1I got the Atlas yesterday. Excellent job. But I have a few questions about, if that's okay.
21. On the cover, behind the picture of Lewa Nuva is a shot of Mata Nui, labeled with detail, such as Naho Bay, and where each Toa Mata landed. But in the Mata Nui chapter, the map of Mata Nui has no labels. Wouldn't it make sense to put the labels inside the book where everyone can see and not behind Lewa Nuva who blocks most of the words? 32. Is Artahka going to be more important as the years go by? 43. Why is the picture of Metru Nui upside down? 54. Was Axonn considered a warlord before he was brought in by the OoMN? 65. Why wasn't the BIONICLE mailand continent in the Atlas? 75a. Do the OoMN know about it? 86. In the Atlas it says that the Toa Mata were active and had many adventures in the world that feeds the world. Is this where they trained or were they a dispatched Toa team there before being assigned Mata Nui? 97, The Leage of Six Kingdoms was the Barraki's alliance before they went warlord, correct? 108. Will a BoM-OoMN war ever happen as a major part of the storyline, or more as a backstory thing like the DH-BoM war? 119. Zyglak are sentient, correct? And they breathe air? Then how can they live in the black water below the Pit in Igntion 7? 1210. Will Jerbraz, Tobduk, and Johmak ever be main characters or important, or will they always be backround characters like Triglax?
141) I have nothing to do with cover art or art layout, that is Scholastic's call. 152) Not enormously, no 163) Because the book was laid out by humans and humans occasionally make mistakes. 174) No, Axonn was never a Barraki. Only the leaders of the League were Barraki. 185) Because it is too early to discuss it. 196) Training, there among other places 207) No. The Barraki were always warlords -- that is what the word Barraki means -- and that is how they were able to conquer their six kingdoms. 218) I can't discuss future storyline 229) Zyglak are sapient and amphibious. 2310) Since they aren't going to be sets, they won't be main characters.
1QUOTE 2Does protosteel conduct Electricity?
3Can toa of stone can control jewels because jewels are basically stones that expierenced extreme pressure?
4Does the Bionicle World have a global economy? Or does the economy matter from island to island?
51) Yes 62) No, we don't extend his power like that. 73) We know there is, or was, trade between islands, but a lot of things changed after Mata Nui went to sleep and Metru Nui was cut off.
3Can toa of stone can control jewels because jewels are basically stones that expierenced extreme pressure?
4Does the Bionicle World have a global economy? Or does the economy matter from island to island?
51) Yes 62) No, we don't extend his power like that. 73) We know there is, or was, trade between islands, but a lot of things changed after Mata Nui went to sleep and Metru Nui was cut off.
1JEWELS? don't you mean crystals because his reply may have been a misunderstanding 

1Hello, I have some more questions. I already sent these and it's been about a month. I am resending these because they may have not made it to you the first time.
219 is interesting.
31. Can Pridax's teeth regrow like an actual shark's?
42. Since beings in Bionicle have some organics, is their water in their bodies, like humans?
53. If so, could a Toa of Water extract it, and immediately dehydrate them, maybe kill them?
64. Where are Nidhiki and Lihkan originally from?
75. Can a Toa Disc be used multiple times, or only once?
86. Kanoka discs can only be used once, correct?
97. Were each of the Toa Metru in possession of their Toa Disc?
108. If they had theirs, did they give them to Vakama since he has a disk launcher?
119. Can only Matoran go to Artakha and Karzahni?
1210. If so, where do Toa, Turaga, and others (like the Piraka) go?
1311. If Shadow Stealer returns to fight the Shadowed One, will Darkness step in?
1412. Who would win, Shadow Stealer, or Darkness?
1513. Has Lurker found anything?
1614. What would happen if Mimic found out about his friend?
1715. Do the Turaga know that Ahkmou was awakened by Makuta?
1816. Does he still serve Makuta?
1917. Is the leader of the Botherhood of Makuta the Makuta of Metru Nui?
2018. Is he the one who put Mata Nui in his current state?
2119. Can only Ga-Matoran be female, or can another village have female villagers?
2220. Do you have the Toa Nuparu set? The zamor spheres in it are all different colors every time I have seen a set of it. Do you know why this is when on the canister it shows them all as being red?
2321. What team would win, the Nuva or Inika? The Nuva couldn't beat the Piraka, so I would think the Inika could win, but I still think the Nuva would win.
2422. Is Legends 7 coming out, or are there still publishing problems?
2523. In terms of Greek Mythology, how would you name the Great Beings and Spirits? Would the Great Beings be like Father Sky, or mother Earth the parents of the titans I believe. Or would they be like Zeus, and a Great Spirit being like one of his children? Or how powerfull would they be? It would be great if you could clear this up.
26Thank you.
