1Sorry if this is off-topic, but when are Bionicle World "spoilers" allowed to be released? I've got a PM all about it from Greg and I've been anxious to share it here.
3Depends on where you want to share it. If you want to share it on BZP, then you will have to wait till mid-April. If you want to share it on BS01 Wiki, BIONICLE World spoilers are allowed there by next week. (27th of March 2007)
4~ Bioran
1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
2But Greg said that it could be useful to anyone who escapes the Pit. How could this 'contract' be usefull to anyone but Mantax? I mean, contracts are always meant for one specific person (Or in some cases, a company).
3Well if it's some kind of agreement that whoever holds the "contract" can not be harmed by the BoM, it could be very useful to anyone who stands a chance of being harmed by them...and I think that may pretty much include everyone.
1QUOTE 21.Since the Mahri now breath water,will that hinder their mission to saving Mata Nui's life? 32.When will we learn what causes the mutaegen? 43. You said that the Toa Nuva's new mission is to prepare the universe for the awakening of Mata Nui.What exactly does that mean, and how will they do this? 54.We know that Artahka appearsd in Bl8. Does this occur in a flash back,in Artahka, the Toa Nuva meet him,or does he leave his realm for so reason? 6SV
71) Time will tell -- offhand, I would say no, because they need the mask to do that and the mask is underwater. 82) No idea, it's not something I am planning to go into because it's not vital to the story 93) You'll find out when we tell that story 104) No, it is not a flashback. It is present day.
71) Time will tell -- offhand, I would say no, because they need the mask to do that and the mask is underwater. 82) No idea, it's not something I am planning to go into because it's not vital to the story 93) You'll find out when we tell that story 104) No, it is not a flashback. It is present day.
11) Since Hydraxon breathes water, is it reasonable to believe that he is amphibious (in that he breathes both air and water -- I believe that, in our world, amphibious creatures can't breathe both)? 21) Yup
32) You stated that the relationship between the Bohrok's mission and Mata Nui's awakening wouldn't be revealed in 2008 (see #2, above). Will it be revealed in 2007, or is it something for far future? 42) Originally, I did think it would be revealed in '08, and there will be some Bohrok info out in '08, but I have no idea when the relationship between their mission and him will be given out -- there has been no discussion about doing that.

1Just received these two today -- nothing big, really. And Jets already posted the answer to the first one.
2Is Hydraxon amphibious, or wears some kind of equipment to breath water? Because he wasn't mutated, was he? 3I would assume he's amphibious
4Will we know which Barraki betrayed the rest? If yes, where? 5Actually, it has never been stated one did for sure, only that Ehlek assumes one did.
2Is Hydraxon amphibious, or wears some kind of equipment to breath water? Because he wasn't mutated, was he? 3I would assume he's amphibious
4Will we know which Barraki betrayed the rest? If yes, where? 5Actually, it has never been stated one did for sure, only that Ehlek assumes one did.
1Just a few questions about this year, and some irrelevant questions.
2Good evening, Mr. F. Been quite a while since I sent a PM, but there are some things that left me pondering. Again, questions that can't be answered yet, or at all, you don't have to if you don't want to.
3Storyline 41. What inspired you, or the story team, to portray Maxilos as a robot?
52. Many of the Bionicle fans believe the evil intelligence overriding Maxilos is Makuta, but I am skeptical of that. Might you be able to confirm whether or not it is false?
63. How old might Maxilos, Spinax, and Hydraxon be?
74. Mantax mainly keeps to himself. Might that suggest he is a smart and powerful Barraki?
85. Which would Ehlek priortize, revenge on the Matoran of Mahri Nui, or the Kanohi Ignika, Mask of Life?
9Misc. 101. What type of music are you into?
112. Which next-gen console would you prefer, the Playstation 3, or the Nintendo Wii?
123. With this year's sets for Exo-Force, I began to believe it has the potential to have a deeper story like Bionicle, and that it may begin to grow more popular at a rapid pace. What might you think Exo-Force's potential might be, should the sets sell well?
13That's all, and I grate you in advance.
151) Just fit for what his role was going to be 162) I can't discuss it, it deals with future storyline 173) I would assume somewhere in the 95,000-100,000 range 184) Not sure how keeping to one's self equates to that automatically? 195) Revenge on the Matoran
201) Jazz 212) Neither, really. I have a PS2, but almost never use it. My main gaming is WoW on my PC. 223) Of its popularity, I have no doubt, but I tend to doubt the story will get as deep or deeper than BIONICLE, simply because it is targeted at a much younger audience than BIONICLE is. BIONICLE is aimed at 9-12 year olds, E-F at 6-7 year olds, hence the much shorter length of the books.
1PM'd him a couple days agoy. Here is what I got.
2Hi, Its me Wafer Elite again, just a few questions.
31.Before Kalmah was blinded did he have above average, below average or average vision? 41b.After, did he have below, above, or normal?
52.Was Maxilos actually good at one point?
63. Does Spinax have any powers?
73b.If so, can you tell us what they are?
84.If Daxia belongs to the Dark Hunters, Who lives on Odina?
95.Has Voya Nui stopped floating?
106.Can you describe, in detail, what the Ignika's powers are?
117.What happens if the Ignika completely dissolves like in Legends 6?
