11. what type of reptile are the Zyglak based on? the set looks like crocodiles.
2A) Set designer says it is not based off any one particular reptile
3Comment: so we say big freakish, dino,croc snake combo thing then
42. In the titan spiecies we have seen( roodaka,Sidorak, krekka,brutaka, axoon) Do there spices have other colours then the named sets. like whould there be a green and blue member of Sidoraks spicies?
5A)No idea
6Comment: Hmm, rather intresint acctually.
73. the inteligence that took over Maxilo aint Makuta am i right?
8A) I cannot discuss future storyline
9Comment: Guessed so
104. The thing that made Hydraxon get back on his feet so to say, have we seen that being before?
11A) Yes
12Comment: Well time to spam down the S&T evryone:
135. I know bionicle dont deal with after life, but what about the undeads Matoro brought back, whouldent undeath be seen as a afterlife of some sort?
14A) No, because they not really alive -- it's artificial life, not real life. Bodies are moving automatically, spirits are gone.
15Comment: then poor me:
166. Whould Hydraxon be considerd an undead?
17A)No, because Hydraxon is alive, not undead.
18Comment: well wasent he dead for like a 1000 years?
197. Are there anny Barraki that are found of there mutation? since Takadox hypnopowers got improved or Carapar getting such thick armor, whouldent that be improvements to them?
21Comment: well luckly we like them
228. Do the Skakdi have indevidual faces?
23a)They can tell each other apart, yes
24Comment: YES:
259. Are reidak the most hated member of there spices since he practicly ruined there home land?
26A)No. If you read the World book, you will see that most of Zakaz is rubble. He's not the only one who has caused destruction there.
27Comment: well have no chance to read the book, thank heavens for wiki
2810. The Vortixx do they take sales orders from who ever pays the right price?
30Comment: I´ll order one of those battle rams:
3111. what status hade Roodaka on her home land? was she well known there.
32A)Known, certainly, not sure she is well known
33Comment: Roodaka hade firends:
3412. does a male Vortixx look the same as a female? and are they just as vicous as the females?
35A)Xia is a female-dominated society, so the men are less aggressive than the women
36Comment:...... Hopefully the males have a diffrent body design
3713. why was the pit so bad if you were just looked in a cell, whouldent it be better if it was a waste land island with a montain barrier were it was free for all?
38A)Try spending 80,000 years stuck in a little cell sometime before you decide it's "not so bad." Also, putting prisoners on an island and letting them slaughter each other for your amusement is barbaric.
39Comment: well such a barbaric tretment whould fit the saveges they send there plus we can bet on who survives:
4014. why send pepole there if they are given the opportunity to escape? whouldent death be better to simply get rid of them.
41A)Death is the easy way out -- spending every day of thousands of years stuck in a cell is worse.
42Comment: can think of atleast 100 things worse, mos tof them involving physical and mental pain
4315. Voya nuis enviroment seems like a impossibility. it has this lush jungle like woods and looks some what tropical, still it has a ice ring? is it tropical or just rather cold there?
44A)Um, so are bio-mechanical robots with masks of power ... this is science fantasy. We're not on Earth, we don't have to obey the rules of Earth science.
45Comment: So its basicly a floating paradox
4616, what makes pridak the leader of the barraki? Kalmah whould make more seanse caus he aint ruled by emotions or takadox who plans far ahead.
47A)Because anyone who challenges Pridak risks getting his arm bitten off. There is a reason that outside of whales in our world, no other sea creature messes with sharks.
48Comment: So we need a killer whale barraki or something bigger* looks up marine reptiles from jurrasic*
2A) Set designer says it is not based off any one particular reptile
3Comment: so we say big freakish, dino,croc snake combo thing then
42. In the titan spiecies we have seen( roodaka,Sidorak, krekka,brutaka, axoon) Do there spices have other colours then the named sets. like whould there be a green and blue member of Sidoraks spicies?
5A)No idea
6Comment: Hmm, rather intresint acctually.
73. the inteligence that took over Maxilo aint Makuta am i right?
8A) I cannot discuss future storyline
9Comment: Guessed so
104. The thing that made Hydraxon get back on his feet so to say, have we seen that being before?
11A) Yes
12Comment: Well time to spam down the S&T evryone:
135. I know bionicle dont deal with after life, but what about the undeads Matoro brought back, whouldent undeath be seen as a afterlife of some sort?
14A) No, because they not really alive -- it's artificial life, not real life. Bodies are moving automatically, spirits are gone.
15Comment: then poor me:
166. Whould Hydraxon be considerd an undead?
17A)No, because Hydraxon is alive, not undead.
18Comment: well wasent he dead for like a 1000 years?
197. Are there anny Barraki that are found of there mutation? since Takadox hypnopowers got improved or Carapar getting such thick armor, whouldent that be improvements to them?
21Comment: well luckly we like them
228. Do the Skakdi have indevidual faces?
23a)They can tell each other apart, yes
24Comment: YES:
259. Are reidak the most hated member of there spices since he practicly ruined there home land?
26A)No. If you read the World book, you will see that most of Zakaz is rubble. He's not the only one who has caused destruction there.
27Comment: well have no chance to read the book, thank heavens for wiki
2810. The Vortixx do they take sales orders from who ever pays the right price?
30Comment: I´ll order one of those battle rams:
3111. what status hade Roodaka on her home land? was she well known there.
32A)Known, certainly, not sure she is well known
33Comment: Roodaka hade firends:
3412. does a male Vortixx look the same as a female? and are they just as vicous as the females?
35A)Xia is a female-dominated society, so the men are less aggressive than the women
36Comment:...... Hopefully the males have a diffrent body design
3713. why was the pit so bad if you were just looked in a cell, whouldent it be better if it was a waste land island with a montain barrier were it was free for all?
38A)Try spending 80,000 years stuck in a little cell sometime before you decide it's "not so bad." Also, putting prisoners on an island and letting them slaughter each other for your amusement is barbaric.
39Comment: well such a barbaric tretment whould fit the saveges they send there plus we can bet on who survives:
4014. why send pepole there if they are given the opportunity to escape? whouldent death be better to simply get rid of them.
41A)Death is the easy way out -- spending every day of thousands of years stuck in a cell is worse.
42Comment: can think of atleast 100 things worse, mos tof them involving physical and mental pain
4315. Voya nuis enviroment seems like a impossibility. it has this lush jungle like woods and looks some what tropical, still it has a ice ring? is it tropical or just rather cold there?
44A)Um, so are bio-mechanical robots with masks of power ... this is science fantasy. We're not on Earth, we don't have to obey the rules of Earth science.
45Comment: So its basicly a floating paradox
4616, what makes pridak the leader of the barraki? Kalmah whould make more seanse caus he aint ruled by emotions or takadox who plans far ahead.
47A)Because anyone who challenges Pridak risks getting his arm bitten off. There is a reason that outside of whales in our world, no other sea creature messes with sharks.
