1Below are some questions I asked GregF:
2Q: When will the new bionicle.com be up?
3A: Sometime in Feb.
4Q: The Vahki are driods, correct?
5A:They are fully mechanical, yes.
6Q: There are diffrent kinds (Diffrent looks, diffrent powers) of Vahki in each metru, right?
7A: No. there are six different kinds of Vahki, one type in each metru.
8Q: When will we see the complete image of the Vahki?
9A: May comic, most likely.
10Q: When will the first stage of Bionicle 2004 be released?
11A: Not sure what you mean by "first stage"? The Toa are out in February.
12Q: Will the Morbuzahk be a set?
13A: No.
14Q: Why are the Vahki bad guys? I thought they where programed to protect Metru-nui:
15A: They are -- and six powerful strangers have suddenly shown up in the city, breaking into forbidden places and causing disorder. The Vahki enforce order, and that includes on strange Toa.
16Q: Are there other enemies in 04 we haven't heard of? Don't give away they're identity if you can't, just say yes or no.
17A: Yes.
18Q: What info can you tell us about the Vahki? (I'm an robot maniac.)
19A: They are the Metru Nui order enforcement squads, and they can fly.
20Q: Do the Toa metru have elements? If so, what are they?
21A: Same as the Nuva.
22Q: There are new rahkshi in comic 16, so will there be new rahkshi sets?
23A: No. When we repeated Bohrok,we got killed by fans, so we are not doing that again.
24Q: Have you heard yet if there will be airship sets or not? I dying for a bionicle flying vehicle, it would be an insant hit, I'm sure.
25A: Nothing planned that I know of for this year.
26Q: Can you give a hint on who's the traitor? I personaly think it's the Po-koran or the Le-koran.
27A: No.
28Q: In your comic 16, all the villigers look exactly the same. Why do you do that?![]()
29A: Because the artist had no way to know what the Matoran would be wearing in terms of masks in the movie, so he played it safe and used ones he knew they would be wearing.
30Q: I've heard some loose talk about some 'Lhii' (Spelling?) dude being another Toa. what can you tell me about that?![]()
31A: Yes, there was a Toa Lhikan in Metru Nui before the Toa Metru.
32Thanks for your time, Greg:![]()
1Hey, Greg: I translated the messages on the map, and I have some questions:
21. We've already been introduced to Krekka and Nedhiki. Will we see any more Dark Hunters? 3Not this year, no.
42. When you say "What hides beneath the Great Temple?" do you mean the Kanoka hidden nearby...or something else? 5Wait and see.
63. Ditto with "Do you dare enter the fire pits?" 7Again, wait for the March comic.
84. You said the Kanoka sport on Metru Nui would have a new name, but you called it "the new Kolhii." Did LEGO change its mind, or have you guys still not come up with a name? 9At the time that was written, no one had told me we were not using the name kolhii.
105. When does Matau finally accept that he's not the smartest and shouldn't be the leader? 11Again, wait and see.
126. Conflicting info here--do the Great Disks defeat the Morbuzakh, or do they repair the city, as it says in the comic? 13In Vakama's vision, the two are basically the same thing. The city can't be rebuilt until the Morbuzakh falls.
147. The Great Temple looks pretty lonely--any particular reason it's so far from everything else? 15Probably because it is so revered a site.
16Thank you, Greg:![]()
17-Master of the Rahkshi
18See answers above.
19"Not this year..." but there will be more in the next: Yeah:
20-Master of the Rahkshi
1the morbuzakh said he was command to bring the matoran to the center just a coinsidnce that dume lives there right?
2Has nothing to do with where Dume lives.
32) what happened to lhikan? i cant get the book couse scholastic dont import to israel
4Lhikan gets captured by the Dark Hunters. Beyond that, it is movie plot and I can't discuss it.
53) there's a real stage conspiracy going on here first te disappearing of lhikan then the morbuzakh appearing then these dark hunters(which are probably servents too no?) and not to mention rahkshi looks like the makuta stage plan like he did in mata nui so what im asking is is he alive in that time?
6Makuta definitely exists at this point in time, because this is around when he put Mata Nui to sleep.
74) are nedhiki and krekka the same spiecies? if they are is nivawk too?
95) why is the comic focusing on vakama? is he the main cheracter in the story?(also i want to congrat on the way you made nuhrii's cheracter it looks like he is the traitor but then he saves vakama very nice altough i still think the traitor is our old rat akomou)
10Basically, because Vakama was the narrator for the last movie and they wanted him to be the narrator for this movie too. So it made sense to focus on him everywhere.
116)did matoran build metru nui?
12Parts of it.
137) can protodermis put out fire the same way water does?(couse then nokama and nuju can out out the fire that the morbuzakh feeds on)
14If they have enough elemental power, yes, but they don't have a lot by the time they face it.
158) ok the vakhi confront the toa's a few times but does it last after the morbuzkh? or do the toa's have time to talk with dume about him trying to kill them:
16First, the Vahki are not trying to kill the Toa. Vahki don't kill. And as for after the Morbuzakh, that you have to wait on, it's movie plot.
179) does lego has any plans of going back to the normal colored weapons that the olda had? couse my perents dont let me buy any more rahkshi becoouse they think their all the same
18Not sure what you are asking?
1910) i trust the theories of the bzp members(they were right about takua bieng the tol) so i believe that dume is evil but can a turaga even be evil? i mean there is probably a very high standerd for being a turaga no?
20One would think so.
2111) where have you seen the vahki? is there any way we can?
22I have seen them in the LEGO showroom.
2312) is the rahi behind whenua in the metru pic really nedhiki?... his not what i excepcted
24No, it's not -- that's a Vahki.
2513) can matau fly?
2714) ok do the great kanoka combine to one disc? couse that can be one powerfull disc and can also become one heck of a powerfull mask *cough* vahi *cough*
28Wait and see.
2915) how long does the way to metru nui from mata nui last?(poor toa's need to hear the turaga gramy story's all the way down)
30A long way.
3116)how low can metru nui go you said the female villan is far under ground dont they get to magma after a while?
32She lives in the maintenance tunnels underneath the archives.
3317)will we learn about the bohrok this or next year?(still dont know why the heck do they want to flatten mata nui)
3519)will the vahki go away now that the true defenders of metru nui have arrived
37200)id mata nui alive(great sleep? come on who are you kidding) in the metru nui time? will we get to see him?
38He is alive in both times, he is just sleeping. And no, he doesn't show up as a character.
2Has nothing to do with where Dume lives.
32) what happened to lhikan? i cant get the book couse scholastic dont import to israel
4Lhikan gets captured by the Dark Hunters. Beyond that, it is movie plot and I can't discuss it.
53) there's a real stage conspiracy going on here first te disappearing of lhikan then the morbuzakh appearing then these dark hunters(which are probably servents too no?) and not to mention rahkshi looks like the makuta stage plan like he did in mata nui so what im asking is is he alive in that time?
6Makuta definitely exists at this point in time, because this is around when he put Mata Nui to sleep.
74) are nedhiki and krekka the same spiecies? if they are is nivawk too?
95) why is the comic focusing on vakama? is he the main cheracter in the story?(also i want to congrat on the way you made nuhrii's cheracter it looks like he is the traitor but then he saves vakama very nice altough i still think the traitor is our old rat akomou)
10Basically, because Vakama was the narrator for the last movie and they wanted him to be the narrator for this movie too. So it made sense to focus on him everywhere.
116)did matoran build metru nui?
12Parts of it.
137) can protodermis put out fire the same way water does?(couse then nokama and nuju can out out the fire that the morbuzakh feeds on)
14If they have enough elemental power, yes, but they don't have a lot by the time they face it.
158) ok the vakhi confront the toa's a few times but does it last after the morbuzkh? or do the toa's have time to talk with dume about him trying to kill them:
16First, the Vahki are not trying to kill the Toa. Vahki don't kill. And as for after the Morbuzakh, that you have to wait on, it's movie plot.
179) does lego has any plans of going back to the normal colored weapons that the olda had? couse my perents dont let me buy any more rahkshi becoouse they think their all the same
18Not sure what you are asking?
1910) i trust the theories of the bzp members(they were right about takua bieng the tol) so i believe that dume is evil but can a turaga even be evil? i mean there is probably a very high standerd for being a turaga no?
20One would think so.
2111) where have you seen the vahki? is there any way we can?
22I have seen them in the LEGO showroom.
