1Here look: Rahi will be in the 2004 storyline and NEW RAHI:
2UOTE 3I'll keep this short cause you're probably sick of everyone asking you questions..
41) What are the Toa going to Metru-Nui? There is nothing there, is there?
5There is an entire city there, it's just abandoned. And repopulating it is key to awakening Mata Nui.
62) Will any Rahi we have seen be in the 2004 storyline? Will there be new Rahi?
7Yes, and yes, in various places -- a couple in the comics, most in the Scholastic books.
83) Have you planned on releasing the Ash bear?
9No, there were never any plans to release the ash bear as a set. If there had been, we would have released it in time for the movie.
104) Did all Matoran in Mata-Nui have proto/regular masks in Metru-Nui?
11Hesitate to say, because I have not seen how the Matoran look in the movie.
12That's basically all 13Thank you in advance..
1Hy happy new year Greg 2I got a few questions and i wanted to ask you to answer it
31) Are the Toa metru masks come to be a colectible?
4No. The only collectable next year is the Kanoka disks.
5it is fair and just
62) You said that parak-kal cloud have melted to metru nui. Is metru nui underground then?
7Yes, Metru Nui is underneath Mata Nui. But there aren't any plans to bring Pahrak-Kal back into the story. 8Interesting
93) You said that metru nui had a sealing from glass. is it a half round?
10No, I said it had a ceiling that acted as its "sky." I never said anything about glass.
114) Tehuti visola and the other metruan have kanokadisks are it all the disks that the matoran have in the 2004 sets?
12I don't understand your question.
135) Howmany Kanokadisks are there?
14I have no information on that.
156) Have evry village diverent kanoka's?
16Kanoka are produced in every metru.
177) are there kanoka's for evry mask?
18Don't know.
19Thanks for answering my questions i know your verry bizzy

31) Are the Toa metru masks come to be a colectible?
4No. The only collectable next year is the Kanoka disks.
5it is fair and just

62) You said that parak-kal cloud have melted to metru nui. Is metru nui underground then?
7Yes, Metru Nui is underneath Mata Nui. But there aren't any plans to bring Pahrak-Kal back into the story. 8Interesting

93) You said that metru nui had a sealing from glass. is it a half round?
10No, I said it had a ceiling that acted as its "sky." I never said anything about glass.
114) Tehuti visola and the other metruan have kanokadisks are it all the disks that the matoran have in the 2004 sets?
12I don't understand your question.
135) Howmany Kanokadisks are there?
14I have no information on that.
156) Have evry village diverent kanoka's?
16Kanoka are produced in every metru.
177) are there kanoka's for evry mask?
18Don't know.
19Thanks for answering my questions i know your verry bizzy
1Here look: Rahi will be in the 2004 storyline and NEW RAHI:
2I'll keep this short cause you're probably sick of everyone asking you questions..
31) What are the Toa going to Metru-Nui? There is nothing there, is there?
4There is an entire city there, it's just abandoned. And repopulating it is key to awakening Mata Nui.
6So Greg finally told us that there was no one there. He has said that they has to repopulate it, but he never said if any Matoran were left behind. Come to think of it, they could have been left, but they just aren't there now... scary thought.
1ok sorry about this i know im like a cat but im hoping you wont kill me 21) ok i dont get it why make all the water\proto soo complicated if it's just like water wouldnt it be much easier to just make the metru nui sea water?
3Because it wouldn't make any sense. Metru Nui is inside an enclosed space. So where would sea water come from? Unless there was a leak to the outside, there would be no way for it to get in.
42)so the ko metruan predict the futre? can they see way far like when the toa come to mata nui
5No, not that far ahead.
63)if thy see the futre what help is that looks like they havnt done anything to prevent them going to mata nui
7Doesn't mean they did not predict other things. They have been doing it for thousands of years. And as you will see, some of what caused the move to Mata Nui they DID predict.
84) in one of the qestions a member ask't you you said that nivawk is a rahi was that a typo? or did lego chenged his name?(if it was a typo im very sorry about the qestion evryone makes mistakes even god[he made math)
9No, his name has always been Nivawk. The "Nidawk" name came from the list that was posted on BZP which did not come from LEGO -- it came from a BZP member who got some things wrong.
105) what sets have you seen from the second half of 2004 does lego keep them in secret even for you(i think what i wanted to ask is if you'd ask't could you see the later 2004 sets?)
11I only get to see the sets if they are in the showroom here. Until that point, I don't have any way to get them.
126) how do you invent to bionicle story line i mean whats the order of things like lego give's you prodect disigns-the head of story linetells you what each charecter is-you rite the story details?
13There is an entire team that comes up with the overall story line, including the product designer, the web producer, myself, the software producer, the story bible writer, and the head of the LEGO Character and Story Development division.
147)is there a chance for a charecter that can change modes like the bohroks did?
3Because it wouldn't make any sense. Metru Nui is inside an enclosed space. So where would sea water come from? Unless there was a leak to the outside, there would be no way for it to get in.
42)so the ko metruan predict the futre? can they see way far like when the toa come to mata nui
5No, not that far ahead.
63)if thy see the futre what help is that looks like they havnt done anything to prevent them going to mata nui
7Doesn't mean they did not predict other things. They have been doing it for thousands of years. And as you will see, some of what caused the move to Mata Nui they DID predict.
84) in one of the qestions a member ask't you you said that nivawk is a rahi was that a typo? or did lego chenged his name?(if it was a typo im very sorry about the qestion evryone makes mistakes even god[he made math)
9No, his name has always been Nivawk. The "Nidawk" name came from the list that was posted on BZP which did not come from LEGO -- it came from a BZP member who got some things wrong.
105) what sets have you seen from the second half of 2004 does lego keep them in secret even for you(i think what i wanted to ask is if you'd ask't could you see the later 2004 sets?)
11I only get to see the sets if they are in the showroom here. Until that point, I don't have any way to get them.
126) how do you invent to bionicle story line i mean whats the order of things like lego give's you prodect disigns-the head of story linetells you what each charecter is-you rite the story details?
13There is an entire team that comes up with the overall story line, including the product designer, the web producer, myself, the software producer, the story bible writer, and the head of the LEGO Character and Story Development division.
147)is there a chance for a charecter that can change modes like the bohroks did?
1[QUOTE 21)Did the things that made the Bohrok also make the the Kal???Or did the Bahrag make the Kal and the creaters that made the Bohrok did not expect that??
3Thanks 4[\QUOTE
5The Bahrag made the Kal, but I doubt it would have been an enormous surprise. The Bahrag were capable of independent thought and creating a failsafe made logical sense.
3Thanks 4[\QUOTE
5The Bahrag made the Kal, but I doubt it would have been an enormous surprise. The Bahrag were capable of independent thought and creating a failsafe made logical sense.
1Got these answers about a week ago, and forgot to post them here. Here they are:
2Here's my latest batch of questions. If you've already answered a lot of these, I apologize; I havent' been able to keep up with the rapidly expanding Official Greg Discussion topic:![]()
- 3In the Mask of Light, was Takua becoming Takanuva for the first time, or was he being restored to a previous form?
4First time.
- 5Is Ahkmou the Comet Ball Traitor?
6Can't answer it.
- 7Is Metru Nui centered directly underneath the center of Mata Nui? I ask because, well, here's some evidence I found that it isn't (quoted from one of my posts in this topic: Metru Nui Had A Sky In The Past: by Raptordx1):
bonesiii 8...Metru Nui itself appears to be way off to one side underneath the ocean surrounding Mata Nui, not centered underneath it. Makuta's lair is centered underneath Mata Nui, and from there the camera flies a long way sideways towards Metru Nui.
9Another thing I haven't seen anyone point out, is when Gali is meditating, and looks up at the sky and says something about a new star, you see six stars arranged exactly where the Koros are, and the new, brighter star is way off to the side, about where you'd expect Metru Nui to be, underneath the ocean off the coast of Ga- and Ta-Koros....
10Am I right, or is it directly under Mata Nui?
11No idea -- for the purposes of the story, it is really not something I have worried about.
- 12You said once (this came up in the Metru Nui had a sky topic) that the Mangai has a hole in it. Do you mean one that the lava flows through? Or an open-air one?
13I meant the one the lava flows through, because I do not believe lava was flowing through it when the Matoran were on Metru Nui. The volcano probably did not exist then.
- 14Are the powers of the Vakama, etc. Toa the same as Tahu, etc.'s powers; fire,water, earth, etc.?
- 16Is protodermis like a strange chemical, or is it possible that it has nanobots in it that give it its strange properties?
17No nanobots. Tech level is not that far advanced.
- 18You once told me that the properties of protodermis hadn't yet been pinned down. Now that it's going to be featured as a replacement for water, have you guys figured out more about its properties?
- 19And if you have, how would you summarize them (at least what you can reveal)?
20I really can't reveal anything on it at this point. As I have stated elsewhere, there are four types we know of: solid; raw liquid; purified liquid; and energized liquid. And that's all I can say on the subject.
- 21People keep saying that the "new" stories (like the Kal, Rahkshi, and now the prequel) were "probably not made up" at first. You've already told me Takanuva was planned from the begining. What about Metru Nui? Especially about the Turaga's history?
22I really have no idea, because I was not employed at LEGO when BIONICLE was first being planned. The stories may have existed in someone's head, but they were not written down. And the Kal story I made up.
- 23Where are Mata Nui and Makuta in the '04 prequel? Are they there?
24Can't answer it.
- 25Do Papu and Rangi have anything to do with '04? Will we ever learn who or what they are?
26No idea.
- 27I think you said that Lhii would be on Metru Nui, but he wouldn't be named Lhii. So what's his name?
28Have to wait on that one, I don't have clearance to discuss it.
- 29Are the Tahu and company Toa around in some form in the '04 prequel? Maybe as Matoran?
30Only in the framing story, as Toa Nuva. We do not know if they ever were Matoran.
- 31About how many Matoran live in Metru Nui ('04)? It seems like a lot more than Mata Nui.
32Thousands, probably.
- 33How will the story transition from present to the prequel? Will it be like someone's retelling it, or will it be more like the Star Wars and Enterprise (StarTrek) prequels, just telling the story?
34Vakama is telling tales of Metru Nui to the Toa Nuva.
- 35Is the time of the prequel what's called the Before Time? I mean, could we use the term "Before Time" to refer to the prequel time?
- 37You said the Matoran drink protodermis like water. Is that why they're bigger and stronger than even Matoran v2? This was Tanua's idea, in this topic: Why Metru Related Things Look Different.
38No, because only energized protodermis causes transformations.
- 39What's it like to see your name being used everywhere, in theories and stuff?
40I only mind when I am misquoted.
- 41Were the Toa (Tahu,etc.) once Matoran?
42Don't know. No one has told me one way or the other.
- 43Why are the six sections of Metru Nui called Ta, Ga, Po, Onu, Ko, and Le? Are they named after Tahu, Gali, Pohatu, Onua, Kopaka, and Lewa?
44No -- my feeling is "Ga" is a Matoran prefix meaning water, "Ta" is a Matoran prefix meaning "fire," etc.
- 45Was Dume once a Toa? And a Matoran before that?
46I have no info on Dume's past.
- 47Will the Toa Nuva transform again any time soon?
- 49Will we see Takua in the before-time?
- 51Will we see Matoran versions of Tahu. etc. in Metru Nui?
52As I said above, no.
- 53Which of the '04 Matoran (from the sets) have we seen already, and which haven't we?
54Not sure what you mean? The only place they might have shown up is maybe in one of the online games, and I have nothing to do with those.
- 55Are the Great masks - The Hau, etc. - in existence in the prequel? I notice only noble masks are worn by the Metruan.
56I can't say, it depends on what the animators CGI onto the Matoran in the movie.
58See answers above.
1Here are some questions I aksed GregF:
2Got some questions for u.
3Have you finished off everything of Bionicle in the 2004 year yet? If so, do u like how it's came out?