271) Doubt it 282) I would assume so, yes, or some kind of fluid 293) Yes, but she wouldn't, because Toa don't kill. There are Visorak who can and have done that, though 304) Their islands have not been introduced into story 315) Multiple times 326) No, that's not correct. They can be retrieved and used again. Otherwise, they would have to replacing levitation disks in airships constantly. 337) No 349) Those were who were sent 3510) There was no need for them to go anywhere. Matoran were sent to Artakha to work in the light. They were sent to Karzahni if they were bad workers. Toa, Turaga and Piraka are not workers. 3611) No. 3712, 21) It's impossible to predict the outcome of battles, there are too many possible variables 3813) Haven't decided 3914) What do you think would happen? Put yourself in his shoes. 4015) No 4116) He would, if he thought Makuta was still alive. Far as he knows, Makuta is dead. 4217) Yes 4318) Yes 4419) Matoran of Light can have both male and female villagers. Other than that, we don't know, because other tribes have not been introduced into the storyline. 4520) That's a set design and manufacture question. I deal with story only. 4622) A Legends 7 is coming out in July, just not the original one I intended to write. Legends 7 is the content originally planned for Legends 8. 4723) Can't answer it. I can't discuss the nature of the Great Beings
219 is interesting.
31. Can Pridax's teeth regrow like an actual shark's?
42. Since beings in Bionicle have some organics, is their water in their bodies, like humans?
53. If so, could a Toa of Water extract it, and immediately dehydrate them, maybe kill them?
64. Where are Nidhiki and Lihkan originally from?
75. Can a Toa Disc be used multiple times, or only once?
86. Kanoka discs can only be used once, correct?
97. Were each of the Toa Metru in possession of their Toa Disc?
108. If they had theirs, did they give them to Vakama since he has a disk launcher?
119. Can only Matoran go to Artakha and Karzahni?
1210. If so, where do Toa, Turaga, and others (like the Piraka) go?
1311. If Shadow Stealer returns to fight the Shadowed One, will Darkness step in?
1412. Who would win, Shadow Stealer, or Darkness?
1513. Has Lurker found anything?
1614. What would happen if Mimic found out about his friend?
1715. Do the Turaga know that Ahkmou was awakened by Makuta?
1816. Does he still serve Makuta?
1917. Is the leader of the Botherhood of Makuta the Makuta of Metru Nui?
2018. Is he the one who put Mata Nui in his current state?
2119. Can only Ga-Matoran be female, or can another village have female villagers?
2220. Do you have the Toa Nuparu set? The zamor spheres in it are all different colors every time I have seen a set of it. Do you know why this is when on the canister it shows them all as being red?
2321. What team would win, the Nuva or Inika? The Nuva couldn't beat the Piraka, so I would think the Inika could win, but I still think the Nuva would win.
2422. Is Legends 7 coming out, or are there still publishing problems?
2523. In terms of Greek Mythology, how would you name the Great Beings and Spirits? Would the Great Beings be like Father Sky, or mother Earth the parents of the titans I believe. Or would they be like Zeus, and a Great Spirit being like one of his children? Or how powerfull would they be? It would be great if you could clear this up.
26Thank you.
271) Doubt it 282) I would assume so, yes, or some kind of fluid 293) Yes, but she wouldn't, because Toa don't kill. There are Visorak who can and have done that, though 304) Their islands have not been introduced into story 315) Multiple times 326) No, that's not correct. They can be retrieved and used again. Otherwise, they would have to replacing levitation disks in airships constantly. 337) No 349) Those were who were sent 3510) There was no need for them to go anywhere. Matoran were sent to Artakha to work in the light. They were sent to Karzahni if they were bad workers. Toa, Turaga and Piraka are not workers. 3611) No. 3712, 21) It's impossible to predict the outcome of battles, there are too many possible variables 3813) Haven't decided 3914) What do you think would happen? Put yourself in his shoes. 4015) No 4116) He would, if he thought Makuta was still alive. Far as he knows, Makuta is dead. 4217) Yes 4318) Yes 4419) Matoran of Light can have both male and female villagers. Other than that, we don't know, because other tribes have not been introduced into the storyline. 4520) That's a set design and manufacture question. I deal with story only. 4622) A Legends 7 is coming out in July, just not the original one I intended to write. Legends 7 is the content originally planned for Legends 8. 4723) Can't answer it. I can't discuss the nature of the Great Beings
1Cap'n Bionicle, I don't think that Atlas spoilers are allowed until, um, maybe three weeks (approx.) from now? I'm not sure if what you said counts as spoilers or not...
2Anyway, here's some stuff from Greg I got I don't know how long ago.
3#1 Was the mutagen released into the water by accident or on purpose? 41) Accident 5#2 Krana are made of protodermis, right? 62) Yes 7#3 Before the mutagen was released into the water, was it more concentrated and thus more potent than it is now? 83) I would say no 9#4 Was the mutagen made, or concocted, by the OOMN? 10#5 Was the mutagen made, or concocted, by the BOM? 11#6 Was it made by the Mask of Life? 124-6) No 13#7 Was it made by anyone/anything/any organization we have heard of? 147) No 15#8 Was it released into the water of the Pit by anyone/anything/any organization we have heard of? 168) No 17#9 Did Ehlek steal the tri-talons from the jailor? 189) No. He and his species got those as the result of tampering by the Order of Mata Nui with their natural development 19#10 What would be the best word to describe Jaller's current feelings toward Matoro? 2010) A little annoyed 21#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 2211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 23#12 Were krana masks at some point (I mean, were they masks that got mutated, or something)? 2412) No 25#13 Why doesn't Nocturn leave the water? After all, he is amphibious... 2613) And go where? He's no longer welcome at home and if he was sighted on the surface, he would be hunted down again. 27#14 Is the "southern continent" refered to in Bionicle Legends#4 the Mainland? 2814) Yes 29#15 Since there is a southern continent, there's a northern continent too, right? 3015) Could be
2Anyway, here's some stuff from Greg I got I don't know how long ago.