128.Do any of the Barraki survive? I mean, the stuation is pretty dire and I don't think the Mahri have much of a choice except to... well, you get the point.
131) Depends, I guess, on whether you think having an extra eye would help you see better 142) Maxilos is a robot -- robots are neither good nor evil, they just do what they are programmed to do. 153) Spinax is able to track a mote of dust across the universe. 164) Daxia doesn't belong to the Dark Hunters. Odina is the Dark Hunter island. 175) If it stopped floating, wouldn't it sink? 186) Nope 197) Well, the power of life would be unleashed all over, and Mata Nui would be doomed 208) I can't discuss future storyline
1Hi Greg, I've read in a couple of places here that Lego will release Bionicle canisters 3 times(winter, mid-spring, fall) 4 each time? Sorry for bothering you if your not allowed to say.
2No, that's not correct. Canister sets only come out twice a year, in January and in August. Releasing them at other times would make it impossible to get them on toy shelves -- release dates are built around when stores restock their shelves for the year.
3This for all the people who beleive that 3 by 4 will be the change in sets next year (2008).
4Hi Greg, just a couple question. Will the rahaga rreturn to the story? Will we get to see what the remaining four looked like as toa?
5Thanks, Great Being #1:
61) Don't know 72) Probably not, we don't have more flashback stories planned
8Some sad info (personally).
1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
2But Greg said that it could be useful to anyone who escapes the Pit. How could this 'contract' be usefull to anyone but Mantax? I mean, contracts are always meant for one specific person (Or in some cases, a company).
3Well if it's some kind of agreement that whoever holds the "contract" can not be harmed by the BoM, it could be very useful to anyone who stands a chance of being harmed by them...and I think that may pretty much include everyone.
4that could be it:::: Mantax betrayed them and makuta, in return gave him something, then mantax lost it in the pit, and now he is looking for it:::

112) Will the new mission of the Nuva be revealed in one of the web exclusives?
212) I can tell it to you now -- the 2007 mission of the Toa Nuva is to prepare the universe for the awakening of Mata Nui
3This is very interesiing. Thanks: Just a few questions: 4Q. Is it possible for us to guess what Mantax is looking for? 5A.
6Q. How long will it take for the Toa Nuva to prepare the universe? 7A.
8Q. Will the Nuva be going back to Artakha? Daxia? Mata Nui? 9A.
101) I have no idea what you guys are capable of guessing and not 112) That is their role in the story this year 123) Yes, no, and no
131) I mean, it won't be something about some completely new concept that we have no idea about, right?
142) I mean, how long will it take for them to finish?
153) Neat. Can I post this?
161) It's not something that has been mentioned in story before 172) Like I said, that is their story for this year 183) Yes
19So, the Nuva are going to Artakha, hmm...
1If they are not going to Mata Nui, how will they free the Bahrag?
1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
2But Greg said that it could be useful to anyone who escapes the Pit. How could this 'contract' be usefull to anyone but Mantax? I mean, contracts are always meant for one specific person (Or in some cases, a company).
3Well if it's some kind of agreement that whoever holds the "contract" can not be harmed by the BoM, it could be very useful to anyone who stands a chance of being harmed by them...and I think that may pretty much include everyone.
4that could be it:::: Mantax betrayed them and makuta, in return gave him something, then mantax lost it in the pit, and now he is looking for it:::![]()
5Sorry, but it wasn't given to him by Makuta:
6Hi GregF,
7I have some questions:
81a. What's the official release date of BL7? 91b. How many pages does BL7 have?
102. What does happen with the squid after they are "fired"? Are they brought back to Kalmah? So he can abuse them and make them hungry?
113. Do the Takea Sharks look like the Takea Sharks in the Masterbuilder set? Or are they mutated?
124. In Ignition 6 you wrote: "Once they were handsome, ... " What exactly is "handsome" in the Bionicle world?
135. Why won't we find out what Mantax is looking for until BL8? (It is already mentioned in Ignition 6.)
146. Why does Carapar never travel with one of the Pit War Tortoises? I mean, they are strong Rahi, and in Ignition 6 he almost got eaten by some kind of Rahi snake...
157. Do the coloured squid have any special thing to do in the storyline?
168. Wich Matoran will be released in summer? (Names.)
179. Why doesn't Takadox try to hypnotise Pridak or Kalmah?
1810. What's the strongest Rahi underwater at the moment (in general terms)?
19Thanks for your time.
201) 7/1 211a) No idea on page count, word count is the same as all the other books 222) If Kalmah chooses to retrieve them, otherwise they wander and feed or else get killed by larger sea predators 233) I believe Stuart drew them to resemble the sets, but I would assume they have mutated somehow 244) The same thing it is in our world -- physically attractive to the eye. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? 255) Because I see no reason to give away every mystery at the start of the year. If I do that, what does BZP have to talk about all year? 266) "Never" is a strong word. You have seen one novel so far. You can't say he never does something based on events in one book. 277) No 288) Sarda and Idris 299) Probably because they are smart enough not to let him try, and he is smart enough to know what they will do to him if he does try. 3010) Impossible for me to say, because the sheer number of Rahi species underwater is almost limitless
31Hi GregF,
32A few reactions:
333) When will the Takea Sharks appear in one of the comics?