4Depends on what you mean by "everything" The storyline is done, but there are still three comics and two novels that need to be written.
5Which story do u like better? The tale of the Toa Nuva or are u more interested in the Toa Metru and their story?
6I find the Metru more interesting just because the environment is more fun to adventure in.
7Can u tell us if anything of 2005 will focus on the Toa Metru?
8I can't discuss 2005 at all.
9Have u seen the Toa Metru figures yet? Are they taller than the Toa Nuva?
10The only one I have actually built is Vakama, who did seem taller.
11My Lego Club membership ended, how can I get another membership so i'll keep getting the comics?
12Contact LEGO Customer Service and they will renew your membership for free.
13Thanx for answering
2Got some questions for u.
3Have you finished off everything of Bionicle in the 2004 year yet? If so, do u like how it's came out?
4Depends on what you mean by "everything" The storyline is done, but there are still three comics and two novels that need to be written.
5Which story do u like better? The tale of the Toa Nuva or are u more interested in the Toa Metru and their story?
6I find the Metru more interesting just because the environment is more fun to adventure in.
7Can u tell us if anything of 2005 will focus on the Toa Metru?
8I can't discuss 2005 at all.
9Have u seen the Toa Metru figures yet? Are they taller than the Toa Nuva?
10The only one I have actually built is Vakama, who did seem taller.
11My Lego Club membership ended, how can I get another membership so i'll keep getting the comics?
12Contact LEGO Customer Service and they will renew your membership for free.
13Thanx for answering
11. Do the vahki think independently while being controlled at the same time, or do they simply take orders from Turaga Dume? 2Example: Say there's a stray Muaka in Po-Metru, and two squads of Vahki are sent to capture it, but in the same Metru there's a wild Rahkshi that has just come from.. wherever. would the Vahki just stun the Muaka and go back to Dume until the Rahkshi was reported, or would they think "Oh, let's capture this Rahkshi as well since it's causing trouble."
3No, they think independently. They have a prime directive to maintain order, and they choose how best to do that. And they rarely have to haul people before Dume, because usually they just pacify them and put them back to work.
42. Are the levels below the Archives forbidden?
5No. Just dangerous.
63. Why is it frowned upon for Metruan to ride Kanoka disks in the proto chutes?
7Same reason it is frowned on in a lot of places to ride your bike on the sidewalk. It is dangerous for others.
84. Is the place where the Metru-Nui Rahkshi come from movie plot?
9No, but since the story focuses on Metru Nui, we are not discussing this. That is a story for a later date.
10Ooh, maybe it'll be plot for the next Bionicle chapter?
3No, they think independently. They have a prime directive to maintain order, and they choose how best to do that. And they rarely have to haul people before Dume, because usually they just pacify them and put them back to work.
42. Are the levels below the Archives forbidden?
5No. Just dangerous.
63. Why is it frowned upon for Metruan to ride Kanoka disks in the proto chutes?
7Same reason it is frowned on in a lot of places to ride your bike on the sidewalk. It is dangerous for others.
84. Is the place where the Metru-Nui Rahkshi come from movie plot?
9No, but since the story focuses on Metru Nui, we are not discussing this. That is a story for a later date.
10Ooh, maybe it'll be plot for the next Bionicle chapter?
1Okay, I'm almost sure you can't answer some of these, but here goes:
21. This has been bugging me forever: Did the Toa come from the Red Star?
3Can't answer it.
42. Will we find out about how the Matoran are created eventually?
5At this point, does not look likely, because the story team feels it would hurt the mystique of BIONICLE.
63. Will you ever show the Toa before the Toa Metru? (ie: Toa Dume, others)
7No idea. I only know the story through '05.
84. Will the Vahki be produced as sets? Are they the "ahk" sets?
105. I know you have said that there are different Vahki for each Metru. Are there Gavahki, Povahki (or other names related to the regions) or are they just called Vahki anywhere?
11They do have different names.
126. Any word on whether the Toa Metru will be produced as Matoran?
13No, not yet. I know it has been discussed.
147. Any word on whether the Vahi will be produced in a set?
15Again, it has been discussed, no idea if we are doing it or not.
16lol, 3, 4, 6, and 7 just popped into my head while I was writing this.
17See answers above. 18I bolded the most important one. Looks like the Vahki are the "ahk" enemies:
1Here's some answers I got from GregF: 21. How many enemies will the Toa Metru face in the first half of the year? The second half?
3The Morbuzakh is their early year enemy, the rest are in the movie.
42. Why were the Matoran hit with so many enemies as soon as they got the Toa Metru? It seem like they'll have another enemy right after they defeat one.
5No one said being a Toa was easy.
63. You said the female villian can be made from all 6 Toa Metru, is she very big?
7At one point, she is, yes.
84. When and where will instructions for the female villian be available?
9I don't know. A picture of the model will be featured in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below, from Scholastic, but I do not know when/if instructions will be provided.
105. When will the Toa Metru battle her, and how long will she be in the storyline?
11She only appears in the Scholastic novel mentioned above, which is a "bridge" story between the Morbuzakh and the movie.
126. When will we get to see Makuta cast a spell over Mata Nui?
13No idea.
147. If Makuta is evil then why did he revive Jaller?
15At the time he did that, he was merged with Takanuva into Takutanuva and had gained insight through that.
168. Do the Toa Metru have any vehicles?
17In the movie they do, yes.
189. Will any of the other enemies besides the movie enemies be released as sets to buy?
19Well, the Morbuzakh is not a set, and the female villain from the book can be built with the Toa. All the other enemies are movie enemies and will be sets.
2010. Will we get instructions on how to make the Morbuzahk?
21I doubt it. The Morbuzakh is the size of the city. You would need a heck of a lot of pieces to build it.
2211. Will the Vahki be released as sets?
2412. What kind of things does Dume do as leader?
25Same sorts of things the Turaga did to run the koro.
2613. Is there any reason that the Matoran had 1 leader and eventually got 6, besides the fact that there are 6 Turaga?
27Yes. Metru Nui is a city divided into six sections, but all of the sections are close together and easily accessible from each other. So one Turaga could rule the whole thing, like one mayor governs New York City. On Mata Nui, the koro were separated by wilderness filled with dangerous Rahi, so each village needed its own leader. One would not have been able to manage in that situation.
2814. In 2 out of 3 reviews of "Mystery of Metru Nui" there is mention of the birth of the Bahrag. Is this actually in the book?
29No. Somebody somewhere started a rumor that that was in the book, and it's not. No one can be "reviewing" the book yet, because it isn't in anyone's hands yet.
3The Morbuzakh is their early year enemy, the rest are in the movie.
42. Why were the Matoran hit with so many enemies as soon as they got the Toa Metru? It seem like they'll have another enemy right after they defeat one.
5No one said being a Toa was easy.
63. You said the female villian can be made from all 6 Toa Metru, is she very big?
7At one point, she is, yes.
84. When and where will instructions for the female villian be available?
9I don't know. A picture of the model will be featured in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below, from Scholastic, but I do not know when/if instructions will be provided.
105. When will the Toa Metru battle her, and how long will she be in the storyline?
11She only appears in the Scholastic novel mentioned above, which is a "bridge" story between the Morbuzakh and the movie.
126. When will we get to see Makuta cast a spell over Mata Nui?
13No idea.
147. If Makuta is evil then why did he revive Jaller?
15At the time he did that, he was merged with Takanuva into Takutanuva and had gained insight through that.
168. Do the Toa Metru have any vehicles?
17In the movie they do, yes.
189. Will any of the other enemies besides the movie enemies be released as sets to buy?
19Well, the Morbuzakh is not a set, and the female villain from the book can be built with the Toa. All the other enemies are movie enemies and will be sets.
2010. Will we get instructions on how to make the Morbuzahk?
21I doubt it. The Morbuzakh is the size of the city. You would need a heck of a lot of pieces to build it.
2211. Will the Vahki be released as sets?
2412. What kind of things does Dume do as leader?
25Same sorts of things the Turaga did to run the koro.
2613. Is there any reason that the Matoran had 1 leader and eventually got 6, besides the fact that there are 6 Turaga?
27Yes. Metru Nui is a city divided into six sections, but all of the sections are close together and easily accessible from each other. So one Turaga could rule the whole thing, like one mayor governs New York City. On Mata Nui, the koro were separated by wilderness filled with dangerous Rahi, so each village needed its own leader. One would not have been able to manage in that situation.
2814. In 2 out of 3 reviews of "Mystery of Metru Nui" there is mention of the birth of the Bahrag. Is this actually in the book?
29No. Somebody somewhere started a rumor that that was in the book, and it's not. No one can be "reviewing" the book yet, because it isn't in anyone's hands yet.
13. You said the female villian can be made from all 6 Toa Metru, is she very big?
2At one point, she is, yes.
35. When will the Toa Metru battle her, and how long will she be in the storyline?
4She only appears in the Scholastic novel mentioned above, which is a "bridge" story between the Morbuzakh and the movie.
59. Will any of the other enemies besides the movie enemies be released as sets to buy?
6Well, the Morbuzakh is not a set, and the female villain from the book can be built with the Toa. All the other enemies are movie enemies and will be sets.
711. Will the Vahki be released as sets?
9Im lovin the female villian thing. Too bad its only in the books...At least you can build them from the Toa (that i dont want to break when I get them). Im so confused

1Hi greg, I was wondering if you could answer a few of these Morbuzahk and 04 Q`s.hope you had a merry xmas and a happy new year.
21.Does the king root of the Morbuzahk realy look like a giant tree?In my head it seem`s pretty dumb with the toa Metru fighting against a giant tree.
3I think you should wait and see what it looks like before you pronounce it "dumb." I can pretty much tell you that when the Toa Metru have vines wrapped around them, crushing the life out of them and drawing them toward the king root, "dumb" is not the word coming to their minds.
42.can you describe what the Vahki look like to me?
63.Is the Coliseam(sp) pronounced the same as the roman Coliseam(sp)?
84.have you got an offical name of the new movie yet?
9Not that I can release publicly, no.
105. What will the expand thingy for the P.S be? Inviting friends who want to be in it?Because I don't have a personal friend I spend time with on BZP who is a member of the PS & I would like to join.
11Because there is a contest aspect to the expansion, I can't legally discuss it ahead of time.
126. I asked you Q saying that you don't see why not 13the uk version of the mol would have all the spoilers for 2004.But everyone in the U.K,including myself,did not get those spoilers.What gives?
14I don't know ... LEGO did not handle the distribution and packing of the movie, Miramax did, so I have no idea why an insert was not included in the UK version. Maybe there are restrictions on it there, same way there is at Wal-Mart here. No idea. At any rate, all of that info has already been on BZP, so you haven't missed anything.
157.If the turaga new how to change the matoran back to their arriganal form ever since makuta changed 16them,why did`nt they do it after the matoran were changed?.Would makuta change them back?
17Well, first, Makuta's changes were very gradual, over many, many years, it wasn't like it happened over night. And the Turaga saw no need to act until they came to realize just how much danger there was to the Matoran... the Bohrok and the Rahkshi are much bigger threats than the Rahi ever were.
21.Does the king root of the Morbuzahk realy look like a giant tree?In my head it seem`s pretty dumb with the toa Metru fighting against a giant tree.
3I think you should wait and see what it looks like before you pronounce it "dumb." I can pretty much tell you that when the Toa Metru have vines wrapped around them, crushing the life out of them and drawing them toward the king root, "dumb" is not the word coming to their minds.
42.can you describe what the Vahki look like to me?
63.Is the Coliseam(sp) pronounced the same as the roman Coliseam(sp)?
84.have you got an offical name of the new movie yet?
9Not that I can release publicly, no.
105. What will the expand thingy for the P.S be? Inviting friends who want to be in it?Because I don't have a personal friend I spend time with on BZP who is a member of the PS & I would like to join.
11Because there is a contest aspect to the expansion, I can't legally discuss it ahead of time.
