1...How the year ends? 2Does that mean that the Ignika is used this year? Otherwise Greg would've said something like "...how '08 ended...", wouldn't he? 3Khote
4He did say this year had one of the most emotional endings, didn't he?
5Plus, if the Ignika is used this year, next year will be about returning it back to Voya Nui.

1...How the year ends? 2Does that mean that the Ignika is used this year? Otherwise Greg would've said something like "...how '08 ended...", wouldn't he? 3Khote
4He did say this year had one of the most emotional endings, didn't he?
5Plus, if the Ignika is used this year, next year will be about returning it back to Voya Nui.
7why would they go back to Voya Nui, they would go back to Metru Nui wouldn't they? Also the ignika has to be used in the 08 location, so... 8At the end of 07 the Mahri go to the 08 location use the ignika and then they do something else, then go back to Metru Nui.
1Morning, Mr Farshtey. Hope i didnt bother you. Could you Please answer these Questions.
21. Does the Ignika's illusions actually mimic the real powers of its subjects. Like does an illusion of Makuta has all Makuta's Powers. 32. How would a Makuta controlled Rahkshi fare against a Muaka 43. If Lhikan was already experienced, would he triumph in his little skirmish with Hakann 54. What are the Zyglak's powers 65. How well are the Inika faring against the Zyglak 76. Which is your favorite Barraki to write about 87. Which is your favorite Dark Hunter 98. Who would win in a battle of Hydruka vs Mahritoran
101) What illusions are you referring to? 112) Probably win 123) Lhikan was experienced when he encountered Hakann in Book 4. He never met him when he was a rookie Toa 134) Would have to look it up, I don't have them with me 145) Okay 156) Takadox 167) Lariska 178) No idea
181. I mean in the zone of Nightmares
19New questions.
201. What happens to Sarda and the 300-foot Venom Eel 212. What do the Cordak blasters fire 223. Which of the two Barraki combiners do you like most. 234. What was your reaction when you saw the 2005-6 combiners. The 2 and 3 way ones.
241) Yes, they do have the same powers, because what they can do is based upon what the person who is afraid of them believes they can do.
251) You'll find out later in the year 262) Little projectiles that explode 273) Pit War Tortoise 284) That was so long ago I don't remember
1Scholastic is not always accurate you know...
1Hi sorry for another PM but if you can find my other one answer it all in one PM please. 2Anyway the special edition set coming out later how will they be put together, I think I saw that one set would be Sarda and the Toa of Air, what will the other one be like (like Delfiak and Dekar)?
3Great being #1
4There are two upcoming store exclusives I know of. One is a Toa of Air and a vehicle, and the other is Sarda, Idris and a figure who still remains a mystery (at least to fans)
5Probably old news. Cool how the toa come with a vehicle.
1Hi sorry for another PM but if you can find my other one answer it all in one PM please. 2Anyway the special edition set coming out later how will they be put together, I think I saw that one set would be Sarda and the Toa of Air, what will the other one be like (like Delfiak and Dekar)?
3Great being #1
4There are two upcoming store exclusives I know of. One is a Toa of Air and a vehicle, and the other is Sarda, Idris and a figure who still remains a mystery (at least to fans)
5Probably old news. Cool how the toa come with a vehicle.
6I found that intresting, so the air toa is with a vehicle. Can't wait like usual.
1"1. What is the watery world of Atru nui? "
2Where did you here that?
3on the scholastic's description for the encyclopidia 2, it says " learn more about the watery world of atru nui " I didnt know what that was so i asked.
4Guys, you know that Akua Nui=Mahri Nui? Nice answers on the Mantax questions...
1Toa with a vehicle- Takanuva, anyone? By the way, I hope the vehicle is something like a motorcycle where he leans back, and not like a Ussanui style vehicle.
1Hi sorry for another PM but if you can find my other one answer it all in one PM please. 2Anyway the special edition set coming out later how will they be put together, I think I saw that one set would be Sarda and the Toa of Air, what will the other one be like (like Delfiak and Dekar)?
3Great being #1
4There are two upcoming store exclusives I know of. One is a Toa of Air and a vehicle, and the other is Sarda, Idris and a figure who still remains a mystery (at least to fans)
5Probably old news. Cool how the toa come with a vehicle.
6Nice... I wonder who that figure is... Maybe Karzahni or Artahka?
7Anyway, more Mantax answers:
8Hi GregF,
9Some questions:
101a. A prisoner of the Pit placed the object Mantax is looking for, on the place where it lies now, right?
111b. If yes to 1a. Will we meet that character this year? (The prisoner of the Pit who placed the object where Mantax is looking for.)
122. You told someone else that the other Barraki have seen the object as well (OGD), then why don't the other Barraki care about the object? (You also said that if the Barraki should ever make it to the surface again, the other Barraki probably shouldn't fight Mantax for it.)
133. Sorry for asking again, but what did CEO mean?
144. The object that Mantax is looking for, wich material is it? (Paper, metal, etc.)
155a. Non-mutated Keras crabs are amphibious, right? 165b. Now that they are mutated, are they no longer amphibious?
176. Does the BoM know about the object Mantax is looking for? (Since it has somekind of conection with the BoM.)
187. About how many years ago was the object that Mantax is looking for placed where it is now?
198. Does Botar know where Artakha is?
209. How many Order members are there on Artakha?
2110. Hydraxonn is an Order member, right?
2211. Does the Atlas conclude any pictures of Order members, except for the ones we know?
2312. How well is Daxia guarded? (Number.) (10 being the best)
2413. My favorite organisation is the OoMN, what's your favorite organisation?
2514. Will we find out this year who the leader(s) is/are of the OoMN?
2615. Is the League of Six Kingdoms considered as an organisation?
2716. Do you think Lihkan or any of the Toa Hagah were fighting with the BoM against the Barraki?
2817. Did someone of the Barraki betrayed them to the BoM?
29Thanks for your time.