346) Not until now then...
35A few additional questions:
361. "A reliable source elsewhere has confirmed a Bionicle set numbered 10207 - which looks suspiciously like a three-titan combiner set. So we practically have the existance of a set like this confirmed." Can you confirm this?
372. (Questions about the item Mantax is looking for.)
38a. Was it already there, or did Mantax took the object with him when he was sent to the Pit?
39b. Has it anything to do with Xia?
40c. Is it some kind of ticket for one of the weapon makers? (Some kind of contract, contracts have a symbolic "power", just like money.) So that he could get his weapons back?
41d. Does the contract has anything to do with the BoM?
423. Gadunka is considered as a Rahi, right?
434. Can you give me a link of your weblog, if so, please give me one.
445. The Barraki are now in possession of the Ignika, we know that the Barraki will give the Ignika to Nocturn? Why don't they use it right away?
456. Has the name "Barraki" anything to do with the sea animal "Barracuda"?
46Thanks for your time.
473) I think they appeared in the online comic on BIONICLE.com
481) News to me. I have not seen any three-titan combo or been asked to work one into story. 492a) It didn't belong to Mantax, so he did not take it with him Too bad, not given by Makuta 502b) No 512c) No 522d) You're getting warmer It has to do something with the BoM: 533) Yes 544) Only blog I have is the on BZPower 555) Basically, because they don't know how to use it yet and none of them fully trusts any one of them to be the one to hold onto it until they figure it out 566) No idea, I didn't pick the name
57Next question: did someone placed it in the Pit on purpose?
11. What are your sleep hours? 2A. Not sure what difference this makes? 31. The only difference it makes is whether my curiosity is cured, or if I go on wondering.
42. What is your fav. Comic? 5A. First one
63. What was the first set you owned? 7A. A helicopter 83. BIONICLE, I mean. Kopaka? 9A. BIONICLE? That's a tough one. I bought all six Toa together, so I think those were the first BIONICLE I own.
104. How much of the sets do you buy? 11A. Not that many, I don't have room in my house for them 124. Because I didn't specify 'BIONICLE' in 3, or 4, I was talking about BIONICLE sets. 13A. Answer is pretty much the same. I buy sets here and there from BIONICLE and other lines, but I have very little room in house to store or display them.
145. Was the variant cover comic 01 (comic-con '03) the only promo comic? Is there another planned? 15A. No, we have done others, most recently last year for Comic-Con. There isn't one planned for this year. 165. How many others were there? Excluding Brickmasters. What numbers were there? 17A. I really don't remember. They have been done for Comic-Con, and offhand I think we did three variant covers, but I really don't recall.
186. How long is Sayger signed up for as the comic artist? 19A. Through 2007. It's a year-to-year contract
207. How may times more popular would a BIONICLE movie have to be, to make it to theaters? 21A. The issue with a theatrical movie is this. The animated films that do really well in theaters tend to be things like Shrek, Cars, etc., that entire families go to see again and again. BIONICLE appeals mainly to boys -- it's not necessarily something Dad and Mom and sis are going to want to see, let alone see three or four times. So that limits its appeal as a theatrical feature.
228. Do you know if the "Creeping in my soul" song was made for the Barraki song, or if the web producer used an existing song? 23A. No idea.
249. Is the Green Toa coming out this summer alive currently, or will the web-stories be flashbacks? 25A. He is alive currently
2610. How many Toa were on his^ team? 27A. Don't recall offhand
42. What is your fav. Comic? 5A. First one
63. What was the first set you owned? 7A. A helicopter 83. BIONICLE, I mean. Kopaka? 9A. BIONICLE? That's a tough one. I bought all six Toa together, so I think those were the first BIONICLE I own.
104. How much of the sets do you buy? 11A. Not that many, I don't have room in my house for them 124. Because I didn't specify 'BIONICLE' in 3, or 4, I was talking about BIONICLE sets. 13A. Answer is pretty much the same. I buy sets here and there from BIONICLE and other lines, but I have very little room in house to store or display them.
145. Was the variant cover comic 01 (comic-con '03) the only promo comic? Is there another planned? 15A. No, we have done others, most recently last year for Comic-Con. There isn't one planned for this year. 165. How many others were there? Excluding Brickmasters. What numbers were there? 17A. I really don't remember. They have been done for Comic-Con, and offhand I think we did three variant covers, but I really don't recall.
186. How long is Sayger signed up for as the comic artist? 19A. Through 2007. It's a year-to-year contract
207. How may times more popular would a BIONICLE movie have to be, to make it to theaters? 21A. The issue with a theatrical movie is this. The animated films that do really well in theaters tend to be things like Shrek, Cars, etc., that entire families go to see again and again. BIONICLE appeals mainly to boys -- it's not necessarily something Dad and Mom and sis are going to want to see, let alone see three or four times. So that limits its appeal as a theatrical feature.
228. Do you know if the "Creeping in my soul" song was made for the Barraki song, or if the web producer used an existing song? 23A. No idea.
249. Is the Green Toa coming out this summer alive currently, or will the web-stories be flashbacks? 25A. He is alive currently
2610. How many Toa were on his^ team? 27A. Don't recall offhand
1My thoughts? Remember the suspicion that a Barraki had betrayed the group? Mantax. And the Makuta gave him something in exchange. A contract or summat.