126. I asked you Q saying that you don't see why not 13the uk version of the mol would have all the spoilers for 2004.But everyone in the U.K,including myself,did not get those spoilers.What gives?
14I don't know ... LEGO did not handle the distribution and packing of the movie, Miramax did, so I have no idea why an insert was not included in the UK version. Maybe there are restrictions on it there, same way there is at Wal-Mart here. No idea. At any rate, all of that info has already been on BZP, so you haven't missed anything.
157.If the turaga new how to change the matoran back to their arriganal form ever since makuta changed 16them,why did`nt they do it after the matoran were changed?.Would makuta change them back?
17Well, first, Makuta's changes were very gradual, over many, many years, it wasn't like it happened over night. And the Turaga saw no need to act until they came to realize just how much danger there was to the Matoran... the Bohrok and the Rahkshi are much bigger threats than the Rahi ever were.
1well ive got some pretty intresting ones....here they are:
2hello gregf, got some more questions for ya (thx in advance )
31. you recently told a member the "ahks" were the vahki. i would just like to confirm this. is this true?
4Yes, it is.
52.if so, why are the evil? if they're evil at all.
6I never said they are evil. But they are in opposition to the Toa, because the Toa are doing things and going places that are not allowed. So it's the Vahki's job to stop them.
73.also you said to you could renew your lego membership by calling customer service. cant you just send in another one of those free slips?
8Yes, you could, if you wanted to. But the person who asked the question didn't seem to have any idea how to renew, so I assumed they didn't have a slip. It's easier and faster to just call and renew.
94.you said only energized proto causes transformations. what would happen if a metruan drank some energized proto? (if anything at all)
10I am not aware that drinking it would do anything. All the transformations we have seen to date have been the result of immersion.
115.will we ever see new toa (not transformed nuva, completly different beings) after the toa nuva?
12I am not sure what you mean? You mean present-day Toa other than the Nuva? I can't answer that, the next Nuva storyline has not been written yet.
136.do all the toa appear the same? because the toa metru and the toa nuva look pretty different to me...
14No, I don't believe they do.
157.just to confirm we will never see any of the kal again, correct?
16I have no idea if they will ever reappear in the story, but there are no plans at this time for them to do so. We tend to focus on current sets in the story as much as possible.
178. if we did see a vahi in a set, any idea what kinda of set it would be?
199.ive been wondering this...what exactly does "pacify" mean?
20The dictionary definition is to "make peaceful or calm" -- in this case, it refers to stopping whatever disorder the offender is causing and putting them in a state of mind to a) knock off whatever they are doing and go back to work or wherever they are supposed to be.
2110.can tahu nuva also abosorb heat (or fire) as vakama can?
22It's certainly possible.
2311.how tall are the vahki compared to the toa metru?
24Can't say, I don't have any Vahki sets. They don't come out until summer.
2512.what will happen with the toa once they awaken mata nui?
26No idea -- again, that story hasn't been written yet, so until it is, I have no way of knowing. It will depend on what the story team as a whole decides.
2713.is there any other kanoka powers you can name off the top of your head besides the random one?
28You will get all of them when the comic comes out next week.
29thx so much, greg:
/u.gif' alt='u.gif':
2hello gregf, got some more questions for ya (thx in advance )
31. you recently told a member the "ahks" were the vahki. i would just like to confirm this. is this true?
4Yes, it is.
52.if so, why are the evil? if they're evil at all.
6I never said they are evil. But they are in opposition to the Toa, because the Toa are doing things and going places that are not allowed. So it's the Vahki's job to stop them.
73.also you said to you could renew your lego membership by calling customer service. cant you just send in another one of those free slips?
8Yes, you could, if you wanted to. But the person who asked the question didn't seem to have any idea how to renew, so I assumed they didn't have a slip. It's easier and faster to just call and renew.
94.you said only energized proto causes transformations. what would happen if a metruan drank some energized proto? (if anything at all)
10I am not aware that drinking it would do anything. All the transformations we have seen to date have been the result of immersion.
115.will we ever see new toa (not transformed nuva, completly different beings) after the toa nuva?
12I am not sure what you mean? You mean present-day Toa other than the Nuva? I can't answer that, the next Nuva storyline has not been written yet.
136.do all the toa appear the same? because the toa metru and the toa nuva look pretty different to me...
14No, I don't believe they do.
157.just to confirm we will never see any of the kal again, correct?
16I have no idea if they will ever reappear in the story, but there are no plans at this time for them to do so. We tend to focus on current sets in the story as much as possible.
178. if we did see a vahi in a set, any idea what kinda of set it would be?
199.ive been wondering this...what exactly does "pacify" mean?
20The dictionary definition is to "make peaceful or calm" -- in this case, it refers to stopping whatever disorder the offender is causing and putting them in a state of mind to a) knock off whatever they are doing and go back to work or wherever they are supposed to be.
2110.can tahu nuva also abosorb heat (or fire) as vakama can?
22It's certainly possible.
2311.how tall are the vahki compared to the toa metru?
24Can't say, I don't have any Vahki sets. They don't come out until summer.
2512.what will happen with the toa once they awaken mata nui?
26No idea -- again, that story hasn't been written yet, so until it is, I have no way of knowing. It will depend on what the story team as a whole decides.
2713.is there any other kanoka powers you can name off the top of your head besides the random one?
28You will get all of them when the comic comes out next week.
29thx so much, greg:

1Hello Greg. Thank you for looking at these.
21. Does Dume have a tool?
3Don't know, haven't seen the set.
42. Could it be possible to build a part of the Morbuzakh?
5Maybe, depending on how good a builder you are.
63. You said the female villian is huge at one point. Does this mean she can transform or grow?
7You will have to wait and see.
84. Dont the Vahki realize that the Toa Metru are trying to save everybody by the only way of going into places that are not allowed?
9No. How would they know that? You can't talk things over with Vahki, and there wasn't time to go talk to Dume and try and convince him and have him tell the Vahki. It's a crisis.
105. Will we ever learn how the toa metru matoran got transformed or who transformed them?
11Yes. It happens in the movie.
126. You said that Tahu Nuva could absorb fire like Toa Vakama. Would it be harder for him (you said it was certainly possible)?
13No I can't see what it would be harder for him.
147. Can you tell us what the promotion for February is?
15Actually, I believe it got moved to March 1st, and I can't announce it until mid-Feb.
168. Are all of the big tower like things that stick out of the silhouette buildings? Or are some just big hills?
17There are some mountains in Po-Metru, but mostly it's buildings.
189. Will we get to see what is so dangerous below the Archive Levels?
19In the Scholastic books, yes. They aren't part of movie plot.
2010. Waht are some dangers of riding on a kanoka in a proto chute? Do alot of people do it?
21Pretty much the same dangers as skateboarding on a sidewalk. You don't have as much control and you are more likely to slam into people.
2211. Can Vahki go in proto chutes? Or do they just travel on the ground?
23Yes, they can.
2412. Will we ever learn about the Barhag?
2513. Did the orinal Toa already TONS of info about Mata Nui or did they have to learn? If so where did they learn all of the info?
26They did not have much info at all on the island or the situation there. They learned most of what they know from the Turaga and the Matoran.
27I got some more answers. I like number five though I bet most of you already know.
21. Does Dume have a tool?
3Don't know, haven't seen the set.
42. Could it be possible to build a part of the Morbuzakh?
5Maybe, depending on how good a builder you are.
63. You said the female villian is huge at one point. Does this mean she can transform or grow?
7You will have to wait and see.
84. Dont the Vahki realize that the Toa Metru are trying to save everybody by the only way of going into places that are not allowed?
9No. How would they know that? You can't talk things over with Vahki, and there wasn't time to go talk to Dume and try and convince him and have him tell the Vahki. It's a crisis.
105. Will we ever learn how the toa metru matoran got transformed or who transformed them?
11Yes. It happens in the movie.
126. You said that Tahu Nuva could absorb fire like Toa Vakama. Would it be harder for him (you said it was certainly possible)?
13No I can't see what it would be harder for him.
147. Can you tell us what the promotion for February is?
15Actually, I believe it got moved to March 1st, and I can't announce it until mid-Feb.
168. Are all of the big tower like things that stick out of the silhouette buildings? Or are some just big hills?
17There are some mountains in Po-Metru, but mostly it's buildings.
189. Will we get to see what is so dangerous below the Archive Levels?
19In the Scholastic books, yes. They aren't part of movie plot.
2010. Waht are some dangers of riding on a kanoka in a proto chute? Do alot of people do it?
21Pretty much the same dangers as skateboarding on a sidewalk. You don't have as much control and you are more likely to slam into people.
2211. Can Vahki go in proto chutes? Or do they just travel on the ground?
23Yes, they can.
2412. Will we ever learn about the Barhag?
2513. Did the orinal Toa already TONS of info about Mata Nui or did they have to learn? If so where did they learn all of the info?
26They did not have much info at all on the island or the situation there. They learned most of what they know from the Turaga and the Matoran.
27I got some more answers. I like number five though I bet most of you already know.
1Hi I've got some interesting info from GregF.
2Hi, sorry to send you more questions so soon, but I just found out about Toa Lhikan, and now I have a few questions. 31. What is Lhikan's power?
42. On the 1st Mnolg Jala speaks of a Lhii the surfer, is this Lhikan?
53. How is Lhikan pronounced?
64. Will we get to see pictures of Lhikan?
75. Is he built the same as the Toa Metru?
86. What color is he?
97. What is his tool?
108. Will Lhikan be in the movie?
119. Will there be a Lhikan set?
1210. What mask does Lhikan wear?
13Thank you:And again sorry to Pm you again so soon.
14Lhikan is pronounced - Lee-kan
15Yes, Lhikan is Lhii. No, I really can't discuss him because he is in the movie and most of that stuff is going to be revealed there.
1Hi again Greg, hope you had a good christmas. I have 2a few questions and would understand completely if 3you can't answer some. I am calling the 1st Metru- 4Nui comic, comic #16, for better understanding.
51- Can all Vahki fly? Like in comic #16 where Nokama 6is being chased by three.
82- How many Vahki make up a squad? I can only see 9three chasing Nokama.
10Usually six to eight.
113- Can Vahki talk?
134- If Matau decided to fly would he instantly get in 14trouble, or is that not a punishable offence?
15No, if the Vahki had no reason to want him for other offenses, or if they believed flight was part of his job, they would not pursue just for that.
165- Do Vahki have long range powers? Or disks?
17They have disks. They can also shoot energy from their stun staffs.
186- Do Vahki go out on patrol or are they inactive until 19a Matoran alerts them.
217- Do the Vahki have a "wanted" list? Say for exsam- 22ple Matau accidently collapsed part of a building and 23the Vahki saw, the Vahki chased him and got outrun, if 24they saw them a period of time after that would they 25persue them again?
278- Do the Vahki use every form of transport that the 28Matoran use?
29They could if need be.
309- Okay so the Vahki are machines, but are they capa- 31ble of independant thought? If they encountered a 32crisis would they find the best way to deal with it, like 33hatch a plan?
3510- Do the Vahki have some sort of base? Where they 36plan or rest?
37They have hives.
3811- Do Matoran visit other Metru from time to time?
39Yes. Le-Matoran, in particular, travel all over to repair transport systems.
4012- A the paths and roads on Metru-Nui pathed with 41solid Protodermis? Because they seem a bit reflective.
42Everything in Metru-Nui is made of protodermis.
4313- If a Matoran saw a Toa would they alert the Vahki 44because of past trouble?
45If the Matoran believed the Toa was a lawbreaker or a threat, yes.
4614- Are the Vahki actualy aware of the Toa's quest, in 47fact, is anyone else? What about Dume?
48No, the Vahki have no idea why they are doing what they are doing, and neither does Dume. The Toa did not believe going to Dume and saying "Vakama had a vision" would be a great idea.
