)
2410) I now you get an awful lot of questions about this but did Mantax own the thing he is looking for in the past?
2511) You said the nuva might regain their memories in the future, could this include the location of Arthaka?
2612) Will the new mission of the Nuva be revealed in one of the web exclusives?
274) The beams represent the energy the Toa Inika can shoot out of their weapons.
286) It seems to be getting damaged by the water, not mutating into some other form.
297) No, just happened that way.
308) Yes
319) No. Voya Nui shot up well to the south of where the Pit is, and then drifted northward. After Mahri Nui broke off and the cord was formed, Mahri Nui acted as an anchor to keep Voya Nui from drifting anymore.
3210) No
3311) Possibly, yes
3412) I can tell it to you now -- the 2007 mission of the Toa Nuva is to prepare the universe for the awakening of Mata Nui
lumi 1Is the last one big news?
2Yes, it is.
3So, I would assume that the reason the Nuva must prepare the universe for Mata-Nui's awakening is because, at the moment, they cannot continue their original mission of simply awakening Mata-Nui (since he needs to be restored to health by the Ignika first).
1Just a few questions about Mantax's search.
2Hi Mr Farshtey. I have a few questions about the item Mantax is looking for.
3Also, a while back I sent you a PM; you did not answer it. Could you go back and see if you can find it? Thanks.
4Here they are.
51) Is it purely symbolic, like say a logo or a statue, etc.?
62) Did he possess it once before?
73) Does it have to do with anything from Xia?
84) Is it a contract of some sorts?
95) Does it have to do with the Barraki before they were banished to the Pit?
106) How about before mutation?
117) Is it a weapon of some kind?
12Thanks in advance:
131) Yes 142) No 153) No 164) Mmmmmm, maybe 175) Yes 186) Yes 197) No
2I was wondering:
31-with Brutaka's Olmax: when he opens the gates, are the 2 points connected immedietly, as in if he stuck his hand in it would pop out the other end, or more like the stargate, with a space in between the 2 gates?
41) He has to pass through an intervening dimension to get from one to the other, most times, which is what makes dimensional travel so dangerous.
52-since Axonn wiped the madening memories from Gali nuvas mind, does it mean that he has limited mind-wipe?
62) It could, yes, or simply the ability to cure insanity
73-will we see more of the pited (thats what I call the pit inmates) later on as official sets?or more like the DH in the DH guide?
83) Really neither, because we are not in the Pit after this year and Scholastic has no plans for more guidebooks.
9I hesitate to post this but...
10SPOILER::: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
114-will the Toa Mahri of air act like an unlimited air source for the toa? or will we have to wait and see?
124) No. The Toa Mahri no longer breathe air, they breathe water
145-since the kraata are essentialy Makutas essance, could Makuta possibly live on through one of them?(since he no longer has his own body)
155) No. A kraata is a living thing, which means it has a spirit ... Makuta can only possess a living body that has no spirit in it.
166-could we possibly see a Barraki-Zyglak alliance? or will we have to wait and see?
176) No. The Zyglak don't trust any non-Zyglak, and the Barraki were no nicer to them in the past than anyone else was
187-on Brutakas box it shows him holding a ball of fire: is this canon?
197) No
208-when a toa fufills their destiny do they automaticly become turaga or do they become tuaga as a result of them using their toa-energy to fufill their destiy?or do they have a choice to be either after completion?
218) They are given a choice at some point to give up their Toa power for the greater good. If they choose not to do so, they remain Toa.
229-can only Mata-nui select and set matoran's destiny to become toa or can any other beings?which one's?
239) As far as we know, only Mata Nui. No one else is at his power level.
24well, thats all for now 25please and thank you
26that guy with the longest name
2I was wondering:
31-with Brutaka's Olmax: when he opens the gates, are the 2 points connected immedietly, as in if he stuck his hand in it would pop out the other end, or more like the stargate, with a space in between the 2 gates?
41) He has to pass through an intervening dimension to get from one to the other, most times, which is what makes dimensional travel so dangerous.
52-since Axonn wiped the madening memories from Gali nuvas mind, does it mean that he has limited mind-wipe?
62) It could, yes, or simply the ability to cure insanity
73-will we see more of the pited (thats what I call the pit inmates) later on as official sets?or more like the DH in the DH guide?
83) Really neither, because we are not in the Pit after this year and Scholastic has no plans for more guidebooks.