301a) Not necessarily on the exact place it lies now, remember, there was an earthquake there. But yes, it did belong to a prisoner 311b) Oh, sure Yippie: 322) Ah, but I never said this was the only object of its kind -- they have seen this same object in the past, but not this specific one 333) Chief Executive Officer 344) Stone 355) I don't see why they would necessarily have stopped being amphibious. The mutagen affected the Barraki and the Toa that way, doesn't mean everyone exposed to it stops being able to breathe air if they already can. 366) I would say yes, they do 377) 80,000 years ago 388) No 399) None, now 4010) He was before he came back from the dead, yes 4111) No 4212) Well enough 4313) I like all of them, they are fun to write 4414) No, it's not relevant to the story 4515) It was, when it existed 4616) Doubt it 4717) Well, we know Ehlek thinks someone did, but we don't know that someone actually did.
48Hi GregF,
49First, some reactions:
501b) Did that prisoner already appeared in BL6? If not, does it appear in BL7 or BL8?
512) So, if they see the specific object Mantax is looking for, then will it be worth fighting for if they should ever reach the surface?
524) a. The text is carved in the stone? b. Isn't the stone affected by the water?
536) So, the BoM does now who placed the object there? (It was not a BoM member, you said it yourself.)
547) a. When were the Barraki banned to the Pit..., wasn't that 80,000 years ago? 55b. Was the item placed there before or after the Barraki came to the Pit?
569) And how many Order members are there on Daxia?
57And a few additional questions:
581. Do the Barraki now the person that placed the object Mantax is looking for?
592. Did one of the Barraki placed the object?
603. Did the SE Toa of this year placed the object?
614. What are the specific powers of the Zyglak? (In the OGD, you said you would have to check that, so please do.)
625. The person that placed the object Mantax is looking for in the Pit, has it any connection with a. Xia? b. BoM?
636. Did an ally of the Barraki place it in the Pit?
647. Can Gadunka talk? (He is a Rahi, but Tahtorak can.)
658. Who will give Gadunka his squid launcher, Kalmah?
669. This is my theory about how Gadunka is created; After the blinding light of the Ignika stopped, the Toa woke up, looking completely different: And there masks were also changed etc. etc. etc. But... somewhere in the darkness of the black water, an other creature was created, created by the corpses of creatures who had fallen prey, or worse... and the leaking energy of the Ignika. 67The creature roared, looking for whoever should possess the Ignika, since who possesses the Ignika, "possesses" Gadunka, and that's why Kalmah gave him the squid launcher, am I warm?
68Thanks for your time.
691) Can't answer it 702) Yes 714) It may have been, we'll see. But the Matoran/Toa/OOMN/BOM etc. don't use paper. Everything is carved on stone tablets. 726) They could make a good guess, yes 737) After, and yes, it was roughly 80,000 years ago they went down there 749) It varies, based on how many are on assignment 751) The Barraki know most of the prisoners that were in the Pit with them -- over 80,000 years, you get to know folks 762-3) I am not going to reveal who placed the object, because that is part of Book 8 plotline 774) I haven't had time to check, have been kind of busy 785-6) See answer to #2 797) No 808) Or he may simply grab one, not knowing what it is -- I haven't decided 819) No, you're overthinking this. It's not that complex a deal.
1QUOTE 2Hi, I have a few questions regarding the Universe Core and Atlas...
31.Is the Bionicle world flat? 41a.If so, could the Universe Core be the exact geographic centre of the world? 52. Will there be a list of places [like at the end of the Rahi Guide that do not merit a full entry at the end of Bionicle World?
6Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
7No, no, and no
8Guess who's wrong:
31.Is the Bionicle world flat? 41a.If so, could the Universe Core be the exact geographic centre of the world? 52. Will there be a list of places [like at the end of the Rahi Guide that do not merit a full entry at the end of Bionicle World?
6Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
7No, no, and no
8Guess who's wrong:
1Pretty sure this is kinda big news

21. Greg, are the Nuva going to be re-released? 32. how often do you go to the movies? 43. does hewkii wear the mask of stealth (probably can't answer, but I keep hearing that he does) 54. when you say that artakha is in book 8, is it actually him or is it his voice or something? 65. what kind of car you drive? 76. is there going to be alot of stuff in the encyclopedia V2 that we hadn't previously known of? 87. who is your favorite bionicle character EVER? 98. I recently read birth of a dark hunter. I really liked it. 109. Out of all the characters we know of, which one would you say knows the most about the world on which they live? 1110. the object Mantax seeks, is it something we've heard of before? 1211. do you like writing th bionicle story, just a little curious. 1312. are the Nuva going to go to Artakha in a web exclusive? 1412a. this year? 1512b. or will it be in book 8? 1613. how did the object Mantax seeks make it into the pit? 1714. do the matoran of Mahri Nui know that they are mutated?
181) Eventually 192) Not that often 203) No 214) Voice -- no one ever sees Artakha 225) Honda 236) Depends, I don't know what you already know 247) Kopaka 258) Thanks 269) Makuta 2710) No 2811) If I didn't, I wouldn't do it. 2912) No 3012a) Yes 3112b) Yes 3213) Can't answer it 3314) No
3I can tell you that it's impossible that Lhikan was there -- the Barraki were defeated 80,000 years ago, and Lhikan was a rookie 7,000 years ago. Big difference.
116. Do you think Lihkan or any of the Toa Hagah were fighting with the BoM against the Barraki?
216) Doubt it
6I'm sure Greg just forgot this, but in Bionicle Legends #6, pages 39-40, it says,
414. do the matoran of Mahri Nui know that they are mutated?
514) No
"City of the Lost" 7"Not surprising," said Defilak. "Remember the story. Some trouble-bad happened, and we and our city wound up beneath the sea. If the impact hadn't disturbed the fields of air, setting free scores of small bubbles, we would all have suffocated. Then everyone started to quick-change... it was only staying inside the air bubbles that stopped that."
1Two PMs to and from GregF... their contents probably old news...