48Comment: So we need a killer whale barraki or something bigger* looks up marine reptiles from jurrasic*
1"Well, it seems that Atlas related stuff is allowed. So if you don't want to know some spoilers relating to that, the Mahri, or the Nuva, then don't read (I'm not sure how to work the spoiler tag)."
2If you want to put a spoiler tag in (I've never done it, so sorry if I'm wrong) 3You go to "ADDREPLY" not "FASTREPLY" click on "X", type the spoiler, and click "X" after your done with the spoiler part. 4Hope this helped, 5b_f_n
2If you want to put a spoiler tag in (I've never done it, so sorry if I'm wrong) 3You go to "ADDREPLY" not "FASTREPLY" click on "X", type the spoiler, and click "X" after your done with the spoiler part. 4Hope this helped, 5b_f_n
1Which store will they come out in? 2Will they be realesed at the same time as Mahri (if not when)? 3Will the unknown character get into fights (major one/s)? 4Do we already know/have heard of it? 5Are/will they be in Mahri Nui/The Pit?
61-2) I don't have this info 73-4) I can't discuss future storyline 85) Yes
91-2 Wish he had the info (hope it's in Canada too). 103-4 Almost had him. 115 Kind of obvious (but could've been a flashback set).
1I like the fair![]()
2That's spamming, please don't do that.
3Scholastic isn't always correct, and I don't think Akua-Nui is real....
4It isn't, it was a prototype name for Mahri Nui and Akua means "god" in maori, so they can't use the name without a huge lawsuit.
5Actually, I believe Greg said it was Hawaiian.
17/ Is the "core of the universe" a place we have seen?
28/ i sthe "core of the universe" the world that feeds the world?
37) No 48) Can't answer it
5Nothing too good there, except for the fact the matoran of light might have been to the world that feeds the world. (the matoran of light settled the core of the universe.)
28/ i sthe "core of the universe" the world that feeds the world?
37) No 48) Can't answer it
5Nothing too good there, except for the fact the matoran of light might have been to the world that feeds the world. (the matoran of light settled the core of the universe.)
Electric Turahk 1Atlas spoilers ARE NOT ALLOWED. 2Just because a few members don't abide by the rules that are fairly well known, or another site reveals them, doesn't mean you all can do the same.
3From a few posts above; you obviously missed it, Adventurer. Please edit your post immediately, because it has Atlas spoilers, and Atlas spoilers are not allowed on BZP until two weeks AFTER April 1st. Some of the questions and answers in your post are allowed, like the last one, but many have Atlas spoilers, so please edit it.
4I'm glad that the Mask of LIfe may be coming out in plastic. Here's hoping that it is the version from the Creeps from the Deep movie.
5And kraahkan-user3000, yes, Greg said that Akua was Hawaiian, if I remember correctly.
Electric Turahk 1Atlas spoilers ARE NOT ALLOWED. 2Just because a few members don't abide by the rules that are fairly well known, or another site reveals them, doesn't mean you all can do the same.
3From a few posts above; you obviously missed it, Adventurer. Please edit your post immediately, because it has Atlas spoilers, and Atlas spoilers are not allowed on BZP until two weeks AFTER April 1st. Some of the questions and answers in your post are allowed, like the last one, but many have Atlas spoilers, so please edit it.
4I'm glad that the Mask of LIfe may be coming out in plastic. Here's hoping that it is the version from the Creeps from the Deep movie.
5And kraahkan-user3000, yes, Greg said that Akua was Hawaiian, if I remember correctly.
7I just left in the intresting stuff.
11. What happened to the Aki and the Rua, and where did they come from? 2They were created by the six Toa merging into Toa Kaita. When they broke apart again and went back to being six individuals, the two masks went back to being six individual masks. 3Interesting
42. If the Toa Nuva became a Toa Nui, would the Nui have a mask with the combined powers of Shielding, Speed, Strength, Levitation, Underwater Breathing, and X-Ray Vision? 52a. If so, how powerful would the mask be, and what color? 6Since the Toa Nui is only a legend, it's impossible to predict what powers it would have.
73. How can Voya Nui connect to the mainland if it has drifted? 8Think of it like a stopper in a drain
94. Why do the Toa go to Artahka? 10You'll find out when we reach that point in the story
115. Does Artahka know about Mata Nui? 12My guess would be yes 13At least one of the two does
145a. If so, did he commission the creation of the Mask of Light? 15The mask of light was made in Artakha, but it was not commissioned by Mata Nui. Mata Nui doesn't speak directly to anyone 16O.k., I guess you must have misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about Mata Nui. I was talking about Artakha. 17Yes, Artakha would have commissioned it, most likely
186. Is there a mask of creation? 19There is a legend that there is one, that's all it is at this point
207. In the rahi guide, it states that the Tunnelers are building something (or so I've heard, as I don't have the book). How can they build something? 21Not sure what you mean by "how can?" Animals in our world build things -- just ask beavers. 22I meant by what means are they building whatever they are building. 23It has been so long since I wrote the Rahi book that I do not remember what their natural tools are.
248. Are there any levels underground further than the Archives? 25In Metru Nui, or anywhere? 26Anywhere. 27Yes. We know there are tunnels below the Archives, because the Toa went there in 2004. 28VERY interesting
29A few more questions:
309. Is the universe core at the center of the Bionicle planet? (well, it's fantasy, and there are several "hollow Earth" theories floating around) 31No 32There goes THAT theory...
3310. Could Makuta possess a shape-shifting Rahkshi? 3410) That's a good question. Makuta can possess living bodies with no spirit in them (Rahkshi doesn't qualify) and robot bodies (Rahkshi doesn't qualify, it's armor, but not a robot). So he could possess it, but he wouldn't be able to make it move, most likely. He would be better off possessing an Exo-Toa.
3511 Will we ever see Mata Nui?
3612. I know I asked you this one before, but are there Bionicle equivalents of tar and rubber? 3712) I don't know, not something I have worried about
3813. What was Turaga Lhikan's helmet made from? It looked like leather. 3913) Again, don't know -- that is from the movie and I didn't work on the movie.
4014. Will we see any more elemental creatures in the future? 4114) That depends on what kind of room I have to introduce things like that. Now that I have fewer books a year, I don't have as much space.
4215. Will we ever hear or at least read Mata Nui speaking? 4311, 15) Even if I had official answers to these questions, I couldn't discuss them. I can't talk about future storyline.
42. If the Toa Nuva became a Toa Nui, would the Nui have a mask with the combined powers of Shielding, Speed, Strength, Levitation, Underwater Breathing, and X-Ray Vision? 52a. If so, how powerful would the mask be, and what color? 6Since the Toa Nui is only a legend, it's impossible to predict what powers it would have.