9I hesitate to post this but...
10SPOILER::: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
114-will the Toa Mahri of air act like an unlimited air source for the toa? or will we have to wait and see?
124) No. The Toa Mahri no longer breathe air, they breathe water

145-since the kraata are essentialy Makutas essance, could Makuta possibly live on through one of them?(since he no longer has his own body)
155) No. A kraata is a living thing, which means it has a spirit ... Makuta can only possess a living body that has no spirit in it.
166-could we possibly see a Barraki-Zyglak alliance? or will we have to wait and see?
176) No. The Zyglak don't trust any non-Zyglak, and the Barraki were no nicer to them in the past than anyone else was
187-on Brutakas box it shows him holding a ball of fire: is this canon?
197) No
208-when a toa fufills their destiny do they automaticly become turaga or do they become tuaga as a result of them using their toa-energy to fufill their destiy?or do they have a choice to be either after completion?
218) They are given a choice at some point to give up their Toa power for the greater good. If they choose not to do so, they remain Toa.
229-can only Mata-nui select and set matoran's destiny to become toa or can any other beings?which one's?
239) As far as we know, only Mata Nui. No one else is at his power level.
24well, thats all for now 25please and thank you
26that guy with the longest name
1Some more:
21) Another member reports that we'll find out exactly what Mantax was looking for in Legends #8. Is that true? 31) It is indeed 4You're vindicated, Brutaka-the-titan.
52) Does the indirect connection between the Bohrok's mission and Mata Nui's awakening get revealed in '08, or is that being saved for sometime else? 62) No, it is not being revealed in 2008, is my guess 7Now, does that mean after -- or before?
83) Does the prefix for the Matoran of Light get revealed in '08, or later? 93) Gets revealed in BIONICLE Encyclopedia v. 2 10Cool:
114) Is "Downfall" indeed the name of Legends #8? 124) Yes 13Just checking.

1Some very interesting info here.
31. When Makuta launched an attack on the Barraki's armies 80,000 years ago, did he have his organic form or was he already energy in armor?
42. In a recent PM I sent you, I made a typo and asked if the Toa Nuva were going to be in 2008. What I meant to ask was: Will they be in Legends 8?
53. Were there any Turaga of Metru Nui before Dume was placed in charge 15,000 years ago?
64. When the Toa Nuva get back to Metru Nui, will they tell the Turaga about what happened on Voya Nui? Because if they didn't, it would be the same as the Turaga keeping Metru Nui a secret from them.
75. If yes to number 4, will: 85a. Dume remember the Piraka from 5,000 years ago? 95b. The Turaga tell the Matoran?
106. If no to number 4, why won't they tell the Turaga?
117. Does Makuta know where Artakha is?
128. Does Dume know about the "World That Feeds The World"? 138b. Does Makuta?
149. Did the Matoran of Light build the Toa canisters?
161) He probably had not evolved to pure energy yet 172) Yes 183) Yes 194) No, they won't, because what they are doing there the Turaga would not approve of and the Nuva don't have time to debate their actions 207) No 218) They may have heard of it, but beyond that, don't know much about it 229) Some, but not all of them, as canisters are built in many different places
241. Interesting
252. Yay Toa Nuva:
263. I wonder what kind of Turaga...
274. I wonder why the Turaga wouldn't approve of it
287. I thought he would have
298. I wonder what it is
309. Wow:
31. When Makuta launched an attack on the Barraki's armies 80,000 years ago, did he have his organic form or was he already energy in armor?
42. In a recent PM I sent you, I made a typo and asked if the Toa Nuva were going to be in 2008. What I meant to ask was: Will they be in Legends 8?
53. Were there any Turaga of Metru Nui before Dume was placed in charge 15,000 years ago?
64. When the Toa Nuva get back to Metru Nui, will they tell the Turaga about what happened on Voya Nui? Because if they didn't, it would be the same as the Turaga keeping Metru Nui a secret from them.