2312) is the rahi behind whenua in the metru pic really nedhiki?... his not what i excepcted
24No, it's not -- that's a Vahki.
2513) can matau fly?
2714) ok do the great kanoka combine to one disc? couse that can be one powerfull disc and can also become one heck of a powerfull mask *cough* vahi *cough*
28Wait and see.
2915) how long does the way to metru nui from mata nui last?(poor toa's need to hear the turaga gramy story's all the way down)
30A long way.
3116)how low can metru nui go you said the female villan is far under ground dont they get to magma after a while?
32She lives in the maintenance tunnels underneath the archives.
3317)will we learn about the bohrok this or next year?(still dont know why the heck do they want to flatten mata nui)
3519)will the vahki go away now that the true defenders of metru nui have arrived
37200)id mata nui alive(great sleep? come on who are you kidding) in the metru nui time? will we get to see him?
38He is alive in both times, he is just sleeping. And no, he doesn't show up as a character.
1Okay, here are some of the q&a between GregF and me. (I combined both of my batches of questions)
30Questions , Normal Answers, Important Answers My Input 31So, the most important thing I learned was the name of the female villain.
2I haven't gotten the first book yet, just the comic, but I wanted to know something about it.
31) Does the book reveal how the Metruans (Metru Nui Matorans, as I'm sure you've read) got caught in the traps shown?As I look at the comic page with the Metruans on it, I wonder how they could have gotten caught in some of those traps. (Like Ahkmou on the tower and Ehrye in the ice) 4Yes, for the most part it does.
52) The comic doesn't show the Toaraga (Toa/Turaga) in pre-Toa form.Do they look like what the Metruans look like? 6No, they won't be seen as Matoran until the movie. But yes, they should look similar to the 2004 Matoran figures.
73) I kept reading about a female villain in your discussion topic, does she have a name that you can reveal? 8Yes, her name is Krahka (and you are the first person to know thatAnd there WILL be a photo of her model in the third Scholastic novel this year. 9Wow, I'm actually the first to know something; I'm usually the last
104) Are there 390 different disks to collect, or do you know? 11I have no info on how many disks are being produced, but I doubt it is that high a number. We are not doing a disk for every possible code.
125) Did the Toa Metru ever go Nuva or anything like that (Can you reveal that information)? 13No, they do not.
146) I know how the six Metruans' names are spelled, but how are they each pronounced? 15Nuhrii - New-ree 16Ehrye - Air-yay 17Vhisola - Vih-so-lah 18Ahkmou - Ahk-moo 19Tehutti - the-hoo-tee 20Orkahm - Or-kam 21I just had to know, especially for Ehrye
227) Incidently, what does "Ahk" mean in Matoran? 23Don't know that it has a specific meaning. 24It may not have a specific meaning, but it seems to be used for villains a lot. Hmmm.
258) Out of curiosity, how long each day do you actually spend reading/answering questions from BZPers, and do you ever get sick of answering the same questions several times, even though the q&a will appear in the discussion topic? 26Once in a while it gets tiring when I get the same question six times in a day (because there is obviously a chat topic someplace and they haven't just designated one person to ask me). I probably spend at least an hour to an hour and a half a day here. 27I just had to know
28See answers above. 29Greg
30Questions , Normal Answers, Important Answers My Input 31So, the most important thing I learned was the name of the female villain.
1QUOTE 2Can the Mahiki (
) be used as a projecter (sp)? My own theory is that it can show even memories as well.
3Are you thinking in terms of projecting illusions in other places other than on the wearer? No, as far as I know it cannot do that.
5QUOTE 61. What would happen if you (a matoran) dropped a kanoka (doesn't matter which) on their foot?
7I would assume the power would be triggered. This is me Oh oh
82a. Could you (or the Toa Metru) cut the king root in half?
92b. What would happen?
10I doubt the Morbuzakh would ever let you get close enough to do that. It's not just going to sit there while you cut it -- it's going to have a few hundred vines grabbing you.
11See answers above. 12Greg

3Are you thinking in terms of projecting illusions in other places other than on the wearer? No, as far as I know it cannot do that.
5QUOTE 61. What would happen if you (a matoran) dropped a kanoka (doesn't matter which) on their foot?
7I would assume the power would be triggered. This is me Oh oh
82a. Could you (or the Toa Metru) cut the king root in half?
92b. What would happen?
10I doubt the Morbuzakh would ever let you get close enough to do that. It's not just going to sit there while you cut it -- it's going to have a few hundred vines grabbing you.
11See answers above. 12Greg
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, hope you have time to answer these
31) When Great Masks are made, or even noble ones, are they given to turaga dume, the toa, or since there are few toa and turaga, do they not even know that those masks have powers?
4They know they have powers, because mask-makers know what power level disk they used to make them. They are probably stored if not needed, most likely someplace like the Great Temple.
52) Are dark hunters all different looking?
6Don't know, have only ever seen two, but my guess is they are.
73) Do all rahi have a common language, or does nokama's mask only translate for ones like nidwk
8No, they all have different languages, same as Earth animals.
31) When Great Masks are made, or even noble ones, are they given to turaga dume, the toa, or since there are few toa and turaga, do they not even know that those masks have powers?
4They know they have powers, because mask-makers know what power level disk they used to make them. They are probably stored if not needed, most likely someplace like the Great Temple.
52) Are dark hunters all different looking?
6Don't know, have only ever seen two, but my guess is they are.
73) Do all rahi have a common language, or does nokama's mask only translate for ones like nidwk
8No, they all have different languages, same as Earth animals.
1I have two PMs this time
21: 3QUOTE 41.Where in Ga-Metru is th great temple because in the comic it looks abandoned and unlike tyhe other ga-metru pics we've seen?
5No, it is not abandoned .. it is just set apart from the rest of the metru because it is a very important site.
62.What lies beneath the Gret Temple?
7You'll have to wait and see.
83.Does vakama's huna now allow him to turn off his voice as well and his smell because it is the mask of concealment and thats the onl logical imprvement?
9No. Not all the masks have that much of an improvement. In the case of Vakama's mask, it has to do with duration.
104.Can Matau still make duplicat like kopaka did?
11I don't understand your question. When did Kopaka make a duplicate?
125.What is involved in being a dark hunter?
136.How do you become a dark hunter?
14Can't answer 5 and 6 at this point.
157.Can you tell me yet what the new kohlii is and what you do?
16No, not yet.
178.Could a matoran use a kanoka power on himself if he reflecte it of something and it came back and hit them?
199.Will we see more dark hunters than just krekka and nediki?
20Don't know.
2110.Do the dark hunters have a leader?
22No, not really. They are independent operators, for the most part.
2311.When nokama speaks to a rahi can the other toa hear her or do they just hear her babbling on in some strange language?
24No, they just hear her speaking in the Rahi language.
2512.What element is Lhikan?
2613.Does Lhikan have a new mask?
27I can't discuss Lhikan, he is part of movie plot.
2814.What powers do dark hunters have?
29Wait and see.
30Thanks in advance 31Shadow Master
32See answers above.
332: 34QUOTE 35Hi, greg this time no questions. i just wanted to say that i am really unhappy with the naming of the toa metru masks, im all for the same powers but you cant have a mask with the power of illusion called Mahiki and a mask witht the power of shapeshifting called mahiki as well. I just think there should be a difference between the names even just an added word like Metru althogh that wouldnt be to good either. I sugest you cahnge them before peole get to attached.
36Sorry if i seemed to harsh but it had to be said, 37Shadow Master.
38Shadow, you are overlooking something -- there is a big difference between a Great Mask of Illusion and a Noble Mask of Illusion. Masks do not have anywhere near the same power as Great Masks, hence the ability of the Great Mask to do things that Noble Masks cannot. Also, since the Toa Metru became Turaga, we would then have to explain why they a) did not keep the same mask names when they went Noble and/or had completely different masks when they became Turaga, which would make no sense.
21: 3QUOTE 41.Where in Ga-Metru is th great temple because in the comic it looks abandoned and unlike tyhe other ga-metru pics we've seen?
5No, it is not abandoned .. it is just set apart from the rest of the metru because it is a very important site.
62.What lies beneath the Gret Temple?
7You'll have to wait and see.
83.Does vakama's huna now allow him to turn off his voice as well and his smell because it is the mask of concealment and thats the onl logical imprvement?
9No. Not all the masks have that much of an improvement. In the case of Vakama's mask, it has to do with duration.
104.Can Matau still make duplicat like kopaka did?
11I don't understand your question. When did Kopaka make a duplicate?