2A while ago (I just never got around to posting it):
21And recently:
2A while ago (I just never got around to posting it):
3Hello, GregF. After getting BL6: City of the Lost a little more than a week ago, I got a couple questions concerning it...
41. How fast does the Mutagen take effect? For example, did it take Pridak 1,000 years to look the way he does now, or just 10 seconds?
52. For the Mahri Nui Matoran, which is true about their Personal Air Bubbles? 6a. The bubble completely surrounds the Matoran 7b. The bubble is a bubble found near the Matoran's mouth
83. Do the Hydruka breathe air or water? 93b. If they are water-breathers, then why do they have the skill of knowing which Airweed contains air?
104. What became of the Matoran that mutated when Mahri Nui sank?
115. Is Defilak's underwater vehicle included in any of the playsets?
126. Will there be a chance of seeing Gar, Idris, or any other Mahri Nui Matoran as sets, or even simply knowing what they look like?
13Thanks in advance:
141) Some aspects of it happen right away, others take longer, so yes, they have continued to mutate 152) A 163) Water 173b) Just a natural talent 184) All the Matoran mutated to some extent, because they got bigger and stronger. But we don't know that any continued to mutate after that 195) No, it was shredded 206) Idris and Sarda will be sets later on this year
21And recently:
22Hi, GregF, here's a little question that has been bugging me recently.
23Every Matoran, Toa, or Turaga of Air that we know of speaks either Treespeak or Chutespeak (depending on where they live). Tamaru speaks it, Kongu speaks it, Lewa speaks it, Matau speaks it, etc. etc.
24Now, along in 2006 comes Piruk. A nervous but stealthy Le-Matoran of Voya Nui. And yet, I can't seem to find him speaking Treespeak/Chutespeak in any of the books. At first, I thought it was because the Matoran of Voya Nui simply never adapted the slang. That's what I believed... until 2007.
25For in 2007, along comes Defilak, a Le-Matoran from the island of Mahri Nui. Mahri Nui was once connected to Voya Nui. And yet, Defilak speaks Treespeak/Chutespeak like any other Matoran, Toa, or Turaga of Air. That throws off the theory that the Le-Matoran of Voya Nui never learned Treespeak/Chutespeak.
26So, my question is: How come Piruk speaks regular Matoran while every other Le-Matoran, Toa of Air, or Turaga of Air speaks Treespeak/Chutespeak?
27A better question is, why does Defilak speak it when Piruk does not? And the answer to that is the Defilak was a trader in ages past before Voya Nui broke off the mainland. He had contact with Matoran from Metru Nui, liked the slang, and picked it up. No other Le-Matoran on the mainland spoke it.
11. Does BIONICLE World have more pages/words then DH guide? 2A. Don't know, I don't have a DH guide handy to compare.
32. How are the Nuva freeing the Bahrag without going to Mata Nui? 4A. The Bahrag aren't on Mata Nui -- they are under Mata Nui.
53. If you don't answer a message, how many days should someone wait to re-send it? 6A. Probably a week
74. How long did it take for the events to happen during the following: (example: '06 took a week at most) 82001: 92002: 102003: 112004: 122005: 132006: 14And are you aloud to say/do you know how long 2007 will take? 15A. The 2001-2006 storyline took about a year total in BIONICLE time, including the time spent relating the events of 2004-2005.
32. How are the Nuva freeing the Bahrag without going to Mata Nui? 4A. The Bahrag aren't on Mata Nui -- they are under Mata Nui.
53. If you don't answer a message, how many days should someone wait to re-send it? 6A. Probably a week
74. How long did it take for the events to happen during the following: (example: '06 took a week at most) 82001: 92002: 102003: 112004: 122005: 132006: 14And are you aloud to say/do you know how long 2007 will take? 15A. The 2001-2006 storyline took about a year total in BIONICLE time, including the time spent relating the events of 2004-2005.
1Just a few questions I got back.
2Hi, I've just got a few questions to ask. Hopefully won't take too much time from your busy day.![]()
31) Around what time were Axonn and Brutaka assigned to guarding the Ignika? 41a) Did they ever leave between that time and the present? 51b) Where there ever any other Order members working with them?
62) You said the Toa with Sarda and Idris comes with a vehicle. Is the vehicle Defilak's submarine?
73) Is the thing Mantax is looking for some sort of contract involving all of the Barraki and another group or person?
84) I'm not sure if you can answer this, as it concerns the sets, but is there any reason why gold was changed? (I'm talking about the difference between the colors in Lhikan and Iruini as opposed to Brutaka and Jaller.)
95) Is the first Toa created a member of the first Toa team? Or are they separate?
111) I don't have an exact date 121a) No 131b) No 142) No 153) No 164) No idea, that would be a set design question. I just do story. 175) Separate
1another member asked Greg if the Keras crabs were amphibious cus of the pit water. His answer gave a possible clue to how the toa inika transform...
2I don't see why they would necessarily have stopped being amphibious. The mutagen affected the Barraki and the Toa that way, doesn't mean everyone exposed to it stops being able to breathe air if they already can.
3And the toa....hmmmmmm.
2I don't see why they would necessarily have stopped being amphibious. The mutagen affected the Barraki and the Toa that way, doesn't mean everyone exposed to it stops being able to breathe air if they already can.
3And the toa....hmmmmmm.

1hello Greg....
21. What is the watery world of Atru nui?
32. which year is your fav. so far?
43. why would the turaga not aprove of the toa nuva's expierience on voya-nui?
54. If the Barraki did not trust eachother with the mask, then why would the give it to Nocturn?
64a. Couldnt Ehlek order him to give the mask to him?
75. If the toa nuva go to artakha, wouldn't they have to be killed by the OOMN?
86. to save the life of the great spirit, one of the inika would have to use the Ignika. wouldnt the wearer be killed by the enargy?
96a. wouldn't that mean one of the inika is going to die? Or will they use there power to do it with the ignika and then turn into turaga?