73. How can Voya Nui connect to the mainland if it has drifted? 8Think of it like a stopper in a drain
94. Why do the Toa go to Artahka? 10You'll find out when we reach that point in the story
115. Does Artahka know about Mata Nui? 12My guess would be yes 13At least one of the two does
145a. If so, did he commission the creation of the Mask of Light? 15The mask of light was made in Artakha, but it was not commissioned by Mata Nui. Mata Nui doesn't speak directly to anyone 16O.k., I guess you must have misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about Mata Nui. I was talking about Artakha. 17Yes, Artakha would have commissioned it, most likely
186. Is there a mask of creation? 19There is a legend that there is one, that's all it is at this point
207. In the rahi guide, it states that the Tunnelers are building something (or so I've heard, as I don't have the book). How can they build something? 21Not sure what you mean by "how can?" Animals in our world build things -- just ask beavers. 22I meant by what means are they building whatever they are building. 23It has been so long since I wrote the Rahi book that I do not remember what their natural tools are.
248. Are there any levels underground further than the Archives? 25In Metru Nui, or anywhere? 26Anywhere. 27Yes. We know there are tunnels below the Archives, because the Toa went there in 2004. 28VERY interesting

29A few more questions:
309. Is the universe core at the center of the Bionicle planet? (well, it's fantasy, and there are several "hollow Earth" theories floating around) 31No 32There goes THAT theory...
3310. Could Makuta possess a shape-shifting Rahkshi? 3410) That's a good question. Makuta can possess living bodies with no spirit in them (Rahkshi doesn't qualify) and robot bodies (Rahkshi doesn't qualify, it's armor, but not a robot). So he could possess it, but he wouldn't be able to make it move, most likely. He would be better off possessing an Exo-Toa.
3511 Will we ever see Mata Nui?
3612. I know I asked you this one before, but are there Bionicle equivalents of tar and rubber? 3712) I don't know, not something I have worried about
3813. What was Turaga Lhikan's helmet made from? It looked like leather. 3913) Again, don't know -- that is from the movie and I didn't work on the movie.
4014. Will we see any more elemental creatures in the future? 4114) That depends on what kind of room I have to introduce things like that. Now that I have fewer books a year, I don't have as much space.
4215. Will we ever hear or at least read Mata Nui speaking? 4311, 15) Even if I had official answers to these questions, I couldn't discuss them. I can't talk about future storyline.
110. Could Makuta possess a shape-shifting Rahkshi? 210) That's a good question. Makuta can possess living bodies with no spirit in them (Rahkshi doesn't qualify) and robot bodies (Rahkshi doesn't qualify, it's armor, but not a robot). So he could possess it, but he wouldn't be able to make it move, most likely. He would be better off possessing an Exo-Toa.
3And, to add to that, a Rahkshi can only shapeshift if it has a shape-shifting kraata in it. Kraata have spirits, so Makuta could not possess one.
1QUOTE 21. Thinking back to Legacy of Evil, I got the feeling that Reidak tossing the mask into the ocean wasn't such a good idea, becasue some other being would find it and harness its dark powers. 3Have we heard the last of the Mask of Shadows? 42.What was Makuta's initial reaction to losing the MOS? 53. Does Kongu resent Nuparu getting the Mask of Stealth? 64.How many Matoran live in Mahri-Nui? 75.About the Mutagen: Is the mutation of an air breather limited to one sea creature, or many?For example, can someone look like a shark/squid? 86.About the 2008 location: is it a city on some kind of mountain? 97.Is the Hanahh crab native to the Pit? 108.Does Makuta plan to fix his armor that the Piraka found later? 119.Do the Toa Mahri fight Makuta? 12SV
131) Too soon to say 142) Makuta had no body at that point, so the mask wasn't going to do him any good anyway. 153) No, why should he? You guys seem to think that because Nidhiki wore it, it is somehow a "Toa of Air" mask. It's not. Nidhiki liked it because he was basically a sneak at heart. He is also a disgraced ex-Toa, so why would a future Toa of Air WANT to wear the same mask he did? 164) A few hundred 175) Not that we have seen thus far, but doesn't mean it's impossible 186) I cannot discuss 2008 197) No 208) No 219) I can't discuss future storyline
131) Too soon to say 142) Makuta had no body at that point, so the mask wasn't going to do him any good anyway. 153) No, why should he? You guys seem to think that because Nidhiki wore it, it is somehow a "Toa of Air" mask. It's not. Nidhiki liked it because he was basically a sneak at heart. He is also a disgraced ex-Toa, so why would a future Toa of Air WANT to wear the same mask he did? 164) A few hundred 175) Not that we have seen thus far, but doesn't mean it's impossible 186) I cannot discuss 2008 197) No 208) No 219) I can't discuss future storyline
1Hooray: I finally got back on BZP: Took me a month. Anyway here are some questions I don't think I've posted.
2Hello Mr. Greg. I have some questions.
31) What would Karzahni do if he saw the Voya Nui Matoran again?
42) Why won't the Vahki be rebuilt?
53) Before the Nuva go on their mission, will they drop by Metru Nui to inform the Turaga of current events?
64) Did Karzahni (plant) kill the OOMN member in Metru Nui?
75) Will a new OOMN member be stationed in Metru Nui?
86) In BL2, Zaktan says to himself that he wouldn't have stayed leader of the Piraka for so long if he didn't know what was going on all the time. But, several other sources (BioSector 01 etc.) say that his isolation is his weakness to the point that he doesn't realize the others are plotting against him. Which is it?
97) What happened to BioSector 01?
108) If the DH Dweller attacks Takanuva (as his orders are), who do you think would win?
119) Where is Krahka headed?
1210) What is Tahtorak's question and what is the answer?
1311) I know you ansered this once but I can't remeber the answer or find the quote: How did Krahka and Tahtorak survive without eating for 1,000 years and why did the two stay together?
1412) Could Roodaka use her spinner to mutate a Ta-Matoran into a Ga-Matoran? That's just something I've been wondering.
1513) Will we learn the terms of Xia's alliance with the Barraki?
1614) Can a Toa of Earth control metal? Metal is just earth reshaped and processed.
1715) If TSO attempted to seize Metru Nui again, would he succeed? There are less then 50 Toa left compared to the hundreds that rose against him.
1816) Will the Matoran have to eat anymore now that they're on Metru Nui?
1917) Before Makuta's attack, what did Mata Nui do?
2018) Has anyone actually seen Mata Nui?
2119) Will Metru Nui have any activity with Voya Nui? Trade etc.
2220) Are there any physical signs that Mata Nui is dying? cold sweat etc.
2321) Say Balta became a Toa while he still believed the Piraka were Toa. Would he look like someone from Zakaz?
2421b) If not what would he look like? He believed they were Toa.
2522) Are any Vahki still functional?
2623) Is Mavrah dead?
2724) When the Kanohi Dragon was defeated, why wasn't it put in the Archives?
2825) Why did Xia agree to house the Kanohi Dragon?
2926) Did Toa (of Ice really) imprison the Kanohi Dragon in the block of ice?
3026b) Is it anyone we know? Kopaka maybe?
3127) Say the Toa Nuva awaken Mata Nui and become Turaga. What if sometime Mata Nui falls asleep again? What will happen? The Nuva did their job already.
3228) When the Piraka were trapped in the tubes with the levers in BL5, what if sometime a lone person went there?