125.What is involved in being a dark hunter?
136.How do you become a dark hunter?
14Can't answer 5 and 6 at this point.
157.Can you tell me yet what the new kohlii is and what you do?
16No, not yet.
178.Could a matoran use a kanoka power on himself if he reflecte it of something and it came back and hit them?
199.Will we see more dark hunters than just krekka and nediki?
20Don't know.
2110.Do the dark hunters have a leader?
22No, not really. They are independent operators, for the most part.
2311.When nokama speaks to a rahi can the other toa hear her or do they just hear her babbling on in some strange language?
24No, they just hear her speaking in the Rahi language.
2512.What element is Lhikan?
2613.Does Lhikan have a new mask?
27I can't discuss Lhikan, he is part of movie plot.
2814.What powers do dark hunters have?
29Wait and see.
30Thanks in advance 31Shadow Master
32See answers above.
332: 34QUOTE 35Hi, greg this time no questions. i just wanted to say that i am really unhappy with the naming of the toa metru masks, im all for the same powers but you cant have a mask with the power of illusion called Mahiki and a mask witht the power of shapeshifting called mahiki as well. I just think there should be a difference between the names even just an added word like Metru althogh that wouldnt be to good either. I sugest you cahnge them before peole get to attached.
36Sorry if i seemed to harsh but it had to be said, 37Shadow Master.
38Shadow, you are overlooking something -- there is a big difference between a Great Mask of Illusion and a Noble Mask of Illusion. Masks do not have anywhere near the same power as Great Masks, hence the ability of the Great Mask to do things that Noble Masks cannot. Also, since the Toa Metru became Turaga, we would then have to explain why they a) did not keep the same mask names when they went Noble and/or had completely different masks when they became Turaga, which would make no sense.
11. Is Krahka a Dark Hunter?
32. Are the Dark Hunters related to makuta in any way?
4As far as I know, Makuta had no hand at all in creating them.
53. Does Nedhiki want the great disks to free the creature beneath the great temple?
6No, he doesn't have any idea about anything beneath the temple.
74. Is the creature Makuta, or realted to him?
8No to both.
95. Were the six matoran destined to find the great disks?
10I tend to doubt it.
116.Did the dark hunters or Dume create the morbuzakh?
12The Morbuzakh's origins is something I am getting into at the end of the year, I don't want to discuss it now.
137. Does Dume know about the Dark Hunters?
14Again, can't answer -- most of the Dume/Lhikan/Dark Hunters aspect of the story is movie plot.
158.Is Nidhiki smarter than Krekka, or does Krekka just prefer not to speak unless it is important?
16Krekka is strong, but not that bright.
179. Have you seen the show "Big O" on cartoon network? In the last few episodes, Paradigm city has a lot in common with metru nui.
18No, I don't watch Cartoon Network at all.
19That`s strange, I thought he said taht he liked Family Guy, which is on CN, in another question... oh well, not really important.
32. Are the Dark Hunters related to makuta in any way?
4As far as I know, Makuta had no hand at all in creating them.
53. Does Nedhiki want the great disks to free the creature beneath the great temple?
6No, he doesn't have any idea about anything beneath the temple.
74. Is the creature Makuta, or realted to him?
8No to both.
95. Were the six matoran destined to find the great disks?
10I tend to doubt it.
116.Did the dark hunters or Dume create the morbuzakh?
12The Morbuzakh's origins is something I am getting into at the end of the year, I don't want to discuss it now.
137. Does Dume know about the Dark Hunters?
14Again, can't answer -- most of the Dume/Lhikan/Dark Hunters aspect of the story is movie plot.
158.Is Nidhiki smarter than Krekka, or does Krekka just prefer not to speak unless it is important?
16Krekka is strong, but not that bright.
179. Have you seen the show "Big O" on cartoon network? In the last few episodes, Paradigm city has a lot in common with metru nui.
18No, I don't watch Cartoon Network at all.
19That`s strange, I thought he said taht he liked Family Guy, which is on CN, in another question... oh well, not really important.
1i think the dark -hunters are some what the most evil out of them , they probably trick the metruan who betrayed metru-nui as well
14. What are "environs"? All you've said is that they are areas around Metru Nui where the Rahkshi and Rahi come from. Can you see them on the map of Metru Nui, or are they outside the picture? If you can't tell us, when will we find out about them?
2They are outside the picture.. far outside.
35. How complex does Rahi "speech" get? Say you were Nokama wearing her Rau. A Muaka lunges into a bust and a bunch of Taku fly out, squawking. The squawking would basically be heard as "danger: danger:," right? Most animals, as far as we know, only have limited vocal communication capabilities. Such as "food," "danger," "go away," or whatever. But how complex are Metru Nui creatures? Could some be as smart as chimps or dolphins? Maybe even sentient (Nivawk)? Also, I know that some animals (like bees and some species of frog) communicate using body motions. Would Nokama understand that? It is a form of communication that requires translating. Sorry about another long question, I'm far too wordy and specific.
4Some certainly can be very intelligent.
56. Does Mahiki also have illusion powers, or only shapeshifting? I personally thought illusion was one of the coolest Noble powers. I think you said only shapeshifting, just checking.
6I believe it can be both.
77. I know you've seen the Vahki, and won't say much on them. But can I just ask: are they "clone sets," as they have come to be called, like the Bohrok and Rahkshi? Or are they different, like the Rahi? I know they have to be similar, but are the only differences colors and tools? *winces*
8I haven't seen them enough to be able to answer.
9[BThere you all go. I only posted a few because the others weren't relevant or important. [/B
1Hey Greg, I'm pretty sure these are all Adventures #1 questions, but please, please don't make me wait for the book:: I think it's on Amazon but to make a long story short I just can't order anthing off the net: And Books-A-Million still doesn't even have Chronicles #4:: So pleeeeeease:
21.) What ARE Dark Hunters? I know a lot of it is mystery, but can you give me the jist of it?
3There isn't a whole lot to tell at this point. They are not Rahi, and they are not Toa ... they sort of come across (to me anyway) almost like mercenaries. But who they are working for and what they want (besides the six Great Disks) is still a mystery at this point.
42.) "If they have enough elemental power." That seems to be a big thing about the Toa Metru, why wasn't it with the Olda/Nuva? I mean, Gali exhausts herself by healing Tahu, but they never said "I have to conserve my energy:" ya know?
5That's a good point, and I think it speaks to something else interesting -- were the Toa Olda ever Matoran, or were they somehow Toa from day one, and hence a lot more skilled at being Toa than the Metru are?
63.) "Ahkmou is the traitor" Well that let the cat out of the bag (I hate spoilers) So is Ahkmou the Comet Ball Traitor?
84.) Krekka and Nedhiki are what, exactly? (Besides Dark Hunters.) And I don't mean just species.
9See answer to 1, I really can't say more than that right now without giving away movie plot.
105.) Will Lhikan be important to the story, like the main Toa, or a lesser character?
11He is important in the movie, certainly.
12Thanks a lot Greg
13See answers above.
1i have been wondering about Mahiki(mask of illusion)
21. when its noble it "allows the user to create illusions to deceive an opponet or escape detection." 3When great it can change the user's shape? it'int that just a slight leap from illusion to shapeshifting. Now i under stand that a great mask is more powerful then a noble mask but is'int that a whole nother power?
4is it just projecting the shape over you? becouse that i could under stand. making an illusion over the person that the person can control
5No, because projecting an illusion over yourself is something the Noble Mask can do. Matau specifically refers to his power as "shapeshifting" in the movie. Yes, it is something of a quantum leap, but it's a Great Mask -- it should be way more powerful. If Noble Masks were pretty much on a par with Great Masks, there wouldn't be as much of a need for Toa -- Turaga could handle a lot of things.
62: can the great mask still project images like the noble version? 72b: can the user control there shape?
8Yes, and yes.
9thanks i just needed to clear up some stuff about this mask before my brain exploded
1Hey Greg, I'm pretty sure these are all Adventures #1 questions, but please, please don't make me wait for the book:: I think it's on Amazon but to make a long story short I just can't order anthing off the net: And Books-A-Million still doesn't even have Chronicles #4:: So pleeeeeease:
21.) What ARE Dark Hunters? I know a lot of it is mystery, but can you give me the jist of it?
3There isn't a whole lot to tell at this point. They are not Rahi, and they are not Toa ... they sort of come across (to me anyway) almost like mercenaries. But who they are working for and what they want (besides the six Great Disks) is still a mystery at this point.