75. If yes to number 4, will: 85a. Dume remember the Piraka from 5,000 years ago? 95b. The Turaga tell the Matoran?
106. If no to number 4, why won't they tell the Turaga?
117. Does Makuta know where Artakha is?
128. Does Dume know about the "World That Feeds The World"? 138b. Does Makuta?
149. Did the Matoran of Light build the Toa canisters?
161) He probably had not evolved to pure energy yet 172) Yes 183) Yes 194) No, they won't, because what they are doing there the Turaga would not approve of and the Nuva don't have time to debate their actions 207) No 218) They may have heard of it, but beyond that, don't know much about it 229) Some, but not all of them, as canisters are built in many different places
241. Interesting
252. Yay Toa Nuva:

263. I wonder what kind of Turaga...
274. I wonder why the Turaga wouldn't approve of it
287. I thought he would have
298. I wonder what it is
309. Wow:
11) Are the Zyglak immune to the Pit Mutagen?
22) If not, then are the ones that attacked the Barrak (Kalmah, Takadox, and Mantax specifically) mutated?
33) Seeing as there are Zyglak in the flooded original Pit as well as the Cord... Are they amphibious?
4Yes, they are amphibious, and yes, they appear to be immune
5Nocturn's not alone anymore.
6Though this is nothin' compare to some of the other stuff revealed in the past few posts.

1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
11. Since they're not made out of the same material, how would you rate the strength Axonn's axe compared to Ehlek's talons? 21) How would you compare an axe to a pair of claws?
32. Does Mata Nui have a back up plan if the OOMN turns evil? Even though they're that close to him, Mata Nui seems to have a back-up for everything, and we know from Brutaka that it's possible for them to become corrupt. 42) I don't think so, no
53. Could the declining number of Toa partly been caused by Toa turning into Turaga or being mutated, like the Rahaga? Or is it mainly from Toa getting killed? 63) I would say it is mainly from Toa being killed
74. Let me take a guess here: is Mantax searching for the Kraahan? You said the item he was looking for had great symbolic power... 84) I hope he isn't, because that mask is in the ocean around Metru Nui, which is a long, long way away from the Pit.
9Sorry, I just had to take a shot at it. I realized I was wrong about five seconds after I sent the message. Oh well.
32. Does Mata Nui have a back up plan if the OOMN turns evil? Even though they're that close to him, Mata Nui seems to have a back-up for everything, and we know from Brutaka that it's possible for them to become corrupt. 42) I don't think so, no
53. Could the declining number of Toa partly been caused by Toa turning into Turaga or being mutated, like the Rahaga? Or is it mainly from Toa getting killed? 63) I would say it is mainly from Toa being killed
74. Let me take a guess here: is Mantax searching for the Kraahan? You said the item he was looking for had great symbolic power... 84) I hope he isn't, because that mask is in the ocean around Metru Nui, which is a long, long way away from the Pit.
9Sorry, I just had to take a shot at it. I realized I was wrong about five seconds after I sent the message. Oh well.
1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
2But Greg said that it could be usefull to anyone who escapes the Pit. How could this 'contract' be usefull to anyone but Mantax? I mean, contracts are always ment for one specific person (Or in some cases, a company).
31. Is Mantax looking for a map?
42. Is he looking for information?
53. Did Hydraxon like his job? I mean, being the OOMN's police officer must get pretty annoying after 100,000 years.
64. How come Hydraxon wears a mask as a set, yet has no mask in the storyline? 74b. Same with Maxilos.
85. How would the Barraki react if they found out about the Dark Hunters? If I were them, I'd ally with TSO.
96. Why did Pridak leave the Brotherhood of Makuta?
107. You once said Piruk doesn't speak chute-speak because he didn't come from Metru-nui. Yet, in BL6, Defilak uses chute-speak almost everytime he talks. Is is safe to assume Defilak is from Metru-nui?
118. Do you think this would make a good mask power? Does it at least sound cool? 12Name: Caleb, the mask of sight 13Power: The Caleb allows the user to see through the eyes of someone else, regardless of if that person is an ally or enemy. Through years of training, you could use this mask to see through the eyes of beings who are miles away.
149. What would Botar do had he known that the Pit had been broken?
1510. Does Makuta now know of the OOMN, after watching and listening to Brutaka and Axonn's fight?
161) No 172) No 183) He does his duty -- it's not a question of "like" or "dislike," you do what you have to do because it's important that it be done. 194) Because I chose not to give them mask powers. And Maxilos is a robot, so he couldn't use mask powers anyway. 205) I would have to double-check my timeline, but DH may have been founded before the Barraki went to the Pit, so they would already know about them. 216) Would you rather be an agent for the Brotherhood or rule your own kingdom? 227) No. Defilak most likely is either well-traveled or had dealings with Matoran from Metru Nui during the years when Metru Nui was a major trading center, and so picked up the slang. 238) Sorry, I'm not allowed to look at story suggestions from fans 249) Report it to the OOMN 2510) Not for sure.