3329) How big is Fenrakk compared to Vezon? Like in Bionicle Heroes or like the set?
3430) In MoL, where did Jaller's body go? One second Takanuva is carrying it down the steps and the next Jaller's mask is floating in the suva.
35Thank You Mr. Farshtey
361) Depends on if they are posing some threat to him. If they're not, why should he care? 372) Well, look what happened last time. They got reprogrammed and became a menace. Why risk that happening again? 383) They will drop by Metru Nui, they will not talk to the Turaga. 394) Yes 405) Probably, if one hasn't been already 416) Ah, but you are comparing what he is saying -- his opinion --- to the facts. So why are you surprised there is a difference? 427) I have no involvement with it, so don't know. You should probably ask Swert or one of the moderators. 438) No idea. 449) Back to Metru Nui 4510) His question was how he got to Metru Nui. The answer is Brutaka teleported him there. 4611) Why not stay together? What would they gain from separating? And we don't know how often those two species need to eat. 4712) Don't know, not something I have thought about since I can't see what she would gain by doing that 4813) I think so, yes 4914) No. Earth, for the purposes of BIONICLE, is soil, not minerals and elements in the soil. 5015) But keep in mind that TSO is in the middle of a war with the BOM, so he doesn't have as many DH free to send against the city as he did way back when. If he sends a force against Metru Nui, he leaves the rest of his agents vulnerable to a concentrated BOM attack. 5116) Yes, just not as often 5217) Kept the universe in order 5318) I can't answer this one 5419) Doubtful. What does Voya Nui have to trade? Lava? And outside of Toa canister, how would Matoran get there? 5520) Can't answer this 5621) Good question. Well, he would have a mask, which Piraka do not, so right off the bat he would look different from them. They are also a completely different species, and I am not sure the transformation would allow him to become a different species. 5722) No 5823) Yes 5924) They tried keeping truly massive things in the Archives, both before and after this battle, and it never worked out well. And what was to stop the DH from breaking it out again? 6025) Because they thought they could put it to use 6126) Yes 6226b) No. Kopaka was never in Metru Nui until he and the Toa Nuva got there with the Matoran. 6327) Then a new team of Toa Mata would be dispatched. Also, why are you assuming the Toa Nuva will decide to give up their Toa power? They might choose to remain Toa. 6428) Tubes wouldn't have trapped him. Trap tests trust and teamwork, so it wouldn't have been triggered by a lone being 6529) I haven't played BH so I can't comment on it. I would look at the set and the comic. 6630) I didn't have anything to do with the movies, so I don't know what the screenwriter intended. But since it is evidently the mask that holds the remnants of his identity, and a new body grew from the mask, the old body is probably not viewed as that important by that culture.
2Hello Mr. Greg. I have some questions.
31) What would Karzahni do if he saw the Voya Nui Matoran again?
42) Why won't the Vahki be rebuilt?
53) Before the Nuva go on their mission, will they drop by Metru Nui to inform the Turaga of current events?
64) Did Karzahni (plant) kill the OOMN member in Metru Nui?
75) Will a new OOMN member be stationed in Metru Nui?
86) In BL2, Zaktan says to himself that he wouldn't have stayed leader of the Piraka for so long if he didn't know what was going on all the time. But, several other sources (BioSector 01 etc.) say that his isolation is his weakness to the point that he doesn't realize the others are plotting against him. Which is it?
97) What happened to BioSector 01?
108) If the DH Dweller attacks Takanuva (as his orders are), who do you think would win?
119) Where is Krahka headed?
1210) What is Tahtorak's question and what is the answer?
1311) I know you ansered this once but I can't remeber the answer or find the quote: How did Krahka and Tahtorak survive without eating for 1,000 years and why did the two stay together?
1412) Could Roodaka use her spinner to mutate a Ta-Matoran into a Ga-Matoran? That's just something I've been wondering.
1513) Will we learn the terms of Xia's alliance with the Barraki?
1614) Can a Toa of Earth control metal? Metal is just earth reshaped and processed.
1715) If TSO attempted to seize Metru Nui again, would he succeed? There are less then 50 Toa left compared to the hundreds that rose against him.
1816) Will the Matoran have to eat anymore now that they're on Metru Nui?
1917) Before Makuta's attack, what did Mata Nui do?
2018) Has anyone actually seen Mata Nui?
2119) Will Metru Nui have any activity with Voya Nui? Trade etc.
2220) Are there any physical signs that Mata Nui is dying? cold sweat etc.
2321) Say Balta became a Toa while he still believed the Piraka were Toa. Would he look like someone from Zakaz?
2421b) If not what would he look like? He believed they were Toa.
2522) Are any Vahki still functional?
2623) Is Mavrah dead?
2724) When the Kanohi Dragon was defeated, why wasn't it put in the Archives?
2825) Why did Xia agree to house the Kanohi Dragon?
2926) Did Toa (of Ice really) imprison the Kanohi Dragon in the block of ice?
3026b) Is it anyone we know? Kopaka maybe?
3127) Say the Toa Nuva awaken Mata Nui and become Turaga. What if sometime Mata Nui falls asleep again? What will happen? The Nuva did their job already.
3228) When the Piraka were trapped in the tubes with the levers in BL5, what if sometime a lone person went there?
3329) How big is Fenrakk compared to Vezon? Like in Bionicle Heroes or like the set?
3430) In MoL, where did Jaller's body go? One second Takanuva is carrying it down the steps and the next Jaller's mask is floating in the suva.
35Thank You Mr. Farshtey
361) Depends on if they are posing some threat to him. If they're not, why should he care? 372) Well, look what happened last time. They got reprogrammed and became a menace. Why risk that happening again? 383) They will drop by Metru Nui, they will not talk to the Turaga. 394) Yes 405) Probably, if one hasn't been already 416) Ah, but you are comparing what he is saying -- his opinion --- to the facts. So why are you surprised there is a difference? 427) I have no involvement with it, so don't know. You should probably ask Swert or one of the moderators. 438) No idea. 449) Back to Metru Nui 4510) His question was how he got to Metru Nui. The answer is Brutaka teleported him there. 4611) Why not stay together? What would they gain from separating? And we don't know how often those two species need to eat. 4712) Don't know, not something I have thought about since I can't see what she would gain by doing that 4813) I think so, yes 4914) No. Earth, for the purposes of BIONICLE, is soil, not minerals and elements in the soil. 5015) But keep in mind that TSO is in the middle of a war with the BOM, so he doesn't have as many DH free to send against the city as he did way back when. If he sends a force against Metru Nui, he leaves the rest of his agents vulnerable to a concentrated BOM attack. 5116) Yes, just not as often 5217) Kept the universe in order 5318) I can't answer this one 5419) Doubtful. What does Voya Nui have to trade? Lava? And outside of Toa canister, how would Matoran get there? 5520) Can't answer this 5621) Good question. Well, he would have a mask, which Piraka do not, so right off the bat he would look different from them. They are also a completely different species, and I am not sure the transformation would allow him to become a different species. 5722) No 5823) Yes 5924) They tried keeping truly massive things in the Archives, both before and after this battle, and it never worked out well. And what was to stop the DH from breaking it out again? 6025) Because they thought they could put it to use 6126) Yes 6226b) No. Kopaka was never in Metru Nui until he and the Toa Nuva got there with the Matoran. 6327) Then a new team of Toa Mata would be dispatched. Also, why are you assuming the Toa Nuva will decide to give up their Toa power? They might choose to remain Toa. 6428) Tubes wouldn't have trapped him. Trap tests trust and teamwork, so it wouldn't have been triggered by a lone being 6529) I haven't played BH so I can't comment on it. I would look at the set and the comic. 6630) I didn't have anything to do with the movies, so I don't know what the screenwriter intended. But since it is evidently the mask that holds the remnants of his identity, and a new body grew from the mask, the old body is probably not viewed as that important by that culture.