42.) "If they have enough elemental power." That seems to be a big thing about the Toa Metru, why wasn't it with the Olda/Nuva? I mean, Gali exhausts herself by healing Tahu, but they never said "I have to conserve my energy:" ya know?
5That's a good point, and I think it speaks to something else interesting -- were the Toa Olda ever Matoran, or were they somehow Toa from day one, and hence a lot more skilled at being Toa than the Metru are?
63.) "Ahkmou is the traitor" Well that let the cat out of the bag (I hate spoilers) So is Ahkmou the Comet Ball Traitor?
84.) Krekka and Nedhiki are what, exactly? (Besides Dark Hunters.) And I don't mean just species.
9See answer to 1, I really can't say more than that right now without giving away movie plot.
105.) Will Lhikan be important to the story, like the main Toa, or a lesser character?
11He is important in the movie, certainly.
12Thanks a lot Greg
13See answers above.
14Then the illusion becomes reality... interesting

1Hy i got a few questions you dont have to answer them imeadetly.
21. Kan you make a knowledge or kanoka ball from all the 6 great kanoka??
42. Can a matoran rahi or somthing become a dark hunter?
5Probably not.
63. Can you tell me how it happens?
74. the great new enymy of 2004 the one you revalide his name(feroten this) Do it lives underneath the great tempel or underneat the argives?
95. wen will we see a full pic of a vakhi?
10Probably July comic.
116. Wehn wil the movie come out?
137. do you rite the line for te comics?
14Yes, I write the comics.
15Thats was all thanx
21. Kan you make a knowledge or kanoka ball from all the 6 great kanoka??
42. Can a matoran rahi or somthing become a dark hunter?
5Probably not.
63. Can you tell me how it happens?
74. the great new enymy of 2004 the one you revalide his name(feroten this) Do it lives underneath the great tempel or underneat the argives?
95. wen will we see a full pic of a vakhi?
10Probably July comic.
116. Wehn wil the movie come out?
137. do you rite the line for te comics?
14Yes, I write the comics.
15Thats was all thanx
1Here's my set of questions that I just got an answer for.
2Hey, Greg: It's been a while since we've talked, so let me ask you some questions.
31. When are the first enemies for 2004 going to be released?
4I think June.
52. Do the Metruans go to Mata Nui?
6All of the Mata Nui Matoran were originally from Metru Nui, so yes.
73. In the Toa Vakama teaser in Comic 15, inside February 2004, it said 2-2-04. Does this mean that the Toa Metru come out on the second of Febuary?
8Actually, I think it's the first.
94. When will we find out who the traitor is? Comic 17, 18?
115. Did you play a role in creating Bionicle? (if you did,we love you more
12No, BIONICLE was already created when I started working at LEGO (in October, 2000).
136. Are the Toa Nuva going to fight enemies on Metru Nui?
14Not until they get there.
157. I've seen MoL countless times. I have yet to see a heartlight on the Turaga. Where are the Turaga heartlights?
16I think you can't see them because they are wearing those robes.
178. Can Turaga die of old age?
18We have no idea how long a lifespan BIONICLE beings have or if they can die of natural causes.
199. Who do you think is the traitor?
20I know who the traitor is, I am writing the story.
2110. In MoL, I saw six Turaga, six Toa and Jaller and Hahli plus Takanuva going through the door to Metru Nui. What happens to the other Matoran?
22They all came, we just didn't show all of them.
2311. Are the Toa Metru going to turn into Toa Metru Nuva?
2512. What makes the Toa Metru turn into Turaga?
26You will have to wait for the movie for that.
2713. How come the Rahkshi Comic saga is only 2 comics? How did you reach that solution?
28Simple -- there was no point in showcasing the Rahkshi a lot in May, because the toys weren't out until July. The movie came out in September and the Rahkshi were defeated, so it would make no sense to have them still active in November.
2914. Are the comics just promotional items for the toys, or do they play a bigger role?
30Do you enjoy following the story? If you do, then they are not just promotion for the toy.
3115. What kind of role will the Vahi play in 2004?
32Again, have to wait for the movie.
3316. I've lost Comic 1, 2, and 3. Are the older comics ever going to be re-released?
34DC is supposed to release a graphic novel in Feb. with all 15 of the original issues.
3517. In Comic 16, you see Rahkshi behind Whenua. Are the Toa Metru going to fight Rahkshi, or will there be different enemies?
36They may run into Rahkshi, yes, but more likely in the Scholastic books than in the comics.
3718. Who is your favorite Toa Nuva?
3919. In your opinion, should LEGO have given us this storyline first, because it deals with the past, or was this the right time to release it?
40No, I think doing this one first would have been information overload. This story works because it is such a contrast to the tropical island and because your appetite has been whetted by the mysteries set up in 2001-2003.
4120. In your opinion, what was the greatest group of sets released: Toa Nuva, Kal or Rahkshi?
42I don't like to make comparisons like that.
43That's it: Talk 2 u latr:
44See answers above.
2Hey, Greg: It's been a while since we've talked, so let me ask you some questions.
31. When are the first enemies for 2004 going to be released?
4I think June.
52. Do the Metruans go to Mata Nui?
6All of the Mata Nui Matoran were originally from Metru Nui, so yes.
73. In the Toa Vakama teaser in Comic 15, inside February 2004, it said 2-2-04. Does this mean that the Toa Metru come out on the second of Febuary?
8Actually, I think it's the first.
94. When will we find out who the traitor is? Comic 17, 18?
115. Did you play a role in creating Bionicle? (if you did,we love you more

12No, BIONICLE was already created when I started working at LEGO (in October, 2000).
136. Are the Toa Nuva going to fight enemies on Metru Nui?
14Not until they get there.
157. I've seen MoL countless times. I have yet to see a heartlight on the Turaga. Where are the Turaga heartlights?
16I think you can't see them because they are wearing those robes.
178. Can Turaga die of old age?
18We have no idea how long a lifespan BIONICLE beings have or if they can die of natural causes.
199. Who do you think is the traitor?
20I know who the traitor is, I am writing the story.
2110. In MoL, I saw six Turaga, six Toa and Jaller and Hahli plus Takanuva going through the door to Metru Nui. What happens to the other Matoran?
22They all came, we just didn't show all of them.
2311. Are the Toa Metru going to turn into Toa Metru Nuva?
2512. What makes the Toa Metru turn into Turaga?
26You will have to wait for the movie for that.
2713. How come the Rahkshi Comic saga is only 2 comics? How did you reach that solution?
28Simple -- there was no point in showcasing the Rahkshi a lot in May, because the toys weren't out until July. The movie came out in September and the Rahkshi were defeated, so it would make no sense to have them still active in November.
2914. Are the comics just promotional items for the toys, or do they play a bigger role?
30Do you enjoy following the story? If you do, then they are not just promotion for the toy.
3115. What kind of role will the Vahi play in 2004?
32Again, have to wait for the movie.
3316. I've lost Comic 1, 2, and 3. Are the older comics ever going to be re-released?
34DC is supposed to release a graphic novel in Feb. with all 15 of the original issues.
3517. In Comic 16, you see Rahkshi behind Whenua. Are the Toa Metru going to fight Rahkshi, or will there be different enemies?
36They may run into Rahkshi, yes, but more likely in the Scholastic books than in the comics.
3718. Who is your favorite Toa Nuva?
3919. In your opinion, should LEGO have given us this storyline first, because it deals with the past, or was this the right time to release it?
40No, I think doing this one first would have been information overload. This story works because it is such a contrast to the tropical island and because your appetite has been whetted by the mysteries set up in 2001-2003.
4120. In your opinion, what was the greatest group of sets released: Toa Nuva, Kal or Rahkshi?
42I don't like to make comparisons like that.
43That's it: Talk 2 u latr:
44See answers above.
1Here is my answers from GregF:
2To GregF:
3I have a few questions to ask:
41. Who are Nidawk, Nedhiki, and Krekka? They're on the products list and I don't really know who they are.
5Nidhiki and Krekka are Dark Hunters. Nivawk is a Rahi.
62. What relation do Dume and Nidawk have, as they are in the same set? Nidawk can't be another Turaga, as Dume is the only Turaga of Metru Nui.
7Nivawk is Dume's pet, for want of another word.
83. Can an infected mask be disinfected, or is it infected forever?
9Yes, it can.
10Thank you.