26Nothing special here. At least we now have an explanation as to why Hydraxon has no mask power.
1HI greg. some questions:
21: How is artahka so aware on the current state of the universe?
32: When using the mask of life, do you have to be near mata-nui, or could he be anywere?
43: Is the order probably going to start the final fight as soon as the bom vs dh war ends?
54: Does hydraxon breath water?
65: any major stops the nnuva have to make on there mission that youm havent already mentioned?
76: When can you reveal Hewkii's, jaller's, Hahli's, nuparu's, and kongu's mask powers? If Could you pretty please give me one? please:
91) Hasn't been revealed 102) Can't answer it 113) Not something I have decided 124) Yes 135) I am sure there are, there is lots to be written for that yet 146) When we are actually somewhere in the neighborhood of those sets coming out -- we are still a good 4-5 months away
1Here are some replies from Greg.
21). You know The Shadowed One's true name, and you aren't revealing it yet, when do you plan to? Also, is it someone we have heard of?
32. I have heard of the Prisoners of the Pit Building Contest, but I don't know where to enter. Is it a Brickmaster thing? If so, can you please send me the information, I am no longer in Brickmaster.
43. On Voya Nui, since they were low on water, couldn't they have melted some of the ice ring?
54. In my first message to you, I asked if Kazi wore a Great Matatu. It has the eye piece, which in Time Trap, Nuju says that Vakama built it onto his mask. As far as we know, only great Matatu have that eye piece other than Nuju's Matatu. The main part of the question is if he can use the eye piece. I just wanted to clear this up from the first message.
66. If there are any good Makuta left, would the Order recruit them?
77. Do you think the Order will attack the Brotherhood while they are at war with the Dark Hunters?
88. If so, what would they do if the defeated the Brotherhood. Would the Dark Hunters attack?
99. What did you like more, how Bionicle started, with little technology, or now, with more technology? I liked how it started.
1010. Since there has been a Makuta Nui, Rahi Nui, Turaga Nui (does it have any story relevence?), and Matoran Nui, and a Toa Nui could be, could there be a Rahkshi Nui, or Bohrok Nui, or anything like that?
1111. Just curious, in the Rahi guide, why wasn't there a picture of Rahi Nui? It could be easily built. Is it so fans can imagine it a bit differently, or something along those lines?
1212. In a contest like the Comic Cover one, for the one hundred dollar lego prize, is that from current lego's? Or could someone take like a Manas or another old set like that?
1313. I have heard Kopaka is your favorite Toa, is this true? He is mine. If it is, who is your second favorite Toa, also, who is your second and least favorite Toa of Ice?
14Thank you for answering these questions if you could. 151). I don't plan to reveal his name, because it's not important to the story. 162) It is a BrickMaster contest, and entries are limited to BrickMasters only. If you're no longer a subscriber, you can't enter, sorry. 173) Ever try to drink water out of the ocean? I don't recommend it. 184) He can use the eyepiece, yes, because it's not a mask power, it's an add-on. He was wearing a Matoran mask, not a Great mask. 196) There aren't any. 207) I think the Order will wait until the very last moment to take action. 218) Probably not, the DH has no reason to attack the Order. 229) I don't see a big difference, because I knew when it started that it was a high tech society. Bio-mechanical beings on an island with no tech makes no sense, they had to come from elsewhere. 2310) It's possible, yes 2411) No room 2512) That is from sets available on LEGOshop.com. Older sets not shown there are no longer in stock at the company. 2613) I don't have a least favorite Toa of Ice. My top two right now are Kopaka and Matoro
275 is only important to me.
28I also have a theory on what Mantax is looking for. Perhaps it is a contract that has a beacon or something so the Brotherhood will come pick him up if he gets out.
21). You know The Shadowed One's true name, and you aren't revealing it yet, when do you plan to? Also, is it someone we have heard of?
32. I have heard of the Prisoners of the Pit Building Contest, but I don't know where to enter. Is it a Brickmaster thing? If so, can you please send me the information, I am no longer in Brickmaster.