3#1 Was the mutagen released into the water by accident or on purpose? 41) Accident 5#2 Krana are made of protodermis, right? 62) Yes 7#3 Before the mutagen was released into the water, was it more concentrated and thus more potent than it is now? 83) I would say no 9#4 Was the mutagen made, or concocted, by the OOMN? 10#5 Was the mutagen made, or concocted, by the BOM? 11#6 Was it made by the Mask of Life? 124-6) No 13#7 Was it made by anyone/anything/any organization we have heard of? 147) No 15#8 Was it released into the water of the Pit by anyone/anything/any organization we have heard of? 168) No 17#9 Did Ehlek steal the tri-talons from the jailor? 189) No. He and his species got those as the result of tampering by the Order of Mata Nui with their natural development 19#10 What would be the best word to describe Jaller's current feelings toward Matoro? 2010) A little annoyed 21#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 2211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 23#12 Were krana masks at some point (I mean, were they masks that got mutated, or something)? 2412) No 25#13 Why doesn't Nocturn leave the water? After all, he is amphibious... 2613) And go where? He's no longer welcome at home and if he was sighted on the surface, he would be hunted down again. 27#14 Is the "southern continent" refered to in Bionicle Legends#4 the Mainland? 2814) Yes 29#15 Since there is a southern continent, there's a northern continent too, right? 3015) Could be
1just some stuff i asked and pretty quick reply
2He Greg. it's me atlas with a few more questions. i haven't been on BZP for a while so i have amassed a lot of questions. i just read BL6. great work. it's my favorite bionicle book so far.
31. atlas spoilers 41b. atlas spoilers
52. I know this was a while ago but, the Dark Hunters guide had Keetongu on the front but you said it was a mistake and the shadowed one was supposed to be on the cover. 2 questions about that: 6How did you feel about the mistake? 7Whenever i saw it online before it came out it had Nidhiki on the cover. was this going to be the cover before the shadowed one?
83. Do the Nuva know about the OoMN?
94. Could there be a year that the storie takes place on 2 islands? like one island one half of the year and 1 the other or is it better to focus on 1?
105. You said that the Nuva's mission in 07 was to prepare for the awakening of the Mata Nui and that they are going to free the barhag. you also said that they are going to artakha and not mata nui (the islands). how can they free the barhag if they dont go to mata nui?
116. Will the Nuva have to find Mata Nui save him? (im guessing they will)
127. Does Artakha (the being) being in book 8 have something to do with the Karzhani and Makuta fight? 137b. Does it have something to do with 2008?
148. Someone said in the OGD that you released youre suggestions for BL9 and BL10. Did you really? 158b. If so, what are they?
169. Is the figure that will be released with Sarda and Idris the Prisoner in the Pit that hid what Mantax is looking for?
1710. As of BL6, the ignika is damaged and is leaking out energy in the form of air. If it was still damaged but brought to the surface, what would it leak out the energy as?
1811. Will there be any focus or even mention of Metru Nui anytime soon?
1912. Will the 300 ft long venom eel be in BL7?
2013. wouldn't the mask of kindred belong to hahli because the rahi in the sea are all water rahi or can the wearer's kindred be anywhere as long as they no what it is?
21thats all for now. thanks in advance: atlas
221) atlas spoilers 232) There was nothing I could do about it, so I didn't worry about it. People who know the story would see it as an error, people who don't wouldn't care. 242a) Not to my knowledge 253) They do now, yes 264) It's easier to focus on one overall setting, because a lot of work has to get put into designing an environment. 275) Bahrag aren't on Mata Nui, they're under it, remember? So no reason to go to the island, you can get to the nest from Metru Nui. 286) I can't answer this 297) No 307b) Yes 318) I released my title suggestions, yes -- they're Shadows in the Sky and Swamp of Secrets 329) No 3310) Life 3411) No focus, no, mention, yes 3512) Think so, yes 3613) All of the Mahri are water-breathers, so they are kindred to all other water-breathers as a result
2He Greg. it's me atlas with a few more questions. i haven't been on BZP for a while so i have amassed a lot of questions. i just read BL6. great work. it's my favorite bionicle book so far.
31. atlas spoilers 41b. atlas spoilers
52. I know this was a while ago but, the Dark Hunters guide had Keetongu on the front but you said it was a mistake and the shadowed one was supposed to be on the cover. 2 questions about that: 6How did you feel about the mistake? 7Whenever i saw it online before it came out it had Nidhiki on the cover. was this going to be the cover before the shadowed one?
83. Do the Nuva know about the OoMN?
94. Could there be a year that the storie takes place on 2 islands? like one island one half of the year and 1 the other or is it better to focus on 1?
105. You said that the Nuva's mission in 07 was to prepare for the awakening of the Mata Nui and that they are going to free the barhag. you also said that they are going to artakha and not mata nui (the islands). how can they free the barhag if they dont go to mata nui?