111) There's no such place in BIONICLE 122) 2004 133) It has nothing to do with their experience on Voya Nui, it has to do with what they are doing on Metru Nui and what they are going to do right after going there. 144) Because Nocturn is too stupid to think of using it for himself. That makes him a safe person to leave it with. 154a) Yes, if Ehlek wanted to then be murdered by the other five, he could. 165) The only way the Nuva can get to Artakha is if Artakha wants them to know where the island is, thus no reason to kill them. 176) Follow the story 186a) Follow the story -- you can't reasonably expect me to tell you how the year ends 9 months ahead of time.
19QUOTE 20...How the year ends? 21Does that mean that the Ignika is used this year? Otherwise Greg would've said something like "...how '08 ended...", wouldn't he? 22Khote
23Did you mean saga our year?
24As I said -- follow the story and find out.
21. What is the watery world of Atru nui?
32. which year is your fav. so far?
43. why would the turaga not aprove of the toa nuva's expierience on voya-nui?
54. If the Barraki did not trust eachother with the mask, then why would the give it to Nocturn?
64a. Couldnt Ehlek order him to give the mask to him?
75. If the toa nuva go to artakha, wouldn't they have to be killed by the OOMN?
86. to save the life of the great spirit, one of the inika would have to use the Ignika. wouldnt the wearer be killed by the enargy?
96a. wouldn't that mean one of the inika is going to die? Or will they use there power to do it with the ignika and then turn into turaga?
111) There's no such place in BIONICLE 122) 2004 133) It has nothing to do with their experience on Voya Nui, it has to do with what they are doing on Metru Nui and what they are going to do right after going there. 144) Because Nocturn is too stupid to think of using it for himself. That makes him a safe person to leave it with. 154a) Yes, if Ehlek wanted to then be murdered by the other five, he could. 165) The only way the Nuva can get to Artakha is if Artakha wants them to know where the island is, thus no reason to kill them. 176) Follow the story 186a) Follow the story -- you can't reasonably expect me to tell you how the year ends 9 months ahead of time.
19QUOTE 20...How the year ends? 21Does that mean that the Ignika is used this year? Otherwise Greg would've said something like "...how '08 ended...", wouldn't he? 22Khote
23Did you mean saga our year?
24As I said -- follow the story and find out.
25hello Greg....
261. What is the watery world of Atru nui?
272. which year is your fav. so far?
283. why would the turaga not aprove of the toa nuva's expierience on voya-nui?
294. If the Barraki did not trust eachother with the mask, then why would the give it to Nocturn?
304a. Couldnt Ehlek order him to give the mask to him?
315. If the toa nuva go to artakha, wouldn't they have to be killed by the OOMN?
326. to save the life of the great spirit, one of the inika would have to use the Ignika. wouldnt the wearer be killed by the enargy?
336a. wouldn't that mean one of the inika is going to die? Or will they use there power to do it with the ignika and then turn into turaga?
1Mostly can't answers here:
21. Could you perhaps explain in a little more detail as to why the Turaga won't approve of the Toa Nuva's being in Metru Nui and going to Artakha?
32. Won't the Turaga be suprised (and in Dume's case, enraged) that the Toa Nuva aren't going to explain to them why they were gone for so long?
43. Are the Toa Nuva going to Metru nui to get the Nuva symbols?
54. If not, then why are they going there?
65. Are lightstones in any way connected to the island of Artakha?
76. Did the First Toa or the Toa from the first Toa team train the Toa Mata?
87. What kind of Turaga was in charge of Metru nui before Dume?
98-13 have been removed. Look at number 14 as to why they are.
1014. Am I allowed to post the questions about the Atlas? If not, then when can I post them?
11Thanks for your time:
121) No, you'll find out when we get to Book 7 in July 132) They can guess why they were gone for so long, they ran into trouble on Voya Nui. 143) No 154) Again, see Book 7 165) Not that I recall off the top of my head 176) No 187) Hasn't been determined 1914) Atlas spoilers are allowed up in mid-April
211. More mysteries for book 7
222. But I still wonder if they'll be suprised that the Toa don't even bother to see them...
233. Well, there goes that theroy
244. Even more mysteries for book 7
255. Darn, I thought I figured it out
266. Then I wonder who did
277. Well, at least we know there was one before Dume
2814. Okay people, you heard him, no spoilers for the Atlas until three weeks from now.
29Well, I've disproven the Nuva symbol theroy, but that's pretty much the only thing learned from these questions.
21. Could you perhaps explain in a little more detail as to why the Turaga won't approve of the Toa Nuva's being in Metru Nui and going to Artakha?
32. Won't the Turaga be suprised (and in Dume's case, enraged) that the Toa Nuva aren't going to explain to them why they were gone for so long?
43. Are the Toa Nuva going to Metru nui to get the Nuva symbols?
54. If not, then why are they going there?
65. Are lightstones in any way connected to the island of Artakha?
76. Did the First Toa or the Toa from the first Toa team train the Toa Mata?
87. What kind of Turaga was in charge of Metru nui before Dume?
98-13 have been removed. Look at number 14 as to why they are.
1014. Am I allowed to post the questions about the Atlas? If not, then when can I post them?
11Thanks for your time:
121) No, you'll find out when we get to Book 7 in July 132) They can guess why they were gone for so long, they ran into trouble on Voya Nui. 143) No 154) Again, see Book 7 165) Not that I recall off the top of my head 176) No 187) Hasn't been determined 1914) Atlas spoilers are allowed up in mid-April
211. More mysteries for book 7
222. But I still wonder if they'll be suprised that the Toa don't even bother to see them...
233. Well, there goes that theroy
244. Even more mysteries for book 7
255. Darn, I thought I figured it out
266. Then I wonder who did
277. Well, at least we know there was one before Dume
2814. Okay people, you heard him, no spoilers for the Atlas until three weeks from now.
29Well, I've disproven the Nuva symbol theroy, but that's pretty much the only thing learned from these questions.