2But Greg said that it could be useful to anyone who escapes the Pit. How could this 'contract' be usefull to anyone but Mantax? I mean, contracts are always meant for one specific person (Or in some cases, a company).
3Well if it's some kind of agreement that whoever holds the "contract" can not be harmed by the BoM, it could be very useful to anyone who stands a chance of being harmed by them...and I think that may pretty much include everyone.
4that could be it:::: Mantax betrayed them and makuta, in return gave him something, then mantax lost it in the pit, and now he is looking for it:::![]()
5Sorry, but it wasn't given to him by Makuta:
6Hi GregF,
7I have some questions:
81a. What's the official release date of BL7? 91b. How many pages does BL7 have?
102. What does happen with the squid after they are "fired"? Are they brought back to Kalmah? So he can abuse them and make them hungry?
113. Do the Takea Sharks look like the Takea Sharks in the Masterbuilder set? Or are they mutated?
124. In Ignition 6 you wrote: "Once they were handsome, ... " What exactly is "handsome" in the Bionicle world?
135. Why won't we find out what Mantax is looking for until BL8? (It is already mentioned in Ignition 6.)
146. Why does Carapar never travel with one of the Pit War Tortoises? I mean, they are strong Rahi, and in Ignition 6 he almost got eaten by some kind of Rahi snake...
157. Do the coloured squid have any special thing to do in the storyline?
168. Wich Matoran will be released in summer? (Names.)
179. Why doesn't Takadox try to hypnotise Pridak or Kalmah?
1810. What's the strongest Rahi underwater at the moment (in general terms)?
19Thanks for your time.
201) 7/1 211a) No idea on page count, word count is the same as all the other books 222) If Kalmah chooses to retrieve them, otherwise they wander and feed or else get killed by larger sea predators 233) I believe Stuart drew them to resemble the sets, but I would assume they have mutated somehow 244) The same thing it is in our world -- physically attractive to the eye. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? 255) Because I see no reason to give away every mystery at the start of the year. If I do that, what does BZP have to talk about all year? 266) "Never" is a strong word. You have seen one novel so far. You can't say he never does something based on events in one book. 277) No 288) Sarda and Idris 299) Probably because they are smart enough not to let him try, and he is smart enough to know what they will do to him if he does try. 3010) Impossible for me to say, because the sheer number of Rahi species underwater is almost limitless
31Hi GregF,
32A few reactions:
333) When will the Takea Sharks appear in one of the comics?
346) Not until now then...
35A few additional questions:
361. "A reliable source elsewhere has confirmed a Bionicle set numbered 10207 - which looks suspiciously like a three-titan combiner set. So we practically have the existance of a set like this confirmed." Can you confirm this?
372. (Questions about the item Mantax is looking for.)
38a. Was it already there, or did Mantax took the object with him when he was sent to the Pit?
39b. Has it anything to do with Xia?
40c. Is it some kind of ticket for one of the weapon makers? (Some kind of contract, contracts have a symbolic "power", just like money.) So that he could get his weapons back?
41d. Does the contract has anything to do with the BoM?
423. Gadunka is considered as a Rahi, right?
434. Can you give me a link of your weblog, if so, please give me one.
445. The Barraki are now in possession of the Ignika, we know that the Barraki will give the Ignika to Nocturn? Why don't they use it right away?
456. Has the name "Barraki" anything to do with the sea animal "Barracuda"?
46Thanks for your time.
473) I think they appeared in the online comic on BIONICLE.com
481) News to me. I have not seen any three-titan combo or been asked to work one into story. 492a) It didn't belong to Mantax, so he did not take it with him Too bad, not given by Makuta 502b) No 512c) No 522d) You're getting warmer It has to do something with the BoM: 533) Yes 544) Only blog I have is the on BZPower 555) Basically, because they don't know how to use it yet and none of them fully trusts any one of them to be the one to hold onto it until they figure it out 566) No idea, I didn't pick the name
57Next question: did someone placed it in the Pit on purpose?
59Hi GregF,
60I have some questions:
611a. What's the official release date of BL7? 621b. How many pages does BL7 have?
632. What does happen with the squid after they are "fired"? Are they brought back to Kalmah? So he can abuse them and make them hungry?
643. Do the Takea Sharks look like the Takea Sharks in the Masterbuilder set? Or are they mutated?
654. In Ignition 6 you wrote: "Once they were handsome, ... " What exactly is "handsome" in the Bionicle world?
665. Why won't we find out what Mantax is looking for until BL8? (It is already mentioned in Ignition 6.)
676. Why does Carapar never travel with one of the Pit War Tortoises? I mean, they are strong Rahi, and in Ignition 6 he almost got eaten by some kind of Rahi snake...
687. Do the coloured squid have any special thing to do in the storyline?
698. Wich Matoran will be released in summer? (Names.)
709. Why doesn't Takadox try to hypnotise Pridak or Kalmah?
7110. What's the strongest Rahi underwater at the moment (in general terms)?
72Thanks for your time.