116. Will the Nuva have to find Mata Nui save him? (im guessing they will)
127. Does Artakha (the being) being in book 8 have something to do with the Karzhani and Makuta fight? 137b. Does it have something to do with 2008?
148. Someone said in the OGD that you released youre suggestions for BL9 and BL10. Did you really? 158b. If so, what are they?
169. Is the figure that will be released with Sarda and Idris the Prisoner in the Pit that hid what Mantax is looking for?
1710. As of BL6, the ignika is damaged and is leaking out energy in the form of air. If it was still damaged but brought to the surface, what would it leak out the energy as?
1811. Will there be any focus or even mention of Metru Nui anytime soon?
1912. Will the 300 ft long venom eel be in BL7?
2013. wouldn't the mask of kindred belong to hahli because the rahi in the sea are all water rahi or can the wearer's kindred be anywhere as long as they no what it is?
21thats all for now. thanks in advance: atlas
221) atlas spoilers 232) There was nothing I could do about it, so I didn't worry about it. People who know the story would see it as an error, people who don't wouldn't care. 242a) Not to my knowledge 253) They do now, yes 264) It's easier to focus on one overall setting, because a lot of work has to get put into designing an environment. 275) Bahrag aren't on Mata Nui, they're under it, remember? So no reason to go to the island, you can get to the nest from Metru Nui. 286) I can't answer this 297) No 307b) Yes 318) I released my title suggestions, yes -- they're Shadows in the Sky and Swamp of Secrets 329) No 3310) Life 3411) No focus, no, mention, yes 3512) Think so, yes 3613) All of the Mahri are water-breathers, so they are kindred to all other water-breathers as a result

1Reposting this for the sake of the BS01 Wiki:
21. I got an imported BIONICLE Annual for Christmas (And by the way, I once asked you what the "First Full-Length Chronicle" in it was, and you guessed it was Tale of the Toa, and guess what, you were right, of course
) They mentioned a place called "Cape of No Hope". Is this canonical?
31) Yes, it is
21. I got an imported BIONICLE Annual for Christmas (And by the way, I once asked you what the "First Full-Length Chronicle" in it was, and you guessed it was Tale of the Toa, and guess what, you were right, of course

31) Yes, it is
1Hello, I have some more questions. I already sent these and it's been about a month. I am resending these because they may have not made it to you the first time.
21. Can Pridax's teeth regrow like an actual shark's?
32. Since beings in Bionicle have some organics, is their water in their bodies, like humans?
43. If so, could a Toa of Water extract it, and immediately dehydrate them, maybe kill them?
54. Where are Nidhiki and Lihkan originally from?
65. Can a Toa Disc be used multiple times, or only once?
76. Kanoka discs can only be used once, correct?
87. Were each of the Toa Metru in possession of their Toa Disc?
98. If they had theirs, did they give them to Vakama since he has a disk launcher?
109. Can only Matoran go to Artakha and Karzahni?
1110. If so, where do Toa, Turaga, and others (like the Piraka) go?
1211. If Shadow Stealer returns to fight the Shadowed One, will Darkness step in?
1312. Who would win, Shadow Stealer, or Darkness?
1413. Has Lurker found anything?
1514. What would happen if Mimic found out about his friend?
1615. Do the Turaga know that Ahkmou was awakened by Makuta?
1716. Does he still serve Makuta?
1817. Is the leader of the Botherhood of Makuta the Makuta of Metru Nui?
1918. Is he the one who put Mata Nui in his current state?
2019. Can only Ga-Matoran be female, or can another village have female villagers?
2120. Do you have the Toa Nuparu set? The zamor spheres in it are all different colors every time I have seen a set of it. Do you know why this is when on the canister it shows them all as being red?
2221. What team would win, the Nuva or Inika? The Nuva couldn't beat the Piraka, so I would think the Inika could win, but I still think the Nuva would win.
2322. Is Legends 7 coming out, or are there still publishing problems?
2423. In terms of Greek Mythology, how would you name the Great Beings and Spirits? Would the Great Beings be like Father Sky, or mother Earth the parents of the titans I believe. Or would they be like Zeus, and a Great Spirit being like one of his children? Or how powerfull would they be? It would be great if you could clear this up.
25Thank you.
261) Doubt it 272) I would assume so, yes, or some kind of fluid 283) Yes, but she wouldn't, because Toa don't kill. There are Visorak who can and have done that, though 294) Their islands have not been introduced into story 305) Multiple times 316) No, that's not correct. They can be retrieved and used again. Otherwise, they would have to replacing levitation disks in airships constantly. 327) No 339) Those were who were sent 3410) There was no need for them to go anywhere. Matoran were sent to Artakha to work in the light. They were sent to Karzahni if they were bad workers. Toa, Turaga and Piraka are not workers. 3511) No. 3612, 21) It's impossible to predict the outcome of battles, there are too many possible variables 3713) Haven't decided 3814) What do you think would happen? Put yourself in his shoes. 3915) No 4016) He would, if he thought Makuta was still alive. Far as he knows, Makuta is dead. 4117) Yes 4218) Yes 4319) Matoran of Light can have both male and female villagers. Other than that, we don't know, because other tribes have not been introduced into the storyline. 4420) That's a set design and manufacture question. I deal with story only. 4522) A Legends 7 is coming out in July, just not the original one I intended to write. Legends 7 is the content originally planned for Legends 8. 4623) Can't answer it. I can't discuss the nature of the Great Beings
47Here is some new stuff
48I pmed you the other day, and I didn't verify on some of the questions, so here is what I meant to send you. Please answer if you can.