4915- Since some Matoran are helping the Toa, would 50the Vahki go after them aswell?
5216- Would you say that the Matoran both fear and 53like the Vahki? Is it a mutual respect sort of thing?
54I would say fear and respect, not fear and like.
5517- In Comic #16 it seems hinted that a Vahki sabota- 56ged some equipment in the foundry to get Vakama, is 57this true?
58No, they didn't do it. Someone else did. Vahki would not sabotage equipment, that causes disorder.
59Thanks again, Greg.
60See answers above.
11. Have you seen the Vahki sets?
2Just briefly.
32.Is the creature that travels with Nidhiki Krekka, and can he speak?
4Yes, and yes.
53. Is Nidhiki working for someone?
6Could be.
74. Was Vhisola thinking of jumping from the building before Nokama saved her?
8No, she wasn't sure how she was going to get down.
95. Do the metruan know where bohrok and krana come from? Because it said they did not know where rahkshi come from.
11Lhikan questions:
121. Lhikan is Lhii, right?
142. What element is he?
15Can't answer it just now.
163. was he on the same "team" as turaga Dume, but he chose a warrior and dume chose wisdom?
17I have no background info on Dume, so I do not know if he was a Toa or when.
184. Is he in the movie, and will we see more of him in the comics?
19He is in the movie.
205. Will there ever be a set/pictures of him?
21It's possible, yes, though I am not sure when.
22thank you. P.S. BA #1 was great:
23See answers above.
1Hi again Greg, hope you had a good christmas. I have 2a few questions and would understand completely if 3you can't answer some. I am calling the 1st Metru- 4Nui comic, comic #16, for better understanding.
51- Can all Vahki fly? Like in comic #16 where Nokama 6is being chased by three.
82- How many Vahki make up a squad? I can only see 9three chasing Nokama.
10Usually six to eight.
113- Can Vahki talk?
134- If Matau decided to fly would he instantly get in 14trouble, or is that not a punishable offence?
15No, if the Vahki had no reason to want him for other offenses, or if they believed flight was part of his job, they would not pursue just for that.
165- Do Vahki have long range powers? Or disks?
17They have disks. They can also shoot energy from their stun staffs.
186- Do Vahki go out on patrol or are they inactive until 19a Matoran alerts them.
217- Do the Vahki have a "wanted" list? Say for exsam- 22ple Matau accidently collapsed part of a building and 23the Vahki saw, the Vahki chased him and got outrun, if 24they saw them a period of time after that would they 25persue them again?
278- Do the Vahki use every form of transport that the 28Matoran use?
29They could if need be.
309- Okay so the Vahki are machines, but are they capa- 31ble of independant thought? If they encountered a 32crisis would they find the best way to deal with it, like 33hatch a plan?
3510- Do the Vahki have some sort of base? Where they 36plan or rest?
37They have hives.
3811- Do Matoran visit other Metru from time to time?
39Yes. Le-Matoran, in particular, travel all over to repair transport systems.
4012- A the paths and roads on Metru-Nui pathed with 41solid Protodermis? Because they seem a bit reflective.
42Everything in Metru-Nui is made of protodermis.
4313- If a Matoran saw a Toa would they alert the Vahki 44because of past trouble?
45If the Matoran believed the Toa was a lawbreaker or a threat, yes.
4614- Are the Vahki actualy aware of the Toa's quest, in 47fact, is anyone else? What about Dume?
48No, the Vahki have no idea why they are doing what they are doing, and neither does Dume. The Toa did not believe going to Dume and saying "Vakama had a vision" would be a great idea.
4915- Since some Matoran are helping the Toa, would 50the Vahki go after them aswell?
5216- Would you say that the Matoran both fear and 53like the Vahki? Is it a mutual respect sort of thing?
54I would say fear and respect, not fear and like.
5517- In Comic #16 it seems hinted that a Vahki sabota- 56ged some equipment in the foundry to get Vakama, is 57this true?
58No, they didn't do it. Someone else did. Vahki would not sabotage equipment, that causes disorder.
59Thanks again, Greg.
60See answers above.
61question 17 interested me..greg f said it wasnt the vahki so maybe it was the traitor..hm.. since i dotn have the comic is the foundry in ta metru if so i think nuhrii is the traitor.
1Hi, Greg. I wanted to ask a few questions concerning the Vahki and the new book:
2Bordakh 3Keerakh 4Nuurakh 5Razzakh 6Vorzakh 7Zadakh
8I have two questions about the Vahki:
9a. Are those names spelled right? 10"Razzakh" is actually "Rorzakh."
11b. Which Vahki goes where? 12Nuurakh-Ta-Metru, Zadakh-Po-Metru, Bordakh-Ga-Metru, Vorzakh-Le-Metru, Keerakh-Ko-Metru, Rorzakh-Onu-Metru.
13Lhikan was the mighty Toa who guarded the Great Temple. Are there any other Toa lurking about? 14Lhikan actually guards the whole city. And no, there are no other Toa in Metru Nui besides him.
15The creature in the background of the Toa Metru pic in this topic. Is it Nedhiki or Krekka? 16Can't answer it.
17Thank you sooooo much, Greg:![]()
18-Master of the Rahkshi
19See answers above.
20Welllllll...at least I got somewhere with the Vahki.

22-Master of the Rahkshi
1Hello again. Just a few questions about Lhii. 21. When did we find out he was really Toa Lhikan? Is that in Comic 16? (I didn't get it yet.)
3Not sure if it was in the comic or if that came from the first Scholastic novel, off the top of my head.
42. Is Lhikan a Toa at the same time as the Metru?
63. Was Lhikan a Toa when Dume was a Toa?
7At this point, I have no info on Dume's background and so have no idea if/when he was a Toa.
84. Why did Jaller call him Lhii? Did he have his name reduced for some reason? (the real world answer is probably that you had no clue he would have been Toa Lhikan at that point. What's the storyline answer?)
9The real world answer is simply that we had to change the name for legal reasons. Haven't talked to the story team about a storyline answer.
105. Can you say what the Vahki look like yet? Is a Vahki the creature in the back of the well-known Toa Metru pic? (The creature with a disc launcher for a mouth.)
11I have only seen the sets very briefly, so I don't feel qualified to describe them. I can tell you the figure on the poster is not a Vahki.
12See answers above.
1QUOTE 21.What would you say would be more numourous, vahki or bohrok?
42."One bohrok for every man, woman and rahi, that sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me." 5is this the case in bionicle or are there more bohrok?
6There are way more Bohrok than there are Matoran.
73.Are the dots in the sky air ships or something else?
8I hesitate to answer without talking to the people who designed the pop-up. There are airships there, so that may be what those are, but I don't want to give you an answer and end up with it being wrong.
94.Are the stars mechanical or organic or both?
10Can't answer it.
115.Can you tell me yet what type of rahi nidawk is?
12No, because he really doesn't show up until the movie.
136.Is lhikan the first ever toa?Or were there more?
14Can't answer it.
157.Was lhikan ever a matoran?
16Don't know. No one has discussed that with me, since it is not relevant to the 2004 story.
178.Just for my own personal reasons, could you measure your vhisola nd toa vakama?
18Vhisola looks to be just under 5 inches tall. Vakama is at the office, so I cannot do that tonight.
199.Does the head of the story team know about dume's past or hasnt it been discussed at all?
20I have no doubt he does, but we don't get into stuff until we need it for storytelling purposes. Dume's past plays no role in this story.
2110.How do the vahki fly, jet pack, wings or just some magical force?
22Part of their design.
2311.How many sqauds of vahki reside in each metru?
24Multiple squads, but we are not setting a number.
2512.Do the squads have specific names, like a squad of six is call a ? or a squad of nin is calld a ?
2713.Do you think this years movie will be better than the MoL?
28I will leave that up to the fans to judge. I think it moves a lot faster than last year's did.
2914.Can you tell me who made the bohrok?pleeeessee.
30No, sorry.
3115.Did the ko-metruan ever predict the toa olda?
32Not that I know of. My own theory is that the Toa Olda may have been predicted by one of Vakama's visions, but we will see if that is right.
3316.Would you say lhikan is stronger than a normal toa or the same?
34He is the same power level as an Olda, he is not a Nuva.
3517.Do you have any idea what nokama and Onewa's weapons are supposed to do when they are doubled? 36http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/goldenka...truokama2.jpg
38No, no one has discussed alternative uses with me.
3918.Does vakama still have visions as a turaga, are they as strong?
40Most likely he does, yes, because that was not a Toa power -- he had that as a Matoran too.
4119.Is it true that the vakama and cos powers are the smae as when they become turaga?
42I am not sure what you are referring to -- mask powers or elemental powers?
43Thats all for now, thanks in advance, 44Shadow Master
45See answers above.
42."One bohrok for every man, woman and rahi, that sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me." 5is this the case in bionicle or are there more bohrok?
6There are way more Bohrok than there are Matoran.
73.Are the dots in the sky air ships or something else?
8I hesitate to answer without talking to the people who designed the pop-up. There are airships there, so that may be what those are, but I don't want to give you an answer and end up with it being wrong.
94.Are the stars mechanical or organic or both?
10Can't answer it.
115.Can you tell me yet what type of rahi nidawk is?
12No, because he really doesn't show up until the movie.
136.Is lhikan the first ever toa?Or were there more?
14Can't answer it.
157.Was lhikan ever a matoran?
16Don't know. No one has discussed that with me, since it is not relevant to the 2004 story.
178.Just for my own personal reasons, could you measure your vhisola nd toa vakama?
18Vhisola looks to be just under 5 inches tall. Vakama is at the office, so I cannot do that tonight.
199.Does the head of the story team know about dume's past or hasnt it been discussed at all?
20I have no doubt he does, but we don't get into stuff until we need it for storytelling purposes. Dume's past plays no role in this story.
2110.How do the vahki fly, jet pack, wings or just some magical force?
22Part of their design.
2311.How many sqauds of vahki reside in each metru?
24Multiple squads, but we are not setting a number.
2512.Do the squads have specific names, like a squad of six is call a ? or a squad of nin is calld a ?
2713.Do you think this years movie will be better than the MoL?
28I will leave that up to the fans to judge. I think it moves a lot faster than last year's did.
2914.Can you tell me who made the bohrok?pleeeessee.
30No, sorry.
3115.Did the ko-metruan ever predict the toa olda?
32Not that I know of. My own theory is that the Toa Olda may have been predicted by one of Vakama's visions, but we will see if that is right.
3316.Would you say lhikan is stronger than a normal toa or the same?
34He is the same power level as an Olda, he is not a Nuva.
3517.Do you have any idea what nokama and Onewa's weapons are supposed to do when they are doubled? 36http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/goldenka...truokama2.jpg
38No, no one has discussed alternative uses with me.
3918.Does vakama still have visions as a turaga, are they as strong?
40Most likely he does, yes, because that was not a Toa power -- he had that as a Matoran too.
4119.Is it true that the vakama and cos powers are the smae as when they become turaga?
42I am not sure what you are referring to -- mask powers or elemental powers?
43Thats all for now, thanks in advance, 44Shadow Master
45See answers above.
1QUOTE 2In MoL when Jaller dies Takua says QUOTE 3"I'm suppost (sp) to make the sacrifice. 4why does he say this?
5Takua at this point has finally accepted that he is the true herald of the Seventh Toa, not Jaller, and he thinks he was supposed to make the sacrifice to protect the Mask of Light. But Jaller knows better -- he knows that Takua has always been different in some way, and that his destiny is bigger than any other's.
5Takua at this point has finally accepted that he is the true herald of the Seventh Toa, not Jaller, and he thinks he was supposed to make the sacrifice to protect the Mask of Light. But Jaller knows better -- he knows that Takua has always been different in some way, and that his destiny is bigger than any other's.
1Here are some guestions I had after reading Mystery of Metru Nui. Warning: contains spoilers. Answers in bold.
16So, we finally learn who Lhii was.