1Hooray: I finally got back on BZP: Took me a month. Anyway here are some questions I don't think I've posted.
2Hello Mr. Greg. I have some questions.
31) What would Karzahni do if he saw the Voya Nui Matoran again?
42) Why won't the Vahki be rebuilt?
53) Before the Nuva go on their mission, will they drop by Metru Nui to inform the Turaga of current events?
64) Did Karzahni (plant) kill the OOMN member in Metru Nui?
75) Will a new OOMN member be stationed in Metru Nui?
86) In BL2, Zaktan says to himself that he wouldn't have stayed leader of the Piraka for so long if he didn't know what was going on all the time. But, several other sources (BioSector 01 etc.) say that his isolation is his weakness to the point that he doesn't realize the others are plotting against him. Which is it?
97) What happened to BioSector 01?
108) If the DH Dweller attacks Takanuva (as his orders are), who do you think would win?
119) Where is Krahka headed?
1210) What is Tahtorak's question and what is the answer?
1311) I know you ansered this once but I can't remeber the answer or find the quote: How did Krahka and Tahtorak survive without eating for 1,000 years and why did the two stay together?
1412) Could Roodaka use her spinner to mutate a Ta-Matoran into a Ga-Matoran? That's just something I've been wondering.
1513) Will we learn the terms of Xia's alliance with the Barraki?
1614) Can a Toa of Earth control metal? Metal is just earth reshaped and processed.
1715) If TSO attempted to seize Metru Nui again, would he succeed? There are less then 50 Toa left compared to the hundreds that rose against him.
1816) Will the Matoran have to eat anymore now that they're on Metru Nui?
1917) Before Makuta's attack, what did Mata Nui do?
2018) Has anyone actually seen Mata Nui?
2119) Will Metru Nui have any activity with Voya Nui? Trade etc.
2220) Are there any physical signs that Mata Nui is dying? cold sweat etc.
2321) Say Balta became a Toa while he still believed the Piraka were Toa. Would he look like someone from Zakaz?
2421b) If not what would he look like? He believed they were Toa.
2522) Are any Vahki still functional?
2623) Is Mavrah dead?
2724) When the Kanohi Dragon was defeated, why wasn't it put in the Archives?
2825) Why did Xia agree to house the Kanohi Dragon?
2926) Did Toa (of Ice really) imprison the Kanohi Dragon in the block of ice?
3026b) Is it anyone we know? Kopaka maybe?
3127) Say the Toa Nuva awaken Mata Nui and become Turaga. What if sometime Mata Nui falls asleep again? What will happen? The Nuva did their job already.
3228) When the Piraka were trapped in the tubes with the levers in BL5, what if sometime a lone person went there?
3329) How big is Fenrakk compared to Vezon? Like in Bionicle Heroes or like the set?
3430) In MoL, where did Jaller's body go? One second Takanuva is carrying it down the steps and the next Jaller's mask is floating in the suva.
35Thank You Mr. Farshtey
361) Depends on if they are posing some threat to him. If they're not, why should he care? 372) Well, look what happened last time. They got reprogrammed and became a menace. Why risk that happening again? 383) They will drop by Metru Nui, they will not talk to the Turaga. 394) Yes 405) Probably, if one hasn't been already 416) Ah, but you are comparing what he is saying -- his opinion --- to the facts. So why are you surprised there is a difference? 427) I have no involvement with it, so don't know. You should probably ask Swert or one of the moderators. 438) No idea. 449) Back to Metru Nui 4510) His question was how he got to Metru Nui. The answer is Brutaka teleported him there. 4611) Why not stay together? What would they gain from separating? And we don't know how often those two species need to eat. 4712) Don't know, not something I have thought about since I can't see what she would gain by doing that 4813) I think so, yes 4914) No. Earth, for the purposes of BIONICLE, is soil, not minerals and elements in the soil. 5015) But keep in mind that TSO is in the middle of a war with the BOM, so he doesn't have as many DH free to send against the city as he did way back when. If he sends a force against Metru Nui, he leaves the rest of his agents vulnerable to a concentrated BOM attack. 5116) Yes, just not as often 5217) Kept the universe in order 5318) I can't answer this one 5419) Doubtful. What does Voya Nui have to trade? Lava? And outside of Toa canister, how would Matoran get there? 5520) Can't answer this 5621) Good question. Well, he would have a mask, which Piraka do not, so right off the bat he would look different from them. They are also a completely different species, and I am not sure the transformation would allow him to become a different species. 5722) No 5823) Yes 5924) They tried keeping truly massive things in the Archives, both before and after this battle, and it never worked out well. And what was to stop the DH from breaking it out again? 6025) Because they thought they could put it to use 6126) Yes 6226b) No. Kopaka was never in Metru Nui until he and the Toa Nuva got there with the Matoran. 6327) Then a new team of Toa Mata would be dispatched. Also, why are you assuming the Toa Nuva will decide to give up their Toa power? They might choose to remain Toa. 6428) Tubes wouldn't have trapped him. Trap tests trust and teamwork, so it wouldn't have been triggered by a lone being 6529) I haven't played BH so I can't comment on it. I would look at the set and the comic. 6630) I didn't have anything to do with the movies, so I don't know what the screenwriter intended. But since it is evidently the mask that holds the remnants of his identity, and a new body grew from the mask, the old body is probably not viewed as that important by that culture.
67Actually, Bob, you have posted these before. I'm 100% sure of it.
1Yeah. I went searching and I found 'em.
11)Hasn't Mata Nui been seen by everybody it's just that they don't remember because he had wiped their mind? (that's a lot of people) 22)Who (other than Mata Nui) knows the most locations in the unverse? Artahka? Makuta? 33)Will Krauka ever be in main focus (is he on the mailand)? 44)Will the Mainland ever be the main location? 55)Can Takanuva use light without the Avokhii? 66)Would other masks (if he wore them) be gold? 77)Do elemental masks (if the toa has the same element) boost your powers?