4910. Do Toa, Turaga, and others like the Barraki or Piraka go to Artahka or Karzanhi? You replied that they don't because they aren't workers, so do they have no after life?
5014. What would happen if Mimic found out about his friend? You replied What would you think would happen. I mean, would he get passage back to the island, try to kill the Shadowed One, then free his friend, or would he free his friend and leave?
5122. Is Legends 7 coming out or are there still publishing problems. You replied, it is, but it isn't the original one. It has content planned for 8. So is there some of the same, and some of it is in 8? Could you clarify better if you can?
521. I have a new question, in 2011, when 10 years have passed since Bionicle's release, do you think some original sets will be re-released?
532. You said that the Nuva will be re-released. Will they be the same sets that came out years back? Or did you mean in the story?
54Thank You.
5510) Artakha and Karzahni are not the "afterlife" -- you don't die to go there. We don't deal with the afterlife in BIONICLE, because we don't deal with religion in BIONICLE.
5614) He would most likely get his friend to safety then go after the Shadowed One
5722) All of the content for the original Book 8 is in Book 7 now. The original content for Book 7 will either be published in serial form on BIONICLEstory.com or else not be published at all.
581) No way for me to predict, but I don't think there is a lot of interest among retailers in old sets being put out again. Compared to what we do now, the 2001 Toa look crude, and I don't think most of the current fan base would be interested in them because they weren't around when BIONICLE started and don't have the ties to it older fans do.
592) They will be different looking sets, but same characters.
1I recently asked some questions to Greg, don't know if they are old news yes or no but they are concerning the Exo Toa.
2I have some questions and I hope you could answer them. 31: Can the Exo Toa speak the Matoran Language? 42: Can the Exo Toa hear or see like matoran, or do they have a sensor 5ability?? 63: How can the exo Toa be reprogrammed? 74: Have you seen the Karzahni illustration? So yes does he look cool? 85: Is Arthaka still alive? 96: Does Mata Nui have pupils or students that he trained? 107: How many BoM members are there? 118: How strong is a Exo Toa compared to Muaka, makuta and toa?
12I recentlly read bionicle legends 4 and 5 my compliments, they were really cool 13books. Also I read the bionicle quide to Metru Nui and I wondered something. 14Is the powerplant of metru nui big???
151) Off the top of my head, I don't recall the Exo-Toa ever being shown to speak. 162) They have sensors, yes 173) I don't have that info 184) Yes 195) No one knows 206) No 217) Can't answer it 228) Stronger, physically, than a Toa, not as strong as Makuta, and probably stronger than a Muaka
1What's Tahu's problem; What he want with the mask?
2Tahu knows that the Toa Inika's original masks got lost in Karzahni's realm (in Legends #2), and out of respect for Lhikan (whose mask was formerly worn by Jaller, you remember), he wishes to retrieve it. That's all.3jetslandingboard
5I recently asked some questions to Greg, don't know if they are old news yes or no but they are concerning the Exo Toa.
6I have some questions and I hope you could answer them. 71: Can the Exo Toa speak the Matoran Language? 82: Can the Exo Toa hear or see like matoran, or do they have a sensor 9ability?? 103: How can the exo Toa be reprogrammed? 114: Have you seen the Karzahni illustration? So yes does he look cool? 125: Is Arthaka still alive? 136: Does Mata Nui have pupils or students that he trained? 147: How many BoM members are there? 158: How strong is a Exo Toa compared to Muaka, makuta and toa?
16I recentlly read bionicle legends 4 and 5 my compliments, they were really cool 17books. Also I read the bionicle quide to Metru Nui and I wondered something. 18Is the powerplant of metru nui big???
191) Off the top of my head, I don't recall the Exo-Toa ever being shown to speak. 202) They have sensors, yes 213) I don't have that info 224) Yes 235) No one knows 246) No 257) Can't answer it 268) Stronger, physically, than a Toa, not as strong as Makuta, and probably stronger than a Muaka
27Nice. I wonder wy he won't reveal the numbers of the BoM...
11) Do you visit the BS01 Wiki? 22) Do you know Mr. Sayger? 33) Of all the BIONICLE encyclopedias, which one is your favorite? 44) When at book signings, do you occasionaly get an over-excited fan? 55) How did you get your job at LEGO? 66) How do you pronounce "Kopeke"? 77) Which Toa Mahrii is your favorite so far? 88) How does Kapura manage to move around so fast when he is so slow? 99) What is your greatest achievement? 1010) Which Kanohi Mask is your favorite?
111) Once in a while, not much lately 122) I've met him, yes 133) There have only been two encyclopedias, and one isn't published yet 144) Nope 155) I answered an online job ad 166) Ko-peck-ee 177) Matoro 188) Can't answer it 199) Getting married 2010) I don't have a favorite
21How do you pronounce "Tryna"?