43. On Voya Nui, since they were low on water, couldn't they have melted some of the ice ring?
54. In my first message to you, I asked if Kazi wore a Great Matatu. It has the eye piece, which in Time Trap, Nuju says that Vakama built it onto his mask. As far as we know, only great Matatu have that eye piece other than Nuju's Matatu. The main part of the question is if he can use the eye piece. I just wanted to clear this up from the first message.
66. If there are any good Makuta left, would the Order recruit them?
77. Do you think the Order will attack the Brotherhood while they are at war with the Dark Hunters?
88. If so, what would they do if the defeated the Brotherhood. Would the Dark Hunters attack?
99. What did you like more, how Bionicle started, with little technology, or now, with more technology? I liked how it started.
1010. Since there has been a Makuta Nui, Rahi Nui, Turaga Nui (does it have any story relevence?), and Matoran Nui, and a Toa Nui could be, could there be a Rahkshi Nui, or Bohrok Nui, or anything like that?
1111. Just curious, in the Rahi guide, why wasn't there a picture of Rahi Nui? It could be easily built. Is it so fans can imagine it a bit differently, or something along those lines?
1212. In a contest like the Comic Cover one, for the one hundred dollar lego prize, is that from current lego's? Or could someone take like a Manas or another old set like that?
1313. I have heard Kopaka is your favorite Toa, is this true? He is mine. If it is, who is your second favorite Toa, also, who is your second and least favorite Toa of Ice?
14Thank you for answering these questions if you could. 151). I don't plan to reveal his name, because it's not important to the story. 162) It is a BrickMaster contest, and entries are limited to BrickMasters only. If you're no longer a subscriber, you can't enter, sorry. 173) Ever try to drink water out of the ocean? I don't recommend it. 184) He can use the eyepiece, yes, because it's not a mask power, it's an add-on. He was wearing a Matoran mask, not a Great mask. 196) There aren't any. 207) I think the Order will wait until the very last moment to take action. 218) Probably not, the DH has no reason to attack the Order. 229) I don't see a big difference, because I knew when it started that it was a high tech society. Bio-mechanical beings on an island with no tech makes no sense, they had to come from elsewhere. 2310) It's possible, yes 2411) No room 2512) That is from sets available on LEGOshop.com. Older sets not shown there are no longer in stock at the company. 2613) I don't have a least favorite Toa of Ice. My top two right now are Kopaka and Matoro
275 is only important to me.
28I also have a theory on what Mantax is looking for. Perhaps it is a contract that has a beacon or something so the Brotherhood will come pick him up if he gets out.
11. Why doesn't Piruk talk chute-speak? I think it's called chute-speak, like "Quick-find" 2A. Because he's not from Metru Nui -- where he's from, they have no chutes. Chute-speak is slang, and not everyplace has the same slang 31. Deffilak was originally from Metru Nui then? Or does that fall under "Not everyplace has the same slang" 4A. Defilak may have been well-traveled, or else simply worked in a job where he dealt with traders from Metru Nui and other places, and thus picked the slang up. Remember, prior to the Great Cataclysm, Metru Nui was a major trading center with boats coming in and out all the time and headed to other places.
1Some more:21) Another member reports that we'll find out exactly what Mantax was looking for in Legends #8. Is that true? 31) It is indeed 4You're vindicated, Brutaka-the-titan.
52) Does the indirect connection between the Bohrok's mission and Mata Nui's awakening get revealed in '08, or is that being saved for sometime else? 62) No, it is not being revealed in 2008, is my guess 7Now, does that mean after -- or before?
83) Does the prefix for the Matoran of Light get revealed in '08, or later? 93) Gets revealed in BIONICLE Encyclopedia v. 2 10Cool:
114) Is "Downfall" indeed the name of Legends #8? 124) Yes 13Just checking.
15Im vindicated? what does that mean? I was right? wasnt I?
16anyway, here is somemore... 17when you said that 2007 is going to have an emotinal ending or somthing, what does that mean?
19What do you think it means?
20I have absalutly no idea.
1Just an interesting tidbit on the Universe Core.
5Uz- Dont get your hopes up I think It's 2 weeks after it's official realese, so about the 14th of April (might be wrong).
2Don't know if you can answer this but, is the Universe Core literally the center of the planet, even further under ground than Metru Nui?
3Great Being #1
4Not necessarily, no
5Uz- Dont get your hopes up I think It's 2 weeks after it's official realese, so about the 14th of April (might be wrong).