2To GregF:
3I have a few questions to ask:
41. Who are Nidawk, Nedhiki, and Krekka? They're on the products list and I don't really know who they are.
5Nidhiki and Krekka are Dark Hunters. Nivawk is a Rahi.
62. What relation do Dume and Nidawk have, as they are in the same set? Nidawk can't be another Turaga, as Dume is the only Turaga of Metru Nui.
7Nivawk is Dume's pet, for want of another word.
83. Can an infected mask be disinfected, or is it infected forever?
9Yes, it can.
10Thank you.
11. In Comic #16, you always see Toa Metru holding their tools; in one scene, Matau is carrying his aero slicers under one arm. Have they not learned how to store their tools yet? 2We try to have the comics match the toys as much as possible, and the toys have tools. It's only in the movie they feel the need to "stow" them so the Toa can use their hands.
32. Does the Great Furnace eventually get repaired from the damage the Morbuzakh did while growing in there? Or isn't there a Great Furnace left after the Toa Metru are done with the king root? 4Going to have to wait and see.
53. Speaking of which, how did the king root get into the Furnace in the first place? 6You'll find out before year's end.
74. Okay, I have the disks, and I can understand the symbolism of the Po-Metru, Le-Metru, and Ko-Metru Kanoka. But I can't make sense of the other three. What do their pictures mean? 8Don't know. Didn't design them.
95. Nuju can grow Knowledge Towers:? But how? I mean, they're crystal and he's the Toa of Ice, so his powers don't really influence them...or does he? 10No, Nuju just happens to be the person elected to grow that one. Any Ko-Matoran can grow a knowledge tower, the power is in the crystal and the cradle. It was not a manifestation of his Toa power.
116. Aside from manipulating protodermis, what is taught in Ga-Metru? 12Ancient languages, history, things like that. It's sort of the classroom version of the Archives.
137. Do the Toa Metru ever get any time off between quests? Or is it like the Toa Olda/Nuva, one right after the other? 14The life of a Toa is a pretty busy one. But we know they do have some down time after Scholastic book 3 and before the scene in the Coliseum in the movie.
158. So, Takua gets to have a Vahki squad all of his own. Is it just for work, or do they follow him everywhere he goes? 16Let's say the Vahki have learned to keep an eye on him.
179. How do the Toa Metru learn how to use their masks if they don't know what their masks do? Do they just command their masks to do random things until they stumble across it? Or is it a spur-of-the-moment instinct sorta thing? 18That I cannot answer, because it is a part of movie plot.
1910. Sculpture Field, Archives, Great Temple, Great Furnace, fire pits, moto-hub, Knowledge Towers, Coliseum. Are there any other vital locations/structures? 20Oh, I am sure there are, but we have a lot of time to explore the city.
2111. How does the Morbuzakh sense? Like, does it have eyes all over its vines? Ears? Vibration sensors? Echolocation? What? (Would it have to do anything with the brown splotches all over it?) 22You are partially correct. Like earth plants, it has chemical substances "programmed" to respond to the outside world. The ability to sense vibration in the air allows the Morbuzakh to hear and to sense motion, in much the same way a cat's whiskers can sense the movement of a mouse.
2312. I get the distinct sense that the Dark Hunters and the Morbuzakh are working together. Is this true? 24No.
2513. When they see a Morbuzakh vine, do the Vahki try to "pacify" it as usual? Or have they been given different orders regarding the Morbuzakh? 26They do their best to protect the Matoran and drive the vine away. They may, at some point, have tried to pacify it but it didn't work -- Vahki learn fast.
2714. So when Nokama swims, she holds her breath. Can she hold it longer than a Matoran or what? 28Being a Toa, with greater physical strength, stamina and endurance, I am sure she can.
2915. When can you reveal the unique powers of each Vahki squad? 30Not until later in the spring. They don't come out until summer. But there are some references to individual powers in the second Scholastic book.
3116. How many Vahki are in a squad, anyway? 32(Example: how many are assigned to Takua?) 33I would say an ordinary squad has six to eight.
3417. The comic says that Rahkshi stalked Whenua in a sub-basement of the Archives. Did the bad guys just point the Rahkshi in his direction and set them loose? Or do they just not like Toa? 35The Rahkshi are wild animals, basically . If you were in the basement of the Museum of Natural History and somebody set a tiger loose down there, it would probably stalk you. The bad guys didn't set the Rahkshi loose -- it escaped on its own.
3618. Same question with the Rahkshi that was attacking Tehutti. 37Again, it's a Rahkshi -- you're not -- that makes you a threat.
3819. How did those six Metruan pick up the secrets of where the Great Kanoka were? Did they find the locations inscribed on a wall? Or what? 39In various ways. Some discovered it through research, like Ehrye, others stumbled upon them.
4011. You told one member Nedhiki and Krekka could fly. How is that so? Do they have wings, or can they hover? 41They can morph into a hover mode.
4220. Whoa...Dark Hunters can morph? Do they have any other modes? 43That's the only other mode I know of. They do it in the movie.
4421. Do they have any other powers? Or does it depend on which Dark Hunter we're talking about? 45Yes, they have energy powers too.
4622A. Is there anything important on, under, or near the Coliseum aside from Dume and Nivawk? 47The Coliseum is also the power plant for the city.
4822B. If not, will it be in the storyline a lot anyway? 49The Coliseum? Yes, it will be a fixture.
5023. Is there any reason for Nedhiki and Krekka carrying Lhikan off aside from not wanting another Toa to deal with? 51They had reasons, which I can't go into without giving away movie plot.
5224. Does Nivawk play an important role in the storyline? 53In the movie, he has a role, yes.
5425. When a Kanoka is used, does it disappear, fall away powerless, or get retrieved for use later? 55Most get retrieved for later use.
5626. What kind of information can you use the Kanoka codes to unlock online? Like, random tidbits of info, movies, downloads, stuff like that? 57It's going to probably be similar to the kind of info that was on the P-S website, but I don't have much in the way of details.
5827. When will we see the Vahi in the storyline this year? 59The Vahi will come up in the movie, it probably won't be in the comics.
60Well, now we know when the Vahi comes up.
61-Master of the Rahkshi
1Hi Greg: I'm a new member and I hope you don't mind if I ask you a couple questions, okay?
21) Is the Morbuzahk just vines or are there leaves and branches and such?
3It's primarily roots and vines.
42) On that subject, are there traps like a Venus Flytrap that he can use as "hands" as opposed to just using the vines as tentacles?
5Not that I know of, no.
63) Are the vines all the same size or are there vines of various sizes?
7There are vines of various sizes.
84)Why is it that Mata Nui is more natural and Gali has a mechanical (Submarine-like) motif and Metru Nui is more mechanical and Nokama has a natural (Fish-like) motif?
9If I am understanding your question, it is more a question for the product designers than me. I deal with story, not design.
105)I think I figured out the difference between Mahikis; is it that the Noble Mahiki can make the wearer change shape, but it's not real while the Great Mahiki can make the wearer change shape and have it be an actual change?
11The Noble Mahiki creates an illusion, it does not cause the wearer to change shape.
126) Can you give us a rough idea of the alternate uses of the Metrus' tools?Especially Nokama, Onewa, and Whenua.
13I don't have that information.
147) Was Vhisola one of Nokama's students, or did she study under someone else?
15Yes, she did study under Nokama.
168) Can you tell us about this Octopus-like creature? Name, size, color, abilities, temperment, physical description? I'm kind of an Octopus/Squid etc. buff.
17I am not sure what creature you are referring to? The one in Tales of the Masks?
189) I got Whenua in the mail from the Proto-Squad and I don't see how his tools are drills, do the heads of them rotate to work as drills?
2010) How do the Ga-Metruan schools work? is it like a classroom, a lecture hall, what's the name of the building and what's it like?
21Both, and labs.
2211) Okay, let's say that Matau want's to look like Vakama for some reason, could the Great Mahiki allow him to change color to look like Vakama, or will Vakama look oddly green for some reason?
23No, he will look just like Vakama
2412) Can the Vahi allow time travel? I mean, could the wearer speed time up around him so he/she could travel to the future in some sense?
25No, there is no time travel in BIONICLE. If you speed time up around a target, your target will age but the world will not change around him, so he is not going into the future. Time travel wreaks havoc on continuing storylines, so we prefer to avoid it.
26Anyway, that's all the questions I can think of as of right now, See you later, bye:
27I'm PM-ing him again so I'll edit my post when I get better answers for #'s 5 and 8.
1First of all congrats on your new rank.