1#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 3Rojaz
4That's interesting...
5but i thought that all the great masks and i guess nuva masks were resistant to lava and extreme heat

1#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 3Rojaz
4That's interesting...
5but i thought that all the great masks and i guess nuva masks were resistant to lava and extreme heatotherwise tahu would burn his own mask off right
6Probably not, and when have you seen Tahu throw his own Kanohi in the lava? Never, since his Kanohi will be destroyed then.
1Greg just PM me back:::
2Hello again Greg,
31. Why is Jaller getting annoyed with Matoro?
42. Are you annoyed with the fact that a lot of people are asking what Mantax is looking for and you know you cant say even if its it?
53. Does the Bionicle mainland have a major importance?
64. Once 2007 or 08 is done, will the inika be playing a major role or will it turn back into a Nuva story again?
75. If the toa nuva are re-released, wouldnt that mean they changed, or just re-releasing the original ones?
91) Because Matoro is starting to take charge of the team 102) No, actually I am enjoying watching people guess, see who comes close, who doesn't. Nobody seems to expect me to TELL them what it is -- they want to figure it out for themselves, and that's cool. 113) Yes 124) I can't discuss future storyline 135) There is change and there is change. You can make a Toa look different by changing his armor or his weapon, without changing what kind of Toa he is. My guess is they will still be Toa Nuva, just as they were before, simply with different armor, etc. Same characters, not Nuva Hordika or something like that.
14kewl. Just makin sure we wernt annoying you. I have to ask this....
15Would he rather have it than the mask of life?
16is it small, big, medium?
17does it have carvings on it?
18would the toa find it important?
20The toa mahri breath underwater right?
21If so, that means they will either have to stay underwater perminantly, or transform again?
22Is the reason the mahri matoran can't breath under water have to do with how Karzahni "fixed" them? Maybe he took something or added something to them that made it turn out like that?
241) I can't say he would choose it over the mask, no. It is small, it does have a carving on it, and I don't think Toa would be able to use it under the current circumstances. 252) Yes, the Toa Mahri breathe underwater only 263) No, it's because they weren't exposed to the mutagen long enough. Almost immediately upon arriving underwater, they were taking refuge in air bubbles that protected the from the effects of the water.
27New armour and tools for the nuva? Would that be a 2008 set?
28Bionicle mainland, world that feeds the world?
2Hello again Greg,
31. Why is Jaller getting annoyed with Matoro?
42. Are you annoyed with the fact that a lot of people are asking what Mantax is looking for and you know you cant say even if its it?
53. Does the Bionicle mainland have a major importance?
64. Once 2007 or 08 is done, will the inika be playing a major role or will it turn back into a Nuva story again?
75. If the toa nuva are re-released, wouldnt that mean they changed, or just re-releasing the original ones?
91) Because Matoro is starting to take charge of the team 102) No, actually I am enjoying watching people guess, see who comes close, who doesn't. Nobody seems to expect me to TELL them what it is -- they want to figure it out for themselves, and that's cool. 113) Yes 124) I can't discuss future storyline 135) There is change and there is change. You can make a Toa look different by changing his armor or his weapon, without changing what kind of Toa he is. My guess is they will still be Toa Nuva, just as they were before, simply with different armor, etc. Same characters, not Nuva Hordika or something like that.
14kewl. Just makin sure we wernt annoying you. I have to ask this....
15Would he rather have it than the mask of life?
16is it small, big, medium?
17does it have carvings on it?
18would the toa find it important?
20The toa mahri breath underwater right?
21If so, that means they will either have to stay underwater perminantly, or transform again?
22Is the reason the mahri matoran can't breath under water have to do with how Karzahni "fixed" them? Maybe he took something or added something to them that made it turn out like that?
241) I can't say he would choose it over the mask, no. It is small, it does have a carving on it, and I don't think Toa would be able to use it under the current circumstances. 252) Yes, the Toa Mahri breathe underwater only 263) No, it's because they weren't exposed to the mutagen long enough. Almost immediately upon arriving underwater, they were taking refuge in air bubbles that protected the from the effects of the water.
27New armour and tools for the nuva? Would that be a 2008 set?

1I've just had thought - What if the Item Mantax is looking for, the 'symbolic' object, can controll primitive creatures - like Rahi. At the end of a comic (On one of the topics, I beleive), Kalmah, Mantax and Takadox get sealed in there orginal prison with the Zyglak (or whatever their called), right? So maybe they use it to escape... Or maybe Takadox just hypnotysises them all. I don't know. I should ask Greg...
1#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 3Rojaz
4That's interesting...
5but i thought that all the great masks and i guess nuva masks were resistant to lava and extreme heatotherwise tahu would burn his own mask off right
6The Rahkshi could have destroyed them. Didn't necessarily have to be the lava...and besides, no mask will ever last forever in Lava. It's protodermis like everything else and it will melt.
1The Rahkshi could have destroyed them. Didn't necessarily have to be the lava...and besides, no mask will ever last forever in Lava. It's protodermis like everything else and it will melt.
2Perhaps the Artakhans will offer him some replacements when he gets there? It would be pretty sad if he didn't get them.....And what did Greg mean by many of his? Which mask does he have left?