81)No, they did not see Mata Nui. Mata Nui doesn't walk around among the beings in his universe. 92) Makuta 103) No, because he is not a set we can sell. He is a fan made set and we don't own the rights to produce him for sale. Story has to focus on sets we are selling. 114) I can't discuss future storyline plans 125) Yes, same way Tahu can use fire even without a mask on. 136) Yes 147) No
151) I though that he went up to the people and wiped their minds. 167) What's the point of Takanuva's Avohkii then?
11)Hasn't Mata Nui been seen by everybody it's just that they don't remember because he had wiped their mind? (that's a lot of people) 22)Who (other than Mata Nui) knows the most locations in the unverse? Artahka? Makuta? 33)Will Krauka ever be in main focus (is he on the mailand)? 44)Will the Mainland ever be the main location? 55)Can Takanuva use light without the Avokhii? 66)Would other masks (if he wore them) be gold? 77)Do elemental masks (if the toa has the same element) boost your powers?
81)No, they did not see Mata Nui. Mata Nui doesn't walk around among the beings in his universe. 92) Makuta 103) No, because he is not a set we can sell. He is a fan made set and we don't own the rights to produce him for sale. Story has to focus on sets we are selling. 114) I can't discuss future storyline plans 125) Yes, same way Tahu can use fire even without a mask on. 136) Yes 147) No
151) I though that he went up to the people and wiped their minds. 167) What's the point of Tkanuva's Avohkii then?
17Takanuva's Avohkii does not boost his powers per se, more like it grants him more powers; like spreading kindness and hope to people other light-based powers...
116, what makes pridak the leader of the barraki? Kalmah whould make more seanse caus he aint ruled by emotions or takadox who plans far ahead.
2A)Because anyone who challenges Pridak risks getting his arm bitten off. There is a reason that outside of whales in our world, no other sea creature messes with sharks.
3Comment: So we need a killer whale barraki or something bigger* looks up marine reptiles from jurrasic*
4You don't need to go too far back, Raka. Squid will eat sharks.
1Some info I've been wondering about. Nothing real definite, except for something about Mantax's object.
18Blackmail... everbody likes blackmail:
2Hello. I have a few questions, mainly about Kanohi masks.
31) Did a member of Jovan's team wear an Elda? 42) A picture of some Makuta (the species) that I believe came from the Atlas shows them all wearing Kraahkans. Are they using their shapeshifting abilities, or do they wear powerless (or different-powered) Kanohi shaped like the Kraahkan? 53) Do the Aki Nuva and Rua Nuva look like the Hau Nuva and the Miru Nuva, respectivelly? If not, what do they look like? 64) Are there any plans for a Great Kiril to be released? 75) Will you release the Kanohi names for Artahka's and Karzahni's Kanohi masks? 86) When will you be able to give more in-depth powers of the Masks of Gravity, Summoning, and Sonics? Or the names for those and Stealth and Kindred?
9Thank you.
101) Not to my knowledge, no 112) They do not wear powerless Kanohi, no. Whether they all wear Mask of Shadows or different masks has not yet been revealed 123) I really don't remember, they haven't been in the story in four years 134) Not to my knowledge 145) Not until I have to come up with them, which I don't at this point 156) When we are actually close to the sets coming out
16Okay, there's just question that I forgot. Could the item that Mantax is looking for be used to blackmail the BoM?
17No, But it COULD be used to blackmail someone other than the BOM
18Blackmail... everbody likes blackmail:
1Here are a few interesting questions; I'll post up the rest once Atlas spoilers are allowed:
21Oh yeah.. and there's this too:
2Message Forwarded From Uzumaki
312. I remember Dume saying that the stars were growing dim in Metru Nui, could this be because of all the stuff on Mata Nui? Like say where a star should be shinging, theres a tree in the way of it, could that be why it isn't shining?
415. Will the Nuva go to Karzanhi before the head to Metru Nui? 515b. The Turaga wouldn't approve of what the Nuva are doing on Metru Nui you said.. is it something dangerous? 615c. Are the Nuva using canisters to get back to Metru Nui?
717. Still something I don't understand.. if Voya Nui heads back to the Main Continent, how would that work out? First is this diagram correct:
8--------Voya Nui & Mata Nui 9--------Ocean & Mahri Nui 10--------Domes & Main Continent
11So would Voya Nui go down ino the Ocean, all the way to the bottom until it hits its dome and falls from the sky? Wouldn't that let water from the Ocean in the dome in? (Sorry if this annoys you at all, I'm just really confused..)
1212) No, it's because Mata Nui is dying. Remember, the ceiling of the dome is not transparent, so the existence of a tree on Mata Nui would have no effect on Metru Nui's stars.
1315a) Yes 1415b) The Turaga would not approve of awakening the Bohrok, no 1515c) Probably part way, yes
1617) Okay, let me see if I can explain it -- Voya Nui breaks off the mainland and through the ceiling of its dome -- so water is already flooding into the dome. When Voya Nui goes back to where it is supposed to be, the gap in the dome will be sealed and water will no longer be flooding in. Remember, too, Voya Nui's dome is not directly underneath where it is now -- Voya Nui drifted north for several hundred years before stopping where it is now.
17About 15b) Why wouldn't they approve? Is it because they don't know what the Bohrok's true role is therefore stereotype them as an enemy?
18Yes. The Bohrok tried to destroy their villages, and the Turaga have no way of knowing that the Bohrok don't have programming related to Metru Nui as well.
19Do the Bohrok have any "business" to do on Metru Nui?
201) No
21Oh yeah.. and there's this too:
22Message Forwarded From Uzumaki
2310. The Time Slip of 6 months, was this all just so that Matoran of Light could be scattered to other places without revealing themselves and nothing more?
2410) Yup
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Is the object that Mantax is looking for a symbol that allows the wearer to be protected from the BOM experimenting or killing them?
3You're in the neighborhood, Cricky, very definitely in the neighborhood
4Maybe is some kinda artefact- if-i-hold-this-you-can't-kill-me that kinda artefact?
1here are a couple
21. Will we ever see what the barraki looked like before mutation? 32. will there be a new toa team next year? 43. Will the piraka return in the storyline? 54. Will we learn about the great beigns soon? 65. Are the matoran of mahri nui mutated? 76. Can you explain how the personal air bubble work I am confused? 87. Will the 300ft venom eel be in the next book? 98. will karzahni ever be released as a set?
11Answers 121) No 132) I cannot discuss 2008 143) Yes, in BIONICLE Legends #8 154) No 165) Yes, that is why they are bigger than the Voya Nui Matoran 176) Okay, hmmm. Think of it this way -- let's say there is a big snowstorm going on. But you are inside a car, so you can stay warm and the snow isn't hitting you. Same thing here -- a Matoran inside a personal air bubble can breathe the air and is protected by it from the water outside and the effects of the water. 187) Yes, briefly 198) I can't discuss future set plans
21. Will we ever see what the barraki looked like before mutation? 32. will there be a new toa team next year? 43. Will the piraka return in the storyline? 54. Will we learn about the great beigns soon? 65. Are the matoran of mahri nui mutated? 76. Can you explain how the personal air bubble work I am confused? 87. Will the 300ft venom eel be in the next book? 98. will karzahni ever be released as a set?