21. If Toa Matau shapeshifted in to oh lets say Toa Vakama would he have his powers?
3I don't believe so, no. I think he only gets the person's appearance, not their abilities. There are shapeshifters who do absorb abilities, but I do not believe the Mahiki lets you do that.
5What do you mean other shapshifters?
6Wait and see.
8Do you mean the thing you mentioned in this topic (the Tunneler)?
9No, Tunnelers cannot change shape. They may change substance -- becoming a creature of fire, or a creature of rock, etc. -- but they always look essentially the same.
11Kraken228 as far as I know we can't edit our posts in this topic for some reason.
11. If Toa Matau shapeshifted in to oh lets say Toa Vakama would he have his powers?
2I don't believe so, no. I think he only gets the person's appearance, not their abilities. There are shapeshifters who do absorb abilities, but I do not believe the Mahiki lets you do that.
3What do you mean other shapshifters?
4Wait and see.
5K this is completely awesome... Ôo
6I've always wanted to see shape shifters

1QUOTE 2Just afew more questions, mostly about krahka?
31.How are we going to be able to tll whether someone is talking about a noble huna and a great huna?
4Who? As far as we know, there are no Noble Huna in Metru Nui, because there is only one Turaga and I doubt he wears that. So the only Huna is the Great Huna.
52.Is Krahka related to krekka?
73.Where do Dark Hunters come from?
8Can't answer it --don't have the info.
94.Is the statement in This Topic true?
10Some of it is, some isn't.
115.Does Krahka become big due to a disk or is that her power?
126.Can Krahka fly?
137.Is krahka caged or in stasis?
148.Is Krahka the "one huge creature you were talking about"?
159.How did Krahka end up in the archives, was she captured or is it her own free will?
16Krahka is not in the Archives. She is in the maintenance tunnels below the Archives. And I really don't want to release info on her, because I want people to read the book.
1710.When th info on the stars be released?
18No idea.
1911.Will we see the new kohlii in the movie?
2112.Will TLC be releasing any games this year?
22Software games? One for Racers, I think.
2313.Do you think the movie will have a surprising ending like when takanuva found metru-nui, will they find anything or the like?
24Can't discuss movie plot.
2514.Do you have any info on lhikan's past?
26Not really, no.
2715.Can you reveal the ouyline of the movie, to me it sounds like a quest to defeat the dark hunters?
28No, can't discuss movie plot.
2916.Can th toa metru fold up their weapons, becasue it seems as if matua is holding both his swords in the one hand when he doesn't use them in the comic?
30I hesitate to answer because I don't know how it is depicted in the movie.
31Thats all for now 32Shadow Master
33See answers above.
31.How are we going to be able to tll whether someone is talking about a noble huna and a great huna?
4Who? As far as we know, there are no Noble Huna in Metru Nui, because there is only one Turaga and I doubt he wears that. So the only Huna is the Great Huna.
52.Is Krahka related to krekka?
73.Where do Dark Hunters come from?
8Can't answer it --don't have the info.
94.Is the statement in This Topic true?
10Some of it is, some isn't.
115.Does Krahka become big due to a disk or is that her power?
126.Can Krahka fly?
137.Is krahka caged or in stasis?
148.Is Krahka the "one huge creature you were talking about"?
159.How did Krahka end up in the archives, was she captured or is it her own free will?
16Krahka is not in the Archives. She is in the maintenance tunnels below the Archives. And I really don't want to release info on her, because I want people to read the book.
1710.When th info on the stars be released?
18No idea.
1911.Will we see the new kohlii in the movie?
2112.Will TLC be releasing any games this year?
22Software games? One for Racers, I think.
2313.Do you think the movie will have a surprising ending like when takanuva found metru-nui, will they find anything or the like?
24Can't discuss movie plot.
2514.Do you have any info on lhikan's past?
26Not really, no.
2715.Can you reveal the ouyline of the movie, to me it sounds like a quest to defeat the dark hunters?
28No, can't discuss movie plot.
2916.Can th toa metru fold up their weapons, becasue it seems as if matua is holding both his swords in the one hand when he doesn't use them in the comic?
30I hesitate to answer because I don't know how it is depicted in the movie.
31Thats all for now 32Shadow Master
33See answers above.
1Q. will the vahki become sets? 2A. yes over the summer 3Q. will the vahi play an important role in the 2004 story? 4A. Yes 5wierd what does the vahi have to do with anything in 2004?
6I think greg f thought you ment vakhi
7i did mean to say Vahki, i had asked the vahi question earlier
8The Vahi will play a role in the movie later this year. It was not a mistake. I just wanted to point that out.
1QUOTE 21. Will we be able to build a tunneler or is it a organic creature, or just too big or small?
3At this point, no building instructions are planned for it. I made a lot of Rahi up for the books.
42.If a rock tunneler was hit would he smash to bits like a rock or just loose the rock capability or just be weakened?
5It is possible that he could be smashed that way if he was in rock form, but a Toa would not do that because it would kill him.
63.What does a ga-metru classroom look like, does it have desks and stone tablets or is it more of a listening, or hands on experience, like matau come and creates projections of ancient places?
7Both, but Matau would not be teaching there. Ga-Matoran teach there.
84. DO they ever go on excursions to the archives (now fellow matoran this is how you make a kanoka)
9Yes -- but Matoran already know how to make Kanoka
105.Do the students also have other jobs like vhisola?
126. Where do you "learn" to use disks properly, or does it just come instantly?
149.When Nedhiki and Krekka change to flight mode is both the same style or different?
15They are both in hover mode.
1610. Is it a complicated process or easy like the rahkshi?
17It's easy, they can do it in seconds.
1811.Does lego have a safety measure that means you HAVE to buy the kanoka to get the codes and special info , because it seems to be easy to do without buyig them?
19It is easy to do if you want to cheat, yes.
2012.When you say the vahi comes up in the movie is it the creation process or it actually being used?
21You will have to wait and see.
2213.Once a kanoka power is used does it need time to regain strength or is it instant?
23Far as I know, it does not need to recharge.
2414.What would happen to a matoran if the used a reflecting enlarging disk, and it kept reflecting off everything and the whole city was twice the size?
25A reflecting enlarging disk? There is no such thing, as far as I know. To enlarge something it has to strike it.
26I meant if it bounced of things.
2715.How does a kanoka disk determine what it effects like because it only touches a small part, like witht he enlarging disk used on the morz, obviously the whole morz wasn't enlarged?
28The area of effect of the disk is determined by its power level.
2916.Where and when in the story does takua being chased by vahki occur, and why?
30It doesn't. One of the characters in one of the Scholastic books jokes about Takua having a squad to himself because he wanders off so much. Takua does show up in the movie, but he really plays very little part in the 2004 story.
3117.Does he know they are watching or does he think he's off the hook?
32Every Matoran knows they are watching.
3318.What would a vahki do to a stray matoran, apart from send them back to work, would pacify them, teke them to the archives, or take them to dume?
34One, they would never go to the Archives. It is a museum, not a prison. And a Matoran wandering off is not a crime worthy of being taken to the Turaga. The Vahki would pacify him and put him back to work.
35I know theyd never take them to archives
3619.Is there a being or an object inside the fire-pits?
37Wait and see, but not a whole lot can survive the fire pits.
3820.How would a regenerate disk work, how does it know what to regenerate?
39It regenerates whatever it strikes.
40Thanks.Thats all for now, 41Shadow Master
42See answers above.
3At this point, no building instructions are planned for it. I made a lot of Rahi up for the books.
42.If a rock tunneler was hit would he smash to bits like a rock or just loose the rock capability or just be weakened?
5It is possible that he could be smashed that way if he was in rock form, but a Toa would not do that because it would kill him.
63.What does a ga-metru classroom look like, does it have desks and stone tablets or is it more of a listening, or hands on experience, like matau come and creates projections of ancient places?
7Both, but Matau would not be teaching there. Ga-Matoran teach there.
84. DO they ever go on excursions to the archives (now fellow matoran this is how you make a kanoka)
9Yes -- but Matoran already know how to make Kanoka
105.Do the students also have other jobs like vhisola?
126. Where do you "learn" to use disks properly, or does it just come instantly?
149.When Nedhiki and Krekka change to flight mode is both the same style or different?
15They are both in hover mode.
1610. Is it a complicated process or easy like the rahkshi?
17It's easy, they can do it in seconds.
1811.Does lego have a safety measure that means you HAVE to buy the kanoka to get the codes and special info , because it seems to be easy to do without buyig them?