1Perhaps the Artakhans will offer him some replacements when he gets there? It would be pretty sad if he didn't get them.....And what did Greg mean by many of his? Which mask does he have left?
2Well the Toa Nuva each collected six Nuva masks, and Tahu's Kanohi with the exception of his Hau were probably destroyed.
12. You said that the Nuva will be re-released. Will they be the same sets that came out years back? Or did you mean in the story?
22) They will be different looking sets, but same characters.
3oh come on. Now there will be three versions of the nuva::: man.... it took me long enough to collect them the first two times they came out, this is going to be impossible.
12. You said that the Nuva will be re-released. Will they be the same sets that came out years back? Or did you mean in the story?
22) They will be different looking sets, but same characters.
3oh come on. Now there will be three versions of the nuva::: man.... it took me long enough to collect them the first two times they came out, this is going to be impossible.
4Well, they're not going to re-release old, out of date sets with less articulation then today's current ones to an audience that mostly already owns the sets anyway-as you said yourself, you've already collected them, why would you buy them again if they were the same sets?
12. You said that the Nuva will be re-released. Will they be the same sets that came out years back? Or did you mean in the story?
22) They will be different looking sets, but same characters.
3oh come on. Now there will be three versions of the nuva::: man.... it took me long enough to collect them the first two times they came out, this is going to be impossible.
4Well, they're not going to re-release old, out of date sets with less articulation then today's current ones to an audience that mostly already owns the sets anyway-as you said yourself, you've already collected them, why would you buy them again if they were the same sets?
5[img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] Yay:::::::: bThe Nuva are coming back:::::::

1If the Nuva's preparing the universe, that means Mata Nui will be awake soon:

1Nice. I wonder wy he won't reveal the numbers of the BoM...
2Probably because any number he would give could change. He doesn't want to put himself into a hole like that by "lying," but then who would?
3Hmm... You have a point. Then again, most people do at some time in their lives. Oh well...*shrug* Ha ha, Daxia.

4Mata Nui: Where's my breakfast: 5*crickets* 6Mata Nui: Grr... 7*crickets* 8Mata Nui: YAAH::: *unleashes his power which kills almost just about everything in the Bionicle universe* Oooo, pretty lights:
1#11 Do the Toa Nuva have all the Kanohi Nuva? 211) All except Tahu, many of his were destroyed when Ta-Koro was destroyed 3Rojaz
4That's interesting...
5but i thought that all the great masks and i guess nuva masks were resistant to lava and extreme heatotherwise tahu would burn his own mask off right
6The Rahkshi could have destroyed them. Didn't necessarily have to be the lava...and besides, no mask will ever last forever in Lava. It's protodermis like everything else and it will melt.
7Look at this quote:
8Hello sir, and it's me again, desperate to post the Atlas Q&A in the OGD(Mid April, am I right?), but after reading the topic, you had recently said that Tahu Nuva's Kanohi Nuva were destoryed. Well, in MoLM, the Avohkii survives lava, so why can't the Kanohi Nuva survive? And surely, since they were in the Suva, wouldn't they be protected from the debries? 9Oh, and I remembered that the certain Kanohi, only the ones that are destined to be, turn into Kanohi Nuva. Is this true or false? Or is it like Kraata into Rahkshi armour, always changing every time? 10Another, if the latter to the second question is true, what would a Noble Kanohi turn if it was exposed to EP?
11The Avohkii was inside a stone shell -- the stone shell melts in the lava, and then Takua retrieves the mask before it can melt as well. In the case of Tahu's masks, they sank into a lava river, and there was no time to go retrieve them because everyone was fleeing the Rahkshi.
12Yes, Kanohi work the same way anything else does -- if it isn't destined to be transformed by EP, it's destoryed.
13If it was destined to transform, it would become a Noble Nuva mask.
14It was the lava that destoryed the Masks. 15I wonder how many Masks it took for the islanders of the Artakha to create the Kanohi Nuva...
11. What titles did you suggest to schoolastic for L:9 & 10? 2A. Already announced this -- Shadows in the Sky and Swamp of Secrets.
32. What is the name for L8? 4A. Downfall
53. Will Igniton and Legends end at the same time? 6A. No idea
74. Why aren't there series numbers on the front of the covers anymore? Example: "Part 1 of 3" or "Bohrok saga 1 of 6" 8A. Because if the story runs 17 or 18 issues, it's pointless to do that
95. If you could change one thing about BIONICLE, what would it be? 10A. Probably fewer new characters per year
116. Is what Mantax is looking for a main focus or a side-thingy? 12A. It's a side-story, book only
137. How did Ahkmou get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (after meeting Makuta)? 14A. Same way that the Toa Metru got back there, via tunnel
158. Can the Toa gain anything from Mata Nui being barren? 16A. Not the Toa personally, no
179. How many times have you seen BIONICLE MoL? 18A. Probably two or three times, but not for years
1910. How many Toa were on Jovan's team? 20A. Hasn't been revealed
32. What is the name for L8? 4A. Downfall
53. Will Igniton and Legends end at the same time? 6A. No idea
74. Why aren't there series numbers on the front of the covers anymore? Example: "Part 1 of 3" or "Bohrok saga 1 of 6" 8A. Because if the story runs 17 or 18 issues, it's pointless to do that
95. If you could change one thing about BIONICLE, what would it be? 10A. Probably fewer new characters per year
116. Is what Mantax is looking for a main focus or a side-thingy? 12A. It's a side-story, book only
137. How did Ahkmou get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (after meeting Makuta)? 14A. Same way that the Toa Metru got back there, via tunnel
158. Can the Toa gain anything from Mata Nui being barren? 16A. Not the Toa personally, no
179. How many times have you seen BIONICLE MoL? 18A. Probably two or three times, but not for years
1910. How many Toa were on Jovan's team? 20A. Hasn't been revealed
1Just wondered, were the Hydruka on Mahri-Nui before it sunk, or did they appear after it sunk, and if so, where from?