11Answers 121) No 132) I cannot discuss 2008 143) Yes, in BIONICLE Legends #8 154) No 165) Yes, that is why they are bigger than the Voya Nui Matoran 176) Okay, hmmm. Think of it this way -- let's say there is a big snowstorm going on. But you are inside a car, so you can stay warm and the snow isn't hitting you. Same thing here -- a Matoran inside a personal air bubble can breathe the air and is protected by it from the water outside and the effects of the water. 187) Yes, briefly 198) I can't discuss future set plans
1I have a few questions and I know that other people are most likely bombarding you with questions so I'll try to make mine short and simple
21. I've read that the Nuva are going on another mission. What is that mission?
32. Will Axonn ever rescue Brutaka?
43. Will there be titans in 2007?
5Thank you for your time
61) Hasn't been revealed yet 72) I doubt it 83) Yes
21. I've read that the Nuva are going on another mission. What is that mission?
32. Will Axonn ever rescue Brutaka?
43. Will there be titans in 2007?
5Thank you for your time
61) Hasn't been revealed yet 72) I doubt it 83) Yes
1here are a couple 22. will there be a new toa team next year?
32) I cannot discuss 2008
4I heard the Nuva are coming out as new sets in 2008.
5Where did you hear that? It is incorrect, hey MIGHT do so but that isn't confirmed. Also the new mission of the nuva is to prepare the universe for Mata Nui's awakening like stated in one of my posts that around 5 (max) pages back.
1Questions in regular type, and answers in bold .
32As you may have guessed now, my theory was just dis proven.
2Hi Greg.Just some questions to prove a theory of mine...
31]Makuta gets a new body in 2007, right? 41) Pretty much has to 51aIs Makuta's body going to be released as a set? 61a) I can't discuss future set plans 71bIs Makuta is still in antidemis form? 81b) That is his basic energy form, yes. That is what's inside any body/armor he occupies. 92]Are the Marhi immune to the mutagen? 102) Basically, yes 113]Why is Matoro starting to take over the team? 123) Because Matoro is the one destined to carry the Mask of Life, which makes him the most important member to the success of their mission 134]What bodies can Makuta take over?Ex. alive ones, robots,etc. 144) Living bodies that have no spirit in them or robotic bodies 155]Just to sum up my theory, does Makuta take over Matoro's body? 165) No, not in books or comics. I had hoped to do something like that for a web story, but have no idea if it will ever get up. It is not happening in main story this year. 176]Does Makuta want the MoLi? 186) Actually, Makuta is perfectly happy for the Toa to get it and use it -- on his terms. 19Other questions... 207]What is the next comic's name? 217) Don't recall 228]How do all the Marhi's masks work (with exception of Tryna, and Mask of stealth)? 238) Too early to discuss this, Mahri don't come into story until July 249]What are the zyglak's powers? 259) I have to look them up, I don't have them with me 2610]What did you first do for Lego? 2710) Same thing I do now, write and edit LEGO Magazine 2811]Do you write the Exo-Force comics? 2911) No, BZP member Swiftone does
30Thanks alot Greg:
32As you may have guessed now, my theory was just dis proven.
1Got some info on how City of the Lost fits with Comic #7.
2Hi Greg, just one question. How does Comic 7 fit in around Bionicle Legends#6? Is this timeline vaguely correct?
3-Kalmah larns of Ignika (Comic Book) 4-Barraki meet and decide to split up to search (Comic) 5-Takadox goes to see Nocturn and hypnotises him, then goes to wait for Mantax (Comic) 6-Pridak captures the sub and questions the Matoran (Comic Book) 7-Carapar attacked by giant sandworm thing (Comic) 8-Kalmah meets Takadox and they both follow Mantax into the old Pit (Comic) 9-They are trapped by Zygak and somehow escape. The three split up (Comic) 10-Carapar brings Kyrehx back to Takadox in his cave (Book) 11-Ehlek attacks Mahri Nui (Comic Book) 12-Carapar goes to stop him (Book) 13-Dekar goes to destroy the MoLi (Book Comic) 14-Kalmah and Mantax meet up again and go to attack Dekar (Book)
15And the the rest of City of Lost plays out. Could you point out any mistakes, this would be useful for the under construction Mahri Nui timeline on BS01.
16Thanks, Jalaguy
17Seems okay to me
1here are a couple 22. will there be a new toa team next year?
32) I cannot discuss 2008
4I heard the Nuva are coming out as new sets in 2008.
5This is all that has been said:
61. The Nuva will be re-released right? 7A. Someday, yes
82. If so^ the soonest they could come out is Jan. of '08 right? 9A. They are definitely not 2007 sets
103. That means the Nuva will be the main focus again right? 11A. They have to be, they are the ones who have to wake up Mata Nui
1Have You Seen Any Prototypes Or Concept Drawings Of The Toa From The First Toa Team And His Vehcle Being Released Later This Year? 2... 3Also, What sort of size were the barraki before mutation, Titan or Toa Sized? 4... 5TToT
6ToT you have to pm greg he rarely ever visits this topic.you have to use the link provided in page 1 of this topic.
1a few questions if you may
21) Is it possible for you to tell which is your favourite legends book this year?
32) Is it possible for you to tell which is your favourite set this year?
43) Is it possible for you to tell if Sarda, Idris, the Special Toa and the other figure if they have new Kanohi?
54) Is it possible for you to tell if Sarda and Idris have "zamor" launchers?
65) If the special Toa has a Cordak Blaster?
76) Do you know if 2009 will be part of a trilogy or a stand-alone year?
87) Will the Toa Nuva be Re-released in different forms?
98) The Toa Nuva and Toa Inika will have to work together some how to awaken and revive Mata Nui, right?
109) Do you know if the set team have discussed introducing new canister set colours?
1110) If Spinax was to track your scent, would you have mush chance of survival?
1211) Are there any other Matoran on Mata/ Metru Nui that are destined to be Toa?
1312) Would any of the Doomtoran, or Defilak or Dekar be destined to be Toa?
1413) How did the Mahri get their Kanohi?
1514) What were the Cordak Blasters originally for?
1615) What would have happened if Takua died and not Jaller?
171) Hard to say, #8 is not done yet 182) Probably Hydraxon or Gadunka 193, 4, 5) No, I have not seen the models so I don't know 206) I cannot discuss 2009 217) Someday, I would assume 228) Nope. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, which they can't do until the Inika complete their destiny. The Inika's destiny has nothing to do with awakening him, so they would not be part of that mission. 239) Not to my knowledge, no 2410) Survival, maybe, escape, not much 2511) Can't answer it 2612) Can't answer it 2713) The same way all Matoran get their Kanohi, when they are created 2814) Weapons 2915) There would have been no Toa of Light and Makuta and the Rahkshi would have eventually killed the Toa Nuva and Turaga
30ok, thank you for answering, and i'm sure i will enjoy city of the lost which is on it's way to me as i type![]()
11) Is the thing Mantax's looking for something that identifies the wielder as a BoM member / ally / servant? 21) You're warm verging on hot
32) Is Karzahni going to Mahri Nui alone, or is he taking his newly formed army? 42) I haven't decided yet
53)Why is Matoro becoming the Mahri leader? Although he is destined to carry the Ignika, that doesn't mean he's the most suited to lead the others. 63) No, it doesn't, but he is the most important member of the team as a result -- so it makes sense he would start to take more charge.