19It is easy to do if you want to cheat, yes.
2012.When you say the vahi comes up in the movie is it the creation process or it actually being used?
21You will have to wait and see.
2213.Once a kanoka power is used does it need time to regain strength or is it instant?
23Far as I know, it does not need to recharge.
2414.What would happen to a matoran if the used a reflecting enlarging disk, and it kept reflecting off everything and the whole city was twice the size?
25A reflecting enlarging disk? There is no such thing, as far as I know. To enlarge something it has to strike it.
26I meant if it bounced of things.
2715.How does a kanoka disk determine what it effects like because it only touches a small part, like witht he enlarging disk used on the morz, obviously the whole morz wasn't enlarged?
28The area of effect of the disk is determined by its power level.
2916.Where and when in the story does takua being chased by vahki occur, and why?
30It doesn't. One of the characters in one of the Scholastic books jokes about Takua having a squad to himself because he wanders off so much. Takua does show up in the movie, but he really plays very little part in the 2004 story.
3117.Does he know they are watching or does he think he's off the hook?
32Every Matoran knows they are watching.
3318.What would a vahki do to a stray matoran, apart from send them back to work, would pacify them, teke them to the archives, or take them to dume?
34One, they would never go to the Archives. It is a museum, not a prison. And a Matoran wandering off is not a crime worthy of being taken to the Turaga. The Vahki would pacify him and put him back to work.
35I know theyd never take them to archives

3619.Is there a being or an object inside the fire-pits?
37Wait and see, but not a whole lot can survive the fire pits.
3820.How would a regenerate disk work, how does it know what to regenerate?
39It regenerates whatever it strikes.
40Thanks.Thats all for now, 41Shadow Master
42See answers above.
1Second batch of Q&A.
21) In Comic 16, the Ta-Metruan with a red Ruru that Vakama saved from Molten Protodermis, was that Kapura?
42) Do know when the Proto-Squad website will be updated?
63) If Vakama is using his Huna and his Disk Launcher as a jetpack, could someone see the flames being emitted from the jetpack even though they couldn't see Vakama?
7I would say no.
84) Do all Po-Metruan statues look like the Washington Monument like in the comic?
9No, just that one.
105) Can you tell us what color the female villan, Krahka is supposed to be?
126)Do you know when we'll find out the alternate uses of the Metru's tools?
13Hopefully very soon. As soon as I know, you will know.
147) From what you've seen of him, is it just me; or do Onewa's Proto Pitons look like reamers ?
15I don't know what reamers are.
168) What do the Vahkis' Stun Staffs do?
17A variety of things, all aimed at pacification.
189) What are you're views on these petitions to get Master Builder type sets for Rahkshi and Mata-Matoran?
19I think they are running into one big obstacle which is a) the money has to be there to do these product, and it is hard to convince corporate that doing Matoran who aren't in the story anymore or redoing Rahkshi again will make money. As ardent an audience as BZP is, they are the hardcore fan base -- their views are important, but they are also a very small percentage of BIONICLE fandom.
2010) What is the name of the place where the Ga-Metruan scholars study?
21It doesn't have a name at present. We just refer to them as schools.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg,
31.) What the heck is a tunneler? Can I have more than just a "Po-Metru Rahi"?
4Nope. I want people to read the Scholastic books, don't want to give away all the neat surprises.
51b.) Is a tunneler the thing behind Whenua in that one picture?
6No, that's Nidhiki.
72.) They say that a Turaga can't use a level 8 Kanohi. But I was wondering, could a Turaga use a level 8 Kanohi to do level 7 things? Like, hypothetically, if Turaga Nokama got a hold of a level 8 Rau, could she still use the translation abilities she shows in the MoL, and just not be able to talk to Rahi? Or would it not work at all?
8No, it doesn't work that way. It would be like plugging a device that needs a 220 line into a 120 volt plug. There isn't enough juice to get it going.
93.) I just got in my Toa Vakama and Whenua, and at the end of the Vakama instructions, it shows the launcher on his back. His Jetpack function. But at the end of the Whenua instructions, it shows him with his (earth shock?) drills put together over his head. Even though I don't know what the purpose of this is (do you know?) it wouldn't be unusual. Only, it shows him in a Super Man-like position, like he's flying. Can Whenua fly or something?
10No, but in the movie he merges the two drills together to form one big one and tunnel through a ton of rock to free the Toa.
11Thanks, Greg
12*singing* Nidhiki is a spider thingy, oh yeah...
GregF @ PM 11. I believe you said that we will see Takua and Nuparu as MetruToran. Do you know/can you say what they will look like?
2You will see Takua in the movie, Nuparu only appears in the Scholastic books. I have no idea what Takua will look like, have not seen any animation.
32. In comic 16, we see Toa Vakama rescuing a MetruToran that looks startlingly like Nuhrii from the molten Protodermis. But then later it sais that he found Nuhrii buried in a long-abandoned part of Ta-Metru. Are these just Matoran that happen to look identical?
4Randy drew the Matoran all with the same masks because he did not have access to movie animation and didn't know what masks they would be wearing.
53. Are all of the Great Disks (as sets) transparent?
6My understanding is the Great Disks look like all the other disks, except they have a power code of 9.
74. We know that Vakama's disk launcher doubles as a jetpack, Whenua's tools become a drill, Matau's swords become wings, and Nuju's become snowhoes. What do Toa Nokama and Toa Onewa's do?
8I don't have that info. If I did, I would share it.
95. A lot of people have been saying that Nedhiki and Krekka capture Toa Lhikan, who creates the new Toa Metru to protect the city, having forseen his capture. Is this simply speculation, or has it been confirmed?
10Some isn't speculation .. the capture of Lhikan is mentioned in the first novel .. I am not sure whether the origin of the Toa is mentioned in there or not.
116. Can you say what's behind Toa Whenua in this picture? Some people say it's Nedhiki, but others say that it's the Vakama-Matau-Onewa combiner.
12It's neither. It's a Vahki.
137. Is it "Nivawk" of "Nidawk"?
15That's all for now: thanks in advance:
16I actually posted a topic about the Vahki thing right here, for those who care. Thanks for answering, Greg:
1ToM, he probably misunderstood the question on the Vahki thing. He has already said that that thing in the picture was Nidhiki.
2And it seems that all the Toa don't have a transport mode for the alternate uses for their tools. If Whenua's make an awesome super-drill, then maybe the others have uses beyond just getting around.
2And it seems that all the Toa don't have a transport mode for the alternate uses for their tools. If Whenua's make an awesome super-drill, then maybe the others have uses beyond just getting around.

1I got these yesterday:
2I have a three questions.
31. What does Vakama's launcher have to do with his elemental power? Can he shoot fireballs trough it or something?
4It has nothing to do with it. It's his Toa tool. He uses his hands to direct his elemental power.
52. Does Vakama have extra Kanokas for his launcher or does the on he have come back to him?
6No, he always carries a variety of extras. 7Interesting. Makes you wonder where he keeps them.
83. Can the other Toa Metru launch their respective Great Disks with the matoran kanoka launchers? Or do they use something else?
9First, the disk that Vakama comes with is not a Great Disk. Great Disks have a three digit code on them that ends in 9. And yes, the other Toa, if they chose, could use the launchers that come with the disks.
10Thanks in advance:
1does Nuju talk funny on purpose and can talk normally or does he have a speaking problem?
2He can speak normally, he just chooses not to.
3Why does he choose to speak funny?
4Basically, Nuju feels that if you aren't willing to make the effort to understand him, then you aren't worth his talking to.
1i asked Greg a question about kanoka:
3hi again greg. sorry to bother you, but i have a question. i know the metruan use kanoka but do the Mctoran? i think so but lots of people say they are just disks so i just want to check.
4thanx in advance
7No, if they had, then those disks would have had codes and powers. They did not.
1I've got some answers from GregF: 21. Which of the Toa Metru have the shortest temper?
3I would say Onewa.
42. In Nokama's bio it says that she could be a strong leader herself, but prefers to let Vakama lead. Why is this?
5As a teacher, Nokama is more used to guiding others to fulfill their potential. So she wants to see Vakama be all he can be.
63. Did any of the other Toa want to be leaders besides Vakama?
7Oh, yes, Onewa, Matau, and Whenua all have some interest.
84. Do Kreeka and Nedhikki work for anyone? Dume perhaps?
9Yes, they do, who it is I cannot say.