2Hi Greg, you don't know me, but you probably know my brother Gukko, who PMs you every once in a while. 3I just finished reading Mystery of Metru Nui (congrats, its really good), and I had some questions.
41) Is Toa Lhikan Lhii?
62) Is the one disk that is made when the six great disks combine the golden disk?
83) Is the February comic going to have scenes that were not in the book, or is it going to have the same exact things that happened in the book?
9I am sure there are some differences, but it follows the story fairly closely. 104) Is Krekka the beast that was with Nedhiki?
125) How regular is it for Matoran to see Toa on Metru Nui? They don't seem very surprised at the sight of the new Toa.
13Well, they have seen Lhikan for years, so they know what a Toa looks like. On the other hand, remember the Ga-Matoran who basically called the cops right away. 14Thats it for now. Thank you very much for your time, and once again congratulations on a great book.
15See answers above.
16So, we finally learn who Lhii was.
1QUOTE 2Hey greg can you answer some more questions for me, thanks:
31. Isn't Toa Nokama's mask kind of almost useless, because how often can translation help you?
4Her mask also allows her to do things like talk to Rahi.
52. With the teleport disk, can the matoran who shot it control where his target goes to?
73. What would happen if a matoran got hit by a weaken disk, would he just lie on the ground exhausted or what?
8Probably, yes.
94. Do matoran lose limbs a lot or something, if not what would the regenerate disk power be used for?
10It's used to repair damage to buildings and other structures.
115. I think I recall you saying that the disks' powers were only temporary (or it may have just been the random disk), would the remove poison wear off after a while, same with the other powers?
12No, because if it does its job, the poison is gone. When the disk power fades, there is no poison to return.
136. How small does the shrink disk shrink, can the matoran who launched it control the size of his target? What about with enlarge?
14The person throwing the disk does not control its effects. The shrink disk's rate of shrinkage depends on the power level.
157. Does the freeze disk actually freeze as in cold or make the person frozen in time (body stuck in the position it was in when hit)?
16Freeze as in cold. It does not have a time power.
178. Are the Toa metru's masks more powerful than the noble versions? If so how can translation and invisibility get better?
18In some cases they are -- as with Matau's and Whenua's -- in some cases they are simply more powerful versions of the Noble Masks. (After all, you have never seen Turaga Nokama talk with a Rahi, have you?
199. If a matoran wanted to could he shoot another matoran with a teleport disk and make him go up to mata nui (if they knew it was there)?
20Well, first, he has no control over where the Matoran goes. Best he can do is guess. Maybe he would be transported up to the surface .. or maybe he would end up down below the Archives sub-levels ... or in the middle of the ocean .. or he would rematerialize inside the ceiling. Kind of a dangerous trick to try.
2110. What do the differences in power level do for the different disks (i.e. how is level 6 better than level one)?
22We aren't quantifying that for each disk power at this point, because it ties our hands storywise in too many ways. If I say a level 8 disk can teleport someone 500 miles, then I can't ever tell a story where he goes 600 miles.
23See answers above.
24On # 7 i didn't mean frozen in time (even though I said it
) i meant that the body stuck in the position it was in when hit but the mind keeps on going.
31. Isn't Toa Nokama's mask kind of almost useless, because how often can translation help you?
4Her mask also allows her to do things like talk to Rahi.
52. With the teleport disk, can the matoran who shot it control where his target goes to?
73. What would happen if a matoran got hit by a weaken disk, would he just lie on the ground exhausted or what?
8Probably, yes.
94. Do matoran lose limbs a lot or something, if not what would the regenerate disk power be used for?
10It's used to repair damage to buildings and other structures.
115. I think I recall you saying that the disks' powers were only temporary (or it may have just been the random disk), would the remove poison wear off after a while, same with the other powers?
12No, because if it does its job, the poison is gone. When the disk power fades, there is no poison to return.
136. How small does the shrink disk shrink, can the matoran who launched it control the size of his target? What about with enlarge?
14The person throwing the disk does not control its effects. The shrink disk's rate of shrinkage depends on the power level.
157. Does the freeze disk actually freeze as in cold or make the person frozen in time (body stuck in the position it was in when hit)?
16Freeze as in cold. It does not have a time power.
178. Are the Toa metru's masks more powerful than the noble versions? If so how can translation and invisibility get better?
18In some cases they are -- as with Matau's and Whenua's -- in some cases they are simply more powerful versions of the Noble Masks. (After all, you have never seen Turaga Nokama talk with a Rahi, have you?
199. If a matoran wanted to could he shoot another matoran with a teleport disk and make him go up to mata nui (if they knew it was there)?
20Well, first, he has no control over where the Matoran goes. Best he can do is guess. Maybe he would be transported up to the surface .. or maybe he would end up down below the Archives sub-levels ... or in the middle of the ocean .. or he would rematerialize inside the ceiling. Kind of a dangerous trick to try.
2110. What do the differences in power level do for the different disks (i.e. how is level 6 better than level one)?
22We aren't quantifying that for each disk power at this point, because it ties our hands storywise in too many ways. If I say a level 8 disk can teleport someone 500 miles, then I can't ever tell a story where he goes 600 miles.
23See answers above.
24On # 7 i didn't mean frozen in time (even though I said it

1Are the Metru Toa masks seriously only going to be available in the stock colours? Not necessarily as a plot device, though, like the Olda Noble Masks, which weren't included in the story, with the exception of the normal colours.
2Yes. There will only be one version of each mask made available,in the color of the Toa it comes with. We are not doing mask packs this year.
3Do the Toa Metru masks have the same powers as the Turaga masks? or the Toa masks? or new powers?
4Mask power info will be in the January magazine.
5Will the Toa pieces (eg. Olda torsos, Limbs, etc.) be produced in any colours other than the normal ones (eg. Purple torso, red Olda legs)?
6No plans to do that that I am aware of.
7Can Metruan buy masks, like how we can go buy, say, new clothes? And if they can, do they have powers, or are they ornamental?
8No real reason for them to do so. They only change masks if their old one gets damaged, and my guess is replacements are provided free.
9What is the Nidawk set? Not specifics, of course, but is it an enemy? A vehicle? an animal? My friend and I think that it would be a giant bird or bear.
10Nivawk is a Rahi.
11Any hints on what the Vahki might look like?
12I have only seen the sets briefly, so I really can't describe them well.
13Will we ever see the Toa before the Toa Metru?
14Can't answer it.
15Thanks for your time.
16Well, I can't exactly say it helped me any...
11. Why in the world did LEGO come up with 'Lhii' in the first place if they don't use him until two yers later, and under a different name? I mean, the definition has been there since the first Bionicle.com update. Did LEGO have soe original plans for Lhii?
2Lhii originally appeared on BIONICLE.com, as you know, and since I had nothing to do with his origin, hard for me to answer. But, especially now that BIONICLE is successful, we do plant seeds for things we don't plan to get to for a while. Lhii came from the original bible, I think, and my guess is the head of the story team had this planned all along.
32. Does Lhikan have a new mask?
4Can't answer it.
53. I read that Nokama has the power to talk to Rahi via the mask of Translation. However, what are some other 'bonuses' for other masks? For example, can Nuju see behind people's interio thoughts? Can Onewa control two minds at once? What?
6The two I know of offhand are that Matau's no longer just casts illusions, he can actually shapeshift .. and Whenua actually has a form of x-ray vision in addition to night vision. Plus his night vision is such that it actually illuminates a room so others benefit from it.
74. Are Krekka and Nedhiki of the same species? And what species are they, any way? They sound like big long lizards with too many feet and one huge claw.
8Hmmmm ... well ... not sure if they a) always looked like that or
would be considered the same species. We call them Dark Hunters -- they are a new character class for BIONICLE. New kinds of characters are something we are planning more of going forward.
95. Are Nedhiki and Krekka working for someone?
10Could be
116. So... Ahkmou is the traitor... cool. When (not is) will we learn if Ahkmou is the Comet Ball Trader/Traitor?
12He is.
137. Will Nivawk, Krakka and Nedhiki be in the movie?
14Yes, very much so.
158. Will our local Vahki squads be in the movie?
16Some will. They will also be in the comic a lot.
179. Have you seen sketches, scenes, clips or conepts for the movie? If you have, is it the same animation done in the MoL?
18I have not seen animation clips, just animatics.
1910. When can we expect the first trailer or screenshot of the movie to come out?
20Don't know.
2111. Are Krekka and Nedhiki working for somebody?
22You asked that one already
2312. Is Nivawk capable of speech? I kno it's a Rahi, but I don't totally get the point of a servant Rahi unless it can understand what you want it to do.
24It speaks, but not everyone can understand it. Dume can.
2513. Is Nivawk the name of the Rahi, like Pewku? Or is the name of the species?
26Good question. MY IMPRESSION has been it is an individual name.
2714. Does Dume know by now of the new Toa and Lhikan's capture?
28He does know of Lhikan's disappearance. He does not know of the new Toa until the movie.
2915. Does Toa Lhikan know that there are now new Toa?
30Can't answer it, movie plot.
3116. What will happen to Lhikan now that there are more Toa? Will he go Turaga? Will he dissapear? Or will he stay by the other Toa and make it seven like the Toa Nuva and Takanuva?
32Can't answer, movie plot.
2Lhii originally appeared on BIONICLE.com, as you know, and since I had nothing to do with his origin, hard for me to answer. But, especially now that BIONICLE is successful, we do plant seeds for things we don't plan to get to for a while. Lhii came from the original bible, I think, and my guess is the head of the story team had this planned all along.
32. Does Lhikan have a new mask?
4Can't answer it.
53. I read that Nokama has the power to talk to Rahi via the mask of Translation. However, what are some other 'bonuses' for other masks? For example, can Nuju see behind people's interio thoughts? Can Onewa control two minds at once? What?
6The two I know of offhand are that Matau's no longer just casts illusions, he can actually shapeshift .. and Whenua actually has a form of x-ray vision in addition to night vision. Plus his night vision is such that it actually illuminates a room so others benefit from it.
74. Are Krekka and Nedhiki of the same species? And what species are they, any way? They sound like big long lizards with too many feet and one huge claw.
8Hmmmm ... well ... not sure if they a) always looked like that or

95. Are Nedhiki and Krekka working for someone?
10Could be

116. So... Ahkmou is the traitor... cool. When (not is) will we learn if Ahkmou is the Comet Ball Trader/Traitor?
12He is.
137. Will Nivawk, Krakka and Nedhiki be in the movie?
14Yes, very much so.
158. Will our local Vahki squads be in the movie?
16Some will. They will also be in the comic a lot.
179. Have you seen sketches, scenes, clips or conepts for the movie? If you have, is it the same animation done in the MoL?
18I have not seen animation clips, just animatics.
1910. When can we expect the first trailer or screenshot of the movie to come out?
20Don't know.
2111. Are Krekka and Nedhiki working for somebody?
22You asked that one already

2312. Is Nivawk capable of speech? I kno it's a Rahi, but I don't totally get the point of a servant Rahi unless it can understand what you want it to do.
24It speaks, but not everyone can understand it. Dume can.
2513. Is Nivawk the name of the Rahi, like Pewku? Or is the name of the species?
26Good question. MY IMPRESSION has been it is an individual name.
2714. Does Dume know by now of the new Toa and Lhikan's capture?
28He does know of Lhikan's disappearance. He does not know of the new Toa until the movie.
2915. Does Toa Lhikan know that there are now new Toa?
30Can't answer it, movie plot.
3116. What will happen to Lhikan now that there are more Toa? Will he go Turaga? Will he dissapear? Or will he stay by the other Toa and make it seven like the Toa Nuva and Takanuva?
32Can't answer, movie plot.
13. You said the female villian can be made from all 6 Toa Metru, is she very big?
2At one point, she is, yes.
34. When and where will instructions for the female villian be available?
4I don't know. A picture of the model will be featured in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below, from Scholastic, but I do not know when/if instructions will be provided.