731) 7/1 741a) No idea on page count, word count is the same as all the other books 752) If Kalmah chooses to retrieve them, otherwise they wander and feed or else get killed by larger sea predators 763) I believe Stuart drew them to resemble the sets, but I would assume they have mutated somehow 774) The same thing it is in our world -- physically attractive to the eye. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? 785) Because I see no reason to give away every mystery at the start of the year. If I do that, what does BZP have to talk about all year? 796) "Never" is a strong word. You have seen one novel so far. You can't say he never does something based on events in one book. 807) No 818) Sarda and Idris 829) Probably because they are smart enough not to let him try, and he is smart enough to know what they will do to him if he does try. 8310) Impossible for me to say, because the sheer number of Rahi species underwater is almost limitless
84Hi GregF,
85A few reactions:
863) When will the Takea Sharks appear in one of the comics?
876) Not until now then...
88A few additional questions:
891. "A reliable source elsewhere has confirmed a Bionicle set numbered 10207 - which looks suspiciously like a three-titan combiner set. So we practically have the existance of a set like this confirmed." Can you confirm this?
902. (Questions about the item Mantax is looking for.)
91a. Was it already there, or did Mantax took the object with him when he was sent to the Pit?
92b. Has it anything to do with Xia?
93c. Is it some kind of ticket for one of the weapon makers? (Some kind of contract, contracts have a symbolic "power", just like money.) So that he could get his weapons back?
94d. Does the contract has anything to do with the BoM?
953. Gadunka is considered as a Rahi, right?
964. Can you give me a link of your weblog, if so, please give me one.
975. The Barraki are now in possession of the Ignika, we know that the Barraki will give the Ignika to Nocturn? Why don't they use it right away?
986. Has the name "Barraki" anything to do with the sea animal "Barracuda"?
99Thanks for your time.
1003) I think they appeared in the online comic on BIONICLE.com
1011) News to me. I have not seen any three-titan combo or been asked to work one into story. 1022a) It didn't belong to Mantax, so he did not take it with him 1032b) No 1042c) No 1052d) You're getting warmer 1063) Yes 1074) Only blog I have is the on BZPower 1085) Basically, because they don't know how to use it yet and none of them fully trusts any one of them to be the one to hold onto it until they figure it out 1096) No idea, I didn't pick the name
110Hi GregF,
111A few reactions:
1122a) Did someone placed it there, on purpose? 1132d) If yes to 2a, did someone of the BoM placed it there?
114A few extra questions:
1151. In BL6, it states that Mantax didn't want the other Barraki to know his fighting tactics, why not?
1162. Is Mantax the one that betrayed the other Barraki to the BoM?
1173a. Mantax is looking for a contract (has symbolic power) (in a box), right? 1183b. Is it a non-attack treaty?
1194. Where do I find your weblog? (On BZP.)
1205a. The Takea Sharks attack almost everything, but not Pridak, why? 1215b. If Pridak is not in the neighbourhood of the Takea Sharks, then will they attack the other Barraki as well?
122Thanks for your time.
1232a) It was brought there on purpose, yes 1242d) No
1251) Would you want people you MIGHT potentially have to clash with at some time in the future to know how you fight? 1263a) Not in a box, no 1273b) No 1284) Click on blogs and look for the one by GregF 1295a) Because he is the alpha male 1305b) If the other Barraki annoy them, yes, but the other Barraki know better than to do that. The Takea in this area stay mainly in Pridak's territory, and the others know better than to go there -- same applies to the giant squid in Kalmah's territory, etc.
131Strange, didn't answer 2...
1Hello again Greg: I don't mean to bother you, but...
21-Are the inhabitants of Xia really called ?
32- Are Sentrakh, Amphibax, and Kraata Kal the only Dark Hunters on the Piraka-catching team?
43-Is Amphibax one of Ehlek's spieces?
54-What are Razorcrabs and Thornplants?
65-Does Carapar have Razorcrabs and Hahnah crabs in his army?
76-What is the DH island's name? Is it Destral?
8Thanks for your time Greg:
101) Yes 112) Only ones we have mentioned, yes 123) No 134) One's a Rahi, one's a plant 145) No 156)
16Man, I'm sorry. I was so sure that I had erased that... guess I was too focused on #6. I would have changed it sooner, but I posted it while I was still reading several pages back (I've been gone a while). 17again, Im really sorry.
21-Are the inhabitants of Xia really called ?
32- Are Sentrakh, Amphibax, and Kraata Kal the only Dark Hunters on the Piraka-catching team?
43-Is Amphibax one of Ehlek's spieces?
54-What are Razorcrabs and Thornplants?
65-Does Carapar have Razorcrabs and Hahnah crabs in his army?
76-What is the DH island's name? Is it Destral?
8Thanks for your time Greg:
101) Yes 112) Only ones we have mentioned, yes 123) No 134) One's a Rahi, one's a plant 145) No 156)
16Man, I'm sorry. I was so sure that I had erased that... guess I was too focused on #6. I would have changed it sooner, but I posted it while I was still reading several pages back (I've been gone a while). 17again, Im really sorry.

1Not much here, and number one is a bit confusing.
21. I recently asked you if the Toa Nuva were going to tell the Turaga about their experience on Voya Nui, and you replied no because they would not approve. Why wouldn't they approve?