105. Are there any hero's or allies of the Toa Metru released this fall?
11I can't say no, because there is some talk about adding another set to 2004 and it might be a good guy.
126. Do any of the matoran we know from the Toa Nuva's time make appearences in the movie?
13Yes. Takua, Hahli, and Jaller all show up in the movie, and so does Kongu.
147. You said that Vakama and company's transformation from Matoran to Toa is in the movie, does it show that then skip the Morbuzahk or is it in the movie too?
15No, Morbuzakh storyline isn't in the movie.
168. What is the power of the disk that comes with Vakama?
17Good question. I am trying to find out.
189. One a scale of 1 to 10 how physically powerful is Dume?
19Physically? Probably like a 3.
2010. Will there be a Toa Lhikan set? If not will he be buildable?
21There may be, that is something we are discussing.
2211. When you say Vahki "pacify" Matoran, what does that mean?
23It means they make them stop doing whatever it is they are doing and peacefully go back to work.
2412. In comic 16, there is a picture of Whenua with two Rahkshi stalking him, one is orange, but I can't tell if the other is tan or yellow. Can you tell me which it is?
3I would say Onewa.
42. In Nokama's bio it says that she could be a strong leader herself, but prefers to let Vakama lead. Why is this?
5As a teacher, Nokama is more used to guiding others to fulfill their potential. So she wants to see Vakama be all he can be.
63. Did any of the other Toa want to be leaders besides Vakama?
7Oh, yes, Onewa, Matau, and Whenua all have some interest.
84. Do Kreeka and Nedhikki work for anyone? Dume perhaps?
9Yes, they do, who it is I cannot say.
105. Are there any hero's or allies of the Toa Metru released this fall?
11I can't say no, because there is some talk about adding another set to 2004 and it might be a good guy.
126. Do any of the matoran we know from the Toa Nuva's time make appearences in the movie?
13Yes. Takua, Hahli, and Jaller all show up in the movie, and so does Kongu.
147. You said that Vakama and company's transformation from Matoran to Toa is in the movie, does it show that then skip the Morbuzahk or is it in the movie too?
15No, Morbuzakh storyline isn't in the movie.
168. What is the power of the disk that comes with Vakama?
17Good question. I am trying to find out.
189. One a scale of 1 to 10 how physically powerful is Dume?
19Physically? Probably like a 3.
2010. Will there be a Toa Lhikan set? If not will he be buildable?
21There may be, that is something we are discussing.
2211. When you say Vahki "pacify" Matoran, what does that mean?
23It means they make them stop doing whatever it is they are doing and peacefully go back to work.
2412. In comic 16, there is a picture of Whenua with two Rahkshi stalking him, one is orange, but I can't tell if the other is tan or yellow. Can you tell me which it is?
1Hey greg, can you answer these questions for me.
21. I've heard different thinga but is the guy behind Tehutti and Whenua a Vahki or a Dark Hunter?
3In the picture? It's Nidhiki.
42. Is Toa Lhikans mask a mask we have seen before?
5Can't answer it.
63. Is Krakha JUST a dark hunter or is she the leader of them?
7Krahka is not a Dark Hunter -- she's a Rahi. Krekka is a Dark Hunter.
84. Can you give me the names of all the '04 books?
9I can give you the next two -- Book 2 is Trial By Fire, Book 3 is The Darkness Below. Book 4 is the movie novelization, Books 5 and 6 don't have titles yet.
105. Can you tell us what the two lids put together are?
11No, not yet.
126. Did Lhikan fight badguys before the six Toa Metru, if so who?
13He fights the Dark Hunters in the movie.
147. I heard about somthing called a tunller, what is it?
15It's a Po-Metru Rahi who shows up in BIONICLE Adventures #2 from Scholastic.
168. Where is Makuta during the whole Metru-Nui saga? His Lair?
17Can't answer it.
18Nothing major but I felt like posting it.
21. I've heard different thinga but is the guy behind Tehutti and Whenua a Vahki or a Dark Hunter?
3In the picture? It's Nidhiki.
42. Is Toa Lhikans mask a mask we have seen before?
5Can't answer it.
63. Is Krakha JUST a dark hunter or is she the leader of them?
7Krahka is not a Dark Hunter -- she's a Rahi. Krekka is a Dark Hunter.
84. Can you give me the names of all the '04 books?
9I can give you the next two -- Book 2 is Trial By Fire, Book 3 is The Darkness Below. Book 4 is the movie novelization, Books 5 and 6 don't have titles yet.
105. Can you tell us what the two lids put together are?
11No, not yet.
126. Did Lhikan fight badguys before the six Toa Metru, if so who?
13He fights the Dark Hunters in the movie.
147. I heard about somthing called a tunller, what is it?
15It's a Po-Metru Rahi who shows up in BIONICLE Adventures #2 from Scholastic.
168. Where is Makuta during the whole Metru-Nui saga? His Lair?
17Can't answer it.
18Nothing major but I felt like posting it.
11. Will the Vahi play a major or minor role in the movie?
2It will play a role, that's all I can say.
32. Will any of the four Matoran (Takua, Hahli, Jaller, Kongu) player a mjor role in the movie?
4Not a major role, no.
53. What are the four Matoran in the movie that we already know about job's be? Will Kongu be fixing chutes, and will Hahli be a student and Kanoka game player?
6The only one you see at work is Kongu, who helps to monitor the chute system.
74. Will we seen any of the six Matoran in the Morbuzakh storyline in the movie?
95. When will the Toa first use their masks? Book 2, 3 or the movie?
10The movie.
116. When will the movie be released? September?
12Last I heard.
137. What exactly -is- the Moto-Hub? I don't get it's purpose.
14It's the transport center, from which chutes are monitored, repair teams are assigned, etc.
158. Why don't the Toa Metru have promo CDs? Will the Vahki have discs?
16Because we chose to use the CD material on the Kanoka club web site. See, if we do CDs, we can only pack them in a limited number of cans. But the Kanoka card will be in EVERY can, so more people get a chance to see the material. I think the Vahki do come with disks, yes.
179. When will the detailed map with all the locations of smaller things come out? The Mata Nui came out with a promotion at Toys R Us.
1910. When will the names and descriptions of the Toa Metru and Matoran combiners come out? I'm really anxious to see what that spider-like thing is with the tail that predated the Vahki.
20I think they will be on the web in February, when it relaunches.
2111. What is that spider-like thing behind Whenua and Tehutti in that picture that has been shown a couple times? From what I've seen, it almost seems you've said it was both Nidhiki and the Vahki. Just for confirmation, WHO is it officially?
22It's Nidhiki.
2It will play a role, that's all I can say.
32. Will any of the four Matoran (Takua, Hahli, Jaller, Kongu) player a mjor role in the movie?
4Not a major role, no.
53. What are the four Matoran in the movie that we already know about job's be? Will Kongu be fixing chutes, and will Hahli be a student and Kanoka game player?
6The only one you see at work is Kongu, who helps to monitor the chute system.
74. Will we seen any of the six Matoran in the Morbuzakh storyline in the movie?
95. When will the Toa first use their masks? Book 2, 3 or the movie?
10The movie.
116. When will the movie be released? September?
12Last I heard.
137. What exactly -is- the Moto-Hub? I don't get it's purpose.
14It's the transport center, from which chutes are monitored, repair teams are assigned, etc.
158. Why don't the Toa Metru have promo CDs? Will the Vahki have discs?
16Because we chose to use the CD material on the Kanoka club web site. See, if we do CDs, we can only pack them in a limited number of cans. But the Kanoka card will be in EVERY can, so more people get a chance to see the material. I think the Vahki do come with disks, yes.
179. When will the detailed map with all the locations of smaller things come out? The Mata Nui came out with a promotion at Toys R Us.
1910. When will the names and descriptions of the Toa Metru and Matoran combiners come out? I'm really anxious to see what that spider-like thing is with the tail that predated the Vahki.
20I think they will be on the web in February, when it relaunches.
2111. What is that spider-like thing behind Whenua and Tehutti in that picture that has been shown a couple times? From what I've seen, it almost seems you've said it was both Nidhiki and the Vahki. Just for confirmation, WHO is it officially?
22It's Nidhiki.
111. What is that spider-like thing behind Whenua and Tehutti in that picture that has been shown a couple times? From what I've seen, it almost seems you've said it was both Nidhiki and the Vahki. Just for confirmation, WHO is it officially?
2It's Nidhiki.
3I knew it:

4This is yet another victory from... umm... me.