74) Does Artakha follow Mata Nui's will? 84) Yes
95) Could Makuta posses Maxilos? 105) Yes, he could
116) Will the Inika turn into the Mahri inside or outside the Cord? 126) I can't discuss this
138) If the 2008 location was indeed a city in the sky, would that be related to the fact Makuta casted his Great Shadow at the top of the Coliseum? 148) Since it's not a city in the sky, the point is moot
157 isn't that relevant at all
1In bl6 how did Sarda survive? I thought he was eaten by sharks?
2You thought wrong You see him thrown out of the cave .. you see the sharks move in apparent response ... you never saw him eaten. As for how he survived, that tale will be on BIONICLEstory.com later this year, most likely
3does it have anything to do with the toa sized being and idris set comin out this summer?
4Like I said, you'll find out later this year
5:@@##@::: He won't tell us::::
2You thought wrong You see him thrown out of the cave .. you see the sharks move in apparent response ... you never saw him eaten. As for how he survived, that tale will be on BIONICLEstory.com later this year, most likely
3does it have anything to do with the toa sized being and idris set comin out this summer?
4Like I said, you'll find out later this year
5:@@##@::: He won't tell us::::
11) Do you have any techniques when your writing books? 22) How would you describe Matoro's personality? 33) How do you veiw Matoro as a leader? 44) From first to last, which book of 2006 do you like? 55) How would you describe Jaller's view towards Matoro? 66) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Matoro? 77) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Jaller's relationship between Matoro? 88) How much of MNOG cannon?
101) Such as what? 112) Matoro is a character who is growing a lot. He starts out very uncertain, even afraid, of being a Toa. He is very aware of his limitations and feels somewhat inadequate. As time passes, he realizes the enormity of the responsibility thrust upon him and starts to grow into it. 123) Probably not as aware as he should be of the effects his actions are having on Jaller. 134) My favorite book of 2006 is #4 145) Jaller is annoyed, basically. He's stung that Matoro beat him to volunteering to die in Book 5 (and is questioning his own bravery as a result), and resents sometimes being left out of decisions. 156-7) I really haven't dealt a lot with this, because I don't want to just repeat the Gali-Tahu-Kopaka storyline. 168) The basic story is. What isn't is mostly minor things, like "taxi crabs."
1PM him, first link fo the topic.
21. Let's say a Toa of gravity puts on a MoG. Does he get any new powers or just more strength Gravity-wise? 3A. It really would make no difference for him. It wouldn't allow him to do anything he couldn't already do.
42. Can you tell me the names for the following:
5Mask of Gravity:
6MO Sonar:
7MO Kindred:
8MO Reanimation
9MO Summoning:
10MO Stealth: 11A. No. I released the powers, that is enough of a spoiler for now.
21. Let's say a Toa of gravity puts on a MoG. Does he get any new powers or just more strength Gravity-wise? 3A. It really would make no difference for him. It wouldn't allow him to do anything he couldn't already do.
42. Can you tell me the names for the following:
5Mask of Gravity:
6MO Sonar:
7MO Kindred:
8MO Reanimation
9MO Summoning:
10MO Stealth: 11A. No. I released the powers, that is enough of a spoiler for now.
1Hi Greg: I just have one question. I need clarification on the whole Pit thing.
2Okay, is this correct: The Pit is an island inside of a sealed cavern. It is surrounded by a mutagenic sea. Hydraxxon is the jailer of the Pit and Maxilos , a robot, is the guard. They are armed with Cordak Blasters, basically missle launchers, in order to prevent a jail break. The Great Cataclysm occurs, Voya Nui is shot up onto the surface of the planet, the Pit shatters and eventually Mahri Nui sinks down a hole into the ground onto the Pit. The water around the Pit island mixes with the sea water mutating the prisoners. The events of BL6 take place etc. etc.
3Could you please correct what's wrong here?
4No, let me try and explain this.
5Okay -- the original Pit is not an island, first off. It's a jail in a huge dome which is basically a cavern with cells along the walls. And yes, the Hydraxon and Maxilos stuff is substantially correct.
6Great Cataclysm -- Voya Nui breaks off its continent and goes up through its dome WELL TO THE SOUTH OF THE PIT. At the same time, far to the north, the Pit dome is shattered by the earthquake as well. The prisoners escape and are mutated by the outside ocean. There is no water around the Pit "island" because there is no Pit island -- what has caused the water by Mahri Nui to be mutagenic has not been revealed. It has nothing to do with inside water mixing with outside water -- were that the case, the waters around Mata Nui would be mutagencic too, and they're not.
7Voya Nui drifts north for several hundred years. Molten protodermis cooling in the water forms new land. The Matoran build Mahri Nui on that land. 300 years ago, Mahri Nui breaks off and sinks into the region of the ocean the prisoners escaped to. Molten protodermis cools and forms a stone cord that links Mahri Nui and Voya Nui, effectively turning Mahri Nui into an anchor for Voya Nui.
8Got it?
2Okay, is this correct: The Pit is an island inside of a sealed cavern. It is surrounded by a mutagenic sea. Hydraxxon is the jailer of the Pit and Maxilos , a robot, is the guard. They are armed with Cordak Blasters, basically missle launchers, in order to prevent a jail break. The Great Cataclysm occurs, Voya Nui is shot up onto the surface of the planet, the Pit shatters and eventually Mahri Nui sinks down a hole into the ground onto the Pit. The water around the Pit island mixes with the sea water mutating the prisoners. The events of BL6 take place etc. etc.
3Could you please correct what's wrong here?
4No, let me try and explain this.
5Okay -- the original Pit is not an island, first off. It's a jail in a huge dome which is basically a cavern with cells along the walls. And yes, the Hydraxon and Maxilos stuff is substantially correct.
6Great Cataclysm -- Voya Nui breaks off its continent and goes up through its dome WELL TO THE SOUTH OF THE PIT. At the same time, far to the north, the Pit dome is shattered by the earthquake as well. The prisoners escape and are mutated by the outside ocean. There is no water around the Pit "island" because there is no Pit island -- what has caused the water by Mahri Nui to be mutagenic has not been revealed. It has nothing to do with inside water mixing with outside water -- were that the case, the waters around Mata Nui would be mutagencic too, and they're not.
7Voya Nui drifts north for several hundred years. Molten protodermis cooling in the water forms new land. The Matoran build Mahri Nui on that land. 300 years ago, Mahri Nui breaks off and sinks into the region of the ocean the prisoners escaped to. Molten protodermis cools and forms a stone cord that links Mahri Nui and Voya Nui, effectively turning Mahri Nui into an anchor for Voya Nui.
8Got it?