32. You revealed Spinax's power recently, but does Maxilos have any powers? And if so, could you reveal one?
43. I've heard rumors about the crazy Matoran reappearing. Is this accurate?
54. Will any of the Metru Nui residents be in BL8? (Turaga, Takanuva)
65. You also said that you are about halfway done with the online Toa Nuva mission. Do you know when it will be online?
71) I wasn't referring to their experience on Voya Nui. I was referring to their reasons for being on Metru Nui -- that's what the Turaga aren't going to approve of.
82) Not really, just weapons
93) Nothing definite on that
104) BL8 isn't finished yet, so no way for me to answer this
115) Not up to me, up to the web producer
131. I still don't get what they won't approve of.
142. Oh, too bad he didn't reveal a weapon power.
153. Hmmmmm, I thought I heard that somewhere.
164. I hope they are.
175. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
21. I recently asked you if the Toa Nuva were going to tell the Turaga about their experience on Voya Nui, and you replied no because they would not approve. Why wouldn't they approve?
32. You revealed Spinax's power recently, but does Maxilos have any powers? And if so, could you reveal one?
43. I've heard rumors about the crazy Matoran reappearing. Is this accurate?
54. Will any of the Metru Nui residents be in BL8? (Turaga, Takanuva)
65. You also said that you are about halfway done with the online Toa Nuva mission. Do you know when it will be online?
71) I wasn't referring to their experience on Voya Nui. I was referring to their reasons for being on Metru Nui -- that's what the Turaga aren't going to approve of.
82) Not really, just weapons
93) Nothing definite on that
104) BL8 isn't finished yet, so no way for me to answer this
115) Not up to me, up to the web producer
131. I still don't get what they won't approve of.
142. Oh, too bad he didn't reveal a weapon power.
153. Hmmmmm, I thought I heard that somewhere.
164. I hope they are.
175. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
13. Do the Takea Sharks look like the Takea Sharks in the Masterbuilder set? Or are they mutated?
23) I believe Stuart drew them to resemble the sets, but I would assume they have mutated somehow
33) When will the Takea Sharks appear in one of the comics?
43) I think they appeared in the online comic on BIONICLE.com
5Those resembled Celacanths

7I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 8Sounds plausible? 9That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
10It sounds good to me (after all, I made it

1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
7He was on land with the other five barraki when they were conquerring and he was in the pit for 80,000 years so I assume all the water in his crevices/armour was replaced with air in that time.
1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
7He was on land with the other five barraki when they were conquerring and he was in the pit for 80,000 years so I assume all the water in his crevices/armour was replaced with air in that time.
8Also remember Ehlek was the least mutated of all the Barraki.
1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
7He was on land with the other five barraki when they were conquerring and he was in the pit for 80,000 years so I assume all the water in his crevices/armour was replaced with air in that time.
8Also remember Ehlek was the least mutated of all the Barraki.
9Ehlek was on land when the BoM stopped the Barraki's plan to conquer Mata Nui.
1I've got an interesting little tibit of information.
6I found that piece interesting.

2I was just reading the Official Greg Discussion topic when I found an interesting piece of information. The entire raid party for the BOM that were stealing the Mask of Light knew where Artahka was, and the OoMN hunted them down and killed them all.
3Is the Makuta of Artahka dead due to being was killed by an OoMN member because he knew the location of Artahka?
6I found that piece interesting.

1Just some stuff on spinax and mantax's contract:
2HI Mr. F. just some stuff:
31: Why are the toa nuva going back to metru nui? what are the they doing there that the turaga would be unhappy about?
42: What is the whole deal about spinax being an energy hound? I thought you stated that he was a good-no, expert tracker?
53: What buisness do the nuva have in artahka? How will they even find it? 63a: if someone told them, could that someone be botar?
74: You recently gave out the titles for books 9 and 10. Do these titles say or refer to the future storyline, or are they just placeholders? Are they official?
85: I hope you can answer this, does someone die in book 8?
96: what book are you writing right now?
107: are the summer sets in there final forms yet?
118: Oh yes, do you know if lego has decided to make cordak ammo packs?
129: is the contract that mantax is looking for sorta like the makoki stone in the way that it reveals stuff, like the weaknesses and secrets of the brotherhood?
1310: when do you think the first toa, sarda, and idris and the ??? guys will pop up on shop at home?
1411: will the ??? person that comes with sarda and idris play an important role in the storyline?
15Thanks, I hope you can answer this stuff:
161) You'll find out when we reach that point in the story.2 172) Right -- and he tracks you by your energy 183) Again, you will find out when we reach that point at the end of the year 194) Those are the titles I recommended to Scholastic for the books 205) I cannot discuss future storyline 216) #8 227) Summer 2007? Yes, those are being manufactured and packed now 238) Don't know 249) No 2510) Summer, when they come out 2611) On the web, yes
1Mr. Farshtey, I have been wondering. How come the OoM don't lnow where Mata Nui is? Shouldn't they? Then again, is a member is captured and the info is pried from their minds, that would be a bad thing.
2Mr. Farshtey, I have been wondering. How come the OoM don't lnow where Mata Nui is? Shouldn't they? Then again, is a member is captured and the info is pried from their minds, that would be a bad thing.