1Here are somethings i learned;
3Hello GregF, sorry to disrupt your day, but i was just wondering I could just ask you some questions:
41) The Toa Mahri have different masks from what they had as Inika; as in Matoro has a Tryna instead of a changed Iden. How did that happen? And could it be that whatever mask their mask changes to is related to their starting mask? E.g. Iden to do with spirits; Tryna to do with dead, you get the pic.
52) I heard that the Toa Nuva are awakening the Bahrag. Why? I also heard that they are traveling to Karzahni to get the Kanohi of the Inika ( the ones taken by Karzahni) back, especially Jaller's. How and why are they doing this? Won't Karzahni be able to defeat them easily?
63) Can Toa, Matoran and Turaga die? If so, what will happen to their body when they die? Will they decompose?
74) What is the current status of the Bohrok and the Kal? I.e. Bohrok; back in nests, hives, or working for Matoran? Kal; I understand Nuhvok Kal is definitely dead, seeing as he collapsed into a singulaity-- But how about Panhrak? If he had necessary equipment, e.g. breathing pack etc. he could hypothetically still be alive, though lost in the cosmos?
85) I know thaty currently, Gadunka does not exist in the storyline yet. What role does he actually play? Is he a Guardian of the MoLi? I also read that he is not an avatar of the MoLi, and was not created. Was he mutated, then?
9Thank you for taking your time to read through my questions, and I hope to have a reply soon.
10Thanks again, 11Tahufan111
121) I can't discuss the Mahri in that kind of detail, we are still four months away from their being in story. 132) The Bohrok are supposed to do their job before Mata Nui wakes up, that is why they have to free the Bahrag. As for the Karzahni deal, they are doing that because Tahu wants to. 143) Sure, they can -- Lhikan died, Mavrah died, Jovan died, Kodan died, the list goes on. What would most likely happen is that the organic tissue that links their mechanical parts together would decompose eventually. The rest is metal, so at worst would break down over years. 154) Back in nests -- they returned to them during the Kal storyline in 2003. And Pahrak-Kal fell into the core of the planet, so even if he survived, it 's going to take him ages to climb back out again. 165) I can't discuss summer sets
18My bad. Panhrak kal dont shoot up like a rocket, that levhak kal. Fudgeballs. Oh well... What's Tahu's problem; What he want with the mask? and i dint know metal could decompose lol
3Hello GregF, sorry to disrupt your day, but i was just wondering I could just ask you some questions:
41) The Toa Mahri have different masks from what they had as Inika; as in Matoro has a Tryna instead of a changed Iden. How did that happen? And could it be that whatever mask their mask changes to is related to their starting mask? E.g. Iden to do with spirits; Tryna to do with dead, you get the pic.
52) I heard that the Toa Nuva are awakening the Bahrag. Why? I also heard that they are traveling to Karzahni to get the Kanohi of the Inika ( the ones taken by Karzahni) back, especially Jaller's. How and why are they doing this? Won't Karzahni be able to defeat them easily?
63) Can Toa, Matoran and Turaga die? If so, what will happen to their body when they die? Will they decompose?
74) What is the current status of the Bohrok and the Kal? I.e. Bohrok; back in nests, hives, or working for Matoran? Kal; I understand Nuhvok Kal is definitely dead, seeing as he collapsed into a singulaity-- But how about Panhrak? If he had necessary equipment, e.g. breathing pack etc. he could hypothetically still be alive, though lost in the cosmos?
85) I know thaty currently, Gadunka does not exist in the storyline yet. What role does he actually play? Is he a Guardian of the MoLi? I also read that he is not an avatar of the MoLi, and was not created. Was he mutated, then?
9Thank you for taking your time to read through my questions, and I hope to have a reply soon.
10Thanks again, 11Tahufan111
121) I can't discuss the Mahri in that kind of detail, we are still four months away from their being in story. 132) The Bohrok are supposed to do their job before Mata Nui wakes up, that is why they have to free the Bahrag. As for the Karzahni deal, they are doing that because Tahu wants to. 143) Sure, they can -- Lhikan died, Mavrah died, Jovan died, Kodan died, the list goes on. What would most likely happen is that the organic tissue that links their mechanical parts together would decompose eventually. The rest is metal, so at worst would break down over years. 154) Back in nests -- they returned to them during the Kal storyline in 2003. And Pahrak-Kal fell into the core of the planet, so even if he survived, it 's going to take him ages to climb back out again. 165) I can't discuss summer sets
18My bad. Panhrak kal dont shoot up like a rocket, that levhak kal. Fudgeballs. Oh well... What's Tahu's problem; What he want with the mask? and i dint know metal could decompose lol

1Hi sorry for another PM but if you can find my other one answer it all in one PM please. 2Anyway the special edition set coming out later how will they be put together, I think I saw that one set would be Sarda and the Toa of Air, what will the other one be like (like Delfiak and Dekar)?
3Great being #1
4There are two upcoming store exclusives I know of. One is a Toa of Air and a vehicle, and the other is Sarda, Idris and a figure who still remains a mystery (at least to fans)
5Probably old news. Cool how the toa come with a vehicle.
6Nice... I wonder who that figure is... Maybe Karzahni or Artahka?
7Anyway, more Mantax answers:
8Hi GregF,
9Some questions:
101a. A prisoner of the Pit placed the object Mantax is looking for, on the place where it lies now, right?
111b. If yes to 1a. Will we meet that character this year? (The prisoner of the Pit who placed the object where Mantax is looking for.)
122. You told someone else that the other Barraki have seen the object as well (OGD), then why don't the other Barraki care about the object? (You also said that if the Barraki should ever make it to the surface again, the other Barraki probably shouldn't fight Mantax for it.)
133. Sorry for asking again, but what did CEO mean?
144. The object that Mantax is looking for, wich material is it? (Paper, metal, etc.)
155a. Non-mutated Keras crabs are amphibious, right? 165b. Now that they are mutated, are they no longer amphibious?