3The hydruka have always been sea creatures, so they weren't on Mahri Nui prior to its sinking. My guess would be that, like the Takea shark, Tarakava, and Makuta fish, they made their way from the seas in the domes to the upper ocean and simply wound up in this location, probably because of the airweed.
12) Yes, the Toa Mahri breathe underwater only2Does that mean the Mahri will stay in Mahri-Nui forever???????
3I doubt it, because the Ignika can and will probably reverse their mutations.
5What I find odd is the fact that the sets look like they're wearing air tanks. It looks more like new gear then a mutation.
21. Are Thulox and Morak going to be in a book for more than two seconds?
32. Was there a spacific reason the turaga chose Kopeke to be the choronicler?
43. Was Hydraxon killed by Takadox or the quake?
54. In another topic you said you were wrighting a fight scene with Takadox fighting Maxilos. Will that fight be in book 8 ?
65. Will Spinax be fighting Takadox Too?
81) No. 92) Yes, because BZP chose him. 103) He was injured by the quake, he was killed by Takadox. 114) I am writing Book 8 now, yes.
12Poor Thulox and Morak. Not going to have very major roles. Maybe Lego just released so we could see what a Hydruka is?
21. Are Thulox and Morak going to be in a book for more than two seconds?
32. Was there a spacific reason the turaga chose Kopeke to be the choronicler?
43. Was Hydraxon killed by Takadox or the quake?
54. In another topic you said you were wrighting a fight scene with Takadox fighting Maxilos. Will that fight be in book 8 ?
65. Will Spinax be fighting Takadox Too?
81) No. 92) Yes, because BZP chose him. 103) He was injured by the quake, he was killed by Takadox. 114) I am writing Book 8 now, yes.
12Poor Thulox and Morak. Not going to have very major roles. Maybe Lego just released so we could see what a Hydruka is?
1QUOTE 2Here are some things I heard, but I'm not sure. I heard that...
31. The Nuva's mission is to reawaken the Bahrag and get he swarms to clear Mata-Nui. 4*If so, why? I thought it might have something to do with the EP spill, but... 52. There is going to be a fight between Karzarhni & Makuta this year.
6Thank you very much for your time.
71) The Bahrag are already awake, they're just imprisoned. And the Toa Nuva don't know why the Bohrok have to clean off the island of Mata Nui, they just know it is part of Mata Nui's plan. 82) Hopefully -- that is my plan, assuming things start going up on the web soon.
31. The Nuva's mission is to reawaken the Bahrag and get he swarms to clear Mata-Nui. 4*If so, why? I thought it might have something to do with the EP spill, but... 52. There is going to be a fight between Karzarhni & Makuta this year.
6Thank you very much for your time.
71) The Bahrag are already awake, they're just imprisoned. And the Toa Nuva don't know why the Bohrok have to clean off the island of Mata Nui, they just know it is part of Mata Nui's plan. 82) Hopefully -- that is my plan, assuming things start going up on the web soon.
1Here are some very, very interesting Q and A's from Greg...
2Hi Mr Farshtey, I've got just some little questions:
31) Why are the Great Beings creating universes after all? Does it have a purpose or is it some kind of wicked game? 42a)Wouldn't Makuta be recieved as an outcast by the BOM because of him not having his original body? 52b)Would the other Makuta even recognize him? 63)Doesn't Jaller feel a little concerned about Mata Nui's death? I mean, he stopped Metru Nui's rebuilding: 74)Does the thing that Mantax searches have something to do with Nocturn? 85a)What did that ancient legend mean when it said that good matoran went to Artakha to work "in the light"? Did it mean it literally? 95b)Are matoran still asigned to go to Arthaka?
101) I think the reason is for the same reason people make MOCs -- because they can and because it is a creative endeavor that they get satisfaction from. 112) No. Their "bodies" are just armor, they have no physical bodies anymore. 122b) Most likely they would sense his presence, yes 133) Mata Nui is more likely to die if they don't get the Mask of Life. and Jaller knows the Matoran will go back to work on their own. 144) No 155) Literally and figuratively. The Matoran worked in the dark physically and mentally, because they had no idea what they were working on. When they went to Artakha, they could work in the light and they knew what they were doing. 165b) No
175)So they were working on "something"....Is this something important for the storyline, or were they just working on little, irrelevant objects?
18Oh yeah, and thanks for the answers, they were really interesting
215)Everything made on Artakha was and is very important.