2Mr. Farshtey, I have been wondering. How come the OoM don't lnow where Mata Nui is? Shouldn't they? Then again, is a member is captured and the info is pried from their minds, that would be a bad thing.
1"Mr. Farshtey, I have been wondering. How come the OoM don't lnow where Mata Nui is? Shouldn't they? Then again, is a member is captured and the info is pried from their minds, that would be a bad thing."
2Welcome to
GregF doesn't come to this topic, you have to PM him. There is a link at the topic-post of this topic. Or you can click on "PM" on anyone's post and change the name to "GregF"
3Above you see people's Q&A with Greg because the copy and paste them into here. 4It usualy takes Greg about a day to answer, but keep in mind that there are lots of other people that PM him. Here's a qoute that may help you: 58. How much is too much when it comes to sending messages to you? (Daily? Weekly? Monthly?) 6A. Depends on how many questions you have 78. Lets say 10. 8A. That's fine 98. I mean how often would you like 10 Qs? 10A. If you actually have 10 a day, daily is fine -- as long as you are okay with the fact that I may not always have time to get to them every day. 11So what I do to help keep Greg's mail-box clean is whenever I have a question I type it and save it in a program like publisher, then wait until I have about ten, then send them to him. 12Oh, and I used to call GregF "Mr. Farshtey" but he toldme "Greg is fine." 13So that's about it, PM him and then copy and paste the return PM into here if you want to or think it would be useful. 14Hope this helped, 15bionicle_fan_nuva
2Welcome to

3Above you see people's Q&A with Greg because the copy and paste them into here. 4It usualy takes Greg about a day to answer, but keep in mind that there are lots of other people that PM him. Here's a qoute that may help you: 58. How much is too much when it comes to sending messages to you? (Daily? Weekly? Monthly?) 6A. Depends on how many questions you have 78. Lets say 10. 8A. That's fine 98. I mean how often would you like 10 Qs? 10A. If you actually have 10 a day, daily is fine -- as long as you are okay with the fact that I may not always have time to get to them every day. 11So what I do to help keep Greg's mail-box clean is whenever I have a question I type it and save it in a program like publisher, then wait until I have about ten, then send them to him. 12Oh, and I used to call GregF "Mr. Farshtey" but he toldme "Greg is fine." 13So that's about it, PM him and then copy and paste the return PM into here if you want to or think it would be useful. 14Hope this helped, 15bionicle_fan_nuva
1Not much here, and number one is a bit confusing.
21. I recently asked you if the Toa Nuva were going to tell the Turaga about their experience on Voya Nui, and you replied no because they would not approve. Why wouldn't they approve?
32. You revealed Spinax's power recently, but does Maxilos have any powers? And if so, could you reveal one?
43. I've heard rumors about the crazy Matoran reappearing. Is this accurate?
54. Will any of the Metru Nui residents be in BL8? (Turaga, Takanuva)
65. You also said that you are about halfway done with the online Toa Nuva mission. Do you know when it will be online?
71) I wasn't referring to their experience on Voya Nui. I was referring to their reasons for being on Metru Nui -- that's what the Turaga aren't going to approve of.
82) Not really, just weapons
93) Nothing definite on that
104) BL8 isn't finished yet, so no way for me to answer this
115) Not up to me, up to the web producer
131. I still don't get what they won't approve of.
142. Oh, too bad he didn't reveal a weapon power.
153. Hmmmmm, I thought I heard that somewhere.
164. I hope they are.
175. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
18to answer your question, greg said that the nuva would be freeing the bahrag, we dont know anything else
1Guardian49 you have to PM GregF to get your questions answered. 2He rarely visits the topic.
3-Makuta of Oz
4Not to sound rude but I just answered that. Wow, that still sounds rude, I don't know another way to say it though

7Welcome to BZPower 8GregF doesn't come to this topic, you have to PM him. There is a link at the topic-post of this topic. Or you can click on "PM" on anyone's post and change the name to "GregF"
9Above you see people's Q&A with Greg because the copy and paste them into here. 10It usualy takes Greg about a day to answer, but keep in mind that there are lots of other people that PM him. Here's a qoute that may help you: 118. How much is too much when it comes to sending messages to you? (Daily? Weekly? Monthly?) 12A. Depends on how many questions you have 138. Lets say 10. 14A. That's fine 158. I mean how often would you like 10 Qs? 16A. If you actually have 10 a day, daily is fine -- as long as you are okay with the fact that I may not always have time to get to them every day. 17So what I do to help keep Greg's mail-box clean is whenever I have a question I type it and save it in a program like publisher, then wait until I have about ten, then send them to him. 18Oh, and I used to call GregF "Mr. Farshtey" but he toldme "Greg is fine." 19So that's about it, PM him and then copy and paste the return PM into here if you want to or think it would be useful. 20Hope this helped, 21bionicle_fan_nuva
1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
7He was on land with the other five barraki when they were conquerring and he was in the pit for 80,000 years so I assume all the water in his crevices/armour was replaced with air in that time.
8Also remember Ehlek was the least mutated of all the Barraki.
9'Nother fact to back this up: Bionicle Legends#6 says that Carapar's Keras have been mutated, but none of the other Rahi mentioned are said to have been. Since Keras were used as Matoran steeds during the Bohrok War they must be amphibious, hence they have air particles in them, hence they get mutated.