55. When will the Toa Metru battle her, and how long will she be in the storyline?
6She only appears in the Scholastic novel mentioned above, which is a "bridge" story between the Morbuzakh and the movie.
76. When will we get to see Makuta cast a spell over Mata Nui?
8No idea.
97. If Makuta is evil then why did he revive Jaller?
10At the time he did that, he was merged with Takanuva into Takutanuva and had gained insight through that.
118. Do the Toa Metru have any vehicles?
12In the movie they do, yes.
139. Will any of the other enemies besides the movie enemies be released as sets to buy?
14Well, the Morbuzakh is not a set, and the female villain from the book can be built with the Toa. All the other enemies are movie enemies and will be sets.
1510. Will we get instructions on how to make the Morbuzahk?
16I doubt it. The Morbuzakh is the size of the city. You would need a heck of a lot of pieces to build it.
1711. Will the Vahki be released as sets?
1912. What kind of things does Dume do as leader?
20Same sorts of things the Turaga did to run the koro.
2113. Is there any reason that the Matoran had 1 leader and eventually got 6, besides the fact that there are 6 Turaga?
22Yes. Metru Nui is a city divided into six sections, but all of the sections are close together and easily accessible from each other. So one Turaga could rule the whole thing, like one mayor governs New York City. On Mata Nui, the koro were separated by wilderness filled with dangerous Rahi, so each village needed its own leader. One would not have been able to manage in that situation.
2314. In 2 out of 3 reviews of "Mystery of Metru Nui" there is mention of the birth of the Bahrag. Is this actually in the book?
24No. Somebody somewhere started a rumor that that was in the book, and it's not. No one can be "reviewing" the book yet, because it isn't in anyone's hands yet.
26POSSIBLE SPOILER HERE--- 27(But, its just my fot...)
29it sais AT ONE POINT

30And, weve recently found out that one pof the Kanoka powers are... 31SHRINKING::
32So, they must shrink the huge female villain::: 33Or, something like that... 34sOrry if sum1's alredy said this, bytheway... 35Raymondoman8d
1well if you hadnt guessed i have some questions.great work on comic #16: its the best yet:
2.1 the four legged creature in the back of the whenua pic is nedhiki right.taking a guess here....
3Good guess.
4.2 the vahkhi chasing nokama have two stun staffs each.is that how the sets are?
5Believe so.
6.3how much will the vahki cost?
7Probably around the same as the Toa.
8.4 the king root is in the great furnace?how could he grow there and the matoran not notice?
9All the Matoran have been chased away from that immediate area by the vines.
10.5 what type of content can you unlock with the kanoka points?
11Can't give you chapter and verse on it, a lot of it is still in development.
12.6 do the different metrus still have there metru specific sports?(like ignalu lava surfing,huai snowball etc.etc.)
14.7 you mentioned once the matoran dont have a space program.how could they have one if there is a roof?
16.8 what is takuas job on metru nui?
17Don't know.
18.9 can krekka and nedhiki make a combiner model?
19Not sure, have not seen the packaging.
20.10 when the matoran call the vahki on nokama dont they have to give a report?they cant just call up and say "theres someone out here walking arond ga-metru.sic em' " can they?
21Doesn't who have to give a report? I don't understand your question. If you mean the Matoran, it was enough to say, "There is a strange being claiming to be a Toa here."
22thank you very much for future and past answers
2.1 the four legged creature in the back of the whenua pic is nedhiki right.taking a guess here....
3Good guess.
4.2 the vahkhi chasing nokama have two stun staffs each.is that how the sets are?
5Believe so.
6.3how much will the vahki cost?
7Probably around the same as the Toa.
8.4 the king root is in the great furnace?how could he grow there and the matoran not notice?
9All the Matoran have been chased away from that immediate area by the vines.
10.5 what type of content can you unlock with the kanoka points?
11Can't give you chapter and verse on it, a lot of it is still in development.
12.6 do the different metrus still have there metru specific sports?(like ignalu lava surfing,huai snowball etc.etc.)
14.7 you mentioned once the matoran dont have a space program.how could they have one if there is a roof?
16.8 what is takuas job on metru nui?
17Don't know.
18.9 can krekka and nedhiki make a combiner model?
19Not sure, have not seen the packaging.
20.10 when the matoran call the vahki on nokama dont they have to give a report?they cant just call up and say "theres someone out here walking arond ga-metru.sic em' " can they?
21Doesn't who have to give a report? I don't understand your question. If you mean the Matoran, it was enough to say, "There is a strange being claiming to be a Toa here."
22thank you very much for future and past answers
1I haven't read like the entire last page of this topic, because y'all are asking about comic #16, and I am always the last person on earth to get the comics, so I don't want any spoilers. Anyway, I hope this isn't repeated info, sorry if it is.
2Dear Greg
3I haven't gotten comic #16 yet, so I haven't looked in the GregF answer topic because it is loaded with spoilers. I'll only go into one thing now, untill I get the comic.
41.) WHAT is the difference between a 7 and 8 Kanohi, in detail? Let me explain: I'm looking for a comparason between Turaga Vakama's Huna and Toa Vakama's Huna (if it is even called that; all I know is the Toa Metru Kanohi have the same powers as the Turaga's masks.)
5Could a Toa's lavel 8 Huna be used longer than a level 7 to keep invisible? Could it "hide" a wearer in more ways than a Turaga's mask?
6As you well know, I have always liked to believe the Toa Olda collected and used the Noble Masks, as in the MNOLG. I know it wasn't your call to make, to say the Toa Olda didn't collect the Noble masks. But I'm getting back into this discussion; if those powers (Night Vision?? Translation??) are good enough for Toa Metru, why not Toa Olda, even tho they were weaker?
7Great Masks are always more powerful than Noble Masks. It might be duration of effect, it might be range. For example, the Great Mask of Telekinesis can be used to lift heavier objects and keep them lifted for a longer time, or effect things at a longer range, than the Noble Mask. The Great Mask of Invisibility has a longer duration than the Noble Mask, etc.
82.) I know I said one question, but I lied.If Nokama's mask is translation (I hope this is right, like I said, I just heard the masks were the same as the Turaga's masks) how can't she stay under protodermus without breathing? What's the zoom thingy for on Toa Nuju's mask if not for X-ray vision? Etc?
9She holds her breath, like any other Ga-Matoran does. You never see her SPEAK under protodermis, because she can't open her mouth. And the zoom lens is because he needs to be able to clearly see what he is using telekinesis on, so the mask is fitted with a lense to enhance his vision.
103.) Heeeyyyy..... This just dawned on me..... Turaga Nokama translates the back of the MoL with her mask. I'm guessing that was some fairly hard translation work. If a level 7 Rau could translate that much, how much more useful would a level 8 be??
11Level 8 lets you speak with Rahi.
1283 1/2.) If I seemed to gripe, I'm sorry, lol, I just loved the scene where Kopaka Olda uses his Mahiki and Huna to defeat the Muaka. (MNOLG)
13Thanks a lot:
11.Is Makuta evil because he wears the Mask of Shadows,Or,if he took it off,would he still be evil?
2No, he's just evil. The mask does not control him.
32.Will we see any of the Matoran we know now(like Hewkii,Jaller,Hafu) in the Past? 4Some, yes.
53.I heard about Lhii being a Toa.Will he be in the Movie?
74. Does Dume look like the Turaga we know now(like Vakama,Onewa,Nokama) or is he different?
8Haven't seen the set, so can't answer this.
95. Which Kanohi does Dume wear?
10See answer to #4.
116.Why did only Muaka's(or was it Kane Ra's)mask have an Infected look?
12Product design decision, made before I worked here.
137. Are any of statments true?The Toa Nuva,Matoran and the Turaga going to Metru Nui to because...
14a)because there homes were destroyed.
15b)they are searching for Mata Nui
16They are going to Metru Nui because repopulating the city is essential to waking up Mata Nui.
179.Which Comic are you working on now?
18I finished 18, will work on 19 in Feb. probably.
1910.Do you ever have a chance to Build at work?
20Not really, no.
2111.Do you know which Matoran is the Traitor?
2312.Which Kanohi Deisgn is your Favourite and Which Bionicle Set is your favourite?
24My favorite BIONICLE set is probably the Exo-Toa. I don't really have a favorite mask design.
25Questions in Bold.
2No, he's just evil. The mask does not control him.
32.Will we see any of the Matoran we know now(like Hewkii,Jaller,Hafu) in the Past? 4Some, yes.
53.I heard about Lhii being a Toa.Will he be in the Movie?
74. Does Dume look like the Turaga we know now(like Vakama,Onewa,Nokama) or is he different?
8Haven't seen the set, so can't answer this.
95. Which Kanohi does Dume wear?
10See answer to #4.
116.Why did only Muaka's(or was it Kane Ra's)mask have an Infected look?
12Product design decision, made before I worked here.
137. Are any of statments true?The Toa Nuva,Matoran and the Turaga going to Metru Nui to because...
14a)because there homes were destroyed.
15b)they are searching for Mata Nui
16They are going to Metru Nui because repopulating the city is essential to waking up Mata Nui.
179.Which Comic are you working on now?
18I finished 18, will work on 19 in Feb. probably.
1910.Do you ever have a chance to Build at work?
20Not really, no.
2111.Do you know which Matoran is the Traitor?
2312.Which Kanohi Deisgn is your Favourite and Which Bionicle Set is your favourite?
24My favorite BIONICLE set is probably the Exo-Toa. I don't really have a favorite mask design.
25Questions in Bold.
1QUOTE 2Hi I have some more questions I'd like to ask.
31. Is it true that on the disks 1= ta-metru, 2= ga-metru, 3= Onu-metru, 4= Po-metru, 5= Le-metru, and 6= Ko-metru because mine are 1= ta-metru, 2= ga-metru, 3= Po-metru, 4= Ko-metru, 5= Le-metru, and 6= Onu-metru. The onu, po, and ko metru #s are messed up.
4That's the info I have.
52. Are the disk's powers used against other matoran in kohlii competitions?
73. Is the regenerate disk not really used in kohlii competitions since it only repairs buildings? Same with remove poison?
8They are used.
94. Where would the matoran get poisoned and by what?
10Rahi, usually.
115. Can toa nuju fly with his mask of telekinesis?
12No, but he can levitate others.
136. Can Onewa control the Vahki with his mask?
14Hmmmm ... probably not, they don't really have minds, they have programming.
157. Can Matau use his mask to make himself look like a matoran or something? And if he can couldn't he make an illusion to make himself invisible?
16No, it is a mask of shapeshifting --you can't shapeshift yourself invisible.
178. Could Toa Onewa control the Morbuzahk? Makuta? Or only things that aren't too powerful?
18I would think they would have too much willpower.
199. Do the Toa Metru's masks have the same name as the noble: rau, huna, matatu, etc.?
2110. Can Toa Vakama conceal others too, or only himself?
22Only himself, it is not a nuva mask.
2311. If Toa Nuju can use his mask to make himself fly, can he make others fly too (besides matau)?
24See answer to #5.
25Thanks Greg:
26See answers above.
27for #7: At the time of asking these I didn't know that matau has a shapeshifting mask instead of illusion
31. Is it true that on the disks 1= ta-metru, 2= ga-metru, 3= Onu-metru, 4= Po-metru, 5= Le-metru, and 6= Ko-metru because mine are 1= ta-metru, 2= ga-metru, 3= Po-metru, 4= Ko-metru, 5= Le-metru, and 6= Onu-metru. The onu, po, and ko metru #s are messed up.
4That's the info I have.
52. Are the disk's powers used against other matoran in kohlii competitions?
73. Is the regenerate disk not really used in kohlii competitions since it only repairs buildings? Same with remove poison?
8They are used.
94. Where would the matoran get poisoned and by what?
10Rahi, usually.
115. Can toa nuju fly with his mask of telekinesis?
12No, but he can levitate others.