176. Does the BoM know about the object Mantax is looking for? (Since it has somekind of conection with the BoM.)
187. About how many years ago was the object that Mantax is looking for placed where it is now?
198. Does Botar know where Artakha is?
209. How many Order members are there on Artakha?
2110. Hydraxonn is an Order member, right?
2211. Does the Atlas conclude any pictures of Order members, except for the ones we know?
2312. How well is Daxia guarded? (Number.) (10 being the best)
2413. My favorite organisation is the OoMN, what's your favorite organisation?
2514. Will we find out this year who the leader(s) is/are of the OoMN?
2615. Is the League of Six Kingdoms considered as an organisation?
2716. Do you think Lihkan or any of the Toa Hagah were fighting with the BoM against the Barraki?
2817. Did someone of the Barraki betrayed them to the BoM?
29Thanks for your time.
301a) Not necessarily on the exact place it lies now, remember, there was an earthquake there. But yes, it did belong to a prisoner 311b) Oh, sure Yippie: 322) Ah, but I never said this was the only object of its kind -- they have seen this same object in the past, but not this specific one 333) Chief Executive Officer 344) Stone 355) I don't see why they would necessarily have stopped being amphibious. The mutagen affected the Barraki and the Toa that way, doesn't mean everyone exposed to it stops being able to breathe air if they already can. 366) I would say yes, they do 377) 80,000 years ago 388) No 399) None, now 4010) He was before he came back from the dead, yes 4111) No 4212) Well enough 4313) I like all of them, they are fun to write 4414) No, it's not relevant to the story 4515) It was, when it existed 4616) Doubt it 4717) Well, we know Ehlek thinks someone did, but we don't know that someone actually did.
48Hi GregF,
49First, some reactions:
501b) Did that prisoner already appeared in BL6? If not, does it appear in BL7 or BL8?
512) So, if they see the specific object Mantax is looking for, then will it be worth fighting for if they should ever reach the surface?
524) a. The text is carved in the stone? b. Isn't the stone affected by the water?
536) So, the BoM does now who placed the object there? (It was not a BoM member, you said it yourself.)
547) a. When were the Barraki banned to the Pit..., wasn't that 80,000 years ago? 55b. Was the item placed there before or after the Barraki came to the Pit?
569) And how many Order members are there on Daxia?
57And a few additional questions:
581. Do the Barraki now the person that placed the object Mantax is looking for?
592. Did one of the Barraki placed the object?
603. Did the SE Toa of this year placed the object?
614. What are the specific powers of the Zyglak? (In the OGD, you said you would have to check that, so please do.)
625. The person that placed the object Mantax is looking for in the Pit, has it any connection with a. Xia? b. BoM?
636. Did an ally of the Barraki place it in the Pit?
647. Can Gadunka talk? (He is a Rahi, but Tahtorak can.)
658. Who will give Gadunka his squid launcher, Kalmah?
669. This is my theory about how Gadunka is created; After the blinding light of the Ignika stopped, the Toa woke up, looking completely different: And there masks were also changed etc. etc. etc. But... somewhere in the darkness of the black water, an other creature was created, created by the corpses of creatures who had fallen prey, or worse... and the leaking energy of the Ignika. 67The creature roared, looking for whoever should possess the Ignika, since who possesses the Ignika, "possesses" Gadunka, and that's why Kalmah gave him the squid launcher, am I warm?
68Thanks for your time.
691) Can't answer it 702) Yes 714) It may have been, we'll see. But the Matoran/Toa/OOMN/BOM etc. don't use paper. Everything is carved on stone tablets. 726) They could make a good guess, yes 737) After, and yes, it was roughly 80,000 years ago they went down there 749) It varies, based on how many are on assignment 751) The Barraki know most of the prisoners that were in the Pit with them -- over 80,000 years, you get to know folks 762-3) I am not going to reveal who placed the object, because that is part of Book 8 plotline 774) I haven't had time to check, have been kind of busy 785-6) See answer to #2 797) No 808) Or he may simply grab one, not knowing what it is -- I haven't decided 819) No, you're overthinking this. It's not that complex a deal.
82wait did greg just say the toa get transformed by the mutagen but he said the inika wouldnt come in contact with the mutagen that makes no sense
1Hi sorry for another PM but if you can find my other one answer it all in one PM please. 2Anyway the special edition set coming out later how will they be put together, I think I saw that one set would be Sarda and the Toa of Air, what will the other one be like (like Delfiak and Dekar)?
3Great being #1
4There are two upcoming store exclusives I know of. One is a Toa of Air and a vehicle, and the other is Sarda, Idris and a figure who still remains a mystery (at least to fans)
5Probably old news. Cool how the toa come with a vehicle.
6Nice... I wonder who that figure is... Maybe Karzahni or Artahka?
7Anyway, more Mantax answers:
8Hi GregF,
9Some questions:
101a. A prisoner of the Pit placed the object Mantax is looking for, on the place where it lies now, right?
111b. If yes to 1a. Will we meet that character this year? (The prisoner of the Pit who placed the object where Mantax is looking for.)
122. You told someone else that the other Barraki have seen the object as well (OGD), then why don't the other Barraki care about the object? (You also said that if the Barraki should ever make it to the surface again, the other Barraki probably shouldn't fight Mantax for it.)
133. Sorry for asking again, but what did CEO mean?
144. The object that Mantax is looking for, wich material is it? (Paper, metal, etc.)
155a. Non-mutated Keras crabs are amphibious, right? 165b. Now that they are mutated, are they no longer amphibious?
176. Does the BoM know about the object Mantax is looking for? (Since it has somekind of conection with the BoM.)
187. About how many years ago was the object that Mantax is looking for placed where it is now?
198. Does Botar know where Artakha is?
209. How many Order members are there on Artakha?
2110. Hydraxonn is an Order member, right?
2211. Does the Atlas conclude any pictures of Order members, except for the ones we know?
2312. How well is Daxia guarded? (Number.) (10 being the best)
2413. My favorite organisation is the OoMN, what's your favorite organisation?
2514. Will we find out this year who the leader(s) is/are of the OoMN?
2615. Is the League of Six Kingdoms considered as an organisation?
2716. Do you think Lihkan or any of the Toa Hagah were fighting with the BoM against the Barraki?
2817. Did someone of the Barraki betrayed them to the BoM?
29Thanks for your time.