1These Q&A's might help you figure out what that thing is that Mantax looks for.
21. Is it taller than Mantax? 31) No 42. Have the other Barraki ever seen it? 52) Yes 63. Has Mantax ever seen it? 73) Yes 83. Did it once belong to another prisoner of the Pit? 93) Yes 104. Assuming he finds it, is it something the other Barraki would be willing to fight him for if they ever got to the surface? 114) Probably not 125. Is it something the Barraki were once very familiar with? 135) Not really 14And on a different note:
156. When is Bionicle Legends 8 coming out? 166) December
17Oh, and yeah, I messed up and made to two 3. questions.
21. Is it taller than Mantax? 31) No 42. Have the other Barraki ever seen it? 52) Yes 63. Has Mantax ever seen it? 73) Yes 83. Did it once belong to another prisoner of the Pit? 93) Yes 104. Assuming he finds it, is it something the other Barraki would be willing to fight him for if they ever got to the surface? 114) Probably not 125. Is it something the Barraki were once very familiar with? 135) Not really 14And on a different note:
156. When is Bionicle Legends 8 coming out? 166) December
17Oh, and yeah, I messed up and made to two 3. questions.
1I've noticed that the Barraki's armies are never referred to as "mutated" -- the Matoran never say "mutated Takea", or things like that. So I came up with a theory about the mutagen: It only works (or works faster) in beings that have been in contact with air. The Takea have always been underwater, they have never been exposed to air, so they are not affected by the mutagen. On the other hand, the Barraki used to live on land, just like Brutaka and everyone else. They lived in contact with air, so they are mutated. Maybe the mutagen reacts with the air that's still caught in the crevices of their armor and bodies. 2Sounds plausible? 3That is a fascinating idea -- I will have to discuss it with the story team.
4It sounds good to me (after all, I made it). 5Khote
6Aha, but how d'you explain Ehlek?
7He was on land with the other five barraki when they were conquerring and he was in the pit for 80,000 years so I assume all the water in his crevices/armour was replaced with air in that time.
8Also remember Ehlek was the least mutated of all the Barraki.
9'Nother fact to back this up: Bionicle Legends#6 says that Carapar's Keras have been mutated, but none of the other Rahi mentioned are said to have been. Since Keras were used as Matoran steeds during the Bohrok War they must be amphibious, hence they have air particles in them, hence they get mutated.![]()
10That, or they haven't been mutated at all -- according to the book,
12That could hint to a possible mutation, but it could also mean that their environment ("the waters of the Pit") forced them to become violent in order to survive. 13But the fact that they could be amphibious would explain their mutation in the lines of my theory, as Jalaguy explained. 14KhoteBionicle Legends #6 11Keras were normally fairly placid and gentle creatures, but the waters of the Pit had long ago changed them to aggressive, violent beasts.
1hello Greg....
21. What is the watery world of Atru nui?
32. which year is your fav. so far?
43. why would the turaga not aprove of the toa nuva's expierience on voya-nui?
54. If the Barraki did not trust eachother with the mask, then why would the give it to Nocturn?
64a. Couldnt Ehlek order him to give the mask to him?
75. If the toa nuva go to artakha, wouldn't they have to be killed by the OOMN?
86. to save the life of the great spirit, one of the inika would have to use the Ignika. wouldnt the wearer be killed by the enargy?
96a. wouldn't that mean one of the inika is going to die? Or will they use there power to do it with the ignika and then turn into turaga?
111) There's no such place in BIONICLE 122) 2004 133) It has nothing to do with their experience on Voya Nui, it has to do with what they are doing on Metru Nui and what they are going to do right after going there. 144) Because Nocturn is too stupid to think of using it for himself. That makes him a safe person to leave it with. 154a) Yes, if Ehlek wanted to then be murdered by the other five, he could. 165) The only way the Nuva can get to Artakha is if Artakha wants them to know where the island is, thus no reason to kill them. 176) Follow the story 186a) Follow the story -- you can't reasonably expect me to tell you how the year ends 9 months ahead of time.
21. What is the watery world of Atru nui?
32. which year is your fav. so far?
43. why would the turaga not aprove of the toa nuva's expierience on voya-nui?
54. If the Barraki did not trust eachother with the mask, then why would the give it to Nocturn?
64a. Couldnt Ehlek order him to give the mask to him?
75. If the toa nuva go to artakha, wouldn't they have to be killed by the OOMN?
86. to save the life of the great spirit, one of the inika would have to use the Ignika. wouldnt the wearer be killed by the enargy?
96a. wouldn't that mean one of the inika is going to die? Or will they use there power to do it with the ignika and then turn into turaga?
111) There's no such place in BIONICLE 122) 2004 133) It has nothing to do with their experience on Voya Nui, it has to do with what they are doing on Metru Nui and what they are going to do right after going there. 144) Because Nocturn is too stupid to think of using it for himself. That makes him a safe person to leave it with. 154a) Yes, if Ehlek wanted to then be murdered by the other five, he could. 165) The only way the Nuva can get to Artakha is if Artakha wants them to know where the island is, thus no reason to kill them. 176) Follow the story 186a) Follow the story -- you can't reasonably expect me to tell you how the year ends 9 months ahead of time.