136. Can Onewa control the Vahki with his mask?
14Hmmmm ... probably not, they don't really have minds, they have programming.
157. Can Matau use his mask to make himself look like a matoran or something? And if he can couldn't he make an illusion to make himself invisible?
16No, it is a mask of shapeshifting --you can't shapeshift yourself invisible.
178. Could Toa Onewa control the Morbuzahk? Makuta? Or only things that aren't too powerful?
18I would think they would have too much willpower.
199. Do the Toa Metru's masks have the same name as the noble: rau, huna, matatu, etc.?
2110. Can Toa Vakama conceal others too, or only himself?
22Only himself, it is not a nuva mask.
2311. If Toa Nuju can use his mask to make himself fly, can he make others fly too (besides matau)?
24See answer to #5.
25Thanks Greg:
26See answers above.
27for #7: At the time of asking these I didn't know that matau has a shapeshifting mask instead of illusion
1Anyway, I've been reading the topic full of your answers in GD, and noticed some that were missing....
2#1: How would Bohrok get from Mata-Nui to Metru Nui? I can't think of any possible way that doesn't involve either rigourous swimming, or falls from unimaginable heights.
3Simple. They didn't come from Mata Nui. The Bohrok nests extend much deeper than the Toa Nuva ever realized. The ones in the Archives were found BELOW Metru Nui.
4#2: Same as above, only with Kraata/Rahkshi.
5Again, they didn't come from Mata Nui. Nothing existed on Mata Nui when the Matoran were in Metru Nui.
6#3: Is there any reason in the storyline as to why the Metruan have semi silver masks, and the villagers living on Mata-Nui have solid colored masks?
7I don't know the story reason for the multi-colored Matoran masks yet.
8#4: Why does Takua wear a blue Pakari? I know that the Avohkii was his true mask, but how did a blue mask of any type get chosen for him?
9The Avohkii was only his mask as a Toa, not as a Matoran. And I don't know enough of Takua's backstory to answer. My guess is that whatever his original mask was got broken and this was what was available.
10#5: Why are there different designs for each set of Toa? (Besides the marketing goldmine) Is there a series of designs that sets of Toa cycle through, meaning that some set of Toa in the distant future of the Mata-Nui storyline may have Toa Metru-esque bodies.
11Well, like you said, there wouldn't be much point in putting out 18 of the exact same figure. As we add more articulation, it will change the look of the models. And you have to assume over thousands of years the look of the Toa will change. Some people have asked, why do the Metru look better than the Olda? Answer -- my guess is that the Olda came into being BEFORE the Metru did.
12#6: If Energized Protodermis is so hard to come by, how is it that there are any more than 1 or 2 unintentional Rahkshi?
13It's hard to come by for Matoran -- not for Makuta.
14#7: If, by some minute chance, a suit of Rahkshi armor was nearby, how would the right type of Kraata know to occupy it?
16#8: In a previous answer, you said that it was impossible for villagers to go straight to being Turaga. Doesn't this mean that Dume was something besides a villager or Turaga at some point?
17Possibly. But not knowing his history, I can't tell you what.
18#9: Are the Archives like a museum, or are they akin to tunnels with tubes in the walls, each tube containing a creature?
20#10: You have said that all Kanohi are created from Kanoka. You have also said that the Avohkii and Kraahkan have origins that predate the 2004 storyline. Does this mean that Kanoka making has been practiced prior to the '04 storyline?
21I have no info on the history of those two masks, so I can't comment.
22#11: Am I close to the truth when I think that masks with such immense power as the Vahi, Avohkii, and Kraahkan must have been made from the Great Kanoka once they had been used to defeat the Morbuzakh, and if I am, what happened to the other 3 Great Kanoka?
23No ... the Great Disks were not used to create six masks.
24#12: You have said that some Rahi cannot be kept in stasis. I would imagine that such Rahi would have immense power. How are such powerful beasts contained?
25They are locked up in the sub-levels.
26#13: What is the Rahi-Nui I keep hearing talk of?
27It's a creature that combines elements of six Rahi. It's in the Tales of the Masks anthology from Scholastic.
28#14: What sorts of creatures dwell beneath the Archives lowest levels? Are they immensely huge, owners of obscenely powerful abilities, wraiths of some sort, or are other sentinent species dwelling beneath the archives?
29Well, at least one of them is immensely huge. Some aren't, just very nasty. And one ... well, no one is quite sure what he looks like.
30#15: When the Toa Nuva reach Metru Nui, are the creatures in the Archives still in stasis?
31Can't answer that, has to do with future storyline.
32#16: Have the Bohrok ever done a clean-up of Mata-Nui prior to the 2002 storyline?
33Don't know, but it is possible.
34#17: I know Makuta wiped the Metruan's minds once they arrived at Mata-Nui, but wouldn't the challenges of surviving on a hostile continent keep them fit, and in 2004 form, rather than weaken them to the point of the McDonald's promotion size?
35No, because he physically weakened them as well.
36#18: Is Takanuva the first addition to any 6 Toa set?
37Not sure what you mean? Ever? I don't know the storyline pre-Metru Nui, so I can't say.
38#19: Where does the King Root of the Morbuzakh reside?
39The Great Furnace.
40#20: Does the King Root have an official name, or IS "King Root" the official name?
41King root is the official name.
42#21: What is this Female Villan I keep reading about? She's supposed to be buildable from the Toa Metru, if you don't know who I'm talking about.
43Yes, I do know -- I created her. She is in BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below from Scholastic in May.
44#22: Why do the Mata-Nuiian Turaga always give the Toa important information at the last moment?
45Because they have trust issues.
46#23: What was on Mata-Nui prior to the Metruan colonizing it?
47Nothing much.
48#24: What are the Bohrok programmed to do, exactly?
49Scrape Mata Nui down to the bare surface.
50#25: Is every part of the Archives available for public viewing, or are there certain top secret areas?
51No, like any museum, only a small percentage is on display to the public. The rest is kept aside for research.
52#26: Are there any Toa in the Archives that may have been put there to await the day they were needed, then conveniantly forgotten by Dume?
54#27: When the Exodus from Metru-Nui occured, did anybody remain there by putting themselves in stasis tubes? If so, will the Toa Nuva rediscover these survivors?
55Can't answer it.
56#28: Do the golden Kanoka play even a TINY role in the storyline?
57Not that I know of.
58#29: Are there any tunnels on the seafloor of Metru-Nui, possibly leading to previously undiscovered creature's nests?
60#30: How are the Vahki similar to Bohrok?
61Well, the Bohrok are artificial life forms, and the Vahki are mechanical. That's about it.
62#31: Are there any forests, akin to Le-Wahi, in Metru Nui?
64#32: What was Takua like on Metru-Nui?
65Well, much as he was on Mata Nui, he tended to go wandering off a lot. The joke was he had a Vahki squad assigned just to him.
66#33: Do all Metruan have Semi-Silver masks, or is it just the six possible traitors?
67Can't answer until I have seen how they are animated in the movie.
68#34: Are there any ways to unlock the Bahrag that don't involve the Nuva symbols?
70#35: Are the Toa Metru's masks made from the same Discs as their Turaga counterpart's masks, only a level higher?
71All masks are made from Kanoka disks, yes.
72#36: If so, will there be Noble mask versions of the Pakari, Kakama, etc.?
73No idea, maybe someday.
74Important information we can take from this: The Bohrok nests are infantessimally larger than we thought, Makuta has easy access to Energized Proto, and There is something HUGE dwelling beneath the Archives.
18Whoah...the Morbuzakh is acting on orders: But whose orders? 19My bets are on two Dark Hunters...
20-Master of the Rahkshi
2Hey, Greg: I just got Comic #16, and great work: What the Morbuzakh says...I still shiver. 3Could you answer these please?
4Okay, the Morbuzakh says that it will drive the Matoran to the center of the city, "as we have been commanded." 5Now then, three questions:
61. What does the Morbuzakh mean by "we?" Does it refer to itself and the other, lesser roots? Or something else? 7Glad to see someone caught that lineIt is referring to itself -- the Morbuzakh is a little bit of a megalomaniac.
82. Why would it drive the Matoran to the center of the city? What would that do? 9Oh, that would be telling .. suffice it to say it is tied into events in the movie.
103. And the Morbuzakh says "as we have been commanded"...is the Morbuzakh serving someone, acting on someone's orders, being influenced in some way, or what? 11YupIt did have orders it was supposed to follow .. but things have been going so well that now it is getting a little carried away and exceeding its mission.
12And, finally:
13How can there be 6 Kanoka with regular powers? Did you guys leave two powers out or something? 14Yes. There are six great disks, because there are six metru -- so two of the powers are not represented.
15Thank you, Greg: You're the best:
16-Master of the Rahkshi
17See answers above.
18Whoah...the Morbuzakh is acting on orders: But whose orders? 19My bets are on two Dark Hunters...
20-Master of the Rahkshi
1I`m a little confused on what Nidhiki and Ahkmou were planning in the book.
2It seemed to me that Ahkmou, using notes saying that they will give them something they want in exchange for the disk`s location, lured the other five matoran into traps set by Nidhiki.
3Now, my question is, did Nidhiki want to know the locations of the disks, or did he want to get rid of the matoran so no one would know? Because I think he said somewhere that he wanted them for himself as well.
4Nidhiki was trying to get the disks for himself. If he got the disks, it wouldn't matter that those six Matoran had known where they were, because they wouldn't be in those places anymore.
2It seemed to me that Ahkmou, using notes saying that they will give them something they want in exchange for the disk`s location, lured the other five matoran into traps set by Nidhiki.
3Now, my question is, did Nidhiki want to know the locations of the disks, or did he want to get rid of the matoran so no one would know? Because I think he said somewhere that he wanted them for himself as well.
4Nidhiki was trying to get the disks for himself. If he got the disks, it wouldn't matter that those six Matoran had known where they were, because they wouldn't be in those places anymore.
1When the Exodus from Metru-Nui occured, did anybody remain there by putting themselves in stasis tubes? If so, will the Toa Nuva rediscover these survivors?
2Can't answer it.
4I think that when the Toa Nuva get there, the Rahi in the stasis tubes are free. And they enter the city... with beasts hunting them...
5That would be just too awesome.
1Well first i want to congratulate you with another great comic: 2And i got some questions about it
31) Is Toa Lhii orsomething the woman enimy you can make from all the toa metru?
4No, a Toa would not be an enemy.
52) why havent we seen vakhi in the comic?
6Basically because the sets don't come out until July, so it's a little too early to show them.
73) There were Rakshi and a kloi stick in the comic. 8How did it get there?
9I don't think there was a kolhii stick in the comic. And the Rahkshi came from elsewhere to Metru Nui.
104) when does the time before time stop? 11When makuta traps matanui?
12When the Matoran reach Mata Nui.
135)When will the new comic come and can you tell me wath the name is?
14The next issue is March and I think it's called Disks of Danger.
156) Will the metru nui story stop after the movie?
16Can't answer it.
17thats all thnx for the answers
31) Is Toa Lhii orsomething the woman enimy you can make from all the toa metru?
4No, a Toa would not be an enemy.
52) why havent we seen vakhi in the comic?
6Basically because the sets don't come out until July, so it's a little too early to show them.
73) There were Rakshi and a kloi stick in the comic. 8How did it get there?
9I don't think there was a kolhii stick in the comic. And the Rahkshi came from elsewhere to Metru Nui.
104) when does the time before time stop? 11When makuta traps matanui?
12When the Matoran reach Mata Nui.
135)When will the new comic come and can you tell me wath the name is?
14The next issue is March and I think it's called Disks of Danger.
156) Will the metru nui story stop after the movie?
16Can't answer it.
17thats all thnx for the answers
11. How is Dume pronounced?
32. Do the Matoran know that the Toa Metru are trying to do good, and save them?
4Some are very happy to see new Toa .. some aren't sure what to make of them.
53. Do you collect the sets?
6Some. I don't have the space at home for all of them.