301a) Not necessarily on the exact place it lies now, remember, there was an earthquake there. But yes, it did belong to a prisoner 311b) Oh, sure Yippie: 322) Ah, but I never said this was the only object of its kind -- they have seen this same object in the past, but not this specific one 333) Chief Executive Officer 344) Stone 355) I don't see why they would necessarily have stopped being amphibious. The mutagen affected the Barraki and the Toa that way, doesn't mean everyone exposed to it stops being able to breathe air if they already can. 366) I would say yes, they do 377) 80,000 years ago 388) No 399) None, now 4010) He was before he came back from the dead, yes 4111) No 4212) Well enough 4313) I like all of them, they are fun to write 4414) No, it's not relevant to the story 4515) It was, when it existed 4616) Doubt it 4717) Well, we know Ehlek thinks someone did, but we don't know that someone actually did.
48Hi GregF,
49First, some reactions:
501b) Did that prisoner already appeared in BL6? If not, does it appear in BL7 or BL8?
512) So, if they see the specific object Mantax is looking for, then will it be worth fighting for if they should ever reach the surface?
524) a. The text is carved in the stone? b. Isn't the stone affected by the water?
536) So, the BoM does now who placed the object there? (It was not a BoM member, you said it yourself.)
547) a. When were the Barraki banned to the Pit..., wasn't that 80,000 years ago? 55b. Was the item placed there before or after the Barraki came to the Pit?
569) And how many Order members are there on Daxia?
57And a few additional questions:
581. Do the Barraki now the person that placed the object Mantax is looking for?
592. Did one of the Barraki placed the object?
603. Did the SE Toa of this year placed the object?
614. What are the specific powers of the Zyglak? (In the OGD, you said you would have to check that, so please do.)
625. The person that placed the object Mantax is looking for in the Pit, has it any connection with a. Xia? b. BoM?
636. Did an ally of the Barraki place it in the Pit?
647. Can Gadunka talk? (He is a Rahi, but Tahtorak can.)
658. Who will give Gadunka his squid launcher, Kalmah?
669. This is my theory about how Gadunka is created; After the blinding light of the Ignika stopped, the Toa woke up, looking completely different: And there masks were also changed etc. etc. etc. But... somewhere in the darkness of the black water, an other creature was created, created by the corpses of creatures who had fallen prey, or worse... and the leaking energy of the Ignika. 67The creature roared, looking for whoever should possess the Ignika, since who possesses the Ignika, "possesses" Gadunka, and that's why Kalmah gave him the squid launcher, am I warm?
68Thanks for your time.
691) Can't answer it 702) Yes 714) It may have been, we'll see. But the Matoran/Toa/OOMN/BOM etc. don't use paper. Everything is carved on stone tablets. 726) They could make a good guess, yes 737) After, and yes, it was roughly 80,000 years ago they went down there 749) It varies, based on how many are on assignment 751) The Barraki know most of the prisoners that were in the Pit with them -- over 80,000 years, you get to know folks 762-3) I am not going to reveal who placed the object, because that is part of Book 8 plotline 774) I haven't had time to check, have been kind of busy 785-6) See answer to #2 797) No 808) Or he may simply grab one, not knowing what it is -- I haven't decided 819) No, you're overthinking this. It's not that complex a deal.
82wait did greg just say the toa get transformed by the mutagen but he said the inika wouldnt come in contact with the mutagen that makes no sense
83True but what if he didnt mean the toa inika? its probably the toa from the first toa team.
1Here are somethings i learned;
3Hello GregF, sorry to disrupt your day, but i was just wondering I could just ask you some questions:
41) The Toa Mahri have different masks from what they had as Inika; as in Matoro has a Tryna instead of a changed Iden. How did that happen? And could it be that whatever mask their mask changes to is related to their starting mask? E.g. Iden to do with spirits; Tryna to do with dead, you get the pic.
52) I heard that the Toa Nuva are awakening the Bahrag. Why? I also heard that they are traveling to Karzahni to get the Kanohi of the Inika ( the ones taken by Karzahni) back, especially Jaller's. How and why are they doing this? Won't Karzahni be able to defeat them easily?
63) Can Toa, Matoran and Turaga die? If so, what will happen to their body when they die? Will they decompose?
74) What is the current status of the Bohrok and the Kal? I.e. Bohrok; back in nests, hives, or working for Matoran? Kal; I understand Nuhvok Kal is definitely dead, seeing as he collapsed into a singulaity-- But how about Panhrak? If he had necessary equipment, e.g. breathing pack etc. he could hypothetically still be alive, though lost in the cosmos?
85) I know thaty currently, Gadunka does not exist in the storyline yet. What role does he actually play? Is he a Guardian of the MoLi? I also read that he is not an avatar of the MoLi, and was not created. Was he mutated, then?
9Thank you for taking your time to read through my questions, and I hope to have a reply soon.
10Thanks again, 11Tahufan111
121) I can't discuss the Mahri in that kind of detail, we are still four months away from their being in story. 132) The Bohrok are supposed to do their job before Mata Nui wakes up, that is why they have to free the Bahrag. As for the Karzahni deal, they are doing that because Tahu wants to. 143) Sure, they can -- Lhikan died, Mavrah died, Jovan died, Kodan died, the list goes on. What would most likely happen is that the organic tissue that links their mechanical parts together would decompose eventually. The rest is metal, so at worst would break down over years. 154) Back in nests -- they returned to them during the Kal storyline in 2003. And Pahrak-Kal fell into the core of the planet, so even if he survived, it 's going to take him ages to climb back out again. 165) I can't discuss summer sets
18My bad. Panhrak kal dont shoot up like a rocket, that levhak kal. Fudgeballs. Oh well... What's Tahu's problem; What he want with the mask? and i dint know metal could decompose lol![]()
19I don't think you understand Greg's answer. He never said the metal would decompose just the organic tissiue that keeps it together.