74. Can you leak info on Nedhiki and Krekka yet (as some has already has in the forums)?
8If so: 9a. Will we learn their motives and objectives?
11b. Do they ever fight each other?
12They argue.
13c. Would they hurt matoran?
14If they had to, yes. They are pretty evil.
15d. Do the matoran know they are bad?
16Very few Matoran know of them at all.
17e. Can either fly?
18Both can.
195. When will we learn about Lhikan, or when can you start to release info on him?
20In the movie.
216. Can the Morkubakh sense things? Like fear? Excactly how intelligent is it?
22It's very intelligent, and it can speak through telepathy, but it is not an empath.
237. When/Where will Dume make his first appearence?
24In the movie, most likely.
258. Will the female villian have a role in the comics or just the books?
26Just the one Scholastic book, at this point.
279. Do the Vahki have legs? And to they make weird noise like "bleep bloop" or do they talk?
28Yes, and they don't make any noises.
2910. In the Book Reviews: 30a. Are the Toa Metru transformed at the same place at the same time? In the review it says Vakama meets five others in the Great Temple.
32b. Where is the Great Temple located?
34c. It states that the Great Kanoka merge. Into what? Is it supposed to do that?
35Where does it state that?
3611. When the Toa Metru were matoran, were their masks the same as their Turaga form?
37No idea, I have not seen how they look as Matoran.
3812. Will we learn how Toa Lhikan was defeated?
39Yes, in the movie.
4013. Will the Mystery of Metru Nui book mostly be the movie? Will it be more, less?
41No. The whole Morbuzakh storyline takes place before the movie. The movie shows the Toa's origin, then skips the Morbuzakh story and goes straight to the movie storyline. The first three novels are not covered.
42See answers above.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2hey Greg, wasup?
31: you said that the "thing" behind the Toa was one of the Vahki, are those blades his/its?
4I think they are its tools, yes.
52: there are different types of Vahki right? which kind was that?
6That was on the Onu-Metru Vahki.
73: it looks like it could wear a Kanohi, do they(I'm still talking about the Vahki)
94: Vahi, Vahki, any connection?
116I havent read book 1 yet but) is Bio: Adventures one where everyone got the info on Ahkmou?(of being the traitor)
12Yes, it happens earlier in the books than in the comic.
137: the newest mag and comic were great, but I have one complaint, 14why wasn't the map in the centor of the mag so I could put it up as a poster?
15That's a good question. We are going to do a more detailed map in the comic in March.
168: on the map there are several Nui-Font Messages, one of them was "the Vahki are watching. is this the Slogan of the Vahki?
17No, just me being creepy
189: you mentioned the "dark Hunters" and so does one of the messages, are Dark hunters like Rahkshi or Bohro where they are all mostly the same, or like the Rahi where they are all different?
19No, they seem to be all different.
2010: is "Dark Hunters" a general term meaning "bigger villians"?
21It's a particular class of villain.
2211: or are they more like "villians who do not directly work for the main villian"?(like bounty hunters in Star Wars)
23See answer to 10.
2412: is Bio: A 4 also where the information on Lhikhan was found aswell?
25There is mention of him, but not a lot of info.
2613: is Lhii(easier to spell, so I'm going with it) a Ta-Toa, cause Jaller was form the "clan of Lhii"
27It's possible.
2814: do Lhii and Dume work together?
29Lhikan followed Dume the same way that the Toa Nuva heeded the words of their Turaga.
3015: do these "dark Hunters" have Kanohi?(or Kanoka for that matter)
31Kanoka, yes. Kanohi, I don't think so.
3216:is the name of this years "big bad guy" out there(like, have we heard it?) or is it still a secret?
33No, it's not been released yet, and probably won't be until the movie.
36See answers above.
11. In one part of the book (I believe, can't find the exact quote) it has a tablet with six great Kanoka discs merging into one. Is this actually going to happen?
2Could be
32. Knowledge towers... grow? They grow?: WHat's up with that?
4Yup, they sure do. You will actually see footage of Nuju starting that process, I believe, when the new BIONICLE.com launches. 5This new Bionicle.com sounds suh-weet. Can't wait.
63. I may have asked this once, but I forgot... what are memory crystals?
7Hmmmm.. I would have to check on that one.
84. Orkahm rides Pewku. Whoa, that is one old Ussal Crab. So is Pewku the same Pewku Takua rode during 'Mask of Light?'
105. What's a hairline crack in the base? Is that a crack the size of a hair? The attendant of the Protodermis Reclamation Center told Vaama that one Kanohi Hau had a hairline crack.
11Yes, just like a hairline crack in a glass. A very, very thin crack.
126. Where does the sentient she-villian reside in the Book #3? I am asking because I thought, based on reading the new book, she might be down in the sub-levels of the archives.
13No, she is even lower than that. 14Even lower? Dang, what the heck are the Toa Metru doing down there? Kanoka Disc, no doubt.
157. Is Krekka the large lumbering guy with Nidiki?
178. On the map in the new LEGO magazine, one of the messages said 'Do you dare enter the fire pits?' What are the fire pits?
18The fire pits are the source of all the flames in Ta-Metru. As such, they are very important and heavily guarded -- and you will get to see them in the March comic.
199. What lies in the fire pits? Great Kanoka? Morbuzakh? Or... the DARK HUNTERS::: Bum bum bum:
20lol ...
2110. In that one promo picture with Whenua and Tehutti, is that Nidiki or Krekka in the background? If so, which one?
22It's Nidhiki.
2311. You told one member Nidiki and Krekka could fly. How is that so? Do they have wings, or can they hover?
24They can morph into a hover mode.
2512. I believe you once said the Coliseum houses a power plant. What is power on Metru Nui? Electricity? Magnatized Prtodermis? Protodermis? What?
26It does house a power plant, I hesitate to say what kind of power without talking to Bob. 27Bob? Whose he? I would assume the head of the story team, though.
2813. You have told us that one character behind the Toa Metru is a Vahki. What kind of Vahki?
29It's a Rorzakh. 30For those of you nonessential ingrates, that's a Vahki from Onu-Metru:
3114. Are the two blades on the side part of it's stun staffs?
3315. Why did you tell us that? I mean, it's great to knowit's a Vahki... but you're not totally for spoiling us, and it is really early to reveal things like that, in my opinion. I mean, the sets aren't coming out till Summer.
34Well, basically, I wasn't going to say anything, but ... the image had gotten released, which was dumb of us to start with, and I had told a few people it WASN'T a Vahki because originally I did not think it was. So since I had been mistaken, I felt obliged to correct it. 35So all of those who said he was lying... were lying themselves. He just didn't know.
3616. I'm just curious... how to the Matoran know where the six discs are? I mean... they're not exactly the best candidates for information like that. Who told them?
37They found out on their own. No one told them. 38Yeah... but how'd they find out?
3917. Why is there a cracked Kolhii staff in the introduction for the book? Kolhii isn't played with staffs there, is it?
40Because at the time that book was written, the decision that we were NOT going to have kolhii in Metru Nui had not been made yet. Subsequent references to kolhii in later books have been edited out.
4118. Has the story team come up with a new name for Kolhii yet? I'm anxious to know how to play it and what it's called.
42Not that I know of.
4319. Another clue from the January edition map says, 'What hides beneath the Great Temple?' What does this mean? Is there something big beneath the Great Temple?
44Something big, something important, something with lots of teeth
45Oh, crud. I wouldn't want to be Toa when that thing comes out.
4620. I know you can't say much about Lhikan right now. But can you tell us anything about his pesonality? Is he all-wise? Good at lava surfing? Get angry easily? Logical? Anything?
47I can't really say much, no.
4821. About Matau's mask... ca he actually shapeshift? Or does he just create the illusion of shapeshifting? And are there any limitations to his shifting, like size or mass?
49He does actually shapeshift, and while I am sure there are some limitations, I know he can shift into creatures bigger than he is. How much bigger, I do not know offhand.
2Could be

32. Knowledge towers... grow? They grow?: WHat's up with that?
4Yup, they sure do. You will actually see footage of Nuju starting that process, I believe, when the new BIONICLE.com launches. 5This new Bionicle.com sounds suh-weet. Can't wait.
63. I may have asked this once, but I forgot... what are memory crystals?
7Hmmmm.. I would have to check on that one.
84. Orkahm rides Pewku. Whoa, that is one old Ussal Crab. So is Pewku the same Pewku Takua rode during 'Mask of Light?'
105. What's a hairline crack in the base? Is that a crack the size of a hair? The attendant of the Protodermis Reclamation Center told Vaama that one Kanohi Hau had a hairline crack.
11Yes, just like a hairline crack in a glass. A very, very thin crack.
126. Where does the sentient she-villian reside in the Book #3? I am asking because I thought, based on reading the new book, she might be down in the sub-levels of the archives.
13No, she is even lower than that. 14Even lower? Dang, what the heck are the Toa Metru doing down there? Kanoka Disc, no doubt.
157. Is Krekka the large lumbering guy with Nidiki?
178. On the map in the new LEGO magazine, one of the messages said 'Do you dare enter the fire pits?' What are the fire pits?
18The fire pits are the source of all the flames in Ta-Metru. As such, they are very important and heavily guarded -- and you will get to see them in the March comic.
199. What lies in the fire pits? Great Kanoka? Morbuzakh? Or... the DARK HUNTERS::: Bum bum bum:
20lol ...
2110. In that one promo picture with Whenua and Tehutti, is that Nidiki or Krekka in the background? If so, which one?
22It's Nidhiki.
2311. You told one member Nidiki and Krekka could fly. How is that so? Do they have wings, or can they hover?
24They can morph into a hover mode.
2512. I believe you once said the Coliseum houses a power plant. What is power on Metru Nui? Electricity? Magnatized Prtodermis? Protodermis? What?
26It does house a power plant, I hesitate to say what kind of power without talking to Bob. 27Bob? Whose he? I would assume the head of the story team, though.
2813. You have told us that one character behind the Toa Metru is a Vahki. What kind of Vahki?
29It's a Rorzakh. 30For those of you nonessential ingrates, that's a Vahki from Onu-Metru:
3114. Are the two blades on the side part of it's stun staffs?
3315. Why did you tell us that? I mean, it's great to knowit's a Vahki... but you're not totally for spoiling us, and it is really early to reveal things like that, in my opinion. I mean, the sets aren't coming out till Summer.
34Well, basically, I wasn't going to say anything, but ... the image had gotten released, which was dumb of us to start with, and I had told a few people it WASN'T a Vahki because originally I did not think it was. So since I had been mistaken, I felt obliged to correct it. 35So all of those who said he was lying... were lying themselves. He just didn't know.
3616. I'm just curious... how to the Matoran know where the six discs are? I mean... they're not exactly the best candidates for information like that. Who told them?
37They found out on their own. No one told them. 38Yeah... but how'd they find out?
3917. Why is there a cracked Kolhii staff in the introduction for the book? Kolhii isn't played with staffs there, is it?
40Because at the time that book was written, the decision that we were NOT going to have kolhii in Metru Nui had not been made yet. Subsequent references to kolhii in later books have been edited out.
4118. Has the story team come up with a new name for Kolhii yet? I'm anxious to know how to play it and what it's called.
42Not that I know of.
4319. Another clue from the January edition map says, 'What hides beneath the Great Temple?' What does this mean? Is there something big beneath the Great Temple?
44Something big, something important, something with lots of teeth

4620. I know you can't say much about Lhikan right now. But can you tell us anything about his pesonality? Is he all-wise? Good at lava surfing? Get angry easily? Logical? Anything?
47I can't really say much, no.
4821. About Matau's mask... ca he actually shapeshift? Or does he just create the illusion of shapeshifting? And are there any limitations to his shifting, like size or mass?
49He does actually shapeshift, and while I am sure there are some limitations, I know he can shift into creatures bigger than he is. How much bigger, I do not know offhand.