1Yeah, organic stuff decomposes, metal breaks down. As in rust.
11. The Nuva will be re-released right? 2A. Someday, yes
32. If so^ the soonest they could come out is Jan. of '08 right? 4A. They are definitely not 2007 sets
53. That means the Nuva will be the main focus again right? 6A. They have to be, they are the ones who have to wake up Mata Nui
74. Can all Makuta produce Kraata? 8A. Yes
95. Can all Makuta shape-shift? 10Note: This question was not answered, probably on purpose.
116. Do you know which (BIONICLE) movie sold the best? 12A. First one
137. Does the BIONICLE team/Lego have a replacement comic/book writer for you, in case some time you (for example) have a long-period sickness and are unable to write? 14A. No one officially designated, no. My guess is Daniel Lipkowitz would take over the comic. It would be up to Scholastic who would take over books.
158. Do Toa of earth have power over sand? 16A. No 179. Is Umbra currently back on his feet (at, say, the time of BL6)? 18A. Yes
1910. So in BI6, it shows Kardas moving/unfrozen, does that mean Vezon is moving/unfrozen? 20A. Not anymore, no, it was a very limited time effect 21Note: I asked if he was moving, and answered, no, then said that it was a "very limited time effect" so I think he just read the question wrong.
32. If so^ the soonest they could come out is Jan. of '08 right? 4A. They are definitely not 2007 sets
53. That means the Nuva will be the main focus again right? 6A. They have to be, they are the ones who have to wake up Mata Nui
74. Can all Makuta produce Kraata? 8A. Yes
95. Can all Makuta shape-shift? 10Note: This question was not answered, probably on purpose.
116. Do you know which (BIONICLE) movie sold the best? 12A. First one
137. Does the BIONICLE team/Lego have a replacement comic/book writer for you, in case some time you (for example) have a long-period sickness and are unable to write? 14A. No one officially designated, no. My guess is Daniel Lipkowitz would take over the comic. It would be up to Scholastic who would take over books.
158. Do Toa of earth have power over sand? 16A. No 179. Is Umbra currently back on his feet (at, say, the time of BL6)? 18A. Yes
1910. So in BI6, it shows Kardas moving/unfrozen, does that mean Vezon is moving/unfrozen? 20A. Not anymore, no, it was a very limited time effect 21Note: I asked if he was moving, and answered, no, then said that it was a "very limited time effect" so I think he just read the question wrong.
1Hi Greg. I've just had these bouncing around in my head recently...
21. I'm curious about the inability of Matoran to use mask powers. The step down to Turaga from Toa seems to be a large enough gap of power to prevent the use of Great Masks, but why is it that Matoran are unable to use even Noble Masks, when they are so similar to Turaga? Is it even possible for a Matoran to master a Noble Mask, or is there some kind of mental barrier in the way?
32. We have a Pit Jailor and at least one Pit Guard. Were there other guard robots or the like for the original Pit?
43. Approximately how many of the unredeemable was the original Pit designed to hold? Hundreds? Thousands? A few dozen?
54. How close to maximum capacity was the Pit when it was flooded?
81) Matoran do not have the mental discipline to use mask powers. It's like martial arts -- to do them right, you have to go through training to match your mental discipline to your physical discipline. What you have to remember about Turaga is that they are ex-Toa -- they already have that discipline -- Matoran are not. 92) Not that I know of 103) Hundreds 114) No idea
1You have to PM Greg for him to answer your questions. You can do it by going to the link on the first post. 

1Theirs alot of Mantax questions regarding the item he is searching, so I thought 2I'd take a crack at it...
31-my brother thinks that its a book, could it be?
42-is it OoMN files/info, kept by Hydraxon, possibly?(usefull to BOM)
53-is it a sort of cease-fire token/item that acts like a "don't attack the holder?"
64-is it proof that the OoMN exhists?(usefull to BOM)
75-is it related to BOM pre or post Mata-nui betrayal?(times have changed, especially for the Barraki in the pit)
8thats all for now 9thank you for your time
10that guy with the longest name(wait, why do I sign it if the pm says who sent it...?) 11-------------------------- 121) No 132) No 143) Ah, you're getting warmer 155) It is related to BOM, yes
31-my brother thinks that its a book, could it be?
42-is it OoMN files/info, kept by Hydraxon, possibly?(usefull to BOM)
53-is it a sort of cease-fire token/item that acts like a "don't attack the holder?"
64-is it proof that the OoMN exhists?(usefull to BOM)
75-is it related to BOM pre or post Mata-nui betrayal?(times have changed, especially for the Barraki in the pit)
8thats all for now 9thank you for your time
10that guy with the longest name(wait, why do I sign it if the pm says who sent it...?) 11-------------------------- 121) No 132) No 143) Ah, you're getting warmer 155) It is related to BOM, yes
1Theirs alot of Mantax questions regarding the item he is searching, so I thought 2I'd take a crack at it...
31-my brother thinks that its a book, could it be?
42-is it OoMN files/info, kept by Hydraxon, possibly?(usefull to BOM)
53-is it a sort of cease-fire token/item that acts like a "don't attack the holder?"
64-is it proof that the OoMN exhists?(usefull to BOM)
75-is it related to BOM pre or post Mata-nui betrayal?(times have changed, especially for the Barraki in the pit)
8thats all for now 9thank you for your time
10that guy with the longest name(wait, why do I sign it if the pm says who sent it...?) 11-------------------------- 121) No 132) No 143) Ah, you're getting warmer 155) It is related to BOM, yes
16So, it's a contract of some kind. GregF said there were more than one, and it's definately possible to have more than one of the same contract. My guess is that the other Barraki who knew what they were was Pridak, since he used to work for the Brotherhood of Makuta.